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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Usos e qualidade da ?gua em regi?o semi-?rida do nordeste brasileiro: percep??o ambiental de professores e alunos

Petrovich, Ana Carla Iorio 24 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:54:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaCLP_DISSERT_pagina 1_a_8.pdf: 8605712 bytes, checksum: a23b0324901ca6ee088750e19d1a57c3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-24 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Density and biomass of bacterioplankton in parts of the Marechal Dutra reservoir were studied in periods of dry and rainy season. The averages of the total bacterial densities oscillated in the order of 107 organisms/ mL of sample. The cocci cells were numerically predominant, influencing considerably the total abundance of the bacterioplankton. The total bacterial biomass, was considered raised and varied from 2.431,82 to 2.739,01 ?gC.L-1, in function of the high values of biovolume of the filaments forms, and showed no marked spacial fluctuation. These high values of density and biomass alert for the necessity of a frequent monitoring of aquatic ecosystems of semi-arid region, where the quality of the water is affected by the occurrence of extensive dry periods, influencing considerably the quality of life of its population / Foram estudadas a densidade e a biomassa do bacteriopl?ncton nos per?odos seco e chuvoso em dois pontos do A?ude Marechal Dutra. As m?dias das densidades bacterianas totais oscilaram na ordem de 107 organismos por mL de amostra. As c?lulas em forma de cocos foram numericamente predominantes, influenciando consideravelmente a abund?ncia total do bacteriopl?ncton. A biomassa bacteriana total foi considerada elevada, variando de 2.431,82 a 2.739,01 ?gC.L-1 , em fun??o dos altos valores de biovolume dos filamentos. N?o foram encontradas varia??es espaciais nem sazonais marcantes. Os altos valores de densidade e biomassa encontrados alertam para a necessidade de um freq?ente monitoramento dos ecossistemas aqu?ticos de regi?o semi-?rida onde a qualidade da ?gua ? afetada pela ocorr?ncia de extensos per?odos de estiagem que influenciam a qualidade de vida de sua popula??o

Entendendo as intera??es entre povos pesqueiros, manguezal e ?rea protegida: RDS estadual Ponta do Tubar?o (RN, Brasil)

Mattos, Patr?cia Pereira 12 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:54:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PatricaPM_DISSERT.pdf: 3860742 bytes, checksum: e010848d8e0374d083ea04d872a52dc2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-12 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The mangrove ecosystem has a great importance to maintaining marine biodiversity, and to the livelihoods of communities living around it. Despite its importance, many mangrove areas have been extensively cleared and converted to other uses. There are few places where communities can retain their traditional uses of mangrove. A good example of conservation of traditional costumes are the fishing communities of the Sustainable Development Reserve (Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustent?vel RDS) Ponta do Tubar?o. The creation of the reserve came from the own population, and the devastation of a mangrove area, which would be destined for activity shrimp, was one of the reasons that led the population to ask authorities the establishment of a legally protected area. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the environmental perception of the fishing communities of RDS Ponta do Tubar?o with respect to the mangroves in a biological, ecological and social perspective as well as evaluate the influence of the reserve in the mangrove conservation and quality of life. To meet objectives of this study was required the appropriation of some method and approaches of ethnosciences and environmental perception. Data were collected through direct observation, and semi-structured interviews. Through content analysis found that the population has a strong dependence on the mangrove ecosystem, as well as provides a good ecological knowledge of ecosystem functions. It was also found that the reservation has a good performance in the conservation of the mangroves; however, need to outline strategies to conciliate both the biological and cultural conservation. / O manguezal ? um ecossistema de grande import?ncia, tanto para manuten??o da biodiversidade marinha, quanto para a subsist?ncia das comunidades que moram no seu entorno. Apesar de sua import?ncia, in?meras ?reas de mangues t?m sido intensamente devastadas e convertidas para outros usos. S?o poucos os lugares em que as comunidades conseguem preservar os usos tradicionais dos manguezais. Um bom exemplo da preserva??o dos costumes tradicionais s?o as comunidades pesqueiras da Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustent?vel Estadual Ponta do Tubar?o, localizado no litoral setentrional do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. A cria??o da reserva partiu da pr?pria popula??o e a devasta??o de uma ?rea de manguezal, ao qual seria destinada ? atividade de carcinicultura, foi um dos motivos que levou a popula??o solicitar ?s autoridades o estabelecimento de uma ?rea legalmente protegida. Desse modo, este trabalho objetivou registrar o valor biol?gico, ecol?gico e social dos manguezais na percep??o dos pescadores, marisqueiras e catadores de caranguejo, bem como avaliar a influ?ncia da reserva na conserva??o do manguezal e qualidade de vida da popula??o. Para atender os objetivos do trabalho fez-se necess?ria a apropria??o de alguns m?todos e abordagens das etnoci?ncias e percep??o ambiental. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de observa??o direta e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Atrav?s da an?lise de conte?do constatou-se que a popula??o apresenta uma forte depend?ncia do ecossistema manguezal, bem como apresenta um bom conhecimento ecol?gico das fun??es do ecossistema. Constatou-se tamb?m que a reserva apresenta uma boa atua??o na conserva??o do manguezal, entretanto, precisa tra?ar estrat?gias, que consiga conciliar a conserva??o biol?gica e cultural.

