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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Personalised wearable cardiac sensor services for pervasive self-care / Conception de services personnalisés pour la capture ubiquitaire de signes vitaux en Santé

Krupaviciute, Asta 20 December 2011 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir une architecture de services Web pour la dé-termination automatique d’un système de capteurs personnalisé, embarqué sous forme de vêtement intelligent dédié au self-care, afin de permettre à tout utilisateur profane d'enregistrer lui-même son propre électrocardiogramme (ECG), à tout moment et n’importe où. Le défi principal réside dans l'orchestration intelligente et dynamique de services métiers en fonction du contexte, pour qu’ils fournissent à l'utilisateur une solution personnalisée optimale tout en maîtrisant la complexité inhérente à la dépendance au contexte des interactions homme-machine, à l'extraction des connaissances des signes vitaux spécifiques à un sujet, et à l'automatisation de la reconfiguration des services. Une solution à ce défi est de créer une intelligence ambiante qui étend la notion d'informatique ubiquitaire et est capable d’offrir à l’instar d’un expert du domaine, une assistance intelligente personnalisée à tout citoyen. Nous proposons une méthodologie de construction d'une architecture DM-SOA orientée-services, dirigée à la fois par les données et par des modèles, pour la production de services métiers intelligents et tenant compte du contexte. Cette architecture permet l’automatisation d’activités sophistiquées et personnalisées qu’un expert mettrait en œuvre pour le traitement d’un cas individuel, à partir de ses connaissances professionnelles. La solution proposée est basée sur une nouvelle approche de modélisation dynamique de processus métiers, et l’implémentation de services reconfigurables automatiquement. Elle consiste à mettre en œuvre un environnement intelligent fondé sur une ontologie de processus métiers des concepts du domaine et de son contexte, et sur une base de règles pour l'orchestration contextuelle des services. Pour valider le bien-fondé de notre approche, nous avons proposé une ontologie pour l’automatisation de processus d’aide à la décision et nous l’avons évaluée dans le domaine de la cardiologie, en l’appliquant au problème de la sélection la plus adéquate possible d’un système de positionnement d’électrodes, spécifique à chaque individu, et capable de fournir un signal ECG de contenu diagnostique similaire à celui d'un ECG standard à 12 dérivations. Pour répondre aux besoins en situation de self-care tout en préservant la qualité diagnostique des signaux enregistrés à la demande, nous proposons la réalisation d’un nouveau système prototype de capture ECG-3D à trois modalités. Ce prototype a été testé sur huit jeunes adultes volontaires sains (4 hommes et 4 femmes) présentant diverses caractéristiques morphologiques. L'intelligence ambiante est fournie par un ensemble de services de qualité professionnelle, prêts à l’emploi par des utilisateurs profanes. Ces services peuvent être accessibles au travail, n’importe où, via des moyens classiquement utilisés chaque jour, et fournissent une aide appropriée aux utilisateurs non-compétents. / The aim of the thesis is to design a web services architecture that shall support the automatic determination of a personalised sensor-system, which is embedded in smart garments, and which shall be used in self-care in order to allow a profane user to record himself a personal electrocardiogram (ECG), at anytime and anywhere. The main challenge consists in the intelligent and dynamic orchestration of context-aware business services that supply the user with an optimal personalised solution, while mastering the system’s complexity: context dependent user and system interactions, knowledge extraction from subject-specific vital signs, services reconfiguration automation. The solution to this challenge is to create an Ambient Intelligence which goes beyond Ubiquitous Computing and is capable to replace an expert by proposing an Intelligent Assistance to any citizen. We propose a methodology expressed in terms of Data and Model driven Service Oriented Architecture (DM-SOA), which provides a framework for the production of context-aware intelligent business services. This architecture supports the automation of sophisticated and personalised expert activities, which apply professional knowledge to process an individual case. The proposed solution is based on a new dynamic business process modelling approach and in its implementation via automatically reconfigurable services. It consists in setting-up an intelligent environment based on a business process ontology of context-aware concepts and on related context handling rules for services orchestration. A core-ontology has been designed to support the automation of expert activities related to decision-making. The soundness of the method and of the underlying decision-making techniques has been demonstrated in the cardiology domain for selecting the most adequate subject-specific sensor-system, characterised by its ability to yield for an ECG signal of similar diagnostic content than a standard 12-lead ECG. We propose the design of a new three modalities sensor-system prototype as a response to the need of sensor-systems used on demand in self-care situations and ensuring diagnostic quality signals recordings. This prototype has been tested on a set of healthy volunteers presenting various characteristics in age, sex and morphology. In this context, Ambient Intelligence is demonstrated as an ensemble of professional quality services ready to use by profane users. These services are accessible pervasively, trough the objects people work with / wear on / use each day, and provide an appropriate guidance to the non-competent users. Such an Ambient Intelligence approach strongly supports the vision of an Information Society which corresponds to the long-term goal of the EU Information Society Technologies Research Programme that aims to ease knowledge access. The future healthcare will benefit from this approach and will significantly improve patient care.

"Avaliação de pacientes assintomáticos com formas cardíacas iniciais da doença de Chagas, através da análise do eletrocardiograma dinâmico, ecocardiograma e peptídeo natriurético tipo B" / Evaluation of asymptomatic patients with initial cardiac forms of Chagas' disease through the analysis of dynamic electrocardiography, echocardiography and Type-B natriuretic peptides

Marques, Divina Seila de Oliveira 08 October 2004 (has links)
Para avaliar as características clínicas e evolutivas em pacientes com formas cardíacas iniciais assintomáticas da doença de Chagas, realizou-se estudo prospectivo em 108 pacientes com idade entre 18 e 50 anos, atendidos entre abril e novembro de 2002 no ambulatório de doença de Chagas da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Os pacientes foram submetidos a 1)avaliação clínica, 2)eletrocardiograma (ECG), 3)radiografia de tórax e cálculo do índice cardio-torácico (ICT), 4)eletrocardiografia dinâmica de 24 horas, 5)ecocardiografia bidimensional com Doppler tecidual e 6)dosagem plasmática do peptídeo natriurético tipo B (BNP). Os pacientes foram divididos em 3 grupos: 50 no GI - ECG e ICT normais, 31 no GIIA - ECG com alterações características de doença de Chagas e 25 no GIIB - ECG com alterações não características de doença de Chagas / To evaluate clinical and evolutive features in patients with initial asymptomatic cardiac Chagas' disease, a prospective study was carried out with 108 patients, age 18 and 50, at the Londrina State University Chagas' disease outpatient clinic, from April to November 2002. Patients were submitted to: 1) clinical evaluation, 2) electrocardiography (EKG), 3) chest radiography and cardiothoracic index (CTI), 4)24-hour dynamic electrocardiography, 5) bi-dimensional echocardiography with tissued Doppler imaging and 6) type-B natriuretic peptide (BNP) plasmatic dosage. Patients were divided into 3 groups: GI - normal EKG and CTI (50 patients), GIIA - EKG with typical Chagas' disease alterations (31 patients) and GIIB - EKG with alterations not characteristic of Chagas´ disease (25 patients)

