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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An historical approach to physics instruction

Conner, Angelo C. 01 January 2008 (has links)
Student success is a main interest of concerned educators. Much research has been conducted to investigate strategies and instructional methods that may affect student performance. One such method is that of using an historical approach to physics instruction. The question I wish to investigate is this: How does using an historical approach to physics instruction affect student performance, student attitudes towards science courses, and the maturation of students' "epistemological expertise" (Elby, 2001, p.S54)? I have used historically based instructional materials to develop a unit on gas laws. This unit was taught to 10th and 11th grade Chemistry students at a mid-level socioeconomic Central Florida high school. At the conclusion of the instruction, a twopart test written using examples from the students' textbook was used as an assessment to measure the performance of the students. Also the Epistemological Beliefs Assessment for Physical Science (EBAPS) survey was used to measure changes in the students' epistemological expertise. The EBAPS survey was given as a pre and post assessment. The Maryland Physics Expectations (MPEX) survey has also been utilized as a pre and post survey to measure the changes in the students' attitudes towards the course and to show a bridging of the "two-cultures gap". The MPEX survey indicated no significant changes in student attitudes. Intellectually, it seems as though they still regard physics "as a separate and more-than equal discipline which exists and operates apart from all other activities of the human mind" (Gosselin, 1975, p.15). This is in line with the findings of Abd-El-Khalick and Lederman (2000) in history of science courses where "very few and limited changes in participants' views [ on Nature of Science] were evident at the conclusion of the courses" (Abd-El-Khalick, p.1 ). However, after instruction, the descriptive statistics seem to indicate a shift in the epistemological expertise of the students who received the historically based instruction. They appear to have been able to further develop a pool of "fine-grained epistemological resources" to draw from and activate (Elby, 2003, p.55). The maturation of the students' epistemological expertise may have led to their higher performance on the unit test. . Students who received the historically based instruction made gains of an average of 6.5% on their tests, with the students showing high epistemological expertise making gains of an average of 12%. By comparison, students in the courses receiving traditional instruction showed no improvement. Conducting this research has offered an appropriate look at using an historical approach to physics instruction. In my teaching, using an historical approach proved a useful tool; a tool which is often overlooked in secondary physics classrooms. If utilized, this approach to physics instruction may become a key for greater success in the sciences and across the entire academic spectrum.

Řešení fyzikálních úloh - rozvoj dílčích dovedností / Solving of physics problems - development of particular skills

Homolová, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this work was to prepare activities and identify suitable physics problems that focus on students' abilities to solve physics problems and should help them develop their physical thinking. Four activities are described in this thesis. A teacher's methodical sheet that describes the activity and includes information about the type of developed problem solving skill as well as a worksheet with problems and solution of the worksheet were created for each activity. All worksheets were tested at upper secondary schools. The aim of the research was to find out if teachers and students consider the prepared activities, or more precisely the worksheets, as useful and usable. For the purposes of this research, a case study was chosen as a research method, in which participant observations and structured interviews with students and teachers were the main data for collection sources.

Cultura(s), educa??o (f?sica) e esporte (s) ? nas teias de uma pesquisa-a??o extensionista em uma universidade p?blica baiana

