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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

English film instruction in Swedish EIL middle schoolclassrooms : Using Critical Literacy with film texts

Luck Renberg, Teresa January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is a qualitative text analysis of worksheets used in conjunction with watching films in English language studies in Swedish middle schools. The assignments used in the thesis were partly collected from partner schools in the teacher program and partly collected from a website which is a database of teacher submitted lesson plans. The results of the thesis include a presentation and discussion of different worksheets used by teachers, using a structure based on one used for critical discourse analysis instruction with students. The evidence suggests that two factors gave an increase in explicitly named aspects of critical literacy in film studies: firstly, that the assignment be situated in a program of study within the Swedish curriculum which shares many of the goals of critical literacy studies and secondly that the choice of film is one that challenges students to reconsider their experiences in light of the film. This study also raises the concern that the questioning methods used to implement critical literacy studies are being used to increase student talk for the purposes of grading oral proficiency without interactive discussions.

Approaches to Critical Literacy Instruction in the Middle School ESL/EFL classroom

Luck Renberg, Teresa January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this literature review is to compare some critical reading comprehension classroom practices globally, with particular focus on the teaching of reading comprehension in Sweden, where student well being and equity are issues of importance. Critical literacy used is a term that encompasses many aspects of power related issues in language. The Swedish curriculum is explicit in naming these issues of student identity and democratic agency which it shares with critical pedagogical practices. The result of the review is a presentation and discussion of the different studies, using a structure based on one used for critical discourse analysis instruction with students. The evidence suggests that higher level comprehension is a skill that takes time to train and should be done explicitly by pointing out the aspects of language which convey meaning. Learning to search the text for evidence of the underlying meaning gave verystrong effect sizes on standardized tests for reading comprehension. The reading comprehension results of minority/ESL students on standardized tests improved when space was made to discuss very different experiences within the same culture in language classrooms.

Writing Difficulties in the Swedish ESL-Classroom : How teachers of English deal with students’ writing difficulties

Solagha, Omta Zoi January 2013 (has links)
This study covers a research within the area of writing difficulties in the ESL classroom (English as second language). This essay aims to look at teachers’ attitudes towards working with writing difficulties and also how teachers deal with this issue in the classroom. The data for this study was collected through the qualitative method; interviews and observations. The informants who participated in this study are English teachers, working in year 7-9. The observations were conducted during the informants’ lessons. Previous research has also been used in this study in order to establish the teachers’ work within writing. The study shows that the teachers feel that it is challenging to work with students who have writing difficulties, since those students might be unmotivated. However, the informants believe that teachers need to motivate their students to write more, in order to achieve development. Moreover, the study shows that teachers do not use any specific method when working with writing, instead they try to see what the students have difficulties with, and subsequently find solutions based on the individual’s needs.

Engelska på lika villkor? : Tre pedagogiker / Equal terms for English? : Three approaches to teaching and learning in school