"Avaliação de pacientes assintomáticos com formas cardíacas iniciais da doença de Chagas, através da análise do eletrocardiograma dinâmico, ecocardiograma e peptídeo natriurético tipo B" / Evaluation of asymptomatic patients with initial cardiac forms of Chagas' disease through the analysis of dynamic electrocardiography, echocardiography and Type-B natriuretic peptides

Divina Seila de Oliveira Marques 08 October 2004 (has links)
Para avaliar as características clínicas e evolutivas em pacientes com formas cardíacas iniciais assintomáticas da doença de Chagas, realizou-se estudo prospectivo em 108 pacientes com idade entre 18 e 50 anos, atendidos entre abril e novembro de 2002 no ambulatório de doença de Chagas da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Os pacientes foram submetidos a 1)avaliação clínica, 2)eletrocardiograma (ECG), 3)radiografia de tórax e cálculo do índice cardio-torácico (ICT), 4)eletrocardiografia dinâmica de 24 horas, 5)ecocardiografia bidimensional com Doppler tecidual e 6)dosagem plasmática do peptídeo natriurético tipo B (BNP). Os pacientes foram divididos em 3 grupos: 50 no GI - ECG e ICT normais, 31 no GIIA - ECG com alterações características de doença de Chagas e 25 no GIIB - ECG com alterações não características de doença de Chagas / To evaluate clinical and evolutive features in patients with initial asymptomatic cardiac Chagas' disease, a prospective study was carried out with 108 patients, age 18 and 50, at the Londrina State University Chagas' disease outpatient clinic, from April to November 2002. Patients were submitted to: 1) clinical evaluation, 2) electrocardiography (EKG), 3) chest radiography and cardiothoracic index (CTI), 4)24-hour dynamic electrocardiography, 5) bi-dimensional echocardiography with tissued Doppler imaging and 6) type-B natriuretic peptide (BNP) plasmatic dosage. Patients were divided into 3 groups: GI - normal EKG and CTI (50 patients), GIIA - EKG with typical Chagas' disease alterations (31 patients) and GIIB - EKG with alterations not characteristic of Chagas´ disease (25 patients)

Comparative study of spectral analysis methods for clinical for clinical electrocardiography / Συγκριτική μελέτη μεθόδων ανάλυσης σήματος στο πεδίο των συχνοτήτων για το κλινικό ηλεκτροκαρδιογράφημα

Σταυρινού, Μαρία 01 July 2014 (has links)
The spectral analysis of heart rate variability is a tool that gained more and more clinical importance in the latest years. It can be used in order to access autonomic function on the cardiovascular system through the evaluation of the different frequency bands of the HRV. So far different mathematical approaches have been used towards this aim, often with contradictory results. Therefore, the need for standardization of the methods seems more and more important. In this thesis 2 non-parametric, Fourier-based methods and two parametric based on autoregressive modeling were used in order to extract the power spectral density of patients with epilepsy. Their results were statistically compared to age matched controls. The analysis have shown that when a parametric method is used, a careful model order selection method must be used, and when this is accomplished, the power spectrum could more efficient highlight differences between controls and patients. The results between non-parametric and parametric methods were different, therefore these methods cannot be considered interchangeable. The analysis methodolgy established in this first part of the study has been used to analyse HRV signals from patients before and after deep brain stimulation. / Η φασματική ανάλυση της Μεταβλητότητας της Καρδιακής Συχνότητας (ΜΚΣ) χρησιμοποείται όλο και περισσότερο σε κλινικές μελέτες τα τελευταία χρόνια. Και αυτό γιατί μπορεί να δώσει πληροφορίες σχετικά με την λειτουργία του αυτόνομου νευρικού συστήματος πάνω στην καρδιά αναλύοντας το συχνοτικό περιεχόμενο των ΜΚΣ σημάτων σε διακριτές ζώνες συχνοτήτων. Μέχρι τώρα διαφορετικές μαθηματικές μέθοδοι έδωσαν διαφορετικά, συχνα αντικρουόμενα αποτελέσματα. Έτσι η ανάγκη λεπτομερής περιγραφής των μεθόδων φαίνεται όλο και περισσοτερο επιτακτική. Σε αυτή τη διπλωματική εργασία, δυο μη παραμετρικές μέθοδοι και δύο παραμετρικές βασισμένες σε μοντέλα αυτοπαλινδρόμησης (autoregressive modeling) εφαρμόστηκαν προκειμένου να υπολογιστεί το φάσμα ασθενών με χρόνια επιληψία. Τα αποτελέσματα συγκρίθηκαν με υγιείς εθελοντές ίδιου ηλικιακού προφίλ. Η ανάλυση έδειξε ότι όταν χρησιμοποιουνται παραμετρικές μέθοδοι, η επιλογή της τάξης του μοντέλου πρέπει να γίνεται με προσοχή και όταν αυτό γίνει, το φάσμα μπορεί να αναδείξει πιο αποτελεσματικά διαφορές μεταξύ ασθενών και υγειών εθελοντών. Τα αποτελέσματα μεταξύ παραμετρικών και μη παραμετρικών μεθόδων αποδείχθηκαν διαφορετικα, και κατά συνέπεια οι δύο αυτές κατηγορίες ανάλυσης δεν μπορούν να θεωρηθούν ίδιες. Η μεθοδολογία που αναπτύχθηκε στο πρώτο αυτό μέρος της εργασίας χρησιμοποιήθηκε για να αναλύσει σήματα ΜΚΣ από ασθενείς με Πάρκινσον πριν και μετά εν τω βάθει ερεθισμό (Deep brain simulation).

