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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teachers' Perceptions of edTPA on Their Practice

Seelke, John Louis, III 16 October 2018 (has links)
<p> For centuries, education policymakers have sought to identify the most effective way to assess a potential teacher&rsquo;s readiness to enter the classroom. These assessments evolved from multiple choice examinations to performance-based assessments focused on teacher actions. The latest iteration of these performance-baed assessments is edTPA. </p><p> edTPA&rsquo;s structure mirrors that of the assessment for National Board Certification (NBC) designed for veteran teachers. The NBC assessment has shown to be educative for teachers who complete it, leading to positive changes in their post-assessment practice (Athanases, 1994; Hattie &amp; Clinton, 2010; Sato, Darling-Hammond and Wei, 2008; Steeley, 2003). This study examines whether edTPA has similar educative impacts on early career teachers. </p><p> Since edTPA is relatively new, little research has been completed on its impact on teacher practice. Most of the current literature on edTPA focuses on its implementation or on pre-service candidate perceptions of completing the assessment. This interview study also examines candidate perceptions but focuses on whether they felt completing edTPA was educative and impacted their current practice. </p><p> This study includes twenty teachers who participated in two hour-long interviews given roughly six months apart. All of the participants were recent secondary mathematics education graduates from one university. This study is among the first studies of edTPA to include teachers who both completed edTPA and have been teaching for at least two years. Another unique strength of this study is that, prior to the second interview, candidates reviewed their actual edTPA portfolio to help recall components of the assessment and to potentially make clearer connections between edTPA and their current practices. </p><p> The study results support the notion that edTPA can be educative and influence a teacher&rsquo;s current practices around planning, instruction, and assessment. The level of influence that completing edTPA has on a teacher&rsquo;s practices may be impacted by school or district policies that either hinder or support high-scoring edTPA practices. The results demonstrate how edTPA can not only be seen as a summative tool at the end of pre-service teaching, but also a formative tool that impacts the teaching practices of early career teachers.</p><p>

Student Discipline Strategies| Practitioner Perspectives

Mancini, Joseph A. 16 November 2017 (has links)
<p> This applied dissertation presented a mixed method design to gain a broader perspective of the perceptions of classroom management practitioners within a particular school district. Many teachers, or practitioners, experience issues with classroom management because of their understanding of strategies they use. Because of the researcher&rsquo;s position within the education system, it was recognized practitioners are mandated to utilize specific classroom management strategies. As such, the study was designed to glean the perceptions of these practitioners in relation to the misunderstandings and mandates related to the strategies dealt with on a daily basis. </p><p> The perspectives gleaned afforded opportunities to generate statistical data. The last question presented to the study participants allowed each participant to express his or her ideas, related to the questionnaire or otherwise, in any way they saw fit. The analysis of the study took into consideration the open response comments as they pertained to the statistical data generated. </p><p> Findings revealed the most favorable, as well as most effective, strategies as perceived by actual practitioners. Practitioners also expressed their opinions indicating their displeasure regarding mandated classroom management strategies commonly referred to as Office Referrals. Practitioners indicated they perceived revoking student privileges, placing students in time-out areas, and utilizing counseling services as more effective when choosing strategies relative to managing their classrooms.</p><p>

A Study of High School Improvement Initiatives and the Impact on School Achievement

Randolph, Jack Lowell 15 December 2017 (has links)
<p> Educational reform is at the forefront of legislatures and school districts across the United States (Hattie, 2011). To find and employ high school improvement initiatives that lead to improved educational experiences for students, educational leaders must examine in great detail what systems have been successful and then modify the initiatives to fit the characteristics of their particular school districts (Berliner &amp; Glass, 2015). The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of initiatives one Midwestern high school implemented beginning in 2012. The initiatives implemented included the Tardy Sweep policy, Response to Intervention (RtI) program, and a Late Work policy. The data collected were archival and reflected the school years from 2010-2011 through 2015-2016. Using descriptive statistics, the findings demonstrated an improved attendance rate, a decline in discipline referrals, and decreased failure rate with the implementation of these initiatives at one Midwestern high school. The findings of this study provide a compelling argument for the implementation of the three initiatives at other high schools.</p><p>

Demand-side financing in education: A critical examination of a girls' scholarship program in Malawi- (case study)

