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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


LUIZA MOURA FARIA 07 February 2018 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa busca analisar o processo de excreção da atividade de uma pequena fábrica em Visconde de Mauá (RJ), sob perspectiva do conceito Metabolismo Social. O conceito propõe uma analogia do processo metabólico biológico de um organismo vivo e os sistemas sociais. Os organismos mantêm um fluxo contínuo de matéria e energia com o meio ambiente para garantir seu funcionamento, crescimento e reprodução. Igualmente, os sistemas sociais convertem energia e matérias em produtos, serviços e, finalmente, em resíduos. A pesquisa foi distribuída em duas etapas, a primeira parte de um estudo bibliográfico sobre o conceito e aplicações do Metabolismo Social. Na segunda etapa foi composta pelo levantamento do percurso histórico da região Visconde de Mauá e uma análise do processo de excreção da pequena fábrica de laticínios, baseado em uma entrevista a nível gerencial e operacional, e visita à base industrial. O estudo identificou os principais resíduos e riscos ambientais relacionados ao processamento de laticínios na pequena fábrica. O soro excedente foi o efluente com maior risco de contaminação, quando descartado de forma inadequada, devido à alta carga de DBO (demanda bioquímica de oxigênio). Com base na pesquisa, foi projetado um plano de controle e mitigação para efluentes líquidos, resíduos sólidos e emissões de gases durante o ciclo de produção, desde a fase de apropriação de insumos até o consumo final dos produtos. Espera-se que a partir da aplicação das medidas propostas, o processo de excreção da fábrica se torne menos intensivo gerando benefícios no âmbito social, econômico e ambiental. / [en] The research on the waste management of a small dairy factory, located in Visconde de Mauá (RJ), started from the concern with the environmental effects observed in the stream close to the small industry. According to a water quality study in 2012, the stream had a great anthropic impact caused by the industrial occupation of dairy products (Carreño, 2012). The Rio Preto is the largest water body whose main villages are on the banks of the streams. In addition, it is currently the main tourist attraction of Visconde de Mauá. The river has several waterfalls, wells, fishing areas, areas for extreme sports, among other characteristics unique to the place. Thus, the conservation and maintenance of water quality are fundamental to sustain society in Visconde de Mauá. The region underwent several changes in terms of economic activity and landscape transformation. Today, the main activities are tourism and the industrial production of a small dairy factory. Saw cheese is still highly valued by both tourists and locals alike, who many consider it a substitute for meat, as it is easy to conserve in rainy seasons. Such practices provide the economic development and employability of local residents, however, failures in socio-environmental management are observed. The performance of public agencies is deficient in terms of planning, infrastructure and water management, sewage, garbage, real estate speculation, health posts and mobility. This work proposes a qualitative analysis of the waste management of a small dairy factory, under the perspective of the concept Social Metabolism.

Микоризообразование, содержание азота и углерода в корнях травянистых растений золоотвалов Урала : магистерская диссертация / Mycorrhiza formation, nitrogen and carbon content in the roots of herbaceous plants in ash dumps of the Urals

