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On Network Coding and Network-Error CorrectionPrasad, Krishnan January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The paradigm of network coding was introduced as a means to conserve bandwidth (or equivalently increase throughput) in information flow networks. Network coding makes use of the fact that unlike physical commodities, information can be replicated and coded together at the nodes of the network. As a result, routing can be strictly suboptimal in many classes of information flow networks compared to network coding. Network-error correction is the art of designing network codes such that the sinks of the network will be able to decode the required information in the presence of errors in the edges of the network, known as network-errors. The network coding problem on a network with given sink demands can be considered to have the following three major subproblems, which naturally also extend to the study of network-error correcting codes, as they can be viewed as a special class of network codes (a) Existence of a network code that satisfies the demands (b) Efficient construction of such a network code (c) Minimum alphabet size for the existence of such a network code.
This thesis primarily considers linear network coding and error correction and in- vestigates solutions to these issues for certain classes of network coding and error correction problems in acyclic networks. Our contributions are broadly summarised as follows.
(1) We propose the use of convolutional codes for multicast network-error correc- tion. Depending upon the number of network-errors required to be corrected in the network, convolutional codes are designed at the source of the multicast network so that these errors can be corrected at the sinks of the networks as long as they are separated by certain number of time instants (for which we give a bound). In con- trast to block codes for network-error correction which require large field sizes, using convolutional codes enables the field size of the network code to be small. We discuss the performance of such networks under the BSC edge error model.
(2)Existing construction algorithms of block network-error correcting codes require a rather large field size, which grows with the size of the network and the number of sinks, and thereby can be prohibitive in large networks. In our work, we give an algorithm which, starting from a given network-error correcting code, can obtain an- other network code using a small field, with the same error correcting capability as the original code. The major step in our algorithm is to find a least degree irreducible poly- nomial which is coprime to another large degree polynomial. We utilize the algebraic properties of finite fields to implement this step so that it becomes much faster than the brute-force method. A recently proposed algorithm for network coding using small fields can be seen as a special case of our algorithm for the case of no network-errors.
(3)Matroids are discrete mathematical objects which generalize the notion of linear independence of sets of vectors. It has been observed recently that matroids and network coding share a deep connection, and several important results of network coding has been obtained using these connections from matroid theory. In our work, we establish that matroids with certain special properties correspond to networks with error detecting and correcting properties. We call such networks as matroidal error detecting (or equivalently, correcting) networks. We show that networks have scalar linear network-error detecting (or correcting) codes if and only if there are associated with representable matroids with some special properties. We also use these ideas to construct matroidal error correcting networks along with their associated matroids. In the case of representable matroids, these algorithms give rise to scalar linear network- error correcting codes on such networks. Finally we also show that linear network coding is not sufficient for the general network-error detection (correction) problem with arbitrary demands.
(4)Problems related to network coding for acyclic, instantaneous networks have been extensively dealt with in the past. In contrast, not much attention has been paid to networks with delays. In our work, we elaborate on the existence, construction and minimum field size issues of network codes for networks with integer delays. We show that the delays associated with the edges of the network cannot be ignored, and in fact turn out to be advantageous, disadvantageous or immaterial, depending on the topology of the network and the network coding problem considered. In the process, we also show multicast network codes which involve only delaying the symbols arriving at the nodes of the networks and coding the delayed symbols over a binary field, thereby making coding operations at the nodes less complex.
(5) In the usual network coding framework, for a given set of network demands over an arbitrary acyclic network with integer delays assumed for the links, the out- put symbols at the sink nodes, at any given time instant, is a Fq-linear combination of the input symbols generated at different time instants where Fq denotes the field over which the network operates. Therefore the sinks have to use sufficient memory elements in order to decode simultaneously for the entire stream of demanded infor- mation symbols. We propose a scheme using an ν-point finite-field discrete fourier transform (DFT) which converts the output symbols at the sink nodes at any given time instant, into a Fq-linear combination of the input symbols generated during the same time instant without making use of memory at the intermediate nodes. We call this as transforming the acyclic network with delay into ν-instantaneous networks (ν is sufficiently large). We show that under certain conditions, there exists a network code satisfying sink demands in the usual (non-transform) approach if and only if there exists a network code satisfying sink demands in the transform approach.
