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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enriching knowledge: A collaborative approach between sport coaches and a consultantfacilitator

Culver, Diane M January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this research project was to explore how knowledge can be enriched when a sport pedagogy and psychology consultant/facilitator collaborated with sport coaches to help them learn through their everyday coaching experiences. A collaborative inquiry approach was used. As the initiating researcher, I acted as a consultant/facilitator, working with coaches of two sports, athletics and alpine skiing. Data were mostly generated using interviews (semi-structured and on-going informal), participant observation, my journal, and, in Study Two, group meetings. In Study One, I made myself available as a consultant to six coaches from one athletics club, if they wanted to share any coaching issues with me. For six months I visited the coaches while they worked. The coaches mostly shared issues relating to sport psychology. Interactions among these coaches were mostly one-on-one, with little sharing of coaching issues between themselves. My work with them was of the same individual nature. The first two parts of Study Two involved two contexts in which I acted as a facilitator with groups of ski coaches (Part One, seven coaches and Part Two, six coaches). My role was to nourish knowledge creation within the coaches' community of practice (CoP). A series of round table meetings were the site for much of the negotiation of meaning that was the result of coaches sharing knowledge about coaching issues. The coaches found they learned a lot, that communication between them was improved, they enjoyed the process, and that their athletes benefited from all of this. In Part Three of this study, I stepped back and observed what happened to the CoPs without a facilitator. Two groups were involved in this study. One group was partially successful but found it difficult to keep up the learning in the CoP without a person responsible for coordinating the process. The other group had leadership problems and never met with the purpose of learning through negotiation of issues relating to their practice. Knowledge sharing in this group was mostly one-on-one. Recommendations are made concerning coach education, especially in relation to how this approach to learning through participation can compliment existing formal education.

Une analyse des attentes de rôle du spécialiste en éducation physique à l'élémentaire dans l'Outaouais québécois.

Coulibaly, Moussa. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

Étude théorique et appliquée du micro-enseignement dans la formation d'éducateurs physiques à l'aide de la théorie de l'apprentissage social de Bandura.

LeBlanc, Hugues. January 1981 (has links)
No description available.

Outdoor education programs as gender equitable environments? An ethnographic study.

Monsour, Katrina L. January 1998 (has links)
Many physical education researchers have been searching for gender equitable physical education programs. The purpose of this ethnographic study was to examine the issue of gender equity in one outdoor education program. More specifically, the study focused on the perspectives and behaviours of 10 young women and 14 young men with respect to gender relations and gender equity in one outdoor education program. Qualitative and triangulated data collection methods were used, namely; (a) a content analysis of official outdoor education program documents; (b) a non-participant observation of program participants and their counsellors; and (c) a semi-structured, small, single-sex group interviews with program participants. The program documents were collected in June of 1996 and then content analysed. The observations and interviews took place during the last five days of a 12-day outdoor education camp. The recorded interactional episodes, and the tape recorded interviews were transcribed onto a word processor, content analysed, and patterns with regards to gender relations and gender equity/inequity emerged. From the results, two main conclusions could be drawn. First, the young women and young men at the outdoor education camp displayed some traditional stereotypical attitudes and behaviours that produced oppressive gender relations and contributed to a learning environment that was not gender equitable. Second, the campers also demonstrated attitudes and involved themselves in behaviours that challenged traditional gender relations and promoted gender equity.

Mental training sessions between an eminent consultant and elite level athletes: A case study.

Lloyd, Rebecca Jane. January 1997 (has links)
A case study design was used to describe (a) an eminent mental training consultant's published approach to consulting, (b) the content and the process of the verbal interactions between an eminent mental training consultant and four elite level athletes during ten authentic mental training sessions, and (c) the congruencies between the consultant's published approach and the content and process of the mental training sessions. The sources of information were literature published by the consultant, audio recordings of the mental training sessions, interview with the consultant and interviews with the athletes. An inductive analysis was used with each source of information and an adapted version of the Flanders' (1965) Interaction Analysis in the Classroom was used to systematically code the process. The seven elements of excellence from Orlick's Wheel (1995) were apparent in the content of the sessions. Other categories that emerged were physical elements, injury, emotion, relations with others, transition, balance, competition, outcome, intensity, artistic presentation, money and audio/visual materials. During the sessions, the consultant's verbal behaviours accounted for 39% of the total coded behaviours were 21% were classified as indirect and 18% as direct. Sixty percent of the total coded behaviours wre the athletes responding, initiating or asking questions. One percent of the time was spent in silence. Both the analysis of the content and the process confirmed the consultant's athlete-centered approach to consulting. The comparison of the consultant's published approach with the analysis of the content and the analysis or the process of the mental training sessions indicated that the consultant actually did what he reported to do, i.e., follows an athlete-centered approach.

Analyse organisationnelle de la Fédération sénégalaise de basket-ball.

