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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Black economic empowerment challenges within the Western Cape tourism industry

Siyengo, Sphetho 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Western Cape tourism industry offers a variety of attractions and has the potential to grow further in the next couple of years. According to the statistics provided by Cape Town Routes Unlimited (CTRU) the province is among the three provinces that received the highest number of tourists in the last few years. The critical challenge that the province now needs to look at, is the participation of previously disadvantaged individuals in the mainstream tourism industry. Tourism stakeholders see Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) as an important vehicle for transformation. Although little progress has been made so far, there is a will among all stakeholders to transform the tourism industry. Some of the key challenges raised by the study on the efforts towards greater BEE were lack of finance for BEE businesses, access to the market and lack of skills. Professionalism and good quality service of international standards was also seen to be very important by respondents. The report also looks at two successful deals that were brokered in the tourism industry, namely one by Sun International and the other, the merger between Grass Route Tours and African Eagle Day Tours. In the fieldwork twenty businesses were interviewed, ranging from accommodation and tour operator to restaurants. This was not a random sample, but rather an attempt to target those that were part of the database of Cape Town Routes Unlimited (CTRU). The research tool used by the author of this report was a qualitative and quantitative structured questionnaire. The responses shed further light on some of the Black Economic Empowerment challenges faced by the Western Cape tourism industry. These results will supplement information already available to Cape Town Routes Unlimited. Eventually the findings will be tabled and recommended to relevant stakeholders for action. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Weskaapse toerismebedryf bied ‘n verskeidenheid aantreklikhede en het die potensiaal om te groei oor die volgende paar jaar. Cape Town Routes Unlimited (CTRU) statistieke toon dat die Weskaap een van die drie provinsies landwyd is wat die meeste toeriste groei oor die laaste paar jaar getoon het. Die Weskaap se grootste uitdaging is nou om meer geleenthede in die hoofstroom van die bedryf te bied aan die voorheen onderdrukte individuë. Oor die algemeen beskou belangegrope in die bedryf die BEE as ‘n belangrike middel tot transformasie. Die vordering is tot dusver egter nog maar min, alhoewel daar eenstemmigheid bestaan om die toerismebedryf te omskep en te transformeer. Die studie toon die grootste struikelblokke tot vinniger BEE as die volgende: ‘n tekort aan finansiering vir BEE besighede asook ‘n tekort aan ondervinding en bekwaamheid. Professionalisme sowel as dienskwaliteit (vergeleke met internasionale standaarde) word ook as belangrik beskou. Twee suksesvolle BEE–onderhandelinge word in die studie in besonderhede bespreek, naamlik Sun International en die samesmelting van Grass Route Tours and African Eagle Day Tours. Die studie verwerk onderhoude wat gevoer is met twintig besighede wat akkommodasie, toeroperateurs sowel as restaurante ingesluit het. Dit omvat nie ‘n steekproef nie, maar is gebaseer op die CTRU databasis. Die onderhoude is gevoer met ‘n gestruktureerde kwalitatiewe en ‘n kwantitatiewe vraelys. Uit die terugvoerings het verdere BEE stuikelblokke vorendag gekom. Dit is aanvullend tot informasie verkry vanaf CTRU. Al hierdie resultate sal in verwerkte vorm aan belanghebbende groepe beskikbaar gestel word.

The contribution of skilled immigrants to the South African economy since 1994 : a case study of health and higher education sectors

Phiri, Kennedy 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / For many years, people have migrated to other parts of their countries or across national borders. The reasons for the phenomenon of migration are many. People tend to migrate from poorer regions or countries to those that are comparatively better than their places of origin. Migration affects both host and destination countries in many ways. While there is evidence to support positive effects from migrations, mostly in developed countries, there is ongoing debate in most developing countries as to the effect of this phenomenon of migration. Immigrants are often associated with negative effects in destination countries. The purpose of this research is to determine the contribution of skilled professional immigrants to the South African economy. This report will narrow its focus to a case study of the contribution of skilled professionals in the health and higher education sectors but will also take a cursory look at the broad effects of other immigrant categories in South Africa. This research report focused on selected sectors of the South African economy since 1994 and found enough evidence to conclude that immigrants contribute positively to the South African economy. This is contrary to commonly held assumptions that foreign immigrants negatively affect the South African economy. However, this research only focused on the higher education and health sectors. A broader understanding of the effects of immigrants on the South Africa economy therefore requires further investigation.

