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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Bueno, Mara Lucinéia Marques Corrêa 09 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-25T20:11:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MaraLucineiaMarquesCorreaBueno.pdf: 1329145 bytes, checksum: 73ae89558793fc0aaeb8dfa549725d8e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-04-09 / This research intended to answer to the question: how was the implementation of the extension of the obligedness politics of the fundamental schooling given for the six year-old population in municipal schools of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul. The objective was to know the local configuration of that politics in relation to municipal and national regulations and orientations, with special attention to the measures taken by the schools concerning the organization of time, space and curriculum. For so much, it was accomplished a qualitative investigation in the three municipal schools that obtained the largest numbers of registrations in the first year in the fundamental teaching during the years of 2007 to 2009. It was used information obtained through interviewing pedagogic coordinators and responsible technicians for the fundamental teaching in the Municipal Bureau of Education of Dourados submitted to content analysis. Those information were compared with national and municipal official legislation, regulation and orientations, by document analysis. The qualitative approach was enriched with statistical data from INEP and by consultation to bibliographical sources about the subject. The results showed that in the observed municipal schools the implementation of the politics in focus is recent, being marked by the improvisation, for the lack of infrastructure and pedagogic conditions that difficult the organization of space, time and curriculum in consonance with national orientations. Few were the changes in the school atmosphere to assist the six year-old child. Thus, the educational installment propitiated by the extension of the fundamental teaching politics implemented in Dourados hasn t been effecting the child's fundamental rights assured in the legal sphere and evidence the scarce local consequence of MEC initiatives / Esta pesquisa buscou responder à pergunta: como se deu a implementação da política de extensão da obrigatoriedade do ensino fundamental para a população de seis anos de idade em escolas municipais de Dourados estado de Mato Grosso do Sul? O objetivo foi conhecer a configuração local dessa política vista em relação às regulamentações e orientações municipais e nacionais, com especial atenção às medidas tomadas pelas escolas no tocante à organização do tempo, espaço e currículo. Para tanto, realizei investigação qualitativa em três escolas municipais, que obtiveram maior número de matrículas no primeiro ano no ensino fundamental entre os anos de 2007 e 2009. Utilizei informações obtidas por meio de entrevistas a coordenadores pedagógicos e técnico responsável pelo ensino fundamental na Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Dourados valendo-me da análise de conteúdo. Essas informações foram cotejadas com legislação, regulamentação e orientações oficiais nacionais e municipais, por meio de análise de documento. A abordagem qualitativa foi enriquecida com dados estatísticos do INEP e pela consulta a fontes bibliográficas que tratam da questão. A pesquisa mostrou que nas escolas municipais observadas a implementação da política em foco é recente, sendo marcada pela improvisação, pela falta de condições infraestruturais e pedagógicas que entravam a organização do espaço, do tempo e currículo em consonância com orientações nacionais. Poucas foram as mudanças ocorridas no ambiente escolar para atender à criança de seis anos de idade. Desse modo, a prestação educacional propiciada pela política de extensão do ensino fundamental implementada no município tem deixado de efetivar direitos fundamentais da criança assegurados na esfera legal e evidenciado a escassa consequência local das iniciativas do MEC.

Os efeitos das recentes reformas no ensino fundamental: obstáculos a uma atividade educativa crítica e formativa / The effects of recent reforms in elementary education: obstacles to a critical and formative educational activity