Häggstam, Cecilia January 2007 (has links)
Sammandrag Med detta arbete vill jag titta på de största skillnaderna mellan en kommunal-, en Montessori- och en Waldorfskola med inriktning på deras engelskundervisning. Detta för att få inspiration till olika sätt att undervisa elever i problem på, i framförallt engelska. För att kunna se de största skillnaderna och likheterna mellan den kommunala skolan, Montessoriskolan och Waldorfskolan började jag med att studera vad som finns skrivit om dem i litteraturen. Efter att ha gjort detta valde jag att ta kontakt med en skola av varje sort. Jag besökte de tre skolorna under två dagar vardera under tre veckors tid. Under de två dagarna satt jag med i klassrummet och tittade på hur undervisningen såg ut. Besöket avslutade jag med att intervjua den lärare vars klassrum jag besökte. Intervjufrågorna jag ställde till lärarna var formulerade utifrån den litteratur jag studerat. Jag kom fram till att det inte bara finns skillnader utan även likheter mellan skolorna, framförallt mellan den kommunala skolan och Montessoriskolan. Detta både i litteraturen och i resultatet. En av de största skillnaderna mellan de olika pedagogikerna och skolorna var utöver hur de lägger upp elevernas skoldagar, hur de använder sig av de nationella proven. Den kommunala skolan gör de nationella proven i årskurs fem, medan Montessoriskolan gör femmans nationella prov i både fyran, femman och sexan, och Waldorfskolan inte gör dem över huvud taget mer än i årskurs nio. Både Montessoriskolan och Waldorfskolan anser att de kräver mer av sina elever än vad som görs i de nationella målen. Men alla tre skolorna följer målen, även om Waldorfskolorna har sin egen läroplan. / In this study I have looked at some of the differences between a municipal-, a Montessori- and a Waldorf school, with focus on their English teaching. This is because I wanted to find ways to teach English to pupils with various types of learning difficulties. To be able to see the main differences and similarities between a municipal school, a Montessori school and a Waldorf school I began with literature studies. When I had finished the literature studies I contacted three schools that applied the different pedagogies. I visited the three schools during two days each through a three-week period. During these two days I was in the classroom when the pupils were there and followed the teachers’ teaching. I ended the visits with an interview with the teacher whose classroom I visited. I came to the conclusion that there are both differences and similarities between the three schools. The two schools that are most similar are the municipal school and the Montessori school both in the literature and in the result from the observations and interviews. Two of the main differences between the schools are how they plan the school days for the pupils, in which order they have the lessons, and how they use the national tests. The municipal school uses the national test in fifth grade, the Montessori school uses it in the years four, five and six and the Waldorf school only use it in year nine. The Montessori school and Waldorf school believe that they require more from their pupils that the national goals. All the three schools aim at those goals, but the Waldorf schools have their own curriculum.

Pedagogiskt drama i engelskundervisningen : En empirisk studie för drama som metod i engelskundervisningen för åk 4 till 6. / Educational Drama in an English Teaching Classroom : An Empirical Study with Educational Drama as a Method Used in a English Teaching Classroom for Grades 4 to 6.

Gustafsson, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Studien behandlar engelskundervisning för åk 4–6 där problemet är lärarnas inställningar gentemot pedagogiskt drama i engelskundervisningen. Syftet med där här studien är därför att undersöka hur pedagogiskt drama används i engelskundervisningen samt lärarnas inställningar till det. Vidare undersöks även lärarnas inställningar för språkliga- och psykosociala förmågor genom användandet av pedagogiskt drama i engelskundervisningen. Studien har en kvalitativ metod med en fenomenografisk inspirerad metodansats vars resultat bygger på intervjuer från verksamma lärare i åk 4–6. Resultatet är till sin struktur uppbyggt med studiens syfte och frågeställningar och innefattar enbart utlåtanden från deltagarna. Genom lärarnas utlåtanden och forskarnas studier leder slutsatsen till att eleverna utvecklar psykosociala förmågor som i sin tur förbättrar elevernas möjligheter till ökade språkliga förmågor. / This study examines the English teaching classroom in grades 4 to 6. The problem for the study is the teachers‘attitude towards educational drama used in an English teaching classroom. The purpose is therefore to examine the teachers´ attitudes and how educational drama is used in an English teaching classroom. Furthermore, the purpose examines the teachers’ attitude towards the pupils’ capabilities to develop linguistic- and psychosocial abilities through educational drama used in an English teaching classroom. The result is based on interviews from teachers in grades 4 to 6. Onwards, the result contains only statements from the participants and is constructed by this study’s purpose and issues. Through the researchers ‘and teachers’ statements the conclusion for the study is that the pupils develop psychosocial abilities which in turn also develop the pupils’ linguistic abilities. The method used is a qualitative method with a phenomenologically-inspired theory.

Criteria for evaluation of textbooks designed for english language teaching to brazilian air traffic controllers: a checklist proposal / Critérios de avaliação de livro didático para o ensino-aprendizagem de inglês para controladores de tráfego aéreo brasileiros: uma proposta de checklist

