Spelling suggestions: "subject:"recruiting"" "subject:"erecruiting""
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Metodes van werwing, keuring en opleiding van pleegouers vir die doeltreffende versorging van sorgbehoewende kindersVan Der Veen, Danielle 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: According to the South African Constitution, every child has the right to parental care, family care or an approriate form of alternative care. In 2005 in South Africa over 3.4 million orphans did not have access to this right. This was as a result of a shortage of alternative care options.
The motivation for this study emerged because foster care is the first placement option for family-based care in South Africa. However there is still a gap in South African literature on the recruitment of foster parents, especially the recruitment of non-relative foster parents and foster parents for cluster foster care homes. Without the knowledge of how to recruit and train foster parents effectively, many children in need of care would stay void of their constitutional rights in this regard.
To explore the methods of recruitment, selection and training of foster parents, a combination of quantitative and qualitative research approaches were utilised. Together with that approach an exploratory design, was used. This was done to explore the research topic in literature and examine the views of social workers on the recruitment, selection and training of foster parents. In the literature study the nature and structure of foster care was examined in the context of the South African legislation, followed by an outline of the criteria of children in need of care according to the Children's Act (38/2005). The different phases of the foster care process were discussed according to the tasks and responsibilities of the social worker during this process. Then the different methods of recruitment, selection and training of foster parents were discussed individually on the basis of national and international literature. The exploratory research design was used for the purpose of the empirical study to investigate and analyse the views of social workers regarding the recruitment, selection and training of foster parents.
Finally conclusions and recommendations were made based on the findings of the empirical study in order to recommend ways for social workers to be more effective in recruitment, selection and training of foster parents for the large number of children in need of alternative care. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Elke kind in Suid-Afrika het die reg volgens die Grondwet (1996:1255) tot ouerlike sorg, familiesorg, of andersins tot gepaste alternatiewe sorg. In 2005 het 3.4 miljoen weeskinders in Suid-Afrika nie toegang gehad tot hierdie reg nie, as gevolg van `n tekort aan alternatiewe sorg opsies.
Die motivering vir hierdie studie is omdat pleegsorg die eerste plasingsopsie as gesinsgebaseerde-sorg in Suid-Afrika is terwyl daar ʼn leemte in Suid-Afrikaanse literatuur bestaan oor die werwing van pleegouers, spesifiek die werwing van nie-familie lede as pleegouers en pleegouers vir groep pleegsorg skemas. Indien nie genoeg pleegouers gewerf en opgelei word as versorgers van sorgbehoewende kinders nie, word die reg van ouerlike sorg steeds van vele sorgebehoewende kinders weerhou.
Om metodes van werwing, keuring en opleiding van pleegouers te ondersoek is ʼn kombinasie van kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenaderings gebruik, tesame met `n verkennende ontwerp om eers die navorsingskwessie in die literatuur te verken en dan te ondersoek wat die sienings van maatskaplike werkers is oor die werwing, keuring en opleiding van pleegouers. Eerstens word die aard en struktuur van pleegsorg in die konteks van die Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing ondersoek, gepaardgaande met `n definieering van die kriteria van sorgbehoewendendheid van kinders volgens die Kinderwet (38/2005). Die verskillende fases van die pleegsorg proses is volgens die take en verantwoordelikhede van die maatskaplike werker bespreek. Tweedens is die verskillende metodes van werwing, keuring en opleiding van pleegouers afsonderlik bespreek aan die hand van nasionale en internasionale literatuur. Die verkennende navorsingsontwerp is vir die doel van die empiriese studie gebruik om die sienings van maatskaplike werkers oor die werwing, keuring en opleiding van pleegouers te ondersoek en te ontleed.
Laastens word daar gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings geformuleer wat gebaseer is op die bevindinge van die studie ten einde maatskaplike werkers te lei om meer effektief pleegouers te werf, keur en op te lei vir die groot aantal sorgbehoewende kinders wat volgens die Grondwet(1996:1255) die reg het op ouerlike sorg.
