Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ogo,"" "subject:"ggo,""
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L’amitié aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles en France : normes, réalités et représentations / Friendship in France XVIth-XVIIth : norms, practices and representationsPrevost, Aurelie 28 November 2011 (has links)
La thèse s’intéresse au duo amical entre hommes en France aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Le corpus, aux sources très diverses, écarte à la fois les femmes, les clercs et les intellectuels. Il s’agit d’étudier la réception des idées philosophiques, le regard porté sur la norme et la pratique de l’amitié. Après avoir retracé l’apport antique, patristique et médiéval, le cadre social est défini, notamment en ce qui concerne la place de la famille. Puis, les dictionnaires offrent un bon aperçu des différentes connotations des termes « amitié » et « ami ». Enfin, le travail s’attache à suivre le cours d’une amitié, de sa genèse à sa mort. L’importance du choix de l’ami et sa vertu transcendent le discours des XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Les gestes de l’amitié sont recherchés et presque codés. La peur de l’abandon ou de la trahison est très présente. On s’interroge beaucoup sur la possibilité, voire l’obligation, de la transgression des règles sociales. Les contemporains recherchent un équilibre, toujours difficile à obtenir et à garder. Concorde et Charité sont les deux notions non pas tant concurrentes que connexes à l’amitié. L’amitié-duo se vit en effet dans une société où l’amitié est omniprésente. Enfin, la mort ne scelle pas, en théorie, la fin d’une amitié. Le second tome de ce travail présente la méthodologie suivie pour l’élaboration du corpus ainsi que les raisons de la mise à l’écart des femmes. Les sources et la bibliographie sont également présentées dans ce dernier volume. / The purpose of this dissertation is to study the influences of the norm on the representations of friendship and its practice in France during the 16th and the 17th centuries. The corpus draws aside both intellectuals and women to focus on the non-enclosed people. How two individuals are able to make friends with each other in the 16th and 17th centuries within a society itself thought in terms of friendship? This dissertation divides in two volumes. The first one is devoted to the study itself. The philosophical inheritance is presented, along with considerations on bonds linking the friend, the society, the couple and the family during the Modern Times. Questions of linguistics are also raised. The evolution of a friendship between two men is followed step by step from birth to death, as if it were a genuine living organism. Gestures and tokens of friendship are the bases of friendship. The latter is always endangered by the fragile balance between the social demands and the requirements of friendship. In the second volume are presented the methodology used to gather the documentary corpus, as well as our historical sources and bibliography. Reasons why women were excluded from our research work make the core of a specific chapter.
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Deníky Josefa Volfa jako sonda do československého knihovnictví / Diaries of Josef Volf as a Probe into the Czechoslovak LibrarianshipKalousková, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
Resource basis for this work will be thee editorially still unprocessed diary parts of librarian, historian and teacher Josef Volf (1878 - 1937) - from the years 1925, 1933 and 1935. Thematically, the work will build on previous bachelor thesis Library of the National Museum in the first half of the 20th century through the eyes of Josef Volf. Now, however, will dela with personalities Josef Volf from the perspective of his teaching at Charles University, and especially at the State Library School. In this connection, will focus on the establishment and functioning of the educational institutions and the general process for creating a library legislation at the beginning of the first Czechoslovak Republic. Volfův diary should help reveal the specific difficulties of implementation of the Law on public libraries, discussions among experts in an informal level and the impact on the field of librarianship and library development and organization after its introduction. In addition, work will reflect the daily work issues, events, insights and finally Joseph Volf relationships with coworkers and acquaintances that are reflected in the records. Also tries comparison of parts to trace changes in all these aspects that come with a long time lag brings. It will also take account of the rich material...
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Farní kroniky jako pramen církevních a sociálních dějin na příkladu pamětních knih farností v děkanství velkomeziříčském / Parish chronicles as a source of religious and social history using the example of commemorative books of parishes in the Velke Mezirici deanery.Mrňa, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
PhDr. Jaroslav Mrňa Církevní a obecné dějiny 19. a 20. století Název disertační práce v anglickém jazyce: Parish chronicles as a source of religious and social history using the example of commemorative books of parishes in the deanery of Velke Mezirici. Anotace v anglickém jazyce: The parish chronicles in themself conceal an indelible link of parish administrators and they are often the only surviving trace of their thoughts and actions. Individual records in themself preserve not only the mentality of their writers, but also the valuable data from the life story of parishes. The dissertation thesis Parish chronicles as a source of religious and social history using the example of commemorative books of parishes in the deanery of Velke Mezirici brings the first complete view of the issue of the existence of parish chronicles and their use of the modern historical work in the field of religious and social history. It tries to highlight the important role of ego-documents to reconstruct the history of the life in the parish. In addition to the evaluation of the positive effects of the chronicle as a work of art, commemorative or official books, the thesis includes closer look at different types of documents and the structure of their scripts. For the analysis and the comparison there was made a...
