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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pedagogisk kartläggning i matematik : en kvalitativ studie av specialpedagogers tillvägagångssätt

Uddbom, Anna, Conradsson, Ulrika January 2011 (has links)
Abstrakt En avgörande faktor för att kunna förebygga, avhjälpa eller lindra matematiksvårigheter är ifall pedagoger har kompetens att genomföra en kartläggning, som ger vägledning för fortsatta pedagogiska insatser (Lundberg & Sterner, 2009). Med detta som utgångspunkt var syftet med studien att undersöka yrkesverksamma specialpedagogers syn på kartläggning och yngre elevers räknesvårigheter samt hur de går till väga vid en pedagogisk kartläggning i matematik. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerad intervju som metod. Deltagarna i undersökningen är två specialpedagoger med gedigen utbildning och erfarenhet inom området. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att informanterna har en formativ syn på kartläggning. De fokuserade på att via individuellt anpassade kartläggningar försöka finna pedagogiska lösningar till svårigheterna. De uppgav flera orsaksförklaringar till att yngre elever hamnade i räknesvårigheter och de använde olika verktyg för att analysera dessa. Det fanns inga rutiner, utan det var specialpedagogens erfarenhet och kompetens som avgjorde, från fall till fall, hur de gick till väga. / Abstract One determinant key factor in averting, redressing or in mitigating difficulties in mathematics, is the pedagogues competence in implementing a guiding road map for continuous pedagogical efforts. This being the starting-point, the purpose of this study was to investigate working special pedagogues view on mapping and younger pupils difficulties in arithmetic. In addition the purpose included the issue of how they perform a pedagogical mapping in mathematics. The study has a qualitative approach using the method of semi structured interviews. The participants in this study are two special pedagogues with substantial education and experience in this area. The result of the study shows that the informers have a formative view on mapping. Their focus lies on trying to find pedagogical solutions for the difficulties through individually adjusted mappings. They pointed out a number of reasons to why younger students came to have difficulties in calculating, and used different tools to analyze these reasons. There were no guidelines and consequently it was the special pedagogues experience and professional skill that determined in each case, how this was performed.

Att hantera elevers olika förutsättningar i matematikundervisningen / Dealing with students different qualifications in mathematics teaching

Johansson, Anne January 2011 (has links)
Studien syftar till att beskriva hur lärare i matematik upplever att de praktiskt hanterar elevers olika förutsättningar i sin matematikundervisning. Undersökningen genomfördes som en fallstudie av två lärare i matematik i grundskolans senare år. Det empiriska materialet består av fyra klassrumsobservationer, som analyserades för att identifiera olika typer av individualisering, samt fyra intervjuer, för att belysa lärarnas upplevelser av och tankar kring individualisering. Det framkom att det förekommer flera olika typer av individualisering. En del individualisering var ett resultat av lärarens medvetna val, men det förekom även individualisering som lärarna delvis var omedvetna om. / The study aims to describe how teachers of mathematics feel that they practically handle student differences in their mathematics teaching. The survey was conducted as a case study of two teachers of mathematics in secondary school. The empirical material consists of four classroom observations, which were analyzed to identify types of individualization, and four interviews, to highlight the teachers' experiences of and thoughts about individualization. It was found that there are several different types of individualization. Some individualization was the result of the teacher's conscious choice, but there were also individualization as teachers in part, were unaware of.

Läs- och skrivsvårigheter : Den dagliga undervisningen i en Montessoriskolas tidigare år

Mattsson, Maria January 2008 (has links)
Studien handlar om läs- och skrivsvårigheter och syftet med detta arbete var att få kunskap om hur några pedagoger med hjälp av en speciallärare utformar den dagliga undervisningen för elever som har läs- och skrivsvårigheter i år tre – fem i en Montessoriskola. Intervjuer användes som datainsamlingsmetod för att få kunskap och djupare förståelse. Då det endast var tre pedagoger som ställde upp med sin kunskap och tid kan inga generella slutsatser dras av denna studie. Resultatet visar att pedagogerna i den mån det är möjligt arbetar utifrån elevernas behov och att de anpassar material och övningar efter elevens förutsättningar. Pedagogerna är mycket medvetna om de brister som finns när det gäller användandet av kompensatoriska hjälpmedel då eleverna för närvarande endast har talböcker att tillgå.

