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Os significados da experiência da doença e do tratamento para a pessoa com hipertensão arterial e o contexto do sistema de cuidado à saúde: um estudo etnográfico / The meanings ascribed to falling ill and to treatment by high blood pressure carriers and health care system context: an ethnographic studyFava, Silvana Maria Coêlho Leite 11 May 2012 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo interpretar os significados que as pessoas com hipertensão arterial sistêmica atribuem à doença e ao tratamento e à produção dos cuidados em saúde. Para interpretar tais experiências, foram adotados os referenciais da antropologia interpretativa de Clifford Geertz e da antropologia médica de Arthur Kleinman e do método etnográfico. Participaram deste estudo 22 pessoas com hipertensão arterial, com 18 anos e mais, cadastradas em uma Unidade de Estratégia de Saúde da Família de uma cidade do Sul de Minas Gerais. Foram respeitados os preceitos éticos, como a aprovação do estudo pelo Comitê de Ética e assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido pelos informantes. Os dados foram coletados no período de abril de 2010 a novembro de 2011, em diferentes espaços, onde as pessoas vivem e os fatos acontecem. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, observação participante, grupo focal, diário de campo e análise de prontuário. A análise e a interpretação dos dados foram orientadas pelo referencial teórico - metodológico e por meio da compreensão do contexto histórico dos informantes no qual os sentidos são produzidos, buscando decodificá-los para a apreensão dos significados implícitos na experiência com o adoecimento. Dessa análise, emergiram quatro núcleos de significados: \"A doença como expressão do estilo de vida\", \"A perspectiva de cura da doença\", \"A experiência com o sistema formal de saúde\", \"A produção dos cuidados em saúde: o distanciamento com a humanização\". O problema de nervoso representa a categoria nosológica para os informantes, que se apresenta de forma sintomática caracterizada por uma expressão do estilo de vida urbano. Apoiam-se na crença da cura do problema. A família, a espiritualidade e a religião constituíram suas principais redes de apoio social. Os itinerários terapêuticos se interpenetram para a cura do problema de nervoso. O subsistema de saúde popular constitui importante itinerário devido à identidade cultural que se estabelece com o grupo social pesquisado, pelo vínculo frágil com o subsistema profissional e por proporcionar melhor bem-estar e, consequentemente, a remissão dos sintomas. As dificuldades de vencer as ladeiras e as barreiras decorrentes da idade, das limitações, da acessibilidade geográfica, das dificuldades de acesso à consulta e aos medicamentos, o vínculo frágil com a Unidade, aliados à influência cultural e às experiências de exclusão social, dificultam a adesão ao tratamento. A insatisfação com as diferentes dimensões organizacionais, de estrutura e de funcionamento do serviço, repercute de forma negativa no acolhimento, no vínculo, nos cuidados e na adesão ao tratamento. O processo de trabalho estruturado no modelo biomédico dificulta abrir espaços para o diálogo, para a interpretação e para o atendimento das necessidades da pessoa com Hipertensão Arterial. Novas competências tornam-se necessárias no processo de trabalho, capazes de aliar a competência técnica à humana para a implementação de ações em saúde humanizada. As lacunas evidenciadas entre o ponto de vista dos profissionais de saúde e dos informantes nos servem de orientações para repensar nossa práxis, com vista a prover cuidados integrados e contextualizados, o que estimula a potência para o viver, para o empoderamento e para o autocuidado. / The object of this study was to interpret the meaning ascribed to illness and to treatment as well as to health care production by high systemic arterial blood pressure carriers. In order to interpret such experiences, references to Clifford Geertz\' Interpretive Anthropology, Arthur Kleinman\'s Medical Anthropology and the Ethnographic Research Method were used. Twenty-two hypertensive individuals, aged 18 and over, enrolled in a Family Health Strategic Unity in a city in the South of Minas Gerais took part in the study. Ethic principles were taken into consideration, the study being approved by the Ethic Committee and the Informed Consent Form being signed by the participants. Data were collected where people live and facts do happen from April 2010 to November 2011. Semi structured interviews, participative observation, focus group, field journal and medical records analyses were carried out. Data analysis and interpretation were guided by the theoretical-methodological referential and by understanding the informers historical context where the meanings are produced, by trying to decode them in order to apprehend the meanings implied in the experience with falling ill. From the analysis, four meaning classes were found: \"Illness as life-style expression\", \"Illness cure perspective\", \"Experience with the official health care system\", \"Health care production: distance from a humanized approach\". Nervousness, which