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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The reverse logistics of electric vehicle batteries : Challenges encountered by 3PLs and recyclers

Ziemba, Alexander, Prevolnik, Fabian January 2019 (has links)
Background:          The growing number of electric vehicles gives rise to a whole new reverse supply chain. Once the electric vehicle batteries reach their end-of-life, societal and governmental pressure forces automotive manufacturers to set up a network for disposing the hazardous batteries. Although, the volumes of returned batteries remain low, volumes will increase in upcoming years. Current networks and processes related to the return flow of electric vehicle batteries are not well established, nor well defined. Thus, creating an urgency to develop efficient collection networks.   Purpose:                  The purpose of this study is to investigate how reverse logistics networks are currently set up and to provide an overview of how the different actors and processes are connected. In addition, this thesis aims to identify challenges encountered by logistics providers and recyclers. By doing so, we hope to contribute to the research gap of which factors that constitutes a bottleneck for further development of the reverse logistics chain of electric vehicle batteries.   Method:                  The thesis conducts an interview study and is qualitative in nature. Semi-structured interviews generated empirical data, which was analysed through cross-case analysis incorporating a thematic analysis. Through this analysis we were able to achieve new theoretical understandings in connection to institutional theory.   Conclusion:             Through empirical findings a detailed framework of the reverse logistics chain of EVBs is portrayed. Furthermore, different challenges span over the processes illustrated in the framework. This presents an overview which is not found in current literature and extends current research on this topic.

Planification de la recharge et optimisation des tournées dans le cas de flottes captives / Electric vehicle routing and charging problem

Sassi, Ons 07 December 2015 (has links)
Le véhicule électrique est actuellement au coeur des alternatives énergétiques qui permettent de faire face à la croissance du coût du carburant et au réchauffement climatique. En revanche, l’autonomie limitée des batteries des véhicules électriques et l’indisponibilité d’un nombre suffisant de bornes de recharge représentent des enjeux majeurs auxquels se trouvent confrontés les utilisateurs. Le déploiement des véhicules électriques doit alors passer par la conception et l’expérimentation des outils d’aide à la décision pour gestion optimisée et adaptée de l’écosystème du véhicule électrique. C’est dans ce contexte que s’inscrit cette thèse qui vise à fournir des outils d’aide à la décision pour l’optimisation des usages, de la recharge et des tournées des véhicules électriques dans le cadre industriel. Dans un premier temps, nous proposons d’étudier le problème d’optimisation conjointe de l’affectation et de la recharge des véhicules électriques. L’objectif de ce problème est de maximiser l’usage des véhicules électriques et minimiser les coûts de recharge tout en prenant en compte les contraintes d’ordre opérationnel et technique. Pour résoudre ce problème, nous proposons une méthode exacte et deux heuristiques. Nous comparons les performances de ces méthodes sur des instances réelles et d’autres aléatoires. Nous exposons ensuite plusieurs extensions au problème de base en intégrant de nouvelles fonctions objectif et de nouvelles contraintes. Nous étudions par la suite notre problème de point de vue ordonnancement et nous proposons une étude de complexité et des algorithmes d’approximation avec garantie de performance pour le problème d’ordonnancement d’intervalles sous contraintes d’énergie. Finalement, nous nous intéressons à un nouveau problème de construction de tournées pour une flotte mixte de véhicules électriques et thermiques. Pour résoudre ce problème, nous proposons des heuristiques et des méta-heuristiques hybrides et nous comparons les performances des différentes méthodes sur des instances généralisées de la littérature / Electric Vehicles may decrease transportation-related emissions and provide for less dependence on foreign oil. However, electric vehicles are still facing many weaknesses related to the high purchase prices, limited battery range and scarce charging infrastructure. The deployment of electric vehicles must then involve the design and the deployment of charging infrastructures. Within this study, the overall objective is to provide enhanced optimization methods and decision tools for electric vehicles assignment, charging and routing that are relevant to different real-world constraints. Firstly, we propose to study the joint scheduling and optimal charging of electric vehicles problem. This problem consists in assigning a set of already constructed routes to the available electric and conventional vehicles and in, simultaneously, optimizing the electric vehicles charging costs while ensuring that all constraints are satisfied. The objective of this problem is to maximize the use of EVs and to minimize charging costs. Secondly, we propose different extensions to our baseline problem and we vary the objective functions and the considered constraints. Moreover, our problem can be seen as a fixed interval scheduling problem with complementary constraints of energy. We propose then to study the complexity and the approximability of many variants of this new problem. Finally, we consider a new variant of the electric vehicle routing problem with a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles and we propose different heuristics and metaheuristics to solve it. We test the different solving methods on benchmark instances and we evaluate the efficiency of each method

