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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A delinquência na era do direito penal constitucional: por uma reinterpretação do binômio tipicidade-pena à luz da constituição de 1988 / The economic crime in the era of constitucional criminal law: a reinterpretation of the binomial typicality-penalty under the 1988 Constitution

Vlamir Costa Magalhães 26 April 2010 (has links)
O estudo analisa alguns dos aspectos mais relevantes do fenômeno da intervenção do Estado no campo econômico-social, em especial, no que diz respeito ao Direito Penal como instrumento de tutela dos interesses e valores socialmente prezados e consagrados constitucionalmente neste campo. Para tanto, foi abordado o histórico fático e normativo do ordenamento constitucional econômico-social como objeto do Direito Econômico e do Direito Penal Econômico. A partir daí, são delineadas as características e principais peculiaridades da delinquência econômica moderna, bem como apurada sua flagrante repercussão na atualidade. Tais fatores demandam a adaptação do Direito Penal por meio da revisão de alguns de seus dogmas. Por fim, são tecidas propostas de reformulação do pensamento tradicional acerca da estrutura típica e das sanções aplicáveis aos crimes praticados em face da ordem econômico-social. / The study examine some of the most important aspects of the phenomenon of state intervention in the economic and social area, particularly, with regard to criminal law as an instrument of protection of social interests and values cherished and constitutionally enshrined in this field. For this, was addressed the factual and legislative history of the constitutional economic-social as the object of Economic Law and Economic Criminal Law. From there, outlining the main characteristics and peculiarities of modern economic crime, and found their striking effect today. These factors require the adaptation of the Criminal Law by reviewing some of its dogmas. Finally, are woven proposals to recast the traditional thinking about the typical structure and penalties for crimes committed in the face of economic and social order.

Gestão fraudulenta e concurso de normas na lei dos crimes contra o sistema financeiro nacional / Mismanagement and conflict of rules in the law of crimes against national financial systems.

Nicole Trauczynski 15 May 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa analisar as implicações e desafios impostos ao direito penal na tutela da criminalidade econômica atual, especialmente no que tange ao delito de gestão fraudulenta de instituição financeira, previsto no caput do artigo 4º da Lei 7.492/86, delito mais severamente apenado na Lei dos Crimes contra o Sistema Financeiro Nacional. Em razão de sua descrição absolutamente genérica e da gravidade da sanção cominada buscar-se-á interpretar suas elementares típicas de forma conectada aos motivos que ensejaram a sua edição, bem como relacionada ao bem jurídico tutelado pela norma, aplicando-se redutores teleológicos no desiderato de conferir ao tipo uma identidade própria, agregando coerência interna na própria lei e minimizando os recorrentes problemas quanto ao âmbito de incidência de seus dispositivos legais, por vezes dispostos em situação de conflito aparente de normas. Nesses termos, o crime de gestão fraudulenta de instituição financeira será decomposto em todos os seus elementos típicos, objetivos e subjetivos, observando-se sua objetividade jurídica, objeto material, sujeitos ativos, passivos, concurso de pessoas, consumação e tentativa. Posteriormente, será adentrado à problemática do concurso aparente de normas entre o crime estudado gestão fraudulenta de instituição financeira e os demais tipos penais previstos na Lei 7.492/86, especialmente em relação aos tipos penais previstos nos artigos 5º, 6º, 9º, 10, 11, 16, 17, 21 e 22. A análise será feita com base nas relações lógico-conceituais entre os preceitos normativos, seguida de uma interpretação teleológica e valorativa, com base nos critérios de resolução de conflito aparente de normas propostos pela doutrina especialidade, subsidiariedade, consunção e alternatividade. Ao final, as conclusões encontradas serão confrontadas com o recorte jurisprudencial dos julgados atinentes à matéria, proferidos pelo Tribunal Regional Federal da 3º Região nos últimos 10 anos (01/01/2003 a 31/12/2013). / This work intends to analyze the implications and challenges imposed on criminal law for the defense of current economic crimes, especially in regards to the crime of mismanagement of financial institutions provided for in the main provision of Article 4 of Law No. 7492/86, a crime punished by maximum sentence in the Law of Crimes against the National Financial System. As a result of its completely general description and the severity of the sanction imposed, the interpretation of its typical elements shall be made in connection with the motives which originated the enactment thereof, as well as relating to the legal interest protected by the rule, while applying teleological reducers for the purpose of conferring a proper identity to the definition of the crime, adding internal consistency to the law itself and minimizing recurring problems regarding the scope of incidence of the legal provisions thereof, at times applied in situations of apparent conflict of rules. This way, the crime of mismanagement of financial institutions will be decomposed into all its typical objective and subjective elements, addressing legal objectivity, material object, perpetrators, victims, co-perpetration, consummation and attempt. Next, it will address the issue of the apparent joinder of rules between the crime examined - mismanagement of financial institution - and other criminal offenses established by Law 7492/86, especially in relation to criminal offenses provided for in Articles 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 21 and 22. The analysis will be based on logical-conceptual relations between the normative precepts, followed by a teleological and judgmental interpretation, based on the solution criteria of apparent conflict of rules proposed by the jurists - specialty, subsidiarity, merger and alternativity. Finally, the conclusions reached will be confronted with case law clippings of decisions regarding the matter granted by the Federal Regional Court of the third Region in the past 10 years (01/01/2003 to 12/31/2013).

