Spelling suggestions: "subject:"employee engagement"" "subject:"mployee engagement""
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Cheferna som får oss att vilja jobba : En kvalitativ fallstudie om chefers kommunikation / The managers who make us want to workGrahn, Adrian, Salomonsson, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Följande studie är skriven på svenska och lägger fokus på chefers kommunikation och hur den kan användas för att uppmuntra till engagemang och motivation hos anställda. Arbetet tar upp vikten av att som chef bibehålla en frekvent och öppen kommunikation samtidigt som man bör prioritera relationsbyggande kommunikation, i form av relationell kommunikation. Något som bäst görs genom att som chef upprätthålla en informell kommunikation. Studiens empiriska material består av 12 stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med chefer i olika roller på Stena Metall AB. Studiens resultat visar vikten att som chef anpassa sin kommunikation efter mottagaren samt bibehålla en tydlighet för att undvika misskommunikation. Relationell kommunikation anses spela en större roll än förväntat och ha en direkt påverkan på medarbetarnöjdheten och den informell kommunikation var mer närvarande än vad som först gavs sken av i en hierarkisk organisation. Sammantaget visar studien hur viktig kommunikation är för att inspirera till en arbetsplats med högt engagemang och motivation hos de anställda. Det är genom de intervjuer som genomförts det blivit tydligt att chefer anser att det är dem som bär ett ansvar i att tillföra och skapa en miljö där anställda är motiverade och engagerade i sitt arbete. / The following study is written in Swedish and focuses on managers' communication and how it can be used to encourage employee engagement and motivation. The work addresses the importance of maintaining frequent and open communication as a manager, while at the same time prioritizing relationship-building communication, in the form of relational communication. Something that is best done by maintaining informal communication as a manager. The study's empirical material consists of 12 semi-structured interviews with managers in various roles at Stena Metall AB. The results of the study show the importance of adapting one's communication to the recipient as a manager and maintaining clarity to avoid miscommunication. Relational communication is considered to play a greater role than expected and to have a direct impact on employee satisfaction and informal communication was more present than first appeared in a hierarchical organization. Overall, the study shows how important communication is to inspire a workplace with high commitment and motivation among the employees. It is through the interviews that have been carried out that it has become clear that managers believe that it is they who bear the responsibility in adding and creating an environment where employees are motivated and engaged in their work.
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Ledarskapets inverkan på anställdas arbetsengagemang : En studie om ledarskap inom försäkringsbranschen / The impact of leadership on employee work engagement : A study on leadership in the insurance industryLindroth, Alexander January 2020 (has links)
Ledarskap har visat sig ha en stark anknytning till motivation och arbetsengagemang, vilket i sin tur påverkar den organisatoriska prestationen positivt och leder till mer konkurrenskraftiga företag. Det övergripande syftet med den här studien var att få en bredare förståelse för hur ledarskapet kan påverka medarbetares arbetsengagemang inom försäkringsbranschen. Studien utgår ifrån Full Range Leadership Model (FRLM) som består utav tre olika ledarskapsstilar, Laissez-faire ledarskap, transaktionellt ledarskap och transformativt ledarskap. I studien har det transformativa ledarskapet analyserats då det i tidigare forskning visat sig ha ett starkt samband med arbetsengagemang. Det har undersökts med hjälp av en kvalitativ intervjustudie där fem djupintervjuer har genomförts via telefon. Respondenterna är anställda vid ett stort svenskt försäkringsbolag och har svarat på frågor kopplat till deras närmaste chef. I helhet visar studiens resultat på ett samband mellan det transformativa ledaregenskaper och arbetsengagemang vilket konfirmerar tidigare forskning. Respondenterna uppfattade mjuka värden som att vara glad, ödmjuk, ha positiv energi och förmågan att vara personlig som egenskaper hos gruppchefen de anser sig behöva för att motiveras i arbetet. De beskriver även att stöd, beröm, förtroende och bli behandlad likvärdigt andra medarbetare är attribut som driver arbetsengagemang. Studien är inriktad på ett försäkringsbolag i försäkringsbranschen och är därför inte en beskrivning av branschen i helhet, utan är taget ur en mindre kontext. Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för ledarskapets påverkan på arbetsengagemang i en branschspecifik kontext, i det här fallet försäkringsbranschen. Resultatet kan hjälpa chefer att identifiera vilka ledaregenskaper som av anställda anses mest gynnsamma för ökat arbetsengagemang, i en kontext där yttre belöningar inte är övervägande.