Кицман, В. А., Kitsman, V. A. January 2020 (has links)
Работа посвящена изучению микоризации и содержанию углерода и азота в тонких корнях травянистых растений на самозарастающих участках золоотвалов ВТГРЭС и СУГРЭС в сравнении с естественными сообществами. Встречаемость микоризы, корневых волосков и темных септированных эндофитов (ТСЭ) изучали методом световой микроскопии (Leica DM 5000B, Германия, × 100–200) после предварительной мацерации корней в КОН и окрашивания анилиновым голубым [Селиванов, 1981]. Содержание общего N и C определяли на CHNS-O анализаторе EURO EA-3000 CHN. Результаты исследований показали наличие арбускулярной микоризы с гифами, везикулами и арбускулами у всех изученных видов травянистых растений. Развитие микоризы, встречаемость ТСЭ и корневых волосков зависело от местообитания. Микориза менее развита у видов золоотвала СУГРЭС. На золоотвале ВТГРЭС у растений чаще встречались корневые волоски, а мицелий ТСЭ был лучше развит в корнях растений естественных сообществ. Анализ содержания углерода (С) и азота (N) в тонких корнях показал, что содержание N зависело от таксономического положения растения. Больше всего N в корнях бобовых растений. У небобовых двудольных N в корнях большем, чем у однодольных растений. Содержание N сильно варьировало в разных фитоценозах и у лесных видов N в корнях было выше, чем у луговых видов. Концентрация С в корнях зависела от местообитания и была выше у растений золоотвала ВТГРЭС и естественных сообществ по сравнению с золоотвалом СУГРЭС. Содержание N в тонких корнях сопоставимо на всех участках. Материал диссертации получен в результате работы научного коллектива в ходе выполнения проекта РФФИ (грант 18-04-00714). Магистрантом лично получены данные по микоризообразованию травянистых видов на золоотвале СУГРЭС, а также подготовлены пробы для анализа содержания С и N в тонких корнях растений. Данная выпускная работа содержит 35 страниц машинописного текста, включает 14 рисунков, 2 таблицы, 105 источников литературы, в том числе 57 иностранных. / The work is devoted to the study of mycorrhization and the content of carbon and nitrogen in the thin roots of herbaceous plants in the self-growing sections of VtSDPP and SuSDPP ash dumps in comparison with natural communities. The occurrence of mycorrhiza, root hairs, and dark septic endophytes (TSE) was studied by light microscopy (Leica DM 5000B, Germany, × 100–200) after preliminary maceration of the roots in KOH and staining with aniline blue [Selivanov, 1981]. The content of total N and C was determined on a CHNS-O analyzer EURO EA-3000 CHN. The results of the studies showed the presence of arbuscular mycorrhiza with hyphae, vesicles, and arbuscules in all studied species of herbaceous plants. The development of mycorrhiza, the occurrence of TSE and root hairs depended on the habitat. Mycorrhiza is less developed in species of the ash dump of SuSDPP. Root hairs were more common in plants at VtSDPP ash dump, and TSE mycelium was better developed in plant roots of natural communities. Analysis of the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) content in thin roots showed that the N content depended on the taxonomic position of the plant. Most N in the roots of legumes. In non- leguminous dicotyledonous N, the roots are larger than in monocotyledonous plants. N content varied greatly in different phytocenoses and in forest species N in the roots was higher than in meadow species. The concentration of C in the roots depended on the habitat and was higher in plants of the VtSDPP ash dump and natural communities compared with the SuSDPP ash dump. The content of N in thin roots is comparable in all areas. The dissertation material was obtained as a result of the work of the research team during the implementation of the RFBR project (grant 18-04-00714). The graduate student personally obtained data on the mycorrhiza formation of herbaceous species in the ash dump of SUGRES, as well as prepared samples for analysis of the content of C and N in the thin roots of plants. This work contains 35 pages of typewritten text, includes 14 figures, 2 tables, 105 sources of literature.

Cross-Platform Post-Mortem Analysis in a Distributed Continuous Integration System

Krantz, Karl Johan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to improve the cross-platform reliability of software components tested on distributed CI systems. More specifically, it is centered on extracting crash information from cross-platform crashes. Crash information was generated and parsed on Mac, Linux and Windows. The crash information proved to be valuable for developers in their day-to-day job, especially the raw crash information. However, the graph visualizations that were created out of this information proved to be less than satisfactory for developers.

Оценка неоэкотопов с использованием экологических шкал : магистерская диссертация / Neo-ecotopes assessment using ecological scales

