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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fit to mother: women, architecture, and the performance of health, 1865-1930

Daly, Kathleen Laura 13 February 2016 (has links)
In the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, evolving scientific ideas about the body and its vulnerabilities, about women’s education, and about appropriate gendered behavior each contributed to the emergence of physical culture and healthy living environments for women and girls. Decrying the physical state of American mothers, health reformers and educators promoted new habits and routines meant to establish bodily health, and ushered physical culture programs into educational institutions and private homes. Bound together by their unwavering faith in the ability of the material world to produce healthy bodies, reformers evoked the language of efficiency, of maternal fitness, and of a fallible body that could be bolstered through material objects and spaces. This dissertation provides at once a cultural history of the female body, a study of architecture and material culture, and a critical examination of the ways in which race has been historically constructed. While scholars have begun to take up the diverse threads of this story, an architectural and material analysis of spaces and objects for exercise has thus far been overlooked. Drawing on prescriptive literature, building manuals, advertisements, and images, this dissertation argues that in the decades between 1865 and 1930, scientific ideas about racial reproduction tangibly effected the design of women’s spaces. Chapter One locates the roots of women’s physical culture in the aftermath of the Civil War and elucidates its relationship to the dress reform movement. Chapter Two considers architectural space for women’s exercise from 1881 to 1912. These three decades mark a crucial moment as the typology of the American gymnasium solidified, and women’s physical culture slowly moved out-of-doors. Chapter Three examines the middle-class house through the lens of health, and the ways in which reformers and medical experts projected scientific beliefs about gendered and racialized fitness onto the home, its contents, and the moments of performance required to maintain household and personal health. It concludes with a discussion of performative health in each of these three instances, and the specialized knowledge required of women to maintain their own health and the health of their households.

Pre-school Children’s Food Habits and Meal Situation : Factors Influencing the Dietary Intake at Pre-school in a Swedish Municipality

Sepp, Hanna January 2002 (has links)
<p>A pre-school-based dietary survey, using seven-day records, focus group interviews and semi-structured interviews, was carried out in a suburban area of Stockholm. The overall objective was to investigate the individual food and nutrient intake of pre-school children at all meals during the day, as well as factors that might influence children’s intake. </p><p>The average energy and nutrient intake per day for the whole week was satisfactory for the 109 pre-school children, but the temporal distribution throughout the day was skewed. The energy and nutrient intakes of food at the pre-school were lower than recommended. This was, however, compensated for by meals eaten at home. The children had a more varied food intake during weekdays than weekend days. This study has not provided any evidence to support the selection of water versus milk as a preferable lunch beverage in terms of pre-school children's total milk consumption and general dietary quality. However, the dietary analyses showed that there could be a reason to limit pre-school children’s daily milk and fermented milk intake to half a litre, according to the existing guidelines. </p><p>The children associated food and eating with rules and norms. They did not categorise food as good or bad, as adults often do, but as "food" and "non-food"; for example, sweets were not food. The method used in this study, the focus group interview, was judged to be a useful tool for exploring how children think about and jointly reflect upon food. The role of the teacher had changed over the past years and they had not yet found a solid ground for integrating food and meals into their everyday work. </p>