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The Effects of Virtual Leadership Communication on Employee EngagementBarhite, Brittany Lynn, Barhite 17 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Den digitala resan i tid och rum : En studie av Uppsalahems arbete för att uppnå en framgångsrik digitaliseringHoldar, Annika, Yngve, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som är avgörande för att en organisation ska kunna genomgå en framgångsrik digitalisering, samt hur dessa faktorer relaterar till varandra. Detta för att på så sätt, ur ett medarbetar- och chefsperspektiv, öka förståelsen för vad som bidrar till en framgångsrik digitalisering. Studien har ämnat besvara syftet och frågeställningen med hjälp av sociomaterialitetsteorin. Studien baseras på en tvärvetenskaplig metod, där empirin har samlats in via semistrukturerade intervjuer och en enkät på det kommunala bostadsbolaget Uppsalahem. Resultatet visar på att ett flertal faktorer kan påverka organisationens möjligheter till en framgångsrik digitalisering: individens målbild; motivation till att arbeta för organisationens gemensamma mål; utbildning i digitala lösningar; möjlighet för anställda att komma med förslag; grad av engagemang bland anställda; digital mognad hos anställda; anställdas inställning till digitala lösningar; kollegors inställning till digitala lösningar; målgruppsbaserad kommunikation; resursfördelning; chefernas resurstillgång för att stötta. Vidare indikerar resultatet på att ett flertal av dessa faktorer relaterar till varandra. Genom att undersöka vilka faktorer, samt dess relationer, som inverkar på organisationens möjligheter att bedriva en framgångsrik digitalisering, har studien bidragit en ökad förståelse för hur ett digitaliseringarbete kan bedrivas för att inkludera alla anställda inom ett bolag - även de som inte har digitala lösningar som primärt arbetsverktyg. Resultatet tyder på att det finns ett flertal faktorer som bör beaktas för att en organisation ska nå en framgångsrik digitalisering. / The purpose of this study is to examine which factors that are crucial for an organization to go through a successful digitalization, and how these factors relate, to increase the understanding of what contributes to a successful digitalization. The study aims to answer the purpose and the research question with a theoretical perspective of sociomateriality. An interdisciplinary method forms the basis of this study. The empirical data has been collected via semi-structured interviews and a survey at the municipal landlord Uppsalahem. The results indicated that several factors could influence an organization's possibilities to reach a successful digitalization: goals, the motivation to work for the organizations common goals, training in digital solutions, the opportunity to makes suggestions, degree of employee engagement, uneven digital maturity among employees, employees' attitude towards digital solutions; communication bases on target-groups; resource allocation; managers' access to resources to support. Further, the results indicate that several of these factors relate. By examining the factors and the relationships that affect the organization's ability to conduct a successful digitization. The study also contributed to a better understanding of how digitalization can be conducted to include all members of the organization - even those who do not have digital solutions as their primary work tool. The results indicate that there are several factors that should be considered by the organization to accomplish a successful digitalization.
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The relationship between career adaptability and employee engagement amongst employees in an insurance companyPotgieter, Marna 01 August 2014 (has links)
The objectives of the study were (1) to determine the relationship between career adaptability (measured by the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale) and employee engagement (measured by the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale), and (2) to determine whether age, race, gender and tenure groups differ significantly regarding career adaptability and employee engagement. A quantitative survey was conducted on a convenience sample (N = 131) of employees within a business unit of a large insurance company in South Africa.