Elida Maria Rodrigues Bonifácio 27 May 2015 (has links)
Considering the need to improve the level of proficiency of air traffic controllers (ATCO) in the English language, in order to avoid incidents and accidents due to lack of proficiency, many language courses started offering English classes to those professionals. According to ICAO (2010), all ATCO must be approved in a specific proficiency exam, so that they can control international traffic. Nevertheless, the number of published textbooks in aviation English field is still low; therefore, choosing the most appropriate textbook becomes difficult due to the few options. The general objective of this paper is to contribute with researches in the field of textbook evaluation and Englisht learning and teaching. The specific objectives are: to set criteria in order to create a checklist to evaluate textbooks used in English language courses to air traffic controllers, based on criteria already found in the literature about textbook evaluation, adapting those criteria to what ICAO requirements and to the Proficiency Exam tasks; and to evaluate the book Aviation English using the checklist. The checklist criteria were created in the light of the Document 9835 (ICAO 2010), as well as in the light of the theories of language, Widdowson (1978), and others; the theory of English as a lingua franca of aviation, Oliveira E. (2007), Hülmbauer et al (2008), and others; the principles of language teaching and learning, Larsen-Freeman (2000), Brown (2007), and others; the tenets of English for Specific Purposes, Hutchinson and Waters (1987), Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998), and others; and the conception of materials development, Cunninsworth (1995), Tomlinson (1998; 2003), Mc Grath (2002), Dias (2007), and others. The checklist has as main categories the theoretical principles (language role and language teaching and learning), graphical features, lexical, grammatical and functional competences described in the Document 9835, support materials and English proficiency test preparation and it was subdivided into 117 items. The material evaluated by the means of the checklist fulfilled 71,8% of the checklist items in a positive way; on the other hand, 20,5% of the items were not identified in the material, and 7,7% of the items were partially identified in the textbook. Using the checklist to evaluate materials will enable professionals engaged in English teaching to air traffic controllers to choose the most appropriate textbook according to their audience, as well as to identify gaps in the book, in order to adapt the material, since there is no such thing as perfect material. / Considerando a necessidade de aumentar o nível de proficiência em língua inglesa de controladores de tráfego aéreo (ATCO), a fim de prevenir incidentes e acidentes, cujas causas também estejam relacionadas à falta de proficiência na língua, vários cursos de idiomas começaram a oferecer aulas de inglês para esses profissionais. Segundo OACI (2010), os ATCO devem ser aprovados em exame de proficiência específico, para operarem em órgãos que controlam o tráfego aéreo internacional. No entanto, o número de livros didáticos (LD) de inglês aeronáutico continua modesto e, com isso, a escolha do mais adequado torna-se difícil, devido às poucas opções. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é contribuir com pesquisas na área de avaliação de material didático e de ensino-aprendizagem de inglês. Os objetivos específicos são: estabelecer critérios para a elaboração de uma checklist para avaliação de livro didático utilizado na formação de língua inglesa de ATCO, a partir de critérios existentes na literatura sobre avaliação de LD, adequando-os aos requisitos estabelecidos pela OACI (Organização de Aviação Civil Internacional) e às atividades aplicadas no Exame de Proficiência a que são submetidos os controladores de tráfego aéreo no Brasil; e aplicar a checklist elaborada na avaliação do livro didático Aviation English. A Checklist ATCO será elaborada à luz do Documento 9835, de OACI (2010); das teorias de linguagem Widdowson (1978) e outros; da língua inglesa como língua franca da aviação, de Oliveira E. (2007), Hülmbauer et al (2008) e outros; dos princípios de ensino-aprendizagem de línguas, de Larsen-Freeman (2000), Brown (2007) e outros; do ensino de inglês para propósito específico, de Hutchinson e Waters (1987), Dudley-Evans e St. John (1998) e outros; e de avaliação de livro didático, de Cunningsworth (1995), Tomlinson (1998; 2003), Mc Grath (2002), Dias (2007) e outros. A checklist tem como principais indicadores os princípios norteadores (linguagem e princípios de ensino-aprendizagem), os aspectos gráficos, as competências lexicais, gramaticais e funcionais descritas no Documento 9835, os materiais de apoio e a familiarização com as atividades aplicadas no exame de proficiência aplicado no Brasil, totalizando 117 itens. A partir da aplicação da Checklist ATCO na avaliação do material, foi possível verificar que 71,8% dos itens estão presentes no livro avaliado; 20,5% não estão presentes no material; e 7,7% estão parcialmente presentes. A avaliação de LD utilizando a checklist proposta facilita a identificação de lacunas e fornece informações ao professor que avalia, a fim de que ele planeje as adaptações de atividades, já que o material perfeito será difícil de encontrar.