Hospodářská kriminalita jako téma expertních diskuzí v normalizačním Československu / Economic Criminality in Expert Discussions in 1970s and 1980s Czechoslovakia

Šinkovec, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
Thesis abstract The thesis deals with expert discussions on economic criminality in Czechoslovakia during the 1970s and 1980s. The first chapter introduces the issue in the macroeconomic and social context and outlines the dual way in which the practice of illegal enrichment was depicted in contemporary film and TV-series production. The second chapter introduces dominant authoritative discourse and its concept of economic crime as a phenomenon alien to the socialist regime. This view has also been reflected in the legislative adjustment, as well as party and government measures to dispose of the undesirable phenomenon. The following third chapter focuses on contemporary criminology science as an expert community, whose primary focus was on analyzing and proposing measures to address various crime-related problems. The institutional integration of the Research Institute of Criminology, the main platform of criminological research in the state, to the Prosecutor General's Office, and the influence of Marxist science on criminological methodology, reflected the authoritative discourse into professional discussions. The content analysis of twenty selected texts of non- public professional provenance shows in several areas the extent to which the influence of ideology was noticeable and, on the contrary, how...

PLURISOGGETTIVITA' EVENTUALE E REATI ECONOMICI. PROFILI PROBLEMATICI DEL CONCORSO DI PERSONE IN CONTESTI DI COMPLESSITA' ORGANIZATIVA / Complicity and Economic Crime. A study of certain problematic aspects of complicity within complex organizations.