Claudia Helena Gonçalves Moura 19 May 2017 (has links)
O ensino fundamental público no Brasil tem passado por reformas que têm alterado profundamente seu funcionamento, em especial, a reforma dos ciclos e da progressão continuada e parcial, além de outras modificações como o ensino fundamental de nove anos e a implantação e aperfeiçoamento dos sistemas avaliativos nacionais e estaduais; a presente pesquisa investigou os efeitos dessas reformas na organização da escola e na atividade educativa, trazendo à tona as possibilidades e impedimentos para que a escola se constitua como espaço de formação do indivíduo autônomo e diferenciado. O marco teórico que orientou esta pesquisa foi a Teoria Crítica da Sociedade, em particular, as reflexões de Adorno, Horkheimer e Marcuse sobre o caráter da cultura e da falsa formação. Foi realizada também ampla revisão sobre as reformas do sistema educacional no Brasil desde o início do século vinte em conjunção com as motivações econômicas, sociais e políticas de cada período, tendo em vista a compreensão das recentes reformas. Realizou-se uma análise de leis, pareceres e resoluções que implantaram e implementaram os ciclos e a progressão continuada e parcial no Estado de Minas Gerais, onde se realizou em seguida a pesquisa de campo. Foram conduzidas entrevistas com diretores, supervisores e professores de quatro escolas que oferecem anos iniciais e/ou anos finais do Ensino Fundamental, com o propósito de compreender os impactos dessas reformas. As reformas dos ciclos e da progressão foram implantadas tendo em vista a superação da repetência e da evasão, para em última instância se gerar indicadores positivos e garantir formação instrumental a ampla população. Os documentos normativos dos ciclos e da progressão bem como do ensino fundamental de nove anos reutilizam antigos argumentos da psicologia da carência cultural que atribuíam à família pobre supostas dificuldades de escolarização e de alfabetização dos alunos da escola pública, justificando, a partir disso, suas modificações. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que as etapas previstas na legislação para recuperação dos conteúdos dentro dos ciclos e da progressão carecem no plano da legislação da provisão de tempo e de recursos materiais e humanos que pudessem de fato auxiliar nesses processos. Frente a isso, os profissionais têm se organizado como podem para suprir as dificuldades em alternativas atropeladas pelo funcionamento das escolas. Embora haja maior período de tempo para trabalho dos conteúdos nos ciclos, esses são pautados pelas competências e habilidades, denotando a primazia da aprendizagem como ato formal e adaptativo. As avaliações externas têm pautado as avaliações internas que então vêm assumindo formato estandardizado, implicando homogeneidade dos métodos avaliativos, a despeito da alegada variedade de estratégias avaliativas dos ciclos; as avaliações externas compõem a estratégia política de demonstração de resultados dentro de princípios como a contenção de gastos e maior custo-benefício. Como parte de um processo de manutenção do status quo, esses princípios impressos no sistema educacional têm trazido como efeitos maior burocratização dos processos escolares e o avanço da racionalidade tecnológica nas escolas, dificultando o aprofundamento do pensamento bem como o distanciamento necessário à emergência do pensamento autônomo e da experiência formativa na atividade educativa / Public elementary education in Brazil has undergone reforms that have profoundly altered its functioning, especially the reform of the cycles structure and the continuous and partial progression, as well as other modifications such as nine-year elementary education and the implementation and improvement of the evaluation systems, National and state levels. This research investigated the effects of these reforms on the organization of the school and on the educational activity, bringing to the light the possibilities and impediments for the school to constitute itself as a space for an autonomous and differentiated individual formation. The theoretical framework that guided this research was the Critical Theory of Society, in particular, the reflections of Adorno, Horkheimer and Marcuse on the character of culture and false formation. A broad review was also made of the reforms of the educational system in Brazil since the beginning of the twentieth century in conjunction with the each periods economic, social and political motivations, in order to understand the recent reforms. An analysis was made of laws, opinions and resolutions that implanted and implemented the cycles of continued and partial progression in the State of Minas Gerais, where the fieldwork has applied. It was conducted interviews with headmasters, supervisors and teachers from four schools offering initial and/or final years of elementary school, in order to understand the impacts of these reforms. With a view of repetition and avoidance overcoming, in order to generate positive indicators and instrumental training to a large population guarantee, cycle and progression by implemented reforms. The normative documents of the cycles and the progression, as well as the nine-year elementary education, reuse old arguments of the psychology of the cultural deficiency that attributed to the poor family supposed difficulties of schooling and of literacy of the students of the public school, justifying the changes from this point. The results of this research indicate that the steps foreseen in the legislation for the contents recovery within the cycles and of the progression lack in the provision legislation plane of the time and of the material and human resources that could in fact assist in these processes. Due to these data, professionals have organized themselves as they could to overcome the difficulties in alternatives run over by the schools working, although there is a longer period for the work of content in cycles, based on skills and abilities, denoting the primacy of learning as a formal and adaptive act. External evaluations have guided the internal evaluations that have come to assume a standardized format, implying homogeneity of evaluation methods, despite the alleged variety of evaluation strategies for the cycles; the external evaluations make up the political strategy of profit and loss within principles such as cost containment and greater cost-effectiveness. As part of a process of maintaining the status quo, these principles printed in the educational system have brought greater bureaucratization of school processes and the advancement of technological rationality in schools, hindering the thought deepening of as well as the necessary distance to the emergence of autonomous thinking and the formative experience in the educational activity