Correlational and inferential statistical analyses revealed significant relationships between career adaptability and employee engagement as well as significant differences between age and race groups on some dimensions of the constructs.
These findings contribute valuable insight and knowledge to the field of Organisational Psychology and Career Psychology that can be applied in engagement strategies as well as in career guidance and counselling.
The study concluded with recommendations for future research and practice. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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The influence of team dialogue sessions on employee engagementSeymour, Michael Andrew Warwick 02 1900 (has links)
Orientation: This study is about team dialogue and how dialogue in teams may impact on levels of employee engagement, especially how this can be applied and used in Industrial & Organisational Psychology.
Research purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence that dialogue sessions in work teams may have on employee engagement.
Motivation for the study: The manager and first-line superior play a crucial role in facilitating and enabling the connection between the employee and the organisation and how this impacts on employee engagement. When practised successfully, dialogue may have an influence on the level of employee engagement, as it allows groups to move beyond any one individual’s understanding to gain new insights and to create ideas in ways that could not be achieved individually. It may be argued that team dialogue and relational practices could assist in improving employee engagement in the South African workplace.
Research design, approach and method: The study used a quasi-experimental approach in terms of which an experimental group was exposed to an organisational development intervention of team dialogues over a period of time and then compared to a control group that had not been exposed to the organisational development team dialogue intervention. The main findings were reported and discussed, and recommendations were made.
Main findings: Team dialogues have an impact on employee engagement
Contributions/value add: This study contributes to the field of Industrial & Organisational Psychology in that it demonstrates the influence that team dialogue has on employee engagement. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MCOM (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Work management business process against employee engagementOosthuysen, Coenraad Willem 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:‘n Kwalitatiewe evaluasie van die faktore wat werknemer verbintenis in die uitvoering van ‘n werksbestuur besigheidsproses beinvloed, word aangebied. Die nodigheid van werknemer verbintenis en besigheidsprosesse in organisasies word beskryf. ‘n Vergelyk tussen die beginsels van werknemer verbintenis en die werksbestuur proses word gedoen.
Deur middel van statistiese evaluasie tegnieke (frekwensie evaluasie) dra hierdie navorsing by tot die bestaande kennis in hierdie domein deur die identifisering van faktore wat bydra tot die onttrekking van werknemers van die werksbestuur proses en gevolglik die organisasie verlaat.
Resultate bevestig dat die werksbestuur proses die verbintenis van werknemers tot die werksbestuur proses fasiliteer, veral vir werknemers wat onlangs die arbeidsmark betree. Persoonlike groei en loopbaan ontwikkeling word egter nie ten volle ondersteun in die uitvoering van die werksbestuur proses nie.
Aanbevelings word gemaak ter ondersteuning van die implementering van ‘n volhoubare werksbestuur proses. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Presents a qualitative evaluation of the factors that influence employee engagement from the perspective of implementing and sustaining a work management business process. Describes the intent of employee engagement and business processes in organizations. Compare the principles of employee engagement and the work management business process.
By applying statistical evaluation methods (frequency analyses) this research adds to the existing body of knowledge in this field by identifying factors that lead to disengagement of employees in the execution of work management business processes and subsequent loss of skills.
Analysis indicates that the business process facilitates engagement of employees in work management at the start of their careers, however career development and personal growth for experienced employees are lacking in the execution of work management.
Concludes with recommendation for sustaining employee engagement in work management.