presents itself in a symptomatic way characterized by an expression of the urban life-style, represents the nosological category for the informers. They hold tightly to the belief in the cure of the problem. Family, spirituality, and religion are their main net of social support. The therapeutic itineraries intertwine themselves for the cure of the nervousness problem. The popular health subsystem is an important itinerary due to the cultural identity that is established with the social group under study, to the fragile bond with the professional subsystem and by offering better wellbeing which leads to the removal of symptoms. The difficulties of braving slopes and barriers, associated to age, physical limitations, geographical accessibility, and difficulties of access to medical assistance and to medication, the fragile bond to the Family Health Strategic Unity, associated to cultural influence and to social exclusion experiences, interfere with adherence to treatment. Dissatisfaction with different organizational dimensions, both structural and operational, has negative influence on receptivity, bond, care and adherence to treatment. The work process founded on the biomedical model makes opening space for dialogue, interpretation and assistance difficult. New competencies, which enable putting together technical and human competences for the implementation of humanized health actions, are necessary for the work process. The evidenced gaps between the health professionals\' points of view and those of informers are hints to be used when rethinking praxis, with the aim of providing integrated and contextualized care, which stimulates energy for living, empowerment and self-care.
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Diabetes: práticas e sentidos de cuidado e autocuidado em fluxo no Sistema Único de Saúde (Sus) / Diabetes: practices and senses of care and self-care in flow in the Public Health System (SUS)Cruce, Alexandre Pereira 26 March 2015 (has links)
Problema de saúde pública de prevalência global, a diabetes está em franca expansão em todo planeta, vinculada ao contexto socioeconômico, às condições de urbanização e ao envelhecimento populacional. Estimativas da Organização Mundial da Saúde indicam que existem, atualmente, 387 milhões de pessoas vivendo com diabetes no mundo. Quarto colocado no ranking da International Diabetes Federation, o Brasil tem 11,6 milhões de adoecidos, 10% dos quais insulinodependentes. É nesse cenário epidêmico que se dá a construção de redes e sentidos de cuidado e autocuidado da diabetes baseados em práticas e conceitos elaborados por actantes os mais diversos, das políticas públicas brasileiras de saúde coletiva a profissionais de saúde e adoecidos crônicos. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar como as redes e seus actantes humanos e não humanos (políticas públicas, rede de atenção à saúde, profissionais de saúde, pacientes, amigos e familiares, medicamentos, insumos e tecnologias) performam e são performados na produção de cuidado e autocuidado no cotidiano dos serviços especializados. Para tanto foi realizado um estudo etnográfico, por meio de observação participante e entrevistas semiestruturadas de profissionais de saúde e usuário de unidade de atenção secundária do município de São Bernardo do Campo, no ABCD paulista. O objetivo foi, assim, contribuir para o entendimento das relações entre atores os mais diversos a partir de produção de cuidado e autocuidado e, consequentemente, refletir sobre a saúde coletiva e os projetos terapêuticos mais próximos dos contextos culturais e das singularidades de adoecidos crônicos e profissionais de saúde. / Public health problem of global prevalence, diabetes is booming across the planet, linked to the socioeconomic context, conditions of urbanization and population aging. Estimates from the World Health Organization indicate that there are currently 387 million people living with diabetes worldwide. Fourth place in the ranking of the International Diabetes Federation, Brazil has 11.6 million sickened, 10% of which insulin dependent. It is in this epidemic scenario that gives the building of care and self-care networks and their senses of diabetes based on established practices and concepts of the most diverse actants, from Brazilian public health policy to health professionals and chronic ill. The objective of this study is to analyze the networks and their human and non-human actants (public policy, health care network, health professionals, patients, friends and family, medicines, supplies and technologies) enact and are enacted in the production of care and self-care in the routine of medical specialized services. The study is an ethnography using participant observation and semi-structured interviews of health professionals and users of public specialized medical care unit in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo ABCD. The aim was thus to contribute to the understanding of the relationships among the various actors from care and self-care production and consequently reflecting on public health and the therapeutic projects of chronic ill and health professionals on their cultural contexts and singularities.