Om konsten att möta elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter : En retrospektiv fallstudie

Tjernberg, Catharina January 2007 (has links)
The development of five individual pupils’ writing abilities, as reported by six of their teachers, is analysed. The thoughts and reflexions inspired by the everyday interaction between the teacher and the pupil suffering from some kind of reading and writing disability are presented. The purpose is to capture what was unique and characteristic in the measures that triggered a positive response in the pupils. Some of the questions answered in this study are: How does the phenomenon of reading and writing disabilities manifest itself in the classroom, and what are the consequences for the individual pupil of the various pedagogical measures available? One conclusion that may be drawn from this study is that there is no cut-and dried method for working with pupils suffering from reading and writing disabilities. Nor is there any such thing as a standard pupil with this disability. Instead, both the type and the extent of the problem vary greatly, and individual pupils develop their own personal strategies to cope with them and take in new knowledge. Also the skills of the individual pupils vary widely, and the possibility to use and develop them is dependent on the pedagogical context he/she is part of, on the actions of the individual teacher and several other interacting environmental factors. It also becomes clear that the ’capacity’ of the individual pupil, rather than being a fixed constant, is entirely dependent on the context. There is a strong correlation between the successful development of the pupil and the sensitivity, empathy, imagination, competence and ability of the teacher to capture opportunities as they arise. Some common features of the teachers involved in this study were that they helped their pupils to structure their thinking and involved them in their own acquisition of knowledge, and that their education was focused on the process rather than the goal. The methods they used were based on both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. They were well versed in many different theories and methods, and prepared to try different things till they found the best solution for the individual pupil. The communication between teacher and pupil was the cornerstone of their tuition. The classroom situation was characterised by a mixed group of pupils where individual measures constituted a natural component. The borderline between ‘ordinary’ and remedial teachers was deliberately blurred. Instead a spirit of constructive co-operation prevailed where all available resources were used in the work with the pupils. Events that promoted progress in the individual pupil were episodes where he experienced success and stood out in a positive sense among his class-mates. On these occasions the teacher had succeeded in identifying some specific skill possessed by the pupil, and made it visible also to the pupil himself and the people surrounding him. It was also a matter of identifying and challenging the individual weaknesses of the pupil, and of making him conscious of the progress he made. The social context surrounding the pupil did, of course, play a vital part in these positive events. This study demonstrates that a thorough linguistic diagnose followed by carefully tailored tuition is far superior to other kinds of remedial tuition in enhancing the reading-and writing abilities of the individual pupil. The common method of lumping together a group of pupils with widely varying types of reading and writing disabilities into a ’remedial class’ did, by contrast, appear to be an unfortunate strategy.

Tar tid ifrån dem som sitter fint : en kvalitativ studie kring lärarens bemötande av elever med koncentrationssvårigheter. / takes time away from them, which sits nicely : A qualitative study of teacherresponses to pupils with difficulties.

