Spelling suggestions: "subject:"elasticity."" "subject:"clasticity.""
1211 |
Generalised continuum approach for modelling quasi-brittle failureMühlich, Uwe 17 January 2014 (has links)
A proper description of quasi-brittle failure within the frame of continuum Mechanics can only be achieved by models based on so-called generalised continua. This thesis focuses on a strain gradient generalised continuum and provides a specific methodology
to derive corresponding models which account for the essential features of quasi-brittle failure. This methodology is discussed by means of four peer-reviewed journal articles.
Furthermore, an extensive overview of the state of the art in the field of generalised continua is given at the beginning of the thesis. This overview discusses phenomenological extensions of standard Continuum Mechanics towards generalised continua together with corresponding homogenisation strategies for materials with periodic or random microstructure.:1 Introduction 7
2 Generalised Continua - a journey 9
2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Principal classes of generalised continua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.1 Polar field theories and their relatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.2 Non-local continua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3 Generalised continua by explicit homogenisation . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.1 Random micro-structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.2 Periodic micro-structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3.3 Generalised homogenisation based on polynomials . . . . . . 20
3 Modelling of quasi-brittle failure 25
3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3 Discussion of main results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.4 Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Bibliography 29
4 Collection of articles reflecting the author’s contribution 35 / Eine geeignete, kontinuumsmechanische Beschreibung quasi-spröden Versagens ist nur unter Verwendung verallgemeinerter Kontinuumstheorien möglich. In dieser Habilitationsschrift stehen sogenannte Gradientenkontinua im Vordergrund. Für diese wird eine Methodik vorgeschlagen, welche die Herleitung von Modellen erlaubt, die in der Lage sind, quasi-sprödes Versagen adäquat abzubilden. Diese Methodik wird anhand von vier Publikationen dargestellt und diskutiert.
Ein umfangreicher Überblick über den Stand der Forschung auf dem Gebiet der veralgemeinerten Kontinuumstheorien wird am Anfang der Habilitationschrift gegeben. Dabei werden neben phänomenologischen Ansätzen zur Ableitung verallgemeinerter
Kontinuumstheorien auch die entsprechenden Homogenisierungskonzepte dargestellt. Letztere werden für Materialien mit periodischer Mikrostruktur und für Materialien mit zufälliger Mikrostruktur diskutiert.:1 Introduction 7
2 Generalised Continua - a journey 9
2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Principal classes of generalised continua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.1 Polar field theories and their relatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.2 Non-local continua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3 Generalised continua by explicit homogenisation . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.1 Random micro-structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.2 Periodic micro-structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3.3 Generalised homogenisation based on polynomials . . . . . . 20
3 Modelling of quasi-brittle failure 25
3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3 Discussion of main results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.4 Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Bibliography 29
4 Collection of articles reflecting the author’s contribution 35
1212 |
The influence of composition, processing and temperature on the Young's modulus of elasticity of carbon-bonded refractoriesWerner, Jörn 03 November 2014 (has links)
Thermal shock resistance is a key property of refractory materials. Its determination and prediction is essential for the design of structural refractories as well as lining materials. Young’s modulus of elasticity (E) is a crucial parameter for the calculation of thermal shock resistance.
For all investigated carbon-bonded alumina composition a significant increase of E was observed. This increase was attributed to a mismatch of the coefficient of thermal expansion of the composite constituents. Besides others, the graphite content as well as the maximum alumina particle size were identified as crucial factors influencing E(T). Furthermore, the influence of the porosity on E was shown and existing models were fitted to the experimental data for future predictions of E. Finally a metal melt filter structure was investigated to investigate the relationship between its strut Young’s modulus and the structures’ E at high temperatures. Further research should address the filter topic since it was uncertain how to find the normal modes of those structures.