Política educacional no município de Valinhos - SP no período de 2005 a 2012 : a proposta e sua concretização / Educational policy in the municipality of Valinhos - SP in the period 2005-2012 : the proposal and its implementation

Leal, Frederico Rodrigues Póvoa, 1973- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Zacarias Pereira Borges / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T20:41:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leal_FredericoRodriguesPovoa_M.pdf: 2154071 bytes, checksum: 36d382f7c6aed36e537713383100037d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: O presente trabalho é um estudo sobre a política educacional no município de Valinhos no período de 2005 à 2012, que abrange os mandatos do Prefeito Marcos José da Silva, do Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro ¿ PMDB, estabelecendo relações entre a proposta para a educação e as políticas efetivamente implementadas na rede de ensino ao longo desses anos. Na primeira parte foi analisada a problemática dos partidos políticos, buscando uma conceituação geral dos partidos, passando pela história dos partidos políticos no Brasil e a caracterização da situação partidária no país nos dias atuais, bem como uma breve caracterização do PMDB, partido em foco no estudo. Na segunda parte é iniciada pela caracterização da Região Metropolitana de Campinas, seguido do próprio município e do Governo Marcos José da Silva. Em seguida realiza-se a análise propriamente dita das políticas propostas e implementadas no município de Valinhos. Para tanto foram analisados os documentos oficiais (Programas de Governos, documentos de prestação de contas), o órgão de informação do município (Boletim Municipal), a legislação educacional (Leis e Decretos), bem como realizadas entrevistas com trabalhadores da educação visando a análise comparativa das políticas propostas com as ações efetivamente implementadas ao longo dos oito anos / Abstract: The present work is a study of educational policy in the municipality of Valinhos the period 2012 to 2005, covering the mandates of Mayor Jose Marcos da Silva, the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party - PMDB, establishing relationships between the proposal for education and policies effectively implemented in the school system over the years. In the first part we analyzed the problem of political parties, seeking a general conceptualization of the same to the history of political parties in Brazil and characterization of partisan situation in the country today, as well as a brief description of the PMDB party focus on study. In the second part starts by characterizing the Metropolitan Region of Campinas, followed by the municipality and the government of José Marcos Silva. Then he performs the actual examination of the policies proposed and implemented in the municipality of Valinhos. For both official documents (programs Governments, accountability documents), the body of information the municipality (Municipal Bulletin), educational legislation (laws and decrees) were analyzed, as well as conducted interviews with workers of education aimed at analysis comparison with the proposed policy actions effectively implemented over the eight years / Mestrado / Politicas, Administração e Sistemas Educacionais / Mestre em Educação

Expansão do ensino fundamental brasileiro e suas implicações na produção arquitetônica escolar paulista nas décadas finais do século XX / Brazilian Elementary School expansion and its architectural relations influence in schools from São Paulo State in the end of the 20Th century