Barbosa, Jaderson Silva 12 May 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Isabel Cristina Santana (icns@uefs.br) on 2015-05-09T06:57:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jaderson Silva Barbosa.pdf: 500076 bytes, checksum: 7565523bc67f6534fa752bd31d6edd2b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-09T06:57:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jaderson Silva Barbosa.pdf: 500076 bytes, checksum: 7565523bc67f6534fa752bd31d6edd2b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-05-12 / This study was an Action Research involving an action extension, the Forward Program: Citizen Action ( PEAC ), State University of Feira de Santana, Bahia and had as its object of study, the Sports School project that cared for children from 9 to 14 years residents of neighborhoods Campo Limpo and Novo Horizonte. Research problems were jointly constructed between actors and social and directed to answer the following questions authors: what are the phenomena that influence or influenced the construction of the conception of sport stakeholders and social actors involved in the PEAC? As the PEAC in its relations involving their intervention (action research), takes a critical-reflexive appropriation of knowledge and experience of the body in culture / with sports? There PEAC contribution in sports training and civic education of the students enrolled in the School of Sport this program? A significant contribution of the PEAC, in order to allow for social change in reality in the context where the program was implemented? To answers these questions, the study proposed a critical perspective, however, without making epistemic entrenchments, using contributions of theoretical frameworks in the field of Physical Education to discuss about physical culture and sport, in addition to the discussion of university extension. The analysis of data extracted from statements made by the subjects involved in the actions of the program (families, students, teachers and scholars of the program) were tabulated, organized and described using the technique of the Collective Subject Discourse. The main results of this Action Research highlights are proposing to reorganize the teaching (and learning as a result of) the sport in higher education and in social projects, a critical perspective, using various bodily expressive possibilities in an integrative action capable of initiating paradigm shifts in educational arenas, proposing social change in reality where social actors and authors are entered and recognizing the limitations regarding the extent of the changes. Furthermore, experiments with the PEAC, especially the Sports School project , which brought elements propose disruptions and contributions in micro dimensions ( sport , physical education and his theories) and macrostructural (model of society, public policy and extension), both permanently interconnected . / Este estudo foi uma Pesquisa-A??o que envolveu uma a??o de extens?o, o Programa Encaminhar: A??o Cidad? (PEAC), da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana-Bahia e teve como objeto de estudo o projeto Escola de Esportes que atendia crian?as de 9 a 14 anos moradores dos bairros Campo Limpo e Novo Horizonte. Os problemas de investiga??o foram constru?dos conjuntamente entre os atores e autores sociais e direcionados a responder os seguintes questionamentos: quais os fen?menos que influenciam ou influenciaram a constru??o da concep??o de esporte dos atores e autores sociais envolvidos no PEAC? Como o PEAC, em suas rela??es que envolveram a sua interven??o (pesquisa e a??o), prop?e uma viv?ncia e apropria??o cr?tica-reflexiva dos saberes da cultura corporal no/com o esporte? Qual a contribui??o do PEAC na forma??o esportiva e cidad? dos alunos matriculados na Escola de Esporte deste programa? Existe contribui??o significativa do PEAC, no sentido de possibilitar para a transforma??o social na realidade no contexto onde foi implementado o Programa? Para as respostas estas quest?es o estudo prop?s, numa perspectiva cr?tica, contudo, sem fazer entrincheiramentos epistemol?gicos, utilizar contribui??es de referenciais te?ricos da ?rea da Educa??o F?sica que discuti sobre cultura corporal e esporte, al?m da discuss?o sobre a extens?o universit?ria. A an?lise dos dados extra?dos de depoimentos produzidos pelos sujeitos envolvidos nas a??es do programa (familiares, alunos, professores e bolsistas do programa) foram tabulados, organizados e descritos utilizando a t?cnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Como principais resultados desta Pesquisa-A??o destacam-se a proposi??o em reorganizar o ensino (e como consequ?ncia o aprendizado) do esporte no ensino superior e em projetos sociais, numa perspectiva cr?tica, utilizando diversas possibilidades corporais expressivas, em uma a??o integradora capaz de iniciar mudan?as de paradigmas em espa?os de forma??o, propondo transforma??o social na realidade onde os atores e autores sociais est?o inseridos e reconhecendo as limita??es no que diz respeito a amplitude das mudan?as. Al?m disto, as experi?ncias com o PEAC, especialmente o projeto Escola de Esportes, trouxeram elementos que prop?em rupturas e contribui??es em dimens?es micro (conceitos sobre o esporte e suas rela??es com as teorias e pr?ticas da Educa??o F?sica) e macroestruturais (modelo de sociedade, pol?tica p?blica e a extens?o), ambas, permanentemente interconectadas.

Развој наставних инструкција у активној настави физике / Razvoj nastavnih instrukcija u aktivnoj nastavi fizike / Modern teaching methods aimed at increasing the efficiency of learning in physics