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A casa raiz e o voo de suas folhas: família, movimento e casa entre os moradores de Pinheiro-MG / The root house and the flight of its leaves: family, movement and house among residents of Pinheiro- MG.Alves, Yara de Cássia 09 December 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa os processos de mobilidade das famílias de Pinheiro, localidade rural, autodenominada quilombola, situada no Alto do Jequitinhonha-MG. Trata-se de uma etnografia que explora os diversos tipos de movimento que marcam o cotidiano ali vivenciado, principalmente a partir de suas casas. Através dos processos de criação, explora como as mães/donas de casa agenciam jeitos e modos familiares a partir dos ensinamentos que transmitem aos filhos. Os espaços domésticos são analisados como centrais na construção das pessoas e famílias, com ênfase para a cozinha e as substâncias ali presentes, como a comida e o fogo. De maneira transversal, analisa como a casa raiz e sua dona acompanha as saídas e retornos de seus moradores, que se envolvem em andanças pelo mundo. Assim, articula as formas de andanças à sabedoria que os moradores afirmam ganhar ao conhecerem outros lugares e também outras realidades sociais, o que ocorre não apenas nos cargos de trabalho que ocupam, mas por meio de outros movimentos, como o movimento quilombola. / This dissertation analyzes the mobility processes of families from Pinheiro, rural setting, selfstyled quilombola, located in the Alto do Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais. It is an ethnography that explores the different types of movement that mark the everyday lived there, mostly from their homes. Through the processes of creation, explores how mothers / housewives tout ways and familiar modes from the teachings that transmit to their children. The domestic spaces are analyzed as central in the construction of individuals and families, focusing on the kitchen and there substances such as food and fire. Cross way, analyzes how the root house and its owner accompany the exits and returns of its residents, who engage in travels around the world. Thus articulates forms of wandering to wisdom that residents complain gain by knowing other places and also other social realities, which occurs not only in the working positions they hold, but through other movements, such as the quilombola movement.
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O cotidiano de crianças de 0 a 3 anos e suas famílias de uma comunidade rural assentada: significações e práticas familiares / The everyday life of children 0-3 years and their families living in a settled rural community: meanings and practices familiesAraújo, Marcella Oliveira 29 November 2013 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender o cotidiano de crianças de 0 a 3 anos moradoras de uma comunidade rural assentada, a partir e pelas significações e práticas familiares. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa etnográfica a partir da perspectiva teórica metodológica da Rede de Significações RedSig. A construção do material empírico foi feita por meio dos seguintes recursos metodológicos: aplicação de questionário a 14 famílias assentadas com 16 crianças de 0 a 3 anos; observações registradas sob o formato de diário de campo, realizadas durante quatro semanas com cada uma de três crianças e suas famílias (Paulinha, 10 meses; Maria, 1 ano e 5 meses; Joaquim, 2 anos e 5 meses); entrevistas com membros das três famílias observadas. Na presente pesquisa, o caminho escolhido de apropriação da etnografia consiste em diálogo com a RedSig, na descrição dos diferentes elementos que compõem o universo semiótico das crianças e suas famílias do campo, e suas práticas familiares. A partir disso, construiu-se a configuração do cotidiano de 16 crianças de 0 a 3 anos da comunidade rural investigada, a partir da caracterização da amostra, das pessoas relacionadas como participantes do dia a dia da criança; das atividades, espaços e brincadeiras; das significações sobre o cuidado e a educação da criança do campo; e dos dias típico e de final de semana das crianças de 0 a 3 anos. Os dias de Paulinha, Maria e Joaquim foram descritos por meio de Redes, elucidando suas histórias, seus enredos com os cenários, os personagens, os tipos de relações e papéis, e as relações com os objetivos e animais. Para compor essa descrição, foram utilizados também trechos dos questionários e das entrevistas realizadas na composição