Spelling suggestions: "subject:"difficulties."" "subject:"ifficulties.""
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[pt] O presente estudo pretende através de um processo reflexivo, investigar o
impacto da violência física e psicológica contra crianças e adolescentes no
contexto intrafamiliar; identificando as causas que levam os pais a agredir seus
filhos e suas consequências na estrutura física, psicológica e emocional da criança
e do adolescente, a partir da dinâmica familiar. Nesse sentido, foi desenvolvido
um levantamento documental, através de formulários de Roteiro de Anamnese, do
Centro de Atenção à Criança e ao Adolescente – CAIC, no período de janeiro à
dezembro de 2010, foram preenchidos por pais e/ou responsáveis que procuraram
ajuda profissional para seus filhos que apresentavam problemas como:
dificuldades de aprendizagem escolar, comportamento agressivo e comportamento
de rebeldia, mentira e roubo. Foram selecionados 60 Roteiros de Anamnese,
destes foram sorteados apenas 10 por cento da amostra, incluindo crianças e adolescentes
entre 07 e 13 anos, fazendo uma análise da situação. Caracterizando a violência
em seus aspectos físicos, psicológicos e por negligência. Conceituando a família
nuclear, a família monoparental e a família patriarcal. Embasados em teóricos
como Minayo, Guerra, Azevedo, Prado, Silva entre outros. Pretende-se com este
trabalho levar ao conhecimento da sociedade em geral as causas e conseqüências
da violência física e psicológica. Formulando propostas que possam ser pólos
norteadores para programas sociais direcionados à família, propostas preventivas,
construindo redes sociais capaz de acolher a família com necessidades especiais. / [en] This study aims through a reflective process, investigate the impact of
physical and psychological violence against children and adolescents within the
family context by identifying the causes that lead parents to beat their children
and their consequences in the physical structure, psychological and emotional
child and adolescent from the family dynamics. In this sense, a documentary
survey was developed through forms Roadmap History, the Center for Care of
Children and Adolescents - CAIC, from January to December 2010, were
completed by parents / guardians who sought professional help for their children
who had problems such as learning difficulties at school, aggressive and
rebellious behavior, lying and theft. We selected 60 routes, History, these were
drawn only 10 percent of the sample, including children and adolescents between 07
and 13 years, making an analysis of the situation. Featuring the violence in their
physical, psychological and neglect. Conceptualizing the nuclear family, single
parent family and the patriarchal family. Grounded in theoretical and Minayo,
Guerra, Azevedo, Prado, Silva among others. The aim of this work was to inform
society in general causes and consequences of physical and psychological
violence against children and adolescents in the context of intrafamilial. The aim
of this work was to inform society in general causes and consequences of physical
and psychological violence. Formulating proposals that might be guiding poles for
social programs targeted to the family, preventive proposals, building social
networks capable of taking the family with special needs.
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Výuka anglického jazyka u dětí se specifickými poruchami učení a výchovnými problémy na 2. stupni základních škol / Teaching English to Children with Specific Learning Disabilities and Behavioural Problems at Middle SchoolsŘÍHOVÁ, Klára January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with teaching English to children with specific learning disabilities and educational problems. The theoretical part describes the most frequent educational problems of children and adolescents. Further attention is paid to the problems of specific learning difficulties, the causes of their origin and their manifestations in teaching English at middle school. Finally, the thesis deals with the methodological principles for foreign language teaching of children with specific learning disabilities. The research part is based on the case studies of children placed in specialized facilities due to their educational problems. I participated in individual assistance to two concrete children and I worked out case studies based on our cooperation. The aim of the empirical part is to choose a suitable individual approach to two concrete children, realize it, and reflect it in depth.
