Spelling suggestions: "subject:"0nvironmental aspects)"" "subject:"byenvironmental aspects)""
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Awakening the city of seven hills: a transportation hub to enhance mobility for wellness in Kampala UgandaNamutebi, Sheila Sarah January 2019 (has links)
A research report proposal submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Architecture (Professional).
January, 2019 / In recent years, research studies have shown an increase in stress levels especially among people living in cities. Clear links have been established correlating wellbeing with the environment. Studies show that urban environments increase tendencies of unhappiness and stress among people. This study identifies inefficiency in systems that facilitate mobility as one of the causes of stress among city users. It recognises mobility as a core component of any system that facilitates the efficient flow of things between points. Inadequacy in systems of mobility can therefore cripple a system by preventing the free movement of things from one point to another.
Like so many developing cities, the urban environment of Kampala, the capital of Uganda that is undergoing rapid urbanisation and often unchecked development faces challenges regarding mobility. In Kampala, majority of the population either walk or rely on public transportation and yet the inadequate infrastructure and systems of mobility denies them the right to freely and easily access and navigate their city. This both directly and indirectly results in physical and psychological stress in city users leading to frustrations and financial losses and consequently prevents wellbeing.
The study focuses on the Old Taxi Park which is the most frequently used public transportation facility for daily short trips around the city of Kampala. Recognising that the failing state of infrastructure and inadequate systems of organising the movement of vehicles and people in and around the park
render it one of the black spots that contribute to and often escalate the problems regarding mobility presents the Old Taxi Park as a suitable site for a project to address the city’s navigational challenges. This is aimed at mitigating stress among the people who engage with the city. The project thus proposes a revamp of the Old Taxi Park to facilitate efficient movement of people within Kampala.
In order to further enhance wellness, the project draws on the healing and restorative power of nature. Although nature has been linked to improved well being, having been found to have numerous restorative benefits especially for people who constantly interact within densely inhabited fast paced settings, the city centre of Kampala which has the highest population density and fastest pace of life in the entire city critically lacks instances where people can interact with and so benefit from the nurture of the elements of nature. Therefore this research project takes an approach of reintroducing various elements of nature to the urban fabric through the design of the transportation hub and how it integrates with Kampala’s urban fabric.
The main objectives for the project are hence to promote efficiency in the systems of mobility and to reintroduce nature within the urban sphere in order to promote wellness for the people who interact with the concrete jungle that was once the City of Seven Hills / MT 2019
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The effects of low-level flying military aircraft on the reproductive output of osprey in Labrador and northeastern Québec /Thomas, Peter W., 1969- January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Size and shape of airborne asbestos fibres in mining and mineral processing environmentsHwang, Chung-Yung. January 1981 (has links)
No description available.
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Educating for sustainable development : a case study of an environmental immersion schoolSamuel, Hilary R. (Hilary Ruth) January 1991 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluation of heavy metals in soil : a case study of platinum tailing dam siteNkobane, Molebogeng Precious 09 1900 (has links)
Mining industry has been identified as the main sustenance of the South African economy, however the negative impacts of the industry on the ecological systems cannot be over emphasized due to the released waste which is mostly heavy metals into the environment. The study evaluated six heavy metal (A1, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Cr) contents in a tailings dam from a specific mine site. Two sets of samples for the investigation were measured, that is, one in year 2012 and the other in year 2013. In the year 2012, the sample set was only taken at a distance profile of 500 meters from the foot of the dam, whereas the sample set taken in the year 2013 was for the 500 and 1500 meter distance profiles from the foot of the dam. The year 2012 and 2013 sample sets for the 500m distance profile were sampled very similarly to each other. A kilogram of each sample was taken as per grid format. The samples at varied depths were taken at 0-cm depth for the top layer, 20cm depth for the second layer, and 30cm depth for the third layer. The samples for the surface varied distance were taken at 1 m, 2m, 3m, and 4m away from each 500m and 1500 sampling points. The 2012 samples were analysed using characterization methods namely ICP MS and The 2013 samples were analysed using the ICP OES. The comparison of the field results for the six heavy metals studied (A1, Fe, Pb, Cu, Ni and Cr) was performed using statistical analytical methods, namely ANOVA. The statistical analysis results for heavy metals (A1, Fe, Pb, Cu, Ni and Cr) from sample and 2013 revealed that the group means are not significantly different from each other which means that there is no significant difference in (A1, Fe, Pb, Cu, Ni and Cr) concentrations with respect to both depth and distance. The observations from both 2012 and 2013 indicate the results of the samples are in agreement. In addition, the comparative average concentrations of the three results obtained reach the same conclusion that the tailing dam probably does not introduce considerable or significant amounts of these metals (A1, Fe, Pb, Cu, Ni and Cr) into the surrounding soils. / Chemical Engineering / M. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)
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Natural building in South Africa : assessing the niche-regime relationship through a 'latent niche' mediationO'Rourke, Eamonn Christopher 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis I examine the natural building movement in South Africa in an attempt to
determine the systemic influences that appear to confine it to a small market operating
at the very edge of the mainstream building sector. I make use of the conceptual
framework of the multi-level perspective to explore the interrelationships between
natural building as a technological niche and the mainstream building sector as the
dominant regime. I extend the concept of a technological niche by appending the term
'latent' to form the term 'latent technological niche', to describe a technology with
sustainability credentials that fails to break into the mainstream market, despite
achieving technological maturity and constant though minimal market share.