I am a black woman living in South Africa : an autoethnography

Rangaka, Lebogang 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / This research report is an autoethnographic narrative that gives a first-hand account of life as experienced by a young Black South African woman living in post-apartheid South Africa. It is a story of her life as a young child who was adopted after the death of her mother and the subsequent abandonment by her biological father. It is also the story of a Black professional woman who struggles to negotiate her way through the corporate world after having had negative experiences in some of the organisations that she has worked for. It highlights the plight of Black professionals all over South Africa who resort to job hopping as a means with which to escape unfair treatment in the workplace. The narrative also deals with issues that are specific to women only. Her experiences of these issues include unfair treatment due to the fact that she was pregnant and later on unfair treatment due to the fact that she is a single mother. They also include the abuse that she has suffered at the hands of certain men in her life. All of these issues have gone a long way towards shaping her perceptions of the country in which she lives as well the role that she feels she is expected to fulfil in it. The narrative is an honest and authentic account of the events that have shaped her perception of corporate South Africa as it struggles to incorporate Employment Equity and Affirmative Action policy into their organisational culture. She highlights the fact that the organisational policies and systems in themselves may be perfect but due to the fact that they have to be implemented by people they often reflect some of the prejudice that exists in society. In sharing her story it is her hope that other Black people would make their stories known for she believes that it is only when these stories are let out in the open can we begin to have meaningful dialogue about them and in so doing come to a resolution that will benefit all of us as a nation. She believes that our failure to talk to one another can only serve to widen the gap that currently exists between Black and White South Africans.

Challenges facing black managers regarding upward mobility in corporate South Africa