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Språkstörning och matematiksvårigheter : några gymnasieelevers upplevelser och erfarenheterVästskär, Mirjam January 2019 (has links)
Problemområdet i denna uppsats rör matematiksvårigheter hos elever med språkstörning på gymnasiet. Bakgrunden är bland annat den rapport från SPSM (2018) som visar att rutiner kring elever med språkstörning på gymnasiet är bristfälliga samt en stor mängd forskning som konstaterar att det finns ett samband mellan språkstörning och matematik. Uppsatsens syfte är att synliggöra denna grupp genom att undersöka hur några elever med språkstörning på gymnasiet upplever och har upplevt sina matematiksvårigheter. Eftersom undersökningen utgår ifrån elevperspektivet valdes semistrukturerade intervjuer som metod. De fem deltagarna har alla diagnosen språkstörning, går på gymnasiet och har inte klarat gymnasiets första matematikkurs på utsatt tid. Elevernas berättelser och upplevelser diskuteras utifrån attributionsteorins modell om hur vi attribuerar våra motgångar och framgångar. Det framkommer att alla eleverna har fått kämpa med matematiken genom hela sin skolgång. Eleverna förklarar sina svårigheter till övervägande del med stabila, det vill säga oföränderliga, faktorer, både sådana som ligger utanför dem själva (externa) och sådana som ligger inom dem själva (interna). Varken eleverna själva eller lärare de mött, har kopplat ihop matematiksvårigheterna med diagnosen språkstörning. Utifrån resultaten diskuteras bland annat vikten av kunskap om sambandet mellan språkstörning och matematiksvårigheter hos matematiklärare samt samarbetet mellan denne och specialläraren med inriktning språk-, skriv- och läsutveckling. Vidare diskuteras organisatoriska förändringar som skulle kunna underlätta för den här elevgruppen och att man bör ha i beaktande hur upprepade misslyckanden resulterar i minskad motivation. Detta är särskilt relevant för elever, som förklarar sina motgångar med stabila, oföränderliga faktorer, då det minskar möjligheten att ta vara på den kapacitet de har. / The research problem in this thesis concerns mathematical difficulties in pupils with specific language impairment (SLI) in upper secondary school. A large amount of research shows that there is a connection between specific language impairment and mathematical difficulties and a report from SPSM (2018) states that routines concerning pupils with SLI in upper secondary school are deficient. The purpose of the thesis is to make this group more visible by examining how some pupils with SLI in upper secondary school experience, and have experienced, their mathematical difficulties. Since the study is based on the student perspective, semi-structured interviews were chosen as a method. The five participants have all been diagnosed with SLI and attend upper secondary school. The students' stories and experiences are discussed based on the model of attribution theory, which describe how we attribute our adversities and successes. It appears that all the students have been struggling with mathematics throughout their schooling. Students explain their difficulties predominantly with stable, i.e. unchanging, factors, external as well as internal. Neither the students themselves nor the teachers they encountered have linked the mathematical difficulties with the diagnosis SLI. Based on the results, the importance of more knowledge among mathematics teachers about the relationship between SLI and mathematical difficulties is discussed, as well as the importance of collaboration between mathematics teachers and special education teachers. Furthermore, organizational changes that could facilitate this student group are discussed and moreover that one should consider how repeated failures result in reduced motivation. This is particularly relevant for students, who explain their setbacks with stable, unchanging factors, as it reduces the ability to take advantage of their capacity.
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Étude des liens entre les difficultés d’attention et le stress chez les jeunes, de la maternelle à l’université : rôles des comportements parentaux et des problèmes de sommeil / Study of the links between attention difficulties and stress in young people, from kindergarten to university : roles of parental behavior and sleep problemsMeyer, Eric 06 December 2018 (has links)
Ces dernières années, la santé des jeunes générations est devenue une priorité et il est important de pouvoir mieux identifier les signes de mal-être et/ou de souffrance des jeunes. L’étude de ces problématiques de souffrance est d’autant plus importante que la réussite des jeunes passe par le fait d’être en bonne santé. Nous avons choisi de nous centrer sur deux dimensions de ces problématiques qui impactent la scolarité et l’efficacité des jeunes de la maternelle à l’université : le stress et les difficultés d’attention. Bien que la littérature aborde majoritairement la problématique des difficultés d’attention sous l’angle du Trouble de l’Attention avec ou sans Hyperactivité (TDAH), elles regroupent également les difficultés pouvant être présentes dans l’ensemble des dimensions cognitives propre à l’attention, et, peuvent être inhérentes à d’autres souffrances psychiques comme la dépression, l’anxiété, les troubles psychotiques. En considération avec la littérature récente, pour nous, les difficultés d’attention correspondent à un continuum dont une extrémité serait le TDAH, pouvant ainsi être défini selon le niveau de symptomatologie du TDAH. Le stress est défini et évalué de manière multiple, selon des marqueurs physiologiques, ou encore par des inventaires d’événement de vie. Pour des raisons théoriques, nous le définissons par le concept de stress perçu et ressenti. Il ressort que les liens entre le stress et les difficultés d’attention ne sont pas clairs. Certaines études mettent en avant un impact du stress sur les difficultés