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A clash of cultures : exploring the perceptions and experiences of South African youth towards the military as an employer of choiceSmith, Megan 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With the shift to an all-volunteer force and the end of the Cold War, armed forces across the globe
are finding it increasingly difficult to attract, recruit and retain the right quantity and quality of recruits
in the ranks. Similarly, the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) has expressed difficulties
with recruitment but more so with the ability to attract ‘high calibre’ recruits in order to staff a defence
force that is disciplined and technologically advanced. Although this is a consequence of various
economic, social and political factors, one of the greatest challenges facing recruiters is the changing
work values and preferences of the new millennial generation. As the title of this thesis postulates,
evidence from the West suggests a ‘clash’ in values between millennials, who are individualistic,
protected, ambitious and self-centred, and the military, which requires conformity, obedience and
structure. While there is a vast amount of literature regarding the all-volunteer force and youth values
of military service in the West, there is no study of this kind in South Africa.
In this study, I aim to fill this void by exploring young South Africans’ perceptions and experiences
of military service. As there is no existing literature on the propensity to enlist in South Africa, focus
groups and interviews were conducted with high school learners, Military Skills Development System
(MSDS) members who have completed one year of military service and recruitment officers who
come into contact with school-leavers from across South Africa. These discussions were framed
around two broad questions, namely what are the work values of young South Africans and what
factors attract young people to or deter them from the military job.
The conclusion is reached that the SANDF is not an employer of choice because of various
institutional and societal factors. The military job is largely unappealing to young South Africans,
who are risk-averse, individualistic and wish to be in close proximity to their families. The culture of
the military is also unattractive to the majority who are not receptive to authoritarian regimes that
expect unquestioning obedience and discipline and emphasise hegemonic masculine ideals. Besides
this, two societal forces have a significant impact on the ability of the ability of the SANDF to attract
recruits. The decline in the prestige of the military job and the presence of an ever-growing civilmilitary
gap indicate that youth are neither informed about the military nor see the military as a high
status job in society. Consequently, the inability of the SANDF to meet recruitment targets can be
detrimental to the ability of the SANDF to fulfil its mandate. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die verskuiwing na weermagte wat geheel en al uit vrywilligers bestaan en die einde van die
Koue Oorlog vind gewapende magte wêreldwyd dit steeds moeiliker om voldoende rekrute van die
regte kwaliteit te lok, te werf en te behou. Ook die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW)
ervaar probleme met werwing, maar veral met die vermoë om ‘hoëkaliber’-rekrute te lok na ’n
weermag wat gedissiplineer en tegnologies gevorderd is. Hoewel dit die gevolg van verskeie
ekonomiese, sosiale en politieke faktore is, is een van die grootste uitdagings vir werwingspersoneel
die veranderende werkwaardes en werkvoorkeure van die nuwe milenniumgenerasie. Soos die titel
dit stel, dui getuienis uit die Weste op ’n ‘waardekonflik’ tussen hierdie generasie, wat
individualisties, beskut, ambisieus en selfgesentreerd is, en die militêr, wat konformiteit,
gehoorsaamheid en struktuur vereis. Hoewel daar ’n magdom literatuur oor vrywilligersmagte en
jeugwaardes van militêre diens in die Weste bestaan, is geen studie van hierdie aard nog in SuidAfrika
onderneem nie.
Met hierdie studie wil ek hierdie leemte vul deur jong Suid-Afrikaners se persepsies en ervarings van
militêre diens te verken. Aangesien daar geen literatuur bestaan oor geneigdheid om by die weermag
in Suid-Afrka aan te sluit nie, is fokusgroepe gehou en onderhoude gevoer met hoërskoolleerders,
MSDS-lede wat hul eerste diensjaar voltooi het en werwingsoffisiere wat met landwyd met
skoolverlaters in aanraking kom. Hierdie gesprekke is afgegrens deur twee breë vrae, naamlik wat
die werkwaardes van jong Suid-Afrikaners is en watter faktore jong mense na of van die militêre
werk lok of afstoot.
Die gevolgtrekking is dat die SANW om verskeie institusionele en maatskaplike redes nie ’n
voorkeurwerkgewer is nie. Jong Suid-Afrikaners, wat risikoweersinnig en individualisties is en naby
hulle familie wil bly, vind ʼn militêre loopbaan breedweg onaantreklik. Die militêre kultuur spreek
ook nie die meerderheid aan nie, wat nie ontvanklik is vir outoritêre regimes wat onverbiddelike
gehoorsaamheid en dissipline eis en hegemoniese manlike ideale beklemtoon nie. Hierbenewens is
daar twee samelewingsfaktore wat ʼn beduidende impak het op die SANW se vermoë om rekrute te
werf. Die kwynende prestige van ʼn militêre loopbaan en die teenwoordigheid van ʼn steeds groeiende
kloof tussen siviel en militêr dui daarop dat jongmense nóg oor die militêr ingelig is nóg dit as ’n
werk met status in die samelewing beskou. Gevolglik kan die SANW se onvermoë om
werwingsteikens te behaal sy vermoë om sy mandaat uit te voer nadelig beïnvloed.