Matandela, Wanda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study identifies the problem of job mobility among black managers in corporate South Africa, which is due to various factors explored in this research. The central theme of this research is to highlight the major challenges faced by black managers in the corporate sector to upward mobility. An extensive review of the literature, including legislation, textbooks, journal articles, internet and existing case studies has been conducted. A questionnaire survey of black managers who were members of the Black Management Forum was conducted with a view to gaining insight regarding key issues faced by black managers in corporate South Africa. Black managers surveyed came from different sectors of the economy, operating at different levels of management, from junior to top management. The results from the survey were analysed, and showed that black managers do not get proper organizational support, training and development to enable them to perform their duties and reach their maximum potential. Other issues from the survey findings include racial discrimination, lack of mentorship and support from top management, marginalization, tokenism, lack of career planning. These all present major challenges facing black managers seeking upward mobility in the workplace. Several recommendations are made on how to reduce the negative impact for both organisations and black managers caused by job-hopping resulting from these obstacles faced by black managers in the workplace. These include creating a working environment that is inclusive, where every employee feels recognised and valued for his or her efforts. Furthermore, it is recommended that organizations promote an environment that embraces diversity of cultures, where all employees are treated equally and fairly with due regard to their constitutional rights to equality and dignity. The author also suggests that organizational core values must reject unfair discrimination and promote tolerance of the different cultures and behaviours that exist within the organisation. It is further suggested that for these recommendations to work in practice, transformation must be a primary objective of the organisation. This must be accompanied by a change of mindsets and attitudes, and supported by management. AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige studie identifiseer die probleem van werk mobiliteit van swart bestuurders in korporatiewe Suid-Afrika. Verskeie faktore wat lei tot die probleem word in die studie ondersoek. Die sentrale tema van die studie is om die hoof uitdagings wat mobilitiet van swart bestuurders in die korporatiewe sektor in die gesig staar te ondersoek. ‘n Omvattende literatuurstudie is onderneem en wetgewing, handboeke, joernaal artikels, die internet en bestaande gevallestudies is geraadpleeg. ‘n Vraelys is gebruik as metode vir die studie. Swart bestuurders wat lede is van die Swart Bestuursforum is gebruik vir die studie, met die doel om hulle insig oor belangrike sake wat swart bestuurders in korporatiewe Suid Afrika in die gesig staar. The swart bestuurders wat gebruik is vir die studie kom van verskeie sektore in die ekonomie. Hulle werk op verskillende vlakke wat strek van junior tot topbestuur. Die resultate van die studie is geanaliseer en het gewys dat swart bestuurders nie ordentlike organistoriese ondersteuning, opleiding en ontwikkeling ontvang om hulle pligte te verrig en hulle volle potensiaal te bereik nie. Ander kwessies geidentifiseer gedurende die studie is rasse diskriminasie, gebrek aan mentorskap en ondersteuning van topbestuur, marginalisme, oëverblindery en gebrek aan loopbaanbeplanning. Verskeie aanbevelings word gemaak oor hoe om die negatiewe impak van die rondbeweeg van swart bestuurders binne organisasies te verminder. Die aanbevelings sluit in die bewerkstelling van ‘n werksomgewing wat inklusief is, en waar elke werknemer voel dat hulle word erken en gewaardeer vir sy ywer. Dit word verder aanbeveel dat organisasies ‘n omgewing wat diversiteit van kulture insluit en bevorder, en waar werknemers regverdig en gelyk gehanteer word, met behoorlike oorweging aan hulle konstitusionele regte tot gelykheid en waardigheid. Die navorser beveel ook aan dat organisasies se kernwaardes moet onder geen omstandighede onbillike diskriminasie duld nie en moet die verdraagsaamheid van verskillende kulture en gedrag wat in die organisasie bestaan bevorder. Dit word verder aangeraai dat vir die aanbevelings om in die praktyk te werk moet transformasie ’n primere objektief wees wat gepaard moet gaan met ‘n verandering in gemoed en houding en ‘n algehele ondersteuning deur bestuur. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige studie identifiseer die probleem van werk mobiliteit van swart bestuurders in korporatiewe Suid-Afrika. Verskeie faktore wat lei tot die probleem word in die studie ondersoek. Die sentrale tema van die studie is om die hoof uitdagings wat mobilitiet van swart bestuurders in die korporatiewe sektor in die gesig staar te ondersoek. ‘n Omvattende literatuurstudie is onderneem en wetgewing, handboeke, joernaal artikels, die internet en bestaande gevallestudies is geraadpleeg. ‘n Vraelys is gebruik as metode vir die studie. Swart bestuurders wat lede is van die Swart Bestuursforum is gebruik vir die studie, met die doel om hulle insig oor belangrike sake wat swart bestuurders in korporatiewe Suid Afrika in die gesig staar. The swart bestuurders wat gebruik is vir die studie kom van verskeie sektore in die ekonomie. Hulle werk op verskillende vlakke wat strek van junior tot topbestuur. Die resultate van die studie is geanaliseer en het gewys dat swart bestuurders nie ordentlike organistoriese ondersteuning, opleiding en ontwikkeling ontvang om hulle pligte te verrig en hulle volle potensiaal te bereik nie. Ander kwessies geidentifiseer gedurende die studie is rasse diskriminasie, gebrek aan mentorskap en ondersteuning van topbestuur, marginalisme, oëverblindery en gebrek aan loopbaanbeplanning. Verskeie aanbevelings word gemaak oor hoe om die negatiewe impak van die rondbeweeg van swart bestuurders binne organisasies te verminder. Die aanbevelings sluit in die bewerkstelling van ‘n werksomgewing wat inklusief is, en waar elke werknemer voel dat hulle word erken en gewaardeer vir sy ywer. Dit word verder aanbeveel dat organisasies ‘n omgewing wat diversiteit van kulture insluit en bevorder, en waar werknemers regverdig en gelyk gehanteer word, met behoorlike oorweging aan hulle konstitusionele regte tot gelykheid en waardigheid. Die navorser beveel ook aan dat organisasies se kernwaardes moet onder geen omstandighede onbillike diskriminasie duld nie en moet die verdraagsaamheid van verskillende kulture en gedrag wat in die organisasie bestaan bevorder. Dit word verder aangeraai dat vir die aanbevelings om in die praktyk te werk moet transformasie ’n primere objektief wees wat gepaard moet gaan met ‘n verandering in gemoed en houding en ‘n algehele ondersteuning deur bestuur.

