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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mutation Rate and Gene Expression in Genetic Admixtures of Domesticated Citrus

Pérez Román, Estela 23 January 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La domesticación de los cítricos es un proceso en gran parte desconocido. Las investigaciones llevadas a cabo hasta la fecha indican que las variedades de cítricos que se comercializan en la actualidad son, en general, el producto de introgresiones ancestrales intraespecíficas e interespecíficas. Las introgresiones de tipo intraespecífico tuvieron lugar entre las poblaciones de dos subespecies antiguas de mandarinas y aportaron el comportamiento apomíctico que la mayoría de las mandarinas actuales y otros cítricos relacionados conservan todavía hoy. Una vez dichas mezclas genéticas o admixtures quedaron establecidas, otras introgresiones interespecíficas de pummelo establecieron nuevas características en el genoma de mandarina. Durante el proceso de domesticación, la variabilidad genética de estos cítricos se adquirió fundamentalmente a través de mutación espontánea, y mediante la práctica del injerto los genotipos carentes de semillas se extendieron rápidamente, acentuándose el papel de las mutaciones en la selección de cítricos como las naranjas y las mandarinas modernas. En este trabajo, mostramos que las mutaciones somáticas en cítricos se propagan siguiendo un patrón iterativo determinado por un modelo de ramificación simpodial y, en consecuencia, se agrupan en sectores a lo largo del árbol, donde algunas mutaciones quedan permanentemente fijadas. En este escenario, un árbol puede considerarse un mosaico genéticamente compuesto de diferentes genomas, en el que las ramas más jóvenes acumulan un número mayor de mutaciones. En promedio, nuestro árbol experimental de Clementina de 36 años muestra una tasa de mutación de 4.4 × 10-10 bp-1 yr-1, pudiendo contener en total entre 1500 y 5000 variantes y producir 1 mutación somática en cada meristemo axilar. Este número relativamente alto de mutaciones está en línea con el gran número de variedades derivadas de mutaciones espontáneas que se comercializan en cítricos. Para identificar caracteres esenciales adquiridos durante la domesticación, se han analizado los transcriptomas de la pulpa de frutos en desarrollo de la variedad silvestre e incomestible papeda de Ichang, la mandarina ácida Sun Chu Sha Kat y tres segregantes comestibles derivados de un cruce entre mandarinas comerciales. Basándonos en los resultados obtenidos, se propone que durante la transición de las papedas incomestibles a las mandarinas ácidas, la domesticación se caracterizó por una primera fase de cambios radicales en la expresión de los genes que regulan rutas fundamentales tanto del metabolismo primario como del secundario. Esta fase estuvo determinada principalmente por la estimulación de los procesos de crecimiento y la reducción de las defensas químicas, constituidas por compuestos de sabores desagradables. También se sugiere que en una segunda fase los atributos asociados a la palatabilidad de las mandarinas, especialmente la acidez, se mejoraron progresivamente a través de modificaciones específicas. Otros cambios de relevancia se relacionaron con la regulación de genes involucrados tanto en la síntesis de sustancias básicas de agradable aroma y sabor, como en la modulación de transportadores de azúcares. Por lo tanto, la transición entre las papedas incomestibles y las mandarinas de tipo ácido se caracterizó esencialmente por una drástica reprogramación de la expresión génica de rutas metabólicas fundamentales, mientras que las mandarinas modernas evolucionaron posteriormente mediante un refinamiento progresivo de las propiedades relacionadas con la palatabilidad. En su conjunto, estas observaciones sugieren que en cítricos, las tasas de mutación de los tejidos somáticos son consistentes con la idea de que las mutaciones desempeñaron un papel importante en las últimas fases de la domesticación. / [CAT] La domesticació dels cítrics és un procés en gran part desconegut. Les investigacions poratades a terme fins al moment indiquen que les varietats de cítrics comercialitzades hui en dia són, en general, el producte de introgressions ancestrals intraespecífiques i interespecífiques. Les introgressions de tipus intraespecífic van tindre lloc entre les poblacions de dues subespècies antigues de mandarina tot aportant el comportament apomíctic que la majoria de les mandarines actuals i altres cítrics relacionats encara conserven. Una vegada que aquestes barreges genètiques o admixtures es consolidaren, diferents introgressions interespecífiques de pummelo establiren noves característiques en el genoma de mandarina. Durant el procés de domesticació, la variabilitat genètica dels cítrics va ser assolida mitjançant mutació espontània i, per mitjà de la pràctica de l'empelt, genotips sense llavors es van estendre ràpidamente, accentuant el paper de les mutacions en la selecció de cítrics com les taronges i les mandarines modernes. En aquest treball, mostrem com les mutacions somàtiques en cítrics es propaguen seguint un patró iteratiu determinat per un model de ramificació simpodial i, en conseqüència, queden agrupades al llarg de l'arbre, on algunes d'aquestes mutacions romanen fixades. En aquest escenari, un arbre pot ser considerat un mosaic genèticament format per diferents genomes, en el qual les branques més joves acumulen un nombre major de mutacions. De mitjana, el nostre arbre experimental de Clementina