Avaliacao ecotoxicologica de sedimentos do Rio Tiete, entre os municipios de Salesopolis e Suzano, SP / Ecotoxicological assessment of sediments from Tiete River between Salesopolis and Suzano, SP

ALEGRE, GABRIEL F. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:27:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:57:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Floresta urbana: uma proposta metodológica no estudo do espaço hídrico e da configuração territorial de Registro, região do Vale do Ribeira-SP

BADIRU, AJIBOLA I. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:52:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:58:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Importance des interactions entre plantes et mycorhizes dans le maintien de la productivité des écosystèmes pastoraux montagnards soumis à des forçages climatiques / Plant-fungus interactions in the alpine environment subjected to future climatic conditions

Wahl, Anne-Lena 13 June 2016 (has links)
Bien que les champignons mycorhiziens arbusculaires (AMF) soient présents des habitats collinaires aux habitats alpins, les recherches sur leur rôle dans l’écosystème montagnard sont encore incomplètes. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont d’analyser l’écologie et le fonctionnement des AMF ainsi que leur réponse au changement global dans les écosystèmes montagnards. Nous tentons de répondre aux questions de recherche suivantes : quels sont les effets de l’altitude sur les AMF indépendamment des effets des autres gradients et de la relation AMF-plante hôte ? Quelles relations de facilitation se développent dans les écosystèmes montagnards et quels bénéfices les plantes tirent-elles des AMF ?Avec l’augmentation d’un stress environnemental la symbiose AMF-plante doit théoriquement devenir plus mutualiste. Nous émettons l’hypothèse d’une modification du fonctionnement des interactions AMF-plante selon un gradient altitudinal dans les conditions environnementales actuelles, puis dans les conditions futures. Afin de vérifier ces hypothèses, une expérimentation in situ a été mise en place dans les Alpes Centrales d’Italie pour évaluer les variations des taux de mycorhization et leur abondance dans la communauté microbienne du sol, étudier la nature des relations entre plantes et mycorhizes ainsi que la productivité végétale le long d’un gradient altitudinal. De plus, les influences d’une augmentation de la température et d’une réduction des précipitations sont analysées séparément dans une chambre de croissance sous conditions contrôlées, ce qui permet de distinguer leurs effets respectifs sur la productivité des plantes et sur les interactions plantes – mycorhizes.Cette thèse montre que les AMF sont omniprésents dans les écosystèmes de montagne et qu’une diminution de leur abondance avec l'altitude dépend du contexte climatique global. D'autre part, la relation des AMF avec les plantes est fortement dépendante de la plante-hôte, ainsi que du contexte biotique et abiotique. Troisièmement, un changement des interactions AMF-plante avec l'altitude est suggéré par des indices indirects, mais est également très probablement dépendant de l'identité de la plante hôte. Cette thèse propose aussi une nouvelle orientation de recherche pour bien évaluer les hypothèses présentées. Il est nécessaire de réaliser des études sur le terrain où la présence des AMF est contrôlée et les interactions AMF-plante peuvent être évaluées. Afin de généraliser les résultats, ces expérimentations doivent être menées à différentes échelles spatiales et représenter différentes aires géographiques.Il est particulièrement important de comprendre et de qualifier ces processus en zone montagnarde pour prévoir leur évolution possible dans un contexte de changement global. Nos expérimentations montrent en effet que le réchauffement est un facteur important car il aggrave les conditions de sécheresse en basse altitude et entraine une baisse de la productivité des plantes. Nous démontrons que la présence de mycorhizes atténue l’impact du changement climatique sur la productivité des plantes mais que le niveau de cette atténuation varie selon les espèces de plantes.Les connaissances actuelles concernant les AMF en milieu montagnard sont peu développées sur les processus en jeu dans les interactions AMF-plantes. Grâce aux hypothèses présentées et à leur approche expérimentale cette thèse offre de nouvelles perspectives sur l’analyse de ces processus. / Even though arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are present from foothills to all alpine habitats, research on their role in mountain ecosystems remains incomplete. The main objective of this dissertation was to investigate interactions between AMF and plants along altitudinal gradients under both, natural conditions and simulated future climate change conditions.A novel framework is suggested for the functioning of the AMF-plant relationship along altitudinal gradients based on the stress gradient hypothesis. The first hypothesis expects the AMF-relationship to shift along the mutualism–parasitism continuum following changing environmental stress along the altitudinal gradient. The relationship might be most mutualistic at the subalpine zone. In a second hypothesis, this shift along the mutualism-parasitism continuum is predicted to be different under climate change conditions, and the most mutualistic expression of the AMF-plant relationship expected in the montane and alpine zone. Studies to validate the presented hypotheses will help to identify important mechanisms underlying plant-AMF interaction and with that the mediation of plant-plant interactions by AMF. In the scope of this thesis, the framework was addressed in field experiment as well as under controlled conditions in a climate chamber experiment.From a literature review and from a field experiment along a dry inner-alpine altitudinal gradient this thesis proposes the following conclusions: First, AMF are also ubiquitous in mountain ecosystems, but a decrease in their abundance with increasing altitude is dependent on the overall climatic context. Second, their relationship to plants is however strongly dependent on the host plant species as well as the biotic and abiotic context. Third, a shift of the AMF-relationship along with altitude is expected but will quite possibly also depend on the plant species identity. Fourth, to fully assess the suggested working hypotheses for AMF-plant interactions field studies must be conducted at different spatial scales and covering different mountain systems.It is particularly important to understand and investigate the drivers of AMF plant relationship in mountain ecosystems to be able to make sound predictions for AMF-plant interactions under future climate change conditions. The presented field and climate chamber experiments on climate change show that temperature is an important factor because it aggravates the conditions of drought in lowland and a threshold is surpassed. It becomes also clear that whether AMF mitigate climate change effects for plants or not is dependent on the plant species. Altogether this thesis contributes to current research questions in ecology, climate change mitigation and plant–soil interactions, because it addresses the role of AMF in mountain grassland ecosystem, investigates the effects of climate change and provides a new framework concerning the functioning of the AMF-plant relationship ranging from parasitism to mutualism.

De l’acclimatation à l’adaptation : mécanismes évolutifs, conséquences populationnelles et implication en biosurveillance / From acclimation to adaptation : evolutionary mechanisms, populational consequences, and implications for biomonitoring

