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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The "Civilised Labour Policy" and the private sector : the operation of the South African Wage Act, 1925-1937

Phillips, Ian Munro January 1984 (has links)
The early history of South African industrial development has been approached from essentially two angles. One body of thought has concentrated on the adverse effect colour bars have had on the development of South Africa. It is argued that racial discrimination in industry originated from the racial prejudice of white workers and from state intervention in the economy. Opposed to that view is the interpretation that the colour bar originated out of the specific character and subsequent development of South African capitalism. This study approaches the debates and arguments through an analysis of the Wage Act of 1925. The industrial relations system which operates in South Africa has its origins in the legislation of the 1920s. It is based on the Industrial Conciliation Act of 1924 and the Wage Act of 1925. Very few systematic analyses of the Wage Act have been produced hitherto. Most commentators have focussed on single aspects of the Act, but very few have attempted an examination of the operation of the Wage Board which was established by the Act. The Wage Board was instituted as an element to promote the civilised labour policy in the private sector. Whereas the Industrial Conciliation Act operated to protect organised labour, the Wage Act concentrated on unorganised trades and sections of trades. Although empowered to investigate conditions in the mining industry, the Wage Board was never used to regulate wages in that industry under the Wage Act due to opposition from the industry. It was concerned solely with secondary industrial and manufacturing establishments because agriculture and domestic service were excluded from the Wage Act. The Wage Act was based on the principal of compulsory regulation. Determinations in terms of the Board's recommendations were binding on employees and employers alike. Complex procedures hampered the activity of the Board until 1930 when the Act was amended and simplified. The Board faced a great deal of opposition from manufacturers in its early years. But a cautious approach and the gradual implementation of determinations ensured that employers opposition soon changed to support when it became clear the Board was not an arbitrary one. The Board had to take a number of strict considerations into account. It could not recommend wages if its recommendation would affect the particular trade concerned adversely. It concerned itself with the promotion of efficiency in business, production costs, consumerism , the wasteful employment of labour, the length of the working day and the productivity of employees. As such it was used as a means to assist the necessary rationalisation and reorganisation of South African industry. It could not recommend wages without the Minister's express instructions if all the employees covered by a reference could not receive a civilised wage . Civilised wages were classified as wages at which employees could enjoy white standards of living. This clause effectively introduced a colour bar into wage determinations. It operated before 1930 to buttress Industrial Council Agreements to prevent the displacement of whites by Africans at lower rates. The Wage Board also considered investigations from unskilled, African workers. The Board was not permitted by law to discriminate against people of colour. Apart from the potential colour bar of wage regulation in general in South Africa, the Board was instructed in 1930 to refrain from issuing recommendations for African workers. Regulations were also altered to exclude Africans. The Wage Act declined in importance after the Great Depression as white workers were drawn closer to the wider-reaching Industrial Conciliation Act. The need to regulate African wages and to control African labour became more evident during the period of economic expansion in the 1930s. The Act was replaced in 1937 and the restrictions formerly placed on Africans were removed. The workforce had finally been separated with the provision of different industrial relations appartuses." "...Every industrial and commercial centre in England now possesses a working class divided into two hostile camps, English proletarians and Irish proletarians. The ordinary English worker hates the Irish worker as a competitor who lowers his standard of life. In relation to the Irish worker he feels himself a member of the ruling nation and so turns himself into a tool of the aristocrats and capitalists of his country against Ireland, thus strengthening their domination over himself. He cherishes religious, social, and national prejudices against the Irish worker. His attitude towards him is much the same as that of the 'poor whites' to the 'niggers' in the former slave states of the USA. The Irishman pays him back with interest in his own money. He sees in the English worker at once the accomplice and the stupid tool of the English rule in Ireland. This antagonism is artificially kept alive and intensified by the press, the pulpit, the comic papers, in short, by all the means at the disposal of the ruling classes. This antagonism is the secret of the impotence of the English working class, despite its organisation. It is the secret by which the capitalist class maintains its power. And that class is fully aware of it." Marx to Siegfried Meyer and August Vogt April 9 1870 Marx and Engels Ireland and the Irish Question.

