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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Qualidade das sementes e emergência da plântula de espécies de recobrimento para restauração de florestas estacionais semideciduais / Seed quality and seedling emergence of filling species for restoration semideciduous forests

Brant, Henrique Sarmento Caldeira 14 October 2015 (has links)
Uma das técnicas de restauração ecológica de vegetação nativa testada é a semeadura direta ou plantio de sementes, que pode diminuir custos, facilitar a implantação e a adaptação rápida da espécie ao ambiente comparando ao plantio de mudas. Porém, essa técnica não suplantou o plantio de mudas e um dos questionamentos é sobre abaixa germinação das sementes e do desconhecimento das práticas adequadas de semeio. Portanto, nessa pesquisa avaliaram-se a qualidade, características e desempenho de sementes de cinco espécies florestais nativas, testando também algumas técnicas de semeio no campo. As sementes utilizadas são de espécies arbóreas de recobrimento: Croton floribundus, Croton urucurana, Guazuma ulmifolia, Solanum granulosoleprosum e Trema micrantha de dois lotes (um comprado no mercado e outro colhido pelo pesquisador no campo).A qualidade dessas sementes foi determinada por meio dos parâmetros físicos: pureza, teor de água, massa de mil sementes, largura, comprimento, área, circularidade, cor (sistemas RGB e banda G), peso e densidade aparente; fisiológicos: a velocidade e a taxa de emergência das plântulas e sanitário: avaliação dos fungos presentes nas sementes. Métodos para o beneficiamento dos lotes de sementes, a partir dos parâmetros físicos foram testados. E foram avaliadas a profundidade de semeadura e a emergência das plântulas das sementes tratadas e não-tratadas através do priming, testados em laboratório e em campo. A caracterização física dos lotes (comprado e colhido) foi semelhante (pureza e teor de água), as outras medidas físicas foram em geral diferentes entre os lotes e geralmente maiores para o lote colhido, e apenas para a G. ulmifolia o lote comprado foi superior. Fisiologicamente, os lotes (comprado e colhido) foram similares, porém o lote de G. ulmifolia comprado e de T. micrantha colhido emergiram mais, e as demais espécies foram semelhantes. O mesmo pode-se afirmar para o índice de velocidade de emergência das plântulas (IVEP), que também foram semelhantes entre os lotes, mas não para TMEP (Tempo Médio de Emergências das Plântulas). Para sanidade, os lotes colhidos obtiveram menor incidência de fungos fitopatogênicos. A densidade aparente foi a variável mais correlacionada com a emergência das sementes. Já as melhores profundidades de semeadura foram de 1 cm para a S. granulosoleprosum, 2 cm para a G. ulmifolia e de 1-2 cm para as demais espécies. O priming foi significativo, em laboratório, para C. floribundus em emergência, IVEP e TMEP, e T. micrantha em IVEP. Em campo, o priming reduziu o TMEP de C. floribundus e de T. micrantha, e melhorou o IVEP desta. As espécies mais recomendadas para semeadura direta a partir da emergência em campo são: S. granulosoleprosum >C. floribundus >G. ulmifolia >C. urucurana >T. micrantha. O monitoramento de emergência das plântulas pode ser realizado em 50 dias para S. granulosoleprosum, 65 dias para T. micrantha e 30 dias para as demais. Concluem-se que os lotes (comprados ou colhidos) são adequados, o uso da densidade aparente é o melhor método de beneficiamento e não houve benefícios significativos com o priming. Essas práticas podem ser empregadas em semeadura direta em restauração ecológica. / One of ecological restoration techniques for native vegetation tested is the direct sowing or planting seeds, which can lower costs, easy deployment and rapid adaptation of species to the environment compared to planting seedlings. However, this technique does not supplanted the planting of seedlings and one of the questions is on the low germination of native species and the lack of best practices of sowing. Therefore, in this study it was evaluated the quality, features and performance of five native species seeds, also testing some sowing techniques in the field. The seeds used were tree species filling, Croton floribundus, Croton urucurana, Guazuma ulmifolia, Solanum granulosoleprosum and Trema micrantha two lots (one purchased in the market and another collected by the researcher in the field). The quality of these seeds was determined by the physical parameters: purity, water content, mass of thousand seeds, width, length, area, roundness, color (RGB systems and G band), weight and specific gravity; Physiological: the speed and the emergence rate of seedlings and health: assessment of fungi present in the seeds. Methods for processing of seed lots, from the physical parameters had tested. And it evaluated the depth of sowing and seedling emergence of seeds treated and non-treated by priming, tested in laboratory and on field. Physical characteristics of the lots (purchased and harvested) was similar (purity and water content), other physical measurements were generally different between lots and generally larger for the lot harvested, and only for the G. ulmifolia purchased lot was higher. Physiologically, lots (purchased and harvested) were similar, but G. ulmifolia purchased lot emerged more and T. micrantha harvested lot was better, and the other species were similar. The same said for the seedling emergence speed index (SESI), which were also similar between lots, but not for MTES (Mean Time Emergencies of Seedlings). For sanity, lots harvested was lower incidence of pathogenic fungi. The specific gravity was the most correlated variable with the emergence of seeds. Already the best sowing depths were 1 cm for S. granulosoleprosum, 2 cm to G. ulmifolia and 1-2 cm for other species. The priming was significant in the laboratory for C. floribundus in emergency, SESI and MTES, and T. micrantha in SESI. In the field, the priming reduced the MTES for C. floribundus and T. micrantha, and improved SESI this. The most recommended species for direct sowing on field in emergency are: S. granulosoleprosum>C. floribundus>G. ulmifolia>C. urucurana>T. micrantha. The emergency monitoring of seedlings can be done in 50 days for S. granulosoleprosum, 65 days for T. micrantha and 30 days for the other. To conclude that lots (purchased or harvested) are suitable, the use of the specific gravity is the best processing method and no significant benefits with priming. These practices may be employment in direct sowing in ecological restoration.