Electrical subsystem for Shell eco-marathon urban concept battery powered vehicle

Rose, Garrett January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering)--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / The purpose of this paper was to design and develop an electrical power train for an Urban Concept electric vehicle geared to complete the Shell Eco-Marathon Africa in 2019. Various technologies which make up the electrical drive train of an electrical vehicle were also reviewed which include the battery pack, the battery management system, the motors, the motor management system and the human interface. Upon completion of this, the various topologies best suited for this project were selected, designed, constructed and developed. Two motors were re-designed and constructed for this vehicle and the motor drive was also constructed to control these motors. A Lithium-Ion battery pack was constructed and developed to drive the motors and an off-the-shelf battery management system was purchased and developed to suit the requirements for the Shell Eco- Marathon competition rules. A human interface was also developed in order for the driver to see various parameters of the electric vehicle defined by the Shell Eco-Marathon competition rules. After each component of the drive train was constructed, they underwent various testing procedures to determine the efficiency of each individual component and the overall efficiency for the complete drive train of this electric vehicle was ascertained. The Product Lifecycle Management Competency Centre group developed the chassis for this vehicle. For this reason, only the electric subsystems were evaluated and a simulation was completed of the complete drive train. After the complete drive train was constructed and all the individual subsystems evaluated and simulated, a vehicle with an overall efficiency of about sixty percent was expected and the completed drive train should be adequate enough to complete the entire Shell Eco-Marathon Africa circuit.

The Bonus-Malus system : Will it be a cost-effective and fair policy for emission reductions from road traffic in Sweden?

Vaghult, Karin January 2019 (has links)
As emissions of greenhouse gases has become one of our times most urgent issues, the policies implemented by governments in effort to reduce them are many and varied. In Sweden, a feebate system for vehicles was implemented in mid 2018. This paper attempts to answer the question whether or not the bonus-side (a subsidy for electric vehicles) of the policy will reduce emissions in a cost-efficient and fair way. The questions in answered by using material available to those who made the decision, and by looking at previous research and data. Mathematical examples of the cost, through the cost of the policy, of reduction is compared to EU ETS to evaluate cost-efficiency. The fairness aspect is reviewed by studying regional data. The conclusions are that the policy is neither cost-efficient nor is it free from interregional equity concerns. / Medan utsläppen av växthusgaser har kommit att bli vår tids största utmaningar försöker länder och myndigheter implementera en bred variation av styrmedel för att minska utsläppen. I Sverige, infördes ett s.k. feebate system för personbilar i mitten av 2018 och denna uppsats försöker besvara frågan om Bonusen (subvention av bl.a. elbilar) i styrmedlet kommer att reducera utsläpp på ett kostnadseffektivt vis samtidigt som det inte bidrar till negativa fördelningseffekter. Forskningsfrågan är besvarad genom att använda material som fanns tillgängligt när beslutet att införa styrmedlet fattades, genom att använda tidigare forskning samt statistik. Matematiska exempel över hur kostnaden, genom styrmedlet, för reduktionen blir jämfört med utsläppsrätter för att undersöka kostnadseffektivitet, och fördelningseffekterna är utvärderade genom studier av regional statistik. Slutsatserna är att styrmedlet varken är kostnadseffektivt eller utan negativa fördelningseffekter ur ett interregionalt perspektiv.