Fernandes, Fabrícia Dias da Cunha de Moraes 25 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T17:54:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FABRICIA_DISSERTACAO_31_08_2015.pdf: 1428152 bytes, checksum: c689208ae566c67d9f36889ff2ccfbf9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-25 / This assignment related to the Educational Institution search: Graduate Studies Organization and Management Program of Oeste Paulista University , check the equal access to the elementary school and its architectural influence relation. The aim is to analyze Brazilian physical structure planning and expansion especially in São Paulo State. In addition, acquiring how its achievement could be possible. All things considered with the several school architectural projects from the different history period related to State educational politics. Therefore, the assignment shows the school physical environment changes arising from the popularizing access process, starting in the 1970s decade until the 21st century beginning. Having the bibliographic research and its related documents as reference to the São Paulo State architectural project, could be possible to realize the service quality offered by the school physical structure, as though identify the educational spending use of money. Thus, it was possible to notice the adoption of the standardized arquitectural results, and also its already existed infrastructure strengthen to the São Paulo State elementary school public physical structure impoverishment. / Este trabalho, vinculado à linha de pesquisa Instituição Educacional: Organização e Gestão do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade do Oeste Paulista, analisa o processo de universalização do acesso ao ensino fundamental e a sua relação com a produção arquitetônica escolar. Objetivou-se investigar os critérios adotados para planejamento e expansão da rede física escolar no Brasil e, em especial, no Estado de São Paulo, bem como compreender de que forma transcorreu a sua concretização. Considera-se que os diversos projetos arquitetônicos escolares relacionam-se com a política educacional do Estado materializada em cada período histórico. Sendo assim, o estudo expõe a transformação do espaço escolar a partir do processo de massificação do acesso, iniciado na década de 1970, até o início do século XXI. Com base na pesquisa bibliográfica e documental referente à analise dos projetos arquitetônicos do Estado de São Paulo, assinalou a qualidade do serviço oferecido pela rede física escolar identificando os parâmetros de racionalização de gastos públicos com a área educacional. Dessa forma, notou-se que a adoção de soluções arquitetônicas estandardizadas, assim como a potencialização do aproveitamento da infraestrutura existente cooperou para o empobrecimento e precarização da rede física escolar púbica de ensino fundamental no estado paulista.

Podoby "empowermentu" v rámci agendy anti-diskriminace v oblasti vzdělávání / Forms of 'empowerment' in the frame of the anti-discrimination agenda in Education

Felcmanová, Alena January 2018 (has links)
Forms of 'empowerment' in the frame of the anti-discrimination agenda in Education 'Empowerment' - or a state of emancipation, in which an individual is able to achieve their goals, fulfill their needs, and reach their potential despite the structural limitations - should be the result of education. Forms of empowerment include: the capacity of involved actors to make changes, and their ability to influence conditions and structures, in which they move. In my dissertation, I inspect the empowerment found in actors in Education, families, the public sector, schools and other governmental organizations. I conducted my research in the context of the integration of the so-called 'inclusive education' and the associated changes in the system of the Czech elementary education, in the period of spring 2013 until the end of 2017. The method of qualitative research I chose was the stakeholder analysis and in-depth interviews. I analyzed the gathered data from the point of view of the actors' goals and agendas, their experience with discrimination, their involvement in the inclusive education, their cooperation with each other, and last but not least, from the point of view of the power(lessness) and empowerment of the actors themselves describe it. I then link the concept of empowerment with the concept of...

Podoby "empowermentu" v rámci agendy anti-diskriminace v oblasti vzdělávání / Forms of 'empowerment' in the frame of the anti-discrimination agenda in Education

Felcmanová, Alena January 2018 (has links)
Forms of 'empowerment' in the frame of the anti-discrimination agenda in Education 'Empowerment' - or a state of emancipation, in which an individual is able to achieve their goals, fulfill their needs, and reach their potential despite the structural limitations - should be the result of education. Forms of empowerment include: the capacity of involved actors to make changes, and their ability to influence conditions and structures, in which they move. In my dissertation, I inspect the empowerment found in actors in Education, families, the public sector, schools and other governmental organizations. I conducted my research in the context of the integration of the so-called 'inclusive education' and the associated changes in the system of the Czech elementary education, in the period of spring 2013 until the end of 2017. The method of qualitative research I chose was the stakeholder analysis and in-depth interviews. I analyzed the gathered data from the point of view of the actors' goals and agendas, their experience with discrimination, their involvement in the inclusive education, their cooperation with each other, and last but not least, from the point of view of the power(lessness) and empowerment of the actors themselves describe it. I then link the concept of empowerment with the concept of...