Potet, Marine 21 December 2017 (has links)
Le cadre réglementaire défini par la Directive Cadre sur l’Eau impose le développement de méthodologies fiables d’évaluation et/ou de caractérisation de l’état de santé des écosystèmes aquatiques. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse était d’identifier les rôles relatifs des paramètres des milieux aquatiques (température, cycle saisonnier, minéralisation), des caractéristiques des populations et des pressions anthropiques sur les réponses des biomarqueurs chez un organisme aquatique modèle, la moule zébrée (Dreissena polymorpha). Une espèce sœur, Dreissena rostriformis bugensis, arrivée plus récemment dans nos cours d’eau, a été suivie en parallèle et son potentiel en tant que biomoniteur a également été évalué. Pour cela, une batterie d’une douzaine de biomarqueurs sub-cellulaires a été mesurée dans différentes populations des deux espèces vivant dans des milieux contrastés, à différentes périodes de l’année, mais aussi lors de stress standardisés en laboratoire. Les biomarqueurs choisis correspondaient à différentes fonctions physiologiques et/ou antitoxiques, et des réponses à fortes pertinence écologiques, telles que la consommation d’oxygène ou l’activité de filtration, ont ponctuellement été suivies. Ces différents paramètres ont permis d’interroger les notions de sensibilité et de vulnérabilité des populations et de mieux comprendre les facteurs déterminant les réponses des biomarqueurs. Les différences inter-populationnelles montrent que l’accumulation des contaminants par les organismes et leurs réponses biologiques sont bien dépendantes de la qualité du biotope propre à chaque population, mais aussi de la saison, un facteur confondant qui doit donc être pris en compte lors de campagnes de biosurveillance. De fortes différences de réponse des biomarqueurs entre les deux espèces ont aussi été observées, aussi bien in situ que lors des expositions en laboratoire, soulignant la nécessité de bien différencier ces deux espèces, pourtant très proches. La nouvelle arrivée, D. r. bugensis, présente des réponses plus plastiques in situ, mais semble moins capable de gérer des stress aigus lors d’expositions en laboratoire. A l’inverse, D. polymorpha, arrivée il a 200 ans en France, semble mieux adaptée, avec une variabilité de réponse moins marquée et une meilleure tolérance aux contaminants. Ces travaux de thèse s’inscrivent dans le cadre de la convention BIOMICS, réalisée en collaboration avec l’ONEMA. Ils montrent que ces deux espèces sont aptes à nous renseigner sur l’état de contamination du milieu dans lequel elles vivent, même si les grilles d’interprétation peuvent être différentes de l’une à l’autre. Les variations des réponses des biomarqueurs au niveau sub-cellulaire témoignent de façon précoce de modifications de la qualité du milieu. Certains biomarqueurs semblent toutefois plus informatifs que d’autres, la batterie mesurée pourrait donc être réduite. A l’avenir, ces travaux permettront une meilleure lecture et interprétation des biomarqueurs mesurés dans des populations autochtones ou transplantées, et attestent de l’intérêt des biomarqueurs en tant qu’outils d’évaluation de la qualité des milieux aquatiques / The regulatory framework defined by the Water Framework Directive requires the development of reliable methodologies for assessing and / or characterizing the health status of aquatic ecosystems. The objective of this thesis was to identify the relative roles of environmental parameters (temperature, seasonal cycle, mineralization), population characteristics and anthropic pressures on biomarker responses in a model aquatic organism, the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha). A sister species, Dreissena rostriformis bugensis, which invaded more recently our waterways, has been used in parallel and its potential as a biomonitor has also been evaluated. For this purpose, a battery of a dozen sub-cellular biomarkers was measured in different populations of the two species living in contrasting environments, at different times of the year, but also under laboratory stresses. The selected biomarkers corresponded to different physiological and / or antitoxic functions, and responses with high ecological relevance, such as oxygen consumption or filtration activity, were occasionally followed. These various parameters allowed to question the concepts of sensitivity and vulnerability of the populations and to understand the factors determining biomarker responses. Inter-population differences showed that the accumulation of contaminants by organisms and their biomarker responses depend on environmental quality at the originating site of each population, but also on the season, a confounding factor which must therefore be taken into account during biomonitoring programs. Strong differences in biomarker responses between the two species were also observed, both in situ and during laboratory experiments, emphasizing the need to differentiate the two species, so close they are. The recent invader, D. r. bugensis, presents more plastic responses in situ, but appears less able to manage acute stress in laboratory. Conversely, D. polymorpha, which is about 200 years old in France, appears to be better adapted, with less response variability and a better tolerance to contaminants. This thesis work is part of the BIOMICS convention, carried out in collaboration with ONEMA. It shows that these two species are able to inform about the contamination status of their environment. Variations in biomarker responses at the sub-cellular level indicate early changes in environmental quality. Some biomarkers, however, seem more informative than others do, so the measured battery could be reduced. In the future, this work will allow a better reading and interpretation of biomarkers measured in autochthonous or transplanted populations, and attest the value of biomarkers as tools for assessing aquatic environment quality