Procena kardiološke bezbednosti pri primeni metadona u supstitucionoj terapiji zavisnika od opijata / Cardiac safety assessment in methadone use in opiate addicts during methadone maintenance treatment

Mijatović Vesna 22 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Metadon je sintetski agonist opijatnih receptora koji se primenjuje u sklopu supstitucione terapije opijatnih zavisnika metadonom (STM) i u terapiji hroničnog bola. Dugoročna primena STM je praćena blagim, uglavnom prolaznim, neželjenim delovanjima. Međutim, metadon pripada grupi lekova koji mogu da prouzrokuju prolongaciju korigovanog QT intervala (QTc) u elektrokardiogramu (EKG-u) i povećaju rizik za nastanak potencijalno fatalnih aritmija tipa torsades de pointes. Opijatni zavisnici metadon najče&scaron;će koriste u kombinaciji sa benzodiazepinima, i ova kombinacija lekova predstavlja faktor rizika za nastanak smrtnog ishoda. Iako je najveći broj lekara upoznat sa rizikom za razvoj respiratorne depresije prilikom primene opijata u kombinacji sa benzodiazepinima, velika studija otkriva da su ventrikularne aritmije i srčani zastoj najče&scaron;će prijavljivana neželjena delovanja metadona, primenjenog u kombinaciji sa benzodiazepinima. Ciljevi ovoga radu su da se analizom smrtnih slučajeva povezanih sa upotrebom metadona (MRDs) tokom desetogodi&scaron;njeg perioda na teritoriji Vojvodine i sprovođenjem kliničkog ispitivanja kod opijatnih zavisnika na STM proceni kardiolo&scaron;ka bezbednost primene metadona, posebno u kombinaciji sa benzodiazepinima. Sprovedena je retrospektivna studija za određivanje karakteristika MRDs na teritoriji Vojvodine, kao i kliničko ispitivanje u kome su učestvovali opijatni zavisnici koji počinju sa STM. Snimanje EKG-a (za izračunavanje QTc intervala) i uzorkovanje krvi (za određivanje koncentracije metadona i diazepama i vrednosti troponina) je sprovedeno kod svih učesnika istraživanja u 5 vremenskih tačaka (pre početka primene STM, 8. i 15. dana i nakon 1. i 6. meseca primene STM). Koncentracije metadona i diazepama u serumu su određivane metodom tečne hromatografije sa masenom spektrometrijom (LC-MS). U Vojvodini je zapažena rastuća tendencija MRDs, ali ni jedan od umrlih nije bio na STM, i najverovatnije su samoinicijativno koristili metadon i benzodiazepine. Patohistolo&scaron;ki nalaz na srcu može govoriti u prilog kardiotoksičnosti metadona i njegove kombinacije sa benzodiazepinima, pogotovo kod slučajeva sa pronađenim akutnim miokardijalnim o&scaron;tećenjem. &Scaron;to se tiče hroničnih promena na srcu, ne postoji mogućnosti da se potvrdi niti opovrgne uloga psihostimulanasa. Detektovane koncentracije metadona i diazepama kod MRDs su bile u opsegu terapijskih (&lt;1 &mu;g/ml). Poredeći socio-demografske karakteristike opijatnih zavisnika koji su počeli sa STM u ovom istraživanju sa podacima iz sličnih studija sprovedenih &scaron;irom sveta, zapažena je sličnost u pogledu velikog broja karakteristika. Srednje doze metadona 8., 15. dana i nakon 1. i 6. meseca primene STM su bile 40,23&plusmn;17,11 mg, 47,11&plusmn;16,79 mg, 50,00&plusmn;17,55 mg i 78,63&plusmn;18,14 mg, dok su srednje doze diazepama u istim vremenskim tačkama bile 35,92&plusmn;10,47 mg, 33,89&plusmn;9,23 mg, 28,33&plusmn;11,55 mg i 28,12&plusmn;11,67 mg. Srednje koncentracije metadona su u posmatranim tačkama ispitivanja iznosile 153,44&plusmn;111,51 ng/ml, 157,43&plusmn;112,39 ng/ml, 176,77&plusmn;118,56 ng/ml i 342,86&plusmn;181,54 ng/ml, dok su srednje koncentracije diazepama bile 923,00&plusmn;537,89 ng/ml, 923,76&plusmn;739,96 ng/ml, 560,74&plusmn;436,72 ng/ml i 1045,32&plusmn;932,72 ng/ml. Dužina QTc intervala pre primene STM je bila 411,87&plusmn;27,22 ms, tj. 414,64&plusmn;29,38 ms 8. dana STM, 416,97&plusmn;26,39 15. dana, i 425,20&plusmn;17,71 ms nakon 1. meseca tj. 423,50&plusmn;14,72 ms nakon 6. meseca primene STM. Pokazan je statistički značajan porast dužine QTc intervala nakon 1. i nakon 6. meseca primene STM u odnosu na vrednost pre primene STM, kako u grupi svih ispitanika, tako i u podgrupi mu&scaron;kog pola. Pokazano je postojanje statistički značajne korelacije između koncentracije metadona i dužine QTc intervala nakon 15. dana, 1. i 6. meseca primene STM, kako kod svih ispitanika, tako i u podgrupi mu&scaron;kog pola. Ova korelacija ostaje statistički značajna i ukoliko se uključe i drugi faktori &ndash; koncentracija diazepama i dužina perioda upotrebe heroina, kod svih ispitanika i u podgrupi mu&scaron;kog pola nakon 15 dana i mesec dana primene STM, kao i u podgrupi mu&scaron;kog pola nakon 6. meseca STM. Iako nijedan pacijent nije prijavio neko neželjeno delovanje metadona na nivou kardiovaskularnog sistema, najveći broj pacijenata oba pola se nakon prvog meseca primene STM žalio na pojačano znojenje i opstipaciju. Koncentracije metadona i diazepama u uzorcima krvi kod MRDs se nalaze u rasponu koncentracija ovih lekova u krvi ispitanika koji su učestvovali u prospektivnoj studiji. Trećina umrlih je imala samo znake akutnog o&scaron;tećenja srca, dok do porasta troponina i vrednosti QTc intervala preko 500 ms nije do&scaron;lo ni kod jednog ispitanika iz prospektivne studije. Potrebno je sprovesti dalja istraživanja sa ciljem razja&scaron;njenja moguće uloge benzodiazepina u povećanju kardiotoksičnosti metadona kod opijatnih zavisnika na STM.