The benefits and critical importance of diversity management in the National Department of Public Works

Vink, Bazil Rainer 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis extends research on the benefits and critical importance of diversity and proper diversity management in South African government departments, and was built on the premise that this research can provide benefits in assisting this government departments to make improvements in their diversity management and to harness the benefits of diversity. Participants in the study were the employees from the National Department Public Work's Cape Town Regional Office. The study also looks at diversity management studies conducted in Australia, Malaysia and Canada. The study involves an in-depth analysis of the literature on diversity management, which resulted in an untangling of the complexity of the subject . / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie werkstuk is om die voordele en kritiese belang van die bestuur van diverse werkgroepe binne die Suid Afrikaanse staatsdepartemente te ondersoek. Nieteenstaande die moontlike slaggate, moet die voordele van 'n diverse werksgroep en die belangrikheid om sodanige personeel effektief te bestuur nie deur werkgewers onderskat word nie. Die werknemers van die Nasionale Department Publieke Werke, Kaapstad gaan deel neern in die studie. Die studie sluit in persoonlike onderhoude. Die studie ondersoek ook bevindinge oor die bestuur van diversiteit in Australia, Malaysia en Kanada, Dit sluit ook in diepte ondersoek van literuur aangaande diverse bestuur.

Assessing the micro-economic impact of HIV/AIDS on a South African pharmaceutical manufacturer as well as evaluating their policy on HIV/AIDS