d’attention, d’autres des difficultés d’attention sur le stress. Afin d’approfondir ces liens, nous avons isolé deux prédicteurs de la symptomatologie du TDAH en lien avec le stress : les comportements parentaux et les problèmes de sommeil. Toutefois, il n’existe à notre connaissance aucune étude ayant travaillé les liens entre le stress, la symptomatologie du TDAH et les problèmes de sommeil, et, entre le stress, la symptomatologie du TDAH et les comportements parentaux. Afin d’étudier ces liens et comprendre l’articulation du stress et de la symptomatologie du TDAH (difficultés d’attention et comportements d’hyperactivité), nous avons réalisé trois études: deux en population générale, auprès d’enfants en maternelle (3-6 ans) et auprès d’étudiants à l’université, et, une auprès d’enfant et d’adolescents (6-16 ans) présentant des difficultés scolaires. Nos études montrent que le stress est fortement associé aux difficultés d’attention et moins aux comportements d’hyperactivité chez les 3-6 ans et chez les étudiants. Chez les 6-16 ans, le stress perçu n’est pas associé à la symptomatologie du TDAH au contraire des difficultés émotionnelles mesurées par les parents qui sont associées aux difficultés d’attention et aux comportements d’hyperactivité. Les problèmes de sommeil sont associés aux difficultés d’attention et aux comportements d’hyperactivité chez les étudiants, ils ne sont associés qu’aux comportements d’hyperactivité chez les 3-6 ans et qu’aux difficultés d’attention chez les 6-16 ans. Nos résultats montrent la présence d’une médiation partielle chez les étudiants que nous ne retrouvons pas chez les enfants et adolescents. Les comportements parentaux, principalement coercitifs, sont associés avec les comportements d’hyperactivité et d’inattention. Et il semble que le stress soit un médiateur partiel entre les comportements parentaux et la symptomatologie du TDAH. Ainsi l’ensemble de nos études montrent l’importance de considérer les difficultés d’attention selon un continuum et de tenir compte du stress et des difficultés de sommeil lorsque nous évaluons la présence de difficultés d’attention. Ces deux variables peuvent augmenter la sévérité des difficultés d’attention, pouvant peut-être provoquer un TDAH-like. Ce travail de thèse fait également ressortir un champ d’intervention possible par la prise en compte simultanée des difficultés d’attention, du stress et des problèmes de sommeil. / In recent years, the health of younger generations has become a priority and it seems more important to identify the signs of malaise and / or suffering of young people. The study of these problems of suffering is all the more important that the success of young people is through being healthy. We chose to focus our work on two dimensions that impact the education and effectiveness of young people from kindergarten to university: stress and attention difficulties.Although the literature mainly addresses the problem of attention difficulties from the angle of Attention Disorder with or without Hyperactivity (ADHD), attention difficulties also group the difficulties that can be present in all the cognitive dimensions specific to attention, and, may be inherent to other psychological pains such as depression, anxiety, psychotic disorders. In consideration with recent literature, for us attention difficulties correspond to a continuum of which one pole is ADHD, thus being able to be defined according to the level of symptomatology of ADHD.Stress is defined and evaluated in multiple ways, according to physiological markers, or by life event inventories. For theoretical reasons, we define it by the concept of perceived and felt stress.It appears that the links between stress and attention difficulties are unclear. Some studies highlight an impact of stress on attention difficulties and others attention difficulties on stress.In order to understand these links, we isolated two predictors of ADHD symptomatology related to stress: parental behaviors and sleep problems. However, to our knowledge, there are no studies that have worked on the links between stress, symptomology of ADHD and sleep problems, and, between stress, ADHD symptomatology and parental behavior.In order to study these links and to understand the articulation of stress and ADHD symptomatology (attention difficulties and hyperactivity behaviors), we conducted three studies: two in the general population, with children in kindergarten (2 at age 6) and with university students, and one with children and adolescents between the ages of 6 and 16 with learning difficulties.Our studies show that stress is strongly associated with attention difficulties and less with hyperactivity in 2 to 6-year old and students. In the age group 6 to 16, perceived stress is not associated with ADHD symptomatology, unlike emotional difficulties measured by parents that are associated with attention difficulties and hyperactivity behaviors. Sleep problems are associated with attention difficulties and hyperactivity behaviors in students, they are associated with hyperactivity behaviors in 2-6 years of age and attention difficulties in 6- 16 years old. Our results show the presence of partial mediation among students that we do not find in children and adolescents. Parenting behaviors, mainly coercive, are associated with hyperactivity and inattention behaviors. And it seems that stress mediate partially the relationship between parenting behaviors and the symptomatology of ADHD.Thus, all of our studies show the importance of considering attention difficulties along a continuum and considering stress and sleep difficulties when assessing the presence of attention difficulties. These two variables may increase the severity of attention difficulties, possibly leading to ADHD-like. This thesis work also highlights a possible field of intervention by simultaneously considering the difficulties of attention, stress and sleep problems.