Migration or transhumance: A form of sustainable management of natural resources in Peru / Migración o transhumancia: una forma de gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales en el Perú

Sabogal, Ana 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper analyzes traditional migration processes in Perú and their influence on resource conservation. In the coast as well as in the sierra and selva, migration has been part of human coexistence with fragile ecosystems, allowing their conservation. However, these processes have not been recognized by the political administration. The State should recognize the existence of migration circuits to manage resources and include them within in the planning and development strategies. That must be reflected in the ecologic and economic zoning and inthe territorial land management. At the same time, the State should look for the means to get a dialog among the diverse actors that form the migration circuits. Here, I propose to involve the migration processes within the public policy in planning as well as in the regional development. / El artículo analiza los procesos de migración tradicional en el Perú y su influencia en la conservaciónde los recursos. Tanto en la costa, como en la sierra y la selva, la migración ha formadoparte de la convivencia humana con los ecosistemas frágiles, permitiendo su conservación. Sinembargo, estos procesos no han sido reconocidos por la gestión política. El Estado debe reconocerla existencia de circuitos de migración para la gestión de recursos e incluirlos dentro de la planificacióny desarrollo regional. Ello debe reflejarse en la zonificación ecológica económica y en elordenamiento territorial. Al mismo tiempo al Estado le corresponde establecer el diálogo entrelos diversos actores que integran los circuitos de migración. Se plantea involucrar dentro de lapolítica pública los procesos de migración tanto en la planificación, como en el desarrollo regional.

Efeitos da turbidez e complexidade do habitat no consumo e seletividade de tamanho das presas de Cichla kelberi (Kullander & Ferreira, 2006)