Sensory quality of pork : Influences of rearing system, feed, genotype, and sex

Jonsäll, Anette January 2000 (has links)
<p>Hampshire crosses of different genotype and sex were used to investigate the effects of rearing system, feed and handling on sensory quality, consumer preference and cooking loss. A selected and trained panel carried out descriptive tests. Two preference tests were carrieout by, in each case, 200 consumers.</p><p> The genotype had a major effect on sensory quality in all four studies irrespective of rearing system, feed and sex. In three of the four studies pork from RN¯ carriers scored higher for juicines, tenderness, acidulous taste and meat taste intensity. </p><p> Sex showed contradictory effects on sensory quality, while rearing system and feed had minor effects on sensory properties of pork. </p><p> Hams (<i>M. biceps femoris</i>) from pigs reared outdoors scored lower for juiciness and acidulous taste than hams from pigs reared indoors. Loins from pigs organically reared (KRAV) scored lower for juiciness and higher for crumbliness than ones from pigs conventionallreared.</p><p> Loins (<i>M. longissimus dorsi</i>) aged four days from conventionally fed pigs were juicier than ones from silage-fed pigs. When loins were aged eight days there was no difference in juicines while acidulous taste became weaker and tenderness and meat taste intensity increased.</p><p> In the case of loins stored frozen one year, those from silage-fed pigs scored higher for acidulous taste and off-flavour than those from conventionally fed pigs.</p><p>Cooking, thawing and total loss data showed minor and contradictory differences between genotypes, sexes, rearing systems and feeding regimes. </p><p> Organically and conventionally produced loins were equally liked and loins from RN¯ carrier pigs were preferred to loins from non-carriers.</p>

Sensory quality of pork : Influences of rearing system, feed, genotype, and sex

Jonsäll, Anette January 2000 (has links)
Hampshire crosses of different genotype and sex were used to investigate the effects of rearing system, feed and handling on sensory quality, consumer preference and cooking loss. A selected and trained panel carried out descriptive tests. Two preference tests were carrieout by, in each case, 200 consumers. The genotype had a major effect on sensory quality in all four studies irrespective of rearing system, feed and sex. In three of the four studies pork from RN¯ carriers scored higher for juicines, tenderness, acidulous taste and meat taste intensity. Sex showed contradictory effects on sensory quality, while rearing system and feed had minor effects on sensory properties of pork. Hams (M. biceps femoris) from pigs reared outdoors scored lower for juiciness and acidulous taste than hams from pigs reared indoors. Loins from pigs organically reared (KRAV) scored lower for juiciness and higher for crumbliness than ones from pigs conventionallreared. Loins (M. longissimus dorsi) aged four days from conventionally fed pigs were juicier than ones from silage-fed pigs. When loins were aged eight days there was no difference in juicines while acidulous taste became weaker and tenderness and meat taste intensity increased. In the case of loins stored frozen one year, those from silage-fed pigs scored higher for acidulous taste and off-flavour than those from conventionally fed pigs. Cooking, thawing and total loss data showed minor and contradictory differences between genotypes, sexes, rearing systems and feeding regimes. Organically and conventionally produced loins were equally liked and loins from RN¯ carrier pigs were preferred to loins from non-carriers.

Pre-school Children’s Food Habits and Meal Situation : Factors Influencing the Dietary Intake at Pre-school in a Swedish Municipality

Sepp, Hanna January 2002 (has links)
A pre-school-based dietary survey, using seven-day records, focus group interviews and semi-structured interviews, was carried out in a suburban area of Stockholm. The overall objective was to investigate the individual food and nutrient intake of pre-school children at all meals during the day, as well as factors that might influence children’s intake. The average energy and nutrient intake per day for the whole week was satisfactory for the 109 pre-school children, but the temporal distribution throughout the day was skewed. The energy and nutrient intakes of food at the pre-school were lower than recommended. This was, however, compensated for by meals eaten at home. The children had a more varied food intake during weekdays than weekend days. This study has not provided any evidence to support the selection of water versus milk as a preferable lunch beverage in terms of pre-school children's total milk consumption and general dietary quality. However, the dietary analyses showed that there could be a reason to limit pre-school children’s daily milk and fermented milk intake to half a litre, according to the existing guidelines. The children associated food and eating with rules and norms. They did not categorise food as good or bad, as adults often do, but as "food" and "non-food"; for example, sweets were not food. The method used in this study, the focus group interview, was judged to be a useful tool for exploring how children think about and jointly reflect upon food. The role of the teacher had changed over the past years and they had not yet found a solid ground for integrating food and meals into their everyday work.