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Designing a marketing strategy for the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology at Stellenboshc UniversityVan der Vyver, Mathilda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology (C+B) is a research centre that provides
bursaries for post-graduate students to study in the field of "Invasion Biology". One of the
goals of the centre is to ensure that 50% of the funded students are from previously
disadvantaged groups. However, since its inception in 2004 it has consistently been
unable to meet this goal.
The researcher, who has insight in the centre's marketing activities and has knowledge of
marketing, is of the opinion that the reason for this failure is due to the lack of knowledge
of the target market and the lack of a targeted marketing strategy.
As background this report investigates the theory related to marketing and whether this is
applicable to a centre such as the C-I-B. The conclusion that the marketing theory is
relevant to the C-I-B, lead to a market research project that informed the development of a
marketing strategy suggestion which the researcher believes will address the stated
The report concludes with recommendations to other stakeholders who should address the
deeper lying problems which surface at secondary school level. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Sentrum van Uitnemendheid vir Indringer Biologie (S-I-S) is 'n sentrum wat beurse
voorsien vir nagraadse studente wat studeer in die veld van "Indringer Biologie". Een van
die sentrum se doelwitte is om te verseker dat 50% van sy studente deur voorheen
benadeelde groepe verteenwoordig word. Sedert sy ontstaan in 2004 kon die sentrum nog
nooit hierdie doel bereik nie.
Die navorser, wat insae het in die bemarkingsaktiwiteite van die sentrum en kennis dra
van bemarkingsbeginsels, is van mening dat hierdie probleem die gevolg is van
gebrekkige kennis van die teikenmark en 'n gebrek aan 'n gefokusde bemarkingsstrategie.
As agtergrond ondersoek hierdie verslag die teorie ten opsigte van bemarking en of
hierdie teorie relevant is vir 'n sentrum soos die S-I-B. Die gevolgtrekking was dat die
teorie wel relevant is vir die S-I-B en het gelei tot 'n marknavorsingsprojek wat bygedra het
tot die ontwikkeling van 'n bemarkingsstrategie voorstel, wat die navorser glo die
probleem sal aanspreek.
Die verslag sluit af met voorstelle aan die ander belanghebbendes wat
verantwoordelikheid behoort te neem vir die dieperliggende probleme wat op sekondere
vlak geidentifiseer is.
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Evaluation of the attrition and retention strategy for the South African NavyMcGregor, Graham Brian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This report investigates and evaluates the attrition rate and retention strategy employed by the South African Navy. The report also identifies gaps and makes recommendations for improvements, namely to decelerate the attrition rate and maintain a sustainable human resource component readily available to fulfil the South African Navy’s core business. It evaluates retention policies and the associated reasons for the rate of attrition. It also evaluates the success of the strategy employed by the South African Navy to attain and retain the required skills in order to contribute to the South African Navy’s sustained capability to serve South Africa.
The literature review discusses the theoretical basis of the retention strategies and factors influencing the attrition rate of the South African Navy, the Department of Defence, the United States Navy, the Swiss Army and the Asian region. This has been done in order to establish a trend and find working solutions that will provide the underpinning for the recommendations proposed to decelerate the attrition rate in the South African Navy.
The methodology for this study entails the use of qualitative methods – a questionnaire in this case – to collect data to obtain information on the reasons for the attrition rate. The information will also be used to reflect on the experience of the identified set of personnel who has exited the South African Navy between 1 January 2007 and 30 June 2008.
The exited personnel members of the South African Navy, who form the basis of the sample for the study, had to complete a structured questionnaire.
The data collection method also helped to identify specific social behaviour patterns or attitudes among staff members. This information is useful to provide insight into the main reasons for the attrition rate experienced by the South African Navy.
The findings indicate that the majority of members who resigned from the South African Navy did so for higher salaries. This further indicates that the South African Navy’s salaries are not sufficiently competitive to retain members because private-sector salaries are much higher.
An overwhelming number also indicated that the morale in the South African Navy is not good. This shows that members’ morale, which is a priority area in most organisations, is not at a desired level. This certainly contributes to the rate of attrition in the South African Navy.