Menezes, Carlos Walker Fernandes 31 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Lara Oliveira (lara@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-02-17T20:18:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CarlosWFM_DISSERT.pdf: 2074387 bytes, checksum: d15d040743afcab33bb24b0c294d916d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vanessa Christiane (referencia@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-03-21T14:44:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CarlosWFM_DISSERT.pdf: 2074387 bytes, checksum: d15d040743afcab33bb24b0c294d916d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vanessa Christiane (referencia@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-03-21T14:49:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CarlosWFM_DISSERT.pdf: 2074387 bytes, checksum: d15d040743afcab33bb24b0c294d916d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-21T15:05:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CarlosWFM_DISSERT.pdf: 2074387 bytes, checksum: d15d040743afcab33bb24b0c294d916d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-31 / Alien species are causing various environmental impact on aquatic ecosystems throughout the world. As an example, alien fish introductions piscivorous habit have been associated with dramatic reductions in local diversity of native fish assemblages. To predict these impacts is necessary to understand environmental factors related to predation and selectivity of alien piscivorous fish, and some factors that may limit the invasive potential and the establishment of these non-native species due to reduction in the capture of prey, such as turbidity and complexity habitat as the presence of weeds for shelter. Thus, this study seeks to understand the Cichla kelberi species that has evaluated experimentally in a completely randomized design. The experiment was conducted in aquaculture center UFERSA, in plastic tanks containing approximately 500L of water, each with the presence of only predator, which was subjected to environments where the turbidity had 3 different levels (0, 60 and 120 NTU); 2 of macrophytes (presence or absence) and the selectivity of prey was evaluated by Chesson index, is offering 2- different prey sizes (the smallest with 2.87 ± 0.25 cm and the largest with 3.91 ± 0, 11 cm). The results of this study revealed that high levels of turbidity (120 NTU) consumption of prey has been reduced significantly; the presence of aquatic weeds did not affect the predator consumption and there was a preference for smaller prey of Oreochromis niloticus. In conclusion, this study showed behavioral information about the alien C. kelberi and factors that may limit their predation and providing empirical support for greater understanding of the species. Combined, these results support the hypothesis of the study and suggest that the impact of risk is reduced predation on aquatic ecosystems high turbidity and the presence of larger prey / Espécies alienígenas são causadoras de diversos impactos ecológicos em ecossistemas aquáticos em todo o mundo. A exemplo disso, introduções de peixes alienígenas de hábito piscívoro têm sido associadas a drásticas reduções na diversidade local de assembleias de peixes nativos. Para prever esses impactos é necessário compreender fatores ambientais relacionados à predação e seletividade de peixes piscívoros alienígenas, sendo que alguns fatores que podem limitar o potencial invasivo e o estabelecimento dessas espécies não nativas devido a redução da captura de presas, tais como turbidez e complexidade de hábitat como a presença de macrófitas como abrigo. Diante disso, este estudo busca compreender a espécie Cichla kelberi, que foi avaliada experimentalmente em um delineamento inteiramente casualisado. . O experimento foi realizado no centro de aquicultura da UFERSA, em tanques plásticos, contendo aproximadamente 500L de água, cada um com a presença de único predador, que foi submetido a ambientes onde a turbidez apresentava 3 níveis distintos (0, 60 e 120 NTU); 2 de macrófitas (presença e ausência) e a seletividade de presas foi avaliado pelo índice de Chesson, ofertando-se 2 tamanhos de presas diferentes (a menor com 2,87 ± 0,25 cm e a maior com 3,91 ± 0,11 cm). Os resultados desse estudo revelaram que em níveis elevados de turbidez (120 NTU) o consumo de presas foi reduzido significativamente; a presença de macrófitas aquáticas não interferiu no consumo do predador e observou-se preferência por presas de menor tamanho de Oreochromis niloticus. Concluindo, o presente estudo apresentou informações comportamentais sobre o alienígena C. kelberi e fatores que podem limitar sua predação e fornecendo suporte empírico para maior compreensão da espécie. Combinados, estes resultados suportam a hipótese do estudo e sugerem que o impacto do risco predação será reduzida em ecossistemas aquáticos de alta turbidez e na presença de presas maiores / 2017-02-17