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Farní kroniky jako pramen církevních a sociálních dějin na příkladu pamětních knih farností v děkanství velkomeziříčském / Parish chronicles as a source of religious and social history using the example of commemorative books of parishes in the Velke Mezirici deanery.Mrňa, Jaroslav January 2017 (has links)
PhDr. Jaroslav Mrňa Církevní a obecné dějiny 19. a 20. století Název disertační práce v anglickém jazyce: Parish chronicles as a source of religious and social history using the example of commemorative books of parishes in the deanery of Velke Mezirici. Abstrakt v anglickém jazyce: The parish chronicles in themself conceal next to unique link of the thoughts and activities of parish administrators, the administrative office of the authority given to them, also conceal valuable data from the life story of the parish itself. The dissertation thesis Parish chronicles as a source of religious and social history using the example of commemorative books of parishes in the deanery of Velke Mezirici deals with the problems of the existence of parish chronicles and their use of the modern historical work in the field of religious and social history. For the presentation of the testifying value of the source, of commemorative books of parishes in the deanery of Velke Mezirici were selected. After introductory criticism of sources and literature is followed a chapter dedicated to the view of the Christian perception of the history, the development of chronicles in the individual historical periods and the evaluation of the parish chronicle as a commemorative or office book, an artwork. It is followed by a section...
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Mezi starou a novou vlastí - integrace a sebeidentifikace českého společenství v USA v druhé polovině XIX. století / Between the Old and the New Homeland - Integration and Self-Identification of the Czech Community in the USA throughout the Second Half of the XIXth centuryMarholeva, Krasimira January 2020 (has links)
Between the Old and the New Homeland: Integration and Self-Identification of the Czech Community in the USA throughout the Second Half of the XIXth century Mgr. Krasimira Marholeva, Ph.D. Abstract The dissertation assessed the interdependence between the process of integration and shifting national identity of Czech immigrants in the USA throughout the second half of the XIXth century. In the first place, I explored the strategy they elaborated in order to integrate to the American society. Secondly, I assessed how the Czech immigrants identified themselves and how they endeavoured to preserve their national and cultural identity, to prevent their children from acculturation and assimilation. Last but not least, I explored the process of integration and self-identification of the children of the Czech freethinkers during the period in question through the prism of their letters that had been published in the Czech-American freethinking periodical press. In my work, I relied on archival sources, on Czech-American periodical press, on auto-biographies of Czech immigrants in the USA, on memoirs of Czech-American contemporaries and Czech travellers, and last but not least, on letters of the children of the Czech freethinkers in the USA.
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拉崗主體理論及其教育意涵之研究蔣興儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探究拉崗的無意識主體理論,並根據拉崗所進行的心理分析實踐,闡述其中的教育意涵。拉崗以「回歸弗洛伊德」為取向,針對自我心理學之「自我」概念提出批評,他在「鏡子階段」論述中指出:自我之形塑乃是以想像的疏離同一性之運作方式,構成了自我與擬似者之間的錯識結構。當想像域關聯於倫理學時,拉崗將超我的概念轉化為一種客觀的裝置,即極權式的執鞭者能夠以自身之工具化作為藉口,迫使受害者在痛苦和羞辱中達到其自身之主體化的目標。為了分解想像性自我的鈕結,拉崗以象徵的功能提出了無意識主體的理論。他透過對索緒爾之語言學的轉借,使得文字不再具有符號的指義功能,而是進行著記號的指延純粹運作性。主體因而不再是意義的主人而被文字化為符指,在轉代詞「我」所呈現的陳述主詞與宣告主體的分離與分裂當中,主體乃是具有大它者之激進異質性的無意識主體。據此,在教育意涵中,拉崗以大它者之功能所進行的至高實踐,不但修正了鏡像之無限性的非本真實踐,並且鑽透了鏡映之哲學循環的本真實踐,而使得教育學之論述維繫於分析師的「存在之匱乏」此一政策。 / Based on Lacanian psychoanalytical practice, this research discusses his theory of subject of the unconscious and tries to elaborate latter’s implication of education. Along the path of “Return to Freud”, Lacan criticizes the concept of Ego that is the theoretical core of ego psychology. He traces the genesis of ego back at the mirror-stage and describes the imaginary structure of ego as following: narcissitic formation of the ego is the result of misrecognition between ego and the semblable. When combining the Imaginary with Ethics, Lacan retranslates Freudian concept of superego as the objectivized equipment, and analyzes fully the totalitarian effect of this objectivization that refuses its subjectivization. Totalitarian subject is the pure instrument in his instrumentalization, and forces the pain and humiliation onto the victim to help him to accomplish his subjectivization. In order to untie the knot of the Imaginary, Lacan locates the theory of subject of unconscious in the Symbolic. Borrowing Saussure’s structural linguistics, Lacan paralizes the signifying function that is constitutive of totality of Sign, and emphasizes the pure operativity of the signifier with a hole. Between subject of statement and subject of enunciation, shifter “I” introduces the division in the subject. In what gapes, subject is the radical heterogeneity of unconscious subject. Centered on this function of Other, Lacan not only rescues analysis from its inauthentic practice, he also maintains training discourse in his policy of “lack of being”. The latter founds the supreme practice that brings the full educational implication.