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Energy Usage Evaluation and Condition Monitoring for Electric Machines using Wireless Sensor NetworksLu, Bin 16 November 2006 (has links)
Energy usage evaluation and condition monitoring for electric machines are important in industry for overall energy savings. Traditionally these functions are realized only for large motors in wired systems formed by communication cables and various types of sensors. The unique characteristics of the wireless sensor networks (WSN) make them the ideal wireless structure for low-cost energy management in industrial plants.
This work focuses on developing nonintrusive motor-efficiency-estimation methods, which are essential in the wireless motor-energy-management systems in a WSN architecture that is capable of improving overall energy savings in U.S. industry.
This work starts with an investigation of existing motor-efficiency-evaluation methods. Based on the findings, a general approach of developing nonintrusive efficiency-estimation methods is proposed, incorporating sensorless rotor-speed detection, stator-resistance estimation, and loss estimation techniques. Following this approach, two new methods are proposed for estimating the efficiencies of in-service induction motors, using air-gap torque estimation and a modified induction motor equivalent circuit, respectively. The experimental results show that both methods achieve accurate efficiency estimates within ¡À2-3% errors under normal load conditions, using only a few cycles of input voltages and currents. The analytical results obtained from error analysis agree well with the experimental results.
Using the proposed efficiency-estimation methods, a closed-loop motor-energy-management scheme for industrial plants with a WSN architecture is proposed. Besides the energy-usage-evaluation algorithms, this scheme also incorporates various sensorless current-based motor-condition-monitoring algorithms. A uniform data interface is defined to seamlessly integrate these energy-evaluation and condition-monitoring algorithms. Prototype wireless sensor devices are designed and implemented to satisfy the specific needs of motor energy management. A WSN test bed is implemented. The applicability of the proposed scheme is validated from the experimental results using multiple motors with different physical configurations under various load conditions. To demonstrate the validity of the measured and estimated motor efficiencies in the experiments presented in this work, an in-depth error analysis on motor efficiency measurement and estimation is conducted, using maximum error estimation, worst-case error estimation, and realistic error estimation techniques. The conclusions, contributions, and recommendations are summarized at the end.
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Desenvolvimento de um sistema automatizado e dedicado de medição / Development of an automated and dedicated measuring systemFabricio Tadeu Paziani 28 September 2005 (has links)
Sistemas dedicados de medição são especialmente recomendados para a inspeção repetida de uma característica mecânica. Entretanto, instrumentos e sistemas de medição apresentam erros que deterioram o resultado da inspeção. Tal circunstância demanda a aplicação de técnicas de separação de erros que viabilizem o desacoplamento dos erros induzidos pelo sistema de medição daqueles apresentados pelas peças medidas. Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar um sistema automatizado e dedicado à medição de erros de retilineidade e circularidade em componentes mecânicos. Um robô industrial foi empregado para operar dispositivos de medição específicos para cada tipo de medida. Entretanto, robôs industriais apresentam erros de posicionamento relativamente grandes que impedem a utilização do sistema de coordenadas do equipamento como referência para medições precisas. Para minimizar o efeito dos erros do sistema de medição sobre o valor medido, foram aplicadas técnicas multi-sensoriais de separação de erros. Na medição do erro de retilineidade, uma nova abordagem foi desenvolvida para minimizar a influência do erro de posicionamento axial dos sensores, que constitui a maior fonte de erros no processo de desacoplamento. Foram realizadas simulações computacionais e testes experimentais aplicados à medição do erro de retilineidade e de circularidade de vários artefatos que comprovaram a efetividade da metodologia utilizada. / Dedicated measuring systems are particularly recommended for the repetitive inspection of a mechanical feature. However, measuring instruments and systems present errors that deteriorate the result of the inspection. Such a circumstance demands the application of error separation techniques that perform decoupling of errors induced by the measuring system from part errors. This work aims to present an automated measuring system that is dedicated to the task of inspecting straightness and roundness errors in mechanical components. An industrial robot was employed to operate specific measuring devices for each measurement. However, industrial robots present relatively large positioning errors that prevent the use of their coordinate system as a reference to accurate measurements. In order to minimize the effect of the measuring system on the measured value, multi-probe error separation techniques were employed. On the straightness measurement, a new approach was developed to minimize the influence of the axial positioning error of the sensors, which consist of the major error source on the decoupling process. Computational simulations and experimental straightness and roundness tests were accomplished for various artefacts, which confirmed the effectiveness of the employed methodology.