Comportamento silvicultural de espécies nativas usadas no enriquecimento artificial de florestas alteradas na Amazônia, visando potencializar a exploração econômica da Reserva Legal / Silvicultural behavior of native species used in artificial enrichment of altered forests in Amazon aiming to enhance the economic exploitation of Legal Reserve

Andreia Alves Erdmann 09 March 2015 (has links)
O Brasil é hoje um dos maiores produtores de madeira nativa do mundo. A demanda por este produto é cada vez maior perante a diminuição da oferta e supervalorização das madeiras de crescimento lento, tornando a silvicultura de espécies nativas um desafio, pois não existem estudos suficientes relacionados à produção de mudas, estabelecimento, crescimento e manejo florestal dessas espécies madeireiras. Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência do microssítio na sobrevivência e crescimento de espécies nativas madeireiras utilizadas no enriquecimento artificial de florestas remanescentes na Amazônia (Pará), definidas como Reserva Legal (RL) da propriedade, mas que sofreram exploração madeireira recente, visando recompor e potencializar a exploração econômica dessas áreas. As espécies objeto desse trabalho, que foram usadas no enriquecimento artificial da RL, são: Carapa guianensis, Cedrela fissilis, Cordia goeldiana, Handroanthus serratifolius e Hymenaea courbaril. Essas espécies foram plantadas em abril de 2012 e avaliadas aos 9 e 19 meses após o plantio. Com o objetivo de identificar o momento que essas espécies são mais susceptíveis e que condições do microssítio influenciaram a mortalidade, foram caracterizadas as árvores circundantes à cada muda plantada, a taxa de herbivoria da muda, a possível competição com trepadeiras e plântulas, as aberturas no dossel sobre a muda e a luz difusa incidente. Para testar o efeito da espécie e do tempo na mortalidade das mudas, foi ajustado um modelo linear generalizado misto de análise de variância. Para testar a independência entre a sobrevivência e as variáveis ordinais do microssítio, foram construídas tabelas de contingência bidimensionais e aplicados os correspondentes testes de qui-quadrado. As análises demonstraram que a Carapa guianensis foi a espécie com maior mortalidade nos primeiros meses pós-plantio. Além disso, a mortalidade das espécies foi independente dos fatores luz difusa, árvores circundantes às mudas, trepadeiras e plântulas. Entretanto, a mortalidade de Carapa guianensis, Cedrela fissilis, Cordia goeldiana e Hymenaea courbaril foi explicada pelo vigor das mudas na fase inicial; a mortalidade de Cordia goeldiana foi explicada pela herbivoria; Carapa guianensis e Handroanthus serratifolius tiveram a mortalidade influenciada pela abertura no dossel. Afim de identificar os fatores do microssítio limitantes no crescimento das espécies, foram caracterizadas a herbivoria das mudas, a competição com trepadeiras, a competição com plântulas e luz difusa incidente. Para análise estatística, foram considerados modelos lineares de efeitos mistos para a altura, considerando as variáveis do microssítio. A herbivoria não interferiu no crescimento das espécies avaliadas. A luz direta na muda e a luz difusa alta foram significativas para o crescimento das espécies. Cordia goeldiana, Handroanthus serratifolius e Hymenaea courbaril tiveram crescimento máximo com a variável luz direta. As espécies avaliadas tiveram maior crescimento em locais com mais trepadeiras, provavelmente a maior incidência de luz tenha