</p> / <p>Methadone is a synthetic agonist of opioid receptors which is used in methadone maintenance tratment (MMT) of opiate addicts as well as in the treatment of chronic pain. A long-term use of MMT is followed by mild, mostly transient, adverse effects. However, methadone belongs to a group of medicines which can provoke a prolongation of QTc (corrected QT) interval in electrocardiogram (ECG) and thus increase the risk from the development of potentially fatal arrhythmias &ndash; torsades de pointes. Moreover, methadone is widely associated with benzodiazepines use in heroin addicts, and this combination is considered as a risk factor for lethal outcome. Despite the fact that most of health care professionals are aware of possible respiratory depressant effect of methadone and benzodiazepines co-administration, recently published data reveal that ventricular arrhythmia and cardiac arrest are currently the most frequent adverse event attributed to methadone and benzodiazepine co-medication. The aim of this study is to assess cardiac safety of methadone use, especially in combination with benzodiazepines, by analyzing characteristics of methadone-related deaths (MRDs) during 10-year period as well as by conducting a clinical trial among opiate addicts in MMT. A retrospective study to determine the characteristics of MRDs in Vojvodina, as well as a clinical trial in which participated opiate addicts at the start of MMT were performed. ECG (to calculate QTc interval) and blood sampling (to determine methadone and diazepam concentrations and troponin values) were performed in all study participants at five time points (before the introduction of MMT, on 8th, on 15th day, after 1 and 6 months of MMT). Methadone and diazepam concentrations in serum were determined by using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). An increasing tendency of MRDs was observed in the region of Vojvodina, but none of the victims were under healthcare professionals&rsquo; control, and, most commonly, they used methadone and benzodiazepines, on their own initiative. Pathohistological findings in the heart in MRDs might support cardiac adverse effects of methadone and its combination with benzodiazepines, especially in cases with acute myocardial damage. As for the chronic heart changes, we can neither confirm nor exclude the role of psychostimulants. Detected concentrations of methadone and diazepam were in therapeutic range (&lt;1 &mu;g/ml). Comparing socio-demographic characteristics of opiate addicts who started with MMT in this study with data from similar studies conducted worldwide, the similarity in terms of large number of features was observed. The mean methadone dose on the 8th, 15th days, and after 1 and 6 months of MMT was 40.23&plusmn;17.11 mg, 47.11&plusmn;16.79 mg, 50.00&plusmn;17.55 mg and 78.63&plusmn;18.14 mg, respectively, while the mean diazepam dose at the same time points was 35.92&plusmn;10.47 mg, 33.89&plusmn;9.23 mg, 28.33&plusmn;11.55 mg and 28.12&plusmn;11.67 mg, respectively. The mean methadone concentration at observed time points was 153.44&plusmn;111.51 ng/ml, 157.43&plusmn;112.39 ng/ml, 176.77&plusmn;118.56 ng/ml and 342.86&plusmn;181.54 ng/ml, respectively, while the mean diazepam concentration was 923.00&plusmn;537.89 ng/ml, 923.76&plusmn;739.96 ng/ml, 560.74&plusmn;436.72 ng/ml and 1045.32&plusmn;932.72 ng/ml, respectively. The length of QTc interval before the introduction of MMT was 411.87&plusmn;27.22 ms, 414.64&plusmn;29.38 ms on the 8th day of MMT, 416.97&plusmn;26.39 on the 15th day of MMT, after 1 month of MMT 425.20&plusmn;17.71 ms and after 6 months of MMT 423.50&plusmn;14.72 ms. There was a statistically significant increase in the length of QTc interval after 1 and 6 months of MMT in comparison to the value before the application of MMT, within the whole group of patients and in the subgroup of men. A statistically significant correlation between the concentration of methadone and QTc interval length after 15 days, 1 and 6 months of MMT, both in the whole group and in the subroup of men was observed. The correlation remained statistically significant if the other factors, such as concentration of diazepam and the length of heroin use, were included, in all patients and in the subgroup of men after 15 days and one month of MMT as well as in the subgroup of men after 6 months of MMT. Although none of the patients reported any cardiac adverse effect of methadone, the majority of them complained of sweating and constipation after the first month of MMT. Concentrations of methadone and diazepam in blood samples in MRDs were within the range of concentrations of these drugs in blood of patients who participated in the prospective study. In one third of MRDs only signs of acute myocardial damage were detected, while an increase in troponin values and the length of QTc interval over 500 ms did not occur in any patient in the prospective study. Further studies could clarify the possible role of benzodiazepines in the increasing cardiotoxicity of methadone in opiate addicts in MMT.</p>