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Análise dos padrões do ciclo vigília-sono de adolescentes trabalhadores e não trabalhadores, alunos de escola pública no município de São Paulo / Evaluation of sleep-wake cycles among high school evening students who work and dont work from São Paulo, BrazilLiliane Reis Teixeira 21 August 2002 (has links)
Com o início da puberdade ocorrem modificações nos componentes biológicos do ciclo vigília-sono. Estes estão associados a fatores sociais, como os horários escolares, lazer e trabalho e podem reduzir as horas disponíveis para o sono. Foi objetivo principal deste trabalho avaliar os padrões do ciclo vigília-sono de estudantes trabalhadores e não trabalhadores, alunos de escola pública do município de São Paulo. Vinte e sete adolescentes entre 14-18 anos de idade responderam ao questionário de caracterização das condições de vida, saúde e trabalho, e simultaneamente, utilizaram actígrafos; preencheram o protocolo diário de atividades e o diário de sono por 15 dias consecutivos. As variáveis analisadas durante a semana e nos fins-de-semana foram: horário de início e término do sono noturno, número e duração dos despertares noturnos, duração do sono noturno, latência subjetiva e eficiência do sono noturno, facilidade em adormecer à noite e despertar pela manhã, qualidade subjetiva do sono noturno, número de cochilos, horário de início e término do cochilo, duração do sono diurno e duração do sono diário. As variáveis foram testadas através da análise de variância (ANOVA) de 1 fator e teste t-Student para a comparação de 2 médias. Foram feitas múltiplas comparações utilizando a correção de Tukey-HSD. Os resultados significantes foram: efeito do trabalho nos fins-de-semana para o horário de dormir [F(1,23)=6,1; p=0,02] e durante a semana para o horário de acordar [F(1,23) = 17,3; p=0,00]. Para o grupo dos trabalhadores, o horário de acordar foi semelhante ao longo da semana e 1h21min mais tardio nos fins-de-semana [t=-3,27;p<0,01]. Na duração do sono verificamos efeito do trabalho durante a semana [F(1,23)=16,7; p=0,00], efeito do sexo [F(1,23)=10,8; p=0,00] e a interação entre o trabalho e sexo nos fins-de-semana [F(1,23)=4,8; p=0,04]. Os adolescentes trabalhadores possuem uma duração do sono noturno em média 1h30min a menos durante a semana quando comparado com o fim-de-semana [t=-4,04;p<0,01]. Para a duração do sono diurno verificamos a interação entre trabalho e sexo durante a semana [F(1,23)=5,6; p=0,03], e para a duração total de sono verificamos efeito do trabalho durante a semana [F(1,23)=14,3; p=0,00] e efeito do sexo nos fins-de-semana [F(1,23)=10,1; p=0,00]. Os adolescentes trabalhadores possuem uma duração total do sono em média 1h20min a menos durante a semana quando comparado com o fim-de-semana [t=-3,32;p<0,01]. Para as queixas relacionadas ao sono noturno encontramos efeito do trabalho para a facilidade em despertar pela manhã [F(1,23)=6,5; p=0,02] e para a qualidade subjetiva do sono noturno durante a semana [F(1,23)=6,2; p=0,02]. Concluímos que o ciclo vigília-sono dos adolescentes trabalhadores é caracterizado por: acordar mais cedo e ter menor duração do sono noturno e do sono total durante a semana do que os não-trabalhadores. Nos fins-de-semana os trabalhadores dormem mais cedo, mas permanecem com uma duração de sono menor que os colegas não trabalhadores. Em relação ao sexo, verificou-se que os adolescentes do sexo masculino possuem uma menor duração de sono noturno e do sono total nos fins-de-semana. Os adolescentes do sexo feminino possuem uma maior duração do cochilo durante a semana. Os adolescentes trabalhadores relataram maior dificuldade para acordar e percebem seu sono como de pior qualidade durante a semana. O trabalho destes adolescentes tem repercussões negativas na duração e percepção da qualidade do sono, com possível privação crônica de sono. O efeito do trabalho afeta de forma significativa a qualidade de vida atual podendo limitar as perspectivas dos adolescentes quanto ao seu desenvolvimento intelectual, bem estar físico e mental. / Changes of the sleep-wake cycle are associated to several factors, such as, puberty, school hours, duration and type of activities during free time, working hours. The objective of this study was to evaluate patterns of sleep-wake cycles among high school students who work and dont work. Twenty-seven high school students, ages 14-18 years old participated in the study. They were studying in a public school of São Paulo, Brazil. Their Monday-Friday study hours were 19:00 to 22:30h. They answered a comprehensive questionnaire about working and living conditions, and reported health symptoms and diseases. Also, activity- rest measurements were continuously recorded with Actigraph (Ambulatory Monitoring, USA). Activities and sleep dairies during 15 consecutive days were also reported. Main variables were tested using one factor ANOVA and t-Student tests were performed to compare sleep duration during Monday-Friday and weekends. It was used Tukey HSD test for multiple comparisons among the variables. Results of sleep showed working students went to sleep earlier during weekends [F(1,23)= 6.1; p= .02] and woke up earlier during working days than non-working students [F(1,23)=17,3; p= .00].The duration of night sleep is shorter among working students [F(1,23)= 16,7; p= .00], and males [F(1,23)=10,8; p= .00] than non-working students. The male working students showed a shorter nap duration during the working week [F(1,23)= 5,6; p= .03] compared to females and non-working students. Reported sleep complaints were difficulties waking up in the morning [F(1,23)= 6,2; p= .02]. Conclusions: work caused negative consequences to sleep among adolescents, with possible build up of a chronic sleep debt. This can affect the quality of life, and schooling development of working students.