das redes de cada criança. Os diários de campo das crianças contaram a história não só delas mesmas, mas de redes de relações amplas, complexas, permeadas por aspectos afetivos, econômicos, culturais e políticos, marcada por relações geracionais e por modos de se conceber e cuidar da criança pequena. Além disso, contrariamente às concepções tradicionais, os dias das crianças de 0 a 3 anos desta comunidade não se restringiram ao espaço doméstico, participando de diferentes atividades domésticas, de trabalho na terra e de relações com os animais; em diferentes espaços, no campo e na cidade. A ausência de política pública para a infância até 3 anos no campo cumpre um papel importante nos modos como a Família se organiza e no acesso aos direitos das crianças. As Famílias também demonstram sede de serem assistidas na saúde, no lazer, na assistência social para crianças de 0 a 3 anos. As políticas para as crianças de até 3 anos do campo podem ser equivocadas caso não se compreenda o cotidiano das crianças, as condições e as dinâmicas de suas vidas. Compreender o cotidiano dos bebês do campo, numa perspectiva etnográfica, pode também ajudar a entender as microtransformações das crianças no tempo; as aproximações à apropriação do rural pela criança e, consequentemente, o entendimento do campo enquanto um território dos e para os bebês. / The aim of this study was to comprehend the daily life of children between the ages of 0 and 3 who lives in a settled rural community, from and by significations and familiar practices. For that, it was conducted an ethnographic research from the perspective of theoretical methodological of Network of meanings (Rede de Significações RedSig). The construction of the empirical material was made through the following methodological resources: a questionnaire with 14 settled families with 16 children aged 0 to 3 years, observations recorded in format of a field journal, all carried out over four weeks with each one of the children and their families (Paulinha, 10 months old; Maria, 1 year and 5 months old; Joaquim, 2 years and 5 months old.) Interviews with members of the tree families studied. In the present research, the chosen way of appropriation of ethnography consists in a dialogue with the RedSig, the description of the different elements which make up the semiotic universe of the children and their families in the field as well as their family practices. From this, it was constructed the setup routine of 16 children 0-3 years of the rural community investigated, from the characterization of the sample, the persons listed as participants in the daily life of the child, from the activities, spaces and play times, from the significations about the care and education of the child from the fields; from the days and the typical weekend of children 0 to 3 years. The days of Paulinhas, Maria e Joaquim were descripted by Webs, elucidating their stories, their plots with scenarios, the characters, the types of relationships and roles and the relations with the objectives and the animals. To make up this description, were utilized also the excerpts of questionnaires and interviews in the composition of the networks of each child. The field journals of the children told not only their stories, but also networks of broader relationships, complex, permeated by affective aspects, economic, cultural and political relations marked by generational and ways of conceiving and care of the young children. Besides that, unlike traditional conceptions, the days of children 0-3 years of this community were not restricted to the domestic space, they participate in different household activities, work in the land and relations with animals, in different areas, rural and urban. The absence of public policy for children up to 3 years in the field plays an important role in the ways each family organizes itself and access to children\'s rights.The families also demonstrated the will of being assisted in their health, leisure, social assistance for children 0-3 years. The policies for 0-3 years children from the fields can be misguided in case of misunderstanding the daily life of the children, their conditions and their lives dynamic. Comprehend the routine of these babies, in a ethnographic perspective, can also help to understand the micro-transformations they suffer along the time; approaches to the appropriation of the rural concept by the child and therefore the understanding of the field as an area of the babies and for babies.