Föräldraskap och kosthållning : småbarnsföräldrars uppfattning och tankar om kost / Parenting and diet : parents of small children, their thoughts and perceptions about diet

Öström, Maria, Nabil, Nadia January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund Föräldrar har en viktig roll som förebilder för sina barn och har därigenom uppgiften att främja en hälsosam utveckling av ätbeteende och matpreferenser hos dem. Syfte Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka småbarnsföräldrars uppfattning och tankar om kost. Frågeställningarna berörde föräldrarnas associationer till hälsosam kost, vad som kunde påverka följsamheten av denna samt om intresse för mer kunskap inom ämnet fanns.Metod Studien utgjordes av en kvantitativ undersökning som genomfördes på sex förskolor i Umeå stad. 230 enkäter delades ut till förskolepersonal, som i sin tur vidarebefordrade dessa med ett medföljande informationsbrev till föräldrar med barn i åldrarna 2-5. Efter sex dagar samlades enkäterna in, vilka uppgick till ett antal om 77 stycken.Resultat Majoriteten av föräldrarna i studien utgjordes av mödrar med hög utbildning. En klar majoritet ansåg sig ha goda kunskaper om hälsosam mat, vilket de flesta associerade med en varierad kost. Kokböcker utgjorde en av de tre främsta kunskapsskällorna. Enligt föräldrarna var tidsbrist den faktor som i störst utsträckning påverkade följsamheten till en hälsosam kost, följt av undvikande av omtyckt mat. Ett signifikant samband mellan högutbildade och upplevelsen av tidsbrist, som något som försvårar följsamheten till en hälsosam kost, konstaterades. Familjemedlemmars önskemål, följt av matkvalitet, ansågs främst påverka föräldrarnas livsmedelsval. Slutsats Kostmedvetenhet och ett intresse för matlagning fanns hos föräldrarna, vilka angav att de hade goda kunskaper om hälsosam mat. Trots detta ansågs utrymme för förbättringar finnas. För att i praktiken kunna tillämpa kostkunskap, i enlighet med svenska näringsrekommendationer, upplevde författarna att hjälp, i form av insatser i kommun och landsting, kan behövas. 

”Du får ju i dig proteinerna på ett par minuter, sen är det klart” : Attityder och tankar kring valet av näringsintag i samband med träning / “You get your proteins in a couple of minutes, then you’re done” : Attitudes and thoughts about nutrition for athletes.

