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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hawkeye : En titt in i framtidens räddningstjänstutrustning / Hawkeye : A peek into the future of emergency services

Nagy, Bence, Birath, Björn, Bergström, Edvin, Ahlroth, Erik, Sjöqvist, Jakob, Hjort, Jonathan, Tavakoli, Payam, Gunnarsson, Philip January 2020 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver kandidatprojektet Hawkeye. Projektet har utförts av åtta studenter inom kursen TDDD96 vid Linköpings Universitet. Projektet har handlat om att skapa ett stöd till framtidens räddningstjänst med hjälp av en Microsoft HoloLens 2 som är ämnad att användas av främre befäl. Huvudfunktionerna för Hawkeye var bland annat att strömma video och sensordata till den bakre ledningen samt erbjuda en mixed reality-vy för att visa information om verktyg och patienter ämnad för den för den främre ledningen. Projektets beställare var forskningsgruppen Ubiquitous Computing and Analytics Group vid Institutionen för Datavetenskap på Linköpings universitet. Rapporten beskriver hur Hawkeye har framställts och de metoder som har tillämpats av projektgruppen, exempelvis Scrum. I slutet av rapporten presenteras de individuella bidrag som gruppmedlemmarna har skrivit och som är relaterade till Hawkeye-projektet.

Factors Involved in the Retention of American Red Cross Disaster and Emergency Services Volunteers

Moravick, Suzanne Marie 01 January 2016 (has links)
According to the Corporation for National and Community Service (2007), 33% of workers who volunteer in one year do not volunteer the next year. Retention of disaster and emergency services volunteers is a problem because permanent disaster volunteers save governments and society millions of dollars each year. The purpose of this quantitative, cross-sectional study was to address the problem of retention of American Red Cross disaster and emergency services volunteers. The primary research question for this study examined the predictive strength of positive emotions, resiliency, coping, and post-traumatic growth, in the retention of disaster and emergency services volunteers. The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions combined with the organismic valuing theory of growth through adversity created the optimal research foundation for driving the hypotheses for the research question. This study used a self-report survey to collect data from a nonprobability convenience sample of 120 American Red Cross Disaster and Emergency Services volunteers. Standard multiple linear regression analyses revealed that none of the independent variables statistically predicted retention. Independent-groups t-tests revealed that, a debriefing at the disaster location showed significant mean differences when examining retention. The American Red Cross and other disaster relief organizations can use the results of this study to develop strategies to address organizational factors that enhance the experiences of their disaster and emergency services volunteers and thus strive to improve retention.

A manual for emergency room social workers

West, Jack 01 January 1978 (has links)
The purpose of this manual is to fill the void I encountered when I first began doing emergency room social work. After reading a mass of material on crisis theory, depression, suicide, psychiatric emergencies, etc., after having role played an emergency room crisis counselor, and after reviewing what seemed an infinite number of required hospital procedures, I began work as an emergency room social worker. The first few cases I encountered on my own were bewildering. When emergency room personnel would refer a patient to me with the prefatory remark: "This guy looks like he has real emotional problems. See what you can do”, I would nearly freeze as I wondered which form to fill out before seeing the patient, what questions to ask the patient, which theory to review before interviewing the patient. After the interview, I confronted the problem of deciding upon an appropriate referral, which forms to fill out, whom to confer with, etc. Frankly, the entire situation was pretty overwhelming to me.

A survey of mental health clients admitted to general hospital emergency rooms

Beale, Marsha J. 01 January 1979 (has links)
The purpose of this survey was to obtain information from hospital emergency room staff on each mental health admission during the period of December 15, 1977 to January 15, 1978. Mental health admissions were broadly defined to include those people who were experiencing an observable mental health difficulty, but who may have initially presented primary medical problems. At the request of Multnomah County Mental Health Division's Management Team, and with the approval of the Emergency Department Nurses Association (EDNA), questionnaires were distributed among 16 general hospitals in the Portland, Oregon, Tri-County area. These hospitals are located in Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington Counties. This survey represents the first attempt (1) to obtain information on an area-wide basis, on emergency room (ER) treatment of mental health admissions; and (2) to ascertain the availability and use of community mental health resources. The collection of such information is important to planning for comprehensive mental health services and in improving the existing service delivery system.