possibilitado o crescimento das trepadeiras e das espécies plantadas. As interações muita trepadeira x luz difusa alta e muita trepadeira x luz direta tiveram efeito negativo no crescimento de Hymenaea courbaril. O crescimento de Cordia goeldiana foi afetado negativamente pelo número de plântulas circundantes. / Brazil is one of the largest producers of native timber in the world. The demand for this product is increasing towards the supply is decreasing and overvaluation of the slowgrowing wood, turning out native species forestry a challenge because there are not enough studies related to the production of seedlings, establishment, growth and forestry management of these species. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of micro-sites on survival and growth of native timber species used in artificial enrichment of forest remnants in Amazon (Pará), defined as Legal Reserve (LR) of the property, even though suffered recent logging, aiming to restore the economic potential of these areas. The species used in this study are Carapa guianensis, Cedrela fissilis, Cordia goeldiana, Handroanthus serratifolius and Hymenaea courbaril. These species were planted in April 2012 and evaluated at 9 and 19 months after planting. In order to identify the right moment that those species are more susceptible and which micro-site conditions influenced the mortality, the surrounding trees to each planted seedling were characterized, the rate of herbivory of the seedling, possible competition with vines and other seedlings, openings in the canopy over the seedling and diffuse incident light. To test the effect of species and time in the mortality of seedlings, a generalized linear mixed model analysis of variance was adjusted. To test the independence between survival and the ordinal variables from the micro-site, two-dimensional contingency tables were constructed and applied chi-square tests. Analysis showed that Carapa guianenses was the specie with the greatest mortality in the first months after planting. In addition, the mortality of the species was independent from the factors: diffused light, surrounding trees to seedlings, vines and seedlings of other species. However, the mortality of species Carapa guianensis, Cedrela fissilis, Cordia goeldiana and Hymenaea courbaril was explained by the vigor of the seedlings in the initial phase; the mortality of Cordia goeldiana was explained by herbivory; and Carapa guianensis, Handroanthus serratifolius have mortality influenced by canopy opening. In order to identify the micro-site limiting factors in the growth of the species, herbivory of seedlings, competition with vines, competition with seedlings and diffuse incident light were characterized. Statistical analysis included linear mixed models for height, considering the micro-site variables. Herbivory did not affect the growth of the species assessed. The direct light over the seedling and high diffuse light were significant for the growth of the species. Cordia goeldiana, Handroanthus serratifolius and Hymenaea courbaril had maximum growth with the variable direct light. The species evaluated had higher growth in places with more vines, probably the largest incidence of light enabled the growth of vine and the species planted. Interactions high level of vine x high diffuse light and high level of vine x direct light had a negative effect on the growth of Hymenaea courbaril. The growth of Cordia goeldiana was negatively affected by the number of surrounding plants.