Чащихина, М. А., Chashchikhina, M. A. January 2021 (has links)
Работа посвящена характеристике и экологической оценке луговых сообществ зо-лоотвалов Верхнетагильской ГРЭС и Среднеуральской ГРЭС в сравнении с зональными сообществами района Верхнетагильского района. Приводится характеристика природных условий района работ, анализ флоры высших сосудистых растений, определение домина-тов в сообществах, характеристика запаса фитомассы, экологическая оценка местообита-ний по экологическим шкалам. В результате проделанной работы было определено, что на лугах золоотвалов Верхнетагильской ГРЭС встречается 67 вида травянистых растений, относящиеся к 17 семействам и 50 родам, на лугах Среднеуральской ГРЭС - 20 видов, от-носящихся к 11 семействам и 18 родам. Большинство из видов относятся к мезофитам. По ценотическому составу преобладают луговые растения. При сравнении продуктивности лугов золоотвалов и фоновой территории выявлено, что степень восстановления продук-тивности травянистых сообществ составляет около 23 %. Оценка неоэкотопов по экологи-чески шкалам показала, что луга золоотвалов относятся к сухолуговому интервалу шкалы увлажнения и довольно богатым почвам по шкале богатства почв, в то время как луга фо-новой территории относятся к влажнолуговому интервалу. / The work is devoted to the characterization and assessment of the ecological scales of meadow communities of ash dumps of the Verkhnetagilskaya SDPP, Sredneuralskaya SDPP and zonal communities of the Verkhnetagilskaya district. The characteristics of the natural conditions of the work area, the analysis of the flora of higher vascular plants, the determination of domi-nants in the communities, the characteristics of the phytomass reserve, the ecological assessment of habitats according to ecological scales are given. As a result of the work done, it was deter-mined that in the meadows of the ash dumps of the Verkhnetagilskaya SDPP there are 67 species of herbaceous plants belonging to 17 families and 50 genera, in the meadows of the Sredneu-ralskaya SDPP - 20 species belonging to 11 families and 18 genera. Most of the species are mes-ophytes. In terms of coenotic composition, meadow plants prevail. When comparing the produc-tivity of meadows of ash dumps and the background area, it was revealed that the degree of re-covery of productivity of herbaceous communities is about 23%. Evaluation of neo-ecotopes ac-cording to ecological scales showed that ash dump meadows belong to the dry meadow interval of the moistening scale and are rather rich in soils of the wealth of soils nitrogen, while the meadows of the background territory belong to the wet meadow interval.

Datenunterstützte Prognose der Eigensetzung von Tagebaukippen unter Nutzung der satellitengestützten Radarinterferometrie

Merkel, Natalie, John, André, Benndorf, Jörg 06 September 2023 (has links)
Die satellitengestützte Radarinterferometrie liefert Informationen zu vertikalen Bodenbewegungen in hoher raum-zeitlicher Auflösung. Moderne Auswerteverfahren in Kombination mit hochauflösenden Sensoren ermöglichen die Anwendung dieser Monitoringmethode auf Tagebaukippen. Die damit verfügbare Datenbasis erlaubt eine flächenhafte Analyse des Setzungsverhaltens der Oberfläche der Tagebaukippe und erweitert damit die bisherige punktartige Betrachtung unter Nutzung von Höhenfestpunkten. Der vorliegende Beitrag demonstriert, wie aus den räumlich verteilten Zeitreihen eine flächenhafte Modellierung des Zeitsetzungsverhaltens von Tagebaukippen erfolgen kann. Dazu werden klassische Modelle des Zeitsetzungsverlaufes auf die Ergebnisse der satellitengestützten Radarinterferometrie angewandt. Im Ergebnis kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass das hier vorgestellte Verfahren eine nahezu rein datengetriebene Prognose von wichtigen Indikatoren, wie z. B. Zeit bis zum Abklingen der Setzung oder zu erwartende maximale Setzung, erlaubt. Weiterhin liefert das Verfahren eine reiche Datengrundlage zur detaillierten Untersuchung weitere Einflussfaktoren auf das Setzungsverhalten von Tagebaukippen.

Formes, usages et circulation du verre en Méditerranée nord-occidentale entre le Ier siècle av. n.è et le Ier siècle de n.è : L’apport du mobilier des sites littoraux de Narbonnaise orientale