Hajduković-Jandrić Gordana 22 January 2016 (has links)
<p>Предмет овог истраживања су ефекти два&nbsp; типа наставне инструкције: традиционалнe, и експерименталне-наставне&nbsp; инструкције засноване на&nbsp; aктивној&nbsp; настави физике.&nbsp; У раду су приказане проблемска настава и научни метод као&nbsp; наставне&nbsp; инструкције&nbsp; у&nbsp; aктивној&nbsp; настави физике.&nbsp; Научни метод који је предмет овог истраживања заснива се на једноставним огледима у физици&nbsp; који не захтевају скупу опрему и могу се реализовати уз минимум наставних средстава која су доступна сваком - 230 -ученику.&nbsp; Приказани су резултати истраживања спроведеног са циљем&nbsp; испитивања утицаја примењених наставних инструкција у настави<br />физике, на резултат&nbsp; укупног образовног учинка, трајности стечених знања као и разумевање аспеката природе науке и научног истраживања у односу на&nbsp;&nbsp; традиционалну наставу. Испитивање је извршено&nbsp; као&nbsp; педагошки експеримент типа<br />паралелних група,&nbsp; на узорку шестих и осмих разреда основне школе&nbsp; &bdquo;Мирослав Антић&ldquo; и &bdquo;Десанка Максимовић&ldquo; у Футогу. Утврђено је постојање значајне разлике у трајности задржавања знања као и бржем и темељнијем усвајању наставних садржаја применом наставних&nbsp; инструкција&nbsp; у&nbsp; aктивној&nbsp; настави физике&nbsp; у односу на традиционалну наставу. Анализа резултата финалног теста указује на&nbsp;&nbsp; позитиван тренд разумевања скоро свих аспеката природе науке у експерименталним групама. Главни недостатак у примени ових наставних инструкција представљају индивидуалне разлике ученика у&nbsp; брзини решавања постављеног проблема, као и недостатак адекватне литературе која би подржалa овакав облик наставе.</p> / <p>Predmet ovog istraživanja su efekti dva&nbsp; tipa nastavne instrukcije: tradicionalne, i eksperimentalne-nastavne&nbsp; instrukcije zasnovane na&nbsp; aktivnoj&nbsp; nastavi fizike.&nbsp; U radu su prikazane problemska nastava i naučni metod kao&nbsp; nastavne&nbsp; instrukcije&nbsp; u&nbsp; aktivnoj&nbsp; nastavi fizike.&nbsp; Naučni metod koji je predmet ovog istraživanja zasniva se na jednostavnim ogledima u fizici&nbsp; koji ne zahtevaju skupu opremu i mogu se realizovati uz minimum nastavnih sredstava koja su dostupna svakom - 230 -učeniku.&nbsp; Prikazani su rezultati istraživanja sprovedenog sa ciljem&nbsp; ispitivanja uticaja primenjenih nastavnih instrukcija u nastavi<br />fizike, na rezultat&nbsp; ukupnog obrazovnog učinka, trajnosti stečenih znanja kao i razumevanje aspekata prirode nauke i naučnog istraživanja u odnosu na&nbsp;&nbsp; tradicionalnu nastavu. Ispitivanje je izvršeno&nbsp; kao&nbsp; pedagoški eksperiment tipa<br />paralelnih grupa,&nbsp; na uzorku šestih i osmih razreda osnovne škole&nbsp; &bdquo;Miroslav Antić&ldquo; i &bdquo;Desanka Maksimović&ldquo; u Futogu. Utvrđeno je postojanje značajne razlike u trajnosti zadržavanja znanja kao i bržem i temeljnijem usvajanju nastavnih sadržaja primenom nastavnih&nbsp; instrukcija&nbsp; u&nbsp; aktivnoj&nbsp; nastavi fizike&nbsp; u odnosu na tradicionalnu nastavu. Analiza rezultata finalnog testa ukazuje na&nbsp;&nbsp; pozitivan trend razumevanja skoro svih aspekata prirode nauke u eksperimentalnim grupama. Glavni nedostatak u primeni ovih nastavnih instrukcija predstavljaju individualne razlike učenika u&nbsp; brzini rešavanja postavljenog problema, kao i nedostatak adekvatne literature koja bi podržala ovakav oblik nastave.</p> / <p>The subject of this study&nbsp; is&nbsp; the effects of two types&nbsp; of teaching instruction: traditional and experimental teaching instructions based on the active teaching of physics. In this &nbsp;article is presented&nbsp; the problem solving teaching&nbsp; and&nbsp; the scientific method&nbsp; as a teaching instruction in active teaching of physics. - 232 -Scientific method that is the subject of this research is based on simple experiments in physics that do not require expensive equipment and can be implemented with minimum teaching resources that &nbsp;are&nbsp; available to every student. There are presented results of research carried out to study the effect of the applied educational instruction in physics, the result of the overall educational performance, durability of acquired knowledge and understanding &nbsp;of&nbsp; aspects of the nature of science and scientific&nbsp;research in relation to the traditional teaching. The study was conducted as a pedagogical experiment of&nbsp; parallel groups in a sample of sixth and eighth-graders, in schools &quot;Miroslav Antic&quot; and &quot;Desanka Maksimovic&quot; in Futog. The study of pedagogical documentation as well as the results obtained from initial test designed for the purpose of this research, formed the control and experimental groups matched for relevant educational parameters. Is done a comparison of the control group&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; the&nbsp; problem teaching,&nbsp; the control group&nbsp; -&nbsp; the scientific method&nbsp;and the&nbsp; problem teaching&nbsp; -&nbsp; the scientific method,&nbsp; in quantum, quality and efficiency of knowledge of the applied methods. The results were statistically&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; analyzed. There existed significant differences in the durability of knowledge retention, faster and more thorough adoption of educational content using of the active teaching instruction in teaching physics than traditional teaching. Analysis of the results of&nbsp;the final test shows a positive trend understanding of almost all aspects of the nature of science in the experimental groups. The main drawback in &nbsp;the implementation of the teaching instruction students is individual differences in the speed of solving the&nbsp;problem, and the lack of&nbsp; adequate literature&nbsp; to&nbsp; support this form &nbsp;of teaching.</p>