Contribution au dimensionnement optimal d’une machine électrique sans aimant pour la propulsion de véhicules hybrides / Contribution to the optimal dimensioning of a magnetless electric machine for the propulsion of hybrid vehicles

Nguimpi Langue, Leïla 05 April 2018 (has links)
La propulsion hybride (thermique-électrique) constitue une solution pertinente dans la conception de véhicules consommant moins de 2 litres de carburant / 100 km. Néanmoins, ce type de motorisation se heurte à des niveaux de coûts trop élevés pour une large diffusion. Une des raisons de ces coûts importants se situe au niveau des aimants permanents de type terre-rare intégrant la constitution de la machine électrique, et dont le cours des prix est très instable, rendant ce type de machine difficilement compatible avec le marché visé. L'objectif de cette thèse est d’investiguer les structures de machines électriques sans aimant terre-rare et dont les performances massiques peuvent rester comparables à celles des machines à aimants permanents. La première partie des travaux correspond à une vaste étude bibliographique sur les différentes technologies de machines électriques, les différentes architectures et topologies existantes, les matériaux innovants et enfin les techniques et méthode d’analyse et d’optimisation. A la fin de cette phase, il est fait le choix d’étudier les machines synchro-réluctantes à barrières de flux. L’accent est alors mis sur le design de la géométrie du rotor, mais également sur l’impact des matériaux utilisés (matériaux magnétiques classiques ou innovants) sur les performances. La seconde partie de la thèse a pour objectif de mettre en œuvre une stratégie efficace afin de dimensionner de manière optimale l’architecture de la machine choisie. Le choix est fait d’aborder le problème de manière séquentielle : en premier lieu, une optimisation de la topologie seule en s’affranchissant de l’impact de la commande ; dans un deuxième temps, une optimisation de la commande de la géométrie optimisée avec tracé des cartographies de performances ; enfin, une évaluation des différents matériaux au travers de la comparaison de ces performances. Trois configurations de machines sont dimensionnées : une machine synchro-réluctante classique à air (SyRC), une machine synchro-réluctante assistée de d’aimants permanents de type ferrites (SyRA) et enfin une machine synchro-réluctante utilisant le matériau dit « Dual Phase » (SyRDP). Celui-ci présente théoriquement la caractéristique de pourvoir changer localement ses propriétés magnétiques (passage des propriétés magnétiques d’un acier vers celles amagnétiques de l’air dans le cas limite idéal) grâce à un traitement thermique particulier, tout en conservant ses propriétés mécaniques. Cette étude permet de conclure que la machine synchro-réluctante assistée de ferrites montre les meilleures aptitudes, tant pour ce qui est de la puissance crête que du défluxage potentiel. Cependant, la machine synchro-réluctante dans cette configuration est sur le plan mécanique plus fragile que la SyRC et la SyRDP. En effet, avec l’ajout des ferrites, les ponts fer (magnétiques) permettant d’assurer l’intégrité mécanique du rotor à vitesse élevée sont d’autant plus sollicités. En phase de conception, l’optimisation électromagnétique tend à les réduire car ce sont des courts-circuits magnétiques entrainant une réduction des performances, alors que les considérations mécaniques tendent plutôt à augmenter leur épaisseur. La troisième partie de cette thèse porte sur la prise en compte des contraintes mécaniques lors du dimensionnement électromagnétique du rotor. Etant donné que la modélisation et l’optimisation électromagnétiques sont basées sur des modèles éléments finis, et afin de ne pas alourdir davantage le dimensionnement, il est décidé de mettre en place un modèle analytique des contraintes mécaniques particulièrement critiques dans les ponts magnétiques. Les équations de calcul sont inspirées de la théorie des poutres et le modèle est recalibré grâce à des simulations éléments finis. / Hybrid propulsion (electric thermal) is a relevant solution in the search for vehicles consuming less than 2 liters of fuel / 100 km. Nevertheless, this type of motorization comes up against cost levels that are too high for widespread distribution. One of the reasons for these high costs is the level of permanent magnets integrating the constitution of the electric machine. In addition, the "material cost" of these permanent magnets has soared in recent years making this type of machine difficult to match the target market. The aim of the thesis is to propose a magnetless electrical machine structure whose mass performances are comparable to those of permanent magnet machines. This increase in performance can be achieved by high rotation speeds or thermal sizing different from those usually used. The works proposed as part of this thesis will be as follows: - In-depth bibliographic analysis to propose a structure and a principle most adapted to the envisaged constraints- Proposal of a multi physical model (magnetic, thermal, mechanical) of the selected structure. - Use of the multi-physical model for optimal sizing- Follow-up of the realization of the prototype - Experimental validation of the prototype. This work will be conducted as part of a consortium integrating academics, manufacturers and automotive suppliers of the highest order.

