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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Domarrekryteringen är obefintlig. Man får söka upp själv om man vill börja" : Hur rekryteras Svenska ishockeydomare samt hur utvecklas och utbildas dem? / "The recruitment of referees is non-existent. You have to search for yourself if you want to start" : How to recruit Swedish ice hockey referees and how to develop and educate them

Gustavsson, Karl, Strömberg-Eriksson, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur Svenska Ishockeyförbundet bedriver rekryteringsarbetet av domare samt vad finns det för utvecklings- och utbildningsmöjligheter. Det framkom i sökning av tidigare forskning att det är ett outforskat ämne. Det har genomförts en enkät som 481 domare har besvarat och en intervju med Joel Hansson på Svenska ishockeyförbundet. Uppsatsen har påvisat det bristfälliga rekryteringsarbete som legat till grund för verksamheten. Uppsatsen har visat att samarbetet mellan förening och domare är bidragande i syfte att rekrytera och behålla domare. Svensk ishockey har ett problem att lösa i domarbristen, annars riskerar idrotten att succesivt försvinna utan en fungerande rekrytering av nya domare.

International Judges and Prosecutors : And their role in Kosovo

Örmander, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
International judges and prosecutors are today present in various places around the world. They are supposed to function as a complement to the national judiciary and help in the up-building of rule of law. However, there are various problems and questions regarding the work they accomplish, which will be discussed throughout this thesis. Kosovo has been chosen as an example since it has a long experience of international judges and prosecutors. Further on it has been debated if the international personnel in the Kosovar judicial system contribute to the capacity-building or not. The following text also brings up several types of courts where the international judges and prosecutors are present. The reason for this is to give an idea of the various forms of international involvement that exists, but also to discuss where justice should be done. The aim of the thesis has been to find some key problems regarding international judges and prosecutors in national legal systems to be able to make better in the future. During the analyse of those questions various materials have been used, such as regulations, reports and previous research. The conclusion that has been drawn is that international judges and prosecutors can play an important role in the building of rule of law in national legal systems. However, the cooperation among internationals and nationals has to be deeper. Therefore some questions regarding for example salary and language problems must be solved so that the cooperation has the possibility to grow stronger in the future.

”De måste bara våga tro på oss” : En kvalitativ studie om tjejdomares upplevelser av miljön vid domarutbildningar och vid deras vardagliga verksamhet / ”They have to believe in us” : A qualitative study of girl-referees’ experiences of the environment at refereeing courses and at their daily occupation

Törner, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
Background: Since its beginning, sports have been defined by men for men, but nowadays women are welcome in to the sport-sphere. Women in sports are first and foremost active themselves and not as officials or volunteers of any kind, an area dominated by men. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how girls who are football referees experience the environment of their officialdom, both at ordinary games and in an educational environment at courses. Literature: The theories supporting this study are Hirdmans gender contract (2003) and Butlers heterosexual matrix (2007). Method: To conduct this study, a qualitative method of semi-structured interviews has been used. Six girls who have gone through the course at the tournament Sverigecupen and are or have been active as referees the latest years participated in the study. Result: The analysis of the interviews showed that the respondents didn’t take damage by the rough climate girls who are referees meet in their profession. Although they still thought that courses for girls only could be good for younger referees. Difficulties at the girls’ ordinary games outside of tournaments were also mentioned. Discussion: Altogether the girls thought that a girls only-course would be a good complement to the courses of today, and that a lot can be done by initiating role modeling in the daily occupation of female referees.