Desenvolvimento de Caderno Sobre Avaliação do Eletrocardiograma: Contribuição para a Prática de Enfermeiros da Atenção Primária de Saúde / Development of a Notebook on the Evaluation of the Electrocardiogram: Contribution to the Nursing Practice of Primary Health Care

Gentil, Selma Rossi 27 October 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A realização do eletrocardiograma (ECG), através do Sistema de Tele- ECG, é ferramenta fundamental para aprimorar a assistência às Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT) na Atenção Primária de Saúde (APS). Aprimorar o conhecimento dos enfermeiros que atuam nesse âmbito da assistência na realização e avaliação do ECG adequadamente deve contribuir diretamente na prevenção das Doenças Cardíacas. Objetivo: Desenvolver um Caderno Didático para apoio do Enfermeiro na Realização e Avaliação do Eletrocardiograma na APS. Método: Tratase de uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso. Os dados foram coletados em diferentes fontes, tais como o banco de dados do Sistema Tele-ECG do Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia relativos à população atendida no Ambulatório da Várzea do Carmo de São Paulo, prontuários disponíveis nesse ambulatório e revisão de literatura. Resultados: Os dados apontaram que no período de 2010 a 2015, o perfil dos pacientes atendidos no Ambulatório Várzea do Carmo era 58% feminina e 42% masculina; a maior faixa etária era de 51 a 60 anos em ambos os sexos; uso de medicamentos ocorre em 41% dessa população. O diagnóstico de ECG normal foi em média 44% para ambos os sexos. Na faixa etária de 51 a 60 anos foi de 41%, e foram decrescentes em todas as faixas etárias acima desta e na faixa etária de 0 a 11 meses. A alteração eletrocardiográfica ocorreu em 30% dos diagnósticos totais e as principais arritmias foram: bradicardia sinusal, extrassístole, fibrilação atrial, ritmo ectópico, flutter atrial, bloqueios de ramo, sobrecarga e infartos cicatrizados. O defeito técnico na execução da técnica foi de 7,29% dos exames realizados no total de 62.850. A revisão de literatura sistematizada realizada nas bases de dados SibiUSP, IEEEXplore, Proquest, Pubmed, BVS, Cinahal, não localizou evidências de manuais de educação permanente para enfermeiros da APS sobre a temática, além de referências em plataformas correlacionadas ao Ministério da Saúde do Brasil, Diretrizes e Normas Técnicas sobre ECG e Arritmias. Face ao perfil da população usuária e as evidências encontrada na literatura construiu-se um caderno de recomendações práticas para os enfermeiros que atuam na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF). Esse caderno foi elaborado com os seguintes itens: conceito de ECG, técnicas para realização e avaliação do traçado eletrocardiográfico, avaliação de risco das arritmias e outros achados do ECG, breve apresentação das urgências cardiológicas. Conclusão: Pretende-se que o Caderno Didático produzido possa apoiar a educação permanente sobre o ECG, a assistência, controle e prevenção das DCNT no âmbito da APS e colaborar na expansão com qualidade do acesso a este procedimento nas unidades especializadas. / Introduction: Electrocardiogram (ECG), through the Tele-ECG System, is a fundamental tool to improve the assistance to Chronic Non-communicable Diseases (CNCD) in Primary Health Care (PHC). Improving the knowledge of nurses working in this area of care in the performance and evaluation of ECG should contribute directly to the prevention of heart disease. Objective: Develop a Didactic Booklet for Nurse Support in the Performance and Evaluation of the Electrocardiogram in APS. Method: This is a qualitative case-study research. The data were collected in different sources, such as the database of the Tele-ECG System of the Dante Pazzanese Institute of Cardiology related to the population attended in the Várzea do Carmo Outpatient Clinic of São Paulo, charts available in this outpatient clinic and literature review. Results: The data showed that in the period from 2010 to 2015, the profile of the patients attended at the Várzea do Carmo Outpatient Clinic was 58% female and 42% male; the largest age group was 51 to 60 years old in both genders; drug use occurs in 41% of this population. The diagnosis of normal ECG was on average 44% for both genders. In the age group of 51 to 60 years was 41%, and were decreasing in all age groups above this and in the age group of 0 to 11 months. The electrocardiographic alteration occurred in 30% of the total diagnoses and the main arrhythmias were: sinus bradycardia, extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, ectopic rhythm, atrial flutter, branch block, overload and healed infarction. The technical defect in the execution of the technique was 7.29% of the examinations carried out in the total of 62,850. The systematized literature review carried out in the databases SibiUSP, IEEEXplore, Proquest, Pubmed, BVS, Cinahal, found no evidence of permanent education manuals for APS nurses on the subject, in addition to references on platforms correlated to the Brazilian Ministry of Health, Guidelines and Technical Norms on ECG and Arrhythmias. Considering the profile of the user population and the evidence found in the literature, a book of practical recommendations was developed for nurses working at the Family Health Strategy (FHS). This book was elaborated with the following items: ECG concept, techniques for conducting and evaluating the electrocardiographic tracing, risk assessment of arrhythmias and other ECG findings, brief presentation of cardiac urgencies. Conclusion: It is intended that the Didactic Book produced can support the permanent education on the ECG, the assistance, control and prevention of NCDs within the framework of the PHC and collaborate in the expansion with quality of access to this procedure in the specialized units.

Preditores de melhora da contratilidade ventricular em pacientes com fração de ejeção < 50% submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica isolada / Predictors of improvement of ventricular contractility in patients with ejection fraction <50% undergoing isolated coronary artery bypass graft

Tomé, Carlos Eduardo Mendonça 29 May 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Nos pacientes coronarianos, portadores de disfunção ventricular esquerda (DVE), a mortalidade cirúrgica da revascularização miocárdica é 3 a 4 vezes maior do que a encontrada em pacientes com função ventricular normal, sendo fundamental a seleção daqueles que efetivamente poderão ser beneficiados pela cirurgia. As metanálises indicam que a pesquisa da viabilidade miocárdica é útil nesta seleção, impactando em melhora da contratilidade ventricular e redução de mortalidade quando a revascularização é realizada em pacientes com ventrículo esquerdo viável; entretanto, os estudos clínicos randomizados não encontraram os mesmos resultados. Isso porque, apesar de 50% desses pacientes apresentarem quantidades substanciais de viabilidade miocárdica, nem todos conseguem melhorar a contratilidade ventricular esquerda após a revascularização, devido à existência de outros fatores que interferem nessa melhora. Objetivos: Determinar os fatores preditores de melhora da contratilidade ventricular esquerda em pacientes com fração de ejeção < 50% submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica (CRM) isolada e o tempo necessário para a ocorrência dessa melhora contrátil. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo observacional que avaliou pacientes coronarianos com DVE submetidos a eletrocardiograma e ecocardiograma no pré-operatório e 1, 3, 6, 9 e 12 meses após a CRM, e à ressonância magnética cardíaca (RMC) com estresse farmacológico com dipiridamol e realce tardio com gadolínio no pré-operatório e após 3 e 12 meses da revascularização, buscando associações entre a melhora da contratilidade ventricular esquerda e as diversas variáveis dos pacientes. Resultados: Foram estudados 306 segmentos miocárdicos de 18 pacientes, com idade de 59,5 + 7,4 anos. Ocorreu melhora contrátil em 47 (29%) segmentos do ventrículo esquerdo que apresentavam alterações contráteis pré-operatórias (p < 0,0001). A análise multivariada identificou três fatores preditores de melhora da contratilidade ventricular esquerda: a ausência de onda Q patológica, que aumenta em 172% a chance de melhora, a presença de viabilidade miocárdica, que aumenta em 282% a chance de melhora e a ausência de isquemia miocárdica, que aumenta em 392% a chance de melhora (razão de chances 2,72, IC 95%, 1,24 a 5,92, p = 0,012; razão de chances 3,82, IC 95%, 1,79 a 8,16, p = 0,0005; e razão de chances 4,92, IC 95%, 2,13 a 11,36, p = 0,0002, respectivamente). Em 9 (75%) pacientes a melhora da contratilidade ventricular ocorreu nos 3 primeiros meses após a CRM e em 3 (25%) pacientes ocorreu nos 9 meses seguintes Conclusões: Os três fatores preditores de melhora da contratilidade ventricular esquerda encontrados foram a ausência de onda Q patológica no eletrocardiograma, e a presença de viabilidade e ausência de isquemia miocárdicas na RMC. A recuperação da contratilidade ventricular esquerda ocorreu predominantemente nos 3 primeiros meses após a CRM, no entanto foi verificada uma melhora progressiva até o final dos 12 meses de seguimento. / Introduction: In patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and left ventricular dysfunction, the surgical mortality from coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) is 3 to 4 times higher than that reported for patients with normal ventricular function, and selecting those who can effectively benefit from the surgery is essential. Meta-analyses have indicate that myocardial viability assessment is useful in this selection, impacting on left ventricular contractility improvement and mortality reduction when revascularization is performed in patients with viable left ventricles; However, randomized clinical trials have not found the same results. Although 50% of these patients have substantial myocardial viability, not all of them can improve left ventricular contractility after revascularization, due to other factors that interfere with this improvement. Objectives: This study aims to determine the predictors of improvement in left ventricular contractility in patients with an ejection fraction of <50% who underwent isolated CABG, as well as the time required for this improvement in contractility. Methods: This prospective observational study assessed patients with CAD and left ventricular dysfunction who underwent electrocardiography and echocardiography during the preoperative period and 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after CABG and cardiac magnetic resonance with pharmacological stress with dipyridamole and late gadolinium enhancement in the preoperative period and 3 and 12 months after revascularization, to determine the associations between the evolution of left ventricular contractility and several patient-related variables. Results: A total of 306 myocardial segments of the 18 patients, aged 59.5 ± 7.4 years, were studied. There was a contractile improvement in 47 (29%) segments of the left ventricle that presented preoperative contractile abnormalities (p < 0.0001). The multivariate analysis identified three predictors of left ventricular contractility improvement: the absence of pathological Q waves, which increases the chance of improvement by 172% (odds ratio (OR) 2.72, 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.24-5.92, p = 0.012), the presence of myocardial viability, which increases the chance of improvement by 282% (OR 3.82, 95% CI, 1.79-8.16, p = 0.0005), and the absence of myocardial ischemia, which increases the chances of improvement by 392%, (OR 4.92, 95% CI, 2.13-11.36, p = 0.0002). In 9 (75%) patients the improvement in ventricular contractility occurred in the first 3 months after CABG, and in 3 (25%) patients, it occurred in the following 9 months. Conclusions: The three predictors of left ventricular contractility improvement were the absence of pathological Q waves on an electrocardiogram, the presence of myocardial viability and the absence of signs of ischemia on cardiac MRI. The improvement in left ventricular contractility occurred predominantly in the first three months after CABG, but a progressive recovery was observed until the end of the 12-month follow-up period.