1213 |
Sequence Dependent Elasticity of DNABecker, Nils B. 27 July 2007 (has links)
The DNA contained in every living cell not only stores the genetic information; it functions in a complex molecular network that can condense, transcribe, replicate and repair genes. The essential role played by the sequence dependent structure and deformability of DNA in these basic processes of life, has received increasing attention over the past years. The present work aims at better understanding sequence dependent elasticity of double stranded DNA elasticity, across biologically relevant length scales. A theoretical description is developed that makes is possible to relate structural, biochemical and biophysical experiments and simulation. It is based on the rigid base–pair chain (rbc) model which captures all basic deformation modes on the scale of individual base–pair (bp) steps. Existing microscopic parametrizations of the rbc model rely on indirect methods. A way to relate them to biochemical experiments is provided by the indirect readout mechanism, where DNA elasticity determines protein–DNA complexation affinities. By correlating theoretical affinity predictions with in vitro measurements in a well–studied test case, different parameter sets were evaluated. As a result a new, hybrid parameter set is proposed which greatly reduces prediction errors. Indirect readout occurs mostly at particular binding subsites in a complex. A statistical marker is developed which localizes indirect readout subsites, by detecting elastically optimized sub-sequences. By a systematic coarse–graining of the rbc to the well–characterized worm–like chain (wlc) model, a quantitative connection between microscopic and kbp scale elasticity is established. The general helical rbc geometry is mapped to an effective, linear ‘on-axis’ version, yielding the full set of wlc elastic parameters for any given sequence repeat. In the random sequence case, structural variability adds conformational fluctuations which are correlated by sequence continuity. The sequence disorder correction to entropic elasticity in the rbc model is shown to coincide with the conformational correction. The results show remarkable overall agree- ment of the coarse–grained with the mesoscale wlc parameters, lending support to the model and to the microscopic parameter sets. A continuum version of the rbc is formulated as Brownian motion on the rigid motion group. Analytic expressions for angular correlation functions and moments of the end–to–end distance distribution are given. In an equivalent Lagrangian approach, conserved quantities along, and the linear response around, a general equilibrium shape are explored. / Die in jeder lebenden Zelle enthaltene DNS speichert nicht nur die genetische Information; Sie funktioniert innerhalb eines komplexen molekularen Netzwerks, das in der Lage ist, Gene zu kondensieren, transkribieren, replizieren und reparieren. Die zentrale Rolle, welche der sequenzabhängigen Struktur und Deformierbarkeit von DNS in diesen grundlegenden Lebensprozessen zukommt, erregte in den letzten Jahren zunehmendes Interesse. Die vorliegende Arbeit hat ein besseres Verständnis der sequenzabhängigen elastischen Eigenschaften von DNS auf biologisch relevanten Längenskalen zum Ziel. Es wird eine theoretische Beschreibung entwickelt, die es ermöglicht, strukturbiologische, biochemische und biophysikalische Experimente und Simulationen in Beziehung zu setzen. Diese baut auf dem Modell einer Kette aus starren Basenpaaren (rbc) auf, das alle wichtigen Deformationsmoden von DNS auf der Ebene von einzelnen Basenpaar (bp)–Schritten abbildet. Bestehende Parametersätze des rbc-Modells beruhen auf indirekten Methoden. Eine direkte Beziehung zu biochemischen Experimenten kann mithilfe des indirekten Auslese-Mechanismus hergestellt werden. Hierbei bestimmt die DNS– Elastizität Komplexierungsaffinitäten von Protein–DNS–Komplexen. Durch eine Korrelation von theoretischen Vorhersagen mit in vitro Messungen in einem gut untersuchten Beispielfall werden verschiedene Parametersätze bewertet. Als Resultat wird ein neuer Hybrid–Parametersatz vorgeschlagen, der die Vorhersagefehler stark reduziert. Indirektes Auslesen tritt meistens an speziellen Teilbindungsstellen innerhalb eines Komplexes auf. Es wird eine statistische Kenngröße entwickelt, die indirektes Auslesen durch Detektion elastisch optimierter Subsequenzen erkennt. Durch ein systematisches Coarse–Graining des rbc-Modells auf das gut charakterisierte Modell der wurmartigen Kette (wlc) wird eine quantitative Beziehung zwischen der mikroskopischen und der Elastizität auf einer kbp-Skala hergestellt. Die allgemeine helikale Geometrie wird auf eine effektive, lineare Version der Kette ‘auf der Achse’ abgebildet. Dies führt zur Berechnung des vollen Satzes von wlc-elastischen Parameters für eine beliebig vorgegebene periodische Sequenz. Im Fall zufälliger Sequenz führt die Strukturvariabilität zu zusätzlichen Konformationsfluktuationen, die durch die Kontinuität der Sequenz kurzreichweitig korreliert sind. Es wird gezeigt, daß die Sequenzunordnungs-Korrektur zur entropischen Elastizität im rbc-Modell identisch ist zur Korrektur der Konformationsstatistik. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine bemerkenswerte Übereinstimmung der hochskalierten mikroskopischen mit den mesoskopischen wlc-Parameter und bestätigen so die Wahl des Modells und seiner mikroskopischen Parametrisierung. Eine Kontinuumsversion des rbc-Modells wird formuliert als Brownsche Bewegung auf der Gruppe der Starrkörpertransformationen. Analytische Ausdrücke für Winkelkorrelationsfunktionen und Momente der Verteilung des End-zu-End–Vektors werden angegeben. In einem äquivalenten Lagrange-Formalismus werden Erhaltungsgrößen entlang von Gleichgewichtskonformationen und die lineare Antwort in ihrer Umgebung untersucht.