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Por trás do não aprender: um olhar psicanalíticoRennó, Eliane Teixeira 30 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-12-14T11:44:09Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-11-30 / Starting from the hypotheses that, from an early age, the individual may have difficulties in relation to the stages of learning, impediments to becoming sufficient in their school learning and presenting difficulties in their academic and/or professional development, this research verified what lies beneath non-learning under a psychoanalytic view. The theoretical-methodological approach used is that of listening research and investigation research (NAFFAH NETO; CINTRA, 2012). Three clinical cases, transcribed with reports and vignettes, and collected from unidentified collaborators served as a basis for seeking answers to the following research questions: Which factors in the initial bond prevent a person form interacting with knowing/learning? What causes a person not to relate well to the pursuit of knowledge? What would the reason for them not to develop in the academic and professional spheres be? The concepts that underlie this study are mainly those of intellectual inhibition (KLEIN, 1931) and those on the primitive aspects of development and also those present in A theory of thinking (BION, 1962c), presenting the concepts of alpha function, reverie, K and (-K) link and learning from experience. In conclusion, this research revealed that learning/knowing difficulties are related to how the baby‘s early experiences in parental bonding occur and that emotional factors significantly influence the way a person interacts whit his/her intellectual development / Partindo das hipóteses de que, desde a mais tenra idade, o indivíduo pode ter dificuldades em relação às etapas do aprender, impedimentos para tornar-se suficiente em seu aprendizado escolar e apresentar dificuldades em seu desenvolvimento acadêmico e/ou profissional, esta pesquisa verificou o que há por trás do não aprender, sob um olhar psicanalítico. O enfoque teórico-metodológico é o da pesquisa-investigação e pesquisa-escuta (NAFFAH NETO; CINTRA, 2012). Três casos clínicos, transcritos com relatos e vinhetas e colhidos de colaboradores não identificados, serviram de base para buscar respostas às seguintes questões de pesquisa: Quais fatores, no vínculo inicial, impedem uma pessoa de interagir com o conhecer/aprender? O que leva uma pessoa a não se relacionar bem com a busca do conhecimento? Qual seria o motivo de não se desenvolverem no âmbito acadêmico e profissional? Os conceitos que fundamentam este estudo são, principalmente, os de inibição intelectual (KLEIN, 1931), os relativos aos aspectos primitivos do desenvolvimento e também os presentes em Uma teoria sobre o pensar (BION, 1962c), a partir dos conceitos de função alfa, rêverie, vínculo K e (-K) e o aprender com a experiência. Concluída, esta pesquisa revelou que as dificuldades do aprender/conhecer estão relacionadas à forma como acontecem as experiências iniciais do bebê no vínculo parental e que os fatores emocionais influenciam significativamente na forma como a pessoa interage com o seu desenvolvimento intelectual
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A adoção de sistemas de avaliação ambiental de edifícios (LEED e Processo AQUA) no Brasil: motivações, benefícios e dificuldades / The adoption of environmental assessment systems of buildings (LEED e Process AQUA) in Brazil: motivations, benefits e difficultiesMuñoz Barros, Ana Dorys 22 August 2012 (has links)
Os sistemas de avaliação ambiental de edifícios são cada vez mais empregados no mercado de construção, servindo de suporte para a realização de diversos estudos acadêmicos sobre esta matéria. Muitos autores e sites ressaltam os benefícios das certificações LEED e do Processo AQUA, porém poucos discutem quantitativamente os efeitos, dificuldades e motivos de sua adoção, evidenciando, dessa forma, a necessidade e a importância de pesquisas como esta. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral traçar um panorama da certificação ambiental de edifícios no Brasil, através da percepção dos principais intervenientes (stakeholder) no processo. Os objetivos principais deste trabalho consistem na identificação das motivações para a certificação de sistemas de avaliação ambiental de edifícios (LEED e Processo AQUA) e dos benefícios e dificuldades inerentes a sua implementação. Foi possível ainda efetuar várias recomendações destinadas a orientar e facilitar o processo de adoção destes sistemas, que inclui a proposta de ações a serem desenvolvidas pelas empresas, organismos de certificação e autoridades governamentais competentes. O método utilizado foi de pesquisa survey, junto a vários agentes envolvidos no processo de certificação ambiental. Para tal, foram concebidos diferentes questionários destinados a caracterizar a adoção dos sistemas de avaliação ambiental de edifícios que foram encaminhados aos empreendedores e consultores de empreendimentos certificados ou em processo de certificação. Obtiveram-se em total 21 questionários