Skador hos fotbollsdomare : En retrospektiv observationsstudie

Eriksson Kartal, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Fotboll är Sveriges populäraste sport och har över en halv miljon utövare. Det står för en tredjedel av hela den svenska idrottsrörelsen. Med ett stort antal aktiva fotbollsspelare behövs även domare. Domare har inte alltid varit en självklar del av spelet utan introducerades först när fotbollen professionaliserades. Likt fotbollsspelare, drabbas även fotbollsdomare av skador.  Syfte Syftet med studien var att undersöka skadepanorama hos fotbollsdomare. Metod  Studien genomfördes genom en retrospektiv enkätundersökning med 265 (N=265) fotbollsdomare. Resultat Totalt deltog 265 domare varav 214 män och 51 kvinnor. Totalt rapporterade 103 av 265 domare att de drabbats av skador (68 män och 23 kvinnor). Domarna drabbades främst av överbelastningsskador (80 domare) men akuta skador rapporterades också av 20 domare. Smygande debut var den vanligaste skademekanismen men muskelsträckning och muskelbristning rapporterades också. Domare drabbades främst av skador i nedre extremitet såsom hamstrings, vader, knän. Det fanns ingen signifikant skillnad mellan typ av skador i förhållande till nivån som domaren dömer. Både domare och assisterande domare drabbades i samma utsträckning av skador och hade samma skadelokalisation. Diskussion Vid retrospektiva undersökningar finns svårigheter att återge skador som har hänt bakåt i tiden. Val av annan undersökningsmetod hade därför kunnat tydliggöra och differentiera de skador som domarnas drabbas av. Konklusion Resultaten av studien är i linje med tidigare studier om skador hos fotbollsdomare. Många domare drabbas av överbelastningsskador med smygande debut främst i nedre extremitet såsom hamstring, vader och knän. Utifrån resultatet i den här studien rekommenderas utveckling, implementering och utvärdering av evidensbaserade skadeförebyggande träningsprogram såsom FIFA 11+. / Abstract Background Football is Sweden's most popular sport and has over half a million athletes. It accounts for a third of the entire Swedish sports movement. With a large number of active football players, referees are also needed. Referees have not always been an obvious part of the game but were only introduced when football was professionalized. Like football players, football referees also suffer from injuries.  Purpose  The purpose of the study was to investigate the injury panorama in football referees.  Method The study was conducted through a retrospective survey with 265 (N = 265) football referees. Results A total of 265 referees participated, of which 214 men and 51 women. A total of 103 out of 265 reported that they had suffered from injuries (68 men and 23 woman). The referees were mainly affected by overload injuries (80 referee) but acute injuries were also reported (20 referee). Gradually occurred injuries is stated as the most common injury mechanism but muscle sprain and strain were also common. Referees suffered mainly from injuries to the lower extremities such as hamstrings, calves and knees. There were no significant results between the type of injuries in relation to the level of refereeing. Both referee and assistant referee suffered from injuries to the same extent and on the same location of the body. Discussion In retrospective examinations, there are difficulties in reproducing injuries that have occurred back in time. The choice of another examination method could therefore have clarified and differentiate the referee’s injuries.  Conclusion The results of the study are in line with previously reported injury-related complaints. Many Referees were affected by overuse injuries that occurred gradually, mainly in the lower extremity. Based on the results of this study, the development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based injury prevention training programs such as FIFA 11+ are recommended.

"Jag tror att det ser rätt bra ut utan att veta exakt" : En intervjustudie om domarbrist och svensk fotbolls domarorganisation / ”I think it looks quite good, without knowing for sure” : An interview study about lack of referees and the Swedish Football Association’s referee organization

Törner, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Den här studiens syfte är att undersöka eventuell domarbrist i Sverige samt svensk fotbolls domarverksamhet på distriktsnivå kopplat till makt och ledarskap, representation och organisation, allt med grund i frågeställningen om domarbrist finns eller inte. Frågeställningarna som studiens resultat baseras på lyder som följer: -       Är det domarbrist i Sverige, och vad innebär det i så fall för verksamheten? -       Vilka bakgrunder finns representerade bland studiens respondenter? -       Vilka eventuella utmaningar står distrikten inför kopplat till representation? -       Vem bär ansvaret för hur distriktsverksamheten bedrivs ur distriktens perspektiv? -       Hur vill distrikten utveckla sina domarverksamheter framöver? Metod För att kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med åtta domarkommittéordförande från olika distrikt inom svensk fotboll, rekryterade genom ett handplockat urval. Efter intervjuernas genomförande transkriberades och analyserades resultaten utifrån maktteori (Christensen, Daugaard Jensen & Lindkvist, 2011), organisationsteori (Slack & Parent, 2006) och representationsteori (Wahl, Holgersson, Höök & Linghag, 2011). Resultat Resultaten visade att domarbrist förekommer inom svensk fotboll enligt distrikten själva. Bakgrunderna respondenterna har är mer eller mindre den samma oavsett vilket distrikt de representerar. Representationen inom svensk fotbolls domarorganisation är skev. Det finns en överrepresentation av killar med annan etnisk bakgrund än svensk, samtidigt som tjejer rent generellt är underrepresenterade. Det finns organisatoriska utmaningar med hur svensk fotboll bedriver sin domarverksamhet idag, och det är inte klarlagt om det är förbundet eller distrikten som ska driva verksamheten framåt. De utvecklingsområden som lyfts är en bättre organisation för att kunna möta verksamhetens krav, samt att locka fler tjejer till att döma fotboll. Slutsats Utifrån resultaten dras slutsatsen att organisationsformen som används idag inte fungerar tillfredsställande utifrån idrottsrörelsens målbild. Det som är viktigast för hur organisationen bedrivs är formaliseringsnivån samt vilka relationer som finns inom organisationen. / Aim The aim of this study is to examine the Swedish Football Association’s (SvFF) referee organization at a district level, in relation to power and leadership, representation and organization. The analysis is based on whether there is a lack of referees in Sweden or not. The questions are as follows: -       Is there a lack of referees in Sweden and how does that effect the organization? -       What backgrounds are represented among the respondents of this study? -       What challenges do the districts face related to representation? -       Who do the districts believe should be responsible for how the district are organised? -       How do the districts want to develop their referee organizations in the future? Method To answer the questions of this study, semi-structured interviews have been used. The respondents were eight presidents of the districts’ referee committees, recruited through a hand-picked selection. After the interviews were made, the results were transcribed and analysed through power theory (Christensen, Daugaard Jensen & Lindkvist, 2011), organization theory (Slack & Parent, 2006) and representation theory (Wahl, Holgersson, Höök & Linghag, 2011). Results The results showed that there is a lack of referees in Swedish football according to the districts. The backgrounds of the respondents are very alike, independent of which district they represent. The representation within the organization is skew. Boys with other ethnic backgrounds than Swedish are over-represented, while girls are under-represented in general. There are challenges connected to how SvFF is organized, today there are uncertainties whether the SvFF or the districts should run the organizational development for referees. The areas of development mentioned are organizational in order to meet the set requirements, and representational to attract more girls to become referees. Conclusion With the results in mind, the conclusion drawn is that the organizational form of today is unsatisfactory according to the set goals of the overall sports movement. The factors most dependent was shown to be formalization and the relationships within the organization.