Fontaine, Souen 15 June 2012 (has links)
Sporadiquement distribués en Méditerranée occidentale au début du Ier s. av.n.è., vaisselle et conteneurs en verre entrent dans les habitudes de consommation autour du changement d'ère et deviennent, en moins d'un siècle, des objets d'usage quotidien. Le littoral narbonnais, surface de contact entre mondes méditerranéens et continentaux, précocement soumis aux influences hellénistiques et romaines, constitue une zone propice à l'observation de cette mutation sans précédent de l'économie du verre. L'étude privilégie l'analyse d'assemblages homogènes, issus de contextes datés, autorisant une approche chrono-quantitative. Le corpus est composé de lots provenant de 18 sites du littoral de Narbonnaise orientale (épaves et dépotoirs portuaires, sites de consommation domestique, militaire et funéraire). La présence de productions non référencées ou succinctement sériées dans les classifications typologiques usuelles, invite à proposer un outil typo-chronologique adapté aux contextes précoces méditerranéens. L'approche transversale de la documentation permet de définir quatre faciès, représentatifs de quatre grandes étapes de l'évolution des productions et des habitudes de consommation. Si, en l'état des connaissances et en raison de la particularité des modes de production du verre, l'émergence et le développement des courants commerciaux sont difficiles à préciser, les abondants assemblages portuaires du littoral (Arles, Fos, Marseille, Toulon), mettent en évidence la place prépondérante des produits de consommation courante, voyageant comme vases-marchandises, dans la commercialisation des produits verriers en Méditerranée occidentale et le long de l'axe rhodanien. / Sporadically distributed in the western Mediterranean at the beginning of the first century BC, crockery and glass containers come in consumption patterns during the augustean decades and become, in less than a century, objects of daily use. The Narbonensis coastline, key point between Mediterranean and continental worlds, early influenced by Hellenistic and Roman culture, is an propitious area for the observation of this unprecedented transformation of the economy of the glass. The study focuses on the analysis of homogeneous assemblages, from dated contexts, allowing a chrono-quantitative approach. The corpus is constituted of batches from 18 sites from eastern Narbonensis (wrecks, harbour levels, domestic, military and funeral contexts). The presence of production unreferenced in usual typologies invites to propose a suitable typo-chronological tool for early Mediterranean contexts. A transversal approach allows defining four major stages in the evolution of production and consumption patterns. If, in the state of knowledge and because of the particularity of the patterns of production of glass, the emergence and development of trade flows are difficult to specify, the abundant assemblages from harbour levels (Arles, Fos, Marseille, Toulon), highlight the preponderance of common consumer products, travelling as goods more than as containers, in the trade of glass products in the western Mediterranean and along the Rhone axis.

Geochemical characterisation of gold tailings footprints on the Central Rand Goldfield

Netshiongolwe, Khathutshelo Emmanuel 05 1900 (has links)
Gold mining in the Witwatersrand Basin of South Africa has resulted in soil contamination due to the lack of sufficient environmental management plans for the tailings dumps and remnant footprints. Tailings reclamation as a strategy of reducing pollution in the Central Rand, for instance, has resulted in contamination of water systems by acid mine drainage (AMD). After removal of the tailings dumps, remnant material is left over on the tailings footprints and these contain significant amounts of pollutants that were initially in the tailings. Heavy rainfall during summer dissolves primary minerals and later in the dry season, secondary minerals are precipitated as efflorescent crusts on and nearby tailings dumps as well as footprints due to high evaporation. The efflorescent crusts can redissolve when it rains and form acidic, metal and sulphate-rich solutions due to their soluble characteristics. This study aimed to characterise tailings footprints in areas targeted for human settlements and office spaces to assess their potential to release left over toxic elements such arsenic (As), lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). The approach to the study involved characterisation of oxidised and unoxidised tailings material and secondary precipitates on both tailings dumps and footprints. This involved determining the mineralogical composition using Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD). Dissolution and leaching studies were also conducted on the material followed by determination of constituent elements using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and sulphates using ion chromatography (IC). The leaching solutions used included rainwater; dilute sulphuric acid at pH of 3.0 (a common leachate in such acidic soils); as well as plant exudates such as oxalic and citric acids. The leachate solutions were used to correlate the mineralogical composition of secondary precipitates and tailings footprints. Potential implications on humans following any accidental ingestion of the tailings or contaminated soils were assessed using gastric juices. The ecological risk factors and risk index together with the model to evaluate daily intake and different pathways to humans were used to assess the toxicity caused by exposure to contaminants in the materials. The experimental work was augmented by computer simulations based on geochemical modelling (using the PHREEQC geochemical modelling code) to determine the speciation of elements (and thus their potential lability and bioavailability), dissolution and formation of secondary mineral precipitates in the tailings dumps and footprints. The findings of the PXRD study showed that the mineralogy of the tailings and footprints was dominated by quartz (SiO2) and some minor minerals such as pyrite (FeS2), pyrophyllite (Al2Si4O10(OH)2), chlorite (Mg,Fe)3(Si,Al)4O10), mica (K(Mg,Fe)3 AlSi3O10(F,OH)2) while that of secondary precipitates was dominated by jarosite (KFe3+ 3(OH)6 (SO4)2), goethite (FeOOH), melanterite (FeSO4.7H2O) and gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O). Minerals obtained for the secondary precipitates were corroborated by geochemical modelling. Leaching results using rainwater with pH ranges from 3.5 to 3.9 showed that trace elements are released very slowly from tailings dumps and footprints and in small concentrations during rainy seasons as follows: As (1.5 mg/L-4.5 mg/L), Pb (3.5 mg/L-5.5 mg/L), Cu (4 mg/L-4.8 mg/L) and Zn (23 mg/L-44 mg/L). The release and mobility of Cu, Pb, Zn and As occurs quite markedly when secondary precipitates dissolve, making the immediate impacted environment unfavourable for plant growth and any habits in the vicinity. This was substantiated by simulated dissolutions and assessment of the resulting elemental speciation that pointed to the elements being distributed in bioavailable forms, implying potential uptake by plants (such as vegetables that may be cultivated on such impacted soils). The model was used to evaluate the daily intake and different exposure pathways and the results showed that children may daily intake 48.4 mg kg-1 day-1 and adults‟ 32.8 mg kg-1 day-1 . After 5 years (1825 days) of exposure more harm may be experienced and findings shows that kids are the most victims on these contaminated sites compared to adults. Both children and adults may absorb low levels of these toxic elements daily and after long time of exposure it may cause disease like cancer in their body which may lead to death. Pathways may be through inhalation and accidentally ingesting tailings soil that contain toxic elements. Drawing from the above findings, it will be important that tailings footprints that have been earmarked as land for development (residential or office space) be thoroughly assessed for potential release of toxic elements and high levels of acidity. Further reclamation aimed at reducing these hazards can then be implemented. / College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

