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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Encontrando a mulher: a psicanálise do self na abordagem de um singular plural / Meeting the woman: the psychoanalysis of the self to approach a singular plural

Jacirema Cléia Ferreira 31 May 2004 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a pesquisa psicanalítica do imaginário da mulher contemporânea sobre a experiência amorosa feminina. Estabelece, metodologicamente, um enquadre investigativo diferenciado a partir de um uso paradigmático do Jogo do Rabisco de D. W. Winnicott, que permite a concepção de um conjunto de pranchas figurativas de situações cotidianas. O diálogo entre a pesquisadora e a pessoalidade coletiva Mulher realiza-se pela abordagem de duas entrevistadas. As narrativas emergentes, onde se entrelaçam histórias inventadas e lembranças pessoais, favoreceram a criação/encontro de um campo psicológico não consciente. Neste campo se evidencia que, em certas modalidades de vínculo, formas regredidas de dependência emocional são mascaradas por manifestações amorosas e eróticas. Em termos do imaginário coletivo da atualidade, esta perspectiva torna possível entender que a exaltação do sofrimento amoroso da mulher acoberta o não reconhecimento de dificuldades existenciais vinculadas a aspectos de self não plenamente realizados. / The object of the current work is the psychoanalytic study of the feminine loving experience held within the imagery of contemporary women. It methodologically establishes a differentiated investigative setting from the paradigmatic use of the Squiggle Game by D. W. Winnicott, which allows the making of a set of cards depicting daily life situations. The dialogue between the researcher and the persona of the collective Woman is developed along two separate interviews. The emerging narratives, where made up stories and personal memories are entwined, favored the creation/encounter of a non-conscious psychological field. This field made it clear that in some kinds of links, regressed ways of emotional dependence are masked by loving and erotic demonstrations. In terms of the collective imagery of the present days, this point of view makes it possible to understand that the exaltation of women’s love related suffering, covers up the not acknowledged existential difficulties related to aspects of the self which have not been totally fulfilled.

Desenvolvimento emocional e os maus-tratos infantis: uma perspectiva winnicottiana / Emotional development and child maltreatment: a Winnicott’s perspective

Maíra Bonafé Sei 08 December 2004 (has links)
Uma criança, para um desenvolvimento emocional saudável, necessita de um ambiente acolhedor, que possa atender a suas necessidades básicas, sem provocar invasões nesse processo, ambiente este denominado por Winnicott de suficientemente bom. Pode-se refletir que uma criança que sofreu maus-tratos experienciou momentos de invasão no seu processo de integração que poderiam prejudicar seu desenvolvimento posterior e que seria de grande importância uma psicoterapia como possibilidade de elaboração de suas vivências e sustentação de seu crescimento. Partindo deste pressuposto, o presente trabalho objetivou realizar um diálogo entre teoria e prática, prática esta advinda de um processo psicoterapêutico de uma criança que sofreu abuso físico por parte de sua mãe, retirada de seu lar e abrigada em uma instituição, baseando-se em uma perspectiva winnicottiana do desenvolvimento emocional. As sessões eram realizadas na própria instituição onde a criança se encontrava abrigada, tendo sido realizadas 106 sessões de ludoterapia de orientação psicanalítica, com freqüência semanal de três vezes por semana, no período de Novembro de 2001 a Fevereiro de 2003. Pôde-se perceber que, através da ludoterapia, a criança pôde desenvolver-se emocionalmente, elaborando vivências traumáticas e experienciando um ambiente não intrusivo e acolhedor, podendo trabalhar aspectos relativos a sua identidade, casa e família. O atendimento continua até o presente momento, através da inserção de uma nova psicoterapeuta. / A child, for a healthy emotional development, needs a welcoming environment, named by Winnicott as a good enough environment, which can take care of the child’s basic necessities without invading him in his process. It can be though that a maltreated child has experienced moments of invasion in his integration process that could prejudice his ulterior development and a psychotherapy would have a great importance as a possibility of traumatic experience’s elaboration and of a holding for his growth. Taking this view in to consideration, the present work has aimed a dialogue between theory and practical work based in a Winnicott’s perspective of the emotional development. The practical work comes from a psychotherapeutic process of a child who has suffered physical abuse perpetrated by his mother and was living in an institution for maltreated children. The total of 106 sessions occurred in the institution where the child used to live, in a frequency of three sessions per week, from November of 2001 to February of 2003. It was possible to notice that, through the play therapy, the child could develop himself emotionally, elaborate traumatic experiences and experiment a supporting and non-intrusive environment. It was possible to work psychological aspects related to his identity, home and family. The play therapy continues until the present moment through the insertion of a new therapist.