VENTURATO, BENEDETTA 24 May 2017 (has links)
Il lavoro analizza alcune delle principali problematiche poste dalla applicazione della teoria del concorso di persone nel reato ai cd. "crimini dei colletti bianchi", con particolare riferimento alla criminalità che si sviluppa all'interno di strutture organizzative complesse, così come esse emergono dall'analisi della prassi, e ha l'obiettivo di identificare - attraverso un ragionamento di tipo induttivo - le questioni teoriche ad esse sottese, la cui soluzione possa condurre a una coerente visione d'insieme dell'istituto, conforme a esigenze di garanzia e di giustizia. La ricerca ha preso avvio dalla acquisita consapevolezza del fatto che nelle grandi organizzazioni i processi decisionali coinvolgono solitamente una pluralità di funzioni interne all'impresa, l'esercizio di poteri di supervisione e il ricorso allo strumento della decisione collegiale, dando luogo a un sistema estremamente frammentato e fondato su asimmetrie informative, allocazione di competenze e affidamento. A fronte di un simile quadro - che nel lavoro viene trattato a partire dall'approfondimento di alcuni fondamentali studi sociologici e sulle organizzazioni - l'analisi condotta è volta a identificare i criteri per per la selezione dei contributi concorsuali rilevanti, sostenendo la necessità di continuare a fare riferimento (sul piano oggettivo) a un paradigma causale forte. I temi della causalità psichica, della causalità omissiva e delle cd. condotte neutrali sono parimenti fatti oggetto di analisi alla luce delle specificità del contesto organizzativo. I risultati raggiunti sul piano teorico sono quindi applicati a una selezione di casi, al fine di verificare se e in che misura essi siano in grado di condurre a soluzioni maggiormente conformi ai principi costituzionali che informano la responsabilità penale rispetto a quanto attualmente avviene nella prassi. / The study aims at analysing the major issues concerning the application of the complicity doctrine to white collar crimes committed within complex business organizations as they emerge from the praxis and at conceptually framing them, with a view to identifying - through an inductive reasoning - the main theoretical questions to be addressed to develop a consistent approach to the topic. The research starts from the acknowledgement of the fact that within big corporations, decision making processes usually entail the involvement of different corporate functions, the exercise of supervisory duties and the resort to collective decisions, resulting in an extremely fragmented system based on information asymmetry, competence allocation and trust. Against this background – which is dealt with building on the legacy of some key sociological and organizational studies – a legal analysis is conducted to identify criteria for the selection of the conducts worth punishing based on the identification of a causal contribution to the commission of the crime. Psychological influence, causation by omission, and the relevance of so called "neutral behaviours" (Alltagshandlungen) are also explored. The theoretical results of the analysis are then applied to certain selected cases to show how the elaborated framework can lead to solutions more respectful of the constitutional principles governing criminal responsibility.

Interorganisatorisk samverkan : En kvalitativ studie om hur myndigheter samverkar för att återvinna brottsutbyten / Interorganizational cooperation : in the recovery of crime

