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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

IS-Innovation fokussiert auf Utility-Marktsegment / Innovation of information systems in enterprises, particularly in the utility market segment

Maloš, Martin January 2003 (has links)
This thesis addresses the innovation of information systems in enterprises, particularly in the utility market segment. The thesis starts with a definition of utilities, a market segment containing companies involved in generation, transmission, distribution and retail of energy services as well as other companies providing related networked services. The aims of this thesis are both theoretical and practical. The theoretical part offers a new theory for IS innovations for the selected segment and for the relation between the innovation and the architectures of IS. In the practical part, the author identifies current challenges and opportunities in the selected market segment and offers scenarios and visions for future development. The first part of the thesis maps out the general innovation theories in the context of the selected topic. The second part introduces a new innovation theory based on an analysis of the specific conditions in the utility market segment. The next section focuses on the topic of IS architecture and its ability for tracking and managing the changes of the IS during the innovation process. The following part relays designs for specific architecture models supporting the current innovation trends in the utility market. The final part of the thesis summarizes particular business recommendations for innovation procedures in utilities, identifies innovation opportunities, and inspires visions for the future development of the market. The opportunities are related to a new way of understanding the role of IS in utility companies. IS provides a portfolio of information services to support the customer oriented business services, advanced services with added value and tailor made services for specific customer groups.

Kuro elementai ir jų panaudojimo galimybės, aprūpinant pastatų kompleksą energija / Fuel Cells and Their Application Possibilities for Buildings Complex Power Supply

Pakulytė, Giedrė 20 June 2006 (has links)
Human’s energy demand is growing and there is a necessity to solve questions of sustainable energetics, such as security of energy supply, energy efficiency and environment protection. Possible way of the solution of these problems is new and more efficient technologies and new energy sources. Fuel cells are one of the developing and environmentally clean technologies. This master’s report is dealing with cogeneration technologies and only fuel cells are analyzed thoroughly. Most usable type of fuel cells for decentralized power and heat generation is identified and its operating principles and properties are analyzed. Advantages and disadvantages of solid oxide fuel cells are given. Power of the fuel cell is chosen in the particular case, when energy demand of building complex of the hospital is analyzed. The fuel cell is integrated into the energy supply system with other equipment. There are made several alternatives to estimate the operation of the system technologically and economically. The simple pay back period and the net present value are used to estimate economical benefit of the system, when prices of energetic sources and fuel cells are varied. Finally, academic knowledge and calculation results are summarized and conclusions of the final report are given.

Interesų konfliktas sprendžiant klimato kaitos problemą, jų mažinimas / Conflict of interests when solving the problem of climate changing, their reduction