The relationship between organisational citizenship behaviour, workplace trust and workplace well-being in public and private hospitals in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa

Rautenbach, Leontine January 2016 (has links)
Globally, there is a shortage of professional nurses, which compromises the rendering of Health Care performance worldwide. South Africa has the added challenge of a dual Health Care system where there is a large disparity in financial resources, service levels and workload between private and public hospitals, which leads to public hospitals in rural areas failing to attract and retain professional nurses. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationships between three variables from the Positive Organisational Scholarship paradigm namely Workplace Trust, Organisational Citizenship Behaviour and Workplace Well-being which is researched amongst professional nurses in the private and public sectors in both the rural and urban areas in two districts in the Eastern Cape Province. The ultimate aim of the study is to propose interventions of how hospitals can improve the work environment in order to attract and to retain professional nurses. It is also anticipated that the results of the research will contribute to the body of research about Positive Organisational Scholarship (POS). The Workplace Trust Survey (WTS), Organisational Citizenship Level Scale (OCLS) and the Workplace Well-being Questionnaire (WWQ) were integrated into a single selfadministered questionnaire to measure the existence of the variables. The questionnaire also included questions relating to demographic factors. In order to confirm the reliability of the measuring instruments, an Exploratory Analysis was done, a Scree test was applied and a Principal Axis Factor Analysis was conducted. Finally, an Item-reliability Analysis on each factor was administered. The WTS and WWQ revealed sound factorial validity and was considered to be compatible with a South African sample, but the OCLS indicated poor construct validity. Relationships between the variables were analysed by applying a Pearson Productmoment Correlation Analysis in SPSS. T-tests, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the Tukey HSD test was utilized to determine the potential influence of demographic characteristics on the variables. Several interesting relationships between variables and sub-variables were identified. The study concludes with proposed interventions needed to retain professional nurses in hospitals. The limitations of the study as well as recommendations for further research is briefly noted.

A study of the implementation of Employment Equity at the Engcobo Local Municipality

Dweba, Thandeka January 2012 (has links)
Rationale: It cannot be denied that there has been improvement in demographic representation in South Africa since the implementation of the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998. Whilst there may still be room for improvement, especially on employer attitudes towards the implementation of employment equity, improved representation of the Previously Disadvantaged Groups has evidently appreciated, however, marginally. Research purpose: This study sought to explore stakeholder perceptions as to why Engcobo Local Municipality had not successfully implemented the Employment Equity Act. Research design, approach and method: This exploratory study was conducted at Engcobo Local Municipality on Councillors, Managers, Key Employees and representatives of Organised Labour. Main findings: a) Engcobo Local Municipality was found not to have complied with various aspects of the Employment Equity Act; b) Respondents mainly believed that failure to implement the Employment Equity Act by Engcobo Local Municipality was due to lack of capacity on the part of the municipality‟s stakeholders; c) Different countries followed different models in the implementation of their Employment Equity, depending on the peculiarity of their circumstances; and d) The most appropriate change management model on which the implementation of the South African Employment Equity is modelled is Hayes‟ Generic Change Management Model. Managerial implications: Future research may be that the municipality can benefit from the recommendations made by the respondents with regard to what they believe needs to be done to remedy the situation. Some of the suggestions include the intensification of communication, establishment consultative structures to facilitate communication and the capacitation of stakeholders to ensure that they understand their responsibilities regarding the implementation of the Employment Equity Act. Contribution: The contribution of the research is supporting the current knowledge base of stakeholders towards the implementation of the Employment Equity Act. Proactive implementation measures should be taken to ensure that people who should benefit from the implementation of the Act are not disadvantaged by the municipality‟s failure to implement the Act. The introduction of the alignment with human resource management practices that complement the implementation of Employment Equity, could overcome the barriers currently being experienced in the effective implementation of the Employment Equity Act.

The perceptions and experiences of out-of-school youth regarding youth services in KwaZakhele

Mpini, Buyiswa Sylvia January 2008 (has links)
This research study has been conducted to explore and describe the perceptions and experiences of out-of-school youth regarding their access to the youth services available to them. A qualitative approach is followed and an exploratory, descriptive and contextual research design is utilized. The sample of the study was procured by means of purposive sampling. Data were collected by means of focus group discussions which were conducted using a questioning guide. Data were analysed according to the steps for qualitative data analysis provided by Tesch in Creswell (1994). To ensure the trustworthiness of the research findings, Guba’s model in Krefting (1991) was employed. The research findings were verified against the existing body of knowledge in order to compare and contrast the themes and sub-themes that emerged from the process of data analysis. The main themes that emerged from the study are lack of knowledge regarding available services, Needs or desires of out-of-school youth, hindrances or obstacles to access available youth services, suggestions for services relevant to needs of out-of-school youth and suggestions to make out-of-school youth aware of available services.