Impact des décharges à ciel ouvert sur la qualité environnementale de l'Oued Cheliff (Algérie) / Impact of open dumps on the environmental quality of Cheliff River (Algeria)

Ould Ali, Ouiza 02 October 2018 (has links)
Dans la région traversée par le plus important cours d’eau permanent d’Algérie l’Oued Cheliff, les déchets ménagers sont fréquemment mis en décharges à ciel ouvert, constituant une véritable menace environnementale à cause de la contamination causée par les lixiviats. Deux décharges ont été prises pour étude de cas : la première située sur l’Oued Hillil, affluent secondaire de l’Oued Chéliff et la deuxième localisée sur l’Oued Cheliff.Des prélèvements saisonniers d’eau et de sédiments ont été effectués dans les cours d’eau. Au sein de la décharge les lixiviats et les sols ont aussi été prélevés. L’impact des décharges a été évalué par l’analyse des paramètres physico-chimiques dans les liquides et des métaux dans tous les compartiments (eaux, lixiviats, sols et sédiments). L’analyse des traceurs fluorescents dans tous les compartiments est utilisée pour le suivi de la pollution urbaine.Cette étude a mis en évidence l’effet saisonnier important de l’impact des décharges sur les cours d’eau. Au printemps, les lixiviats présentes de fortes teneurs en traceurs fluorescents, Cr, Co, Mn, Ni issus de dépôt importants de déchets verts. En automne, ils reflétaient plutôt une contamination par NO2-, SO42-, PO43-, Fe, Cu, Cr provenant de résidus de produits agricoles (engrais, traitements phytosanitaires). Les eaux des deux cours d’eau sont très chargées en Cl- et Sr en toute saison dû à la nature saline des sols de la région.Les concentrations des métaux dans les sols des décharges sont largement supérieures à celles des sédiments fluviaux et révèlent une contamination métallique élevée (Cd, As, Zn, Cr, Pb), reflétant l’impact de déchets urbains (piles, batteries, plastiques…) / In the region crossed by the largest permanent watercourse of Algeria Oued Cheliff, household waste is frequently put in open dumps, constituting a real environmental threat because of the contamination caused by the leachates. Two landfills were taken for the case study: the first located on Oued Hillil, a secondary tributary of Oued Chéliff and the second located on Oued Cheliff.Seasonal sampling of water and sediment has been conducted in streams. In the landfill, leachates and soils were also collected. The impact of landfills was assessed by analyzing physico-chemical parameters in liquids and metals in all compartments (water, leachate, soils and sediments). The analysis of fluorescent tracers in all compartments is used for monitoring urban pollution.This study has highlighted the important seasonal effect of the impact of landfills on rivers. In the spring, leachates present high levels of fluorescent tracers, Cr, Co, Mn, Ni from large deposits of green waste. In autumn, they reflected rather NO2-, SO42-, PO43-, Fe, Cu, Cr contamination from residues of agricultural products (fertilizer, phytosanitary treatments). The waters of both rivers are heavily loaded with Cl- and Sr in any season due to the saline nature of the soils of the region.The concentrations of metals in landfill soil are much higher than those of river sediments and reveal a high metallic contamination (Cd, As, Zn, Cr, Pb), reflecting the impact of urban waste (batteries, batteries, plastics ...)