Fria skolval och lärarfacken : En jämförelse mellan svensk och fransk skoldebatt

Westberg, Erik January 2007 (has links)
This essay compares the public debate in Sweden 1992 caused by the reforms introduced by the then government giving parents a free choice of schools for their children with the current debate in France about proposals for a similar law there. The study concentrates on the positions taken by the teachers trade unions, in Sweden Lärarförbundet and Lärarnas Riksförbund (LR) and in France SGEN-CFDT. To do so it is necessary also to study the arguments given for and against the proposals by the political parties. Some of the differences between the debates can be attributed to different circumstances. The Swedish reform was related to the opening up of possibilities to run private schools, which previously had been rare in Sweden. The French debate has no such connections. The private schools, mostly Catholic, have a very stable share of the students and no side is openly arguing for a change of any sort. Other differences depend on the French adversity to liberalism, almost always conflated with neo-liberalism which makes market-oriented arguments much less common in French public debate. Among the trade unions the big difference is between the two Swedish organisations, LR was overall positive to the proposals while Lärarförbundet opposed them. In France SGEN-CFDT takes a position strikingly similar to Lärarförbundets in Sweden 1992 seeing free choice as undermining the idea of a school system for all. In Sweden that idea is seen as a part of the welfare state, closely connected to the Social Democratic party. In France it is seen as a republican idea, connected to an idea of citizenship. The trade unions of the teachers in both France and Sweden are also in similar positions as their role has become merely reactive. There seems to be little room left for them to formulate policy and push the educational systems in their prefered directions.

La révolution éducative au Chili : histoire de la construction d'un enjeu public (1973-2010) / La revolución educacional en Chile : historia de la construcción de una cuestión pública / Educational revolution in Chile : a history of the construction of a public steak (1973-2010)