Larsson, Emma January 2010 (has links)
Uppsatsen hade sin utgångspunkt i hur lärarens val av matematikdidaktik skapade möjlighettill pedagogisk och social delaktighet, för elever som hade uttalade koncentrationssvårigheter.Denna definition innefattade elever som uppvisade svårigheter att genomföra och slutförauppgifter och elever som inte behövde ha en fastställd diagnos. Jag har även valt att studeraelevernas möjlighet till måluppfyllelse beroende på lärarens didaktik och måluppfyllelsenutgick ifrån strävansmålen för ämnet matematik.Studien innefattade observationer under tre lärares matematiklektioner i klasser på högstadiet.Efter observationerna har sedan intervjuer med lärarna genomförts. Resultatet visade attrespondenterna gemensamt var övertygade om att läraren som person hade en stor inverkan påelevernas lärandeprocess samt möjlighet till delaktighet och måluppfyllelse i undervisningen.Däremot valde respondenterna olika motiveringar som stödde denna åsikt. Meningarna bestodav ett vitt spektrum från lärarens personlighet till didaktikens innebörd. Lärarens reflektionkring val av didaktik samt elevsyn inverkade på elevernas möjlighet till utrymme iundervisningen för måluppfyllelse och delaktighet. Denna reflektion speglade även hurläraren såg på elever med koncentrationssvårigheter samt individens behov ochförutsättningar inför lärarens val av undervisningsform. Lärarens didaktik kunde sålundastärka eller försvaga elevens självförtroende och inställning till matematiken. Genom dessaresultat diskuteras att läraren i sitt arbete aktivt kan utveckla reflektioner över sin didaktik.Läraren kan även bli medveten om vilka dörrar de öppnar respektive stänger för elevenslärandeprocess. Resultaten ifrån studien synliggjorde aspekten att respondenterna glömde sinegen roll att kunna påverka sin situation genom att fokusera på möjligheterna i verksamhetenoch hos eleven, istället för att endast se hindren. / The essay was based on the teacher's choice of mathematics education created opportunitiesfor educational and social inclusion, for students who had expressed difficulty inconcentration. This definition included the students who showed difficulties in implementingand completing tasks, and students who did not have to have a positive diagnosis. I have alsodecided to study students' ability to goal attainment according to teacher teaching and thecompliance rate was based on the goals to strive for mathematics.The study included observations through three teachers' math lessons in classes in highschool. After the observations have since conducted interviews with teachers. The resultsshowed that the respondents shared conviction that the teacher as a person had a big impacton students' learning process and the opportunity for participation and achievement ineducation. However, respondents chose various reasons that supported this view. Thesentences consisted of a broad spectrum from the teacher's personality to the meaning ofdidactics. The teacher's reflection on the choices of education and pupil view affect students'ability to place in programs for effectiveness and participation. This reflection also reflectedhow the teacher looked at students with attention deficit and individual needs andcircumstances before the teacher's choice of teaching method. Teacher education was able tostrengthen or weaken students' confidence and attitude toward mathematics. These results arediscussed for the teacher in its work actively to develop reflections on their education. Theteacher may also become aware of the doors they open and close the student's learningprocess.

Äldre invandrare och den offentliga äldreomsorgen : En litteraturstudie / Elder migrants and the public elderly care : A literature review

Sedaghati, Mansour January 2010 (has links)
Antalet äldre invandrare i Sverige ökar och många bland den gruppen har kommit sent i livet. Språksvårigheter och kulturella skillnader gör det svårt för dem att få samma omsorg som majoritetsbefolkningen.Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur faktorer som språksvårigheter och kulturella skillnader påverka situationen för äldre invandrare och deras kontakter med äldreomsorgen. Kommunikationsteorier och relaterade definitioner av språk, kultur och kommunikation har använts för analysen.Denna studie är en litteraturstudie. Sammanlagt 18 artiklar med både kvantitativa och kvalitativa ansatser samt litteraturstudier ingår.Resultatet har presenterats i ett antal underrubriker. Centralt är att det finns ett klart samband mellan språk- och kulturella barriärer och sämre hälsa, upplevelse av vårdkvalitet och tillgång till formell och systematisk hjälp.Detta samband och tolkens roll i kommunikation och hur äldreomsorg borde utformas för att vara mer tillgänglig för äldre invandrare har diskuterats liksom vad kulturanpassad äldreomsorg kan innebära. Slutsatsen är att det finns luckor i kunskapsläget när det gäller studier som är baserade på de äldre invandrarnas subjektiva upplevelser, önskemål och krav. / The population of elder immigrants in Sweden is increasing and many older people among the group have come late in life. Language difficulties and cultural differences make it difficult for them to get the same care as the majority population. The purpose of this essay is to examine how factors such as language barriers and cultural differences affect the situation of older immigrants and their contacts with elder care.  Communication theories and related definitions of language, culture and communication have been used for the analysis.This study is a literature review. A total of 18 articles with both quantitative and qualitative approaches, and literature reviews are included.The results have been presented in a number of subheadings. A central issue was that there was a clear connection between language and cultural barriers and poor health, perceived quality of care and access to formal and systematic means.This connection and the interpreter's role in communication and how elder care should be designed to be more accessible to elderly immigrants has been discussed as well as what culturally congruent elderly care could include. The conclusion is that there is a lack of knowledge based on the subjective experiences, wishes and requirements of older immigrants' themselves.