Degradação de compostos tóxicos e de fatores antinutricionais da torta de pinhão manso por Pleurotus ostreatus / Degradation of toxic and antinutritional compounds present in the Jatropha cake by Pleurotus ostreatus

Luz, José Maria Rodrigues da 24 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:51:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 1426624 bytes, checksum: 8ec26861eeae9b5c7bd7e331f352548c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-24 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The oil extraction from Jatropha curcas seeds as raw material to biodiesel production releases a large quantity of solid residue, called cake.This Jatropha cake is formed by lignocellulolytic residues, water, minerals salts, but also contains toxic compounds and antinutritional factors. The correct destination of this residue is of great interesting to biofuel industries. The use of these residues as a substrate to grow the white rot fungi, Pleurotus ostreatus, may be a low cost alternative to produce the economic and industrial interesting products such as enzymes, proteins and edible mushrooms. Moreover, this fungus produces enzyme capable of degrade different toxic compounds and antinutritional factors. ln this study Jatropha cake, pure or in mixture with agro-industrial residues, was used as substrate to grow P. ostreatus objecting to produce mushrooms, eliminate phorbol ester, antinutritional factors and also, to evaluate the reduce lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose. After 45 days of P. ostreatus mycelia inoculation in the substrate, it was observed high production of fungus biomass, and degradation of 50 % of lignin and 20 % of cellulose and hemicellulose. The substrates which present higher fungus biomass production and lignocellulolitic degradation were used to assess the ability of P. ostreatus to produce mushroom and to degrade phorbol ester, phytic acid and tannins. After 60 d of incubation, it was observed good production of mushroom, reduction of lignocellulolytic compounds and loss of dry mass, reduction of phytic acid in 95 % and 85 % of tannins (equivalent a tannin acid) and 99 % of phorbol ester. These mushrooms and the substrates after 60 d of colonization by P. ostreatus had concentrations of phorbol esters smaller than that found in provenances of non toxic J. curcas from México. Therefore, P. ostreatus has the ability of degrade toxic compounds, antinutritional factors and lignooellulosio compounds present in Jatropha cake. The alternative of using Jatropha cake as substrate to mushroom and enzymes production, add value to this residues, as well as detoxifying it show high potential to use Jatropha cake as animal food, beyond deoreasing the environmental damage. / A produção de biodiesel utilizando o óleo da semente de pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas) como matéria-prima libera grande quantidade de resíduos sólidos, denominado de torta.Essa torta apresenta composição diversificada, contendo não só compostos ligninocelulósicos, água e sais minerais, mas também compostos tóxicos e fatores antinutricionais. A destoxificação e o reaproveitamento dessa torta de pinhão manso são de grande interesse da indústria do biocombustível. A utilização desses resíduos como substrato para cultivo de fungos de podridão branca, Pleurotus ostreatus, pode ser uma alternativa de baixo custo e que permite a produção de produtos de interesse econômico e industrial como enzimas, proteínas e cogumelos comestíveis. Além disso, esse fungo produz enzimas capazes de degradar diferentes substâncias tóxicas, fatores antinutricionais e compostos ligninocelulósicos. Neste trabalho, a torta de pinhão manso pura, ou em mistura com outros resíduos agroindustriais, foi utilizada como substrato para crescimento micelial de P. ostreatus visando à eliminação de compostos tóxicos, fatores antinutricionais e a redução do teor de lignina, celulose e hemicelulose. Inicialmente, para verificar a viabilidade micelilal e a degradação compostos ligninocelulósicos presente na torta de pinhão manso. P. ostreatus PLO 6 foi inoculado em substratos à base da torta de pinhão manso, adicionado ou não de resíduos agroindustriais. Após 45 dias de incubação, verificou-se elevada produção de biomassa fúngica, 50 % de degradação de lignina e 20 % de consumo de celulose e hemicelulose. Os substratos que apresentaram maior produção de biomassa fúngica e também a maior degradação de compostos ligninocelulósicos foram utilizados para avaliar a capacidade de P. ostreatus formar cogumelos, além de degradar éster de forboI, ácido fítico e taninos. Após 60 dias de incubação, observou-se boa produção de cogumelos e degradação de compostos Iigninocelulósicos, com significativa perda da massa seca, redução de 95 % de ácido fítico, 85 % de taninos (equivalente a ácido tânico), 99 % de éster de forboI e aIta produtividade de cogumelos. Após o período de incubação, tantos os cogumelos de P. ostreatus como os substratos utilizados apresentaram concentrações de éster de forboI menor que o encontrado em variedade de J. curcas não tóxicas do México. Conclui-se que P. ostreatus tem capacidade de degradar composto tóxico, fatores antinutricionais e compostos Iigninocelulósicos presentes na torta de pinhão manso. O uso alternativo de torta de pinhão manso como substrato para cultivo de cogumelos e enzimas, destoxificando-o, agrega vaIor a esse resíduo, e apresenta um aIto potencial do uso dessa torta como alimento, além de diminuir os danos ambientais causados peIo descarte direto.