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Executivos negros: racismo e diversidade no mundo empresarial. Uma abordagem socio-antropológica / Black Corporate Executives: racism and diversity in the entrepreneurial world A socio-anthropological approachCoêlho Junior, Pedro Jaime de 04 November 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem socio-antropológica para pensar as trajetórias profissionais de executivos negros em São Paulo. Ele está estruturado a partir da seguinte problematização: a) Que mudanças aconteceram na construção das trajetórias profissionais de executivos negros em São Paulo entre o final dos anos 1970 e o início do século XXI? b) De que forma essas mudanças se relacionam com as transformações que se produziram no contexto societal, sobretudo no que se refere à questão racial, na sociedade brasileira e, portanto também em São Paulo, no mesmo período? c) Essas transformações favorecem ou inibem o processo de construção de si mesmos como sujeitos entre os executivos negros? O trabalho de campo foi realizado em São Paulo entre 2006 e 2008. A sua abordagem metodológica foi qualitativa e consistiu de uma dupla estratégia de investigação: reconstrução de narrativas biográficas e etnografia. Os resultados evidenciam que: a) Comparando-se o final dos anos 1970 e o início do século XXI é possível perceber uma grande mudança na construção das trajetórias profissionais de executivos negros em São Paulo, que remete à passagem de estratégias individuais à ação coletiva; b) Essa mudança reflete uma importante transformação no contexto societal, que diz respeito à maior politização dos debates sobre a questão racial travados no espaço público brasileiro (e também em São Paulo) desde o final do século XX. Fenômeno este que é fruto de alterações na estratégia política do movimento negro brasileiro, que desde o final do século XX vinha absorvendo as novas pautas presentes nas redes transnacionais de advocacy anti-racista. Isso levou o mundo corporativo brasileiro a traduzir a nova agenda social e política nos termos de uma linguagem empresarial, recorrendo a uma tecnologia gerencial (a gestão da diversidade) que circula nos fluxos globais que caracterizam a cultura transnacional de negócios; c) A maior politização dos debates sobre a questão racial travados no espaço público brasileiro (e também em São Paulo) desde o final do século XX e a tradução da nova agenda social e política pelo mundo corporativo nos termos de uma linguagem empresarial representam um contexto societal mais favorável para que os executivos negros possam realizar o trabalho, sempre incompleto, de produção de si mesmos como sujeitos, construindo ou reconstruindo identidades negras mais positivamente afirmadas. / This thesis proposes a socio-anthropological approach in order to think out the professional trajectories of Black corporate executives in São Paulo. It is structured from the following research problem: a) What changes did occur when constructing the professional trajectories of Black corporate executives in São Paulo between the end of the 1970s and the early twenty-first century? b) In what way do these changes relate to the transformations produced in the societal context, referring to, above all, the racial issue, in the Brazilian society and, thus also in São Paulo, at the same period? c) Do these transformations favor or inhibit their self-construction process as subjects among the Black corporate executives? The fieldwork was carried out between 2006 and 2008 in São Paulo. Its methodological approach was qualitative and consisted of a double investigation strategy: reconstruction of biographical narratives and ethnography. The results made evident that: a) Comparing the end of the 1970\'s and the early 21st century it is possible to note a great change in the construction of professional trajectories of Black corporate executives in São Paulo, which addresses to the passage from individual strategies to collective action; b) This change reflects an important transformation in the societal context, with respect to the greatest politicization of debates on the racial issue fought at the Brazilian public space (and also in São Paulo) in the late 20th century. This phenomenon is fruit of alterations in the political strategy of the Brazilian Black movement, which since the end of the 20th century has been absorbing the new agenda present in the anti-racist transnational advocacy networks. This has led the Brazilian corporate world to translate the new social and political agenda into the terms of an entrepreneurial language, resorting to a managerial technology (the diversity management) which circulates within the global flows that characterize the business transnational culture; c) The greatest politicization of the debates over the racial issue fought in the Brazilian public space (and also in São Paulo) in the late 20th century and the translation of the new social and political agenda through the corporate world into the terms of entrepreneurial language represent a societal context more suitable so that the Black corporate executives may perform the work, always incomplete, of producing themselves as subjects, constructing or reconstructing Black identities more positively affirmed.