O processo de inclusão escolar do aluno com deficiência mental: a atuação do terapeuta ocupacional / The process of school inclusion of the mental handicapped student: the occupational therapist performance

Andréa Perosa Saigh Jurdi 17 March 2004 (has links)
Este estudo de cunho empírico e qualitativo, parte do princípio que, apesar da legislação existente em relação à inclusão escolar de alunos com deficiência mental, ainda ocorre a exclusão dos mesmos nas relações cotidianas que se estabelecem na escola. O objetivo destge trabalho é compreender como a atividade proposta pela terapia ocupacional pode interferir e modificar as relações estabelecidas em relação aos alunos com deficiência mental no ambiente escolar. Através do relato de uma experiência de intervenção realizada por estagiários de terapia ocupacional no horário do recreio de uma escola estadual de ensino fundamental da cidade de São Paulo, procuro verificar como a atividade proposta, a atividade lúdica, provoca possibilidades de encontro entre os alunos da classe especial e os outros alunos, propondo mudanças no processo de inserção escolar dos alunos com deficiência mental. Usando a teoria winnicottiana, proponho um determinado olhar para o ambiente escolar e a atividade como fazer criativo do individuo.A análise qualitativa da intervenção realizada vem apontar as dificuldades que o ambiente escolar apresenta ao estabelecer relações cotidianas de qualidade com o aluno com deficiência mental. Permeada por preconceitos e desconhecimento, as relações que se desenrolam no ambiente escolar reforçam, para o aluno com deficiência mental, o papel cristalizado no insucesso e no fracasso escolar, impossibilitando-o de re-significar sua ação como individuo criativo e saudável, perpetuando um padrão de relacionamento que impede o processo de uma real inclusão escolar. / This study which is of empirical and qualitative connotation starts on the principle that, besides the existing legislation regarding school inclusion of the mental handicapped students, their exclusion from day-to-day relations still occurs. The objective of this work is to comprehend how the activity proposed by Occupational Therapy can interfere and modify the established relations regarding the mental handicapped student in the school environment. Through the report of Occupational Therapy Trainees on an intervention experiment during break time in an elementary public school in São Paulo city, I look forward to verifying how the proposed activity, the ludic one, provokes gathering possibilities between the special class students and the others, proposing changes in the school inclusion process of the mental handicapped students. Using Winnicott's theory I propose a determined look at the school environment and at the activity as how to make creative individual. The qualitative analysis of the intervention made points out to the difficulties which the school environment shows as when it establishes day-to-day relations of quality with the mental handicapped student. Covered up by prejudism and lack of information, the relations developed in the school environment reinforce the unsuccessful and school failure cristalized role to the mental handicapped student unabling him (her) to remean his (her) action as a creative and healthy individual, perpetuating a relation pattern that blocks up the process of a real school inclusion.

A relação mãe-bebê na formação da imagem corporal da criança com paralisia cerebral