Mångfaldsarbete – utmaningar och möjligheter : En jämförande studie av mångfaldsarbetet inom Räddningstjänst Syd och Räddningstjänst Väst / Working with diversity – challenges and possibilities : A comparative study of diversity work within Räddningstjänst Syd and Räddningstjänst Väst

Harbuzi, Victoria, Dreveros, Meriam January 2023 (has links)
Mångfald är ett begrepp som diskuteras i många olika sammanhang idag. Olika organisationer arbetar på olika sätt för att öka mångfalden så att organisationen kan återspegla samhällets sammansättning och utnyttja de olika fördelar som mångfalden kan bidra med. Detta gäller inte minst samhälleliga funktioner som räddningstjänst och brandkår. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur brandmännen vid två olika räddningstjänster uppfattar arbetet med mångfald inom sina respektive organisationer och om det finns några likheter och skillnader dem emellan. Vidare belyses möjligheter och utmaningar i arbetet med mångfald. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metodansats och semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre respondenter vid respektive organisation. Urvalet begränsades till brandmän. Resultatet, som analyseras på makro-, meso- och mikronivå utifrån teorier om intersektionalitet, förändringsarbete i organisationer och strukturell funktionell rollteori, visar att brandmännen har en positiv inställning till mångfaldsarbetet, men att det finns mycket kvar att göra. Det fanns både skillnader och likheter mellan organisationerna, som bland annat kan härledas till faktorer som ort och respondenternas sammansättning. Förhoppningen är att studien ska bidra med underlag för vidare analyser och arbete med mångfald inom räddningstjänsten. / The concept of diversity is widely discussed in many arenas today. Different organizations work in different ways to increase diversity in order to reflect the composition of society and leverage the many benefits that diversity can contribute with. This is also true for social functions like emergency services and fire services. Our study aims to examine how firefighters within two different emergency services experience the work in diversity within their respective organizations and find out if there are any similarities and differences between them. Furthermore, we look at possibilities and challenges regarding diversity work. The study has been performed with a qualitative research approach and semi structured interviews with three respondents from each organization. The selection was limited to firefighters. The results, which are analyzed on a macro-, meso- and micro level with the aid of theories on intersectionality, change management in organizations and structural-functional theory, show that the firefighters have a positive view on diversity work, but that there is still much work to do. There were both differences and similarities between the organizations, partly because of where the organizations are situated and the composition of the respondents. Our hope is that our study will contribute with a base for further analysis and work with diversity within the emergency services.

Skogsägares och brandmäns erfarenheter av arbete med skogsbränder i Australien : Vad kan Sverige lära av australiska erfarenheter? / Forest owners’ and firefighters’ experiences of managing forest fires in Australia : What can Sweden learn from Australian experiences?

Sandberg, Karin January 2023 (has links)
En av världens mest brandbenägna regioner är Australien. Stora skogsbränder har ökat globalt och trenden väntas fortsätta – även i Sverige, där frågor kring förmågan att hantera stora bränder aktualiserats. Studiens syfte var att beskriva skogsägares och brandmäns erfarenheter av arbete med skogsbränder i Australien och därigenom bidra till insikter som är värdefulla i en svensk kontext. Intervjuer genomfördes med respondenter från räddningstjänstorganisationer, frivilliga brandkårer och skogsbolag. Analysen gjordes genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Det övergripande temat – Samverkan och ständigt lärande för att klara allt större bränder och risker med begränsade resurser i ett förändrat klimat, idag och i framtiden – belyser att nyckeln var en väl fungerande samverkan mellan många aktörer, ett ständigt lärande och att hantera tillgängliga resurser smart. Erfarenheter som kan ses ge implikationer i Sverige handlar bl.a. om räddningstjänsts och skogsägares samverkan, säkerhetshöjande teknik, hur goda relationer byggs till lokalsamhället och om hur lokal kunskap och lokala resurser tas tillvara. / Hållbart sambruk av räddningsaktörer i svensk landsbygd

Optimization of an Emergency Response Vehicle's Intra-Link Movement in Urban Transportation Networks Utilizing a Connected Vehicle Environment