mostra una ràtio de mutació de 4.4 × 10−10 bp−1 yr−1, arribant a incloure en total entre 1500 i 5000 variants i produint-hi 1 mutació somática en cada meristem axil·lar. Aquest nombre relativament elevat de mutacions està en línia amb el gran nombre de varietats provinents de mutacions espontànies que es comercialitzen en cítrics. Per tal d'abordar la identificació de trets essencials adquirits durant la domesticació, s'ha analitzat el transcriptoma de fruits en desenvolupament de la varietat silvestre i incomestible papeda d'Ichang, la mandarina àcida Sun Chu Sha Kat i tres segregants comestibles derivats d'un creuament entre mandarines comercials. Basant-nos en els resultats obtinguts, s'ha proposat que durant la transició de les papedes incomestibles a les mandariens àcides, la domesticació es va caracteritzar per una primera fase de canvis radicals en l'expressió dels gens que regulen rutes fonamentals del metabolisme primari i secundari. Aquesta fase va estar determinada principalment per l'estimulació dels processos de creixement i la reducció de les defenses químiques de gust desplaent. També es suggereix que en una segona fase atributs associats a la palatabilitat de les mandarines, especialment l'acidesa, van ser millorats progressivament mitjançant modificacions específiques. Altres canvis de rellevància van estar relacionats amb l'estimulació de gens involucrats tant en la síntesi de substàncies bàsiques d'agradable aroma i sabor, com en la modulació de transportadors de sucres. Per tant, la transició entre les papedes incomestibles i les mandarines àcides va estar caracteritzada essencialment per una dràstica reprogramació de l'expressió gènica de rutes metabòliques fonamentals mentre que les mandarines modernes evolucionaren posteriorment mitjançant un refinament progressiu de propietats relacionades amb la palatabilitat. En conjunt, aquestes observacions suggereixen que, en els cítrics, les ràtios de mutació dels teixits somàtics són consistents amb la idea que les mutacions tingueren un paper important en les últimes fases de la domesticació. / [EN] Citrus domestication is a largely unknown process. Research carried out to date indicates that current commercial citrus varieties are, in general, the product of ancestral intraspecific and interspecific introgressions. Intraspecific introgressions took place between the populations of two antique subspecies of mandarins and contributed to the apomictic behavior that most current mandarins and other related citrus still retain today. Once these genetic admixtures were established, interspecific pummelo introgression brought new traits to the admixtured mandarin genome. During domestication, genetic variability of these citrus occurred mainly through spontaneous mutations and with the practice of grafting, seedless genotypes expanded rapidly, emphasizing the role of mutations in the selection of citrus such as oranges and modern mandarins. In this work, we provide evidence that somatic mutations in citrus propagate following an iterative pattern determined by the sympodial branching model and consequently are grouped in sectors along the tree, where some of them remain fixed. In this scenario, a tree can be considered a mosaic genetically composed of different genomes, in which younger branches accumulate greater number of mutations. On average, our 36-yr-old experimental Clementine tree shows a mutation rate of 4.4 × 10-10 bp-1 yr-1, may carry a total of 1,500 to 5,000 variants and produces 1 somatic mutation per axillary meristem. This relatively high number of mutations is in line with the large number of varieties derived from spontaneous mutations that are commercialized in citrus. To identify key traits elicited by citrus domestication, we analyzed transcriptomes from developing fruit pulp of wild inedible Ichang papeda, Sun Chu Sha Kat sour mandarin and three palatable segregants derived from a cross between commercial mandarins. Based on these results, we propose that during the transition from inedible papedas to sour mandarins, domestication involved a first phase of major changes in the expression of genes regulating central pathways of primary and secondary metabolism. This stage was mainly characterized by both the stimulation of growth processes and the reduction of distasteful chemicals defenses. It is also suggested that in a second phase, edible attributes of mandarins, especially acidity, were progressively improved through specific modifications. Other relevant changes included upregulation of genes involved in the synthesis of key substances of pleasant aroma and flavor, and the modulation of sugar transporters. Thus, the transition from inedible papeda to sour mandarin was essentially defined by a drastic reprogramming of gene expression of fundamental metabolic pathways, while modern mandarins evolved later through progressive refinement of palatability properties. Taken together, these observations suggest that the rates of mutations occurring in citrus somatic tissues are consistent with the idea that they have played an important role during the later steps of citrus domestication. / This research is co-funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Spain) through grant RTI2018-097790-R-100 and by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the Generalitat Valenciana 2014- 2020, through grants IVIA 51915 and 52002 / Pérez Román, E. (2022). Mutation Rate and Gene Expression in Genetic Admixtures of Domesticated Citrus [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191452 / Compendio