Slachevsky Aguilera, Nathalie 17 November 2017 (has links)
Durant les quarante dernières années, le Chili a été le scénario de profonds changements, notamment dans le domaine de l'éducation : une révolution néolibérale s'y est opérée. Depuis le régime dictatorial (1973-1990), un marché éducatif se développe en effet à tous les niveaux d'enseignement. Après le retour à la démocratie en 1990, deux décennies de gouvernements présidés par une coalition de centre-gauche finissent de consolider ce marché éducatif, en renforçant l'engagement actif de l'État. Ce dernier introduit dans le modèle de multiples ajustements qui encadrent le développement d'un système d'enseignement dont la morphologie est définitivement hybride. Dans ce contexte, l'éducation va s'imposer progressivement comme un enjeu public majeur au point que, en 2011, la crise sociale deviendra incontournable. La remise en question de l'architecture éducative dévoile les fissures d'une société où prédominent les régulations néolibérales. Elle engage une phase de révisions, de discussions et de propositions axées sur une autre manière de penser l'éducation. Cette thèse retrace le parcours des politiques éducatives mises en place depuis l'irruption dictatoriale jusqu'en 2010, date qui marque la fin de vingt années de récupération démocratique sous la direction du même conglomérat, la Concertación. Notre objectif est de comprendre l'évolution de cette thématique en étudiant l'interface entre l'administration institutionnelle, les partis politiques et la société civile. Cette vue d'ensemble nous permettra de saisir les enjeux des décisions politiques et de comprendre les tenants et les aboutissants des querelles éducatives. La perspective analytique est celle d'une reconstruction socio-historique de la politique éducative, articulée à partir de la triangulation de l'analyse de textes historiques, d'entretiens avec acteurs (politiques ou administratifs) et d'étude de textes législatifs. Cette démarche nous permettra de comprendre comment l'éducation s'impose comme la pierre angulaire d'un processus de modernisation du Chili qui se traduit par des avancées significatives et indéniables en termes de développement, notamment en ce qui concerne l'élargissement de l'accès à tous les niveaux d'enseignement. L'État s'investit certes de plus en plus dans le domaine de l'éducation, mais dans une perspective d'arbitrage et de surveillance du fonctionnement du marché, renforçant et complexifiant par là même la structure néolibérale. Ainsi, un nouvel ordre éducatif finit par prendre forme, dans lequel l'éducation est définie comme un bien individuel dans un contexte de concurrence générale et de culture de l'évaluation. Pourtant ce modèle va se heurter aux demandes croissantes de démocratisation de l'enseignement d'une société qui, d'une part, dénonce la ségrégation scolaire mais, d'une autre, utilise des stratégies de positionnement personnel dont les choix légitiment et renforcent la privatisation éducative. / In the last four decades, Chile's education system has experienced a deep transformation, a neoliberal revolution. Since the dictatorship (1973-1990), an education market developed in the different levels of education. After the restoration of democracy in 1990 and during the following two decades government, led by a centre-left coalition, the education market was consolidated with an active engagement of the State. This period introduced multiple adjustments to the model, which ultimately developed an education system of hybrid morphology. Education stood out progressively as a major public issue and, in 2011, a social crisis became unavoidable. The questioning of the educational architecture reveals the fissures of the Chilean society concerning the predominance of neoliberal regulations. This event motivated a phase of revision, discussion, and proposition around another form of thinking education. This thesis traces the course of the educational policies implemented since the dictatorial irruption until 2010 when 20 years of democratic recovery under the direction of the same conglomerate, the Concertación, ends. The objective of this study is to understand the evolution of this issue, in the interface between the institutional administration, political parties, and civil society. This overview will allow us to grasp the maze of policy making and to understand how the educational disagreements arise. This analytical perspective consists in a socio-historical reconstruction of the educational policy, which triangulates the analysis of historical texts, legislative texts, and interviews with both political and administrative actors. This analytical lens will enable us to understand how education is the cornerstone of the modernization process in Chile. This is characterized by significant and undeniable advances in development, especially those concerning the educational expansion at all levels. The State is increasingly involved in education, from a role of arbitrator and supervisor of the market functioning, reinforcing and increasing the complexity of the neoliberal structure. Thus, a new order emerges, in which the education becomes a private good under the protection of a generalized competition and a culture of evaluation. This model clashes with society's increasing demands for democratization of education. The education system deploys strategies of individual positioning that legitimize and reinforce the privatization of education, while society denounces the systemic school segregation while, on the other side. / Durante las cuatro últimas décadas, Chile ha sido escenario de profundos cambios en su sistema educativo: una revolución neoliberal. Desde el régimen dictatorial (1973-1990), un mercado educativo se desarrolló en los distintos niveles de educación. Luego del retorno de la democracia en 1990, y en el curso de dos decenios de gobiernos dirigidos por una coalición de centro-izquierda, el mercado educativo terminó por consolidarse con el compromiso activo del Estado. Este último, introdujo múltiples ajustes al modelo, que finalmente termina por desarrollar un sistema educativo de morfología híbrida. Luego de ese periodo, y de manera progresiva, la educación va a imponerse como un tema público, y en 2011 la crisis social va a ser ineludible. El cuestionamiento a la arquitectura educativa va a develar las fisuras de la sociedad chilena en cuanto a la preponderancia de las regulaciones neoliberales, dando paso a una fase de revisión, discusión y proposición alrededor de una nueva forma de pensar la educación. Esta tesis describe el recorrido de las políticas educativas adoptadas desde la irrupción dictatorial hasta el año 2010, momento en que terminan 20 años de recuperación democrática bajo la dirección de la coalición Concertación de Partidos por la Democracia. El objetivo de este trabajo es entender la evolución de este proceso, en la interfaz entre la administración institucional, los partidos políticos y la sociedad civil. La visión de conjunto nos permitirá discernir el entramado de las decisiones políticas y entender cómo se construyen las controversias educativas. La perspectiva analítica es una reconstrucción socio-histórica de la política educativa, que triangula el análisis de textos históricos, textos legislativos y entrevista a actores (políticos o administrativos). Este enfoque nos permitirá comprender cómo la educación devino el pilar fundamental del proceso de modernización en Chile, en el que se observan avances significativos e innegables de desarrollo, particularmente en relación a la expansión educativa en todos los niveles. El Estado se involucra cada vez más en la educación, con un rol de árbitro y supervisor del funcionamiento del mercado, reforzando y complejizando la estructura neoliberal. De esta forma, un nuevo orden educativo termina de plasmarse, en el que la educación deviene un bien individual bajo la égida de la competencia generalizada y la cultura de la evaluación. Este modelo termina por chocar con las demandas crecientes de democratización por parte de la población, que denuncia la segregación escolar del sistema, pero que paralelamente actúa con estrategias de posicionamiento individual que legitiman y refuerzan la privatización educativa.