O papel das cidades na descentralização de políticas nacionais de ciência, tecnologia e inovação

Rosa, Newton Braga January 2016 (has links)
O estudo trata da descentralização de políticas públicas de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (CT&I) do governo federal para os municípios. As políticas públicas de CT&I são, cada vez mais, essenciais para o desenvolvimento economicamente viável e sustentável de uma nação. Assim, governos ao redor do mundo investem em empresas e sistemas de inovação como forma de manter a competitividade em uma economia cada vez mais global. Paradoxalmente, apesar da crescente relevância política, social e econômica das cidades no mundo, seu papel tem sido subestimado nas políticas nacionais de CT&I no Brasil. No plano teórico, o presente estudo apoia-se em duas vertentes temáticas: o desenvolvimento regional na economia do conhecimento e a descentralização federativa. Nesse contexto, o estudo interroga sobre como inserir o município nas políticas nacionais de CT&I. O estudo busca evidências empíricas nas relações intergovernamentais da descentralização e em dois estudos de caso, nas cidades brasileiras de Porto Alegre e São Leopoldo, ambas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, escolhidas pelos bons resultados na promoção de sistemas empresariais de inovação. A pesquisa chegou a alguns resultados como: (a) a mobilização dos governos em torno de políticas públicas em CT&I continua sendo crucial para o desenvolvimento de empresas e sistemas empresariais de base tecnológica; (b) os municípios mostram capacidade de criar políticas públicas de CT&I, como marcos regulatórios, estruturas organizacionais, mecanismos de incentivo e sistemas de governança; (c) a descentralização via municípios pode melhorar a capilaridade e a eficácia de programas nacionais, fortalecendo sistemas regionais de inovação e complementando políticas federais de CT&I; (d) os municípios são entes federados plenos que têm poder político e econômico para influir e promover ajustes nas políticas públicas federais de CT&I. / This thesis discusses decentralization of national public policies on Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I) from the federal to the city government. Governments around the world have been supporting companies and innovation systems because of their relevance to economic viability and national sustainable development. However, despite the increasing political, social and economic relevance of cities worldwide, their role has been underestimated in national ST&I policies. In this context, this study considers how municipal decentralization of national ST&I policies enhances capillarity, efficiency and the strengthening of regional systems of innovation. The study offers empirical evidence of intergovernmental relationships of decentralization through the case studies of two Brazilian cities: Porto Alegre and São Leopoldo, which were selected because of their comparatively good results in promoting companies and systems of innovation in comparison to other Brazilian cities. The main conclusions of the study are: (a) federal government public policy promotion in ST&I remains crucial to the development of entrepreneurial technologically-based systems; (b) municipalities are capable of mobilizing resources, structuring incentive mechanisms, articulating actors, and organizing governance systems; (c) decentralization via municipalities can improve capillarity and effectiveness, strengthening regional innovation systems and consequently complementing national ST&I policies; (d) increased political and economic power of city governments can promote improvements in federal policies of ST&I.