Perspectives on Hybrid Electric Vehicles in the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia

Alzahrani, Khalid Mohammed 06 June 2016 (has links)
"To satisfy the global energy demand while accommodating the rapidly increasing consumption rate in its domestic market, Saudi Arabia must develop and implement fuel efficiency programs in many sectors. Since transportation is a major contributor to fuel consumption and emission levels, introducing Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) provides a viable solution to mitigate the current problems. However, existing studies on the diffusion of innovative vehicle technologies as well as on the understanding of the vehicle ownership and consumer behavior in Saudi Arabia are sparse. To fill this knowledge gap, I have aimed at developing an in-depth knowledgebase about general vehicle ownership and HEV ownership potential in particular for Saudi Arabia in my dissertation. I have achieved the research goal through a comprehensive online questionnaire that contains three different perspectives with each contributing a chapter in my dissertation. The first perspective provides a general understanding of the vehicle owners’ behaviors by analyzing over 600 questionnaire responses. It sheds light on the vehicle ownership determinants of the respondents that currently own vehicles as well as on respondents’ future vehicle purchase plans. This research perspective reveals the importance of vehicle price and seating capacity and points out that seating capacity is not necessarily defined by the household size in Saudi Arabia. As HEV is not yet available in the Saudi market, the next perspective applies the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) by analyzing 847 questionnaire responses to identify factors that might drive Saudis’ intention to adopt such technology. The results indicate that, while both subjective norm and attitude are significant in explaining the intention, subjective norm has three times stronger effect on adopting HEV than attitude. The last perspective contains a three-stage analysis to help identify the profiles of the most potential HEV early adopters and increase the chance for the relevant stakeholders to reach out to an effective range of consumers. Three characteristics of such adopters are identified: at least 35 years old, part of a larger household (more than 6 people), and owning more than one vehicle. "

Modeling and Analysis of the Distribution Grid in the Presence of Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage Systems

Cialdea, Stephen Michael 29 April 2014 (has links)
Many new technologies are being introduced to the electrical power grid at the distribution voltage level. These technologies include electric vehicles (EVs), distributed generation, and battery energy storage systems (BESS) This thesis investigates how these various technologies can be harmoniously integrated into the electric grid. Therefore, a modeling environment that can simulate scenarios involving the above technologies in durations from hours to years was created. This modeling system is modular so that any feeder configuration can be simulated by the user and each module has individual user defined parameters or curves that define their operation. Optimum economic dispatch, stability enhancement, renewable generation smoothing, and peak-shaving algorithms were implemented into the modeling environment. With the use of the built in algorithms, or custom input, the simulation tool produces the necessary electrical and economic values to fully evaluate the system’s feasibility. Other algorithms created include renewable generation smoothing and stability enhancement.

Análise econômica e ambiental de sistemas de geração alternativa para suprimento energético de carros elétricos /