Lärarperspektiv på digitala verktyg i engelskundervisningen på mellanstadiet / Teacher perspectives on digital tools in the Grades 4-6 English classroom

Eriksson, Alexander January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how digital tools are used in English teaching in Grades 4-6, in what ways these can further develop the teaching and what advantages and disadvantages are. The data collection was carried out through an online questionnaire and additional interviews. In one month, the questionnaire was completed by 141 respondents and qualitative interviews were conducted with three teachers. The result shows that teachers' attitude towards digital tools was positive, and teachers gladly used such tools in English teaching. However, further education is needed to develop a better and more effective use of digital tools in English teaching. Generally, the teachers thought that digital tools are a good complement to the regular study material, and they are used several times a week. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur användandet av digitala verktyg sker i undervisningen i engelska på mellanstadiet, hur det utvecklar undervisningen och vilka olika fördelar/nackdelar det finns. En online-enkät och kompletterande intervjuer genomfördes. Enkäten var öppen i en månad och fylldes i av 141 respondenter, och kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med tre lärare. Resultatet var att inställningen till digitala verktyg bland lärare är positiv, och verktygen gärna används i engelskundervisning. Dock behövs det mer utbildning för att utveckla användningsområdet för digitala verktyg i engelska. Verktygen anses vara ett bra komplement till de ordinarie läromedel och används flera gånger i veckan.

The use of indigenous techniques of communication for language learning: The case of Cameroon

Ebong, Balbina 15 July 2004 (has links)
This study aimed at determining whether the use of indigenous techniques of communication can have a positive impact on the motivation of the learner of English as a foreign language in Cameroon. By indigenous techniques of communication we mean techniques like role-play, songs, the telling of folktales, riddles and proverbs. This work is intended as a contribution to the search for improvement of student motivation and enthusiasm, whereby they can be more responsive as they participate spontaneously in learning English as a foreign language. Some writers agree that it is beneficial to learn a foreign language using the material that the learners are familiar with (Lado 1964, Gee 1987, Post and Rathet 1996). The telling of folktales, role-play, songs, and the use of riddles and proverbs are found in all societies and every indigenous society uses them in teaching in one way or the other. Most foreign language learners are familiar with them. Their abundance in the Cameroonian society presents an excellent opportunity for foreign language teaching/learning. My interest in this research has been substantially influenced by my experience of working for almost a decade with learners of English as a foreign language in Francophone secondary/high schools in Cameroon. This work led me to the realization that students respond to English language teaching with very little motivation and enthusiasm. They make little or no progress in learning the language, much less in communicating in it. One of the major questions I have often asked myself is why Francophone students find English language learning boring and what could be done to solve the problem of teaching English to these students. I have tried on a number of occasions to tell folktales or teach a song in class when I found the students were bored with the lessons and discovered that the students immediately became alert. Their alertness was probably not for the direct purpose of making any linguistic gain but for the sheer entertainment of listening to a story or taking part in the singing, all of which they seemed to enjoy. Based on this positive change in the students, it was hypothesized that the introduction of some indigenous techniques of communication in the foreign language classroom might help improve its learning. The results from this study indicate that the recommendations for the use of these techniques in language teaching will help improve on the present negative attitude of foreign language learners. This study is significant to foreign language teaching/learning in all developing countries but most especially to the Cameroonian educational system where the study was carried out. Its relevance is due to the fact that most of the facilities that are presently used for the teaching of foreign languages in advanced countries are absent in developing countries. To help improve on the enthusiasm of the learner of a foreign language therefore, educational planners should resort to the use of indigenous techniques, which this study has found out could be very helpful in any foreign language classroom if properly applied. / Es ist allgemein anerkannt, dass es für Schüler, die eine Fremdsprache erlernen sollen, von Vorteil ist, wenn ihnen vertrautes Material im Unterricht verwendet wird (Lado 1964, Post und Rathet 1996). Das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist deshalb, die positive Wirkung von indigenen Kommunikationsstrategien und –techniken auf die Lernermotivation kamerunische Schülern und Schülerinnen zu ermitteln, welche Englisch als Fremdsprache erwerben. Unter indigenen Kommunikationstechniken verstehen wir Rollenspiele, Lieder, das Erzählen von Märchen, Rätseln und Sprichwörtern. Die vorliegende Studie soll einen Beitrag bei der Suche nach Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten von Schülermotivation und Enthusiasmus leisten und dazu beitragen, das Schülerinteresse durch spontanes, teilnehmendes Erlernen zu wecken.