A abordagem da diversidade no discurso do Referencial Curricular Nacional para a Educação Infantil e o acolhimento das diferentes religiões na escola de Educação Infantil pública brasileira / The approach of diversity in the speech of National Curriculum of Reference for the Infantile Education and the reception of diferents religious in public schools of brasilian infantile education

Staffen, Luciane Wayss 17 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho faz uma análise do Referencial Curricular Nacional para a Educação Infantil e busca compreender o que muda na prática dos professores após a leitura deste documento oficial. O objetivo é verificar como o Referencial aborda a questão da diversidade e como as professores lidam com as questões decorrentes do acolhimento da diversidade religiosa na escola pública de Educação Infantil. Na fundamentação teórica, com leituras de textos de HORN e FARENZENA (2002), CERISARA (2001), CORAZZA (2001), RICOEUR (1988), AZANHA (1992) e CARVALHO (2004) procura-se fazer uma análise do texto do Referencial no que diz respeito à proposta de acolhimento da diversidade. Já com as leituras de EAGLETON (2005), PERROTTI (1990), BARBOSA (2003), DUBET (2003), BRASLAVSKY (2002), FISCHMANN (1998), LLUCH (1998), BENAVOT (2002), DELORS ( 1998) procura-se identificar o conceito de diversidade, seu espaço na escola, e as implicações do acolhimento da diversidade religiosa no ambiente escolar. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em três escolas das redes municipais de São José dos Campos, SP, e de Itajaí, SC. A metodologia utilizada foi de pesquisa qualitativa (MARTINS, 2004) em que se utilizou um questionário-guia para facilitar o diálogo com educadoras e diretoras e a observação de situações no interior das unidades escolares pesquisadas. Como resultado verificou-se que as professoras apontam o Referencial como sendo um texto que pouco contribui para a prática do acolhimento da diversidade religiosa e que há a necessidade de se incluir na formação de professores conhecimentos especialmente do campo da antropologia e da sociologia, tendo em vista preparar estes profissionais para enfrentarem as questões e os conflitos decorrentes da diversidade religiosa nas escolas de Educação Infantil e na sua relação com as famílias dos alunos. / This work analyses the National Curriculum of Reference for the Infantile Education and tries to understand what changes in teacher\'s practice after reading this official document. The objective is to check how this Curriculum of Reference approaches the diversity subject and the way teachers deal with the matters resulting from the reception of the religious diversity in public schools of Infantile Education. In the theoretical basis, reading texts of HORN and FARENZENA (2002), CERISARA (2001), CORAZZA (2001), RICOEUR (1988), AZANHA (1992) and CARVALHO (2004), we attempted to analyse the text of this document about the diversity reception proposal. Reading EAGLETON (2005), PERROTTI (1990), BARBOSA (2003), DUBET (2003), BRASLAVSKY (2002), FISCHMANN (1998), LLUCH (1998), BENAVOT (2002), DELORS (1998), we tried to identify the diversity concept, its space in schools and the implications of the religious diversity reception in the school environment. The field research was carried out in three schools from the municipal network of São José dos Campos, SP and Itajaí, SC. The methodology used was the qualitative research (MARTINS, 2004) in which a questionnaire was used to guide and facilitate the dialogue with educators and principals and the observation of situations inside the schools researched. The result was that teachers pointed out that the Curriculum of Reference does not contribute much to the practice of religious diversity reception and that there is the need to include the anthropology and sociology knowledge in the teacher\'s formation, to prepare these professionals to face matters and conflicts resulting from the religious diversity in Infantile Education schools and their relation with the students´ families.