Valor prognóstico dos padrões eletrocardiográficos em pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST: Estudo ERICO-ECG / Prognostic value of electrocardiographic patterns in patients with non ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome

Brandão, Rodrigo Martins 30 September 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Alguns autores estudaram o valor prognóstico do eletrocardiograma inicial na sobrevida em longo prazo dos pacientes com síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST. O valor prognóstico de outros traçados eletrocardiográficos na fase intra-hospitalar do tratamento foi menos estudado. Objetivos: Avaliar o papel no prognóstico clínico dos registros eletrocardiográficos obtidos durante o evento índice dos participantes do estudo Estratégia de Registro de Insuficiência Coronariana (ERICO) com síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST. Métodos: Foram analisados e classificados, de acordo com o Código de Minnesota, os traçados eletrocardiográficos intra-hospitalares de 634 participantes do estudo ERICO com síndrome coronariana aguda sem supradesnivelamento do segmento ST, no período de fevereiro de 2009 a dezembro de 2013. Foram classificados como alterados os traçados eletrocardiográficos com infradesnivelamento do segmento ST > 1mm e/ou com onda T negativa > 1mm. Foram construídos modelos de regressão de Cox brutos e ajustados, para estudar se o padrão eletrocardiográfico foi um preditor independente de desfechos clínicos (morte por qualquer causa, morte por causa cardiovascular, morte por infarto agudo do miocárdio, e desfecho combinado de morte por infarto do miocárdio ou novo infarto do miocárdio não fatal). Resultados: A mediana de seguimento foi de 3 anos. Encontramos uma tendência não significativa para a associação entre a presença de alteração de segmento ST no eletrocardiograma inicial com o desfecho combinado de morte por infarto do miocárdio ou novo infarto do miocárdio não fatal [Hazard Ratio (HR) ajustado: 1,64, intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%): 1,00-2,70, p = 0,052]. Encontramos um risco significativamente maior de morte por infarto do miocárdio em indivíduos com alterações do segmento ST no eletrocardiograma final (HR ajustado: 2,04; IC 95%: 1,06-3,92). Os indivíduos com alterações do segmento ST em qualquer traçado durante o evento índice apresentaram risco significativamente maior para desfecho combinado de morte por infarto do miocárdio ou novo infarto do miocárdio não fatal (HR ajustado: 1,71; IC 95%: 1,04-2,79). Quando as alterações de onda T foram incluídas na classificação dos traçados, não houve associação significativa com o prognóstico a longo prazo. Conclusões: Encontramos associações significativas entre as alterações de segmento ST e pior prognóstico em longo prazo. A avaliação sequencial dos traçados eletrocardiográficos durante o evento índice parece adicionar informação prognóstica ao ECG inicial / Introduction: Some authors have studied the prognostic value of initial electrocardiogram in long-term survival of patients with a non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS). The prognostic value of other in-hospital electrocardiographic tracings has been less studied. Objectives: To describe the association between electrocardiogram abnormalities (in ST-segment and T wave) during the index event and outcomes in patients with NSTE ACS in the Strategy of Registry of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ERICO) cohort. Methods: We analyzed and classified, according to the Minnesota Code, in-hospital ECG tracings of 634 ERICO participants with NSTE-ACS, from February 2009 to December 2013. We considered as altered electrocardiographic tracings with ST-segment depression > 1 mm and / or negative T wave > 1 mm. We built crude and adjusted Cox regression models to study if ECG pattern was an independent predictor for clinical outcomes (death from any cause, death from cardiovascular causes, death from acute myocardial infarction, and combined outcome of fatal or new nonfatal myocardial infarction). Results: Median follow-up was 3 years. We found a trend for the association between initial ECG tracing and the combined outcome of fatal or new nonfatal myocardial infarction [Hazard Ratio (HR) adjusted: 1,64, confidence interval 95% (95% CI): 1,00-2,70, p = 0,052]. We found a significantly higher risk of death due myocardial infarction in patients with ST-segment abnormalities in the final ECG tracing (adjusted HR: 2,04; 95% CI: 1,06 to 3,92). Individuals with ST-segment abnormalities in any tracing had significant higher risk for fatal or new nonfatal myocardial infarction (adjusted HR: 1,71; 95% CI: 1,04 2,79). When the T wave changes were included in the classification, there was no significant association with long-term prognosis. Conclusions: We found significant associations between ECG patterns and worse long-term prognosis. Sequential evaluation of electrocardiographic tracings during the index event seems to add prognostic information to the initial ECG