1214 |
Kontaktprobleme in der nichtlinearen ElastizitätstheorieHabeck, Daniel 15 April 2008 (has links)
Es werden Kontaktprobleme im Rahmen der nichtlinearen Elastizitätstheorie mit Mitteln der Variationsrechnung behandelt. Dabei liegt das Hauptaugenmerk auf der Untersuchung des Selbstkontakts eines nichtlinear elastischen Körpers. Unter Verwendung einer geeigneten Lagrangeschen Multiplikatorenregel wird eine notwendige Bedingung für Minimierer hergeleitet. Weiterhin werden Ergebnisse für den Kontakt zweier elastischer Körper formuliert.
1215 |
Aproximace statických modulů hornin z dynamických modulů stanovených akustickou karotáží pomocí T-matrix modelu / Approximation of static moduli of rocks from dynamic moduli determined by sonic well logging using T-matrix modelChalupa, František January 2019 (has links)
(EN) Thesis deals with an approximation of static moduli in wells from dynamic moduli determined by acoustic well logging using T-matrix model. Proposed approach makes possible to determine moduli values, which are close to values of static moduli, which would be determined by loading tests. This approach is based on an idea, that an intact rock with sufficiently high compressional strength sc and sufficiently high value of static Young's modulus Es, manifests more or less linear elastic behaviour. In such case, the values of static and dynamic moduli are identical. This fact has been experimentally verified for rocks with values of sc and Es in order of higher tens of MPa and GPa respectively. In case of a rock damage presence in such rock, it's behaviour becomes nonlinearly elastic. The amount of nonlinearity is proportional to increasing amount of rock damage. This results in the difference between values of static and dynamic moduli. T-matrix model is used to quantify this difference. This model is based on an anisotropic rock matrix with ellipsoidal inclusions. These inclusions can affect each other. The result of this model calculation is a group of values of elastic constants, which we call effective moduli. These effective moduli include the effect of porosity in the rock as well and they...
1216 |
Triaxial testing of lime/cement stabilized clay : A comparison with unconfined compression testsAmin, Diyar January 2015 (has links)
Detta examensarbete presenterar resultat från en laboratoriestudie på en lera från Enköping stabiliserad med kalk och cement. I laboratoriet har isotropiskt konsoliderade odränerade aktiva triaxialförsök utförts på provkroppar och jämförts med enaxliga tryckförsök som utförts på provkroppar från samma inblandningstillfälle. De två metoderna har visat sig ge likvärdiga värden på utvärderad odränerad skjuvhållfasthet. Elasticitetsmodulen har däremot visat sig vara mycket högre för triaxialförsöken än enaxliga tryckförsök. För triaxialförsöken har förhållandet mellan sekantmodulen och den odränerade skjuvhållfastheten legat mellan 112-333. För de enaxliga tryckförsöken ligger förhållandet mellan sekantmodulen och den odränerade skjuvhållfastheten inom intervallet 44-146. Inget mönster har dock kunnat urskiljas då förhållandet mellan de två olika försöken har varierat mellan 1,0-3,5. Ett lägre och högre back pressure användes under triaxialförsöken. Till skillnad från tidigare studier har dock båda dessa back pressures vattenmättat provkroppen. Resultaten visar på att back pressure inte påverkar testresultaten, förutsatt att provet blivit fullt vattenmättat. Utöver denna jämförelse har ytterligare passiva triaxialförsök utförts. De passiva triaxialförsöken har utförts som isotropiskt konsoliderade odränerade försök.. Däremot har två olika metoder använts under skjuvningsfasen. I första typen av försök har den axiella spänningen minskats medan den radiella spänningen har hållits konstant. I den andra typen av försök har i stället den radiella spänningen ökats samtidigt som den axiella spänningen har hållits konstant. Skjuvhållfastheter har jämförts med resultat från kalkpelarsondering i fält och visar på att skjuvhållfastheten genomgående varit högre i fält än i laboratoriet. Dessutom har skjuvhållfastheter och elasticitetsmoduler testats efter olika lagringstider genom enaxliga tryckförsök. / This master thesis presents results from a laboratory study on a clay from Enköping which was