The majority of members feel that they did not receive appropriate support to enable them to do their work in the South African Navy. This indicates that no individual support or support mechanisms are present in the South African Navy. This contributes to the individual not performing at levels that would benefit the South African Navy. The lack of support leads to unhappy employees, and this adds to the reasons why members choose to resign from the South African Navy.
The majority of members feel the Divisional System does not work the way it is supposed to work. The relationship between the divisional officer or line manager and the member is important for the South African Navy because this relationship forms the backbone of an efficient and effective South African Navy. It would appear that this area requires urgent attention to ensure the South African Navy maintains its operational capability.
Recommendations for improvements include a change in leadership culture. The South African Navy must note that retention strategies that focus on financial incentives for the target groups, although an effective short-term solution, must consider the following in order to help reduce the attrition rate: • A change in the leadership culture. • The establishment of an Employee Morale and Well-being Division.
The study highlights the challenges posed by the retention strategies and provides detailed research on the reasons for the attrition rate.
The South African Navy’s leadership will find it difficult to compete with the private sector. However, the research findings have led to the following recommendations to retain staff in the South African Navy: the improvement of the leadership culture, greater care, and well-being programmes that focus on the commitment of members of the South African Navy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verslag ondersoek en evalueer die natuurlike afnamekoers en retensiestrategie wat die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot volg. Die verslag doen ook aanbevelings ten opsigte van verbeterings, naamlik om die natuurlike afnamekoers te verlangsaam en ’n volhoubare menslike hulpbronkomponent in stand te hou wat geredelik beskikbaar is om in die behoeftes die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot se kernbesigheid te voorsien. Die verslag evalueer retensiebeleid en die verwante redes vir die natuurlike afnamekoers. Dit evalueer ook die sukses van die strategie wat die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot volg om die nodige vaardighede te vind en te behou om te kan bydra tot die Vloot se volgehoue vermoë om Suid-Afrika te dien.
Die literatuuroorsig bespreek die teoretiese grondslag van die retensiestrategieë en faktore wat die natuurlike afnamekoers in die volgende beïnvloed: die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot, die VSA se vloot, die Switserse weermag en die Asiatiese streek. Dit word gedoen om ’n tendens te bepaal en werkbare oplossings te vind wat die onderbou van die aanbevelings kan vorm wat gedoen word om die natuurlike afnamekoers in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot te verlangsaam.
Die metodologie vir hierdie studie behels die gebruik van kwalitatiewe metodes – ’n vraelys in hierdie geval – om data in te samel en om inligting te bekom oor die redes vir die natuurlike afnamekoers. Die inligting word ook gebruik om te besin oor die ervaring van ’n geïdentifiseerde groep personeellede wat tussen 1 Januarie 2007 en 30 Junie 2008 die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot verlaat het.
Die personeellede wat die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot verlaat het, vorm die grondslag van die steekproef vir hierdie studie. Hulle moes almal ’n gestruktureerde vraelys invul.
Die data-insamelingsmetode het ook gehelp om spesifieke sosiale gedragspatrone of houdings by personeellede te identifiseer. Hierdie inligting is ook gebruik om insig te verkry in die vernaamste redes vir die natuurlike afnamekoers wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot ervaar word.
Die bevindinge toon aan dat die meerderheid lede wat uit die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot bedank het dit vir hoër salarisse gedoen het. Dit toon ook aan dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot se salarisse nie mededingend genoeg is om lede te behou nie omdat salarisse in die private sektor heelwat hoër is.
’n Oorweldigende aantal mense het ook aangedui dat die moraal in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot nie na wense is nie. Dit toon dat lede se moraal, wat in die meeste organisasies 'n prioriteit is, nie op ’n verlangde vlak is nie. Dit dra gewis by tot die natuurlike afnamekoers in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot.
Die meerderheid lede voel dat hulle nie toepaslike ondersteuning ontvang sodat hulle hul werk in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot behoorlik kan doen nie. Dit dui daarop dat geen individuele ondersteuning of ondersteuningsmeganismes in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot teenwoordig is nie. Dit dra daartoe by dat individue nie presteer op vlakke wat die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot tot voordeel strek nie. Die gebrek aan ondersteuning lei tot ongelukkige werknemers, en dit is een van die redes waarom lede uit die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot bedank.