Hannoun, Gaby Joe 31 July 2019 (has links)
Downstream vehicles detect an emergency response vehicle (ERV) through sirens and/or strobe lights. These traditional warning systems do not give any recommendation about how to react, leaving the drivers confused and often adopting unsafe behavior while trying to open a passage for the ERV. In this research, an advanced intra-link emergency assistance system, that leverages the emerging technologies of the connected vehicle environment, is proposed. The proposed system assumes the presence of a centralized system that gathers/disseminates information from/to connected vehicles via vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications. The major contribution of this dissertation is the intra-link level support provided to ERV as well as non-ERVs. The proposed system provides network-wide assistance as it also considers the routing of ERVs. The core of the system is a mathematical program - a set of equations and inequalities - that generates, based on location and speed data from connected vehicles that are downstream of the ERV, the fastest intra-link ERV movement. It specifies for each connected non-ERV a final assigned position that the vehicle can reach comfortably along the link. The system accommodates partial market penetration levels and is applicable on large transportation link segments with signalized intersections. The system consists of three modules (1) an ERV route generation module, (2) a criticality analysis module and (2) the sequential optimization module. The first module determines the ERV's route (set of links) from the ERV's origin to the desired destination in the network. Based on this selected route, the criticality analysis module scans/filters the connected vehicles of interest and determines whether any of them should be provided with a warning/instruction message. As the ERV is moving towards its destination, new non-ERVs should be notified. When a group of non-ERVs is identified by the criticality analysis module, a sequential optimization module is activated. The proposed system is evaluated using simulation under different combinations of market penetration and congestion levels. Benefits in terms of ERV travel time with an average reduction of 9.09% and in terms of vehicular interactions with an average reduction of 35.46% and 81.38% for ERV/non-ERV and non-ERV/non-ERV interactions respectively are observed at 100% market penetration, when compared to the current practice where vehicles moving to the nearest edge. / Doctor of Philosophy / Downstream vehicles detect an emergency response vehicle (ERV) through sirens and/or strobe lights. These traditional warning systems do not give any recommendations about how to react, leaving the drivers confused and often adopting unsafe behavior while trying to open a passage for the ERV. In this research, an advanced intra-link emergency assistance system, that leverages the emerging technologies of the connected vehicle environment, is proposed. The proposed system assumes the presence of a centralized system that gathers/disseminates information from/to connected vehicles via vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications. The major contribution of this dissertation is the intra-link level support provided to ERV as well as non-ERVs. The proposed system provides network-wide assistance as it also considers the routing of ERVs. The core of the system is a mathematical program - a set of equations and inequalities - that generates, based on location and speed data from connected vehicles that are downstream of the ERV, the fastest intra-link ERV movement. It specifies for each connected non-ERV a final assigned position that the vehicle can reach comfortably along the link. The system accommodates partial market penetration levels and is applicable on large transportation link segments with signalized intersections. The system consists of three modules (1) an ERV route generation module, (2) a criticality analysis module and (2) the sequential optimization module. The first module determines the ERV’s route (set of links) from the ERV’s origin to the desired destination in the network. Based on this selected route, the criticality analysis module scans/filters the connected vehicles of interest and determines whether any of them should be provided with a warning/instruction message. As the ERV is moving towards its destination, new non-ERVs should be notified. When a group of non-ERVs is identified by the criticality analysis module, a sequential optimization module is activated. The proposed system is evaluated using simulation under different combinations of market penetration and congestion levels. Benefits in terms of ERV travel time with an average reduction of 9.09% and in terms of vehicular interactions with an average reduction of 35.46% and 81.38% for ERV/non-ERV and non-ERV/non-ERV interactions respectively are observed at 100% market penetration, when compared to the current practice where vehicles moving to the nearest edge.