Ludick, Christopher Vernon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: HIV infection has increased sharply in SA over the past decade, from almost zero to a level where between 4-6 million citizens are estimated to be HIV positive (i.e. around Il percent of the total population). Given the considerable lag and link between the HIV and AIDS epidemic, the mortality consequences of this exponential increase in HIV infection over the 1990s are more or less matter-of-fact over the coming decade; even drastic interventions can do little to avoid this reality, albeit possibly impactingfurther beyond. The health care industry, and more specifically the pharmaceutical industry, is the only industry that can have a direct impact on the outcome of the epidemic in terms of provision of antiretroviral drugs. More importantly, the decision by multinational companies to provide voluntary licensing to local SA pharmaceutical manufacturers for the manufacturing of generic ARVs has gone a long way into achieving the World Health Organisations' objective of providing an ARV cocktail for less than $1,00 per day. The mam aim of the study is to establish and study the micro-economic effect of HIV/AIDS on a South African pharmaceutical manufacturer and to evaluate their HIV/AIDS Policy with the framework of the mV/AIDS & SID Strategie Plan for South Africa 2000-2005. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to obtain data from various key informants, manufacturers and market survey companies. The analysis of quantitative data was done using Excel software and a descriptive analysis method was used to interpret the data. The key findings from the study are that Aspen Pharmacare will experience a 20,8 % HIV prevalence rate in 2005, which will progressively increase to a 25,6 % level in 2015. This prevalence level will be severely experienced in the skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled employment of the company during the 2010 period and will start to stabilise in the latter part of 2015. The AIDS prevalence in the company will increase from a 2,0 % level in 2005 to a 4,4 % level in 2015. This increase is largely due to the increase in the prevalence rates in the semi-skilled and unskilled employees. At a senior management level the forecasted number of employees that will have clinical AIDS after 2010 is between 6 and 8. This clearly indicates that mv/AIDS prevalence at this level is independent of race and is lifestyle dependent. If the company were to have the full responsibility for the provision of benefits, based on the current expected employee benefit structures, the direct cost to company would add 10 % to salary and wages by 2005 and around 20 % by 2010. Indirect costs to company, such as recruitment and training, increased labour turnover, lost skills and intellectual property, etc. are estimated to be 2,5 % by 2005 and 5 % by 2010. With the high HIV/AIDS prevalence rates, especially amongst the unemployed, companies will have to carry the costs of their mv/AIDS patients for longer and register then with Aid for AIDS when it becomes too costly. More importantly employers will have to investigate the cost implication of assisting employee dependents, as this will have a direct impact on the morale of the employees. Aspen Pharmacares' mv/AIDS Policy goes beyond the requirements of the mv/AIDS Strategic Plan for SA in terms of the legal and social requirements. The company also has a Corporate Social Investment division that assists many NGOs, clinics, hospitals and communities. Based on the intellectual property, the pharmaceutical competencies and the continuous dialogue that exists between the pharmaceutical industry and the department of health, the researcher concludes, that pharmaceutical companies have an advantage over nonpharmaceutical companies in dealing with the mv/AIDS issues. The paper concludes by suggesting recommendations that companies can adopt to ensure that their mv/AIDS policy can form a significant component of their skills retention strategy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: MIV infeksie