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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CRM and the use of internet in Electric & Machinery industry-TECO

Li, Chiamin January 2010 (has links)
<p>Everyone already knows what the customer relationship management is and it has been improved and managed by the internet, called electronic customer relationship management. The information technology, such as the internet, is making it easier for customers and industries. The purpose of this study is to analyze the customer relationship management in TECO Electric & Machinery Co.,Ltd. and how this could be improved via the internet with four research questions. Additionally, the primary information was conducted by a face-to-face interview with the managing director who has empirical experiences in that field and qualitative approach was utilized. The theories about the customer characteristic, customer involvement, the future customer relationship management, and the use of internet were used. In TECO, the main customer characteristics are financially attractive customers and the customer in a close relationship and the customers usually involved in the development stage of new product development processes. For the future orientation, TECO may be able to pay attention on people-driven application and take Amazon as an example in the use of the internet. Moreover, the probability of further research was discussed in this study.</p>

Customer Relationship Management : En studie om hur företag arbetar med CRM och orsaker till misslyckade implementeringsförsök / Customer Relationship Management : A study of how companies work with CRM and causes of failure of implementation attempts

Rönn, Magnus January 2012 (has links)
In relation to the paradigm shift that took place between the marketing mix and relationship marketing, and the emergence of information technology in the 90:s, the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has become a frequently used concept in marketing. Most definitions and approaches have been generated from previous studies, but the concept is still criticized for the number of failed implementation attempts. Along a discussion of the area has an elaborate theoretical foundation remained as the foundation for the study development and utilized in all the sections of the study. The study, with help from Gartner's eight building blocks of CRM, focus on how Swedish medium and large companies work with CRM, and if this is an indicator of the number of failed implementation attempts. The survey consists of two approaches, qualitative and quantitative, to provide both depth and generalizability of the study. The qualitative approach consists of interviews with six CRM managers, while the quantitative approach is a survey that 75 CRM professionals, at various large companies in Sweden, have responded. The results and analysis are presented along the two paragraphs, independently of one another. The analysis shows that Swedish companies today are not at the forefront of CRM and half are still living with a reluctance opinion to change along the customer's needs. The conclusion shows, however, that, although companies are not working correctly in all areas, taking place today is an immense change in the majority of the companies. / I förhållande till det paradigmskifte som ägt rum mellan marknadsföringsmixen och relationsmarknadsföring, samt framväxten av informationstekniken på 90-talet, har Customer Relationship Management (CRM) övergått till att vara ett frekvent nyttjat begrepp inom marknadsföring. Flertalet definitioner och tillvägagångssätt har genererats från tidigare studier, men området kritiseras fortfarande för antalet misslyckade implementeringsförsök. Utefter en diskussion kring området har en utarbetad teoretisk grund legat som fundament för studiens utveckling och nyttjats i studiens samtliga avsnitt. Denna studie har, med Gartners the eight building block of CRM, fokuserat på hur svenska mellan- och storföretag arbetar med CRM och vilka orsakerna är till misslyckade implementeringsförsök. Undersökningen består av två ansatser, kvalitativ och kvantitativ, för att både ge djup och generaliserbarhet till studien. Den kvalitativa ansatsen består av intervjuer med sex stycken CRM-ansvariga, medan den kvantitativa ansatsen är en enkätundersökning som 75 CRM-ansvariga, på varierande storföretag i Sverige, har besvarat. Resultatet och analysen är presenterad utefter de två ansatserna, fristående från varandra. Analysen visar på att svenska storföretag idag inte är i framkant av CRM och hälften lever fortfarande med en motvilja att förändras utefter kundens behov. Slutsatsen visar likväl på att, även om företagen inte arbetar korrekt inom samtliga områden, pågår idag ett stort förändringsarbete hos huvudparten av företagen.

CRM and the use of internet in Electric &amp; Machinery industry-TECO

Li, Chiamin January 2010 (has links)
Everyone already knows what the customer relationship management is and it has been improved and managed by the internet, called electronic customer relationship management. The information technology, such as the internet, is making it easier for customers and industries. The purpose of this study is to analyze the customer relationship management in TECO Electric &amp; Machinery Co.,Ltd. and how this could be improved via the internet with four research questions. Additionally, the primary information was conducted by a face-to-face interview with the managing director who has empirical experiences in that field and qualitative approach was utilized. The theories about the customer characteristic, customer involvement, the future customer relationship management, and the use of internet were used. In TECO, the main customer characteristics are financially attractive customers and the customer in a close relationship and the customers usually involved in the development stage of new product development processes. For the future orientation, TECO may be able to pay attention on people-driven application and take Amazon as an example in the use of the internet. Moreover, the probability of further research was discussed in this study.