Lernen durch eigenständiges Schreiben von sachbezogenen Texten im Physikunterricht: Eine Feldstudie zum Schreiben im Physikunterricht am Beispiel der Akustik

Bergeler, Elmar 15 July 2009 (has links)
In dieser Studie wurde eine auf eigenständiges Schreiben beruhende Lernmethode im Rahmen einer quasiexperimentellen Studie im Themengebiet Akustik im 11. Jahrgang des Gymnasiums eingesetzt. Aus den vorliegenden lernpsychologischen Grundlagen und didaktischen Erkenntnissen wird eine auf selbstständiges Schreiben beruhende Lernmethode und ein Modell für die Textproduktion für den Einsatz im Physikunterricht entwickelt. Die Intervention, die in der sieben Schulstunden umfassenden Lerneinheit durchgeführt wurde, bestand aus einer vorhergehenden kurzen Einführung in das Schreiben von Texten zu physikalischen Fragestellungen und dem anschließenden Einsatz von speziellen Schreibaufgaben, die in dem herkömmlichen Physikunterricht eingebettet wurden. Der Unterricht zur Akustik in der Interventions- und einer Vergleichsgruppe hatte den selben zeitlichen Umfang und war überwiegend identisch, da die gleiche Grobplanung des Unterrichts und die gleichen Lernziele vorlagen. An der Studie nahmen vier Kurse, zwei davon in der Interventionsgruppe und zwei in der Vergleichsgruppe, teil. Insgesamt konnten 47 Schülerinnen und Schüler in der statistischen Auswertung berücksichtigt werden. Unter Verwendung von Vortests, direkten und verzögerten Nachtests, und dem Vergleich der Interventions- mit der Vergleichsgruppe, wurde der Lernerfolg durch das eigenständige Schreiben untersucht. Als Kontrollvariable wurde der vorhandene allgemeine Wortschatz erhoben. Am Ende der Studie wurde außerdem mit Hilfe eines Fragebogens in der Interventionsgruppe die Einstellung zu der Schreib-Lernmethode erhoben. Die Studie zeigt, dass der Einsatz der Schreib-Lernmethode im Physikunterricht auch in einem nur begrenzten Zeitraum nach einer kurzen Einführung (eine Schulstunde) in die Thematik des Erstellens von Texten mit physikalischen Inhalten möglich ist. Die Auswertung zeigt, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler durch das in den traditionellen Unterricht eingebettete selbstständige Schreiben von Texten zu physikalischen Fragestellungen Faktenwissen und Fähigkeiten zum Auslesen und Interpretieren von Diagrammen ebenso wie bei rein traditionellen Lernmethoden erwerben und festigen. Somit bereichert das selbstständige Produzieren von Physik-Texten die Methodenvielfalt des Physikunterrichts. Zusätzlich zu dem physikalischen Fachwissen lernen die Schülerinnen und Schüler durch die Schreib-Lernmethode physikalische Sachverhalte zu versprachlichen und in Kontexte einzubinden. Der statistisch signifikante Effekt bei dieser Fähigkeit ist im mittleren Bereich. Es zeigt sich eine deutliche Abhängigkeit der Fähigkeit, physikalische Sachverhalte zu versprachlichen, vom vorhandenen physikalischen Fachwissen. Zum allgemeinen Wortschatz besteht ein geringer Zusammenhang. Da kein Zusammenhang zwischen der Fähigkeit, die Fachsprache korrekt zu verwenden und der Fähigkeit zum eigenständigen Versprachlichen von physikalischen Sachverhalten festgestellt werden konnte, scheinen sich diese beiden Arten der Versprachlichung hinsichtlich der involvierten Kompetenzen zu unterscheiden. Das vorgestellte Modell für die Textproduktion wurde insgesamt von den Schülerinnen und Schülern, und besonders von denen mit einer geringen Selbsteinschätzung ihrer Fähigkeiten zum Schreiben von Physik-Texten, als hilfreich eingestuft und kann daher für den Einsatz im Physikunterricht empfohlen werden.

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