Datenintegration: die Echtzeit-Lagedarstellung aus der Leitstelle für Mittel der nichtpolizeilichen Gefahrenabwehr

Sachtler, Clamor 02 April 2024 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird die Konzeption und Umsetzung einer digitalen Echtzeit-Lagedarstellung für Mittel der nichtpolizeilichen Gefahrenabwehr im Umfeld der Integrierten Regionalleitstelle Leipzig beschrieben. Das Ziel besteht darin, eine automatische, selbstfüllende Lösung zur Datenintegration und -darstellung zu konzipieren, die eine umfassende und bedarfsgerechte Informationsversorgung ohne direkte Zuarbeiten des Leitstellenpersonals ermöglicht. Die in der Leitstelle vorhandenen Daten sollen genutzt werden, um unter anderem die Auslastung und Verfügbarkeit von Ressourcen sowie Einsatzschwerpunkte zu visualisieren und diese Informationen den Nutzergruppen bedarfsgerecht zur Verfügung zu stellen, um basierend darauf taktische Entscheidungen treffen zu können. Um den Bedarf und die Anforderungen zu ermitteln, wurde eine qualitative und quantitative Umfrage durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse haben den grundlegenden Bedarf mit verschiedenen Bedürfnissen und Prioritäten der unterschiedlichen Nutzergruppen bestätigt. In dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene Lösungsansätze verglichen und die Entwicklung eines Prototypen für eine Echtzeit-Lagedarstellung vorgestellt. Die Anwendbarkeit und Grenzen des entwickelten Prototypen wurden durch praktische Untersuchungen mit direktem Feedback und einer Überprüfung der Korrektheit der Daten bewertet. Die Evaluation ergab, dass der Prototyp bereits in seiner derzeitigen Form ein sehr genaues Lagebild liefert und die Erwartungen der Nutzer erfüllt.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Übersicht 1.1 Zielstellung 1.2 Methodisches Vorgehen 2 Betrachtung der Ausgangssituation 2.1 Die Integrierte Regionalleitstelle Leipzig 2.2 Technischer Aufbau der IRLS 2.3 Lagedarstellung 2.3.1 Lagedarstellung im Kontext der nichtpolizeilichen Gefahrenabwehr 2.3.2 Lagedarstellung im Kontext der Leitstelle 2.3.3 Einordnung der Lagedarstellung in einen allgemeinen Kontext 3 Anforderungen 3.1 Ermittlung des optimalen Informationsbedarfs 3.2 Durchführung einer Umfrage 3.2.1 Im Bereich Feuerwehr 3.2.2 Im Bereich Rettungsdienst 3.2.3 Im Bereich Katastrophenschutz 3.2.4 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 3.3 Vergleich von Lösungsansätzen 3.3.1 Anruf in der Leitstelle 3.3.2 Bereitstellung des Einsatzleitsystems für Anwender 3.3.3 Gang in die Leitstelle 3.3.4 LvS Display 3.3.5 MobiKat 4 Entwicklung eines Prototypen zur Echtzeit-Lagedarstellung 4.1 Lösungsansatz 4.2 Implementierung 4.2.1 Werkzeuge 4.2.2 Daten und Datenquellen 4.2.3 Herangehensweise 4.3 Datenschutzkriterien 4.4 Plausibilität 5 Untersuchung des Prototypen im Leitstellenumfeld und der Gefahrenabwehr 5.1 Im Einsatzfeld der Stabsarbeit 5.2 Ressourcenbetrachtung 5.2.1 HLF 5.2.2 RTW 5.3 Schlussfolgerung 5.4 Grenzfälle 5.5 Kritik des Modells 6 Fazit und Ausblick Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Quellcodeverzeichnis Literaturverzeichnis Anhang / This paper describes the design and implementation of a digital real-time management display for resources of emergency services in the vicinity of the Leipzig Regional Dispatch Center. The objective is to create an automated and self-populating system for data integration and display, facilitating the extensive and tailored supply of information without the need for direct human involvement within the control center. The data available in the control center provides visualization of resource utilization and availability, operational priorities, and other key information that can be made available to user groups on demand for tactical decision making. A qualitative and quantitative survey was conducted to identify needs and requirements. The results confirmed the demand with different demands and priorities of the various user groups. The paper compares different approaches and presents the development of a prototype for a real-time management display. Practical tests with direct feedback and a verification of accuracy were used to evaluate the capabilities and limitations of the developed prototype. The evaluation demonstrated that the prototype currently offers a fairly accurate picture of the situation and meets the expectations of the users.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Übersicht 1.1 Zielstellung 1.2 Methodisches Vorgehen 2 Betrachtung der Ausgangssituation 2.1 Die Integrierte Regionalleitstelle Leipzig 2.2 Technischer Aufbau der IRLS 2.3 Lagedarstellung 2.3.1 Lagedarstellung im Kontext der nichtpolizeilichen Gefahrenabwehr 2.3.2 Lagedarstellung im Kontext der Leitstelle 2.3.3 Einordnung der Lagedarstellung in einen allgemeinen Kontext 3 Anforderungen 3.1 Ermittlung des optimalen Informationsbedarfs 3.2 Durchführung einer Umfrage 3.2.1 Im Bereich Feuerwehr 3.2.2 Im Bereich Rettungsdienst 3.2.3 Im Bereich Katastrophenschutz 3.2.4 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 3.3 Vergleich von Lösungsansätzen 3.3.1 Anruf in der Leitstelle 3.3.2 Bereitstellung des Einsatzleitsystems für Anwender 3.3.3 Gang in die Leitstelle 3.3.4 LvS Display 3.3.5 MobiKat 4 Entwicklung eines Prototypen zur Echtzeit-Lagedarstellung 4.1 Lösungsansatz 4.2 Implementierung 4.2.1 Werkzeuge 4.2.2 Daten und Datenquellen 4.2.3 Herangehensweise 4.3 Datenschutzkriterien 4.4 Plausibilität 5 Untersuchung des Prototypen im Leitstellenumfeld und der Gefahrenabwehr 5.1 Im Einsatzfeld der Stabsarbeit 5.2 Ressourcenbetrachtung 5.2.1 HLF 5.2.2 RTW 5.3 Schlussfolgerung 5.4 Grenzfälle 5.5 Kritik des Modells 6 Fazit und Ausblick Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Quellcodeverzeichnis Literaturverzeichnis Anhang