Claudia Nabarro Munhoz 01 February 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho visa discutir como a relação mãe-bebê influencia a formação da imagem corporal em crianças com paralisia cerebral. São apresentadas inicialmente algumas ideias de Freud e Ferenczi, o fundador da Psicanálise e um de seus primeiros seguidores, para então chegar às ideias de Winnicott, também psicanalista, mas com uma visão revolucionária do desenvolvimento. São discutidas então estas três questões e sua inter-relação: a imagem corporal, a paralisia cerebral e o papel da mãe. São apresentados então conceitos winnicottianos como o holding, o handling, a personalização, o self e o papel do rosto da mãe como precursor do espelho. O objetivo é discutir esse assunto para compreender melhor as crianças com este tipo de deficiência, para que se possa trabalhar melhor com elas, com suas mães, e com aqueles que já chegam a nós adultos, mas com um sofrimento que parece ter relação com o desenvolvimento e com sua relação com o próprio corpo. Sabe-se (seguindo a linha de pensamento winnicottiana) que a relação com a mãe é essencial na própria capacidade de existir e viver criativamente, de habitar o próprio corpo, de todas as pessoas. Nas crianças com paralisia cerebral, há este outro aspecto (as sequelas trazidas pela PC) que influencia a relação mãe-bebê, tornando o processo de crescimento, da relação com o próprio corpo, mais complexa. No entanto, isso não significa que a criança não pode desenvolver-se a alcançar este viver criativo e a formação de uma imagem corporal que permitam uma boa relação com o mundo. Felizmente, a criança com paralisia cerebral pode encontrar este sentido e viver criativamente e feliz, desde que sua mãe seja capaz de fornecer o ambiente de que esta criança precisa, apesar da e com a paralisia cerebral. O método utilizado foi a pesquisa bibliográfica, em fontes de pesquisa como BVS-PSI, que direciona para o Scielo, o Lilacs e o Pubmed, dentre trabalhos publicados nos últimos dez anos. Não foi encontrado nenhum trabalho que relacionasse a paralisia cerebral, a imagem corporal e a relação mãe-bebê, como proposto neste trabalho, o que confirmou a relevância da presente dissertação / This work wishes to discuss how the mother-baby relationship affects the development of body image in children with cerebral palsy. First of all some ideas of Freud and Ferenczi, the founder of Psychoanalisis and one of his first followers, are presented, to arrive to Winnicott´s ideas, also a psychanalist, but with a revolucionary vision of child development. This three aspects: body image, cerebral palsy and the role of the mother, are discussed, with their relation to each other. Next, concepts from Winnicott are presented, such as holding, handling, personalization, self and the role of the mother´s face as a precursor of the mirror. The objective is to discuss this subject to understand better the children with this kind of disability, so we can work better with them, their mothers, and those who arrive adults to our clinic, who show a suffering that seems to be related to their growing and their relationship with their own bodies. It´s well known (following Winnicott´s trail of thought) that the interaction with the mother is essential for the capacity of existing and living with creativity, of living in your own body, within all people. Between children with cerebral palsy, there is this other aspect (sequels brought by cerebral palsy) that affects motherbaby interactions, making the growing process, the relation with their own bodies, more complex. However, this doesn´t mean that the child can´t develop and reach this creative living and the development of a body image that allow a good relation with the world. Gladly, the child with cerebral palsy can find this meaning and live happy and with creativity, despite and with the cerebral palsy. The methodology used was a research in the literature, in databases like BVS-PSI, which directs the research to Scielo, Lilacs and Pubmed, amongst papers published in the last ten years. No work was found that studied the relations between cerebral palsy, body image and mother-baby interaction, as proposed in the present work, which confirmed the relevance of the present dissertation

Holding: o contexto da neurogênese. Uma aproximação de Winnicott à neurociência do desenvolvimento / Holding: the context of neurogenesis. An approach by Winnicott to neuroscience and development

Celia Regina de Souza Cauduro 01 September 2008 (has links)
A experiência vincular, entre o cuidador primário (mãe) e o bebê, no início da vida pós-natal, constitui o contexto da neurogênese, de acordo com os estudos realizados pela Neurociência do Desenvolvimento; e o fundamento do desenvolvimento emocional segundo a teoria do psicanalista Donald W. Winnicott. O objetivo desta pesquisa é aproximar as construções teóricas de autores que estudam diferentes aspectos de uma mesma realidade: as implicações da experiência vincular entre o bebê e o cuidador primário (mãe), que acontecem nas etapas iniciais do desenvolvimento humano, no processo de inter-relação psique-soma considerada a base do desenvolvimento emocional do ser humano. Essas construções pertencem a uma linha de pesquisa em neurociência do desenvolvimento e outra em psicanálise, representada pela teoria de Donald W. Winnicott, sobre os primórdios do desenvolvimento. Considerando-se que o presente trabalho é um estudo teórico-reflexivo, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica. As conclusões têm o objetivo de fundamentar um conhecimento que possa ampliar a compreensão dos fatores que interferem no desenvolvimento do ser humano, no início da vida pós-natal, que podem ser responsáveis pelo aparecimento de psicopatologias em etapas futuras do ciclo vital. Enfatizam a necessidade do desenvolvimento de estratégias de intervenção precoce na relação mãe-bebê, em programas de assistência à infância, reforçando a importância da psicologia preventiva na proteção do desenvolvimento humano. / The bonding experience between the primary carer (Mother) and the baby, at the start of the post-natal life, forms the context of neurogenesis, according to studies carried out by Developmental Neuroscience; and is also the basis of emotional development, according to the theory of psychoanalyst Donald W. Winnicott. The objective of this study is to investigate the technical constructions of authors who study different aspects of the same reality: the implications of the bonding experience between the baby and the primary carer (mother), which take place in the initial stages of human development, in the process of the interrelation between psyche and soma, which is considered to be the basis for the emotional development the human being. These constructions belong to a line of research in developmental neuroscience, and another in psychoanalysis, represented by the theory of Donald W. Winnicott on the beginnings of development. Considering that this work is a theoretical-reflective study, a bibliographic review was carried out. The conclusions seek to support a knowledge that can further understanding of the factors which influence human development, at the start of the post-natal life, and which may be responsible for the appearance of psychopathologies in future stages of the vital cycle. They also emphasize the need for the development of strategies of early intervention in the relationship between mother and baby, in infant care programs, reinforcing the importance of preventative psychology in the protection of human development.