Política educacional e o direito de brincar: a proposta de educação integral na zona oeste de São Paulo / Educacional politics and right to play: the proposed integral education in Western Zone of São Paulo

Pereira, Fernando Silveira de Castro 28 September 2016 (has links)
Apresenta pesquisa centrada no seguinte problema: em que medida a política de educação integral em construção na Zona Oeste do município de São Paulo contribui para as oportunidades de exercício do direito de brincar das crianças atendidas? As condições ou requisitos estipulados para favorecimento das oportunidades de brincar foram: minimizar constrangimentos relativos ao atendimento escolar à infância e favorecer o acesso das crianças ao convívio em espaços informais e não controlados. A hipótese priorizada na investigação foi a de que esta política está contribuindo para com o aumento das oportunidades de brincar das crianças. Dentre as obras utilizadas para situar a abordagem, destacam-se as contribuições da sociologia da infância e os mais recentes aportes à análise de programas de educação integral no Brasil. A política educacional analisada conta com quatro diferentes instâncias: o programa Mais Educação do Ministério da Educação; os programas Mais Educação São Paulo e São Paulo Integral, ambos da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo; e a proposta da Diretoria Regional de Educação Butantã intitulada Educação integral para uma São Paulo educadora. O foco do trabalho foi a verificação da proposta conceitual e operacional das políticas em questão, suas eventuais iniciativas que indicassem contribuir para a minimização daqueles constrangimentos e sua repercussão em quatro escolas selecionadas segundo critérios previamente estabelecidos. Os procedimentos de coleta de informações foram entrevistas semiestruturadas com ocupantes de funções técnicas e autoridades da Diretoria de Educação e de órgãos superiores da Secretaria e com equipes escolares, além de imersões no cotidiano daquelas escolas na perspectiva do pesquisador conversador proposta por Spink. Pretendeu-se a identificar os pontos de vista diferentes atores presentes, inclusive as crianças. A pesquisa conclui que aquela política de educação integral tem contribuído para aumentar as oportunidades de brincar das crianças atendidas, ainda que em poucos aspectos e de forma tímida. / The present article provides a research focused on the following issue: to what extent shall the drawn up integral education policy held in western zone of São Paulo contribute to the attending children exercise the right of playing opportunities? The laid down conditions or requirements to promote playing opportunities were: to reduce early childhood schooling constraints and to facilitate childrens access to non-controlled and informal interacting areas. The prioritized research hypothesis is that this policy contributes to increase the childrens opportunities with regards to exercising the right of playing. In order to place the approach, several pieces of work were used, among which stand out the contribution of childhood sociology and the latest inputs in Brazils integral education programs analysis. The analyzed educational policy takes place in four different instances: the More Education Program, by the Ministry of Education; More Education São Paulo and Integral São Paulo Programs, by the Municipal Secretariat of Education of São Paulo; and Butantãs Regional Board of Education, entitled Integral Education for an Educational São Paulo. The study aimed at verifying the conceptual and operational proposal of the policies in question, their potential measures that would indicate a contribution on those constraints decrease and its impact on four schools selected based on pre-defined criteria. The data collection procedures were semistructured interviews with technicians and Board of Education and Secretariat Governing Bodies authorities and with school groups, besides an everyday living experience within those schools on the conservative researcher perspective proposed by Spink. The study intended to identify different existing actors points of view, including the children. The research draws the conclusion that the mentioned integral education policy has been contributing to increase the attending childrens playing opportunities, even though in a few aspects and in a slightly way.

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