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I can resist anything except temptation : self-regulatory fatigue and ethical spendingCrelley, David January 2013 (has links)
Within western societies the act of consumption is not merely concerned with satisfying basic human needs. Rather, consumption has become a source of leisure and self expression for the masses (Belk, 1988). This has meant that humankind’s wants have tended to outstrip the world’s finite resources available, leading to environmental damage, questionable farming practice and the widespread abuse of human labour. In response to these issues the phenomena of ethical consumption was born. Ethical consumption attempts to limit the environmental, human and animal costs of our spending via the favouring of products that are deemed to be for the betterment of wider society. At face value ethical consumption has been hugely successful in terms of market share, with sales of products stressing their ethical credentials having grown rapidly in recent years (Cooperative Bank 2011). However, despite this success, ethically branded products still represent a minority of purchases (Thøgersen, 2006). Psychological research exploring the reasons why consumers purchase ethically is dominated by papers focusing upon consumers’ attitudes, values and intentions (Andorfer & Liebe, 2012, Milfont & Duckitt, 2004). However, consumers’ attitudes do not always mirror actual spending (Auger, Burke, Devinney & Louviere., 2003; Auger & Devinney, 2007). Whilst one third of consumers describe themselves as being ethical spenders, only 1-3% of products purchased are Fair Trade certified (Cowe & Williams, 2000). The divergence between attitude and behaviour has been referred to as the ‘ethical purchasing gap’ (Andorfer & Liebe, 2012, Clayton & Brook, 2005). One factor that may be partially responsible for the divergence between purchase intention and actual behaviours is self-regulatory fatigue (ego depletion). Chapter one of the thesis presents the argument for ethical spending being affected by, amongst other things, our ability to suppress our impulsive desires via a process known as self-regulation (Bagozzi, 1992; Baumeister, 2002; Baumeister & Vohs, 2007). According to the self-regulatory fatigue literature, self-control requires the expenditure of blood glucose (Gailliot, 2008, Inzlicht & Gutsell, 2007). However, the available level of blood glucose temporarily diminishes with continued use of the self-regulatory system. In response to the lower availability of blood glucose, individuals begin to limit all non-essential cognitive expenditure, including further acts of self-regulation. Individuals who have exhausted their capacity for self control are said to be ego depleted or in a state of self-regulatory fatigue (Baumeister & Heatherton, 1996; Hofmann. Friese & Strack, 2009; Muraven & Baumeister, 2000) Chapter one argues that self-regulatory fatigue may restrict an individual’s capacity to consider the social and long-term impacts of their spending to resist the temptation of cheap consumer goods. As a result, it is predicted that ethical spending may be negatively affected by self-regulation fatigue. Following this theoretical foundation, Chapter two presents the methodological rationale for the research project that set out to test various aspects of this foundational hypothesis. Chapter three presents the findings of the first empirical study. The purpose of the study was to use open-ended questionnaires to explore the principles that guided participants’ spending, as well gaining an insight into instances where there was a discrepancy between spending and principle. The study is included within the thesis primarily to show the genesis of the research agenda. The study indicated that consumers within the sample were primarily concerned with traditional forms of ethical consumption, namely environmental, human and animal welfare concerns. Participants justified non-principled purchasing as being a result of financial consideration or impulsive urge. It was thus decided to explore the possibility that self-regulation fatigue may have a potentially negative impact upon ethical spending, due to its known relationship with impulsive spending (Vohs & Faber, 2007). Chapter four explores the effects of self-regulation fatigue upon socially-minded economic behaviour within the controlled setting of a social dilemma game. Ethical consumption can be considered to be a prime example of a ‘social dilemma’ in the sense that decisions relating to whether or not to consume ethically involve a direct conflict between an individual’s short term interests (e.g. to save money) and the collective interests of wider society (Gattig & Hendrickx, 2007; Milfont & Gouveiac, 2006). Therefore it was decided to measure the effects of self-regulatory fatigue within an experimental social dilemma task. The task used was based upon the forest game, which was first outlined by Sheldon and McGregor (2000), with the white bear thought suppression