Affärsman och tv-kändis blev president : En kvalitativ studie av Donald Trumps användande av retorik under valkampanjen 2016 / Businessman tv-celebrity became president: : A qaulitative study of Donald Trumps usage of rhetorics during an election campaign in 2016

Johansson, Elin January 2018 (has links)
Donald Trump, välkänd affärsman, programledare och numera USA:s 45:e president. Hur lyckades egentligen en man som inte varit i en politisk position tidigare övertyga ett helt land att han har vad som krävs för att styra det? Studien skall ta reda på vilka retoriska begrepp Trump använt sig av under sin valperiod och vilken effekt de har gett. Med en kvalitativ studie och retorisk analys undersöks Donald Trumps tal under the Republican National Convention, 2016. Den retoriska teorin anväands med hjälp av olika former såsom ethos, pathos, logos, ordfigurer och tankefigurer samt troper. En analys av hans användning av retorik och kommunikationsteorier görs för att få en så konkret bild som möjligt av hur Trump talade för att påverka sina väljare. Med hjälp av både videoformat och ett transkript av det valda talet dras slutsatsen att Trump varit en skicklig talare under det valda talet, då han fått med sig många människor till att stå på hans sida. Han för sig som en politiker bör och är tydlig med vad han vill förändra och vad som kommer ske när han blir president. Retoriken är en viktig del inom politiken och det gäller att använda den rätt för att nå ut till så många anhängare som möjligt. Trump har lärt sig av tidigare politiker hur viktigt retoriken är och nu ses han själv använda sig av den för att kunna vinna presidentvalet, trots att hans bakgrund saknar samma politiska erfarenhet som hans motståandare besitter. Trump har genom denna analys bevisats vara en duktig talare och kunnig inom det retoriska fältet. Han talar knappt en enda mening utan ett retoriskt begrepp och tidigt kan retorikens påverkan på hans röstare förstås. Han följer olika presidentiella strukturer och använder sig av de kommunikationsteorierna som presenteras. Trump vill vara en man för folket och lyckas övertyga med argument fyllda med ethos, pathos, logos samt ett bekvämt användande av figurer och troper. Hans framträdande är som en president bör vara. / Donald Trump, wellknown businessman, tv-host and nowadays the 45th president of The United States. How did a man without earlier political position convince a whole country that he had what it takes to rule it? This study will find out what rhetorical concepts Trump has used during his election and what effect it has given. With a qualitative study and a rhetorical analysis the speech made by Donald Trump during the Republican National Convention 2016 was examined. The rhetorical theory is used through different forms such as ethos, pathos, logos, word figures and thought figures as well as tropes. An analysis of his use if rhetoric and communication theories has been made to get an as clear picture as possible of how Trump affected his voters. By using both video format and a transcript of the chosen speech it can be concluded that Trump indeed was a skilled speaker during the chosen speech, which led to many people standing on his side. He acts like a politician should and is clear on what he wants to change and what will happen once he becomes president. Rhetoric is an important part of politics and should be used properly to reach out to as many supporters as possible. Trump has learned from earlier politicians how important rhetoric is and now he can be seen using it himself to win the presidental election, despite his lack of previous political activity and experience that his opponent possesses. Trump had through this analysis proven to be a great speaker and knowledgeble within the rhetorical field. He barely speaks a single sentence without any rhetorical concept and early on, the rhetorical impact on his voters can be understood. He follows different presidential structures and uses the communication theories which are presented. Trump wants to be a man for the people and succeeds to convince with arguments filled with ethos, pathos, logos as well as a comfortable usage of figures and tropes. His performance is as a presidents should be.