stabilized with lime and clay. Isotropic consolidated undrained compressive tests were performed on samples and compared to unconfined compressive testing. The two methods have shown no difference in the evaluation of undrained shear strength. However the modulus of elasticity was shown to be much higher for the triaxial tests. For the unconfined compressive tests the relation between the undrained shear strength and secant modulus was within the range of 44-146. The equivalent for the triaxial tests was in the interval of 112-333. However no pattern was extinguishable between the two tests as this relation has varied between 1,0 to 3,5. A lower and higher back pressure was used during the triaxial testing. However, both back pressures have succeeded in saturating the sample. Results show that the back pressure has little effect on the results, as long as the sample has been fully saturated. In addition to this extension tests were performed on samples as well. The tests performed were isotropic consolidated undrained. However two different shearing methods were used. The first test was strain rate dependant while the second test was stress rate dependant. In the first test the vertical stress decreased while the radial stresses were kept constant, while in the other test the radial stresses increased while the vertical stress were kept constant. The undrained shear strength was compared to lime/cement column penetration tests in field. Results showed that tests in field show a much higher undrained shear strength than laboratory testing.
1217 |
A Theory of TaxationSimmt, Kevin Michael January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
1218 |
Highly Stretchable Miniature Strain Sensor for Large Dynamic Strain MeasurementYao, Shulong 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis aims to develop a new type of highly stretchable strain sensor to measure large deformation of a specimen subjected to dynamic loading. The sensor was based on the piezo-resistive response of carbon nanotube(CNT)/polydimethysiloxane (PDMS) composites thin films, some nickel particles were added into the sensor composite to improve the sensor performance. The piezo-resistive response of CNT composite gives high frequency response in strain measurement, while the ultra-soft PDMS matrix provides high flexibility and ductility for large strain measuring large strain (up to 26%) with an excellent linearity and a fast frequency response under quasi-static test, the delay time for high strain rate test is just 30 μs. This stretchable strain sensor is also able to exhibit much higher sensitivities, with a gauge factor of as high as 80, than conventional foil strain gauges.
1219 |
Surveillance sismique des structures : caractérisation de la réponse des bâtiments en analysant l'élasticité non linéaire et la dynamique lente / Seismic monitoring of structures : characterization of building response by analyzing nonlinear elasticity and slow dynamicsAstorga Nino, Ariana 29 November 2019 (has links)
La surveillance de la réponse structurale est fondamentale pour estimer la performance des bâtiments et réduire les pertes lors de futurs séismes. Un moyen pratique de détecter les changements de comportement structural consiste à analyser les variations des propriétés élastiques lors d'excitations dynamiques. Dans ce travail, on montre que les variations de la fréquence fondamentale des bâtiments lors de tremblements de terre (faibles à forts) pourraient être expliquées par des processus élastiques non linéaires qui se produisent à l'intérieur du matériau, et qui finalement affectent le comportement macroscopique global des bâtiments. Ces processus élastiques non linéaires sont responsables de la diminution temporaire ou permanente de la rigidité structurale, pouvant expliquer les processus de récupération des propriétés élastiques observés à la suite d'événements sismiques. Cette étude comble le fossé entre des expériences de laboratoire à l'échelle microscopique et des observations sismologiques à l'échelle macroscopique, où l’élasticité non linéaire est également observée. Dans un premier temps, une base de données sismiques établie dans le cadre de cette thèse est présentée, incluant des réponses de bâtiments instrumentés de façon permanente