Restoration of Mauri (Life-Force) to Ōkahu Bay: Investigation of a Community Driven Restoration Process

Freilich, Emily 01 January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigated the restoration of mauri (life-force) to Ōkahu Bay, Auckland New Zealand. Ōkahu Bay is part of the land and waters of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, a Māori hapū (sub-tribe). Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei has been driving the restoration, restoring Ōkahu Bay based on their worldview, visions, and concerns. This vision and control of the restoration process allows them to bring in the hapū in sustainable engagement and have the long-term vision and commitment necessary for self-determination. However, while there has been progress with projects and improved decision-making authority, hapū members are still not seeing their whānau (family) swimming in and caring for Ōkahu as much as they would like. Interviewees wanted to see an explicit focus on encouraging hapū members to use the bay, such as more educational programs and water-based activities, and continued efforts to improve water quality. Shellfish populations have also not recovered after a decade of monitoring due to structural aspects such as existing stormwater pipes. Changing these requires Auckland City Council to make stronger commitments to supporting Ngāti Whātua’s restoration. Overall, this investigation showed that in this restoration, a clean environment is essential to build community and a community is essential to build a clean environment. This community-driven restoration, while not perfect, has great potential to truly reconnect people with their environments, decolonize the land and the people, and create thriving ecosystems and people that benefit themselves, their communities, and the wider Auckland community.

Cultivating Environmental Stewardship in Middle School Students

Fischer, Kelly Anne 01 January 2011 (has links)
Environmental stewardship is an important attribute for students and populations of all ages to have. This study looked at the effect of middle school students of a teacher who participated in a summer field ecology training program taking part in a long-term ecology project, and the impact of the experience on their environmental stewardship attitude. A variety of qualitative and quantitative techniques were used to look at changes in students' environmental stewardship attitudes including: surveying in a pre/post format, teacher, parent, and student focus groups, and teacher interviews. The teacher's experience with the summer field ecology training provided a foundation for development of curriculum and confidence in carrying out fieldwork with his students. Results indicate that participation in a long-term project contributed towards an increase in the students' environmental stewardship attitude, especially if the students reported having taken part in environmental activities in the past or if they were female. The results also indicate a number of implications for other schools and teachers including: focusing on middle school students, good teacher training, focused, long-term projects for students, support for teachers for project implementation, and ecological restoration as part of the student projects.

Monitoramento da restauração ecológica de uma área degradada no cerrado e inserção de leguminosas como forma de contribuição ao processo /