Castro, Thais Santos, 1979- January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Teófilo Miguel de Souza / Coorientador: José Luz Silveira / Banca: Ivonete Ávila Francisco / Banca: José Grandinetti / Banca: Márcio Zamboti Fortes / Banca: José Rui Camargo / Resumo: A preocupação com o meio ambiente e com a qualidade do ar tem sido o foco de vários trabalhos nos meios acadêmico e governamental, sabendo-se que e um dos grandes fatores dessa degradação é o meio de transporte. O poder aquisitivo do cidadão brasileiro unido à facilidade da compra de novos carros está crescendo a cada ano, com isso o número de veículos por habitante também tem aumentado; nesse sentido, é essencial que novas tecnologias mais eficientes e com melhor rendimento sejam estudadas e analisadas. Partindo deste conceito, nota-se que os carros elétricos são uma alternativa inteligente para diminuir a degradação provocada pelos combustíveis fósseis. A produção de energia elétrica por meio de fontes renováveis tais como fotovoltaica, biogás, etc., aliada ao baixo custo de manutenção e à longa vida útil, está se tornando uma alternativa atrativa. Neste trabalho são aplicadas metodologias para dimensionamento e análise do custo da geração de energia elétrica através de fontes renováveis: fotovoltaicas e biogás. Considera-se também o custo operacional do carro elétrico sendo abastecido com a eletricidade fornecida por essas fontes e pela energia da concessionária rede, comparado ao custo operacional de um carro de motor de combustão interna. Também é determinado o CO2eq emitido pela utilização da usina fotovoltaica, usina a biogás, energia da rede e pela gasolina e etanol utilizado no carro de MCI. Foi ainda calculado o passivo ambiental associado a cada tipo de tecnologia ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The concern about the environment and the quality of the air has been the focus of several studies in both academic and government fields, showing that one of the main responsible ones for the degradation of the environment is transportation. The acquisition power of Brazilian people coupled with the ease of buying new vehicles is growing every year; as a result, the rate of vehicles per inhabitant has also increased; in this sense, it is of essence that new and more efficient technologies be studied and analyzed. Starting from this concept, electric vehicles are a smart alternative to reduce the degradation caused by fossil fuels. The production of electricity from renewable sources such as photovoltaic, biogas, etc., combined with the fact that those systems have low maintenance costs and long service life is becoming an attractive alternative. In this study, methodologies are applied to calculate and analyze the costs of electricity generation by renewable sources: solar and biomass energy. It is also considered the operating cost of the electric car being fed with the electricity provided by these sources and by grid energy, compared to the operating cost of an internal combustion engine car. The CO2eq emitted by the use of the photovoltaic plant, the biogas plant, the grid energy and the gasoline and ethanol used in the ICE car is also determined. It was also calculated the environmental liabilities associated with each type of renewable electricity generation technology... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Intelligent battery management system for electric vehicles. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2010 (has links)
A vehicular battery must consist of a large number of cells to provide the necessary energy and power. Management only at the level of the battery pack causes out-of-investigation cells and lack of cell equalization ability. Therefore, in the smart module concept, cells are first grouped into modules, which are then connected to the battery pack. Each module is an independent unit with a controller to investigate and control cells. Based on this concept, the work in this thesis redistributes tasks among module controllers and a central controller, applies a self-power design to enhance module independence, and selects the newly developed automotive ICs and sensors. Finally, a prototype of the BMS has been developed and successfully applied in a series of HEVs. / Cell equalization is a crucial technique to balance the cells inside a battery pack, with the ability to maximize pack capacity and protect cells from damage. For the bi-directional Cuk equalizing circuit, we propose a SoC based, instead of voltage based, fuzzy controller to intelligently determine the equalizing current, with the aim of reducing equalizing duration, enhancing equalizing efficiency, and protecting cells. The inputs to the controller are specially designed as the difference in SoC, the average SoC, and the total internal resistance. Because of the lack of theoretical analysis on equalizing current in the electrochemistry field, we utilize a fuzzy controller to incorporate the experience and knowledge of experts. Simulations and experiments verify its availability and efficacy. Especially for a LiFePO4 battery, a large SoC difference may lead to only a small difference in voltage and cause the failure of a traditional voltage based equalizer. The SoC based method successfully avoids this problem and obtains good performance in equalizing LiFePO4 cells. / Fast charge is intended to charge a battery as fast as possible, without any damage and with high energy efficiency, thus helping to reduce vehicle out-of-service time and promote the commercialization of EVs. Battery safety and charging efficiency are partially reflected by the increase in temperature during the charging process. Therefore, the aims of this thesis were to accelerate charging speed and reduce the temperature increase. We introduce a model predictive control framework to control the charging process. An RC model and the modified enhanced self-correcting model are employed to predict the future SoC in simulations and experiments respectively. A single-node lumped-parameter thermal model and a neural network trained by real experimental data are also applied respectively. In addition, a genetic algorithm is applied to optimize the charging current under multiple objectives and constraints. Simulation and experimental results strongly demonstrate that the Pareto front of the proposed algorithm dominates that of the popular constant current constant voltage charge method. / State of charge (SoC) is a battery state indicating its residual capacity. It is the fundamental state of the battery and is the basis for other battery operations. However, SoC is not a directly measurable state and has to be obtained by estimation techniques. Aiming to enhance the anti-noise ability of SoC estimation in a real vehicle environment, we propose a SoC estimation framework consisting of an adaptive nonlinear diffusion filter to reduce the noise of current measurement, a self-learning mechanism to remove its zero-drift, an open loop coulomb counting estimator and a model based closed loop filter to estimate SoC, and a data fusion unit to reach the final estimation result. In a simulation study, the closed loop filter is implemented based on an RC model and Hinfinity filter. In experiments and application, we modify the enhanced self-correcting model to model a type of LiFePO4 battery and apply an extended Kalman filter to estimate SoC. The framework has been demonstrated to improve accuracy and anti-noise ability, and achieves the technique upgrading goal recently published by the Chinese government. / The automotive industry has experienced a significant boom in recent years, accelerating the problems of energy shortage and environmental disruption around the world. To solve the two problems, electric vehicles (EVs), including battery electric vehicles (BEV), hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), and fuel-cell electric vehicles (FEV), have been proposed and studied in recent years. Despite the efforts devoted to the development of EVs by both the scientific research and industrial communities, there are still many obstacles hindering the mass commercialization of EVs. Among these obstacles, the battery system, the new energy storage component in EVs, is one of the most important yet most difficult parts of EV design, and the battery management system (BMS) is recognized as the single most important technical issue in the successful commercialization of EVs. / Yan Jingyu. / Adviser: Xu Yangsheng. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-03, Section: B, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 166-182). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [201-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.