Accelerated staff turnover among professional nurses at a district hospital

Toni, Gladys Nosisana January 2007 (has links)
The study emanated from the researcher’s experience and involvement in clinical nursing and nursing management. The researcher noted how heavy losses of recruited professional nurses might have had an influence on the quality of service delivery. It is a costly and time-consuming task to recruit enough nurses into the profession and retention of staff is especially difficult. There had been a significant increase in the number of professional nurses leaving the district hospitals either to primary health care service, private hospitals or other countries. Before the commencement of the study the turnover rate at the district hospital where the study was conducted, almost doubled the accepted norm, which was ten percent of the staff. For those reasons the researcher decided to conduct a study named, “Accelerated staff turnover among professional nurses at a district hospital.” The constant heavy losses of qualified nurses from the profession constitute one of the serious challenges for nursing managers. The researcher wanted answers to the following question: “What were your experiences of your job as a professional nurse at the district hospital?” The objectives of the study were: · to explore and describe factors leading to high staff turnover of professional nurses at a district hospital · to develop guidelines to help retain professional nurses. The design of this study, which was conducted in one of the district hospitals in the Makana Local Service Area in the Eastern Cape, is qualitative, descriptive and contextual. Informed permission for conducting the research was obtained from relevant authorities and participants were asked to sign a consent form before the researcher proceeded with the study. Participants that met the selection criteria were selected by means of purposive sampling. Data was obtained by means of semi-structured telephonic interviews that were audio-taped and later transcribed verbatim. To ensure trustworthiness of the study, the researcher applied the four strategies as proposed by Lincoln and Guba (De Vos, 2002:351) namely, credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability. Collected data was analysed according to the descriptive method proposed by Tesch (in Creswell, 1994:154). The services of an independent coder, who was provided with transcripts and a protocol to guide data analysis, were utilised. A consensus meeting was held between the researcher and the independent coder to discuss the identified themes and sub-themes. Following the data analysis, a literature control was undertaken to highlight the similarities to and differences in comparison between this and previous studies. Four major themes and sub-themes were identified through analysis.

The impact of affirmative action on overseas employment decision of final year students

Gouws, Renaldo January 2010 (has links)
Economical and educational problems are caused by the reversed effect of the Employment Equity Act and Affirmative Action. One such problem is called “brain drain” (Lundy, 2006), The general aim of the research was to determine whether affirmative action caused final year students of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University to consider overseas employment. A literature study was conducted before the empirical objectives were reached. The empirical study was of a quantitative descriptive and inferential nature. A cross-sectional survey design was used to achieve the empirical objectives. A self- administered survey package was handed out to final year students within the various disciplines at their various classes. One hypothesis was tested. The results indicated that support was found for the hypothesis. The findings are discussed in relation to the data gathered. The implications of the research and the limitations of the study are outlined in the Results chapter.

The effects of gender discrimination in water services provision on women empowerment in Gapila Village, Limpopo Province

Masenya, Malesela Jim January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (M.Dev.) --University of Limpopo, 2015 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of gender discrimination in water services provision on women empowerment in GaPila Village, located in Limpopo Province. Gender discrimination remains a major challenge both in the labour market and within households. The allocation of resources within households is still much gendered due to unequal gender relations in most rural areas. Men are allocated most resources within households and have many benefits than women. Such also manifest to children. Despite, women being major beneficiaries of the delivery of water services, they are discriminated against as they are not involved with the processes that precede the provision of such services. The study used both quantitative and qualitative research approach to establish the effects of gender discrimination in the provision of water services on women empowerment. The findings of the study illustrated that culture and tradition are the key to the inadequacy of women’s access to and control over management of water services. Cultural practices within communities either ignore female participation in water services management. Their participation is obstructed by lack of time, level of education, low self-esteem and flexibility due to substantial workload and numerous household responsibilities. The study also showed that according to local cultural beliefs, the status of women whether high or low, does not determine the amount of work that must be done by her at home, because irrespective of her status or career placement, her primary assignment is to care for the family/home. The study further revealed that women in the GaPila Village are allowed access to economic opportunities and participation roles during community meetings. Also, women are allowed to occupy positions such as chairperson, secretary and treasurer; however, due to culture and tradition, low self-esteem and lack of support from men, women do not take advantage of such opportunities to occupy these positions of authority in water services. Therefore, the study concluded that, as woman’s contributions regarding water services provision remains inconsequential because they are excluded from decision making processes that affect their level of living and prospects of empowerment. From a water services provision perspective, this study affirms the theoretical principle that discrimination against women disempowers them. Women are the beneficiaries of water services because most of their duties require water. As such, it is important for women to actively participate and to be involved in the management committee relating to water services and provision.