Landin, Frida, Zawada, Magdalena January 2017 (has links)
Myndigheter har en central roll i dagens samhälle och många av dem möter vi varje dag vilket gör deras arbete högst aktuellt. Deras ansvarsområden överlappar ibland varandra vilket kräver att de samverkar. Tack vare samverkan kan myndigheterna effektivisera sitt arbete och uppnå bättre resultat. Däremot fungerar deras samverkan inte alltid på ett effektivt sätt utan är något som måste utvecklas och skapas tillsammans. Syftet med denna studie var att få en bredare förståelse för samt bidra med kunskap kring interorganisatorisk samverkan vid återvinning av brottsutbyten med särskilt fokus på faktorer som kan främja respektive utgöra hinder för samverkan. Efter avslutad studie har vi gett ett bidrag om de faktorer som kännetecknar interorganisatoriska samband vid brottsbekämpning om brottsutbyten samt gett förslag på förbättringar. Vi valde att använda oss av en fallstudie som metod där en kvalitativ forskningsansats tillämpades. För att få olika perspektiv samt en ökad förståelse för fenomenet som studerats har vi intervjuat sex experter, därmed en från varje myndighet. Vår teoretiska referensram består av forskning som behandlar samverkans betydelse, former och förutsättningar med särskild fokus på främjande respektive hindrande faktorer för interorganisatorisk samverkan. Vi presenterar även en analysmodell som fungerade som en utgångspunkt då vi med hjälp av denna konkretiserade vårt informationsbehov. I empirikapitlet presenterar vi de olika myndigheterna och deras roll i samverkan samt resultaten av intervjuerna. Information kring brottsutbyten presenteras också vilket utgör grunden för den empiriska bakgrunden och den empiriska undersökningen. Detta utgör tillsammans med den teoretiska referensramen grunden för vår diskussion och slutsats. Vår studie visar att det finns faktorer i de utvalda myndigheternas interorganisatoriska samverkan som utgör hinder samt främjar deras arbete kring återvinning av brottsutbyten. Engagemanget ser vi som en främjande faktor i myndigheternas interorganisatoriska samverkan. Kommunikationen mellan myndigheterna utgör en främjande faktor samtidigt som det också finns hinder i kommunikationen. Andra hinder för samverkan är sekretess och brist på relevanta verktyg för uppföljning. Eftersom myndigheterna arbetar utifrån olika ansvarsområden, uppdrag och regelverk konstaterar vi avslutningsvis att samverkan behöver bättre styrning som kan stödja pågående projekt och bidra till bättre synkronisering, koordinering och integrering av arbetsprocesserna. / Authorities play a central role in today's society. We meet many of them every day, which makes their work very actual. Their responsibilities sometimes overlap, which requires them to interact. Through this collaboration, the authorities can improve their efficiency and achieve better results. However, their collaboration does not always work well but is something that has to be created and developed together. The purpose of this study was to contribute with knowledge about inter-organizational collaboration in the reclaiming of profits from crime. We wanted to get a wider understanding of government collaboration that takes place with particular focus on factors that can promote or constitute barriers to collaboration. After completing the study, we have made a contribution about the factors that characterize inter-organizational collaboration in the reclaiming of profits from crime and suggest improvements. We have conducted a qualitative case study as a method. To get different perspectives and an increased understanding of the phenomenon studied, we have interviewed six experts, one from each authority. Our theoretical framework consists of research addressed the importance of collaborations as well as forms and conditions of collaboration with particular focus on facilitators and barriers for inter-organizational collaboration. We also present an analysis model which was used as a starting point for our information needs. In the empirical part of the present study we present the authorities' role in the collaboration as well as the results of the interviews. Information about the reclaiming the profits from crime is also presented and it forms the basis for the empirical background and the empirical study. This, together with the theoretical framework, forms the basis for our discussion and conclusion. This study identifies important facilitators and barriers for the inter-organizational collaboration in the reclaiming of profits from crime. The factors such as commitment impacts the collaboration positively. Communication between the authorities constitutes a promotion factor while there are also obstacles in the communication. Other barriers in collaboration are confidentiality and lack of relevant follow-up tools. As the authorities work on different responsibilities, tasks and regulations, we conclude that the collaboration requires better governance that would support ongoing projects and contribute to better synchronization, coordination and integration of the work processes.

Forenzní šetření a hospodářská kriminalita / Forensic investigation and economic crime

Švajnochová, Gabriela January 2016 (has links)
Topic of this master thesis is forensic investigation and forms of economic crime which can be detected during the investigation. First chapter focuses on forensic investigation and its comparison with statutory audit. In the second chapter is performed analysis of forms of economic crime in the Czech Republic, Southern and Eastern Europe and globally. Knowledge from the previous chapters is applied to the real forensic investigation performed in the Czech Republic, forensic investigation of project OpenCard.

Odhalování hospodářské kriminality při auditu a forenzním šetření / Detection of Fraud in Audit and Forensic Investigation

Kupková, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
Economic crime is always actual theme, even more when economy finds itself in crisis. It is a well-known fact, that in such times fraud risk increases even inside organizations. This thesis is dealing with economic crime from the perspective of auditor and fraud examiner and likewise in the terms of Czech criminal law. Fraud, as both professions call economic criminality, implies higher costs for organizations, that's why both private and government sector organizations strives to fight it. Statutory audit is being perceived as one of the means to detect fraud. But statutory audit often fails to satisfy these expectations, for it's objective is only in auditor's opinion to express, that financial statement doesn't contain material misstatement. Detecting fraud is a responsibility of the entity. As a result of discrepancies in concept of this responsibility between public and auditors arises expectation gap, which is one of the problems distinctly revealed in the beginning of the financial crisis, when big companies, whose financial statements were verified by auditor's unqualified opinion, found themselves in trouble. In this context the thesis specifies auditor's responsibility in the wording of International Standards on Auditing and Czech law. As more efficient anti-fraud means the forensic audit is being used, the thesis compares it with statutory audit especially in terms of detecting fraud.