CRM inom svensk IT-industri : En kvantitativ studie om kritiska faktorer vid implementering av CRM

Ersholt, Isak, Müller, Björn January 2015 (has links)
CRM, eller Customer Relationship Management är ett väletablerat begrepp bland företag och akademiker. Intressant är dock att implementeringen av CRM karakteriseras av en hög misslyckandegrad. Misslyckandegraden har varit hög oavsett bransch, företagsstorlek eller geografisk plats och det har inte skett någon förändring över tid. CRM är kostsamt att implementera och många företag klarar inte av att försöka genomföra en CRM-implementering flera gånger, därför tyckte vi att detta var ett intressant och viktigt forskningsområde. Vi ville studera vilka faktorer som är kritiska för att lyckas med CRM-implementering inom en tidigare outforskad bransch, det blev IT-industrin eftersom det är en växande bransch i Sverige. Vi valde att inrikta oss till små och medelstora företag (SMEs) eftersom denna företagskategori var mindre utforskad än stora företag i avseende på CRM-implementering.   Syftet med studien är att identifiera kritiska faktorer med målet att minska misslyckandegraden av CRM-implementeringar inom svensk IT-industri. Studien avser således vägleda IT-företag i att utföra framgångsrika CRM-implementeringar. Vi använde ett deduktivt angreppssätt vid utförande av studien, där vi använde oss av tidigare forskning inom vad som är kritiskt för CRM-implementeringar, som sedan skickades ut i en enkät till svenska IT-företag. Med hjälp av svaren från respondenterna angående de olika variablerna kunde vi utföra en explorativ faktoranalys, från vilken vi kunde extrahera kritiska faktorer gällande CRM-implementering.   I enkäten valde vi att ställa två kategorier av frågor, en A- och en B-fråga. Poängen med detta var att vi både kunde fråga hur de gjorde (B) och vad de tyckte var viktigast (A) vid sin CRM-implementering. Med hjälp av detta kunde vi föra ett resonemang om vilka skillnader det finns mellan utförande kontra vad som i efterhand ses som viktigast. Även om störst vikt läggs vid A-faktorerna, tycker vi det är viktigt att utreda vilka skillnader och likheter som finns mellan A- och B-faktorerna.   De fem A-faktorer som företagen ansåg som mest kritiska för CRM-implementering i fallande ordning var: Personal, Processer, Kunder, Utvärdering och CRM-träning samt CRM-uppfattning och engagemang. De fem B-faktorerna som framkom som mest kritiska i fallande ordning för CRM-implementering var: Organisation, Strategi, Kunder, Utvärdering och processer samt Teknologi. Dessa faktorer utmynnade i fyra rekommendationer till svenska IT-företag gällande deras CRM-implementeringar: fokusera på personalen, negligera inte träning och utvärdering av CRM, glöm inte bort kunderna samt fokusera inte allt för mycket på strategi och teknik.

Analytické CRM - přehled trhu a trendy / Analytical CRM - market overview and trends

Prochásková, Jana January 2008 (has links)
Analytical CRM is a consistent suite of analytical applications that processes customer data stored in various information systems. The results are used to measure, predict and optimize customer relationships. The CRM applications market is growing despite the economic turmoil. The major trends are: CRM as a service, focus on customer retention and loyalty and last but not least achieving cost savings by effective targeting of marketing activities. The purpose of this paper is to define the business architecture of CRM systems and analytical CRM, analysis of the market and its trends, introduction of Good Data's approach to customer analytics and suggestions for possible extension of their Customer Analytics service.

Customer Relationship Management : På vilket sätt arbetar svenska foöretag med CRM och finns det goda förutsättningar för att bedriva ett framgångsrikt arbete?