Seye, Amadou Anna. January 1997 (has links)
Cette etude est centree sur l'analyse organisationnelle d'un modele d'association voluntaire: la federation senegalaise de basket-ball (F.S.B.B.). Le modele d'analyse strategique de Crozier et Friedberg (1977) a ete choisi pour analyser le fonctionnement de la federation ciblee. Une methode phenomenologique restreinte a ete utilisee et l'elaboration des strategies a ete faite a partir d'une analyse de contenu des 14 entrevues realisees aupres des dirigeants de la F.S.B.B. Trois ideal-types de strategies ont ete degages et correspondent chacun a une categorie d'acteurs. Le dirigeant non-detache au sommet adopte une strategie offensive visant a creer une atmosphere de paix a l'interne et a avoir carte blanche a l'externe. Les dirigeants detaches font appel a une strategie de la technocratie, dans le but de proteger leur emploi. Quant aux autres dirigeants non-detaches, ils se cantonnent derriere une strategie defensive afin de mantenir leur marge de maoeuvre. Cette etude met la F.S.B.B. en relation avec son environnement pertinent (Etat, sponsors, medias). On constate alors qu'au Senegal, les sponsors et les medias ne constituent pas une source alternative de revenus. Ainsi, la politique de desengagement prone par l'Etat pourrait avoir de facheuses consequences sur le bon fonctionnement de la F.S.B.B. Dans la situation actuelle, l'autonomisation de la federation est une utopie dans la mesure ou ses moyens financiers restent tres limites. Toutefois, l'Etat tout comme la F.S.B.B. doivent continuer a reflechir sur les voies et moyens pouvant permettre a cette derniere de se prendre en charge.

Analyse du processus d'intervention pédagogique d'entraîneurs de hockey amateur.

Lapierre, Mathieu. January 1997 (has links)
En pedagogie sportive, plusieurs recherches descriptives ont investigue les comportements des entrai neurs lors de seances d'entrai nement ou de competition (Trudel & Gilbert, 1995). A l'oppose, peu d'etudes ont ete realisees sur la composante organisation/planification et sur le contenu de l'enseignement d'une activite sportive. Or, pour comprendre l'ensemble du processus d'intervention pedagogique des entrai neurs, des recherches sur la planification et l'interaction entrai neur-joueurs sont necessaires. Afin de circonscrire le processus d'intervention pedagogique de trois entrai neurs au hockey mineur, de multiples sources de donnes ont ete utilises: entrevues generales, entrevues pre et post-seances d'entrai nement et de matchs, entrevues post-projet, enregistrements sur bande video des seances d'entrai nement et des matchs, et ainsi que des seances de rappel stimule. Les resultats demontrent que les entrai neurs planifiaient leurs seances d'entrai nement dans le but de developper les habiletes tactiques et techniques de leurs athletes mais planifiaient leurs matchs dans le but de vaincre l'adversaire. De plus, les entrai neurs avaient un pourcentage de congruence entre le contenu de leur planification et le contenu de leur intervention deux fois pius eleve lors des seances d'entrai nement (74%) que lors des matchs (37%).

Development of expert coaches of figure skating.

Laplante, Denise. January 1997 (has links)
In depth open-ended interviews were conducted with eight World and/or Olympic figure skating coaches across the three disciplines of singles, pairs and ice dancing. The purpose of the interviews was to investigate the development of expertise in figure skating coaches. It was intended on one hand to reveal their knowledge and procedures within the developmental stages of their careers, and secondly to investigate the role of coaching education and other methods by which they acquired their knowledge. The coaches had on average 23.5 years of experience. The results of the present study identified the following stages: early involvement in sport, transitions into coaching, early coaching career, mature coaching career, expert coaching and future retirement. As athletes, with master coaches and parental support, they were able to achieve high levels of success and learned valuable athletic experiences. All coaches had been fourth or better at national championships, more than half had competed internationally, and half had been world championship and/or Olympic competitors. Their transition into coaching had been made for several reasons. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

Une évaluation de diverses températures d'eau pour le refroidissement corporel lors d'une hyperthermie induite par l'exercice.

Proulx, Caroline January 2002 (has links)
L'effet de l'immersion corporelle dans l'eau sur la température centrale [oesophagienne (T ES ), rectale (T RE ) et du canal auditif (T CA )] a été évalué suite à un état d'hyperthermie induit par l'exercice. À quatre reprises, les sujets (n = 7) ont effectué une session d'exercice sur tapis roulant à une intensité relative d'environ 65% de leur VO 2 max (T AMB = 39°C) jusqu'à ce que leur T RE atteigne 40.0°C ou qu'ils ne soient plus capables de poursuivre l'exercice (∼45.6 min). Par la suite, les participants, habillés d'un shorts, ont été immergés dans un bain tourbillon à différentes températures (2, 8, 14 ou 20°C) jusqu'à ce que leur TRE s'abaisse à 37.5°C. Les températures moyennes à la fin des sessions d'exercice étaient 39.8, 40.2 et 40.1°C pour T RE , T ES et T CA , respectivement. Malgré la présence d'une différence au niveau du gradient de température entre l'eau et la surface corporelle, aucune différence par rapport au taux de refroidissement n'a été observée entre les immersions à 8, 14 et 20°C, probablement en raison de la présence de frissonnement lors de l'immersion dans l'eau à 8 et à 14°C. Par contre, l'immersion à 2°C a significativement augmenté les taux de refroidissement de l'ordre de 0.35, 0.75 et 0.55°C*min -1 pour T RE , T ES et T CA , respectivement. Ces taux de refroidissement étaient ∼2.0, 2.7 et 2.0 fois plus élevés que les autres conditions combinées (p < 0.05). Le recours à cette technique a toutefois provoqué un état d'hypothermie, tel qu'indiqué par T ES (34.5°C). Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que le recours à la technique d'immersion à 2°C soit le traitement le plus efficace en présence d'une hyperthermie induite par l'exercice et que la température du canal auditif soit l'indice de la température centrale le plus approprié.

Instructional strategies of physical education teachers: development and validation of a self-determination scale

MacDonald, Catherine January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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