Démonstration fonctionnelle de la nature virale des particules sans ADN de la guêpe parasitoïde venturia canescens / Study of the domestication of a viral genome in the parasitoid wasp Venturia canescens

Leobold, Matthieu 20 September 2018 (has links)
Chez la guêpe parasitoïde Venturia canescens, des particules virales dépourvues d'ADN appelées VLP (pour "Virus-like Particules") sont produites spécifiquement dans les ovaires et tapissent le chorion des oeufs qui sont injectés dans la chenille hôte. Les VLP ont une fonction immunosuppressive pour l'hôte parasité et permettent ainsi la survie des oeufs du parasitoïde. Ces VLP résultent de l’intégration d’un nudivirus dans le génome de l’ancêtre de la guêpe, nudivirus qui a été ensuite domestiqué pour former des liposomes viraux capables de véhiculer dans l’hôte des protéines de virulence d'origine cellulaire. L’étude réalisée au cours de cette thèse a eu pour objet, d’une part, d'étudier les mécanismes de domestication virale qui ont conduit au virus symbiotique endogène actuel nommé VcENV (pour V. canescens endogenous nudivirus) et d’autre part, d'apporter des éléments de réponse sur le processus de morphogénèse et le mode d'action parasitaire des VLP. / Viral particles devoid of DNA called VLPs (for Virus-Like Particles) are specifically produced in the ovaries of the parasitoid wasp Venturia canescens and line the chorion of the wasp’s eggs injected into the host caterpillar. VLPs are immunosuppressive and allow parasitoid eggs survival. These VLPs result from the integration of a nudivirus into the wasp ancestor genome, nudivirus which was then domesticated to form viral liposomes capable of carrying, into the host, virulence proteins of cellular origin. The aim of the study carried out during this thesis was, first, to analyze the viral domestication mechanisms that led to the current endogenous symbiotic virus called VcENV (for V. canescens endogenous nudivirus) and secondly to provide some answers on VLPs morphogenesis process and parasitic mode of action.