The non-effectiveness of the communicative language teaching approach (CLT) in the teaching and learning of English as a second language (ESL) in selected black high schools in Lower Umfolozi District in KwaZulu-Natal

Motsoeneng, William Sipho January 2003 (has links)
A mini-thesis submitted in fulfillrnent ofthereqnirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of Linguistics, University of Zululand, 2003. / The new political dispensation in South Africa has given "equal" status to eleven languages, practically English still enjoys special rights it used to enjoy in the old order, prior to 1994. To cite but a few examples, English is still the official medium of instruction in many South African schools, private or public. Huge knowledge of information is inaccessible to many South Africans unless they are competent in English. Job applications and interviews are carried out in this language. When dealing with issues of national interest, government officials use this language. They will argue that many South Africans and ethnic groups can comprehend English. Thus, it is an "unbiased", "neutral", "standard" and a unifying", etc. language. It is, therefore, very much unlikely that the South African president could one day deliver the State of the nation Address in isiXhosa, seSotho or isiZulu. Media institutions would rarely employ a person who cannot comprehend English. Many of them - printing, radio stations and television channels -have English as their main language. One may cite commercials and interviews with the president on a national TV as examples. Even those media institutions that use other languages (not English), very often find themselves compromising their standards because of the influence of English. What is discussed above is the undeniable situation of the country. Whether one views it as good or otherwise, the truth is, this is the status quo at the present moment. English has not only established itself as a national lingua franca, but it is also taking control globally, both in politics, economy and other social affairs. The whole research in this study was based on the premise that, "with English you stand, and without English you fail", particularly in South Africa. Hence the utmost aim of this research work has been to come up with a teaching technique that would avert any "fall" of any South African. The researcher was convinced that there was something wrong with the main existing teaching technique, the Communicative Language Teaching approach (CLT) for failing to yield desired results after so many years it has been in place. Moreover, the time that the learners expend in learning the language (from grade one to grade twelve) is sufficient for them to have grasped and internalised a considerable knowledge and command of English, particularly at matric level. Consequently, the study had to examine the CLT approach thoroughly, before anything could be recommenced. The researcher is of the conviction that, although English was sometimes referred to as a "neutral"' language, it is not always so with Black South African learners, especially in Black rural schools. In some instances English has been seen as a barrier to some learners' possible success. The Black High schools where this research was conducted have attested to this statement. Considering the magnitudirial role of English already discussed, one could not dispute the fact that learners to whom English is a second language (ESL) are not competing from an equal footing with their English native speaking counterparts. The former are usually held back whilst the latter are put a step ahead by the status of the language. All the above mentioned facts should lay a profound reason for the introduction of the best possible ever teaching technique. One could only hope that this piece of work will make a positive difference for the disadvantaged learners to be assisted.

Využití her ve výuce anglického jazyka na II. stupni základní školy / The Use of Games in Teaching English at Upper Primary Level

Forestová, Mahulena January 2022 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the use of games in the Czech upper primary EFL classroom. In the theoretical part, the author attempts to categorise games in general, as well as at a pedagogical level and to characterise the methodology of using games in English language lessons at upper primary level. In the practical part, the author, through quantitative research, focuses on the real use of games by teachers of English at upper primary level, using surveys to find out whether games are used to teach at upper primary level, to what extent and for what purpose. Through the use of a survey addressed to pupils of upper primary schools, the author aims to find out whether there is a general interest in playing games during English lessons and whether games are seen as a meaningful tool for learning English. Qualitative research by means of interviews and observations aims to find out how demanding the preparation and implementation of games in English language teaching is and the extent to which participants, both pupils and teachers, perceive its meaningfulness. KEYWORDS Educational game, teaching English at upper primary school, didactic game, teenagers, young adolescents

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