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La cité des héros : ethnographie d’une petite entreprise de jeux vidéo en Corée du Sud / A city of heroes : ethnography of a small videogame company in South KoreaPaberz, Chloé 17 November 2016 (has links)
En quelques années, l’image de la Corée du Sud s’est radicalement transformée. Elle apparaît aujourd’hui comme un pays d’une grande modernité, reconnu pour son développement technique et économique. Ses prouesses dans le domaine de l’informatique ont été érigées en « destin national » (Oh et Larson 2013). Cette thèse analyse la construction de cette modernité technique à partir d’un terrain de neuf mois dans une entreprise engagée dans un projet national d’informatisation de la société. En 2006, deux amis fondent une petite société pour « révolutionner l’éducation » grâce à un jeu vidéo, qui sera implanté dans une centaine d’écoles dans la région de Séoul. Le jeu porte la promesse de faciliter aux enfants l’apprentissage des caractères chinois, réputé l’un des plus pénibles du programme scolaire obligatoire. L’ethnographie met en évidence les multiples doutes des acteurs face à ces discours officiels, et la grande ambivalence de l’objet jeu vidéo, perçu à la fois comme salvateur et dangereux. Les professionnels du jeu vidéo, très intimes avec ces machines investies d’une mission sociale, se révèlent extrêmement critiques envers les projets de l’entreprise et de la société coréenne. Ils se réclament d’une contre-culture qui transparait dans les détails de leur quotidien. A travers leurs activités au travail, les concepteurs multiplient les apprentissages pour se préparer à accomplir un rêve : participer à la création d’une œuvre artistique digne de ce nom. A travers leurs récits, ils se présentent comme des victimes devenues héros. A travers la construction de leurs relations de travail, ils dessinent les contours d’une cité utopique libérée de tous les déterminismes. / South Korea’s image has changed radically in the past few years. It is considered today as a highly modern country, especially because of its technical and economic achievements. Its state-of-the-art information technology has been praised and even labelled “national destiny” (Oh and Larson 2013). This thesis examines the construction of Korean technical modernity, based on nine-months fieldwork conducted in one of the companies committed to the national project of computerisation.In 2006, two friends created a small business in order to bring “a revolution in the field of education”. This revolution would be accomplished by a videogame, that would later be played in more than a hundred schools around Seoul. The game is supposed to make it easier for pupils to learn the Chinese characters, which are known to be one of the most tiresome subjects of the mandatory syllabus. The ethnography reveals the many doubts of the actors regarding these official positions. It also shows the deep ambivalence of videogames, which are perceived as salutary and dangerous at the same time. Game professionals are very close to these machines, yet they criticize the purposes they serve: they strongly disagree with their company’s project as well as with national projects. They claim a counterculture of their own and show it in small details of their daily life. Through their activities in the workplace, game designers engage in multiple learning processes in order to prepare for a dream: to participate in the creation of a real work of art. Through their stories, they present themselves as victims become heroes. Through the relationships they build at work, they outline a utopian city free of all determinism.
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Ethnographie terrona de sujets excentriques : pratiques, narrations et représentations pour contrer le racisme et l’homophobie en Italie / A terrona ethnography of excentric subjects : practices, narrations et representations against racism and homophobia in ItalyAlga, Maria Livia 05 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse explore les reconfigurations contemporaines du féminisme en Italie, et en particulier les pratiques, les représentations et les narrations de femmes engagées contre l’homophobie et le racisme à partir des relations postcoloniales et d’un sens libre de la différence sexuelle.Ces femmes composent des ensembles de résistances où sont en train d’émerger des positionnements politiques nouveaux, dont les « devenirs engagées » excédent ou resignifient de façon inédite des catégories occidentales telles que « lesbienne », « féministe », « migrante », « culture » etc. Il s’agit de sujets excentriques qui travaillent les séparatismes dans les mouvements sociaux, et mettent en échec les polarisations idéologiques à partir d’expériences des différences agissant comme des instances conflictuelles vitales : elles inaugurent des formes de participation fondées sur un besoin de coalitions et de transversalité.De l’analyse des itinéraires corporels, des pratiques et des cartographies des mouvements il ressort que les vecteurs de connexion principaux entre les actrices sociales marquées par la multiplicité sont les généalogies et les origines ainsi que les dimensions de l’in/visible et de la représentation.Cette ethnographie terrona s’inscrit dans une généalogie d’anthropologie postexotique qui se fondant sur une implication autoethnographique de la chercheuse, propose une révision des relations entre les participantes à la recherche, et de l’idée de terrain.Cette thèse relie des expériences de recherche à Paris, à Palerme et à Vérone, respectivement dans le Sud et dans le Nord-est de l’Italie, et thématise les formes de compétition culturelle et les représentations du Sud et du Nord italiens par une perspective postcoloniale. / This thesis explores the current reconfiguration of feminism in Italy, particularly the practices and self-representations of women who struggle against racism and homophobia from a postcolonial standpoint and with a freely interpreted sense of sexual difference. These women create spaces of resistance that allow the emergence of new political positionalities, which go beyond western categories of ‘lesbian’, ‘feminist’ and ‘migrant’ by re-signifying them in novel ways. These “eccentric subjects” (de Lauretis 1999) work on the separatisms inside social movements, confounding their ideological polarizations by living difference as instances of vital conflict. They thus open up forms of participation based on the need for transversality. The analysis of the activists’ bodily itineraries and of the movements’ practices and cartographies shows that two main elements of connection exist between these women, who are characterized by multiplicity: on the one hand, their genealogies and origins; on the other, the dimensions of visibility, invisibility and representation.This terrona ethnography draws on a post-exotic anthropological tradition predicated on the researcher’s auto-ethnographic implication, and on a revision of the relation between research participants and the notion of the field. The thesis connects experiences in Paris, Palermo (southern Italy) and Verona (northeast Italy), problematizing forms of cultural competition and the representation of (different parts of) Italy from a postcolonial perspective.