Geoqu?mica de sedimentos de fundo dos rios Trair?, Arar? e da Laguna N?sia Floresta (RN)

Lima, Luis Ferreira de 11 February 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:19:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LuizFL.pdf: 1831867 bytes, checksum: 040666e9d798b8a1891e7af5671e135c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-02-11 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The metal concentrations (Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn ) and phosforus(P) had been determined analyzed through Plasma Inductively Coupled Plasme Mass Spectrometer for fine fraction, < 0,63 mm in 22 samples. The sample preparation for analysis had been make in the laboratories of geology of the UFRN. This samples procedures consists in register, dry, bolt and send to analysis in external laboratory (LAKEFIELD GEOSOL) in Belo Horizonte (MG, Brazil). The studied area involves the rivers Trairi, Arar? and N?sia Floresta lagoon, that empties in the sea, situated in the Rio Grande do Norte State. The study objects (Rivers Trair?, Arar? and N?sia Floresta lagoon) receive influences from urban dumpies, agrotoxics and fertilizer, shrimps tank, pastoral, with this, the concentrations of metals (Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, P, Zn) (except phosforus) in some points of the study area had been above of the value of reference what it leads to classify them as not polluted to moderately polluted, as the calculated Igeo. In front of discussed, can say about the environmental problems found in Trairi, Arar? and N?sia Floresta Lagoon are still in small scale, since when regard the studied ?rea is over human activity effects / Foram determinadas as concentra??es dos metais (Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn ) e do fosf?ro (P) analisadas atrav?s de Espectr?metro de Massa com Plasma Indutivamente Acoplado para fra??o fina, < 0,063 mm, em 22 amostras. A prepara??o das amostras para an?lise foi realizada nos Laborat?rios de Geologia da UFRN e consistiu em cadastrar, secar, peneirar e enviar para an?lise em laborat?rio externo (LAKEFIELD GEOSOL), em Belo Horizonte (MG). A ?rea estudada corresponde aos rios Tra?ri, Arar? e lagoa N?sia Floresta, que des?guam no mar, situados no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Os objetos de estudo (Rios Trair?, Arar? e lagoa N?sia Floresta) recebem influ?ncias de lixos urbano, agrot?xicos e adubos, viveiros de camar?es e pastoril; com isto, as concentra??es destes metais em alguns pontos da ?rea de estudo ficaram acima do valor de refer?ncia classificando-os como n?o polu?dos a moderadamente polu?dos, conforme o Igeo calculado. Diante dos dados obtidos conclui-se que os problemas ambientais encontrados nos rios Tra?ri, Arar? e lagoa N?sia Floresta s?o ainda de pequena escala, mesmo quando se considera que na ?rea estudada a atividade humana ? intensa

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