Sineta, Abraham 01 January 2012 (has links)
Despite the push for universal education, many disadvantaged and poor children in developing countries still do not have access to basic education. This among other reasons is due to poverty where poor families cannot afford the cost of basic education even when it is ‘free’ of tuition (McDonald, 2007). Demand-side financing interventions such as scholarship programs are promising to be viable financing interventions of reaching out to the poor and marginalized children in order for them to access basic education. Although such financing strategies have been praised as having worked in mostly Latin American countries, very little is systematically known about how these interventions would work in poor African countries such as Malawi. This study therefore examines demand-side financing strategy through an evaluation of a scholarship program implemented in Malawi. It uses qualitative mode of inquiry through in-depth interviews of 36 key participants as a primary method of data collection. In addition it reviews program documents and conducts some cohort tracking on beneficiaries in Zomba rural district which is the site of the study. The findings show that community based targeting was used in the program and proved successful in identifying the right beneficiaries in a cost effective manner. It seems to offer a model to be adopted for such interventions in low resource countries. Findings further show that beneficiaries who received scholarships were able to persist however there was a substantial number that dropped out. There were a number of factors that caused this but it seems the internal motivation of beneficiaries to persist was very critical. This puts under the microscope an assumption that once scholarship is received, beneficiaries would persist in school. Last but not least, the findings also show that an assumption that local communities will be able to sustain such programs might be but a mere illusion as communities view themselves too poor to do this. Overall the study praises such programs as effective in targeting the poor and marginalized children however it puts a caution on assumptions about persistence & sustainability. It suggests further scrutiny on these assumptions to improve on the effectiveness of such programs and demand-side financing strategies in general.

An examination of institutional improvement on measures of out-of-class interactions between faculty and community college transfer students at bachelor's-granting institutions

Schwarz, Michael J. 06 December 2016 (has links)
<p> With the recent attention being paid to student success and student equity, as well as outcomes for historically and currently disadvantaged students including those who begin at community colleges, this study examines the extent to which positive changes have been observed that are favorable to community college student success after transfer. Data from the 2005-2012 administrations of the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) are examined to determine the extent to which out-of-class student faculty interaction &ndash; a known contributor to student success &ndash; has increased over time for community college transfer students at a subset of bachelor&rsquo;s-granting institutions. Corresponding data from the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE), as well as IPEDS data, are used to identify institutional conditions that positively impact institutional change over a period of at least three years in a measure of out-of-class student-faculty interaction with community college transfer students. The overall purpose of the current study is to explore what baccalaureate colleges and universities can do to enhance the outcomes of students who transfer from community colleges. Results confirm that overall positive changes in out-of-class student-faculty interaction for community college transfer students have occurred in the group of institutions examined. In addition, the number of institutions that report an increase of practical significance in out-of-class student-faculty interaction for community college transfer students is about double the number of institutions reporting a significant decrease. Selected additional findings show that the institutional proportion of full-time undergraduates, as well a measure of campus support, help lay the groundwork for positive future changes in out-of-class student-faculty interaction for community college transfer students. Future quantitative and qualitative research is recommended to further examine the practices and attributes of institutions where positive changes in community college transfer student-faculty interaction have been observed.</p>

A "Diffusion of Innovation" Analysis of the Acceptance of Digital Activities, Products, and Services as Scholarship in a Boyer Model of Academic Scholarship

McBride, Dwight D. 14 August 2018 (has links)
<p> This Delphi study explores the opinions of experts on their interactions with the adoption of digital products, services, and activities. Although there are a wide assortment of digital products and digital spaces that have the ability to make significant contributions to scholarship, still traditional monographs and textual publications dominate how research and opinions are shared. Even through scholars have widespread adoption of social spaces and digital technologies including self-publishing, many of their institutions and peer review platforms are still hesitated to recognize their contributions to scholarship (Gruzd, Staves, &amp; Wilk, 2011). The conceptual framework of this study is built upon Earnest L. Boyer&rsquo;s (1990) four principles of scholarship: the scholarship of discovery; the scholarship of integration; the scholarship of application; and the scholarship of teaching. In addition, the theory of diffusion of innovation by Rogers will guide the analysis component of the research.</p><p>

Identifying New Jersey Teachers? Assessment Literacy as Precondition for Implementing Student Growth Objectives