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Non-réponse totale dans les enquêtes de surveillance épidémiologique / Unit Nonresponse in Epidemiologic Surveillance SurveysSantin, Gaëlle 09 February 2015 (has links)
La non-réponse, rencontrée dans la plupart des enquêtes épidémiologiques, est génératrice de biais de sélection (qui, dans ce cas est un biais de non-réponse) lorsqu’elle est liée aux variables d’intérêt. En surveillance épidémiologique, dont un des objectifs est d’estimer des prévalences, on a souvent recours à des enquêtes par sondage. On est alors confronté à la non-réponse totale et on peut utiliser des méthodes issues de la statistique d’enquête pour la corriger. Le biais de non-réponse peut être exprimé comme le produit de l’inverse du taux de réponse et de la covariance entre la probabilité de réponse et la variable d’intérêt. Ainsi, deux types de solution peuvent généralement être envisagés pour diminuer ce biais. La première consiste à chercher à augmenter le taux de réponse au moment de la planification de l’enquête. Cependant, la maximisation du taux de réponse peut entraîner d’autres types de biais, comme des biais de mesure. Dans la seconde, après avoir recueilli les données, on utilise des informations liées a priori aux variables d’intérêt et à la probabilité de réponse, et disponibles à la fois pour les répondants et les non-répondants pour calculer des facteurs correctifs. Cette solution nécessite donc de disposer d’informations sur l'ensemble de l'échantillon tiré au sort (que les personnes aient répondu ou non) ; or ces informations sont en général peu nombreuses. Les possibilités récentes d'accès aux bases médico-administratives (notamment celles de l'assurance maladie) ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives sur cet aspect.Les objectifs de ce travail, qui sont centrés sur les biais de non-réponse, étaient d’étudier l’apport de données supplémentaires (enquête complémentaire auprès de non-répondants et bases médico-administratives) et de discuter l’influence du taux de réponse sur l’erreur de non-réponse et l’erreur de mesure.L'analyse était centrée sur la surveillance épidémiologique des risques professionnels via l’exploitation des données de la phase pilote de la cohorte Coset-MSA à l’inclusion. Dans cette enquête, en plus des données recueillies par questionnaire (enquête initiale et enquête complémentaire auprès de non-répondants), des informations auxiliaires issues de bases médico-administratives (SNIIR-AM et MSA) étaient disponibles pour les répondants mais aussi pour les non-répondants à l’enquête par questionnaire.Les résultats montrent que les données de l’enquête initiale, qui présentait un taux de réponse de 24%, corrigées pour la non-réponse avec des informations auxiliaires directement liées à la thématique de l’enquête (la santé et le travail) fournissent des estimations de prévalence en général proches de celles obtenues grâce à la combinaison des données de l’enquête initiale et de l’enquête complémentaire (dont le taux de réponse atteignait 63%) après correction de la non réponse par ces mêmes informations auxiliaires. La recherche d'un taux de réponse maximal à l’aide d’une enquête complémentaire n’apparait donc pas nécessaire pour diminuer le biais de non réponse. Cette étude a néanmoins mis en avant l’existence de potentiels biais de mesure plus importants pour l’enquête initiale que pour l’enquête complémentaire. L’étude spécifique du compromis entre erreur de non-réponse et erreur de mesure montre que, pour les variables qui ont pu être étudiées, après correction de la non-réponse, la somme de l’erreur de non-réponse de l’erreur de mesure est équivalente dans l’enquête initiale et dans les enquêtes combinées (enquête initiale et complémentaire).Ce travail a montré l’intérêt des bases médico-administratives pour diminuer l’erreur de non-réponse et étudier les erreurs de mesure dans une enquête de surveillance épidémiologique. / Nonresponse occurs in most epidemiologic surveys and may generate selection bias (which is, in this case, a nonresponse bias) when it is linked to outcome variables. In epidemiologic surveillance, whose one of the purpose is to estimate prevalences, it is usual to use survey sampling. In this case, unit nonresponse occurs and it is possible to use methods coming from survey sampling to correct for nonresponse. Nonresponse bias can be expressed as the product of the inverse of the response rate and the covariance between the probability of response and the outcome variable. Thus, two options are available to reduce the effect of nonresponse. The first is to increase the response rate by developing appropriate strategies at the study design phase. However, the maximization of the response rate can prompt other kinds of bias, such as measurement bias. In the second option, after data collection, information associated with both nonresponse and the outcome variable, and available for both respondents and nonrespondents, can be used to calculate corrective factors. This solution requires having information