Die meerderheid lede voel dat die Afdelingstelsel nie werk soos dit veronderstel is om te doen nie. Die verhouding tussen die Afdelingsoffisier of lynbestuurder en die lid is belangrik vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot omdat hierdie verhouding die ruggraat van ’n doeltreffende en doelmatige Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot vorm. Dringende aandag moet hieraan geskenk word om te verseker dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot sy bedryfsbevoegdheid behou.
Aanbevelings vir verbeterings sluit ’n verandering in die leierskapkultuur in. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot moet daarop let dat retensiestrategieë wat op finansiële aansporings vir teikengroepe gegrond is bloot ’n doeltreffende korttermynoplossing bied. Hulle moet egter ook die volgende in ag neem om die natuurlike afnamekoers te help verminder: • ’n Verandering in die leierskapkultuur. • Die vestiging van ’n afdeling vir werknemer-moraal en -welsyn.
Die studie verken ook die uitdagings wat die retensiestrategieë bied en vors die redes vir die natuurlike afnamekoers deeglik na.
Die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot se leierskap sal dit moeilik vind om in die private sektor mee te ding. Die navorsingsbevindinge lei egter tot die volgende aanbevelings om personeel in die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot te behou: die verbetering van die leierskapkultuur, groter sorg, en welstandprogramme wat op die toewyding van lede van die Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot gerig is.
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Bibliotek för alla! Av alla? : En studie av bibliotekschefers tankar om mångfald inom biblioteksorganisationenMeier, Sarah January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines library managers' attitude to the composition of the library workforce and their perceived resources and power to promote a library workforce which better represents the community in which it operates. What do the managers consider causes this composition and what changes do they find possible to implement in the future. The method used for collecting the material was e-mail and telephone interviews. The material is analyzed mainly through Taylor Cox' theories about the multicultural organization in which Cox demonstrates the positive impact that cultural heterogeneity has at a workplace by creating non-discriminatory effective organizations in which people from all different socio-cultural backgrounds are included. Some intersectional theory and related research also form the basis for the analysis. The results show that managers are very much aware of the problem of an overly homogeneous library workforce. They express that diversity needs to increase in all public institutions for it to take place in a library context. They also believe that the most limiting factor of the ability to conduct successful diversity efforts is a lack of resources, time and budget. There is a widespread perception among the managers that a change in recruitment strategies must be implemented in order to overcome the homogeneity. The thesis further highlights a couple of managers' lack of sufficient diversity knowledge. Without the relevant knowledge among managers, one can not expect diversity strategies to be formulated adequately or implemented satisfactorily. Although the managers claim an eagerness to make a change, there is a lack of practical suggestions on which to act in their responses. However, it is not solely in the library managers' hands to improve the current situation, it requires everyone with influence on this issue to make it prioritized. This is a two years master’s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies.
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Primary health care delivery in rural India : examining the efficacy of a policy for recruiting junior doctors in KarnatakaSalins, Swarthick E. January 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of primary health care delivery in rural India but specifically focuses on aspects from Karnataka state. It broadly reflects on the differences that exist between urban and rural populations' access to healthcare. The concept of primary health care appears to have lost its lustre at present, it was once enthusiastically promoted in the late 1970s and 1980s but as chronic problems appeared to affect the smooth delivery of healthcare and nowadays major global bodies like the WHO and IMF have relegated primary health concept to a lower level. However in countries like India, which adopted this concept although its implementation has been riddled with complex ongoing problems, there are not sufficient grounds to abandon it completely. These problems are mainly due to the slow implementation, which has left a vast rural population with little or no access to healthcare. Primary health care strongly promotes equity of access hence is vital in many developing nations. Recruiting highly skilled personnel to work in rural health centres has been an ongoing problem, which hinders the effective delivery of healthcare. A policy followed by Karnataka state tries to rectify this problem by offering postgraduate positions to junior doctors who are willing to work in rural areas. The efficacy of this policy is closely examined from two perspectives. Those who consume healthcare in rural areas are given an opportunity to voice their concerns and also the doctors who work there represent the views of the providers of healthcare. This study was conducted in Bidar district, which lies in the north of Karnataka. Bidar is identified comparatively as a less developed district that has many problems associated with poverty and poor health status. In the process of conducting research a variety of interesting aspects have been highlighted. My hope is that relevant authorities identify with the problems and take measures that could benefit many people's lives. Interestingly it transpires from the views expressed by the rural population that they have a good grasp of what they think they will need to access a better form of healthcare from the existing system. However it appears that there is almost a universal fatalistic acceptance of them being helpless and voiceless about making any to change by their suggestions nor did most of them have a hope of influencing future prospects. The studies also indicated that where there is a better level of provision there the people tend to access healthcare from authentic sources as opposed to unregistered and unqualified personnel. The doctors suggested that the policy is very useful provide certain intrinsic changes are made. On the one hand they did accept that their cost benefit and academic value of this policy is great. On the other hand they suggested the hurdles put in the course of achieving the postgraduate position are arduous and often vague sets of guidelines are imposed, making it very hard to make a straightforward transition from working in rural areas to getting a postgraduate position of choice. The doctors working on temporary contracts appeared to suffer genuine discrimination especially due to number of years they spent trying to get permanent position, years which were not counted towards their ambition of further education. Where it appears there is very little difference in the roles and responsibility between permanent and temporary contract doctors the question of why it does not occur to the authorities to redress this issue is discussed.