Konsensus i rätten : en studie av nämndemäns och lagfarna domares samstämmighet i brottmål

Vinsa Larsson, Frans January 2019 (has links)
Legitimacy is a necessary precondition for a well-functioning judicial system and it can be achieved in a variety of ways. One way of achieving legitimacy, that the Swedish legislator has chosen, is to constitute a system where lay judges work alongside professional judges in the Swedish courts. Lay participation in the courts are thought to fulfill many purposes and one of them is that they are expected to add new knowledge and additional perspectives to the courts. In other words, the Swedish legislator expect the lay judges to have opinions that, if not contrast then at least, complement the opinions of the professional judge. Nevertheless, previous research on Swedish judgements has found that the four members of the court are completely unanimous in about 95% of the judgments in criminal matters that the Swedish district courts delivers. By conducting a survey study this thesis shows that Swedish lay judges and professional judges has differing opinions in a number of matters that, according to the focal concerns theory, influence their sentencing decisions. The results of the study also show that lay judges, in comparison to the professional judges, are more prone to advocate for imprisonment if the perpetrator is deemed guilty. Furthermore, by combining earlier research and theories on the subject, the thesis proposes an explanation to why such a high level of consensus can be observed in the delivered judgements. Lastly, the thesis discusses what implications the study’s results have on the arguments that the Swedish legislator use to justify Sweden’s system of lay judges.

Att leva med sin skuld : protagonistens moraliska utveckling i Albert Camus' Fallet

Ringdahl, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen analyserar jag protagonisten Jean-Baptiste Clamences moraliska utveckling i Albert Camus’ roman Fallet. Jag använder A.J. Greimas aktantmodell och dennes utveckling av Vladimir Propps funktionsanalys för att nå mitt syfte. Jag föreslår även en kombination av de båda teorierna till ett schema, aktantfunktionsschemat, som jag använder för att tolka Clamences moraliska utveckling. Genom aktant-funktionsanalysen visar det sig hur Clamence gradvis djupnar och växer fast i sitt fall och sin skuld. Han söker den moraliska oskuld som flytt men inser till slut att den har gått oåterkalleligt förlorad. Istället underkastar han sig sin skuld och blir domare-botgörare – en falsk profet som förhärligas i självförgudningen.Men utvecklingen av samtalet går fel. Istället för att bryta ner den andre och tvinga fram dennes bekännelse möter Clamence sin överman i samtalspartnern, och jag argumenterar för att Clamence misslyckas med sitt syfte, underkastar sig samtalspartnern och gränsar till vansinnet. Det mest förvånande resultatet av analysen är hur samtalspartnern måste framstå som den verklige hjälten i historien vilket kräver en ny definition av aktanterna och klargörandet av en bakomliggande historia. Jag föreslår att samtalspartnern kan ses som en ny Kristus men tillstår behovet av vidare forskning. / In this essay I analyse the moral progression of Jean-Baptiste Clamence, the protagonist in Albert Camus’ novel The Fall. I employ A.J. Greimas’ actantial model and his development of Vladimir Propp’s function analysis for my purposes. I also propose a combination of the theories into a new actantial-functional scheme through which I analyses Clamence’s moral progression. Through the actantial-functional analysis it becomes clear how Clamence gradually deepens and grows rooted in his fall and guilt. Though seeking the moral innocence which he has lost he finally realises that it is gone forever and instead he submits to his fate and becomes judge-penitent – a false prophet indulging in self-deification. But the development of the conversation goes wrong. Instead of breaking the interlocutor down and forcing his confession Clamence meets his superior in the interlocutor, and I argue that Clamence fails in his aim, surrenders to the other and borders on madness. The most intriguing result of the analysis is how the interlocutor must stand out as the true hero of the novel which calls for a new definition of the actants in the novel and for the need of a primary story. I suggest that the interlocutor may be seen as an incarnation of Christ but acknowledges the need of further research.

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