Jonsson, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Sedan början på 90-talet och informationsteknikens intågande kan vi nu snabbare än någonsin hämta information från världens alla hörn. Detta gör att spelplanen för företag har förändrats radikalt och företag måste anpassa sig till kunden på ett helt annat sätt än tidigare. Denna utveckling har tvingat företag att förstå vikten av att se kundens relation till företaget som en värdeskapande process som syftar till att utveckla långvariga relationer parterna emellan. Detta kombinerat med utvecklingen av informationstekniken (IT) och hanteringen av datalagring under 1990-talet har tillsammans skapat begreppet Customer Relationship Management, förkortat CRM. Begreppet kan beskrivas som en strategisk metod som används av företag för att öka förståelsen för kunders behov. En lyckad CRM implementering och strategi ökar hävstången för marknadsföring, försäljning, personalhantering och ger större möjlighet att lyckas med att maximera lönsamheten med varje kund. Men att arbeta med CRM är svårt och en misslyckad CRM- implementering kan förutom att skada även förstöra kundrelationer. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka vilka förutsättningar svenska företag har att arbeta med Custom Relationship Management samt utreda vilka faktorer som blir viktigast i det kommande arbetet med att skapa långvariga och lönsamma kundrelationer. För att besvara ovanstående syfte har studien utgått ifrån en metodtriangulering där kvantitativ samt kvalitativ undersökning har genomförts. Undersökningen består av fyra intervjuer samt 72 enkätsvar där samtliga respondenter har haft god översikt i det representerade företagets kundhantering. Eftersom forskaren ämnat förklara verkligheten för dessa företag samt utgått ifrån teorin ”the eight building blocks” har studien antagit ett positivistiskt synsätt och ett deduktivt angreppsätt. Efter analys av studiens insamlade empiri antyder undersökningen att en stor del av företagen arbetar för att förbättra sina kundrelationer. Det slutgiltiga resultatet av denna studie visar att företag har delar av rätt förutsättningar för att arbeta med CRM, men att det finns stort utrymme för effektivisering och förbättring.

Hur betydelsefull är CRM data? : En studie om användandet av CRM-system inom livsmedelskedjorna ICA och Coop

Selö, Nathalie, Andersson, Jessica January 2012 (has links)
During the last few decades a new kind of business operation have developed and this has forced organisations to adapt themselves to a new competitive environment characterized by increased customer demands as well as a larger amount of competitors. Therefore companies have had a shift in their strategies from focusing on sales numbers to focusing on the customer. To build lasting customer relationships, in order to create customer loyalty, have become an important part of the organisational strategy and the collection of consumer data is essential in achieving this loyalty. Customer relationship management systems assist organisations in managing information about individual customers as well as managing all aspects of customer contact, with the purpose of increasing customer loyalty towards the company. The collection of consumer data also enables for companies to design personalized offers to individual customers in the form of direct marketing. Since Swedish grocery stores have a low degree of loyalty amongst their customers they are one example of businesses who collects information about their consumers in order to influence customer loyalty. To be able to answer our problem definition and the purpose of this essay we used two empirical studies as well as a theoretical base consisting of mainly literature and scientific articles. Both the empirical studies and the theoretical base focused on the three key aspects of this essay; direct marketing, CRM-systems and customer loyalty. We used a qualitative method in the empirical studies since we wanted to get deeper and more detailed information, regarding the subjects in our study, than a quantitative approach would have resulted in. Since this study is based on only two interviewees we found that a qualitative method was optimal for our study, partly to be able to compare and analyse the different responses with each other but also with the collected theories. We chose to focus our empirical study on the two largest grocery stores in Sweden; ICA and Coop because of their size on the Swedish market in order to enable a certain degree of generalization. The two interviewees from the different companies were chosen as a result of their knowledge about the studied subject and also because of the difference in their positions within the companies, which we believe contributed to an increased depth in our analysis, discussion and conclusion. One conclusion that we reached is that the three key aspects; customer loyalty, CRM-systems and direct marketing are all linked together since they both affect and complement each other. Another conclusion that we have developed during this study is that the significance of CRM data in order to create customer loyalty within large Swedish grocery stores is dependent on the degree of sophistication within the computer system in relation to the company’s direct marketing.