het skerp gestyg in SA oor die laaste dekade, vanaf amper geen tot 'n vlak waar tussen 4-6 miljoen inwoners beraam word om MIV positiefte wees (minstens 11% van die totale bevolking). Gegee die aansienlike vertraging en skakel tussen die MIV en VIGS epidemie, word die eksponensiële toename in die sterfte syfer as gevolg van MIV infeksies gedurende die jare negentig as vanselfsprekend aanvaar in die komende dekade. Selfs ingrypende veranderinge kan min doen om hierdie katastrofe te keer. Die gesondheidsorg industrie, en meer spesifiek die farmaseutiese industrie is die enigste industrie wat 'n direkte slag kan slaan om die uitkoms van die epidemie te beinvloed, in terme van voorsiening van antiretrovirale medisyne. Die besluit van die multinasionale maatskappye om vrywillige lisensiëring aan plaaslike farmaseutiese maatskappye te bied, vir die vervaardiging van generiese antiretrovirale medisyne, is een stap vorentoe om by die doelwit van die Wereld Gesondheidsorg Organisasie se doelwit van die voorsiening van 'n daaglikse toediening van antiretrovirale medisyne van minder as $1.00 per dag. Die primêre doelwit van hierdie projek is om te bepaal wat die mikro-ekonomiese effek van MIV/VIGS op 'n Suid Afriakaanse farmaseutiese vervaardiger is en hul MIV/VIGS beleid te evalueer binne die raamwerk van die MIV/VIGS en SOS Strategiese Plan vir SA 2000-2005. Beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metodes is gebruik om data te verkry vanaf verskeie bronne, vervaardigers en marknavorsings maatskappye. Die kwantitatiewe inligting was geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van "Excel" sagteware en 'n beskrywende analitiese metode was gebruik om die data te interpreteer. Die hoof bevindinge van die studie is dat Aspen Pharmacare 'n MIV infeksie vlak van 20.8 % in 2005 sal ondervind, wat progressief sal toeneem tot 25,6 % in 2015. Hierdie infeksie vlak sal in die geskoolde, semi-geskoolde en ongeskoolde arbeid die ergste voorkom gedurende die 2010 periode en sal dan stabiliseer in die latere gedeelte van 2015. Die VIGS infeksie vlak in die maatskappy sal toeneem vanaf 2,0 % in 2005 tot 'n 4,4 % in 2015. Hierdie toename kan toegeskryf word aan die toename in die infeksie vlakke van die semi-geskoolde and ongeskoolde arbeid. Op die senior bestuurs vlak word beraam dat tussen 6 en 8 werknemers VIGS onder lede sal hê na 2010. Hierdie beraming toon duidelik aan dat MIV/VIGS op hierdie vlak onafhankilik van kleurgroup is en direk leefstyl verwant is. Gebaseer op die huidige verwagte werknemer voordele struktuur, en die feit dat die maatskappy volle verantwoordelikheid sou aanvaar vir die voorsiening van voordele, word beraam dat die direkte koste as gevolg van MIV/VIGS 'n toename van 10 % in 2005 en 20 % in 2010 by salarisse en lone sal voeg. 'n Toename van 2,5 % in 2005 en 5 % in 2010 word beraam vir indirekte koste (werwing van personeel, opleiding, ens.)as gevolg van MIV/VIGS. Met die hoë MIV/VIGS infeksievlakke, veral onder werkloses, sal maatskappye die kostes vebonde aan hul MIV/VIGS werknemers vir langer moet verduur en dan later sulke werknemers registreer by "Aid for AIDS" indien dit onbekostigbaar word. Belangriker is die feit dat werknemers die koste implikasie bepaal in die verband, omdat dit 'n direkte invloed sal hê op werknemer selfvertroue. Aspen Pharmacare se MIV/VIGS beleid bied meer as die wettige en sosiale vereistes soos uiteengesit in die MIV/VIGS en SOS Strategiese Plan vir SA 2000-2005. Die maatskappy het ook 'n Korporatiewe Maatskaplike Beleggings afdeling wat 'n bydra lewer by NGOs, klinieke,hospitale en gemeenskappe. Gebaseer op die intelligensie eiendom, die farmaseutiese bekwaamheid en die aanhoudende gesprekvoering wat bestaan tussen die farmaseutiese bedryf en die department van gesondheid, oortuig die navorser dat farmaseutiese maatskappye 'n voordeel het bo nie-farmaseutiese maatskappye in die hantering van die MIV/VIGS strydvraag. Hierdie studie sluit af met aanbevelings wat maatskappye kan toepas om te verseker dat hul MIV/VIGS beleid 'n betekenisvolle komponent van hul bekwaanheids retensie strategie is.