The research objectives of this thesis are to: identify pathways for the natural building
niche to move beyond its latent state; to determine how the translations of natural
building practices to the building sector might occur; and how this might transform the
building sector regime. I explore how action research involving knowledge sharing
between multi-stakeholder, niche and regime actors might stimulate debate and
subsequent action to overcome entry barriers; and serve as a catalyst to advance a
latent technological niche beyond its confined market. I present an action research
method, a 'latent technological mediation', of facilitated 1st and 2nd order social learning.
This is used as a mechanism of tapping into the immediate knowledge of actors in the
socio-technical regime. The purpose being to identify the external forces and internal
processes of a latent technological niche. The status of a latent technological niche is assessed by comparing these processes in
the context of external forces against seven processes, presented in this thesis. These
seven processes are considered crucial for a technology to break into the mainstream
market and are adapted from the internal processes of success, described in the
literature on strategic niche management and the characteristics of a successful
'bounded socio-technical experiment' (BSTE) described in the conceptual work on
BSTE's. The potential for natural building systems to enter the mainstream building
sector, particularly in South Africa, is used as a case study to apply the latent
technological mediation method.
The findings of this research suggest that the mainstream building sector is undergoing
a transition following the path of socio-techical transformation. The uncertainty
introduced by the parallel system of informal settlement, which may drive transition
along the more dramatic technological substitution or de-alignment and re-alignment
transition pathways is briefly explored. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis ondersoek ek die natuurlike gebou beweging in Suid-Afrika in 'n poging
om die sistemiese invloede te bepaal, wat neig om dit te beperk tot 'n klein mark teen
die rand van die hoofstroom gebou sektor. Ek maak gebruik van die konseptuele
raamwerk van die multi-vlak perspektief om die onderlinge verband tussen natuurlike
geboue, as 'n tegnologiese nis, en die hoofstroom gebou sektor, as die dominante
regime, te verken. Ek brei die konsep van 'n tegnologiese nis uit, deur die aanbring
van die word 'latente' om die term 'latente tegnologiese nis' te vorm. 'n Latente
tegnologie nis het volhoubaarheid potensiaal maar slaag nie daarin om in die
hoofstroom mark in te breek nie, ten spyte van die bereiking van tegnologiese
volwassenheid en 'n konstante maar minimale mark aandeel.
Die navorsing doelwitte van hierdie tesis is om: roetes te identifiseer waarlangs die
natuurlike gebou nis buite sy latente toestand kan beweeg; om te bepaal hoe die
'vertalings' van natuurlike gebou praktyke aan die gebou sektor kan voorkom; en hoe
dit die gebou sektor regime kan verander. Ek bestudeer hoe aksie navorsing waarby
kennis tussen verskeie belanghebbendes, nis en regime betrokkenes gedeel is, kan
debatteer en die daaropvolgende aksie stimuleer inskrywing hindernisse te oorkom; en
dien as 'n katalisator om 'n latente tegnologiese nis te bevorder buite sy beperkte mark.