task (Wegner, Schneider, Carter, & White, 1987) being utilised to manipulate self-regulatory fatigue. The results revealed a clear divergence in behaviour within the game as a function of the manipulation of self-regulatory fatigue, with non-depleted groups sustaining the central resource longer than their depleted counterparts. Chapter five builds on the findings of chapter four through an exploration of the relationship between ego depletion and participants’ willingness to pay for ethical goods. The study utilised a discrete choice measure in order to measure participant’s willingness to pay for ethical goods. The findings did not show a significant effect of self-regulatory fatigue on the willingness to pay for ethical goods. However a potential explanation for this result was the fact that the decision-making processes involved in this study were less arduous than those required within a real-life shopping environment (or, for that matter, than the decisions required in the forest game reported in chapter four). It is possible that the complexity of the choice presented may have been insufficient for the decision to be negatively affected by self-regulatory fatigue. The study is thus included in order to illustrate the importance of utilising more realistic measures of spending that incorporate more of the complexity of decision-making required in real-world contexts. Chapter six presents four separate experiments exploring the relationship between self-regulatory fatigue and ethical spending. The first study utilised an online supermarket simulation and asked participants to go shopping for one week’s worth of groceries after either completing, or not completing, the white bear thought suppression task. The simulated supermarket allowed participants to select from a range of over 1900 products. The pattern of results indicated that participants in a state of self-regulatory fatigue spent significantly less on ethically branded products than their non-depleted counterparts. However, this was only true for individuals with a high food budget. Those with a low budget were not significantly affected, presumably due to having relatively little flexibility in terms of product choice and/or having established shopping habits focusing upon value. The second study in chapter six explored the ways in which social appeals interact with self-regulatory fatigue. Participants were presented with an attention control task before reading either an article praising students for their ethical behaviours or a control article. Participants were then asked to “go shopping” within the online store. Results once again indicated that self-regulatory fatigue reduced spending on ethically branded goods. However, contrary to predictions, the social appeal had no significant effect on levels of ethical spending either as a main effect or in interaction with self-regulatory fatigue.
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Background subtraction is the algorithmic process that segments out the region of interest often known as foreground from the background. Extensive literature and numerous algorithms exist in this domain, but most research have focused on videos captured by static cameras. The proliferation of portable platforms equipped with cameras has resulted in a large amount of video data being generated from moving cameras. This motivates the need for foundational algorithms for foreground/background segmentation in videos from moving cameras. In this dissertation, I propose three new types of background subtraction algorithms for moving cameras based on appearance, motion, and a combination of them. Comprehensive evaluation of the proposed approaches on publicly available test sequences show superiority of our system over state-of-the-art algorithms.
The first method is an appearance-based global modeling of foreground and background. Features are extracted by sliding a fixed size window over the entire image without any spatial constraint to accommodate arbitrary camera movements. Supervised learning method is then used to build foreground and background models. This method is suitable for limited scene scenarios such as Pan-Tilt-Zoom surveillance cameras. The second method relies on motion. It comprises of an innovative background motion approximation mechanism followed by spatial regulation through a Mega-Pixel denoising process. This work does not need to maintain any costly appearance models and is therefore appropriate for resource constraint ego-vision systems. The proposed segmentation combined with skin cues is validated by a novel application on authenticating hand-gestured signature captured by wearable cameras. The third method combines both motion and appearance. Foreground probabilities are jointly estimated by motion and appearance. After the mega-pixel denoising process, the probability estimates and gradient image are combined by Graph-Cut to produce the segmentation mask. This method is universal as it can handle all types of moving cameras.