Hur maskulin är Donald Trump? : En jämförande diskursanalys av hur Donald Trumps maskulinitet(er) framställs på The New York Times, The Guardian & Aftonbladets hemsidor / How masculine is Donald Trump? : A comparative discourse analysis of how Donald Trumps masculinities are portrayed on The New York Times, The Guardian & Aftonbladets webpages

Andersson, Rasmus January 2017 (has links)
Title: How masculine is Donald Trump? – A comparative discourse analysis of how Donald Trumps masculinities are portrayed on The New York Times, The Guardian & Aftonbladets webpages The aim of this essay is to compare how Donald Trumps masculinities are portrayed in the news reporting by The New York Times, The Guardian and Aftonbladets webpages. The time period of the study capture Donald Trump before he was elected as president, after the election and then as the position as incumbent president to grasp one more dimension of his masculine identity throw different time periods and capture his subject position in the news reporting. The method that is used to examine this issue is Laclau and Mouffes discourse theory that work as a combination of discourse analysis as a method of analyzing the news text and locate different discourses. As well as in combination with theories about masculinities and previous studies about former presidents, macho culture and hegemonic masculinities. The result show Donald Trump with different masculine identities through both time and media channel. Donald Trump has first been seen as a masculine joke, a stunt like one of the Jackass-gang would pull in the TV-series. A man that is not afraid to take the challenge and run for president even if the odds are well against him, he represent a masculine crisis. Later on he take the form of a business man that hopefully will ”not” run USA like his worldwide affairs, fast and unpredictable. The latest chapter portray Donald Trump as a fearless president that do whatever he want in policy making and the media is afraid of what will happen to the world order. From a former identity of a ”business rockstar” that does what he wants with females and worldwide affairs to become one of the most fearsome manly leader of the western civilication. Alongside with the theory of masculinities Donald Trump try to defend the hegemonic masculinity of politics and business leders by playing on a possible ”mancard” like Ronald Reagan back in the 80 ́s, by reaching out to the industry workers that mostly are men and defending there chances of labour – when the society evolved form industrial to a more service economic society with women competing alongside men about workplace. The slogan ”America First” would rather be ”Masculinity First”, ”Make America Masculine Again” would be the text on the caps

New Protectionism? : The role of Free Trade Agreements in Latin America / ¿Nueva era de proteccionismo?: El papel de los Acuerdos de Libre Comercio en América Latina

Arrieta, Gabriel 20 July 2017 (has links)
After the accession of Donald Trump as president of the United States, the recent protectionist trade environment is guarantee that the American trade policy could affect Latin American countries, due to the importance of United States as trading partner. These policies would not only affect Latin American countries, but also their main trading partners as China, that could respond with other protectionist policies, which could lead to the beginning of a domino effect, where the biggest loser could be Latin America. Taking into account the current international context, in this article it will be making policy recommendations on Free Trade Agreement issues aimed to reducing the possible impacts of American trade policies in Latin American countries (especially, considering the recent United States’ withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal). / Dado el reciente ambiente comercial proteccionista suscitado tras el ingreso de Donald Trump como presidente de Estados Unidos, se presenta una gran posibilidad de que las políticas comerciales que se puedan aplicar en Estados Unidos repercutan sobre los países de América Latina, dada la importancia de Estados Unidos como socio comercial. Estas políticas no solo afectarían a los países latinoamericanos, sino también a sus principales socios comerciales (i.e. China), los cuales podrían responder con mayores políticas proteccionistas; esto podría llevar al inicio de un efecto dominó donde el gran perdedor sea América Latina. Por tal motivo, tomando en cuenta el actual contexto internacional, se buscará, en el presente artículo, realizar recomendaciones de políticas en temas de Acuerdos de Libre Comercio, orientadas a reducir los posibles impactos de las políticas comerciales norteamericanas en la región de América Latina (especialmente considerando la reciente salida del Trans-Pacific Partnership).