on the complete random sample (respondents and nonrespondents); but this information is rarely sufficient. Recent possibilities to access administrative databases (particularly those pertaining to health insurance) offer new perspectives on this aspect.The objectives of this work focused on the nonresponse bias were to study the contribution of supplementary data (administrative databases and complementary survey among nonrespondents) and to discuss the influence of the response rate on the nonresponse error and the measurement error. The analyses focused on occupational health epidemiologic surveillance, using data (at inclusion) from the Coset-MSA cohort pilot study. In this study, in addition to the data collected by questionnaire (initial and complementary survey among nonrespondents), auxiliary information from health and occupational administrative databases was available for both respondents and nonrespondents.Results show that the data from the initial survey (response rate : 24%), corrected for nonresponse with information directly linked to the study subject (health and work) produce estimations of prevalence close to those obtained by combining data from the initial survey and the complementary survey (response rate : 63%), after nonresponse adjustment on the same auxiliary information. Using a complementary survey to attain a maximal response rate does not seem to be necessary in order to decrease nonresponse bias. Nevertheless, this study highlights potential measurement bias which could be more consequential for the initial survey than for the complementary survey. The specific study of the trade-off between nonresponse error and measurement error shows that, for the studied variables and after correction for nonresponse, the sum of the nonresponse error and the measurement error is equivalent in the initial survey and in the combined surveys (initial plus complementary survey). This work illustrated the potential of administrative databases for decreasing the nonresponse error and for evaluating measurement error in an epidemiologic surveillance survey.
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Desenvolvimento de um sistema automatizado e dedicado de medição / Development of an automated and dedicated measuring systemPaziani, Fabricio Tadeu 28 September 2005 (has links)
Sistemas dedicados de medição são especialmente recomendados para a inspeção repetida de uma característica mecânica. Entretanto, instrumentos e sistemas de medição apresentam erros que deterioram o resultado da inspeção. Tal circunstância demanda a aplicação de técnicas de separação de erros que viabilizem o desacoplamento dos erros induzidos pelo sistema de medição daqueles apresentados pelas peças medidas. Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar um sistema automatizado e dedicado à medição de erros de retilineidade e circularidade em componentes mecânicos. Um robô industrial foi empregado para operar dispositivos de medição específicos para cada tipo de medida. Entretanto, robôs industriais apresentam erros de posicionamento relativamente grandes que impedem a utilização do sistema de coordenadas do equipamento como referência para medições precisas. Para minimizar o efeito dos erros do sistema de medição sobre o valor medido, foram aplicadas técnicas multi-sensoriais de separação de erros. Na medição do erro de retilineidade, uma nova abordagem foi desenvolvida para minimizar a influência do erro de posicionamento axial dos sensores, que constitui a maior fonte de erros no processo de desacoplamento. Foram realizadas simulações computacionais e testes experimentais aplicados à medição do erro de retilineidade e de circularidade de vários artefatos que comprovaram a efetividade da metodologia utilizada. / Dedicated measuring systems are particularly recommended for the repetitive inspection of a mechanical feature. However, measuring instruments and systems present errors that deteriorate the result of the inspection. Such a circumstance demands the application of error separation techniques that perform decoupling of errors induced by the measuring system from part errors. This work aims to present an automated measuring system that is dedicated to the task of inspecting straightness and roundness errors in mechanical components. An industrial robot was employed to operate specific measuring devices for each measurement. However, industrial robots present relatively large positioning errors that prevent the use of their coordinate system as a reference to accurate measurements. In order to minimize the effect of the measuring system on the measured value, multi-probe error separation techniques were employed. On the straightness measurement, a new approach was developed to minimize the influence of the axial positioning error of the sensors, which consist of the major error source on the decoupling process. Computational simulations and experimental straightness and roundness tests were accomplished for various artefacts, which confirmed the effectiveness of the employed methodology.
