Spelling suggestions: "subject:"elderly people"" "subject:"olderly people""
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Riskfaktorer för suicid bland äldre människor / Risk factors for suicide among elderly peopleJönsson, My, Aspberg, Tove January 2017 (has links)
Suicid är ett tabubelagt ämne särskilt hos den äldre befolkningen, vilket kan göra att de undviker att rapportera suicidala tankar. En utmaning för sjuksköterskan är att identifiera patienterna med ökad risk för suicid när dessa inte vill ge sig tillkänna. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa riskfaktorer för suicid bland äldre patienter. Resultatet framkom genom att analysera åtta vetenskapliga artiklar där sju riskfaktorer kunde identifieras: psykisk ohälsa, begränsningar i vardagen, långvarig sjukdom, ensamhet, avsaknad av stöd, förlust av identitet, fattigdom och låg utbildning. Om fler sjuksköterskor får kännedom om riskfaktorerna skulle det kunna förbättra sjuksköterskans arbete med suicidriskbedömning, tills dess att ett standardiserat arbetssätt för att identifiera äldre patienter med risk för suicid upprättas. / Suicide is often associated with feelings of shame, especially in the elderly population. Because of that older people may avoid to report suicidal ideation. It is a challenge for the nurse to identify patients with an increased risk of suicide when they do not want to be acknowledged. The purpose of the literature study was to highlight risk factors for suicide among elderly patients. By analyzing eight scientific articles seven risk factors appeared: mental illness, a limitation in daily activities, long-term illness, loneliness, lack of support, loss of identity, poverty and low education level. If more nurses get to know the risk factors, it could improve the nurses suicidal risk assessment work, until a standardized approach to identify elderly patients at risk of suicide is established.
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Uso da internet pelo consumidor da terceira idade : influências do risco percebido e impacto na intenção de compra onlineEsteves, Priscila Silva January 2014 (has links)
Atualmente, observa-se que o ambiente virtual está cada vez mais povoado por pessoas com 60 anos ou mais e com os mais diversos interesses, todavia, verifica-se que há pouco conhecimento sobre como os consumidores idosos formam julgamentos e tomam decisões a respeito de produtos e serviços oferecidos na Internet, chegando a existir, inclusive, um pré-conceito de que estes indivíduos não são usuários da Internet e, portanto, não merecem que se façam investimentos para adequar produtos e serviços a eles. Sabe-se que diferentes fatores podem influenciar o comportamento do consumidor em sua tomada de decisão, principalmente quando se abordam produtos e serviços tecnológicos. Frente a esse contexto, é fundamental que se compreendam melhor os elementos que estão presentes nesse comportamento de consumo e as suas implicações futuras. Por essa razão, a presente pesquisa foi elaborada, pretendendo-se identificar os principais construtos que influenciam o comportamento do consumidor da terceira idade na Internet e analisar o seu impacto sobre a intenção de compra online. Objetivando responder a tal questionamento, projetou-se este estudo, para o qual foi elaborado um modelo teórico (testado empiricamente) contendo diversas variáveis e moderadores. Após 5 pré-testes e 8 entrevistas em profundidade, um questionário foi aplicado em 430 respondentes com 60 anos ou mais que tivessem utilizado a Internet pelo menos uma vez nos últimos 3 meses. O processamento de dados incluiu uma análise fatorial exploratória e uma confirmatória e a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Ao final deste estudo, obteve-se aceitação plena de cinco hipóteses, parcial de três e rejeição de duas, além de um bom ajuste do modelo proposto (a partir dos índices pré-definidos). Confirmou-se a hipótese de que o risco percebido pelos consumidores da terceira idade ao utilizar a Internet é um moderador no modelo estrutural proposto, uma vez que se comprovou diferença estatística significante entre as respostas dadas por um grupo mais avesso ao risco (Grupo 1) e outro menos avesso ao risco (Grupo 2) no que concerne às características demográficas e comportamentais (relacionadas ao uso da Internet). Já a escala de Tipo de Uso não se mostrou adequada para analisar a utilização da Internet pelo público da terceira idade. Constatou-se, da mesma forma, que a idade cognitiva influencia, de maneira inversa, no tempo de uso da Internet e que a satisfação com o uso da mesma tem impacto positivo no boca-a-boca positivo realizado, na intenção de (re)compra online e, também, no tempo de uso da rede. Acredita-se que os resultados obtidos a partir do teste do modelo apresentado possam fornecer importantes implicações acadêmicas e gerenciais, as quais possibilitarão uma maior compreensão sobre o uso da Internet