A Narrative Inquiry into the Professional Identities of Individuals with Disabilities

Smith-Chandler, Natalie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd )--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Employment in capitalist society forms the foundation of social, economic and political order where most individuals between the ages of 18 and 65 are assumed to be in a position to procure gainful employment in their areas of personal interest. Despite the move to democracy, based on the principles implicit in the Human Rights Movement, individuals with disabilities continue to exist as among the most economically disadvantaged groups in society where they are subject to the sustained effects of discriminatory and prejudicial attitudes in the workplace. This is compounded by the pervasive impact of lack of skills development; poor access to education and training; lack of awareness from employers; disabling environments and poor policy development. The purpose of this narrative inquiry was to explore the alternative stories of six individuals with disabilities who are currently employed in the mainstream labour sector as a means to gain insights into individual experiences of obstacles and facilitators to inclusion in the world of work. A narrative inquiry approach, embedded in a critical, emancipatory research paradigm formed the methodology for this study. This thesis was considered through the lens of an integrated theoretical approach, drawing on poststructuralist and social constructionist thought, interspersed with "episodes" of Lacanian psychoanalysis to attend to aspects of internalized oppression. Six individuals with disabilities, employed in the mainstream labour sector, were selected from three sites, using a purposive sampling method. Data were collected by way of two in-depth unstructured narrative interviews, constructed by way of personal experience stories (Squire, 2008; Riessman, 1993) and life stories (Atkinson, 1998) as a means to explore participants‟ unique life experiences and how they have constructed and asserted their professional identities in the world of work. A dual analysis process (first descriptive, then interpretive) was employed to bring structure and interpretation to the collected texts. Descriptive analysis involved the re-telling of participants‟ personal experience and life stories, using Clandinin and Connelly‟s three dimensional narrative inquiry space, whilst interpretive analysis sought to attend to the universal stories of disability using thematic analysis and synthesis. The key messages from the narratives revealed that in spite of the fact that many individuals with disabilities demonstrate immense loyalty, low rates of absenteeism, commitment and a range of skills, talents and abilities, disability continues to be conceptualized as an inferior status which inevitably creates widespread marginalization due to the pervasive effects of stigma, fear and ignorance. Many are not privy to vital education and training options as a precursor to entry into the labour market, and unequal salary structures, environmental barriers and physical accessibility are additional constraints which preclude full and equal participation in the mainstream labour sector. This study identified the efficacy of narrative inquiry etched within an integrated theoretical approach as the promise that disability studies has been waiting for. A crucial step in re-writing the historically disabling scripts related to the “disabled identity”, as a means to lobby for more inclusive strategies in the workplace, involves truly listening to the polyphony of individual voices from an emancipatory perspective. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gelyke werksgeleenthede en indiensneming vorm die grondslag van die sosiale, ekonomiese en politieke bedeling in 'n kapitalistiese samelewing. Die aanname is dat die meerderheid individue tussen die ouderdomme van 18 en 65 besoldigde betrekkings kan beklee waarin hulle belangstel. Ten spyte van die verskuiwing na 'n demokrasie wat gebaseer is op die beginsels van die Menseregtebeweging, is individue met gestremdhede steeds deel van 'n ekonomies benadeelde groepering as gevolg van diskriminasie en vooroordele in die werksplek. Hierdie situasie word vererger deur die deurlopende impak van 'n tekort aan vaardighede, beperkte toegang tot onderwys en opleiding, werkgewers se beperkte bewustheid van individue met gestremdheid se behoeftes en potensiaal, ontoeganklike werksomgewings en leemtes in beleidsontwikkeling. Die doel van hierdie narratiewe ondersoek was daarom 'n verkenning van alternatiewe verhale van ses individue met fisiese gestremdheid wat werksaam is in die ope arbeidsmark ten einde insig te kry in hul individuele ervarings van hindernisse en ondersteuning in die werksplek. Die metodologie van hierdie studie kan tipeer word as 'n narratiewe ondersoekbenadering wat gevestig is in 'n krities-emansipatoriese navorsingsparadigma. Die lens van die studie was dus 'n geïntegreerde teoretiese benadering van post-strukturalistiese en sosio-konstruksionistiese denke en "episodes" van Lakan se psigoanalise om aspekte van geïnternaliseerde onderdrukking te verstaan. Ses individue met fisiese gestremdheid wat werksaam is in die ope arbeidsmark is doelbewus gekies uit drie werksplekke. Data is gegenereer deur twee ongestruktureerde narratiewe onderhoude in die vorm van vertellings oor persoonlike ervarings (Squire, 2008; Riessman, 1993) en lewensverhale (Atkinson, 1998). Die deelnemers se unieke lewenservarings en hul konstruksie en handhawing van hul professionele identiteit in die werksplek was die fokus van die datagenerering. 'n Tweeledige proses van analise (eers beskrywend, daarna interpreterend) is gevolg om die teks te struktureer en te interpreteer. Beskrywende analise, gebaseer op Clandinin en Connelly se driedimensionele narratiewe ruimte, behels die oorvertel van deelnemers se persoonlike ervaring en lewensverhale. Die interpreterende analise daarenteen gebruik tematiese analise en sintese van die universele stories. Die sentrale tema van die narratiewe is dat gestremdheid steeds gekonseptualiseer word as minderwaardig, ten spyte van hierdie individue se ongekende lojaliteit, min afwesigheid, toegewydheid en omvang van vaardighede, talente en vermoëns. Die stigma, vrese en onkundigheid wat daarmee gepaard gaan lei tot marginalisering. Baie persone met gestremdhede het steeds nie toegang tot onderwys en opleidingsgeleenthede nie en voldoen dus nie aan die vereistes wat gestel word vir toegang tot die arbeidsmark nie. Oneweredige salarisstrukture, hindernisse in die omgewing en fisiese toeganklikheid belemmer volledige en gelyke deelname in die ope arbeidsmark. Hierdie studie bevestig die bruikbaarheid van narratiewe navorsing en 'n geïntegreerde teoretiese benadering in gestremdheidstudies. 'n Belangrike stap is die herskryf van die historiese beskouings van onbekwaamheid en “gestremde identiteit” as 'n poging om te onderhandel vir meer inklusiewe strategieë in die werkplek. Dit behels opregte luister na die individuele stemme vanuit 'n emansipatoriese perspektief.

