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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of clinical practice on empathy in BSU students and graduates of religiously related and nonreligiously related schools

Bence, Carol J. 03 June 2011 (has links)
The present study investigated the relationship between the effect of clinical practice on empathy in BSN students and graduates in religiously and nonreligiously related programs. The non-experimental survey used a non-probability, convenience sample including 156 student and graduate nurses from two BSN programs. The subjects completed the Empathy Construct Rating Scale, a self-administered questionnaire demonstrating a high degree of validity and reliability. The results indicated no statistically significant correlation between the length of practice and empathy among students, first year, and fourth year graduates. Also, no statistically significant difference existed between the empathy scores of students and graduates from a religiously related and a nonreligiously related school. The conclusions drawn from this study are that there is no relationship between empathy and length of practice, nor is empathy related to the religious orientation of the nursing program.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306

Literature and the Moral Imagination: Smithean Sympathy and the Construction of Experience through Readership

Sund, Elizabeth M.K.A. 12 April 2010 (has links)
In this thesis I argue literary readership allows us to gain imagined experiences necessary to sympathize with people whose experiences are different from our own. I begin with a discussion of Adam Smith’s conception of sympathy and moral education. Although sympathy is a process we take part in naturally as members of a society, we can only be skilled spectators if we practice taking the position of the impartial spectator and critically reflect on our judgments. As I will argue in this thesis, literature provides a way for us to practice spectatorship without the consequences that come along with making mistakes when judging real people. Literature also provides a way to build up a stock of experiences, which can be applied together with our personal life histories to create the most informed judgments possible.

The Power of Social Connections: Feelings of Connectedness Result in Sharing Goals, Emotions, and Intergroup Empathy

Cwir, David January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of the following research was to test the prediction that a sense of social connectedness to a stranger would result in the tendency to share psychological states with him/her. An overview of the literature on state sharing and the psychological merging between other and self is described in Chapter 1. The first test of my prediction is provided in Chapter 2 where I demonstrate that participants who are led to feel socially connected to a confederate--by sharing idiosyncratic preferences in common with her--resulted in the propensity to take on her goals. In Chapter 3, participants who felt connected to a confederate who was asked to complete a stressful speech task experienced more stress themselves. This effect occurred in part through a sense of felt “oneness” with the confederate. Chapter 4 extended these findings by showing that socially connected participants tended to experience secondary appraisal emotions in line with the confederate’s appraisal of the stressful speech task and this occurred through a sense of felt oneness with the confederate. In Chapter 5, participants who felt connected to an outgroup member tended to experience greater empathy for another outgroup member who experienced discrimination. The implications for social interaction in general and for intergroup relations in particular are discussed in Chapter 6.

Barn är också medvetna om andras medvetanden! : Empatiavläsning hos pojkar och flickor

Johansson, Jennifer January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

För andra eller sig själv? : Altruism hos volontärer utomlands och på hemmaplan

Zetterberg, Karin January 2008 (has links)
Forskning har visat att människor hjälper varandra av såväl egoistiska som altruistiska skäl. Hur ter det sig hos volontärer? Ställer volontärer upp för de hjälpbehövandes eller för sin egen skull? Den här uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka volontärers motiv till att hjälpa. Skiljer motiven sig åt beroende på om engagemanget sker i Sverige, inom Europa eller i en annan världsdel? 40 volontärer berättade skriftligt om sina volontärupplevelser. Berättelserna analyserades för att se vilken typ av motiv som angavs mest. Resultatet visade att fler egoistiska än altruistiska motiv angavs totalt sett bland volontärerna, däremot angav Europavolontärer flest altruistiska motiv. Överlag engagerade sig yngre volontärer längre hemifrån. Resultaten kan ge framförallt frivilligorganisationer men också samhället i stort insikt i motiv bakom hjälpinsatser.

Finns det åldersskillnader i empati?