Varför ska man dölja det? : -en kvalitativ studie av identitet i förhållande till läs-och skrivsvårigheter

Markus, Marcia, Olsson, Anette January 2008 (has links)
In schools today, we expect student performances and achievements to be exceptional. Having good reading and writing skills are essential if students want to excel at their school assignments. Students with reading and writing difficulties have to work much harder than their other classmates. Their having to work harder coupled with being teenagers and facing all the uncertainties which are present at that age, these students face the difficult task of trying to find out who they are and who they want to be. In other words, they try to create their own individual identities. This study investigates the experiences of students with reading and writing difficulties in their interactions with other students and school personnel, in different situations. The collection of data has been done through group interviews. Thirteen, 15 year old students participated in these interviews. Some of the factors which characterise a hermeneutic approach have helped to form the basis on which the study lies. A hermeneutic approach suggests that the data collected is sorted and analysed to enable the identification of differences and patterns. These patterns are arranged to give results that are subjective and which also show an interpretation of the data collected. The results show that students are more comfortable with their identities, when they are diagnosed or made aware that their performances in school are directly affected by their reading and writing difficulties. The study also shows that having reading and writing difficulties tells the students who they are but, at the same time, plays an important role in their interactions with other classmates and adults. The outcomes of these interactions greatly affect the formation of their identities. The way in which school personnel treat students is also shown to be of great importance.

The Effects Of Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus On Cognitive Functioning, Learning Difficulties, And Behavioral Problems In Children

Akay, Sinem 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) on the cognitive functioning, learning difficulties, and behavioral problems in children between the ages of 7 and 12. The sample was composed of elementary school children living in Ankara, Turkey. Data was collected by administering demographic information form, Children&rsquo / s Depression Inventory (CDI), Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children&ndash / Revised (WISC-R), and Specific Learning Disability Scale. One-way ANOVAs were employed to examine the differences among the levels of parental education, income, school achievement, and child&rsquo / s adherence to IDDM in terms of WISC-R scores, learning difficulty related variables, behavioral problems, and depression. Results revealed that children with low adherence to IDDM were more likely to experience behavioral problems and depression. T-tests were conducted to examine the mean differences between IDDM and control groups in terms of WISC-R scores, and the variables related to learning difficulties, behavioral problems, and depression. As compared to control group, children with IDDM had lower WISC-R information, similarities, arithmetic, and total scores. Also, children with IDDM had lower achievement in several arithmetic, reading, and writing tasks. Furthermore, hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted to test the effect of IDDM adherence, age of onset, and illness duration on cognitive functioning, learning, and behaviors. The results did not reveal any significant effect of IDDM related variables on children&rsquo / s cognitive functioning, learning, or behaviors. Findings were discussed with reference to the relevant literature. Implications of the study were discussed and future research topics were suggested.