The employment experiences of an adult with Down Syndrome

McAllister, J. N. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych (Educational Psychology)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The research aims to investigate the employment experiences of a South African adult with Down syndrome, and to explore whether this improves the quality of life for this adult across several areas of functioning. This qualitative research design is situated within an interpretive research paradigm. A Case study method was used. Data have been produced using multiple sources and techniques to enhance validity. These include interviews, observation, field notes and questionnaires. Full account has been taken of ethical considerations. The case study shows that this adult with Mosaic Down syndrome and intellectual disability, who is permanently employed in the open labour market, is seen as an asset by the company. Training and support have benefited him and extra supervision and attention needed are minimal. His skills, attitudes, and family support have also enhanced his quality of life. This adult's employment experiences have contributed to a culture of acceptance of and openness to intellectual disability in the formal industrial sector. This is an example of what can be accomplished regardless of intellectual disability. As this is a case study the generalisation of the findings are limited.

A case study of Metropolitan Holdings Limited to assess the usefulness of the Global Business Coalition guidelines in relation to workplace HIV/AIDS programmes and a brief examination of the possible impact of the HIV/AIDS disclosure requirements, as recommended by the King II report

Ferreira, Clive Joaquim 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Metropolitan Holdings Limited is a life insurance and investment company with a well-recognised brand, operating in a competitive environment. The Metropolitan Doyle model that the company developed in the 1980s was the first of its kind and is used to predict the course and impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Metropolitan has since been actively engaged in developing insurance products, designed to take HIV/AIDS into account. It has, moreover been active in advocating action on a wide range of issue relating to the disease, not least through its RedRibbon website, the publication of the respected journal, AIDS Analysis Africa, and through various community initiatives, particularly involving HIV/AIDS education. The company’s external work on the issue of HIV/AIDS is therefore well recognised. Although it has had an internal programme for several years, it has only seriously addressed the HIV/AIDS in the workplace since 2003 and in so doing, has not found the necessity of using any existing models of best practice. This case study examines the guidelines of a comprehensive HIV/AIDS programme, as set out by the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, with a view to finding out whether and to what extent a company such as Metropolitan might have implemented its recommendations and what impact it might have in the fight against HIV/AIDS in the workplace. The case study further examines the likely impact of the King II recommendations relating to the disclosure requirements on HIV/AIDS (in conjunction with the Global Reporting Initiative Guidelines) with a view to assessing whether these can enable a company such as Metropolitan, to have regard to the impact of the disease on the sustainability of their business and the steps that might be taken to mitigate the impact. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Metropolitan Holdings Beperk is ‘n lewensversekerings – en beleggingsmaatskappy, met ‘n alombekende handelsmerk, wat in ‘n kompeterende omgewing funksioneer. Die Metropolitan-Doyle model wat deur die maatskappy in die 1980’s ontwikkel is, was die eerste in sy soort, en word gebruik om die verloop en impak van die MIV/VIGS pandemie te voorspel. Metropolitan is sedertdien aktief betrokke in die ontwikkeling van versekeringsprodukte, was spesifiek ook MIV/VIGS as oogmerk het. Die maatskappy is boonop besig om betrokkenheid oor ‘n wye spektrum van uitkomste verwant aan die siekte te propageer, veral deur die RedRibbonwebtuiste, die publikasie van die hoogaangeskrewe joernaal, AIDS Analysis Africa, en deur verskeie gemeenskapsinisiatiewe wat spesifiek die opvoeding aangaande MIV/VIGS insluit. Die maatskappy se eksterne werk op die aangeleentheid van MIV/VIGS word dus wyd erken. Alhoewel dit ook al verskeie jare oor ‘n interne program beskik, is dit eers sedert 2003 dat MIV/VIGS in die werkplek ernstig aangespreek word. Deur dit so te doen, is daar nie die nodigheid gesien om enige bestaande modelle wat die beste werk, te gebruik nie. Hierdie gevallestudie ondersoek die riglyne van ‘n omvattende MIV/VIGS program, soos uiteengesit deur die Global Business Coalition oor MIV/VIGS, met die oogmerk om uit te vind tot watter mate ‘n maatskappy soos Metropolitan sy aanbevelings mag implementeer en watter impak dit mag hê op die bestryding van MIV/VIGS in die werkplek. Die gevallestudie ondersoek verder die waarskynlike impak van die King IIaanbevelings rakende die openbaarmakende vereistes oor MIV/VIGS (in samehang met die Global Reporting Initiative Riglyne) met die oogmerk om te bepaal of bogenoemde ‘n maatskappy soos Metropolitan in staat kan stel om geleentheid te hê tot die impak van die siekte op die volhoubaarheid van hul besigheid en die stappe wat geneem mag word om die impak te beheer.

Eating burnt toast : the lived experiences of female breadwinners in South Africa

Parry, Bianca Rochelle 11 1900 (has links)
In modern South African society, many women have overcome traditional notions of gender by becoming breadwinners in their homes and providing primary financial support for their families. Employing a Phenomenological Feminist viewpoint, this dissertation contextualises the meaning that South African female breadwinners (FBW) ascribe to their experiences within their lived environment, utilising data collected from in-depth, unstructured interviews with FBW from the Mpumalanga and Gauteng provinces. While taking into consideration their intersectional experiences of gender, race, as well as cultural and traditional societal pressures, this study represents these womens’ voices in order to understand how they make meaning of and negotiate their spaces and roles as breadwinners. In the course of interviews and analysis, the realities faced by FBW revealed experiences, individual and communal, shared and unique, which expose archaic divisions of gender within our society, which have been hiding behind constructions of reform advocating equality among the sexes. / Psychology / M. A. (Psychology)

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