Betydelsen av CRM-system i utvecklingen av kundrelationer

Carlsson, Dan, Jones, Erik January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong><strong>Date of seminar: </strong></strong>2009-05-28</p><p><strong>Course:</strong> Mälardalens Högskola, EIK021, Bachelor thesis in Business and Information Systems, 15hp</p><p> </p><p><strong>Authors:</strong> Dan Carlsson and Erik Jones, Västerås</p><p><strong>Title:</strong> The significance of CRM-systems in the development of customer relationships</p><p><strong>Tutor:</strong> Marie Mörndal</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Customer relationships, Relationship marketing, CRM, CRMsystem</p><p><strong>Problem:</strong> Throughout the years CRM has received increasingly amount of attention as a result of the technical development in the society.CRM has, during the last few years, become one of the most discussed subjects in the field of IT. However, there is an overconfidence on CRM-systems and that companies become better on handling and creating better customer relationships when implementing and using such a system. From this standpoint it’s important that companies understand the true meaning of CRM and it’s implications on the development of customer relationships. The essay is thus based on the following question: <em>What significance does a CRM-system have on companies’ development of customer relationships?</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose is to describe and analyze the significance of CRMsystems in companies’ development of customer relationships.</p><p><strong>Theory:</strong> The theoretical reasoning starts with describing and defining the term relationship, as relationships is a vital part in the relationship marketing. It continues with describing the implications of the term relationship marketing to offer a background and an understanding of the foundations of CRM and it’s purpose. Finally the terms CRM and CRM-systems are described to ascertain the significance of a CRM-system in the development of customer relationships.</p><p><strong>Method:</strong> The essay is based on a deductive approach and the structure of the essay is 90 % theory and 10 % empirics where the empirical material functions as a practical feature to the theoretical reasoning. The empirical investigation is of a qualitative nature and has been carried out on ABB.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Findings:</strong> CRM-systems probably have a relatively small significance in the development of customer relationships. What’s important is that companies have an all-embracing relationship philosophy within their organization with developed CRM-strategies. Considering this, CRM-systems can still be of much use in the handling of data and information in the specific customer relation.The essay is based on a deductive approach and the structure of the essay is 90 % theory and 10 % empirics where the empirical material functions as a practical feature to the theoretical reasoning. The empirical investigation is of a qualitative nature and has been carried out on ABB.The theoretical reasoning starts with describing and defining the term relationship, as relationships is a vital part in the relationship marketing. It continues with describing the implications of the term relationship marketing to offer a background and an understanding of the foundations of CRM and it’s purpose. Finally the terms CRM and CRM-systems are described to ascertain the significance of a CRM-system in the development of customer relationships.<p> </p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>

Betydelsen av CRM-system i utvecklingen av kundrelationer

Carlsson, Dan, Jones, Erik January 2009 (has links)
Date of seminar: 2009-05-28 Course: Mälardalens Högskola, EIK021, Bachelor thesis in Business and Information Systems, 15hp   Authors: Dan Carlsson and Erik Jones, Västerås Title: The significance of CRM-systems in the development of customer relationships Tutor: Marie Mörndal Keywords: Customer relationships, Relationship marketing, CRM, CRMsystem Problem: Throughout the years CRM has received increasingly amount of attention as a result of the technical development in the society.CRM has, during the last few years, become one of the most discussed subjects in the field of IT. However, there is an overconfidence on CRM-systems and that companies become better on handling and creating better customer relationships when implementing and using such a system. From this standpoint it’s important that companies understand the true meaning of CRM and it’s implications on the development of customer relationships. The essay is thus based on the following question: What significance does a CRM-system have on companies’ development of customer relationships?     Purpose: The purpose is to describe and analyze the significance of CRMsystems in companies’ development of customer relationships. Theory: The theoretical reasoning starts with describing and defining the term relationship, as relationships is a vital part in the relationship marketing. It continues with describing the implications of the term relationship marketing to offer a background and an understanding of the foundations of CRM and it’s purpose. Finally the terms CRM and CRM-systems are described to ascertain the significance of a CRM-system in the development of customer relationships. Method: The essay is based on a deductive approach and the structure of the essay is 90 % theory and 10 % empirics where the empirical material functions as a practical feature to the theoretical reasoning. The empirical investigation is of a qualitative nature and has been carried out on ABB.   Findings: CRM-systems probably have a relatively small significance in the development of customer relationships. What’s important is that companies have an all-embracing relationship philosophy within their organization with developed CRM-strategies. Considering this, CRM-systems can still be of much use in the handling of data and information in the specific customer relation.The essay is based on a deductive approach and the structure of the essay is 90 % theory and 10 % empirics where the empirical material functions as a practical feature to the theoretical reasoning. The empirical investigation is of a qualitative nature and has been carried out on ABB.The theoretical reasoning starts with describing and defining the term relationship, as relationships is a vital part in the relationship marketing. It continues with describing the implications of the term relationship marketing to offer a background and an understanding of the foundations of CRM and it’s purpose. Finally the terms CRM and CRM-systems are described to ascertain the significance of a CRM-system in the development of customer relationships.

Řízení vztahů se zákazníky v podmínkách finanční instituce

Rumlová, Kristina January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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