The Study on Kuan-yin Tzu-lin Chi

Lu, Chun-Shiung 12 July 2003 (has links)
Abstract This paper aims to analyze Kuan-yin Tzu-lin Chi (Compassionate Grove of Kuan-yin) compiled by Hung-tsan in Ching Dynasty. One part of Kuan-yin Tzu-lin Chi includes eleven pieces of classics related to Kuan-yin, and the other part contains kan-ying (stimulus and response) tales, composed of two subsections. The latter part of Kuan-yin Tzu-lin Chi involves 154 kan-ying tales about Kuan-yin (including nine tales from India), which were collected from Ch`in Ch¡¬in to Ching Dynasty and recorded on 26 pieces of Chinese literature. In these tales, people chanted the name of Kuan-yin or recited The Heart Sutra, Kuan-yin Ching (Chapter of Universal Gateway), or The Great Compassionate Dharani to meet their practical needs in life. This paper includes six chapters, and the method adopted is literature analysis. First of all, the derivation of the worship in Kuan-yin and the popularity of such belief among the Asian world are discussed. Subsequently, accounts are given that from possessing the conferral by the Buddha of the prediction of the attainment of Buddhahood in the future, Kuan-yin has been kind and compassionate to the end of all time. In addition, Kuan-yin has vowed to benefit the sentient beings, be profoundly compassionate, and build the relationship in the secular world. In order to save all sentient beings and manifest physically, Kuan-yin can give practical benefits to them, including invoking the name, satisfying two kinds of seeking, deleting three basic evil afflictions, solving eight difficulties, and creating fourteen fearlessness. To prove Kuan-yin¡¦s benevolent power, the kan-ying tales from Kuan-yin Tzu-lin Chi, Kuan-yin Chi-yen Chi, and other literature are cited. Apart from that, with the progress of the Buddha¡¦s teaching, and the extension of kan-ying tales about Kuan-yin, research on Kuna-yin¡¦s impact on literature and Buddhism is conducted to verify the Universal Gateway belief in ¡¥Great kindness is to build absolute trust for all the sentient beings, and great compassion is to save them.¡¦

Promoting emotional well being and inclusion for children identified with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in mainstream primary schools : an evaluation of a psychotherapeutic approach (Thrive)