Influências do consumo de café em diferentes torras em variáveis cardiológicas de voluntários com doença coronariana crônica / Effects of two roasts of coffee consumption on cardiological parameters in volunteers with coronary artery disease

Mioto, Bruno Mahler 11 December 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os efeitos do consumo de café na frequência e ritmo cardíaco, na pressão arterial e risco cardiovascular permanecem um assunto controverso. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do consumo de café filtrado nas torra escura e média na frequência cardíaca (FC), na frequência de extrassístoles, na variabilidade de frequência cardíaca (VFC), na pressão arterial, na tolerância ao exercício e em isquemia e angina em voluntários com doença arterial coronariana (DAC). MÉTODOS: Em um ensaio clínico randomizado e com crossover, comparamos o efeito do consumo de 450 a 600 ml de café nas torras escura e média em 41 voluntários com DAC, com idade média de 64,5 ± 6,7 anos, sendo que 33 eram do sexo masculino (80,5%). Após período de washout (período basal) e após cada período de quatros semanas de consumo de café (em ambas torras), os voluntários foram submetidos a teste ergométrico (TE), monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial (MAPA) e eletrocardiografia dinâmica (Holter). RESULTADOS: O consumo contínuo de café não exerceu nenhum efeito deletério na isquemia miocárdica desencadeada por esforço no teste ergométrico. O tempo total de exercício (deltaT Exercício) foi de 566,59 ± 192,40, 599,39 ± 205,60 e 602,22 ± 210,24 segundos (s), respectivamente para o momento basal (após washout), após consumo de café torra escura e após consumo de café torra média (média ± DP, p = 0,002). Na MAPA, as variáveis encontradas após período basal, após consumo de café torra escura e após consumo de café torra média foram, respectivamente: pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) de 110,59 ± 12,05, 111,83 ± 12,89 e 114,32 ± 11,89 mmHg (média ± DP, p = 0,065); e pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) de 64,10 ± 8,99, 64,85 ± 9,31 e 66,27 ± 9,59 mmHg (média ± DP, p = 0,143). Os valores a seguir foram obtidos através do Holter após período basal, após consumo de café torra escura e após consumo de café torra média, respectivamente: FC Média de 67,38 ± 8,44, 66,51 ± 8,11, e 67,44 ± 8,54 (média ± DP, p = 0,59); frequência de extrassístoles supraventriculares (ESV) de 21 (75), 22 (59), e 18 (85) [mediana (intervalo interquartil), p = 0,77]; frequência de extrassístoles ventriculares (EV) de 8 (426), 10 (123), e 8 (36) [mediana (intervalo interquartil), p = 0,17]; e desvio padrão de todos os intervalos RR normais (SDNN) de 129,87 ± 32,82, 134,74 ± 30,90, e 128,31 ± 28,12 (média ± DP, p = 0,16). CONCLUSÕES: Neste estudo, o consumo contínuo de café aumentou a tolerância ao exercício, não afetou de forma significativa a pressão arterial, o ritmo e a frequência cardíaca e não aumentou a frequência de extrassístoles ventriculares e supraventriculares. Com relação a presença de isquemia e/ou angina no TE, não ocorreram modificações relacionadas ao consumo de café em ambas torras / BACKGROUND: The effect of coffee on heart rate (HR), cardiac rhythm, blood pressure (BP) and cardiovascular risk has long been a controversial issue. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of dark roast (DR) and medium-dark roast (MDR) paper-filtered coffee on HR, premature complexes, heart rate variability (HRV), BP, total exercise time (deltaT Exercise) and exercise-induced angina pectoris in volunteers with coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS: In a randomized crossover trial, we compared the effects of consuming three to four cups (150 mL) of DR and MDR coffee per day for 4 weeks in 41 volunteers with CAD, with 64.5 ± 6.7 years old, 33 men (80.5%). At baseline and after each 4-week period of drinking, the subjects were submitted to treadmill test, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (24-h ABPM) and 24-hour Holter electrocardiograms (24-h Holter). RESULTS: The continuous coffee consumption had no deleterious effect on exercise-induced angina pectoris on treadmill test. The deltaT Exercise at baseline and after ingesting DR and MDR were 566.59 ± 192.40, 599.39 ± 205.60 and 602.22 ± 210.24 seconds, respectively (mean ± SD, p = 0.002). The analyzed parameters on 24-h ABPM at baseline and after 4 weeks of DR and MDR coffee consumption were, respectively: systolic BP of 110.59 ± 12.05, 111.83 ± 12.89 and 114.32 ± 11.89 mmHg (mean ± SD, p = 0.065); and diastolic BP of 64.10 ± 8.99, 64.85 ± 9.31 e 66.27 ± 9.59 mmHg (mean ± SD, p = 0,143). The following values were obtained on 24-h Holter at baseline and after 4 weeks of DR and MDR coffee consumption, respectively: average HRs of 67.38 ± 8.44, 66.51 ± 8.11, and 67.44 ± 8.54 (mean ± SD, p = 0.59); premature atrial complexes of 21 (75), 22 (59), and 18 (85) [median (IQR), p = 0.77]; premature ventricular complexes of 8 (426), 10 (123), and 8 (36) [median (IQR), p = 0.17]; and standard deviations of normal to normal R-R intervals (SDNNs) of 129.87 ± 32.82, 134.74 ± 30.90, and 128.31 ± 28.12 (mean ± SD, p = 0.16). CONCLUSIONS: In this study, continuous coffee consumption increased total exercise time, did not significantly affect blood pressure, HR or HRV and did not increase the frequency of premature complexes in volunteers with CAD. Furthermore, continuous coffee consumption had no deleterious effect on exercise-induced angina pectoris

Estudo de perfusão e viabilidade miocárdicas por ressonância magnética em pacientes com doença renal crônica candidatos a transplante renal / Assessment of myocardial perfusion and viability using cardiovascular magnetic resonance in patients with end-stage renal disease