Ek bied 'n aksie-navorsing metode, 'n 'latente tegnologiese bemiddeling' van
gefasiliteerde 1st en 2de order sosiale leerervaring aan. Dit dien as 'n meganisme van
deling in die onmiddellike kennis van die spelers in die sosio-tegniese regime. Die doel
is om die eksterne kragte en interne prosesse van 'n latente tegnologiese nis te
Die status van 'n latente tegnologiese nis is beoordeel deur hierdie prosesse te
vergelyk in die konteks van eksterne kragte teen sewe prosesse, wat in hierdie tesis
aangebied is. Hierdie sewe prosesse word beskou as noodsaaklik vir 'n tegnologie om
in die hoofstroom mark in te breek en is aangepas uit die interne prosesse van sukses,
soos beskryf in die literatuur oor strategiese nis bestuur en die eienskappe van 'n
suksesvolle 'begrensde sosio-tegniese eksperiment' (BSTE) beskryf in die konseptuele
literatuur oor BSTE. Die potensiaal vir natuurlike gebou stelsels om die hoofstroom
gebou sektor te betree, veral in Suid-Afrika, word gebruik as 'n gevallestudie om die
latente tegnologiese bemiddeling metode toe te pas.
Die bevindinge van die navorsing dui daarop dat die hoofstroom gebou sektor 'n
verandering ondergaan op die pad van n sosio-tegniese transformasie. Die
onsekerheid veroorsaak deur die parallelle informele nedersetting, wat 'n meer
dramatiese tegnologiese substitusie, of ontsporing en herbelyning kan veroorsaak,
word kortliks ondersoek.
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An empirical investigation of environmental performance and the market value of JSE listed companiesSchoeman, Pieter Stephanus Johannes Albertus 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the recent past, there has been increasing awareness of, and concern for, the impact that many
companies are having on the natural and social environment. This has seen the emergence of a
triple bottom line approach to business, with environmental and social metrics being used in
addition to financial metrics when evaluating company performance. Despite the growing level of
investment in corporate sustainability, it is not clear whether these investments are viewed
positively by the market, and to what extent it creates shareholder value.
To shed light on the relationship between environmental performance and financial performance,
this research assignment used the event study methodology to investigate whether there is
statistically significant stock market reactions to announcements relating to the environmental
performance of companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
A total of 260 news announcements related to environmental performance were collected from a
variety of news sources. The 260 news announcements represented 67 different companies
across 11 different industry sectors. News announcements were collected from several prominent
business news sources including the Business Day, Financial Mail and the Johannesburg Stock
Exchange News Service.
Abnormal share returns were estimated for a three day event window around the announcement
date by using the market model approach. Results were aggregated based on four different
categories of environmental performance, including corporate environmental initiatives,
environmental awards and certificates, negative environmental publicity and, environmental
reporting, permits and licences.
Consistent with related research in developed countries, this study found that the market rewards
certain categories of positive environmental performance but penalises certain categories of
negative environmental performance more severely. The results show that there is a significant
positive market reaction to announcements of corporate environmental initiatives on the trading
day following the announcement. This result indicates a positive relationship between corporate
environmental initiatives and financial performance, as measured by market value.
In terms of negative environmental performance, it was found that the market responds negatively
to the broad category of negative environmental publicity. In particular, negative announcements
from civil society and environmental groups seem to result in more significant market reactions
than negative announcements from local or national government.
In contrast to some studies done in developed countries, no statistically significant relationship was
found between announcements of environmental awards and certificates and the market value of
companies. Neither was there a statistically significant relationship between environmental
reporting, permits and licences and the market value of companies. These results therefore indicate that the market is selective in its response to announcements of environmental
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Ecological relevance of suborganismal and population responses of terrestrial oligochaeta to the fungicide copper oxychlorideMaboeta, Mark Steve 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Copper oxychloride is a fungicide that is extensively used in vineyards in the Western
Cape to treat and prevent fungal diseases. It is however not clear what the effects are
on soil organisms, which play an important role in soil fertility, in South African soils.
There is paucity of data linking results obtained in the laboratory to effects observed
in the field, which will only become useful if a clear relation can be demonstrated.
The aims of this study were to:
~ Determine the effects of copper oxychloride on field populations of earthworms
and simultaneously monitor lysosomal membrane stability, measured as neutral
red retention time (NRRT).