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Coachning i arbetslivet : - och dess effekt på medarbetares upplevda autonomi, motivation och utveckling / Work life coaching : - and its effect on employee’s experienced autonomy, motivation and developmentLönnback Yilma, Rebecca, Nabavi, Tara January 2017 (has links)
Arbetslivscoachning har etablerat sig på arbetsmarknaden som utvecklingsmetod av medarbetares arbetsprestation. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka coachade medarbetares upplevelser av arbetslivscoachning, i förhållande till autonomi, motivation och utveckling. Respondenterna arbetade på ett kommunalt äldreboende i Stockholmsregionen. Totalt utgjorde tio semistrukturerade medarbetarintervjuer studiens huvudsakliga datamaterial. Dessutom genomfördes en semistrukturerad intervju med medarbetarnas enhetschef, som även coachade medarbetarna. Data analyserades via empiristyrd tematisk analys, med inspiration från innehållsanalys. Studiens teoretiska inramning innefattade Illeris lärmodell, Hackman & Oldhams motivationsmodell, Deci & Ryans självbestämmandeteori samt Locke & Lathams målsättningsteori. Medarbetarna upplevde autonomi inom gruppens målformulering, däremot med begränsad individuell autonomi. Resultatet visade att coachen bör vara autonomifrämjande, för att vara motivations-och utvecklingsfrämjande. Även relationen mellan coach och medarbetare är betydelsefull för att coachningen ska vara motivationsfrämjande, och därigenom utvecklingsfrämjande. Slutligen begränsas medarbetares inre motivation då coachen tillämpat ett styrande tillvägagångssätt somsaknar individanpassning. Avsaknad av individanpassning, samt gruppen kollektiva överenskommelse, bidrar snarare till en yttre motivation som är internaliserad. / Coaching has established itself on the labor market as a method for employee development, in regards to job performance. This study aimed to explore how employees undergoing work life coaching experience the coaching in relation to autonomy, motivation and development. All respondents worked at a communal geriatric care facility in Stockholm. Ten employees and their coach were interviewed, via semi-structured interviews. The coach also worked as the employees’ section director. Data was analysed using thematic analysis, with inspiration from content analysis. As theoretical framework Illeris Three Dimensions of Learning Model, Hackman & Oldhams Job Characteristic Theory, Deci & Ryans Self-Determination Theory, and Locke & Lathams Goal Setting Theory was applied. The employees experienced autonomy within team’s goal setting, however with limited individual autonomy. Results showed that a coach should work to enhance employee autonomy in order for coaching to have a positive effect on employee motivation and development. The relationship between coach and coachee is of importance for the coaching to have positive effect on employee motivation and development. Applying directive elements in the coaching style and lacking in individual accommodation hinders the employees’ intrinsic motivation. The lack of individual accommodation, and presence of collective understanding within the team, rather results in an internalised extrinsic motivation.
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La mobilisation dans la littérature pédagogique managériale : une analyse de contenu de manuels de formation / Employee mobilization in educational management literature : an analysis of training manualsBourdages-Sylvain, Marie-Pierre 17 October 2014 (has links)
À l’instar des études en sociologie du travail qui, depuis 1980, s’intéressent à la subjectivité au travail comme voie d’intelligibilité des enjeux sociaux, cette thèse porte sur la valorisation par le discours pédagogique managérial de la mobilisation, plus particulièrement celle d’un régime fondé sur l’enrôlement des subjectivités. Il est généralement admis que cette mobilisation constitue le champ classique de la gestion des ressources humaines (GRH). Qu’en est-il des autres domaines de l’organisation ? La mobilisation y serait-elle valorisée tous azimuts ? L’hypothèse a notamment été posée par Tremblay et al. (2005), qui proposent un modèle d’analyse fondé sur quatre champs organisationnels : 1) les pratiques de GRH ; 2) l’organisation du travail ; 3) le leadership et ; 4) la vision, la mission, les objectifs et les valeurs), comme autant de leviers d’action pour mobiliser le personnel. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de vérifier, par une analyse de contenu de manuels de formation en GRH, si le modèle de Tremblay et al. (2005) est diffusé dans la littérature pédagogique managériale, sans pour autant prendre pour acquis que cela se traduit dans les situations concrètes de travail. Les apports de cette thèse sont triples : elle montre que la mobilisation du personnel et ses dimensions associées (soit l’habilitation, la motivation, l’adhésion et l’engagement) sont présentées par le discours pédagogique managérial comme le pivot de la nouvelle pratique de GRH, tant du point de vue des pratiques, de l’organisation du travail et du leadership, que de la vision, de la mission, des objectifs et des valeurs. Plus encore, elle révèle que la mobilisation y est qualifiée d’émancipatoire, dans la mesure où elle est décrite comme un vecteur de réalisation de soi pour le travailleur et, parallèlement, une voie de rentabilité pour l’organisation. Au-delà de cette vaste entreprise de mobilisation de la subjectivité, l’analyse montre que la littérature pédagogique managériale est porteuse d’un véritable ethos du travail, qui valorise une centralité forte de l’activité professionnelle, une finalité expérientielle et un lien d’emploi fondé sur une transaction subjective entre les parties, bref, un ethos du travail en phase avec les normes managériales contemporaines. Au terme de l’exercice, la thèse examine un ensemble de réflexions quant aux conséquences individuelles et sociales des normes de mobilisation de la subjectivité diffusées par le discours managérial contemporain. / Since 1980, workplace sociology studies have taken an interest in subjectivity in the workplace as a mean of understanding social issues. In a similar fashion, this thesis deals with the way in which the educational management approach promotes engagement, and more particularly engagement as part of a regime based on the mobilization of subjectivities. It is generally conceded that employee mobilization is the classic realm of human resources management (HRM). But is this also true in other fields of organization? Is mobilization valued as highly elsewhere? The assumption is made by Tremblay et al. (2005) who propose a model of analysis based on four organizational fields 1) practices in HRM; 2) work organization; 3) leadership and; 4) vision, mission, objectives and values as so many levers to spur employee mobilization. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze HRM training manuals to establish whether the Tremblay et al. (2005) model is used widely in educational management literature without, however, assuming that this is reflected in concrete work situations. This thesis makes a triple contribution. It shows that employee mobilization and aspects related to it (enablement, motivation, sense of belonging and commitment) are portrayed as central to the new HRM practices by educational management literature in the areas of practices, work organization, leadership, vision, mission, objectives and values. Moreover, it reveals that mobilization is viewed as a source of emancipation – insofar as it is described as a vector of self-realization for the employee and, parallel to this, a path towards profitability for the business. Lastly, the thesis shows that beyond this vast attempt to mobilize subjectivity, educational management literature is the medium of a true work ethos that encourages the strong centrality of professional activity, experience as an end in itself and work relations based on a subjective transaction between both parties. In short, this ethos follows the principles of contemporary management norms. The thesis concludes with an examination of a set of reflections on the individual and social consequences of subjectivity engagement norms disseminated by contemporary management discourse.
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Effective Strategies Small Retail Leaders Use to Engage EmployeesDeskins, Dr. Janet Lynn 01 January 2017 (has links)
Research suggests that 70% of North American employees are disengaged in the workplace. Some small retail managers lack strategies for engaging employees. Using the employee engagement framework, the purpose of this descriptive case study was to explore successful strategies that small retail managers use to engage employees. The target population was small retail leaders, purposefully selected because of their success with engaging employees at an Orlando, Florida, company. Data collection was through face-to-face interviews with 5 leaders; and a review of archived organizational documents, including company memorandums, central email software, and online customer reviews through social media websites such as Google, Yelp, and Facebook posts. Data were analyzed using inductive coding of phrases and words from participant interviews, whereas secondary data were collected from participant memorandums, the company website, central email software, and online social media posts supporting the theme interpretation through methodological triangulation. The findings on these Orlando leaders revealed that supportive leaders improved employee engagement, direct communication improved employee engagement, and training improved employee performance. Improving employee engagement contributes to social change because small retail managers can use the findings to improve employee engagement through the implementation of effective strategies, direct communication, and training initiatives.
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