Family and Clinician Effects on Costs of Psychiatric Emergency Services Dispositions

Nielson, L. Reece 01 May 2009 (has links)
Families play a key role in psychiatric emergency services (PES). Given the cost of PES in terms of dollars and restrictiveness, clients, families, providers, payers, and policymakers involved in these services need more understanding of how families affect these key PES outcomes. Marriage and family therapy theories offer frameworks for understanding family and provider system dynamics in PES. This study explores how family presence and family quality influence restrictiveness and cost of PES dispositions, and how they moderate the effect of suicide risk, homicide risk, and inability to care for self on those outcomes. The sample of 306 clients and 33 clinicians was drawn from the records of a mobile PES unit serving a rural area. A regression-based, quantitative methodology, Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM), was employed to explore associations between restrictiveness and client risk and family factors, as well as differences in dispositions between PES clinicians. In order to extend practical implications, the same questions were also examined in monetary terms by translating restrictiveness into cost of dispositions. Results show inability to care for self and suicide risk to be the strongest predictors of increased restrictiveness and cost. Family quality appeared to reduce restrictiveness but not cost and only when not considering interactions with individual risk factors. When interactions were considered, family quality exhibited a statistically significant disordinal interaction with inability to care for self. That is, when clients were unable to care for self, positive family quality worked toward increasing restrictiveness and cost, perhaps due to families seeking help for the client. However, when clients were able to care for self, positive family quality worked in the opposite direction (i.e., toward reducing restrictiveness and cost). Theoretical and practical implications of this interaction were considered. There was found no significant variability in dispositions and associated costs between clinicians, which may be evidence of standardized clinician training and procedures. Non-standardized instrumentation, lack of comparison with other programs or sites, and limited cell sample size are limitations of the study. This study shows the complexity of family systems in PES and provides basis for recommendations for future research and clinical practice. / Ph. D.

An analysis of factors affecting the increased usage of emergency rooms for primary care

Weaver, Evelyn Dabney January 1982 (has links)
This paper explains the increased use of hospital-based emergency facilities for primary care. The analysis identifies socio-demographic characteristics, individual resources and selected access variables which influence use of physician services or emergency rooms. The selection of variables is based on a model of facility use which has been derived from the literature on medical care. The results from the analysis concluded that socio-demographic characteristics are both directly and indirectly related to facility use, but there is no apparent association between health insurance as an individual resource and access variables, and use of health care services. Suggestions of further research ar:e proposed based upon a theoretical model of health care choice behavior. / Master of Urban Affairs

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