A critical analysis of rationalisation and redeployment of educators in Limpopo Province

Mabotja, Morema Jack January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)) -- University of Limpopo, 2016 / Refer to document

The implications of the abolition of influx control legislation in the Western Cape

Oliver-Evans, Ceridwen January 1992 (has links)
Bibliography: pages 259-277. / Influx control legislation was formally abolished in South Africa in 1986. This thesis investigates the social processes set in motion with its abolition in the spheres of employment and urbanisation and argues that the way in which influx control has been defined is central to any analysis concerned with its abolition. In this regard, influx control has been viewed in two senses: a narrow one in which it has been equated with formal influx control legislation, 'the pass laws'; and, secondly and more broadly, through definitions which embrace all methods of control over African urbanisation and associated labour mobility. This thesis argues that, in the macro domain, while influx control in its narrow sense has been abolished, it has been replaced with far more complex and subtle forms of control. These ostensibly racially neutral measures, an 'orderly urbanisation' policy and a wide variety of laws existing on South African statute books continue to circumscribe African rights. The research focuses on a specific region, the Western Cape, an area where influx control has been more harshly implemented than elsewhere through the implementation of the Coloured Labour Preference Policy. This thesis investigates on a micro-level, via the medium of a company compound, how people at both an individual and institutional level have interpreted the legislative changes and acted upon them. The particular range of actors include government officials, employers and employer organisations, union representatives, and migrant workers and their families living in the company compound. The evidence I present was obtained primarily through interviews and ethnographic field-research conducted in 1988. A particular concern of the thesis has been to examine the disjunction between policy and practice as pursued by government officials and the effects and implications arising from this among the actors mentioned above. The main themes which have emerged from this research are those of confusion and a lack of knowledge among many of the informants. It was found that high-ranking government officials lack consensus on vital issues of citizenship and employment which affect the lives of thousands of Transkeian and Ciskeian citizens. Employers, confused by the confusion in government departments, and confronted by a new situation and new sets of rules have either ignored these or succumbed to government policy. Equally, unions have been slow to respond or systematically adopt a policy on the 1986 legislative changes. Finally, it was found that migrant workers and their families are availing themselves of opportunities presented by the abolition of influx control legislation in terms of freedom of movement, although as I argue, this takes the form of a complex range of fluid and dynamic movement patterns between the compound, the rural areas and urban townships. This complexity, as the thesis demonstrates, is reflected both in the attitudes and in the practical daily living arrangements of the workers as they respond to and interpret the macro-level forces which affect them.

Workplace HIV and AIDS-related discrimination : unravelling the phenomenon’s persistence

Mukasa, Joel Wilberforce Senankya 05 September 2013 (has links)
Despite HIV and AIDS knowledge and attitude change programmes, workplace HIV and AIDS-related discrimination persists in workplaces in many sectors, including the education sector. This study set out to investigate why the phenomenon of workplace HIV and AIDS-related discrimination persists; and to predict which factors were responsible and how they related to HIV and AIDS-related discrimination in the workplace. A stratified random sample of 205 teachers; 123 of whom were from 10 schools of varied backgrounds in Bojanala Region of North West Province of South Africa and 82 from schools around Kampala, Central Region of Uganda was drawn. Twenty-seven respondents of the South African sample participated in both the quantitative survey and in-depth interview while the rest responded to a selfadministered questionnaire. Using a stepwise regression analysis, traditional beliefs predicted workplace HIV and AIDS-related discrimination, explained11% of variance in the second model while the third model explained only 2% more – 13% (R square of 0.136) but each of the three models was significant (p-values of 0.000). Attitudes were the second strongest predictor; and only HIV and AIDS-legal knowledge could predict discrimination but not biomedical HIV and AIDS knowledge. In the in-depth interview, incidents of discrimination were reported, possible reasons for HIV and AIDS-related discrimination were reported; and it was found that workers varied in ways of keeping secrets regarding sensitive information such as colleagues’ HIV-positive status, and cited reasons for revealing such information which included malice, jealousy, moral responsibility, anger and loose talks. There are implications for reducing workplace HIV and AIDS-related discrimination which include: Integrating HIV and AIDS-legal knowledge with biomedical HIV and AIDS knowledge, more efforts should be spent in designing and imparting information to reduce traditional beliefs, develop and evaluate instruments to measure traditional beliefs and HIV and AIDS-legal knowledge; and to study more about secret keeping, particularly in regard to workplace HIV and AIDSrelated discrimination. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / D. Admin. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

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