Meio ambiente e a Zona Franca de Manaus: análise crítica sobre a proteção ambiental na Amazônia ocidental a luz da teoria dos polos de crescimento

Maria Ivanúcia Mariz Erminio 20 April 2017 (has links)
A crise ambiental obteve maior atenção a partir da segunda metade do século XX, quando a situação se agravou após um período de grandes guerras e a posterior reconstrução estrutural e econômica da Europa. O Brasil busca se adequar, ainda que mais formalmente que de forma efetiva, a esta discussão, buscando compatibilizar, em um país ainda em desenvolvimento, o crescimento econômico a preservação de seus biomas naturais. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral investigar o impacto que a Zona Franca de Manaus apresenta no Bioma amazônico no Estado do Amazonas, estado onde foi implementada, comparando o ao estado do Pará, estado que apresenta semelhanças populacionais, políticas, geográficas e ambientais, porém não tem um Polo Industrial de dimensões da Zona Franca. O trabalho foi realizado através do método caracterizado como descritivo e explicativo sob as ferramentas de pesquisa bibliográfica, documental com os objetivos específicos de buscar analisar os fundamentos da discussão sobre a crise ambiental agravada no século XX observando a situação do Brasil contemporâneo, que busca a compatibilização do crescimento econômico com as problemáticas da sustentabilidade, e como esta perspectiva se apresenta dentro dos fundamentos econômicos que norteiam os polos de crescimento de acordo com a Théorie des Pôles de Croissance do economista François Perroux, que engloba não apenas o crescimento econômico como também a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população, e, a partir desta perspectiva, como, através do estudo de caso e análise de dados estatísticos, o Polo Industrial de Manaus vem impactando no bioma da região. / The environmental crisis got more attention from the second half of the twentieth century, when the situation worsened after a period of world wars and subsequent structural and economic reconstruction of Europe. Brazil tries to adapt, even more formally than effectively, to this discussion, seeking to reconcile, in a still developing country, economic growth and the preservation of it natural biomes. The objective of this work is to investigate the impact of the Free Zone of Manaus on the Amazon Biome in the State of Amazonas, where it was implemented, comparing it to the state of Pará, a state that presents population, political, geographic and environmental similarities, But does not have an Industrial Pole of Free Zone dimensions. The work was carried out through the method described as descriptive and explanatory under the tools of bibliographical research, documentary with the specific objectives of seeking to analyze the foundations of the discussion on the environmental crisis aggravated in the twentieth century observing the situation of contemporary Brazil, which tries the compatibilization Of economic growth with the problems of sustainability, and how this perspective presents itself within the economic foundations that guide the poles of growth according to the "Théorie des Pôles de Croissance" by the economist François Perroux, which encompasses not only economic growth but also the improvement of the quality of life of the population, and, from this perspective, how, through the case study and analysis of statistical data, the Industrial Pole of Manaus has impacted on the biome of the region.

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