Sobre o espaço potencial instaurado em uma instituição escolar de ensino fundamental / About the potential space opened in a school institution of primary school

Luz, Tagiane Maria da Rocha 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Archangelo / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T13:37:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luz_TagianeMariadaRocha_D.pdf: 1836562 bytes, checksum: d1f197e61aef5cf1285d6a0b6b4a5c19 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Este trabalho refere-se à investigação sobre o efeito de um momento para brincar em classes do primeiro ciclo do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública, do município de Campinas. A pesquisa contou com um grupo composto de dez bolsistas do Programa Interinstitucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência - PIBID/Capes. No espaço e tempo para brincar, alunos do primeiro ciclo do Ensino Fundamental experimentaram uma área que teve como objetivo fornecer as provisões ambientais teorizadas por Winnicott que são favoráveis ao desenvolvimento emocional, a saber, holding, handling e apresentação de objeto, as quais facilitam a integração egoica. Os bolsistas foram, tanto quanto possível, o "outro" suficientemente bom no vínculo com os alunos durante 'o brincar', e procuraram registrar a dinâmica das crianças na construção e no desenvolvimento do brincar, com especial ênfase naquelas crianças que não brincam, as quais são as que apresentam maior dificuldade na aprendizagem de conteúdos escolares e/ou no relacionamento com os pares. Com esse propósito, procurando compreender a inibição e/ou a recusa a brincar, bem como as mudanças ocorridas nesse domínio, ao longo do tempo, a pesquisa buscou: 1- contribuir para a compreensão de crianças com dificuldades tanto para relacionar-se em sala de aula quanto para fazer uso dos símbolos ali construídos e utilizados; e 2- analisar o potencial transformador dessa intervenção no que diz respeito à superação das dificuldades enfrentadas por essas crianças nas atividades rotineiras de sala de aula. A metodologia envolveu o acompanhamento direto e indireto de momentos para 'o brincar' mediante a observação e/ou leitura de relatórios semanais dos bolsistas responsáveis pela intervenção, além da observação de aulas e entrevistas com professores. Os bolsistas realizaram o "momento para o brincar" durante o período de aulas uma vez por semana, por uma hora, em dez salas de 1º a 5º anos. Cada classe foi acompanhada por um bolsista. O tempo para brincar possibilitou aos professores e aos bolsistas maior dedicação e atenção a crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem e de relacionamento, pois as que não apresentam grandes problemas brincam tranquilas, sozinhas ou acompanhadas por outras crianças. O momento de brincar constituiu-se progressivamente em um espaço potencial, em que, uma vez instaurado, os professores da escola passaram a relatar que o momento para brincar ocasionou a melhora no relacionamento que os alunos estabelecem entre si e no vínculo entre aluno e professor, algo que ampliou a possibilidade do aluno de usufruir, de modo enriquecedor, do seu ambiente escolar. Neste trabalho, serão apresentados seis casos que ilustram o processo que culminou na conquista, pelos referidos alunos, da integração psíquica necessária para habitar espaços potenciais, ou seja, para usufruir e contribuir na construção de símbolos, e assim estabelecer comunicações criativas com a realidade externa. Três dos seis casos ilustram o acompanhamento das crianças por um período de três anos e seis meses. O fato de bolsistas e professores terem procurado testemunhar experiências, significar gestos espontaneos e brincar com as crianças que não brincavam propiciou a emergência do impulso criativo e da capacidade de brincar, algo que contribuiu de modo significativo na conquista crescente dos alunos de compartilhar das experiências que a instituição escolar oferece / Abstract: This study sets out to investigate the effects of providing "a moment for playing" in classrooms in a government-run school in the municipality of Campinas. The research included a group of 10 undergraduates holding trainee scholarships awarded by the Inter-institutional Program of Trainee Scholarships for Teaching Undergraduates' Pibid/Capes. In the space and time provided for playing, children in primary school education occupied an area designed to provide the environmental conditions envisioned by Winnicot as being favorable for emotional development, namely: holding, handling and presenting the object, all of which facilitate egoic integration. As far as possible the undergraduate trainees represented the "sufficiently good other" with their presence among the children during the "playing" and sought to register the dynamics of the children in their construction and development of play, with special attention paid to observing children that do not play as they are the ones that have the greatest difficulties in learning school study contents and/or in their relations with their peers. With the aim of gaining an understanding of their refusal or inhibition in regard to playing as well as detecting any changes in this domain over a period of time this research sought to: 1- contribute towards understanding children that find it difficult to relate to their peers in the classroom and to make use of the symbols that are constructed and used in it.; and 2- analyze this intervention's potential for transformation in regard to overcoming the difficulties such children face in the routine activities of the classroom. The methodology involved direct and indirect accompaniment of the "moments for playing" through direct observation and/or reviewing the trainees' weekly reports as well as observing classes and interviewing teachers. The trainees operated a one hour long "moment for playing" during class time, once a week with one trainee allocated to each class of children in school years one to five. The time allowed for play made it possible for teachers and trainees to dedicate special attention to children with learning and relational problems because those that do not have such problems play happily on their own or with other children. The moment for playing progressively became a potential space and, once it had been established, the teachers reported that the "moment for playing" was bringing about improvements in the relations children establish among one another and in the bonding between teacher and child, and that was something that enhanced the possibilitis of the child¿s reaping the benefits of the school environment in an enriching manner. This work will present seven cases that illustrate the process that culminated in the students in question achieving the psychic integration they needed to be able to make full use of potential spaces, that is. to enjoy the benefits and to contribute towards the construction of symbols and in that way establish creative communication with their external reality. Three of the cases illustrate the accompaniment of the child involved for a period of three and a half years. The fact that researchers and teachers sought to play with those children that did not play, witness to their experiences and signify their spontaneous gestures led to the gradual emergence, in them, of the creative impulse and the ability to play, something that contributed significantly to increasing the ability of such children to share and take part in the experiences the school institution has to offer / Doutorado / Psicologia Educacional / Doutora em Educação