dans le monde: des milliers d’enregistrements de mouvements sismiques et plusieurs bâtiments du Japon et des États-Unis ont été traités, apportant des connaissances utiles pour le domaine du génie parasismique, notamment pour la prédiction empirique de la réponse structurale en fonction de mesures d'intensité du mouvement au sol. Les incertitudes associées à la prédiction d’endommagement sont présentées, ainsi que l'évaluation de la vulnérabilité d'un bâtiment sous forme de courbes de fragilité. Ensuite, la base de données est utilisée pour analyser les signatures élastiques non linéaires dans les bâtiments, en particulier les effets de la dynamique lente (ou relaxation). Les variations des fréquences de résonance sont étudiées à court et à long terme, en estimant la contribution du sol à la réponse du système sol-structure. Différents états structuraux sont déduits en fonction des amplitudes de chargement et propriétés observées via les enregistrements. Des modèles de relaxation développés en laboratoire sont ensuite adaptés aux données des bâtiments afin de caractériser la densité de fissuration et les hétérogénéités, en effectuant des comparaisons entre les états structuraux avant et après de fortes excitations telles que le séisme de 2011 (Mw=9) de Tohoku (Japon). Les effets des chargements sont observés lors de la récupération des séquences de répliques. Les résultats sont étendus à différentes typologies de bâtiments, en analysant l'influence du matériau et des caractéristiques de chargement, notamment les taux de déformation. Enfin, quelques conclusions générales sont présentées, ainsi qu'une perspective de travail utilisant des outils de machine learning pour prédire la réponse de bâtiments en fonction de signatures élastiques non linéaires observées. / Monitoring structural response is fundamental for evaluating the performance of buildings and reducing losses during future earthquakes. One practical way to detect changes in structural behavior is analyzing variations of elastic properties during dynamic excitations. Here we show that variations in the fundamental frequency of buildings during (weak -to- strong) earthquakes might be explained by nonlinear elastic processes carried out within the structural material, which affect the global macroscopic structural behavior. These nonlinear elastic processes are responsible for both transitory and permanent structural softening, and might explain the intriguing recovery effects observed in the fundamental frequency of buildings following seismic events. This study bridges the gap between microscale laboratory experiments and macroscale seismological observations, where nonlinear elasticity is also observed. In the first part of this study, a new seismic database of building responses is presented: thousands strong motion recordings and several buildings from Japan and US were processed, providing useful tools for the earthquake engineering community, notably for the empirical prediction of structural response as a function of several ground motion intensity measures. Examples of uncertainties associated to damage prediction are presented, as well as the vulnerability assessment of a building throughout fragility curves. Next, the seismic database is used to analyze nonlinear elastic signatures in buildings, particularly the slow dynamics or relaxation effects. Variations of resonant frequencies are monitored at both short and long-term, estimating the contribution of soil in the response of the system soil-structure. Different levels of damage are inferred according to loading amplitudes and structural states. Some laboratory-based models of relaxation are adapted to the building data in order to infer crack-density and heterogeneities over time, making comparisons between structural states before and after large excitations such as the Mw 9 Tohoku earthquake. Conditioning effects are observed during the backbone recovery of aftershocks sequences. The results are extended to different building typologies, analyzing the influence of structural material and loading features, notably strain-rates. Finally, some general conclusions are presented, together with a perspective work using machine learning to predict building response based on nonlinear elastic signatures.