Prizovskaya, Victoria 05 August 2017 (has links)
<p> The Student Growth Objectives are assessments created locally or by commercial educational organizations. The students&rsquo; scores from the Student Growth Objectives are included in teacher summative evaluation as one of the measures of teacher&rsquo;s effectiveness. The Danielson Model for Teaching and Learning supports the idea that assessment literate teachers are highly effective. The purpose of this quantitative causal-comparative study was to identify New Jersey teachers&rsquo; competence in student educational assessments. Prizovskaya measured teachers&rsquo; assessment literacy level between different groups based on subject taught, years of experience, school assignment and educational degree attained. The data collection occurred via e-mail. Seven hundred ninety eight teachers received an Assessment Literacy Inventory survey developed by Mertler and Campbell. Eighty-two teachers fully completed the survey (N=82). The inferential analysis included an independent-sample t test, One-Way Analyses of Variances test, a post hoc, Tukey test and Welch and Brown-Forsythe tests. The results of this study indicated teachers&rsquo; overall score of 51% on entire instrument. The highest overall score of 61% was for Standard 1, Choosing Appropriate Assessment Methods (M = 0.61, SD = 0.23). The lowest overall score of 39% (M = 0.39 and SD = 0.24) was for Standard 2, Developing Appropriate Assessment Methods. The conclusion of this study was that New Jersey teachers demonstrated a low level of competence in student educational assessments. In general, the teacher assessment literacy did not improve during the last two decades. Keywords: assessment literacy, teacher evaluation, student assessment, effective teaching</p><p>

Evaluating the validity of MCAS scores as an indicator of teacher effectiveness

Copella, Jenna M 01 January 2013 (has links)
The Massachusetts Department of Secondary and Elementary Education (DESE) has implemented an Educator Evaluation Framework that requires MCAS scores be used as a significant indicator of teacher effectiveness when available. This decision has implications for thousands of Massachusetts public school teachers. To date, DESE has not provided evidence to support the validity of using MCAS scores to make interpretations about teacher effectiveness. A review of the literature reveals much variation in the degree to which teachers use state-adopted content standards to plan instruction. The findings in the literature warrant investigation into teacher practice among Massachusetts public school teachers. The research questions for this study will be: 1.) Are there variations in the degree to which Massachusetts public school teachers use the Curriculum Frameworks to plan Math instruction?; and 2.) Is MCAS as an instrument sensitive enough to reflect variations in teacher practice in the student's scores? A survey of Massachusetts public school principals and Math teachers, grades three through eight, investigated the research questions. Survey results revealed that Massachusetts teachers use the Curriculum Frameworks to plan instruction to varying degrees. Survey results also suggest a lack of relationship between teacher practice related to the use of the Curriculum Frameworks and student MCAS scores. These findings suggest MCAS scores may not be an appropriate indicator of teacher effectiveness; however, there are limitations to the study that require further investigation into these questions.

Measuring teacher effectiveness using student test scores

Soto, Amanda Corby 01 January 2013 (has links)
Comparisons within states of school performance or student growth, as well as teacher effectiveness, have become commonplace. Since the advent of the Growth Model Pilot Program in 2005 many states have adopted growth models for both evaluative (to measure teacher performance or for accountability) and formative (to guide instructional practice, curricular or programmatic choices) purposes. Growth model data, as applied to school accountability and teacher evaluation, is generally used as a mechanism to determine whether teachers and schools are functioning to move students toward curricular proficiency and mastery. Teacher evaluation based on growth data is an increasingly popular practice in the states, and the introduction of cross-state assessment consortia in 2014 will introduce data that could support this approach to teacher evaluation on a larger scale. For the first time, students in consortium member states will be taking shared assessments and being held accountable for shared curricular standards – setting the stage to quantify and compare teacher effectiveness based on student test scores across states. States' voluntary adoption of the Common Core State Standards and participation in assessment consortia speaks to a new level of support for collaboration in the interest of improved student achievement. The possibility of using these data to build effectiveness and growth models that cross state lines is appealing, as states and schools might be interested in demonstrating their progress toward full student proficiency based on the CCSS. By utilizing consortium assessment data in place of within-state assessment data for teacher evaluation, it would be possible to describe the performance of one state's teachers in reference to the performance of their own students, teachers in other states, and the consortium as a whole. In order to examine what might happen if states adopt a cross-state evaluation model, the consistency of teacher effectiveness rankings based on the Student Growth Percentile (or SGP) model and a value added model are compared for teachers in two states, Massachusetts and Washington D.C., both members of the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC) assessment consortium The teachers will be first evaluated based on their students within their state, and again when that state is situated within a sample representing students in the other member states. The purpose of the current study is to explore the reliability of teacher effectiveness classifications, as well as the validity of inferences made from student test scores to guide teacher evaluation. The results indicate that two of the models currently in use, SGPs and a covariate adjusted value added model, do not provide particularly reliable results in estimating teacher effectiveness with more than half of the teacher being inconsistently classified in the consortium setting. The validity of the model inferences is also called into question as neither model demonstrates a strong correlation with student test score change as estimated by a value table. The results are outlined and discussed in relation to each model's reliability and validity, along with the implications for the use of these models in making high-stakes decisions about teacher performance.

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