por indivíduos da terceira idade, seus impactos futuros e a existência de moderadores importantes nesta relação. / Virtual environment has been increasingly used by people aged 60 and over who have a variety of interests. However, there is little knowledge concerning how elderly consumers form judgment and make decisions regarding products and services offered on the internet. Additionally, there is a preconception that these individuals do not use the internet; therefore, there would be no need for investment in redesigning products and services to suit them. It is known that there is a range of factors that may influence consumer behavior, especially in online environments involving technological products and services. In this context, understanding the elements involved in consumer behavior as well as its future implications is of paramount importance. Thus, this study reviewed the main constructs that influence the consumer behavior of the elderly on the internet and analyzed its impact on the online purchase intention. A theoretical model containing several variables and moderators was created and empirically tested. After 5 pretests and 8 in-depth interviews, a questionnaire was applied to 430 respondents aged 60 and over who had used the internet within the last 3 months. Data processing included an exploratory and a confirmatory factor analysis, as well as the Structural Equation Modeling. As a result, five hypotheses were fully supported, three were partially confirmed and two were rejected. Moreover, the proposed model proved to be well adjusted according to the pre-defined indexes. The hypothesis which states that the perceived risk by the elderly regarding the use of internet is a moderator on the proposed structural model was confirmed, since there was a statistically significant difference between the answers given by a more risk-averse group (Group 1) and the answers provided by a less risk-averse group (Group 2) concerning demographic and behavioral characteristics related to internet use. On the other hand, the Type of Internet Use scale was shown to be inadequate to analyze the internet usage by the aforementioned age group. Likewise, it was observed that cognitive age has an inversely proportional influence on time of Internet usage, and that satisfaction with its usage has a positive impact on positive word of mouth, online (re)purchase intention and time of web usage. It is believed that the results obtained from the testing of the presented model may provide important academic and managerial implications which will bring a greater understanding of internet usage by the elderly as well as its future impacts and the existence of important moderators within this relationship.
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Penzion pro seniory / Retirement homeChalupská, Eva January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is design of engineering documentation for senior people's home in Třebíč. The building has four levels where the first is based in underground. Basement provides spaces for technological support. The first floor and the second floor consist of residential units and have almost identical layout. On the top floor are management offices and service offices for residents, such is doctor, dentist, therapist or even hairdresser. Documentation also includes architectural concept.
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Metody sociální práce se seniory užívané na našem území v letech 1948-1989 / Methods of Social Work with elderly people used in our territory in 1948-1989Gudzenko, Bohumila January 2019 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the Methods of social work with elderly people used in our territory in 1948-1989. The goal of this thesis is to description of the methods used in social work with seniors in the defined period. The method used in this thesis is a synthesis of scientific knowledge from literature mapping social work in the period from 1948 to 1989 and analysis of the historical period. This thesis is divided into five main chapters. The first chapter is dedicated to the theoretical framework, which describes the social area with an emphasis on old people. The second chapter is devoted to the introductory article on social work from the perspective of the target group of seniors. Attention is paid especially to the introduction to the political context and the social security system and the functioning of social services. A necessary part of this work is also a brief historical excursion, which is described in the third chapter. The historical excursion briefly maps the period from the 17th century to the first half of the 20th century, in the context of perception of old age, death and family cohabitation. The fourth chapter describes the development of social work since 1948, which is focused on social work with old people. The final chapter of this thesis is the fifth chapter,...