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Error resilience for video coding services over packet-based networksZhang, Jian, Electrical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 1999 (has links)
Error resilience is an important issue when coded video data is transmitted over wired and wireless networks. Errors can be introduced by network congestion, mis-routing and channel noise. These transmission errors can result in bit errors being introduced into the transmitted data or packets of data being completely lost. Consequently, the quality of the decoded video is degraded significantly. This thesis describes new techniques for minimising this degradation. To verify video error resilience tools, it is first necessary to consider the methods used to carry out experimental measurements. For most audio-visual services, streams of both audio and video data need to be simultaneously transmitted on a single channel. The inclusion of the impact of multiplexing schemes, such as MPEG 2 Systems, in error resilience studies is also an important consideration. It is shown that error resilience measurements including the effect of the Systems Layer differ significantly from those based only on the Video Layer. Two major issues of error resilience are investigated within this thesis. They are resynchronisation after error detection and error concealment. Results for resynchronisation using small slices, adaptive slice sizes and macroblock resynchronisation schemes are provided. These measurements show that the macroblock resynchronisation scheme achieves the best performance although it is not included in MPEG2 standard. The performance of the adaptive slice size scheme, however, is similar to that of the macroblock resynchronisation scheme. This approach is compatible with the MPEG 2 standard. The most important contribution of this thesis is a new concealment technique, namely, Decoder Motion Vector Estimation (DMVE). The decoded video quality can be improved significantly with this technique. Basically, this technique utilises the temporal redundancy between the current and the previous frames, and the correlation between lost macroblocks and their surrounding pixels. Therefore, motion estimation can be applied again to search in the previous picture for a match to those lost macroblocks. The process is similar to that the encoder performs, but it is in the decoder. The integration of techniques such as DMVE with small slices, or adaptive slice sizes or macroblock resynchronisation is also evaluated. This provides an overview of the performance produced by individual techniques compared to the combined techniques. Results show that high performance can be achieved by integrating DMVE with an effective resynchronisation scheme, even at a high cell loss rates. The results of this thesis demonstrate clearly that the MPEG 2 standard is capable of providing a high level of error resilience, even in the presence of high loss. The key to this performance is appropriate tuning of encoders and effective concealment in decoders.
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Die Entwicklung antwortbezogener Hirnaktivität: Fehlerverarbeitung und Priming / Development of event related potentials: error processing and primingMuñoz Expósito, Silvia 16 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Prevalence and nature of medication errors in children and older patients in primary careOlaniyan, Janice Oluwagbemisoye January 2016 (has links)
AIM: To conduct a systematic literature review on the existing literature on the prevalence of medication errors across the medicines management system in primary care; To explore the systems of error management in primary care; to investigate the prevalence and nature of medication errors in children, 0-12 years, and in older patients, ≥65 years, in primary care; and to explore community pharmacists' interventions on medicines-related problems. METHODS: 1) Systematic literature review; 2) Questionnaire survey of Primary Care Trusts (PCTs), Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and NHS Area Teams; 3) Retrospective review of the electronic medical records of a random sample of older patients, ≥65 years old, and children 0-12 years old, from 2 general practices in Luton and Bedford CCGs, England; 4) Prospective observation of community pharmacists' interventions on medicines-related problems and prescribing errors from 3 community pharmacies in Luton and Bedford CCGs in England. DATA ANALYSIS: Quantitative data from records review were analysed using Microsoft Excel on data extracted from an Access database. Statistical tests of significance were performed as necessary. Descriptive statistics were conducted on quantitative data from the studies and inductive qualitative analyses were conducted on aspects of the questionnaire survey. RESULTS: • The systematic literature review demonstrated that medication errors are common, and occur at every stage of the medication management system in primary care, with error rates between ≤1% and ≥90%, depending on the part of the system studied and the definitions and methods used. There is some evidence that the prescribing stage is the most susceptible, and that the elderly (over 65 years) and children (under 18 years) are more likely to experience significant errors, although very little research has focussed on these age groups. • The questionnaire survey of PCTS, CCGs and NHSE demonstrated that national and local systems for managing medication errors appeared chaotic, and need to be better integrated to improve error learning and prevention in general practice. • The retrospective review of patients' medical records in general practices demonstrated that prescribing and monitoring errors are common in older patients and in children. 