Proposta de método de auxílio à decisão para planejamento e otimização da inserção de veículos elétricos na matriz do modal rodoviário brasileiro /

Silva, Ricardo Emilio da. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Pedro Magalhães Sobrinho / Coorientador: Teófilo Miguel de Souza / Banca: Fernando Augusto Silva Marins / Banca: José Antonio Perrella Belestieri / Banca: Osisris Canciglieri Júnior / Banca: Jamil Haddad / Resumo: O aumento da concentração de gases de efeito estufa na atmosfera tem causado grande preocupação na comunidade científica e levado lideranças do mundo todo a discutir maneiras de enfrentar as causas e efeitos deste fenômeno de escala mundial. Neste contexto, a integração de meios de transporte ambientalmente amigáveis, na frota de veículos, é um anseio de toda a sociedade. Neste trabalho, propõe-se um novo método de otimização e decisão, que visa colaborar para a solução do problema da introdução de veículos elétricos plug-in nas cidades brasileiras, sendo adotada uma abordagem baseada nos conceitos dos métodos AUGMECON e BWM. O problema é modelado considerando os aspectos econômicos, ambientais, energéticos e sociais mais relevantes para a correta avaliação do tema, bem como equaciona e avalia o conflito entre os múltiplos objetivos envolvidos. A estrutura hierárquica de decisão é composta por quatro critérios principais e treze subcritérios, além de um conjunto de alternativas que representam os níveis de inserção leve (1%), moderado (3%), elevado (5%), massivo (10%) e a não-inserção de veículos elétricos na frota. A validação da consistência e utilidade do método proposto foi realizada a partir da aplicação do mesmo nas cidades de São Paulo e Brasília, sendo que os resultados apontam a melhor alternativa de inserção dos veículos elétricos, sob a perspectiva do tomador de decisão, considerando dois cenários distintos. No cenário I, que prioriza apenas os critérios econômicos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The increase of greenhouse gases concentration in the atmosphere has caused great concern in the scientific community and led global leaders to discuss ways to tackle the causes and effects of this global phenomenon. In this context, the integration of environmentally friendly means of transportation in the vehicle fleet is a yearning of the whole society. In this work, a new method of optimization and decision is proposed, which aims to collaborate for solving the problem of plug-in electric vehicles integration in Brazilian cities, adopting an approach based on the concepts of AUGMECON and BWM methods. The problem is modelled considering the economic, environmental, energy and social aspects most relevant to the correct evaluation of the issue, as well as equates and assesses the trade-off between the multiple objectives involved. The hierarchical decision structure consists of four main criteria and thirteen sub-criteria, as well as a set of alternatives that represent the deployment levels light (1%), moderate (3%), high (5%), massive (10%) and the non-adoption of electric vehicles in the fleet. The validation of the consistency and usefulness of the proposed method was performed from applying such a method in the cities of São Paulo and Brasília, and the results point the best electric vehicles integration alternative, from the decision maker perspective, considering two different scenarios. In scenario I, which prioritizes only the economic criteria of the problem, the ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

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