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The corral and the slaughterhouse : knowledge, tradition and the modernization of indigenous reindeer slaughtering practice in the Norwegian ArcticReinert, Hugo January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation is a contribution to the ethnography of contemporary indigenous reindeer pastoralism in Norway: specifically, to the study of the neglected fields of reindeer killing and slaughtering practice. Its central contention is that in recent decades, the proliferation of human powers vested in the conduct of reindeer slaughter has created new conditions for practice, placing the identities of reindeer and herders at stake in new and still only dimly conceptualized ways. By exploring these, the dissertation aims to broaden existing debates concerning the so-called modernization of pastoral practice in Norway, drawing attention to some of its neglected aspects and inscribing them in a new register. Two principal strands inform the theoretical framework: one, approaches to the social study of knowledge that emphasise its practical, non-verbal and material aspects; and two, Foucauldian concepts of biopower as these may or may not be applicable to the human management of animal life. Individual chapters examine, in turn: the local politics of space on the Varanger peninsula, focusing particularly on links between the spatial management and the killing of reindeer; the practices and social relations of slaughter as it is conducted at the round-up corral; the social effects of the introduction of slaughterhouses, and of the regime of which they form a part; controversies surrounding specific slaughtering techniques and instruments, particularly the curved knife; and the politics of animal welfare discourse and practices in their application to reindeer herding. Finally, using the figure of animal sacrifice as a guiding trope, the concluding chapter attempts to situate some key aspects of the modernization of reindeer slaughter in relation to the operation of broader sacrificial economies that regulate the destruction of life at aggregate or populational levels.
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Making sense of street chaos : an ethnographic exploration of the health service usage of homeless people in DublinO'Carroll, Austin January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore the Health Service Utilization (HSU) of homeless people in Dublin. In particular, it sought to identify a critical realist explanatory model for why the HSU of homeless people differs from that of the general population. Critical realist (CR) ethnography was used as the research methodology and was supplemented with forty-seven semi-structured interviews and two focus groups. The HSU of homeless participants in Dublin is described. When compared to the domiciled population, homeless people were found to have a tendency to present late on in their illness, to have higher utilization of primary care services and lower utilization of secondary care services and to avoid psychiatric services. The factors that influenced participants HSU tendency are identified as external or internal influences on HSU. External factors are described as physical, administrative or attitudinal barriers or deterrents; or external promoters of health service usage. Internalised inhibitors and promoters are illustrated as either cognitions or emotions that are developed in reaction to external circumstances and which either negatively or positively impact on health service usage. Interactions between health professionals and participants that resulted in exclusion (by the health professional or self-exclusion) are described as Conversations of Exclusion. A critical realist model was outlined that offers an explanation for why homeless people’s HSU differs from that of the general population in Dublin. This model included a description of the generative mechanisms identified as producing the HSU tendencies in the study population. The implications of this new model are discussed in the light of the literature and previous models that seek to explain the HSU of homeless people.