Andrade, Joalbo Matos de 22 August 2006 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A incidência de doença arterial coronária em candidatos a transplante renal é alta, sendo a principal causa de mortes neste grupo de pacientes. Os resultados obtidos com exames não invasivos usados na detecção de doença arterial coronariana destes pacientes têm-se mostrado variados e, de modo geral, insatisfatórios para uma condição clínica considerada grave. A ressonância magnética cardiovascular é utilizada cada vez mais no estudo de doença arterial coronária na população geral, apresentando bons resultados na identificação de isquemia e de fibrose miocárdica. Entretanto, este método, até o momento, não foi avaliado neste grupo de pacientes. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a capacidade da ressonância magnética cardíaca em detectar doença arterial coronária em candidatos a transplante renal sob dois diferentes aspectos: diagnóstico de lesão coronariana significativa (redução do diâmetro luminal maior ou igual a 70%), avaliada pela alteração da perfusão miocárdica, comparando os resultados com a cintilografia e tendo a angiografia coronária como padrão de referência; e detecção de infarto miocárdico silencioso, comparando com a eletrocardiografia e cintilografia, tendo a ressonância magnética cardiovascular com a técnica de realce tardio como padrão de referência. MÉTODOS: Durante o período de janeiro de 2002 e janeiro de 2004 foram estudados 80 candidatos a transplante renal que apresentavam ao menos um dos seguintes critérios de inclusão: 1. idade igual ou acima de 50 anos; 2. diabete melito; 3. história ou evidência clínica de doença cardiovascular. Todos os pacientes foram encaminhados para serem submetidos a exames de eletrocardiografia, cintilografia, ressonância magnética cardiovascular e angiografia coronária no período máximo de até um ano entre os exames. Na pesquisa de alteração da perfusão miocárdica, comparou-se ressonância magnética cardiovascular com cintilografia em 76 pacientes, tendo a angiografia coronária como padrão de referência na identificação de lesão coronária significativa (estenose igual ou maior que 70% da luz vascular). Na identificação de infarto miocárdico silencioso, comparou-se a ressonância magnética cardiovascular com a eletrocardiografia e cintilografia em 69 pacientes. Os exames foram analisados de modo cego em relação aos resultados dos demais exames. Dados numéricos foram expressos como média, desvio padrão e intervalo de confiança, sendo calculado grau de concordância, testes diagnóstico e de significância entre os métodos. RESULTADOS: Na pesquisa de obstrução coronária significativa, a ressonância magnética cardiovascular apresentou sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia de 84,1%, 56,3% e 72,4% e a cintilografia miocárdica 65,9%, 68,6% e 67,1%, respectivamente. A ressonância magnética cardiovascular foi significativamente mais sensível que a cintilografia (p=0,039). Na identificação de infarto miocárdico silencioso, o grau de concordância entre a ressonância magnética cardiovascular e o eletrocardiograma foi de 0,28 e entre a ressonância magnética cardiovascular e a cintilografia 0,52. Considerando-se a ressonância magnética cardiovascular como sendo o padrão de referência na identificação de infarto miocárdico silencioso, a sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia do eletrocardiograma foram de 27,8%, 98% e 79,7% e da cintilografia foram de 66,7%, 87% e 81,2%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: No diagnóstico de lesão coronariana significativa, a ressonância magnética cardiovascular mostrou acurácia similar e maior sensibilidade em relação à cintilografia. Na detecção de infarto miocárdico silencioso, o eletrocardiograma e a cintilografia apresentaram baixa concordância com a ressonância magnética cardiovascular / INTRODUCTION: Coronary artery disease in renal transplant candidates is frequent and is the most common cause of death. Results of standard noninvasive tests for the detection of coronary artery disease in this specific group are incosistent and, overall, considered inadequate for clinical decision making. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance has been used most frequently in the identification of coronary artery disease in the general population with good results in the analysis of myocardial ischemia and fibrosis. However, this method, until now, has not been evaluated for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease in renal transplant candidates. The goal of this study is to assess the capability of cardiovascular magnetic resonance for the detection of coronary artery disease in renal transplant candidates in two different aspects: the diagnosis of significant coronary stenosis (70% or more luminal diameter reduction) assessed by myocardial perfusion abnormalities, comparing the results with scintigraphy and using coronary angiography as the reference method; and the identification of unrecognized myocardial infarction, comparing with electrocardiography and nuclear medicine, using cardiovascular magnetic resonance late enhancement technique as the reference method. METHODS: Between January 2002 and January 2004 we studied 80 renal transplant candidates with at least one of these inclusion criteria: 1. 50 years of age or more, 2. diabetes mellitus, and 3. clinical history or evidence of coronary artery disease. All patients underwent electrocardiogram, nuclear medicine, cardiovascular magnetic resonance and coronary angiography examinations within a maximum period of one year. In the assessment of myocardial perfusion defect, we compared cardiovascular magnetic resonance with scintigraphy in 76 patients with coronary angiography as the reference method in the identification of significant coronary lesion (70% stenosis of the vascular lumen or more). In the identification of unrecognized myocardial infarction, we compared magnetic resonance with electrocardiogram and nuclear medicine in 69 patients. All exams were reviewed by readers blinded to the results of the other exams. Data was presented as mean, standard deviation and confidence interval. Percentual of agreement, diagnostic tests and statistical tests between the exams were calculated. RESULTS: On the assessment of significant coronary stenosis, cardiovascular magnetic resonance showed sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 84.1%, 56.3%, and 72.4% and nuclear medicine 65.9%, 68.6%, and 67.1%, respectively. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance was significantly more sensitive than scintigraphy medicine (p=0.039). In the identification of unrecognized myocardial infarction, agreement between cardiovascular magnetic resonance and electrocardiogram was 0.28 and between cardiovascular magnetic resonance and scintigraphy was 0.52. Considering cardiovascular magnetic resonance as the reference method in the identification of unrecognized myocardial infarction, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the electrocardiogram were 27.8%, 98% and 79.7%, and for scintigraphy were 66.7%, 87% and 81.2%, respectively. CONCLUSION: In the diagnosis of significant coronary stenosis, cardiovascular magnetic resonance showed similar accuracy and higher sensitivity compared to scintigraphy. In the detection of unrecognized myocardial infarction, the electrocardiogram and scintigraphy presented low agreement with cardiovascular magnetic resonance

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