ALBORGHETTI, CLAUDIA 17 March 2016 (has links)
La ricerca studia le riscritture delle opere di Gianni Rodari (1920-1980) in traduzione inglese attraverso la mediazione degli editori, critici letterari ma soprattutto dei traduttori tra il 1960 e il 2011. Nell’ambito degli studi sul contesto di produzione delle opere tradotte (Bassnett & Lefevere, 1998; Chesterman et al., 2000), la prima parte della ricerca presenta le caratteristiche traduttive della letteratura per l’infanzia attraverso un’analisi retrospettiva (Toury, 2012) utile a contestualizzare le opere di Rodari in inglese per il pubblico Anglo-Americano. La seconda parte illustra la mediazione linguistica dei traduttori in quattro di queste opere in inglese a partire dagli S-Universals (Chesterman, 2004). L’analisi delle traduzioni di Patrick Creagh (1965, 1971), Jack Zipes e Antony Shugaar (2008, 2011 rispettivamente), condotta attraverso le nove categorie traduttive proposte da J. L. Malone nel 1988, ha mostrato diversi gradi di addomesticamento ed estraniamento traduttivo (Venuti, 1995) a seconda dell’età del pubblico ricevente. Specificamente, le traduzioni addomesticanti si sono rivelate creative al punto da avvicinarsi all’intento narrativo di Rodari nei testi originali. La traduzione estraniante di Shugaar del 2011 ha mantenuto i riferimenti alla cultura italiana del testo rodariano, mostrando un cambiamento di pubblico ricevente dal testo fonte (pubblico giovane) al testo di arrivo (adulti). / The research investigates the extent to which Gianni Rodari’s (1920-1980) works changed in their English translations through the mediating presence of publishers, reviewers, and especially translators between the 1960s and 2011. With reference to the cultural context of production of translated works (Bassnett & Lefevere, 1998; Chesterman et al., 2000), translational patterns of children’s literature were firstly studied from a retrospective point of view (Toury, 2012) to contextualise Rodari’s books in English in the UK and the US. Secondly, the intervention of translators in four of these books was analysed within the mediation framework provided by S-Universals in translation (Chesterman, 2004). The discrete analysis of the translations by Patrick Creagh (1965, 1971), Jack Zipes and Antony Shugaar (2008, 2011 respectively), based on the nine translational trajections identified by J. L. Malone (1988), showed that the translators adopted different foreignising and domesticating strategies (Venuti, 1995) according to the intended public. More specifically, domesticating strategies presented a high degree of creativity in line with Rodari’s original narrative purpose, whereas Shugaar’s foreignising translation (2011) retained references to the Italian culture as in Rodari’s source text, marking a shift of audience from children to adults, from the Italian to the English target text.

Afrikanisering en universiteitsonderwys : 'n histories-opvoedkundige deurskouing en evaluering

Coetzee, Susanna Abigaêl 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Afrikanisering en universiteitsonderwys: 'n histories-opvoedkundige deurskouing en evaluering In hierdie studie is 'n beskrywing van en verklaring vir die ontstaan, ontwikkeling en betekenis van die begrip afrikanisering gegee. Daar is bevind dat die begrip afrikanisering 'n emosiebelaaide en polities sensitiewe begrip is wat saam met verbandhoudende begrippe soos Afrika-persoonlikheid, Negritude, Afrosentrisme, Ethiopianisme, lokalisering en swartbewussyn 'n ge"integreerde deel vorm van die strewe om nie net politieke onafhanklikheid vir Afrika-kolonies en Afrikane te verkry en te handhaaf nie, maar om hierdie onafhanklikheid ook op sosio-ekonomiese en kulturele gebiede te verseker. Die standpunte van verskeie pleitbesorgers van afrikanisering is ontleed en na aanleiding daarvan is 'n vergelyking tussen vroeere afrikaniseringspogings in Brits Wes-Afrika en die in Suid-Afrika getref. Nadat 'n aantal implikasies van afrikanisering vir Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite aangedui is, is enkele toekomsperspektiewe rakende die afrikanisering van universiteite in Suid-Afrika geformuleer. / Africanisation and university education: an historical-educational explication and evaluation In this study a description of and explanation for the origin, development and meaning of the concept africanisation is given. It can be concluded that the concept africanisation is emotive and politically sensitive and together with related concepts such as African personality, Negritude, Afrocentrism, Ethiopianism, localisation and Black consciousness it forms an integrated part of the aspiration not only to gain and maintain political independence for African colonies and Africans, but also to secure this identity in the socio-economic and cultural fields. The views of various advocates/proponents of africanisation were analysed and based on this analysis a comparison between the earlier africanisation attempts in British West Africa and those in South Africa was drawn. After some implications of africanisation for South African universities were indicated, a number of future perspectives with regard to the africanisation of universities in South Africa were formulated. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Historiese Opvoedkunde)

A critical analysis of the translation strategies used by SM Serudu in his translation of Mandela's Long Walk to Freedom into seSotho sa Leboa