Martimo Johansson, Margareta, Långvall, Annica January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund Nutrition är en viktig del i strävan efter god fysik och goda idrottsprestationer. Näringsintaget i samband med träning påverkar prestation och adaption till träningen. Forskning visar att våra beteenden inte grundas enbart på kunskap, utan är en produkt av våra samlade attityder. Då användandet av kosttillskott är utbrett och kan påverka näringsintaget finns det mycket att vinna på att personer som arbetar med kostrådgivning för idrottsutövare har kunskap och förståelse för vad som styr valet av näringsintag i samband med tränig. Syfte Syftet med undersökningen var att ta reda på vilka föreställningar, attityder och tankar som ligger till grund för valet av återhämtnings- och mellanmål i syfte att öka träningseffekten och förbättra återhämtningen hos regelbundet tränande individer. Metod Sju intervjuer genomfördes med regelbundet tränande individer. Vid intervjuerna användes en halvstrukturerad intervjuguide. Intervjuerna spelades in, varpå de transkriberades ordagrant. Det transkriberade materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat Egna erfarenheter av hur ett visst näringsintag hade påverkat träningsresultat och prestation var avgörande för valet av näringsintag. Kosttillskott ansågs vara ett praktiskt och tidsbesparande sätt att få i sig tillräckligt med energi och protein. De informanter som ansåg sig ha kunskap om hur man på kort tid kunde laga näringsrik mat som uppfyllde näringsbehoven var mer benägna att välja mat framför kosttillskott. När informanterna sökte råd om kost vid träning vände de sig helst till personer med utbildning inom kost och idrott för att få personliga råd. Slutsats Individens egna erfarenheter av hur ett visst näringsintag påverkade prestation, återhämtning och hälsa var av överordnad betydelse för vad man valde att äta. Faktabaserade argument kan bli betydelselösa för idrottaren om de går emot de egna erfarenheterna.  När vetenskapliga fakta ställs mot individens egna erfarenheter är det viktigt att kostrådgivare funderar över hur man argumenterar om eventuella risker med ett visst beteende. Noggrann uppföljning och utvärdering av en förändring i kosten kan vara ett sätt att konkret knyta an till idrottarens egna erfarenheter. Praktiska och tidsmässiga aspekter med en nutritionsplan bör övervägas och anpassas till idrottarens livsstil, förutsättningar och kunskaper för att ge idrottaren personligt anpassade råd som leder till god prestation och hälsa på kort och lång sikt. / Background Nutrition is an important part on the way to good physique and performance. Recovery and perfomance is highly dependent on nutritional intake in the hours before, during and after sports. Scientific research has shown that our behaviors aren’t based solely on our knowledge; instead it is a product of our attitudes. As the use of supplements and sports foods is widespread and can affect the nutritional status of the athlete, it is important that people who work with giving nutritional advise has knowledge and understanding of the factors that affect the choice of nutritional intake related to training. Objective The aim of the study was to find out how beliefs, attitudes and thoughts influenced the choice of foods and supplements in order to maximize recovery in regularly exercising individuals. Method Seven interviews were conducted with individuals who performed regular resistance or endurance training. A semi-structured topic guide was used. Interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed verbatim. The transcripts were analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. Result The respondents’ own experiences of the effectiveness of a certain nutritional strategy were important for their choice of nutritional intake. Nutritional supplements were considered a practical and time-efficient way to get adequate amounts of energy and protein. Respondents who felt self-confident about making nutritionally adequate meals in short time were more prone to choosing foods before supplements. When the respondents sought advice about sport nutrition, they turned to people with education in nutrition and sports to get personal advice. Conclusion Personal experiences of how a certain nutritional strategy affects performance, recovery and health was of superior significance for subsequent nutritional intake. Arguments based on scientific evidence can be meaningless to the athlete if they aren’t in accordance to their own experiences. When scientific knowledge opposes personal experiences, professionals need to reflect over different ways to discuss potential risks with a certain behavior. Proper follow-up and evaluation of alterations in the diet might be a concrete way to conect to the athlete’s own experiences. Practical and time-related issues connected to a nutritional strategy should be considered and adjusted to suit the athlete’s lifestyle, prerequisites and previous knowledge, in order to give personal advice that lead to good performance, and healht in short and long run.

The Daugther in Law : Integration and Identity with in the Indian families / Svärdottern

Lagercrantz, Anna January 2013 (has links)
The project was about empowering young women in Dharavi. The building is a school of Home science.

Science, technology, and management in the middle-class English home, c. 1800-1880

Lieffers, Caroline Unknown Date
No description available.

Science, technology, and management in the middle-class English home, c. 1800-1880

Lieffers, Caroline 11 1900 (has links)
The nineteenth-century English middle class was strongly influenced by science, industry, and capitalist managerial techniques. These trends also made their way into the domestic space, where women negotiated their application, particularly in the kitchen. This thesis examines domestic life in the context of the popularization of science and the history of technology and management to come to a fuller understanding of how middle-class women ran their homes between about 1800 and 1880, a period of broad industrialisation and business growth. The values of fact, precision, rationality, and order influenced the practice of cookery, the physical technologies in the home, and the management of people, time, and money. The middle-class male workspace celebrated the same values; women were the domestic counterparts of their husbands. Although the prescriptive literature was not always slavishly followed, adherence to these values, both at work and at home, could help cement the familys social status. / History

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