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Zahraniční studijní stáže jako forma mobility / International Study Exchange Programme as a Form of Student MobilityKrálová, Dana January 2010 (has links)
International Study Exchange Programmes as a Form of Student Mobility Abstract Czech students have been only little surveyed as a mobile population so far, despite the increasing importance of student mobility in the contemporary globalised world. This thesis examines student mobility on the example of Czech students from geographical departments of Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, who joined the Erasmus exchange programme as a part of their studies in the past five years (2005-2010). This study aims to analyze the directions and intensity of Erasmus student flows and motivation of students to take part in the student exchange programme. One of the main goals is also to measure the influence of the Erasmus study exchange on the potential international mobility of students. A multi-method approach is used in this case study, including questionnaire surveys among mobile students, interviews with Erasmus coordinators and a statistical analysis of existing data sources (especially the statistics of the geographical departments and the database of Czech National Agency for European Educational Programmes). The results show that the motivation to student mobility is influenced by many factors. The questionnaire data reveal a major importance of language and life experience as motivational...
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Statistická analýza spokojenosti posluchačů Univerzity třetího věku MZLU v BrněRanduchová, Lucie January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Elektronické studijní materiály v terciálním vzdělávání / Electronic learning materials in tertiary educationHejl, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on learning materials at University of Economics Prague. In the con-text of modern trends in tertiary education it highlights opportunities to improve learning process with electronic learning materials. The theoretical part discusses the role of learn-ing materials and e-learning in tertiary education. The practical part then continues to ana-lyse the current situation of learning materials at the University of Economics. The main focus of the thesis is on the availability of high quality electronic learning materials. When looking for possible solutions the thesis also explores approaches used at other universities in the Czech Republic and abroad. It concludes with evaluation of possible solutions and makes recommendations for improving the situation with electronic learning materials at the University of Economics.
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Metody a možnosti neskalárního a adaptivního testování ve výukových systémechDlabolová, Dita January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with a design of adaptive testing in educational systems, the aim of the designed adaptive test is to simulate an oral examination by a teacher. Tes-ted knowledge are represented in two new structures - study map and proposition map that also drive the test. The goal of the test is to create a connected graph depicting knowledge of the examinee that represents its non-scalar result. Methodology for creation the maps, design of a complex software solution and proposal for incorporation of the adaptive testing to existing LMS were created. The economic benefits of the solution are discussed in case of its utilisation at FBE MENDELU. The adaptive testing can be used on different levels of education, e.g. corporate education as is shown on a practical application. The main contribution of the thesis is complexity of the solution - the thesis deals all aspects of adaptive testing starting with creation of educational materials up final feedback after the test.
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Vplyv medzinárodnej mobility študentov na uplatnenie na trhu práceAdamčíková, Monika January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on international student mobility. Thesis defines the basic concepts of mobility, programs supporting the international mobility of students and the activities of the European Union in the field of tertiary education at international and national level. Based on the results of own research conducted through questionnaire and in-depth interviews the relationship between the graduation of international mobility and the employment of students is examined. Recommendations related to the support of development of mobility and cooperation between countries based on conducted qualitative and quantitative research are suggested.
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Akademický vývoj studentů se specifickou poruchou učení na EF a FROV / Academic development of students with learning disability at the Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of WatersMACHÁČKOVÁ, Jana January 2019 (has links)
My diploma work is divided into theoretical and practical part. In theoretical part I engage with particular defect of studying, their types and demonstration. I also deal with their diagnostic and amendment. In the connection to particular defects of studying I also describe the trouble of defect of behaviour, mostly ADHD, including the defect of studying of adults. I also focus on education of individual with the particular defect of studying at university. I describe the system of studying at university with the possibility of advantage for students with particular defect of stuyding. The end of my theoretical part I aim on University of South Bohemia itself, its history and operating of each faculty. In my practical part I deal with analyze of students´branch/programmes of daily studying in two faculties of University of South Bohemia - Faculty of Economy and the Faculty of Fishing. Each subjects which are taught in particular studying branch I analyze and I show the requirements which are needed to pass that subject. After this I try to deduce the charge on students which has been defined on the base of analyze of each students branch in different faculties. It will be confronted with the theoretical piece of knowledge, which relates to needs and rarity of the students with the particular defect of studying while being a student at university.
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Porovnání tělesné zdatnosti s prospěchem u dětí na základní škole / Comparison of physical fitness and overall school performance in children at basic schoolSýkorová, Alžběta January 2015 (has links)
Introduction: Physical fitness and academic achievement may constitute two interrelated variables. Students with higher physical fitness can achieve better learning outcomes in school. Objective: To determine whether students with better learning outcomes have also better outcomes in physical performance tests compared to students with low school achievement. Methods: 167 elementary and primary school students age 11.06 ± 2.4 years old (92 girls and 75 boys) participated in the comparative cross-sectional study. A special seven-item test battery was used to determine their level of physical fitness. Pupils were divided into two groups according to their learning outcomes statements. Results: Students with better learning outcomes had higher physical fitness in the individual tests in the most cases. Statistical analysis of standardized Z-score revealed a statistically significant better physical fitness (p ˂ 0.05) for all students with better learning outcomes in all age groups except the boys from the 2nd stage (p = 0.268). Conclusion: The results showed that students with better learning outcomes also had greater physical fitness. Keywords: academic achievement, physical fitness, elementary and primary school
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Statistika, počet pravděpodobnosti a pojistná matematika na Vysoké škole speciálních naukHeřmánek, Petr January 2006 (has links)
Práce pojednává o vzniku Vysoké školy speciálních nauk v roce 1920, o jejím předválečném vývoji, meziválečném vývoji i poválečném vývoji až do roku 1952, kdy byla škola zrušena. Hlavně je sledován vývoj na Ústavu statistiky a pojistné matematiky. Práce kromě vývoje učení na škole a studijních programů obsahuje i podrobnější údaje o jejích nejvýraznějších osobnostech.
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Pokusy z biochemie. / Laboratory preparation of biochemical compounds.LEŽEČKOVÁ, Šárka January 2011 (has links)
"Illuminating experiments I" is the second part of web-based database of chemical experiments and its suitability is especially for secondary schools. Seventeen experiments are presented in total (on internet from December 2010). Didactic elaboration includs clips, instructions and principles of experiments. Teaching aplications are suggested by questions and tasks. http://home.zf.jcu.cz/public/departments/kch/didaktika/didaktika.htm
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Pokusy z organické chemie / Laboratory preparation of organic compoundsHONSOVÁ, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
"Organic chemistry" is the fifth part of web-based database of chemical experiments. Eight experiments are presented in total in the diploma paper (on internet from May 2010). Didactic elaboration includs clips, instructions and principles of experiments. Teaching aplications are suggested by questions and tasks. http://home.zf.jcu.cz/public/departments/kch/didaktika/didaktika.htm
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