Fardin, Flávio Henrique January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Kátia Luciene Maltoni / Resumo: Na região Noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, divisa com Mato Grosso do Sul, a construção da Usina Hidrelétrica-UHE de Ilha Solteira, em 1965, deu origem a extensas áreas degradadas, devido à remoção da vegetação e utilização do solo para formação do barramento do Rio Paraná. O subsolo exposto resultou em insignificante recuperação do Cerrado, ao longo do tempo, pois o material exposto é edaficamente insuficiente para dar suporte ao estabelecimento e desenvolvimento da vegetação, além da ausência de fatores como o banco de sementes e microrganismos, comuns nos 0,10 m superficiais dos solos. Com o objetivo de recuperar as condições ecológicas da área, em 2011/2012 deu-se início ações de restauração por meio da revegetação. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão (FEPE) da UNESP de Ilha Solteira, situada no Município de Selvíria, MS. Inicialmente a área foi mecanizada (escarificação a 0,40 m de profundidade), como condicionantes do subsolo foram incorporados resíduo orgânico - RO (macrófitas aquáticas) nas doses 0, 16, e 32 Mg ha-1 e resíduo agroindustrial - RA (cinza), nas doses 0, 15, 30 e 45 Mg ha-1, e parcialmente revegetada, com o plantio de mudas de 10 diferentes espécies arbóreas nativas do Cerrado (espaçamento 4,0 x 5,0 m). Transcorridos 5 anos da intervenção, avaliou-se o desempenho da técnica proposta por meio da Portaria CBRN 1/2015 do Estado de São Paulo, a qual estabelece o Protocolo de Monitoramento de Projetos de Restauração Ecológica, ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In the Northwest region of São Paulo State, on the border of Mato Grosso do Sul, the construction of Ilha Solteira Hydroelectric Power Plant, in 1965, give rise to extensives degradades areas, due to vegetation removal and soil use as part of rockfill material of Paraná River. The exposed subsoil resulted in negligible Cerrado recovery over time as the exposed material is edaphically unsuitable to support the establishment and development of the vegetation, besides the absence of factors such as seed bank and microorganisms, common in the 0.10 m superficial of the soil. In order to restore the area ecological conditions, in 2011/2012 restoration actions were initiated through revegetation. The work was developed at the Teaching, Research and Extension Farm (FEPE) of UNESP, Ilha Solteira Campus, located in Selvíria, MS. Initially the area was mechanized (chisel plowing at 0.37 m depth), the soil conditioners were incorporated, organic residue - RO (aquatic macrophytes) at doses of 0, 16, and 32 Mg ha-1 and agroindustrial residue - RA (ash from sugar cane), at doses of 0, 15, 30 and 45 Mg ha-1, and seedlings of 10 different native tree species of the Cerrado were introduced in the area (4.0 x 5.0 m spacing). After 5 years of intervention, the performance of the proposed technique was evaluated through the Ordinance CBRN 1/2015 of São Paulo State, which establishes the Protocol for Monitoring Ecological Restoration Projects, using as ecological indicators: land cover with native... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Pest or pastime? Coarse fish in Aotearoa/New Zealand

Carter, Kathryn Sarah January 2009 (has links)
Freshwater ecosystems are extremely important, both socially and ecologically, in Aotearoa/New Zealand. However, through detrimental practices of land-use change and the introduction of non-indigenous aquatic species, the health of freshwater areas is increasingly under threat. Coarse fish are one group of non indigenous fish that are largely perceived to have a negative effect on freshwater biodiversity and water quality. Despite this, there are people in New Zealand that value coarse fish highly, and consider their lives to be enriched through the practice of coarse angling. This thesis examines the diversity of perceptions and values ascribed to coarse fish by a variety of different environmental managers and resource users to understand how these multiple meanings influence approaches to freshwater biodiversity management in Aotearoa/New Zealand. As coarse anglers are often considered responsible for deliberate translocation of coarse fish, a space for communication and compromise between these stakeholder groups is also identified. Additionally, appropriate and effective educational methods to raise awareness of freshwater ecosystem restoration and non-indigenous invasive fish are discussed. Social factors are often the primary determinants of whether conservation efforts succeed or fail. Grounded in the theoretical perspectives of social construction, environmental perception, political ecology, and critical environmental adult education, this thesis provides an important contribution to the practice of interdisciplinary research by demonstrating the ways in which social science complements scientific approaches to environmental management. Utilising semi structured interviews with multiple stakeholder groups and an internet survey targeted at coarse anglers this research found that, while a multitude of perceptions of coarse fish exist, there is also willingness on both sides to engage in communication and develop effective practices to aid in managing the freshwater environment. A number of suggestions for improving legislation that addresses invasive freshwater fish, and several ideas regarding education and compliance, also emerged.

