Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dimensionality reduction"" "subject:"dimensionnality reduction""
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Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Root Cause Analysis in HFC Networks : A Clustering ApproachForsare Källman, Povel January 2021 (has links)
Following the significant transition from the traditional production industry to an informationbased economy, the telecommunications industry was faced with an explosion of innovation, resulting in a continuous change in user behaviour. The industry has made efforts to adapt to a more datadriven future, which has given rise to larger and more complex systems. Therefore, troubleshooting systems such as anomaly detection and root cause analysis are essential features for maintaining service quality and facilitating daily operations. This study aims to explore the possibilities, benefits, and drawbacks of implementing cluster analysis for anomaly detection in hybrid fibercoaxial networks. Based on the literature review on unsupervised anomaly detection and an assumption regarding the anomalous behaviour in hybrid fibercoaxial network data, the kmeans, SelfOrganizing Map, and Gaussian Mixture Model were implemented both with and without Principal Component Analysis. Analysis of the results demonstrated an increase in performance for all models when the Principal Component Analysis was applied, with kmeans outperforming both SelfOrganizing Map and Gaussian Mixture Model. On this basis, it is recommended to apply Principal Component Analysis for clusteringbased anomaly detection. Further research is necessary to identify whether cluster analysis is the most appropriate unsupervised anomaly detection approach. / Följt av övergången från den traditionella tillverkningsindustrin till en informationsbaserad ekonomi stod telekommunikationsbranschen inför en explosion av innovation. Detta skifte resulterade i en kontinuerlig förändring av användarbeteende och branschen tvingades genomgå stora ansträngningar för att lyckas anpassa sig till den mer datadrivna framtiden. Större och mer komplexa system utvecklades och således blev felsökningsfunktioner såsom anomalidetektering och rotfelsanalys centrala för att upprätthålla servicekvalitet samt underlätta för den dagliga driftverksamheten. Syftet med studien är att utforska de möjligheterna, för- samt nackdelar med att använda klusteranalys för anomalidetektering inom HFC- nätverk. Baserat på litteraturstudien för oövervakad anomalidetektering samt antaganden för anomalibeteenden inom HFC- data valdes algritmerna k- means, Self- Organizing Map och Gaussian Mixture Model att implementeras, både med och utan Principal Component Analysis. Analys av resultaten påvisade en uppenbar ökning av prestanda för samtliga modeller vid användning av PCA. Vidare överträffade k- means, både Self- Organizing Maps och Gaussian Mixture Model. Utifrån resultatanalysen rekommenderas det således att PCA bör tillämpas vid klusterings- baserad anomalidetektering. Vidare är ytterligare forskning nödvändig för att avgöra huruvida klusteranalys är den mest lämpliga metoden för oövervakad anomalidetektering.
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<p dir="ltr">Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) successfully perform object detection tasks, and the Con- volutional Neural Network (CNN) backbone is a commonly used feature extractor before secondary tasks such as detection, classification, or segmentation. In a DNN model, the relationship between the features learned by the model from the training data and the features leveraged by the model during test and deployment has motivated the area of feature interpretability studies. The work presented here applies equally to white-box and black-box models and to any DNN architecture. The metrics developed do not require any information beyond the feature vector generated by the feature extraction backbone. These methods are therefore the first methods capable of estimating black-box model robustness in terms of latent space complexity and the first methods capable of examining feature representations in the latent space of black box models.</p><p dir="ltr">This work contributes the following four novel methodologies and results. First, a method for quantifying the invariance and/or equivariance of a model using the training data shows that the representation of a feature in the model impacts model performance. Second, a method for quantifying an observed domain gap in a dataset using the latent feature vectors of an object detection model is paired with pixel-level augmentation techniques to close the gap between real and synthetic data. This results in an improvement in the model’s F1 score on a test set of outliers from 0.5 to 0.9. Third, a method for visualizing and quantifying similarities of the latent manifolds of two black-box models is used to correlate similar feature representation with increase success in the transferability of gradient-based attacks. Finally, a method for examining the global complexity of decision boundaries in black-box models is presented, where more complex decision boundaries are shown to correlate with increased model robustness to gradient-based and random attacks.</p>
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Towards topology-aware Variational Auto-Encoders : from InvMap-VAE to Witness Simplicial VAE / Mot topologimedvetna Variations Autokodare (VAE) : från InvMap-VAE till Witness Simplicial VAEMedbouhi, Aniss Aiman January 2022 (has links)
Variational Auto-Encoders (VAEs) are one of the most famous deep generative models. After showing that standard VAEs may not preserve the topology, that is the shape of the data, between the input and the latent space, we tried to modify them so that the topology is preserved. This would help in particular for performing interpolations in the latent space. Our main contribution is two folds. Firstly, we propose successfully the InvMap-VAE which is a simple way to turn any dimensionality reduction technique, given its embedding, into a generative model within a VAE framework providing an inverse mapping, with all the advantages that this implies. Secondly, we propose the Witness Simplicial VAE as an extension of the Simplicial Auto-Encoder to the variational setup using a Witness Complex for computing a simplicial regularization. The Witness Simplicial VAE is independent of any dimensionality reduction technique and seems to better preserve the persistent Betti numbers of a data set than a standard VAE, although it would still need some further improvements. Finally, the two first chapters of this master thesis can also be used as an introduction to Topological Data Analysis, General Topology and Computational Topology (or Algorithmic Topology), for any machine learning student, engineer or researcher interested in these areas with no background in topology. / Variations autokodare (VAE) är en av de mest kända djupa generativa modellerna. Efter att ha visat att standard VAE inte nödvändigtvis bevarar topologiska egenskaper, det vill säga formen på datan, mellan inmatningsdatan och det latenta rummet, försökte vi modifiera den så att topologin är bevarad. Det här skulle i synnerhet underlätta när man genomför interpolering i det latenta rummet. Denna avhandling består av två centrala bidrag. I första hand så utvecklar vi InvMap-VAE, som är en enkel metod att omvandla vilken metod inom dimensionalitetsreducering, givet dess inbäddning, till en generativ modell inom VAE ramverket, vilket ger en invers avbildning och dess tillhörande fördelar. För det andra så presenterar vi Witness Simplicial VAE som en förlängning av en Simplicial Auto-Encoder till dess variationella variant genom att använda ett vittneskomplex för att beräkna en simpliciel regularisering. Witness Simplicial VAE är oberoende av dimensionalitets reducerings teknik och verkar bättre bevara Betti-nummer av ett dataset än en vanlig VAE, även om det finns utrymme för förbättring. Slutligen så kan de första två kapitlena av detta examensarbete också användas som en introduktion till Topologisk Data Analys, Allmän Topologi och Beräkningstopologi (eller Algoritmisk Topologi) till vilken maskininlärnings student, ingenjör eller forskare som är intresserad av dessa ämnesområden men saknar bakgrund i topologi.
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