1220 |
Etude par microscopie optique des comportements spatio-temporels thermo- et photo-induits et de l’auto-organisation dans les monocristaux à transition de spin / Optical microscopy studies of thermo- and photo-induced spatiotemporal behaviors and self-organization in switchable spin crossover single crystalSy, Mouhamadou 15 June 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est dédié à la visualisation par microscopie optique des transitions de phases, thermo- et photo-induites dans des monocristaux à transition de spin. L’étude des cristaux du composé [{Fe(NCSe)(py)2}2(m-bpypz)] a permis de montrer la possibilité de contrôler la dynamique de l’interface HS/BS (haut spin/bas spin) par une irradiation lumineuse appliquée sur toute la surface du cristal ou de manière localisée. Les investigations expérimentales menées sur l’effet de l’intensité de la lumière sur la température de transition ont mis en évidence d’une part l’importance du couplage entre le cristal et le bain thermique, et d’autre part le rôle de la diffusion de la chaleur dans le monocristal. En parallèle, un modèle basé sur une description de type Ginzburg-Landau, a permis de mettre sur pied une description de type réaction diffusion des effets spatio-temporels accompagnant la transition de spin dans un monocristal. Celui-ci a permis d’identifier et de comprendre le rôle des paramètres pertinents entrant en jeu dans le contrôle du mouvement de l’interface HS/BS. Les résultats obtenus sont très encourageants et reproduisent avec une grande fidélité les données expérimentales. Cependant l’origine de l’orientation de l’interface HS/BS observée par microscopie optique dans les cristaux du composé [{Fe(NCSe)(py)2}2(m-bpypz)] était restée mystérieuse. Pour résoudre cette question, nous avons développé un modèle électro-élastique qui tient compte du changement de volume au cours de la transition de spin. Ce dernier nous a conduits à analyser l’effet de la symétrie du réseau cristallin et de la forme du cristal sur l’orientation de l’interface élastique. En l’appliquant au composé [{Fe(NCSe)(py)2}2(m-bpypz)], en tenant compte du caractère anisotrope du changement de la maille élémentaire lors du passage HSBS, nous avons réussi à retrouver quantitativement l’orientation du front observée expérimentalement en microscopie optique. Ceci confirme bien le rôle primordial de l’élasticité dans le comportement des matériaux à transition de spin. Des études sous lumière à très basse température nous ont donné la possibilité de suivre en temps réel, l’effet LIESST (Light Induced Excited Spin State Trapping), la re-laxation coopérative du cristal ainsi que l’instabilité photo-induite LITH (Light Induced Thermal Hysteresis). Un monde fascinant est apparu autour de cette dernière, avec la présence de comportements totalement inédits. Ainsi, et pour la première fois, nous avons mis en évidence l’existence de phénomènes d’auto-organisation et de comportements autocatalytiques du front de transition. Cette physique non-linéaire dénote un comportement actif du cristal, par suite d’une subtile préparation autour d’un état instable. Ces comportements rappellent les structures dissipatives de Turing et ouvrent des perspectives fascinantes pour cette thématique, tant sur le plan expérimental que théorique. / This thesis work is devoted to visualization by optical microscopy of thermo- and photo-induced phase transitions, in switchable spin transition single crystals. The study of crystals of the compound [{Fe (NCSe) (py) 2} 2 (m-bpypz)] showed the possibility to control reversibly the dynamics of the HS/LS interface through a photo-thermal effect generated by an irradiation of the whole crystal or using a spatially localized light spot on the crystal surface. The investigations of the effect of the light intensity on the transition temperature have highlighted the importance of the coupling between the crystal and the thermal bath in these experiments. Concomitantly, we developped a reaction diffusion model allowing to describe and iden-tify the relevant physical parameters involved in the control of the movement of HS/LS interface. The obtained results are very encouraging and reproduce the main features of the experimental data. However the origin of the interface orientation observed by the optical microscopy in the crystal of the compound [{Fe (NCSe) (py) 2} 2 (m-bpypz)] re-mained mysterious, and needed an elastic approach to be handled. At this end, an electro-elastic model including the volume change at the spin transition was developed. By taking into account for the anisotropy of the unit cell deformation at the transition, we were able to reproduce quantitatively the experimental HS/LS interface orientation. This result confirms the crucial role of the lattice symmetry and its elastic properties in the emergence of a stable interface orientation. The last part of the thesis is devoted to the investigation of photo-induced effects at very low temperatures (~10K). There, we visualized for the first time the real time transformation of a single crystal under LIESST (Light Induced Excited Spin State Trapping) effect as well as its subsequent relaxation at higher temperatures. We have also studied the light induced instabilities through investigation on the LITH (Light Induced Thermal Hysteresis) loops. Around the latter, a fascinating world made of nonlinear effects, and patterns formation emerged, recalled the well known Turing structures. These results lead to new horizons that will give access to new theories and original experimental observations that will enrich the topics opening the new avenues to study of nonlinear phenomena in spin crossover solids.
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