Análise do(s) crime(s) de corrupção no âmbito privado à luz do sistema integral de direito penal /

Borges, Thaís Regina Santos Saad January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Fernando Andrade Fernandes / Resumo: Considerando que o delito de corrupção é favorecido pelo mundo globalizado, em que as atividades econômicas encontram-se interligadas numa rede de interdependência dos mercados, gerando uma maior complexidade da sociedade e consequente relativização de valores, das regras morais e jurídicas, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma análise do problema pela ótica do Sistema Integral de Direito Penal, considerando-se o entendimento de que apenas nessa perspectiva mais abrangente será possível uma melhor compreensão do fenômeno frente à mencionada complexidade. Registre-se, inicialmente, a hipótese de que se trata de uma manifestação do fenômeno delitivo, que possui raízes em uma perspectiva criminológica a qual passou a enfatizar a relevância penal também de alguns fatos realizados por determinados sujeitos de elevado status social (powerfull), com destaque para certas práticas no mundo dos negócios. Considerando-se a elevada danosidade social destas práticas e a complexidade operativa da sua execução, com alcance muitas vezes multinacional, será avaliada a opção, já efetivada, de criação de uma política criminal internacional sobre o problema, por meio de documentos de alcance transnacional, que expressem valores comuns neste contexto mais amplo, sob pena de atos de deslealdade concorrencial serem severamente punidos em um determinado país e, simplesmente, não configurarem crime em outros, desequilibrando as relações econômicas estabelecidas na esfera transnacional, ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Considering that the crime of corruption is fomented by the globalized world, in which economic activities are interconnected in a network of interdependence of the markets, generating a greater complexity of society and consequent relativization of values, of moral and juridical rules, the present article has as an objective to carry out an analysis of the problem from the perspective of the Comprehensive Criminal Law System, considering the understanding that only in this more comprehensive perspective will a better understanding of the phenomenon be possible in the face of this complexity. The hypothesis is initially that this is a manifestation of the delirium phenomenon that has roots in a criminological perspective that began to emphasize the criminal relevance also of some facts carried out by certain subjects of high social status (powerfull) for certain practices in the business world. Considering the high social damage of these practices and the operational complexity of their execution, which is often multinational in scope, the option of creating an international criminal policy on the problem will be evaluated through documents of transnational scope, common values ​​in this broader context, under penalty of acts of competitive disloyalty being severely punished in one country, and simply not setting up crime in others, unbalancing the economic relations established in the transnational sphere, by the disproportion of the legal burdens that permeate such relation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Veksláci v socialistickém Československu / "Veksláci" in Socialist Czechoslovakia

Havlík, Adam January 2020 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals with the notion of "vekslactvi" in socialist Czechoslovakia and with a social group called "vekslaci", which orchestrated illicit trade with foreign currencies, the so called tuzex vouchers, and smuggled consumer goods. The analysis lays emphasis on the daily operations of the "veksláci" and also on the commodities which they traded. From this perspective, "vekslaci" could be treated as a driving force within the Czechoslovak black market. In addition to the basic principles of "veksl", the chapter also presents a certain typology of traffickers and mutual hierarchical links within this specific community. The lifestyle of the "vekslák subculture" is also a subject of historical reconstruction as the thesis seeks to place "veksláci" in the context of the Czechoslovak society before 1989. The thesis also deals with the social and economic circumstances that enabled the birth of a peculiar social group of "vekslaci". Among others, it focuses on the role of the Tuzex hard currency shops, which was introduced in order to sell (mostly imported) consumer goods in exchange for foreign currencies or special vouchers. Attitude of the Czechoslovak state regarding the issue of "veksláctví" is also a subject of analysis. The research focuses on legislation, which gradually...