válidos que indicaram que as principais motivações para obter a certificação estão ligadas à melhoria da imagem e do empreendimento e que os principais benefícios estão relacionados com o marketing e a redução dos custos operacionais. Estes resultados também indicaram que existem dificuldades para essa adoção principalmente com a falta de integração no processo de projeto e a falta de fornecedores para materiais e tecnologias sustentáveis. / The building environmental assessment systems over the world are employing increasingly and we can find several studies concerning this subject. Many authors and websites emphasize the benefits of LEED and Process AQUA, but few discuss quantitatively the impacts, difficulties and reasons for its adoption, showing thus the need and importance of research like this. In this context, this paper aims to outline a general overview of the environmental certification of buildings in Brazil, through the key stakeholders perception (stakeholder) of the process. The main targets of this work were to identify the motivations for the environmental assessment systems for buildings and the corresponding benefits and difficulties concerning of implementation. It was also possible to make some recommendations to orientate and support the adoption of environmental assessment systems for buildings. These recomendations include the identification of actions to be implemented by companies, certification bodies and governmental authorities. In order to accomplish the defined targets, it were developed surveys which can lead to characterize the adoption of environmental assessment systems for buildings (LEED and AQUA Process). These survey was sent directly to entrepreneurs and consultants of a sample of brasilian companies with building certified or certification process (LEED and AQUA Process). It was received 21 answers that indicated that the main motivations for certification are linked to improving the image and building and that the main benefits are related to marketing and reducing operating costs. These results also indicated that there are difficulties in adopting this especially with the lack of integration in the design process and the lack of suppliers for materials and sustainable technologies.
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Tradução, adaptação transcultural, validade e fidedignidade de um instrumento para identificação do perfil motor de crianças entre 3 e 5 anos de idade / Translation, transcultural adaptation, validity and reliability of an instrument to identify the motor profile of children between 3 and 5 years oldIwamizu, Juliana Stefanoni 11 March 2013 (has links)
Para algumas crianças ações motoras típicas do cotidiano infantil tornam-se desafios que elas não conseguem superar adequadamente. Para intervir nesse quadro, é necessário selecionar instrumentos para identificar essas crianças com dificuldades motoras na idade mais precoce possível e, concomitantemente, identificar seus déficits para futura intervenção. O presente estudo teve como objetivo a tradução e adaptação transcultural do Early Years Movement Skills Checklist (CHAMBERS; SUGDEN, 2006) e a verificação de sua validade concorrente e fidedignidade (teste-reteste e entre observadores) no contexto da pré-escola da cidade de São Paulo. Para tanto, foram desenvolvidos quatro Estudos. Estudo 1 tradução e adaptação transcultural: foram adotados procedimentos sugeridos na literatura e como resultado foi produzida a Lista de Checagem das Habilidades Motoras na Primeira Infância (LCHMPI), a qual foi considerada adequada. Estudo 2 validade concorrente: 245 crianças (entre três e cinco anos de idade) foram avaliadas por suas professoras por meio da LCHMPI e pela pesquisadora por meio do Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2- Test (HENDERSON; SUGDEN; BARNETT, 2007) MABC-teste 2. Observou-se que 76,7% das crianças tiveram a mesma classificação nas duas avaliações, entretanto o coeficiente Kappa foi de apenas 0,20 e o coeficiente de correlação de postos de Spearman (- 0,10) não foi significante (p = 0,087). Apenas para o grupo de cinco anos de idade (n = 150) o coeficiente de correlação de postos de Spearman (- 0,204) foi considerado significantemente diferente de zero (p = 0,012). Dessa maneira, foi observada baixa concordância da LCHMPI com o MABC-teste 2. Apenas para a idade de cinco anos foi verificada melhor concordância. Estudo 3 fidedignidade teste-reteste: 39 crianças do Estudo 2 foram reavaliadas por suas professoras por meio da LCHMPI. Observou-se que 87,2% das crianças obtiveram a mesma classificação nas duas avaliações, porém o coeficiente Kappa foi de apenas 0,23 e o ICC de 0,67. Por meio do teste de postos com sinais de Wilcoxon não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre as pontuações das duas avaliações (p = 0,353). Dessa maneira, a fidedignidade teste-reteste foi considerada razoável. Estudo 4 fidedignidade entre observadores: 18 crianças foram avaliadas por dois diferentes avaliadores. Foi observada, entre as duas avaliações, concordância de 77,8%, com coeficiente Kappa de 0,75 e ICC de 0,80. Dessa maneira, a fidedignidade