Partnership principles and the stewardship potential of employer supported volunteer programs

Buck, Bronwen Suzanne January 2008 (has links)
An emphasis on citizen engagement, which has direct bearing on conservation and community organizations, is emerging within the corporate realm. Businesses are beginning to view local involvement as a strategic component of their corporate social responsibility mandates, suggesting that it provides win-win benefits in branding them as leaders in the field while advancing noteworthy causes. Concurrently, conservation groups are seeking to partner with corporations in an effort to diversify funding sources, accomplish much needed work and find creative methods for outreach to a “non- traditional” support base. This research explores employer supported volunteer initiatives, an emerging facet of corporate community engagement where businesses form alliances with community organizations to facilitate donation of staff time to carry out hands-on conservation activities. Using a literature review, a series of global case examples and data collected from key local (Ontario-based) conservation and corporate-based informants, this study assesses the challenges and opportunities associated with cross-sectoral collaboration while investigating the potential of employer supported volunteer programs to foster conservation stewardship. Respondents from both sectors face such challenges as finding or maintaining suitable contacts, organizing team volunteer opportunities with mutually beneficial outcomes and understanding each other’s frames of reference. Despite these hurdles, they also realize that employer supported volunteerism can raise awareness about stewardship and the importance of volunteerism in general, provide opportunities for enhanced collaboration and demonstrate leadership in the arena of corporate social responsibility. Collective experience from both sectors provides the basis to determine thirteen principles for effective partnerships. Accompanied by a set of best practices to forward conservation programs, these principles supply an essential “how to” guide for cross-sectoral partners to work together effectively. The implementation of these principles will assist in providing a stepping stone to tap more fully into the potential for joint partnership and even garner greater capacity for stewardship than could be achieved by civil society or corporate players alone.

Partnership principles and the stewardship potential of employer supported volunteer programs

Buck, Bronwen Suzanne January 2008 (has links)
An emphasis on citizen engagement, which has direct bearing on conservation and community organizations, is emerging within the corporate realm. Businesses are beginning to view local involvement as a strategic component of their corporate social responsibility mandates, suggesting that it provides win-win benefits in branding them as leaders in the field while advancing noteworthy causes. Concurrently, conservation groups are seeking to partner with corporations in an effort to diversify funding sources, accomplish much needed work and find creative methods for outreach to a “non- traditional” support base. This research explores employer supported volunteer initiatives, an emerging facet of corporate community engagement where businesses form alliances with community organizations to facilitate donation of staff time to carry out hands-on conservation activities. Using a literature review, a series of global case examples and data collected from key local (Ontario-based) conservation and corporate-based informants, this study assesses the challenges and opportunities associated with cross-sectoral collaboration while investigating the potential of employer supported volunteer programs to foster conservation stewardship. Respondents from both sectors face such challenges as finding or maintaining suitable contacts, organizing team volunteer opportunities with mutually beneficial outcomes and understanding each other’s frames of reference. Despite these hurdles, they also realize that employer supported volunteerism can raise awareness about stewardship and the importance of volunteerism in general, provide opportunities for enhanced collaboration and demonstrate leadership in the arena of corporate social responsibility. Collective experience from both sectors provides the basis to determine thirteen principles for effective partnerships. Accompanied by a set of best practices to forward conservation programs, these principles supply an essential “how to” guide for cross-sectoral partners to work together effectively. The implementation of these principles will assist in providing a stepping stone to tap more fully into the potential for joint partnership and even garner greater capacity for stewardship than could be achieved by civil society or corporate players alone.