Vilken påverkan har den avskaffade revisionsplikten på den ekonomiska brottsligheten? : En kvalitativ studie från myndigheternas perspektiv

Ahnér, Anna, Jakobsson, Eva January 2022 (has links)
Allmän revisionsplikt avskaffades 1 november 2010 för att förenkla administrationen och kostnaderna för småbolag. Förhoppningen med regelförenklingen var att stärka bolagens konkurrenskraft och skapa tillväxt i ekonomin. Revisionsplikt har debatterats sedan den avskaffades. Förespråkarna inom näringslivet vill höja gränsvärden för revisionsplikt, det vill säga att fler företag skulle få valfrihet om de vill ha revision. Medan myndigheterna upplever nackdelar som ökad ekonomisk brottslighet och vill därför återinföra allmän revisionsplikt. Studiens syfte var att undersöka myndigheternas nuvarande inställning gällande hur revisionsplikten har påverkat den ekonomiska brottsligheten i Sverige. En kvalitativ studie genomfördes som bygger på sekundär- och primärdata. Studiens huvudsakliga fokus är sekundärdata som erhölls genom myndighetsrapporter, medan primärdata erhölls genom intervjuer med Ekobrottsmyndigheten och Skatteverket. För att besvara forskningsfrågan har ett abduktivt angreppssätt använts för att undersöka hur lämplig teorin är för att belysa samband i det empiriska datamaterialet. Studien tar stöd av Fraud Triangle Theory som förklarar orsakerna till ekonomiska brott och Fraud Diamond Theory som lägger till en fjärde dimension och beskriver individens förmåga att utföra brottet. I studien framkom att myndighetens farhågor om ökad ekobrottslighet hade slagit in, men att det inte går att fastställa hur mycket ekobrotten hade ökat sedan revisionsplikten avskaffandes. Vilket beror på att ekonomiska brott är komplexa och beror på ett flertal faktorer. Studien visar även på att det krävs mer än en möjlighet, såsom slopande av allmän revisionsplikt, till brott för att ett brott ska realiseras, vilket ställer överens med Diamond Fraud Theory. Många myndigheter har fortfarande en åsikt om att revisionsplikt bör återinföras, då näringslivet behöver någon form av stöd och kontroll. Allmän revisionsplikt kan troligen inte återinföras med tanke på den internationella konkurrensen. Myndigheterna föreslår därför alternativa åtgärder för att begränsa den ekonomiska brottsligheten. / The general audit obligation was abolished on 1 November 2010 to simplify the administration and costs for small companies. The hope with the simplification of the rules was to strengthen the companies’ competitiveness and create growth in the economy. The audit obligation has been debated since it was abolished. Advocates in the business community want to raise the limit values for auditing obligations, that is more companies would have freedom of choice if they want an audit. While the authorities experience disadvantages such as increased financial crime and therefore want to reintroduce a general audit obligation. The purpose of the study was to examine the authorities’ attitude on how the audit obligation has affected economic crime in Sweden.  A qualitative study was constructed based on secondary and primary data. The main focus of the study is secondary data obtained through government reports, while primary data were obtained through interviews with Ekobrottsmyndigheten and Skattemyndigheten. To answer the research question, an abductive approach has been used to investigate how appropriate the theory is för elucidating connections in the empirical data material. The study is supported by the Fraud Triangle Theory which explains the causes of economic crime and the Fraud Diamond Theory which adds a fourth dimension and describes the individual’s ability to commit crime. The study revealed that the authority’s fears of increased eco-crime had taken hold, but that it was not possible to determine how much the eco-crime had increased since the audit obligation was abolished. Which is because economic crimes are complex and depend on a number of factors. The study also shows that more than one possibility of crime, such as general audit obligation, is required for a crime to be realized, which is in line with Diamond Fraud Theory. Many authorities still have an opinion that the audit obligation should be reintroduced, as the business community needs some form of support and control. The general audit obligation can probably not be reintroduced in view of international competition. The authorities are therefore proposing alternative measures to limit economic crime.

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