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Marketing Strategies of the American Association of Bible Colleges Directed Toward Students with Nonreligious Vocational GoalKane, Michael J. (Michael James), 1953- 05 1900 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to determine the marketing strategies for attracting students who have nonreligious vocational goals (NRVG) that are employed by Bible colleges that are either accredited or candidates for accreditation of the American Association of Bible Colleges (AABC). Primary subpurposes were to determine the AABC's interest in marketing themselves.to NRVG; practice of educational marketing strategies toward NRVG; career planning programs and placement services available to NRVG; approaching employers with placement services for NRVG; making available seminars, placement services, and alumni networking for NRVG; and difference in marketing to NRVG according to a colleges' denomination, size, three year growth pattern, and estimated percentage of NRVG. An overview of the literature pertaining to educational marketing and marketing for a liberal arts education was given. The population chosen for this study was the accredited (87) and candidate for accreditation (15) Bible colleges of the AABC (102). Eighty (78.4%) colleges actually responded. The design of this study was survey research using a mailed questionnaire as the principal source of data collection. The statistics utilized were parametric (e.g., one-way analysis of variance and t test) and nonparametric (e.g., chi square). The results of the study indicated that AABC colleges were interested in marketing themselves to students with NRVG. Many of the colleges practiced common educational marketing strategies, but much more could be done. AABC colleges offered a number of effective career Planning programs and placement services, but failed to offer several strategic programs. The Colleges have approached employers in order to place students, but not to the extent they could. AABC colleges have not served or involved their alumni to the extent they could. The marketing strategies of the AABC did not significantly differ based on a college's denomination, size, three year growth pattern, and estimated percentage of students with NRVG. However, each of the four sets did have significant results.
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A Descriptive Study of Students Who Were Accepted for Admission at West Texas A&M University But Did Not EnrollBarton, Mary Edna 12 1900 (has links)
Each year, institutions of higher education devote valuable financial and personnel resources in the hope of enhancing student recruitment and matriculation. The purpose of this study was to examine the demographic characteristics, the factors that influenced students decisions to apply for admission to a university, their educational intentions, and their reasons for not enrolling after they had been admitted. The subjects of the study were first-time freshmen accepted for admission to a mid-size, public, southwestern university who did not enroll for the fall 1997 semester. Statistically significant differences were found when comparing no-shows and enrolled students by gender, ethnicity, age, ACT/SAT score, and distance of their hometown from the university. There were more female no-shows, and more males enrolled than females; a greater percentage of no-shows reported the distance of their hometown to be more than 200 miles; and the mean test score for no-shows was higher. Factors important in the college selection process found to be statistically significant among the groups were: a greater percentage of Minorities than Caucasians reported the importance of the financial aid award or a scholarship offer; students living within 100 miles of the campus reported the proximity of the university as important, advice received from current or former students and high school counselors was more important to those living more than 100 miles from the campus. Cost of attendance and scholarships were important to students with the higher test scores. Statistically significant reasons cited by the no-shows for not enrolling were more Minorities than Caucasians reported financial difficulties and job demands; students living farther from the campus reported attending other universities while those living within 100 miles reported attending a community college. Recommendations the university studied could pursue include: developing a program to follow-up on the no-shows, directing more energy at recruiting students living within 200 miles of the university, and increasing the availability of scholarships.