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The Role of Homecare services to Empower Elderly during COVID-19Assaf, Nebras, Singh, Ashish January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore how homecare services work to support the elderly people during the COVID-19 pandemic in Gävle, Sweden. This study has been done by using qualitative methods to get a deeper understanding and knowledge about how homecare services are supporting elderly people at their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, to collect the data for this qualitative study, semi-structured interviews have been conducted with four participants who have been working with homecare services. Empowerment theory has been chosen to explain and analyse how elderly people receive the support from the homecare services to continue their daily life during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the result the data that was collected for this study was arranged in two different themes: Support Strategy and Challenges. The results showed that the homecare services continue to provide the support and services to the elderly even in the time of pandemic. The finding also shows the different strategies that Homecare services apply to cope with challenges that they face while supporting their client as well as their workers during the time of Pandemic.
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Har digitaliseringen i Sverige tappat bort de äldre? : Digitalisering och äldre personers förutsättningar att bemästra sin tillvaro i det digitala samhället / Has digitization in Sweden lost the elderly? : Digitization and older people’s ability to manage their lives in the digital societyHolmbring, Ulrika January 2021 (has links)
I Sverige har digitaliseringen gått fort. Forskning visar att det bland äldre personer finns sårbara grupper som inte använder digitala hjälpmedel så mycket och därför inte har tillgång till tjänster som de behöver. I föreliggande studie undersöks om tillgång till och användning av digital informationsteknologi påverkar äldre personers förmåga att bemästra sin tillvaro. Bemästringsförmågan mäts i en indexvariabel utifrån teorier om tron på den egna förmågan; inre och yttre kontroll samt känsla av sammanhang. Deltagarna (n=144) i studien var äldre som hade möjlighet att svara på en webbenkät och därför använde digitala hjälpmedel. Detta var en väsentlig begränsning som påverkade resultatet. I huvudsak framkommer inga signifikanta skillnader i bemästringsförmåga utifrån användning av digitala hjälpmedel eller demografiska faktorer bland deltagarna. En nyckelfaktor i de signifikanta samband med små effekter som framkom var erfarenheten av att regelbundet ha arbetat med datorer i sitt yrkesverksamma liv. Deltagare som anger att de har denna erfarenhet anger högre bemästringsförmåga än de som inte anger den erfarenheten. Här argumenteras för att skillnader i bemästringsförmåga är större i mer diversifierade grupper av äldre personer. Det stöder forskning som påtalar att digitaliseringen påverkar livskvalitén för äldre. Deltagare påtalar att alla inte vill eller har möjlighet att använda digitala verktyg och efterlyser kunskap och praktiskt stöd i användning av digitala verktyg. Det stöder forskning som visar att grupper av äldre inte kan delta i det digitaliserade samhället och forskning som påtalar vikten av ett livslångt lärande. / In Sweden, the digital transformation is fast. Research shows that there are vulnerable groups of elderly who do not use digital tools frequently and do not have access to services they need. This study examines whether access to and use of digital tools affects older people's ability to manage their lives. Mastery is measured based on theories of Self-efficacy, Internal and External Locus of Control and Sense of Coherence. The participants (n=144) in the study were elderly people who responded to an online survey and therefore used digital tools. This was an essential limitation that affected the result. No significant differences in mastery were found based on the use of digital tools or demographic factors among participants. Experience of professionally having worked regularly with computers was a key factor in the significant relational findings with small effects that appeared. Participants who reported this experience indicated higher mastery skills than those who did not report that experience. It argues for that differences in mastery are greater in more diverse groups of elderly. It supports research that suggests that digitization affects the quality of life of the elderly. Participants highlight that not everyone wants or are able to use digital tools and call for education and practical support in the use of digital tools. It supports studies showing that groups of elderly cannot participate in the digitized society and studies that highlights the importance of lifelong learning.