Dargužas, Aras 05 July 2011 (has links)
Klimato kaita tampa vis akivaizdesnė (pasaulyje bei Lietuvoje) ir greitai progresuojanti, todėl ateityje pasaulyje gali kilti precedento neturinčių saugumo problemų. Nors Lietuvos įtaka klimato kaitai nėra didelė, tačiau bendras mažų valstybių indėlis globalios problemos vystymuisi išties nemažas. Taip pat Lietuva turi tarptautinių įsipareigojimų susijusių su klimato kaitos mažinimu ir jų neįvykdymas galėtų iššaukti tam tikras sankcijas Lietuvos atžvilgiu. Todėl klimato kaitos problema turi būti neatmestinai sprendžiama Lietuvoje. Kadangi pagrindinis šiltnamio efektą sukeliančių dujų šaltinis yra energetikos sektorius, o didžiausius šio sektoriaus išmetimus įtakoja Lietuvos elektrinės, gaminančios elektros energiją tradiciniu būdu, todėl kaip priemonė klimato kaitos mažinimui yra atsinaujinančioji energetika. Darbe nustatyta, kad Lietuvoje elektros gamybai iš atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių didelį potencialą turi vėjo energija, tačiau šio atsinaujinančio šaltinio plėtrą stabdo interesų konfliktai. Daugiausiai konfliktai vyksta su privačių sklypų savininkais. Darbe nustatyta, kad visuomenė palankiai vertina vėjo energetikos plėtrą Lietuvoje (91 proc. vertina teigiamai), tačiau taip pat nustatyta, kad visuomenė yra per mažai informuota apie vėjo energetikos poveikį žmogaus sveikatai, aplinkai bei klimato kaitai, o tai sudaro prielaidas konfliktų atsiradimui. Atsižvelgiant į tyrimų rezultatus pateikiamos rekomendacijos ir pasiūlymai problemų sprendimui. Rekomenduojama vėjo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Climate change is becoming more and more obvious (in the world and in Lithuania) and fast progressing, therefore there may emerge unprecedented safety problems in future. Although Lithuania’s influence on the climate change is rather small, total input of small countries into the development of the global problem is really big. What is more, Lithuania has got international commitments related to the decrease of climate change and their noncompliance might evoke certain sanctions regarding Lithuania. For this reason, the problem of climate change must be inevitably solved in Lithuania. Since the main source of greenhouse gas emission is the energy sector, and the biggest emissions of this sector in Lithuania come from power-stations, which produce electricity in traditional way, renewable energy sources (RES) are the best means to reduce the climate change. It has been observed in the work, that wind power has great potential for electricity production from RES in Lithuania; however, the development of this renewable source is impeded by conflicts of interests. Most conflicts arise with private land owners. It has been found, that the majority of the society (91 per cent) welcomes the development of wind power in Lithuania, however, it was also found, that there is too little public awareness about the effect of wind power on people’s health, environment and climate change, and this establishes conditions for conflicts. Wind power developers are recommended to cooperate with... [to full text]

Atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių vartojimo perspektyvos Lietuvoje / Renewable energy resources use perspective in lithuania

Rekutė, Milda 26 June 2014 (has links)
Atsinaujinantys energijos ištekliai tampa vis svarbesne energetikos plėtros gaire Europoje ir pasaulyje. Kadangi atsinaujinantys energijos ištekliai yra neriboti, alternatyviai pakeičiantys kurui reikalingas žemės iškasenas, todėl jų panaudojimas iš esmės atitinka darnaus vystymosi koncepciją. Aprūpinimas saugia, nebrangia, aplinkai nekenksminga ir neišsenkančia energija yra darnios energetikos pagrindas. Taigi, atsinaujinantys, arba darnūs, energijos ištekliai yra reikšminga darnios plėtros dalis. Darbo objektas – „žalioji“ elektra. Darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių vartojimą ir perspektyvas Lietuvoje, bei įvertinti įmonių pasiryžimą už „žaliąją“ elektrą mokėti brangiau. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai atskleisti darnaus vystymosi koncepciją, išnagrinėti darnų energetikos vystymąsi, išanalizuoti rinkos trūkumų plėtros sąsajas ekonominėse teorijose, įvertinti energijos rinkų liberalizavimo naudą, apibrėžti atsinaujinančių išteklių rūšis, ištirti elektros energijos gautos iš atsinaujinančių energijos rūšių vartojimo tendencijas, įvardinti kliūtis trukdančias atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių vartojimo didėjimą, apžvelgti valstybės paramą skatinančią šių išteklių vartojimą, atlikti Kauno gamybinių įmonių tyrimą, įvertinant jų pasiryžimą už „žaliąją“ elektrą mokėti brangiau. Darbe iškeltos šios hipotezės: H1 - AEI negali konkuruoti elektros energijos rinkoje, dėl nesugebėjimo valdyti išorinių kaštų; H2 - Dėl nepakankamų AEI skatinimo priemonių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Renewable energy resources are becoming an increasingly important energy development milestone in Europe and the world. Because renewable energy resources are unlimited, alternatively, replacing the fuel required for the mineral resource land, and therefore their use is broadly consistent with the concept of sustainable development. Provision of a safe, inexpensive, environmentally friendly and the unrelenting energy of a sustainable energy base. Thus, the renewable or sustainable energy resources is a significant part of sustainable development. Subject matter of the thesis – "green" electricity. Aim of the thesis – to examine the use of renewable energy resources and the prospects of Lithuania, and to assess readiness for the "green" electricity to pay a higher price. The main tasks of the work to reveal the concept of sustainable development, to consider sustainable energy development, to analyze weaknesses in the development of market linkages to economic theory, to evaluate the benefits of the liberalization of energy markets, to define the types of renewable resources, to investigate the electricity produced from renewable energy consumption trends, identify the obstacles hindering the use of renewable energy resources increase in the stock of public support to promote the use of these resources, to make Kaunas a study of industrial enterprises, to assess their readiness for the "green" electricity to pay a higher price. The paper raised the following hypotheses: H1 -... [to full text]