entre observadores foi considerada boa. Como conclusão, entendeu-se que o procedimento de tradução e adaptação foi satisfatório e a LCHMPI adequada. Porém, a verificação de suas características psicométricas mostrou que essas não foram mantidas da sua versão original. Entendemos que a LCHMPI pode vir a auxiliar na identificação de dificuldades motoras, porém seus resultados ainda devem ser analisados com cautela. Alguns resultados apontam que a LCHMPI pode não ter sido aplicada de maneira adequada por alguns professores, dessa maneira, acreditamos que a eficiência do instrumento pode ser melhorada se for oferecido melhor treinamento aos professores para sua utilização / For some children, typical daily motor actions become a challenge they cannot overcome properly. To intervene in this context it is necessary to select instruments to identify children with motor difficulties at the earliest age and, concomitantly, identifying their deficits for future intervention. The objective of the present study was to translate and adapt (transcultural) the Early Years Movement Skills Checklist (CHAMBERS; SUGDEN, 2006) and verify its concurrent validity and reliability (test-retest and inter-rater) in the context of São Paulo citys pre-school. For this end, we developed four Studies. Study 1 - translation and transcultural adaptation: it was adopted a process suggested in the literature and, as a result, the Lista de Checagem das Habilidades Motoras na Primeira Infância (LCHMPI) was produced. The LCHMPI was considered adequate. Study 2 - concurrent validity - 245 children (between three and five years old) were assessed by their teachers using the LCHMPI, and by the researcher using the MABC-test 2 (HENDERSON; SUGDEN; BARNETT, 2007). It was observed that 76.7% of children obtained the same classification in both evaluations, however the Kappa coefficient was only 0.20 and Spearman´s rank coefficient correlation (- 0.10) was not statistically significant (p = 0.087). The Spearman´s rank coefficient correlation of - 0.204 was significant (p = 0.012) only for the five year-old group (n = 150). There was poor agreement with the MABC-test 2. Only the five year-old group showed a better agreement. Study 3 - test-retest reliability: 39 children from Study 2 were reassessed by their teachers using the LCHMPI. It was observed that 87.2% of the children obtained the same classification in both assessments, but the Kappa coefficient was only 0.23. The ICC was 0.67 and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed no significant difference between the scores of the two assessments (p = 0.353). The test-retest reliability was considered reasonable. Study 4 - inter-rater reliability: 18 children were assessed by two different evaluators using the LCHMPI. It was observed an agreement of 77.8%, a Kappa coefficient of 0.75 and an ICC of 0.80 among the different evaluations. The inter-rater reliability was good. In conclusion, the process of translation and transcultural adaptation was considered satisfactory and LCHMPI was considered adequate. However, the verification of its psychometric characteristics showed that they were not retained from the original version. Thus, we conclude that the LCHMPI may help in the identification of motor difficulties, but its results must be carefully analyzed. The results point to problems in the use of the instrument by some teachers. Then, we believe the efficiency of the instrument can be improved if the teachers were offered more training for its use
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Vårdande kommunikation vid språkliga barriärer : Ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektivFadheel, Sarah, Awungjia, Solange January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Många patienter som söker sjukvård i Sverige talar olika språk som kan begränsa deras förmåga till kommunikation med sjukvårdspersonal. Detta kan leda till att sjuksköterskor möter patienter med olika språk och kulturer som skiljer sig från deras egna. Brist på ett gemensamt språk mellan patienter och sjuksköterskor kan bli ett hinder för att möta patienters problem och behov samt kan göra det svårt för sjuksköterskornas dagliga arbete. Syfte:Att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av vårdande kommunikation vid språkliga barriärer. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie med beskrivande syntes baserade på tolv kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat:I studiernas analys framkom det att relation, förståelse och gemenskap mellan sjuksköterskor och patienter var viktigt. Sjuksköterskorna ansvarade för att skapa en god relation och ingjuta en upplevelse av hopp hos patienter. Samtidigt var respekt, förtroende och motivation egenskaper som visade patienterna att sjuksköterskorna genuint brydde sig om dem.Slutsats:Samspelet i kommunikation kan vara ömsesidigt exempelvis med hjälp av kroppsrörelser, ansiktsuttryck, lättförståelig information och att sjuksköterskorna är öppna och ger utrymme för patienter att berätta sina upplevelser. Vid språkliga barriärer kan exempelvis sjuksköterskornas positiva inställning, vilja att