Kanyane, Francinah Mokgobo 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This study examines and discovers the translation strategies as employed in the Sesotho sa Leboa translation of Mandela's Long Walk to Freedom. Mandela's Long Walk to Freedom was published in 1995 and was translated into Sesotho sa Leboa by S M Serudu in 2001. The Sesotho sa Leboa translation of the life history of Mandela, Leetotelele go ya Tokologong (Long Walk to Freedom) is one of the four completed translations to date that form part of the assignment to translate the original text into the official languages of South Africa. The aim of this study is to investigate the translation strategies used to transfer linguistic and cultural items in the translation of Mandela's autobiography. The study is mainly qualitative and examines the strategies employed by Serudu. For data collection, the source and target texts of Mandela's Long Walk to Freedom as well as the semi-structured face-to-face interviews with four translators into Sesotho sa Leboa, isiZulu, isiXhosa and Afrikaans were used. The study is based on the Descriptive Translation Studies Theory, Bassnett and Lefevere's "cultural turn" as well as the domestication and foreignization strategies. In this case, it investigates if Serudu has domesticated and/or foreignized his translation. The findings revealed that Serudu domesticated his translation by using metaphors, similes, personification, euphemism, hyperbole, proverbs, idioms and the use of descriptive words. Foreignization was also found when the translator dealt with the borrowing and loaning of words where most of the concepts were transferred, Sotholised, retained and transferred, as they were, especially culture specific items. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

Examining the Wrongs Against the Present African Women: An Enquiry on Black Women’s Roles and Contributions from Antiquity - A Black African Male Scholarly Comparative Perspective

Cankech, Onencan Apuke 22 July 2010 (has links)
The thesis examined the roles and contributions of Black women during the African ancient civilization by analyzing the lives, roles and contributions of Queen Hatshepsut and Nefertiti as case studies and interrogates how Black women positioned themselves as political, military and spiritual leaders during the age of antiquity. The argument is that African women were more involved as leaders in the affairs of their communities as compared to the contemporary times. By using African centered paradigms, Afrocentricity and juxtaposing robust anti-colonial and Black feminist thoughts, the thesis investigates and recreates systematic narratives of the past roles of African women at the very height of African civilization, discussed the changes in sex-gender roles and explained why contemporary women continue to experience difficulties in assessing position of leadership and resources. The study reproduces measured facts to confront the blurred roles and contributions of African women and situates it at the centre of education.

Examining the Wrongs Against the Present African Women: An Enquiry on Black Women’s Roles and Contributions from Antiquity - A Black African Male Scholarly Comparative Perspective

Cankech, Onencan Apuke 22 July 2010 (has links)
The thesis examined the roles and contributions of Black women during the African ancient civilization by analyzing the lives, roles and contributions of Queen Hatshepsut and Nefertiti as case studies and interrogates how Black women positioned themselves as political, military and spiritual leaders during the age of antiquity. The argument is that African women were more involved as leaders in the affairs of their communities as compared to the contemporary times. By using African centered paradigms, Afrocentricity and juxtaposing robust anti-colonial and Black feminist thoughts, the thesis investigates and recreates systematic narratives of the past roles of African women at the very height of African civilization, discussed the changes in sex-gender roles and explained why contemporary women continue to experience difficulties in assessing position of leadership and resources. The study reproduces measured facts to confront the blurred roles and contributions of African women and situates it at the centre of education.

La cohabitation dans les espaces publics: Conflits d'appropriation entre riverains et personnes marginalisées à Montréal et Paris