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Vårdpersonalens syn på äldres sexualitetSundqvist, Karolina, Svensson, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Sundqvist, K & Svensson, A. Vårdpersonalens syn på äldres sexualitet. En intervjustudie. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 hp. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och Samhälle, Utbildningsområde omvårdnad, 2011. Sexualitet hos äldre är ett väldigt aktuellt ämne men förhållandevis lite forskning har gjorts på personalens syn på detta. Därför har en empirisk intervjustudie gjorts för att belysa vårdpersonalens syn på äldres sexualitet. Syftet med studien var att belysa vårdpersonals tankar och reflektioner i mötet med äldres sexualitet på ett vårdboende. Metod: En deskriptiv fenomenologisk intervjumetod som beskrivs av Robinson och Englander för insamling av data och analys har använts. Intervjuer med vårdpersonal som jobbar på ett vårdboende har genomförts. Resultat: Resultatet redovisas i olika teman som grundar sig på informanternas upplevda situationer samt tankar och reflektioner. Dessa teman är: behov, tabu, anhöriga, dokumentation, nästa generation, stöd och osäkerhet. / Sundqvist, K & Svensson, A. Nursing staff´s views on elderly people´s sexuality. An interview study. Degree Project in nursing 15 Credit Points. MalmöUniversity: Health and Society, Department of Nursing, 2011. Sexuality related to elderly people is very current topic but there is not a lot of research on the staff´s views. Therefore, an empirical interview study is conducted to find out nursing staff´s views on elderly people´s sexuality. The aim of this study is to find out the nursing staff´s thoughts and reflections on older people’s sexuality on a nursing home. Methodology: Robinson and Englander have described a phenomenological interview method for data collection and the data that has been collected has been interpreted and analyzed on the above findings. For these project nursing staff´s that are working at a nursing home has been interviewed. Results: The results are reported in various themes based on informant´s perceived situations as well as thoughts and reflections. The themes that are used are based on informant´s perceived situations as well as thoughts and reflections. These themes are: needs, taboo, relatives, documentation, the next generation, support and uncertainty.
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Äldre patienters upplevelse av digital rådgivning inom primärvården : En litteraturstudie / Elderly patients´ experience of digital counseling in primary health care : A literature reviewHansson, Jeanette, Blomqvist Carlsson, Nathalie January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den ökade medellivslängden leder till att fler äldre individer söker vård relaterat till geriatriska sjukdomar. Det moderna samhällets digitalisering har implementerats inom vården och anses skapa ökad tillgänglighet och delaktighet för patienter. För att säkerställa en jämlik vård som är tillgänglig för alla, är det viktigt att undersöka äldre patienters upplevelser av digital rådgivning inom primärvården. På så sätt kan e-hälsa utformas utifrån individens behov och en mer personcentrerad vård kan bidra till ökad användning av e-hälsa och bättre hälsa för individen. Syfte: Att belysa äldre patienters upplevelser av digital rådgivning inom primärvården. Metod: En litteraturstudie bestående av 12 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats där datan analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Tre kategorier och sju underkategorier identifierades. Kategorierna var: Blandade känslor kring vårdens digitalisering, Utmaningar med digitala verktyg och Tryggheten med fysiska möten. Underkategorierna var: Telefonrådgivning, Tillgänglighet, Integritetsintrång, Svårigheter kring användningen, Behov av hjälp, Hjälpverktyg och layout och Relationen mellan patient och vårdpersonal. Konklusion: Äldre patienter upplevde blandade känslor kring vårdens digitalisering. Det förekom varierande svårigheter och utmaningar. Dessutom fanns det en preferens för det fysiska vårdmötet framför ett digitalt. Slutligen fanns det ett ökat behov av kunskap och information om e-hälsa och dess fördelar, för att underlätta användningen för den äldre. / Background: The increased life expectancy leads to more elderly individuals seeking care related to geriatric diseases. The digitalization of modern society has been implemented in healthcare and is considered to create increased accessibility and participation for patients. To ensure equal care