hjälpa, önskan att skapa relation och visa respekt påverka patienternas välmående och lindra lidandet. / Background:Many patients seeking medical care in Sweden speak different languages that can limit their ability to communicate with healthcare professionals. This can lead to nurses meeting patients with different languages and cultures that differ from their own. Lack of a common language between patients and nurses can be an obstacle to meeting patients ' problems and needs and can make it difficult for nurses daily work. Aim: To describe nurses´ experiences of caring communication in language barriers. Method: A systematic literature study with descriptive synthesis based on twelve qualitative scientific articles. Results: In the study's analysis it emerged that relationship, understanding and community between nurses and patients was important. The nurses were responsible for creating a good relationship and instilling a sense of hope in the patient. At the same time, respect, trust and motivation were characteristics that showed the patients that the nurses genuinely cared for them. Conclusion:The interaction in communication can be mutual for example by means of body movements, facial expressions, easy-to-understand information and that the nurses are open and give space for patients to tell their experiences. In the case of language barriers, for example, the nurses 'positive attitude, the willingness to help, the desire to create relationship and show respect can affect the patients' well-being and alleviate the suffering.
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A relação mãe e bebê no contexto das dificuldades alimentares / Look at the little plane! The relationship with mother and baby feeding difficultiesMüller, Patrícia Wolff 22 August 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-07-01 / Nenhuma / Esta Dissertação de Mestrado aborda a maternidade e a relação mãe e bebê no contexto das dificuldades alimentares da criança. Compõe-se de dois artigos, um teórico e um empírico. O artigo teórico é uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre as dificuldades alimentares na infância. Para isso, foi efetuada uma busca nas bases de dados internacionais BVS, Ebsco Host (Academic Search e Medline), Psychinfo, Pubmed, Scielo, Science Direct, e Scopus com as palavras-chave feeding difficulties, feeding disorder e feeding problems, juntamente com as palavras child e infancy e seus equivalentes em inglês nos últimos cinco anos. Do total de 3.077 itens encontrados, apenas 24 preencheram os critérios de inclusão. Os resultados indicam que o comportamento materno possui influência nas dificuldades alimentares da criança, assim como o alimento pode ser usado como uma forma de controle e também de conforto. O estudo empírico trata de um estudo qualitativo, com delineamento de estudo de casos múltiplos, cujo objetivo foi investigar de que forma se dá a relação entre mãe e bebê com dificuldades alimentares, e compreender como a interação entre a dupla interfere nesse âmbito. Os participantes foram três duplas mãe e bebê com idade entre sete e oito meses de idade com dificuldades na área da alimentação. Cada caso foi analisado a partir da experiência de ser mãe, primeiras experiências com a alimentação, transição dos alimentos e as dificuldades alimentares do bebê e a relação entre mãe e bebê. Os resultados apontam que a introdução da alimentação complementar pode ser vista como uma interferência na interação entre mãe e bebê, por ter que abrir mão do aleitamento materno exclusivo e dar lugar a um terceiro, representado pela colher e pelo alimento sólido. / Whereas relations between mother and son are indispensable to the healthy development of a
child, it is necessary to reflect on them when they come into the scene baby feeding difficulties. Thus, the objective of this work is to understand how to configure the mother-son relationship with feeding difficulties. For that, we decided to conduct a qualitative research study design with multiple cases, and each case was examined individually, seeking their particularities, and then compared to the others, in order to investigate the convergences and divergences between them. Participated in three adult mothers and their babies between the ages of seven and eight months, with difficulties in the area of food. Were used as instruments: Clinical Data Sheet, Sociodemographic Data Sheet, Mental Mini Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.-Plus), Questionnaire Sympton Checklist - Evaluation of Psicofunctional Disorders of Early Childhood, Interview About the Experience of Motherhood and the Interaction Assessment Procedure (IAP). Each case was examined from the experience of being a mother, the first experiments with the food, the transition of food, baby food problems and the relationship between mother and baby. The results show that the introduction of complementary feeding can be seen as an interference in the interaction between mother and baby by having to give up exclusive breastfeeding and give rise to a third, represented by the spoon and food.
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