Margier, Antonin 12 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Constituant des réflecteurs d'urbanité, les espaces publics font aujourd'hui l'objet d'une attention accrue de la part des aménageurs et des planificateurs dans un contexte de compétition urbaine où l'attractivité devient l'une des principales stratégies de développement (Harvey, 1989). Dans cette perspective, de nombreuses transformations touchent les espaces publics, à l'instar de leur privatisation (Zukin, 1995 ; Le Goix et Loudier Malgouyres, 2005), de leur marchandisation (Sorkin, 1992 ; Zukin, 1995) ou de leur sécurisation (Németh et Hollander, 2010), soulevant alors des conflits d'appropriation. Les fonctions associées aux espaces publics, de sociabilité, d'interaction et de libre accessibilité (Ghorra-Gobin, 2001), évoluent donc considérablement. Ces changements ont été analysés par de nombreux auteurs, lesquels ont révélé les dynamiques de mise à l'écart et d'exclusion des personnes les plus marginalisées (Smith, 1996 ; Mitchell, 1997), dont la visibilité limite la portée des politiques urbaines de revitalisation. Pourtant, au-delà des espaces publics centraux et iconiques et de l'action des pouvoirs publics, des conflits d'appropriation se manifestent également dans les espaces publics ordinaires (Paddison et Sharp, 2007) et résidentiels. En construisant leurs " mondes ", certains groupes peuvent restreindre celui d'autres groupes et déclencher des cohabitations parfois difficiles. Comprendre ces conflits nécessite alors d'intégrer à l'analyse les rapports qu'entretiennent les citadins à leurs espaces de vie, primordiaux dans la structuration des espaces publics. En effet, dans leurs pratiques, dans la projection de soi dans l'espace urbain, les citadins participent à leur production (De Certeau, 1990 ; Lefebvre, 2000), et les appropriations mises en œuvre peuvent être vectrices de conflits, de mises à l'écart ou d'inaccessibilité à certains espaces publics. Plus particulièrement à une époque où les espaces publics tendent à être investis comme une extension du chez-soi, leur production dans la proximité et la participation des résidents peuvent déclencher des processus d'exclusion (Fleury, 2007) et de résistance des populations marginalisées qui investissent aussi ces lieux comme un " chez-soi ". Nous proposons dans cette thèse d'analyser ce type de conflits d'appropriation. Dans cette perspective, nous inscrivons notre réflexion dans l'interprétation de l'espace géographique comme structure topologique de positions (Desmarais, 1992 ; Hubert, 1993 : Parazelli, 1997). Ces préceptes épistémologiques nous permettent d'aborder le partage des espaces publics à travers les concepts d'appropriation et d'habiter, et de porter une attention particulière aux pratiques mises en œuvre par les riverains et les personnes marginalisées dans leurs espaces de vie. Cela nous permet notamment d'éclairer le sens de l'appropriation des espaces publics et d'expliciter les significations relatives aux conflits. En tissant également des liens théoriques avec les concepts de purification de l'espace (Sibley, 1995) et d' " out of place " (Cresswell, 1996), il s'agit de comprendre comment les pratiques mises en œuvre dans ces appropriations peuvent se contraindre les unes les autres et marginaliser davantage les personnes marginalisées. Nous nous sommes alors intéressés à deux quartiers, la Goutte d'Or à Paris et le Village Shaugnessy à Montréal, à vocation davantage résidentielle qu'iconique, et au sein desquels se manifestent des conflits pour l'appropriation des espaces publics. À travers une cinquantaine d'entrevues avec divers acteurs : des riverains et des personnes marginalisées ou des travailleurs communautaires mais également des responsables politiques, des urbanistes et architectes, nous montrons comment les espaces publics s'avèrent particulièrement importants dans les pratiques d'habiter. Ceux-ci constituent des positions attractives que les personnes marginalisées et les riverains investissent de manière à se les approprier et à pouvoir s'y reconnaître. Par les socialisations et leur occupation, les personnes marginalisées parviennent ainsi à constituer un " chez-soi " identificatoire tandis que par leur réappropriation, par l'animation et leur embellissement, les riverains les instituent comme une extension résidentielle du " chez-soi ". Or, ces dynamiques d'appropriation, et les prégnances qu'elles inscrivent dans l'espace, vont à l'encontre les unes des autres. L'inadéquation de la présence et des comportements des personnes marginalisées avec le mode de vie résidentiel désiré du quartier constitue l'un des éléments moteurs de la mobilisation des riverains et des désirs de purification de l'espace (Sibley, 1995). Face aux pratiques des personnes marginalisées s'affirment alors le " commun " des valeurs résidentielles désirées et la constitution d'un " nous ". Or ces exigences résidentielles renvoient à la volonté des riverains de créer un " intérieur coexistentiel " (Sloterdijk, 2005) protecteur dans l'ensemble des espaces publics du quartier, au sein duquel les personnes marginalisées ne sont pas incluses, à moins de s'y conformer. La diffusion de valeurs résidentielles dans les espaces publics limiterait ainsi les prégnances associées à la marginalité, réduisant leur sentiment d'appartenance au quartier et la reconnaissance de soi, et les incitant alors à se déplacer, à adopter des tactiques de résistance pour maintenir leur occupation des lieux ou à normaliser leurs comportements. De fait, dans ces espaces publics ordinaires, des rapports de force se manifestent également pour leur appropriation, mettant en lumière des rapports de pouvoir qui s'éloignent du revanchisme ou de la tolérance zéro. Ceux-ci prennent une forme plus subtile de dispersion, à travers le contrôle des références topologiques associées aux diverses positions. Ces résultats invitent alors à interroger le partage des espaces publics à travers la cohabitation et à réfléchir aux moyens de faire des espaces publics des lieux dans lesquels l'ensemble des habitants d'un quartier puisse se reconnaître.