Superveniens och dess plats inom anomal monism : En analys av debatten mellan Donald Davidson och Jaegwon Kim / Supervenience and its place within Anomalous Monism : An analysis of the debate between Donald Davidson and Jaegwon Kim

Beckman, Emma January 2006 (has links)
Denna uppsats analyserar den medvetandefilosofiska debatten mellan Donald Davidson och Jaegwon Kim rörande Davidsons tes om det mentalas superveniens på det fysiska. Tesen utgör ett element i Davidsons generella teori om relationen mellan det mentala och det fysiska; anomal monism. Författaren frågar sig om Kim har rätt i att tesen om mental superveniens inte är tillräcklig för att garantera det mentala kausal kraft. I uppsatsen analyseras de båda filosofernas ståndpunkter i debatten med speciell tonvikt på deras respektive definitioner av superveniensbegreppet. Med utgångspunkt i detta argumenterar författarinnan att Kim i viss utsträckning kan sägas ha missförstått Davidsons superveniens-begrepp. Kim har definierat "svag" respektive "stark" och velat tolka Davidsons superveniens som tillhörande den sistnämnda sorten. Uppsatsförfattaren intar en ståndpunkt motsatt Kims och menar att Davidsons superveniensbegrepp snarare bör förstås som en variant av svag superveniens, men konstaterar samtidigt att det inte är helt säkert att dennes superveniens alls kan inordnas i någon av dessa kategorier; dessa refererar till "möjliga världar", vilka Davidson vägrar acceptera. / This paper analyses the debate between Donald Davidson and Jaegwon Kim concerning Davidsons idea of the supervenience of the mental upon the physical. This thought is part of Davidson's general theory of the relation between mind and body; anomalous monism. The author asks wherther Kim is right that mental supervenience is insufficient to gurantee the mental causal power. The paper analyses the standpoints of both philosophers, especially regarding their definitions of "supervenience" and argues that Kim, to some extent, can be said to have misunderstood Davidson's notion of supervenience. Kim has offered definitons of "weak" and "strong" supervenience and interpreted Davidsons supervenience as being of the kind last mentioned. The author takes a standpoint opposite of Kim's and argues that Davidson's notion of supervenience is better understood as weak supervenience, but at the same time notes that it is by no means obvious that Davidsons supervenience can be said to belong to either of these categories since these refer to "possible worlds", which Davidson refuses to accept.

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