that is accessible to all, it is important to investigate elderly patients´ experiences of digital counseling in primary health care. In this way, eHealth can be designed based on the individual's needs and a more person-centred care can contribute to increased use of e-health and better health for the individual. Aim: To highlight elderly patients' experiences of digital counseling in primary health care. Method: A literature review consisting of 12 scientific articles with a qualitative approach where the data was analyzed through qualitative content analysis. Results: Three categories and seven subcategories were identified. The categories were: Mixed feelings about the digitalization of healthcare, Challenges with digital tools and The security of physical meetings. The subcategories were: Telephone counseling, Accessibility, Invasion of privacy, Difficulties with use, Need for help, Assistance tools and layout and The relationship between patient and healthcare professional. Conclusion: Elderly patients’ experienced mixed feelings about the digitalization of healthcare. There were varying degrees of difficulty and challenge. In addition, there was a preference for the physical care meeting over a digital one. Finally, there was an increased need for knowledge and information about eHealth and its benefits, in order to facilitate its use for the elderly.
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Towards Designing Information System of Health-Monitoring Applications for Caregivers: A Study in Elderly Care / På Väg Mot Utformning av Informationssystem för Hälsobevakningsapplikationer för Vårdgivare: En Studie i ÄldreomsorgGao, Peng January 2017 (has links)
With the increasing elderly population and longer life expectancies, smart wearable technologies are playing an important role in facilitating caregivers to monitor elderly people remotely. Aifloo’s wristband is one smart wristband which can collect various data, predict activities and detect abnormalities to enable elderly people to live independently at home. However, too much information and poor visualizations will cause huge difficulties for caregivers to interpret the data. Six caregivers were interviewed in this study to investigate what data is relevant to monitor elderly people and how they interpret the different designed displays. The main results show that alarms, fall incidents and medication compliance are the most important. Besides, caregivers place a greater emphasis on holistic views of data and they want to highlight abnormal behaviors and alerts. In the end, design guidelines for the information system to present data meaningfully and intuitively are generated. / Med ett ökande antal äldre och en ökande medellivslängd kommer smart, bärbar teknologi att spela en större roll i äldrevården för att övervaka de äldre. Aifloos armband är en smart teknologi som kan samla in olika former av data, förutsäga aktiviteter och upptäcka avvikande och onormala beteenden, vilket kan användas av äldre som bor självständiga i sena egna hem. Stora mängder data, och dåliga visualiseringar av dem, orsakar svårigheter för vårdgivare att tolka datan. I den här studien har sex vårdgivare intervjuats för att utforska vilken data som är relevant för dem, och hur de kan tolka information ifrån en grupp olika gränssnitt. Studiens resultat visar att alarm, fallolyckor och översikt över hur de äldre efterföljer sina medicinska recept är viktigast. Vårdgivarna lägger en större vikt vid att förstå datan holistiskt, och de vill synliggöra avvikande beteendemönster och varningar. Slutgiltligen presenteras riktlinjer för hur IT-system kan designas för att presentera data på ett meningsfullt och intuitivt vis.
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Components of Life Satisfaction of Older Texans: A Multidimensional ModelHolley, Mary R. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between majority and ethnic status and life satisfaction. Several studies have examined the relationship between race and life satisfaction. The comparisons have been between Anglos and Blacks, and no previous research has included Anglos, Blacks, and Mexican-Americans in studying the effect of majority and ethnic status on life satisfaction. The findings suggest that multidimensional models are feasible to measure life satisfaction of elderly individuals of different racial or ethnic groups. Furthermore, on the basis of this study future research should include the variable, transportation, in any multivariate analysis of life satisfaction.
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