Domesticating Winckelmann : his critical legacy in Italian art scholarship, 1755-1834

Russell, Lucy January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the reception of Johann Joachim Winckelmann in Italian art scholarship, 1755-1834. Winckelmann posed a problem: he was a presence in Italy that could not be ignored, yet the views he expounded were Italophobic and contentious to an Italian readership. In light of this dilemma, the research question asked is how did Italian art scholarship respond to Winckelmann in this period and why did it respond in that way. The core argument advanced is that there were two opposing reactions to Winckelmann, both of which were motivated by nationalism. On the one hand, Italian art scholars presented Winckelmann, his works, and his views as less attractive to an Italian readership than they would otherwise have appeared and, on the other hand, they presented him as more attractive. Through these reactions – termed foreignization and domestication respectively – art scholarship either defended against and ostracized Winckelmann or, when presented as less offensive, welcomed and embraced him amongst Italians. Thus this thesis argues that both reactions demonstrate a nationalistic attempt to portray Winckelmann in the manner most auspicious to the yet-to-be-united peninsula. In order to explore this response to the German scholar, the thesis centres on three media: translations, art literature, and artistic journalism. Both foreignization and domestication are evident throughout the sources analysed, yet there is a predominance of domestication, achieved through a variety of methods. This investigation adds to existing literature by examining the previously overlooked dilemma that Winckelmann posed. Moreover, employing the original conceptual framework of foreignization and domestication allows for a re-evaluation of how the art scholarship of the period engaged with the German scholar. Finally, demonstrating the infiltration of nationalistic sentiment in this period, even extending to Italian art scholarship, this thesis is the first to posit that nationalism played a significant role in Winckelmann's critical legacy.

Protecting Eritrean refugees' access to basic human rights in Ethiopia: an analysis of Ethiopian refugee law

Mubanga, Christopher Kapangalwendo January 2017 (has links)
Eritrean refugees are compelled to flee their country mainly to avoid forced conscription into indefinite military service, arbitrary arrest and detention for prolonged periods without trial. The majority of Eritrean refugees are young people, who leave their country in search of a better life and sources of livelihoods. The mass migration of Eritrean refugees has started to have adverse effects on the country’s socio-economic landscape. The main destination and country of refuge for the majority of Eritrean refugees is Ethiopia. Although no serious violations of human rights have been reported among Eritrean refugees living in Ethiopia, it a well-known fact that the Ethiopian Government has not fully extended the internationally accepted rights of those who have been forced to flee their own states, to refugees. For example, freedom of movement for refugees is restricted, which is obviously compounded by the encampment policy, which requires that all refugees should be confined to designated refugee camps. This situation seriously undermines the UNHCR’s efforts to enhance refugees’ self-reliance, independence, and chances of local integration. There has not been much research undertaken regarding the Ethiopian Government’s legal framework on refugees and its impact on the protection of the rights of refugees. In 2014, Ethiopia hosted the largest number of refugees in Africa. This phenomenon was largely attributed to the Ethiopian Government’s ‘open door’ policy towards refugees. The present study is an attempt to critically examine Ethiopian refugee law and determine the extent to which the national laws protect the rights of refugees. Although the study is limited in scope to the situation of Eritrean refugees, the principles and standards of treatment discussed apply to all refugees living in Ethiopia. / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LL. M.

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