Savanoriškų susitarimų dėl energijos efektyvumo (aplinkosaugos) didinimo įgyvendinimo galimybių Lietuvoje tyrimas / Study on implementing voluntary agreements (environmental protection) on energy efficiency in lithuania

Zaura, Karolis 26 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas – savanoriški susitarimai dėl energijos efektyvumo didinimo. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti savanoriškų susitarimų naudojimo patirtį kitose šalyse ir nustatyti jų panaudojimo galimybes Lietuvoje. Darbo uždaviniai: • Išanalizuoti ir susisteminti mokslinę, teorine ir empirinę literatūrą, nagrinėjančią savanoriškus susitarimus; • Išsiaiškinti savanoriškų susitarimų naudojimo praktiką kitose šalyse; • Ištirti energijos vartojimo tendencijas Lietuvoje; • Išanalizuoti Lietuvos teisinę bazę, ir įstatymus reguliuojančius savanoriškus susitarimus; • Atlikti anketinį įmonių tyrimą ir išsiaiškinti savanoriškų susitarimų panaudojimo galimybes Lietuvoje. Hipotezė – savanoriškų susitarimų dėl energijos efektyvumo didinimo plėtrą Lietuvoje stabdo patirties savanoriškų aplinkos politikos priemonių panaudojimo srityje stoka, mažas informuotumas, institucinės ir tesinės bazės nebuvimas. Darbo struktūra. Darbas susideda iš trijų pagrindinių dalių. Pirmoje apžvelgiama mokslinė literatūra, susijusi su savanoriškais susitarimais, bei jų taikymo patirtimi. Antrojoje apžvelgiama ES politika energijos vartojimo efektyvumo didinimo srityje ir savanoriškų susitarimų dėl energijos vartojimo efektyvumo didinimo įgyvendinimo rezultatai ES. Taip pat šioje dalyje analizuojamos energijos vartojimo tendencijos Lietuvoje. Trečiojoje dalyje, pateikiami anketinės įmonių apklausos rezultatai bei aptariamos savanoriškų susitarimų panaudojimo galimybės Lietuvoje. Visą darbą sudaro 52 puslapiai, darbe yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work item - voluntary agreements on energy efficiency. Working the problem - it is necessary to the implementation of the EU Directive, while Lithuania is not disbanded the possibility of the use of voluntary agreements for the implementation of energy efficiency improvement goal. The aim - to evaluate the use of voluntary agreements and the experience of other countries to determine their potential use in Lithuania. Job tasks: analyze and structure the scientific, theoretical and empirical literature dealing with voluntary agreements; Practice the use of voluntary agreements in other countries; Investigate the energy consumption trends in Lithuania; analyze the Lithuanian legal framework, and the laws governing voluntary agreements; Make corporate investigations, and to clarify the use of voluntary agreements in Lithuania. Hypothesis - voluntary agreements on energy efficiency development in Lithuania is hampered by lack of practice on voluntary environmental policies, low awareness and lack of law basis. The work consists of three main parts. The first reviews the scientific literature relating to voluntary agreements, and their experiences. The second reviews the EU's policy to improve energy efficiency, and voluntary agreements on energy efficiency implementation of the results of the EU. I also analyzed in this part of energy consumption trends in Lithuania. The third part, the corporate results of the survey questionnaire and discussed the possibility of the use of... [to full text]

Porovnání využití komunikačních kanálů v rámci pilotního projektu E.ON Energieonline / Evaluation of effectiveness of pilot project E.ON Energieonline communication channels

PUDIL, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the effectiveness of different forms of direct marketing ? namely direct mail, direct email and social networks advertising. According to the analysis results the direct mail was offered for the real launch of the product. This decision was confirmed by multi-criteria decision method, which also includes different weight of each criterion.