Cole, Michaela Jane January 2012 (has links)
Area of focus/rationale for the study: This study is an evaluation of an intervention, named Thrive, which is designed to promote the emotional development of children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (EBD). The focus is to investigate the extent to which Thrive is effective in improving certain emotional and behavioural outcomes for children as well as exploring the experiences of those who are involved with the programme. The study is set out in two papers. Paper one assesses changes in pupil emotional well being over time using two subscales designed to measure specific aspects of resiliency, namely, ‘emotional reactivity’ and ‘sense of relatedness’. It also uses an assessment to measure changes in emotional and social skills which are considered important in order for pupils to engage in learning in a mainstream classroom environment (readiness to learn). Paper one also looks at the possible association between the Thrive training and staff attitudes towards pupils with EBD. Paper two explores, in depth, the experiences of the Thrive approach from the perspective of a small sample of school staff, pupils and parents. This process of exploration serves to better understand the outcomes from paper one by identifying a number of factors which may contribute to the successful or unsuccessful implementation of Thrive in a particular educational context. Context, Background and Research Objectives: Broad labels of ‘Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties’ (EBD) and’ Behavioural Emotional and Social Difficulties’ (BESD) tend to encompass behaviour which interferes with a child’s own or other’s learning; signs of emotional turbulence; and difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships. SEBD is used interchangeably with BESD (Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties) in policy documents and theoretical writing (Evans, 2010). Schools tend to use the term EBD and this will generally refer to children whose behaviour and emotions prevent them and others from learning to their potential (DCSF, 2008). For ease and consistency I will use the term EBD throughout this study. The Special Needs and Disability Act (2001) sets out the right for children with EBD to be educated in mainstream schools. Due to the disruptive impact on learning for self and others, this group of children have been cited as one of the most difficult groups to include (Evans & Lunt, 2002). Behaviour management continues to be high on the education policy and practice agenda in England and the rest of the UK. Schools are faced with the challenge of finding ways of ensuring children with EBD are included in the ordinary classroom with their peers and to ensure that the needs of this vulnerable group of children are adequately met. Alongside this, Government Policy (e.g. NICE Guidelines, 2007) now requires schools to promote the emotional well-being of children who exhibit signs of emotional and behavioural disturbance. There is a demand for evidence based approaches to support children with EBD in mainstream schools from which professionals, such as Educational Psychologists, can draw on in order to make positive changes (see literature review in Appendix B.9 for more details). Thrive is a trademarked programme developed by a multidisciplinary team named ‘Fronting the Challenge’ (ftc). The programme is described as a ‘dynamic developmental approach to working with vulnerable and challenging children whose behaviour interrupts their own and others learning’. The Thrive programme borrows from a range of research and theory around neuroscience, child development, attachment theory and the role of creativity and play (for example Sunderland, 2006; Hughs, 2004; Illsey- Clarke & Dawson, 1989; Stern, 2003). It can be described as a school based intervention which is informed by a psychotherapeutic model as it aims to support children by addressing core relational and developmental features (Evans et al., 2003). Similar to nurture groups, Thrive is based on the understanding that for a child to develop a healthy ability to adapt to his or her social environment they must have experienced a sensitive, responsive and caring relationship with a significant carer/parent (Stern, 2003; Sunderland, 2006). But additional to a nurture group approach, the intervention draws on a concept from Transactional Analysis (Berne, 1964; Levin, 1982; Illsley Clarke & Dawson, 1998) which assumes that a child moves through a number of clearly defined stages of emotional development. The Thrive approach uses a computer based assessment, which relies on pupil observations, to identify specific ‘interruptions’ in this development; and targeted relational experiences, i.e., experiences of being in relationship with another human being, are recommended to promote further development. This will be discussed in more detail within the introduction of this thesis. As part of a wave two pathfinder for the Targeted Mental Health in Schools (TaMHS) Project under DCSF, in 2009, Thrive training was delivered to staff working with children and young people in three learning communities within a local authority in the South West of England. This included staff from approximately forty schools (including primary schools, secondary schools, a PRU and a special school) as well as multi-disciplinary staff such as CAMHS, Educational Psychologists and Behaviour support staff. At the time of beginning this study, thirty eight primary schools within the local authority had already been trained in Thrive and were implementing the intervention with some of their pupils. There was much testimony from staff working with children and young people that the training was highly valued and influential on their professional practice. Furthermore, there were a number of claims suggesting that pupils involved in Thrive were experiencing a whole range of positive outcomes attributable to the programme. For example, that the most disruptive pupils were calmer and making fewer visits to the Head Teacher’s office; that emotionally vulnerable children had become more confident and more trusting; that attendance had improved; and that the number of fixed term exclusions had diminished. Although there were a small number of detailed case studies prepared by schools themselves, the claims were, in the main, based on anecdote. Where schools had made some attempt to measure the impact of Thrive the methodology lacked basic rigour and findings were susceptible to bias; pre and post measurements were very limited and control measures were absent in all cases. The project lead for TaMHS reported ‘emerging’ data in relation to reduced numbers of fixed term exclusions, reductions in referrals to other services and referrals for statutory assessment. However, the source of this data was also said to be unreliable. Despite all of this, a general positive ‘vibe’ about the intervention based on a melange of potentially unreliable evidence was persuasive enough for the local authority to consider further investment into the intervention. Further details of current evidence related to the impact of Thrive can be found in Appendix A.1. Objectives of this study: • To provide a more reliable understanding of the effectiveness of the Thrive programme in supporting children with EBD within mainstream primary schools. More specifically: - To find the extent to which Thrive reduces pupil ‘emotional reactivity’, improves pupil ‘sense of relatedness’ and improves ‘readiness to learn in a mainstream classroom’. - To find whether there is an association between the Thrive training and staff attitudes towards the inclusion of children with EBD in mainstream primary schools. • To explore how a small sample of pupils, parents and staff experience Thrive.

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