Sandin, Simon January 2010 (has links)
I tidigare empatiforskning har könsskillnader studerats betydligt mer änåldersskillnader. Syftet med den aktuella undersökningen var att studera hurförmågan till empati skiljer sig mellan tonåringar, medelålders och äldre. Iundersökningen deltog 68 personer varav hälften kvinnor. Empatin varhögst i den äldsta gruppen och lägst i den yngsta för både kvinnor och män.Däremot kände tonåringarna mer för vissa känslor som mättes utanförempatiskalan. Kvinnorna i alla tre åldersgrupperna har högre empati änmännen. Att empati ökar med åldern säger samtidigt att yngre hade mindreempati. Resultaten kan tyda på att samhället blivit kallare. Avslutningsvisdiskuteras betydelsen av generationsskillnader i empati, en eventuellutveckling mot ett mindre empatiskt samhälle, samt om ungas empati kanstärkas i framtiden.

Från känsla till handling : Empatins betydelse för frivilligas engagemang

Spennare, Linnéa January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Attityder kring självskadebeteende relaterat till empati

Addo, Rebecka January 2012 (has links)
En experimentell vinjettstudie genomfördes för att undersöka hur graden av em-pati för personer med ett självskadebeteende varierar beroende på bakomliggande orsak samt grad av kännedom om ämnet. I studien deltog 121 respondenter som fick besvara en av tre vinjetter: (a) självskadebeteende utan angiven orsak, (b) Självskadebeteende med orsak borderline personlighetsstörning eller (c) Självska-debeteende med orsak övergrepp. Studien visade att ett samband mellan empati och självskadebeteende utan orsak samt mellan empati och självskadebeteende med orsak borderline personlighetsstörning. Inget samband påvisades mellan em-pati och självskadebeteende med orsak övergrepp. Vidare framkom inga signifi-kanta skillnader mellan grupperna i empatigrad, vilket kan ha att göra med att självskadebeteende som enskild variabel var tillräcklig för att generera ett visst mått av empati. Empatimedelvärdet för någon som skär sig låg strax under media-nen på Batsons empatiskala vilket tyder på att medmänniskor känner en genom-snittlig grad av empati för någon som skär sig.

学校教師の共感性を向上させる研修 ―「ラボラトリー方式の体験学習」におけるシェアリングの効果の検討―

鈴木, 郁子, 杉山, 郁子, 桐林, 真紀, 森田, 美弥子, SUZUKI, Ikuko, SUGIYAMA, Ikuko, KIRIBAYASHI, Maki, MORITA, Miyako 28 December 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Not Just a Feeling Anymore: Empathy and the Teaching of Writing

Lucas, Janet M. 18 June 2011 (has links)
Empathy has been studied in composition since the 1960s, although it has not yet been adequately defined or theorized. Compositionists tend to employ the common definition of empathy as a feeling of identification with others using the familiar metaphor “walking in another’s shoes,” derived from the liberal-humanist therapeutic paradigm of Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow, which assumes a universal and transparent human experience. The purpose of this study is to develop a theoretical framework for empathy, answering the question: what is the function of empathy in the teaching of writing? Composition scholarship has shown three general orientations toward empathy: empathy embraced, empathy inferred, and empathy disdained. In response, I trace empathy’s development across disciplines as an aesthetic, ethical, physiological, and psychological construct using current research that shows empathy is a multifaceted, complex, cognitive process. In psychology and neuroscience, empathy is on the cutting edge of research, visible as brain activity in fMRI studies, theorized to have a vital role in evolution, and studied for its efficacy as a vehicle for altruistic action on behalf of stigmatized individuals and groups. Building on this multidisciplinary foundation, I offer an updated definition of empathy that invokes these scientific discoveries in order to account for empathy’s role in the teaching and study of writing and rhetoric. I theorize there are five empathies at work in composition—relational empathy, pedagogical empathy, critical empathy, rhetorical empathy, and discursive empathy. I describe these empathies using another metaphor, that of a watershed, to illustrate empathy as part of a natural process whereby the five empathies are separate like the tributaries in a river system yet as inseparable as the water that fills them. Empathy’s primary weaknesses, the familiarity and morality biases, are addressed; these are foundational to most criticisms of empathy. In the final chapter, I propose a sample course focusing on the study of rhetorical empathy, address the limitations of the study, provide many directions for further research, and argue that the study (and practice) of empathy itself and rhetorical empathy in particular are vital in today’s uncertain times. / Dissertation Chair: Dr. Bennett A. Rafoth Dissertation Committee Members: Dr. Gian S. Pagnucci and Dr. Michael M. Williamson

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