2739 unique prescription items for 364 older patients ≥65 years old were reviewed, with prescribing and monitoring errors detected for 1 in 3 patients involving about 1 in 12 prescriptions. The factors associated with increased risk of errors were: number of unique medications prescribed, being ≥75 years old, being prescribed medications requiring monitoring, and medications from these therapeutic areas: corticosteroid, NSAID, diuretic, thyroid and antithyroid hormones, statins and ACE-I/ARB. 755 unique prescription items for 524 younger patients 0-12 years old were examined, with approximately 1 in 10 prescriptions and 1 in 5 patients being exposed to a prescribing error. Factors associated with increased risk of prescribing errors in younger patients were: being aged ≤10 years old, being prescribed three or more medications, and from similar therapeutic areas as above. Majority of the errors were of mild to moderate severity. • Community pharmacists performed critical interventions as the last healthcare professional defense within the medicines management system in primary care. However, this role is challenged by other dispensary duties including the physical aspects of dispensing and other administrative roles. CONCLUSION Prescribing and monitoring errors in general practice, and older patients and children may be more at risk compared to the rest of the population, though most errors detected were less severe. Factors associated with increased risk for errors in these age groups were multifaceted. The systems for periodic laboratory monitoring for routinely prescribed drugs, particularly in older patients, need to be reviewed and strengthened to reduce preventable hospital admissions. Antibiotic dosing in children in general practice needs to be regularly reviewed through continued professional developments and other avenues. As guidance on local arrangements for error reporting and learning systems are less standardised across primary care organisations, pertinent data from adverse prescribing events and near misses may be lost. Interventions for reducing errors should therefore explore how to strengthen local arrangements for error learning and clinical governance. Community pharmacists and/or primary care pharmacists provide an important defence within the medicines management system in primary care. Policy discussions and review around the role of the pharmacist in primary care are necessary to strengthen this defence, and harness the potential thereof.
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Chyba ve výuce matematiky na základních školách / Error in teaching mathematics at elementary schoolsKrpálková, Romana January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the position of error in the teaching of mathematics in the awareness of pupils and teachers. It also focuses on the responses of pupils and teachers to errors. Main attention is paid to mathematical errors. The thesis consists of two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part contains an overview of selected error views. It contains a look at the development and changes of views on the concept of "error", the different concepts of error classification and pedagogical and psychological views on the term "error". The practical part is based on the research carried out at the 2nd level of two primary schools in Prague and Neratovice. Pupils filled in a questionnaire and a guided interview was conducted with teachers. KEYWORDS work with error, error classification, causes of errors, learning without errors, learning with error
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Identifikace aerodynamických charakteristik atmosférického letadla z výsledků letových měření / Aerodynamic Characteristics Identification of Atmospheric Airplane from Flight Measurement ResultsZikmund, Pavel Unknown Date (has links)
The thesis deals with aerodynamic characteristics identification from flight measurement. The topic is part of flight mechanic – handling qualities. The first theoretic part consists of three identification methods description: Error equation method, Output error method and Filter error method. Mathematical model of an airplane is defined and restricted to the motion with 3 degree of freedom. There is also introduced simulation of flight measurement for identification software validation. Practical part is focused on experiment preparation, execution and evaluation. The airplane VUT 700 Specto had been chosen to carry out flight tests. The airplane was modified to the new electric powered VUT 700e Specto after first measurement flights with combustion engine. Data record from on-board measurement unit was completed by telemetric data from autopilot and remote control system. Flight tests were carried out in stabilised mode of autopilot in symmetric flight. The results were confronted with analytical analysis results and DATCOM+ software parameter estimation.
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