The Elwha river restoration: challenges and opportunities for community engagement

Hilperts, Ryan Laurel 19 July 2010 (has links)
As ecological restoration expands as a practice, so does the complexity, cost, and scale of many projects. Higgs (2003) terms these projects technological and argues they limit meaningful community focal restoration practices, one component of good ecological restoration. The planned removals of two large dams on the Elwha River in Washington State provide a case study to investigate this theory. I conducted 18 in-depth interviews with community leaders and restoration practitioners in order to explore the question, “How do technological restoration projects enable or constrain community engagement, and in the case of the Elwha River, how might such engagement be enlarged?” This interpretive study suggests that technological restoration projects, particularly when managed by federal agencies, expand engagement through a broadened 1) public audience and 2) suite of engagement activities. I argue for a “focusing” of engagement activities, and propose a matrix for assessing opportunities for local community engagement.

A comunidade de borboletas frugívoras de áreas em processo de restauração, fragmentos de floresta estacional semidecidual e pastagens

Furlanetti, Paula Rachel Rotta [UNESP] 02 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:23:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-03-02Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:09:42Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 furlanetti_prr_me_botfca.pdf: 630497 bytes, checksum: 5582f10c88dd5e1c4e6dd80bdb26a3dd (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A fragmentação da paisagem resultante das ações antrópica gera inúmeras conseqüências, sendo delas a mais grave a perda da biodiversidade. A restauração ecológica tem como objetivo levar um ecossistema degradado a um estado mais próximo possível daquele anterior aos distúrbios. As borboletas frugívoras são consideradas como ótimos insetos bioindicadores. Para se avaliar os esforços da restauração, faz-se necessário o monitoramento dessas áreas, através de bioindicadores. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a comunidade de borboletas frugívoras de áreas em processo de restauração, comparando a fragmentos de floresta nativa e a áreas degradadas (pastagem), para confirmar a hipótese de que a composição e distribuição de borboletas frugívoras (Nymphalidae) nas áreas em processo de restauração estão mais próximas às características da comunidade dos fragmentos da região do que das áreas de pastagens. O estudo foi realizado em três sítios diferentes, onde foram avaliados 3 tratamentos: uma área de pastagem (matriz), um fragmento florestal e uma área de plantio misto com espécies nativas (plantios realizados há 11 anos, visando à restauração florestal da área). As coletas dos indivíduos foram feitas em armadilhas atrativas, considerando-se um conjunto de cinco armadilhas em linha como uma unidade amostral por tratamento (Restauração, Fragmento e Pasto), em cada sítio amostral (1, 2 e 3). Foram analisadas a abundância e riqueza observada de espécies, a riqueza esperada pela curva de rarefação e a distribuição e composição das espécies para cada tratamento. Foram calculados os índices de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener e de alfa de Fisher e eqüidade de Pielou.. As amostras foram comparadas entre si através de análise de agrupamento pelo método... / The landscape fragmentation resulting from the human actions generates countless consequences, among them the most serious is the biodiversity loss. Ecological restoration has as objective taking a degraded ecosystem back to a state as close as possible to that previous to the disturbances. To evaluate the effectiveness of restoration efforts it is necessary the monitoring of those areas by means of indicators. The fruit-feeding butterflies are considered as good bioindicator insects. This research aimed at evaluating the fruit-feeding butterflies (Nymphalidae) community of ecosystems in restoration process in comparison with the neighboring native forest fragments and grasslands (pastures). The study was settled at 3 different sites where mixed tree restoration plantings were established 11 years ago. The butterflies surveys were made using attractive traps, considering a group of 5 five traps in line as one sampling unit for each treatment (Restoration, Fragment and Pasture) in every one of the three study sites (1, 2 and 3). The data were analyzed to verify the diversity patterns and expected species richness within the habitats in each treatment. We also estimated Shannon-Wiener’s and Fisher’s alpha diversity indexes and Pielou’s Equitability. The expected richness was estimated by rarefaction curves. The samples were compared by Bray- Curtis' cluster analysis and correspondence analysis. Stepwise multiple regressions were made to correlate the environmental characteristics with butterfly abundance and species richness. A total of 978 individuals were collected, distributed within 48 species, representing six subfamilies of Nymphalidae. Concerning the species composition of the fruit-feeding butterfly assemblages, we found differences among treatments, were... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

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