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Redescobrindo o sentido do jogo: um estudo etnográfico do processo de aprendizagem da cultura futebolística no mirante esporte clube em Ponta Grossa-Paraná (2013-2017Oliveira, Edilson de 01 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Eunice Novais (enovais@uepg.br) on 2018-03-16T14:50:55Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo do presente estudo foi interpretar e analisar a relação das representações sociais, emergentes do processo de aprendizagem da cultura futebolística, com a construção do habitus dos jogadores do Mirante Esporte Clube, localizado na cidade de Ponta Grossa - Paraná (2013-2017). Para tanto, optou-se pelos direcionamentos da etnografia, pois eles guiam os pesquisadores no processo interpretativo do “ponto de vista” e da “visão sobre o mundo” dos agentes pertencentes ao grupo social investigado, através das interpretações de suas práticas simbólicas. No decorrer deste processo investigativo, em que se permaneceu mais de três anos in loco, totalizou-se aproximadamente 180 saídas a campo. Com tempo médio de permanência in loco de 5 horas, passou-se mais de 900 horas no campo. Empreendimento estruturado em cinco capítulos relacionais, em que se analisou a importância da sociabilidade, das relações de longa duração e das famílias para a preservação das atividades do campo, bem como as lógicas específicas que atribuíam aos veteranos um posto privilegiado na dinâmica do campo. Explorou-se, também através dos rituais de preparação para os jogos, as dimensões afetivas e simbólicas do futebol, que possibilitavam a transformação dos jogadores do “eu social” para o “eu jogador de futebol”. Ao longo da análise, compreendeu-se o campo futebolístico amador pontagrossense como um espaço de tensões entre valores, sentimentos e visões de mundo, interiorizadas pelos agentes nos diversos campos sociais em que circulavam cotidianamente, de acordo com suas posições no mundo social. Estes conflitos emergiam, porque, ao adentrarem em um campo de futebol, as disposições de agir, as práticas e as representações sociais dos jogadores, sobre os mais diversos temas que atraíam suas atenções cotidianamente não eram pendurados e deixados dentro dos vestiários. Não obstante, o inverso também ocorria, pois, os valores, os sentimentos, as práticas e as disposições de agir, ensinadas e aprendidas nestes espaços sociais transcendiam o campo específico e passavam a ser exteriorizadas ou reproduzidas em outras estruturas sociais, como a família, a escola, o trabalho, entre outros. Portanto, ao analisar as representações sociais destes agentes e grupos neste campo específico, identificou-se princípios geradores e disposições deste habitus, expressos através de práticas e representações sociais sobre os objetos significativos para o campo. Desse modo, verificou-se, também, uma dinâmica relacional entre as representações sociais e a construção do habitus dos agentes envolvidos com o campo futebolístico amador de Ponta Grossa. / The aim of the present study was to interpret and analyze the relationship of social representations, emerging from the learning process of football culture, with the construction of tha habitus Mirante Esporte Clube players, located in the city of Ponta Grossa - Paraná (2013-2017). In order to do so, the ethnography directives had been chosen, because they guide the researchers in the interpretative process of the “point of view” and the “world view” of the agents belonging to the social group investigated, through the interpretations of their symbolic practices. Along this investigative process, which lasted more than three years in loco, there were approximately 180 field trips. With an average time in loco of 5 hours, more than 900 hours were spent in the field. This enterprise was structured in five relational chapters, which analyzed the importance of sociability, long-term relations and families for the preservation of field activities, as well as the specific logics that gave veterans a privileged position in the field dynamics. From the rituals of preparation for the games, it was possible to explore, also, the affective and symbolic dimensions of football, which enabled the transformation of players from the “social self” to the “football player self”. Throughout the analysis, the field was understood as a space of tensions among values, feelings and worldviews, internalized by the agents in the various social fields in which they circulated daily, according to their positions in the social world. These conflicts emerged because, when entering in a football field, the players’ dispositions of action, practices and social representations, on the most diverse subjects that attracted their attention daily, were not hung and left inside the locker rooms. Nevertheless, the opposite also occurred, since the values, feelings, practices and dispositions of acting, taught and learned in these social spaces transcended the specific field and were externalized or reproduced in other social structures, such as family, school, work, among others. Therefore, when analyzing the social representations of these agents and groups in this specific field, we have identified generative principles and dispositions of this habitus, expressed through social practices and representations about the significant objects for the field. Thus, it was also verified a relational dynamic between the social representations and the habitus construction of the agents involved with the amateur football field of Ponta Grossa.
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