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Využití internetu pro získávání talentů / Use of Internet for Talent AcquisitionBárta, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents the current knowledge on the use of internet for the purpose of talent acquisition. Its main objective is to determine to what extent organizations emphasize this knowledge in practice. For this purpose the first chapter refers to the academic compilation of talent management concept. The aim is to define the term of talent within the talent management concept as well as within the personal management. The second charter presents the academic compilation in the field of recruitment focused on specifics in talented individuals acquiring. The third chapter presents current knowledge of internet recruitment. Next chapters focus on recruitment in practice by analyzing the online recruitment documentation of three specific organizations. Based on this analysis, it is apparent, that the surveyed organizations accentuate current trends to a large extent. Key words: talent management, talent acquisition, internet, e-recruitment, career website, job board site, social network, social recruiting.
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She’s the Boss – HR och kvinnligt chefskap : Hur Human Resources kan arbeta för att främja kvinnorschefskarriärerLinderfyhr, Jessica, Malm, Mikaela January 2017 (has links)
Enligt undersökningar som chefsorganisationen Ledarna publicerar årligen finns det en återkommande problematik med att rekrytera unga kvinnor till chefspositioner. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka vad som kan inverka på kvinnors vilja att söka en chefstjänst och att utforma en HR strategi som främjar och motiverar kvinnor att söka chefstjänster. Unga kvinnor kan känna tvekan inför chefskap på grund av känslan av bristande erfarenhet och svårighet med att identifiera sig med den stereotypa chefsnormen. Aspekter av chefskapet som motiverar är möjligheten att kunna påverka, fatta beslut samt personlig utveckling. Att en chef har hög arbetsbelastning är något som omnämns som negativt samtidigt som att utmaningen i chefskapet lockat intervjupersonerna. Fokus på svårigheter med att balansera chefskap och privatliv/familjeliv kan vara en generell förklaring till att färre unga kvinnor väljer en chefskarriär. Chefskapet innebär i många fall en möjlighet till flexibel arbetstid, vilket gynnar balansen mellan arbets- och privatliv. En nyckelfaktor för att kombinera chefskap med familj och barn är en jämställd fördelning av hushållsarbete och ansvar för barnen. Flera av intervjupersonerna har fått sin tjänst genom uppmuntran, något som varit avgörande för att anta chefskapet. För att motivera unga kvinnor till chefstjänster behövs ett engagemang där potentiella kvinnliga chefer upptäcks och uppmuntras till karriär. Arbetet grundas på en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer som insamlingsmetod. Resultaten har analyserats utifrån den teoretiska referensram som sammanställts inom fokusområdet. Genomgående följer arbetets uppbyggnad de tematiseringar som baseras på frågeställningarna: Vad är det som gör att unga kvinnor kan tveka inför chefskap? Vad kan motivera unga kvinnor att vilja bli chef? Hur kan arbetslivet som chef kombineras med privatlivet/familjelivet? Hur kan rekrytering förbättras för att motivera unga kvinnor att söka chefstjänster? / According to surveys conducted by the organization Ledarna, there is a recurrent problem of recruiting young women to senior positions. The purpose of this essay is to investigate what may affect women's desire to seek a managerial position and to design a HR strategy that promotes and motivates women to seek executive positions. Young women feel doubtful about manager positions because of the feeling of lack of experience and difficulty identifying themselves with the stereotype manage standard. Aspects of the management that motivate are the ability to influence, make decisions and gain personal development. The fact that a manager has a high workload is something that is referred to as negative while the challenge in the manager position attracted the interviewees. Focusing on difficulty in balancing work and private/family life can be an overriding explanation that fewer women choose a managerial career. In many cases, the manager position offers an opportunity for flexible working hours, which benefits the balance between work and private life. A key factor in combining management positions with family and children is an equal distribution of household work and responsibility for the children. Several of the interviewees have gained their position through encouragement, something that was crucial for the manager position. In order to motivate young women into management positions, engagement is needed in which female executive subjects are discovered and encouraged to career. The work is based on a qualitative approach with semi structured interviews as a collection method. The results are analyzed based on the theoretical reference frame compiled within the focus area. Throughout the structure of the work, the thematic approaches are based on the questions: What is it that makes young women doubt about leadership? What can motivate young women to want to become a manager? How can work life as a manager be combined with privacy/family life? How can recruitment be improved to motivate young women to seek executive positions?
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