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Jaget i musiken : en undersökning av två musiker och två dansares upplevelser av hur deras jag kommer till uttryck i konstenHalvarsson, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to examine and problematize how the ego affects musicians and dancers. Important factors that shape the ego is the artists educational background and experience within the artistic subjekt. Hence, the purpose is also to find out how these factors affecting the ego. I wanted other artists practitioners’ thoughts on the subjekt, therefore I chose to interview four people, two musicians and two dancers. My informants were to be college-educated, active and have a minimum of 20 years experience in music or 10 years experience in dance. I asked questions based on the following sub-headings: Education and Practice, Teaching, Ego and Identity and Vision for the future. In the study, I describe one person at a time and to further strengthen the informants’ statements I complement with literature. In the analyze section I comparing their different statements with each other and interpreters informants responses and in the discussion section, I comparing their different statements with each other as well as with my own thoughts and to the relevant literature. According to my interpretation all informants have basically the same idea of how they look on the ego. Yet, the dancers seems more troubled by the ego than the musicians. Educational background and experience are factors that has shaped my informants ego where their teachers have been one of the sources to inspiration. It has been interesting to take part of my informants views because they have inspired me to further thinking and have also helped me feel more confident about my own musical practice. I hope this is a study that can be beneficial to anyone who has ever reflected on any subjekt, artistic or not. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka och problematisera hur jaget påverkar musiker och dansare. Viktiga faktorer som formar jaget är utbildningsbakgrund och erfarenhet inom det konstnärliga ämnet. Därför åsyftas att även ta reda på hur de faktorerna påverkar jaget. Jag ville ha andra konstnärliga utövares tankar om ämnet därför valde jag att intervjua fyra personer, två musiker och två dansare. Mina informanter skulle vara högskoleutbildade, aktiva och ha minst 20 års erfarenhet inom musik eller 10 års erfarenhet inom dans. Jag ställde frågor utifrån följande underrubriker: Utbildning och Verksamhet, Undervisning, Jaget och Identiteten och Framtidsvision. I uppsatsen redogör jag för en person i taget och för att ytterligare stärka informanternas utsagor kompletterar jag med litteratur. I analysdelen jämför jag och tolkar informanternas svar och i diskussionsdelen kopplar jag jämförelsen och mina tankar till relevant litteratur. Enligt min tolkning så har alla informanterna i stort sett samma tanke om hur de ser på jaget. Dock verkar dansarna mer besvärade av jaget än musikerna. Utbildning och erfarenhet är faktorer som har format deras ”jag” där deras lärare har varit en av inspirationskällorna. Jag tycker det har varit intressant att lyssna till informanterna eftersom de har gett mig uppslag till att tänka vidare och bidragit till att jag nu känner mig tryggare i mitt eget musicerande. Jag hoppas att det här är ett arbete som kan vara till nytta för alla som någon gång haft en fundering kring ett konstnärligt ämne eller icke konstnärligt ämne.
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[pt] Esta tese propõe-se a refletir sobre o sofrimento humano na contemporaneidade. O maior empenho foi no sentido de não cometer generalizações apressadas, quase sempre reducionistas. Para tanto, procurou-se estabelecer uma interlocução com psicanalistas que, assim como nós, reconhecem que determinados tratamentos são refratários ao modelo clássico da psicanálise e, por isso, estão dispostos a ampliar o seu repertório teórico-clínico seguindo as pegadas de Freud, sem destituir jamais o seu legado. Privilegiaram-se, a partir da leitura da psicanalista Piera Aulagnier, as noções de violência, pictograma, alienação e paixão. A ideia de narcisismo moral, um dos destinos do conceito de narcisismo desde Freud, segundo o psicanalista André Green, foi também apresentada. Queremos supor que, realizado o percurso descrito, podemos sustentar a convicção de que precisamos continuar escutando o sujeito que sofre e não o sujeito contemporâneo, posto que só o primeiro é passível de tratamento. / [en] This thesis intends to reflect on the human suffering in
the nowadays. The main effort was to avoid
generalizations, which are frequently very limited. We
attempted to establish a dialogue with analysts who
acknowledge the fact that certain treatments resist the
classical frame of psychoanalytic treatment. These
analysts are willing to expand their theoretical and
clinical repertoire without abandonning Freud`s legacy.
From the work of Piera Aulagnier, we singled out
the concepts of violence, pictogram, alienation and
passion. The notion of moral narcisism, according to André
Green formulations, was also presented. By going
through the ideas mentioned above, we would like to state
that we must keep listening to the human being who is
suffering and not to the contemporary man,
since only the former is eligible to undergo a
psychoanalytic treatment.
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