Zančka a její význam při utváření pozice na trhu na příkladě energetické společnosti / Brand and its significance while forming the position on the market by way for example of an enery company

VONDRÁKOVÁ, Markéta January 2008 (has links)
The submitted diploma work combines available information resources from the area of general brand management with current challenges which the Brand Management faces within the power industry in the dynamically developing Czech market with significant globalization features. This creates a structure of secondary information resources, practical experience and drawn conclusions which have never been published and are primarily relevant to optimisation of the E.ON brand but important for the entire power industry sector due to its focus and they surpass their branch in the brand migration area

Návrh strategie rozvoje českého výrobce dodávajícího měřící a regulační techniky pro jaderné elektrárny ve vybraných státech EU / Proposal of the Strategy Development of the Czech Manufacturer Supplying Measuring and Control Technics for Nuclear Power Plants in Selected EU Countries

Franěk, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to propose and formulate the growth strategy for ZPA Nová Paka, a.s. company, that produces and sales measurement and control technologies for selected nuclear energy markets in the EU. The theoretical part deals with a basic strategic growth premise analysis, an analysis of the external and internal factors and a risk analysis. The analytic part contains a complex macro-environmental SLEPT analysis, a Porter five forces model analysis of branch competition and a 7S analysis of the internal environment. These results will purpose a means of reducing the strategy-related risks and options of generating profit after the return of the investments.

Síťová odvětví a přirozené monopoly (právní aspekty) / Legal aspects of network industries and natural monopolies

Šik, Martin January 2017 (has links)
1 Summary Key words: Natural monopoly, network industry, energy industry, regulation, liberalization, unbundling, third party access The present thesis sets out to explore the legal aspects of network industries and natural monopolies. It researches these aspects using the example of the energy sector (i.e. the power and gas industries), which is a typical example of a network industry. In terms of its geographical scope, the thesis focuses on the EU energy law and its specific application in the Czech Republic. The fundamental point of departure for the present thesis is a believe that energy law is closely intertwined with economic policy, and is appropriately interpreted only in the context of the concrete measures, tools, and concepts meant to reflect a nation's energy policy. The main driver of energy policy, and hence also of energy law, is a reform of the energy industry aiming at its liberalization. The key tools for its successful implementation are economic regulation, third party access, unbundling, and public administration by independent regulatory bodies. Firstly, the present thesis discusses the economic characteristics of network industries, that is most importantly the existence of a natural monopoly. The second part of the thesis outlines the background of liberalization and the related...

Strategický význam Srbska pro Evropskou unii / The strategic importance of Serbia to the European Union

Janković, Vukica January 2013 (has links)
Doctoral dissertation presents an analysis of the Serbian economy in the mutual relations between the European Union (EU) and the Western Balkans. The assumption that the EU and Serbia, as an integral part of the Balkan region, have interests in the partnership and cooperation is the baseline of the research. The following aspects have been singled out, by method of ranking, which is based on achieving the highest turnover in the last six years: trade, foreign direct investment and energy. Gravity model was used to analyze routes of trade and energy. A models of trade import and export between Serbia and the EU 28 member countries and the countries of the Western Balkans, as well as models of imports and exports of energy between Serbia and the EU 28 member countries and the countries of the Western Balkans, were used in order to assess the potential of trade and energy trade. Method of trend line and trend extrapolation of foreign direct investment (FDI) was used in order to determine the degree of the presence of FDI in Serbia and their predictions, which could be an indicator of investment climate in Serbia. The conclusion is that Serbia has strategic importance as a candidate for membership in the EU because of its regional importance. Entering the Western Balkan countries in the EU should not happen without Serbia, because Serbia has a regional importance, which arise from the economic, historical, cultural, infrastructural and geopolitical links with countries in the region, of which some are already members of the EU.

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