~ Validate experimental field studies by doing inventories of earthworm populations
in long-term sprayed vineyards.
~ Determine the LC50 of copper oxychloride and simultaneously measuring NRRT,
and linking them to the experimental field studies.
~ Conduct bioassays, burrowing activity- and soil-avoidance experiments to
investigate their relations to earthworm population responses in the experimental
field studies.
Earthworms were sampled by hand-sorting in the field tests on treated and untreated
field plots in the Western- (October 1998 - July 1999) and Northern Cape (April 1998
- October 1999). Soil samples and worms were analysed for copper contents and
coelomocytes of live earthworms were used to conduct the neutral red retention
Acute toxicity tests were conducted over a period of 28 days during which the
earthworms (Eisenia fetiday were exposed to different concentrations of copper
oxychloride. Change in biomass and mortality were measured as endpoints, as well as
Bioassays, burrowing activity and soil-avoidance were conducted by exposing
Aporrectodea caliginosa to grassland- and vineyard soil as well as grassland soil
spiked with 60 J.1g.g-1copper in the form of copper oxychloride. Growth and
mortality were recorded in the bioassays as well as copper concentrations In
earthworm body tissues and substrates used over a period of28 days. Burrowing activity and soil-avoidance were determined by measuring the length of
tunnels burrowed by A. caliginosa in soil profiles over a period of 4 days under
different exposure regimes.
Results from the field tests showed that spraying of copper oxychloride had a negative
effect on earthworm populations at the prescribed application rates. NRR T in
earthworms from the exposure plots was significantly (p<0.05) lower after just one
spraying application. It was concluded that spraying copper oxychloride at prescribed
application rates caused a decrease in field populations of earthworms and that NRRT
was an early and reliable biomarker since it was indicative of later effects observed at
the population level. Results obtained from the field inventory of earthworms in
vineyards at Nietvoorbij, Robertson end Worcester confirmed data from the two field
The calculated LC50 of 882.78 I1g.g-1 for copper oxychloride and 519.40 I1g.g-1 for
copper was ecologically relevant if a safety factor of 10 was applied. NRRT which
manifested earlier than effects on biomass change in the acute toxicity tests, were
significant when viewed against the background of responses of field populations of
From the bioassay experiments it was found that A. caliginosa exposed to copper
oxychloride spiked soil had significantly (p<0.05) higher weight loss and mortality
than those in grassland- and vineyard soil. This indicated that changes in biomass and
mortality were indicative of population responses in the field and can be considered as
ecologically relevant.
Burrowing activity of A. caliginosa was significantly (p<0.05) lower in vineyard and
copper oxychloride spiked soil than in grassland soil. Similarly in the soil avoidance
experiments it was found that A. caliginosa avoided vineyard- and copper oxychloride
contaminated soil. It is therefore concluded that burrowing activity and soil
avoidance were ecologically relevant endpoints since they corresponded with
population responses in the field.
The study thus revealed that the long-term usage of copper oxychloride could have
negative effects on earthworm populations. The spraying of copper oxychloride can
have important implications on the sustainable use of agricultural soils since
earthworms and other soil organisms play such an important role in soil fertility. The
use of biomarkers and other ecotoxicological indicators can provide an early warning
that soil organisms are under environmental stress. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fungisied koperoksichloried word wyd gebruik in die Wes-Kaap om swamsiektes
in wingerde te beheer en te voorkom. Dit is egter nie bekend wat die effek daarvan op
Suid Afrikaanse grondbiota, wat 'n belangrike rol speel in grondvrugbaarheid, is nie.
Daar is ook 'n tekort aan inligting wat die resultate van laboratoriumondersoeke in
verband bring met veldstudies.
Die doelstellings van die studie was om:
~ Die effek van koperoksichloried op erdwurmpopulasies in die veld te ondersoek
en terselfdertyd membraanstabiliteit, as moontlike biomerker, gemeet as neutraal
rooi retensietye (NRRT), te monitor.
~ Die geldigheid van eksperimentele veldstudies te toets deur ook grondanalises te
doen in wingerde wat oor langtermyn met koperoksichloried bespuit is.
~ Die LC50 van koperoksichloried vir erdwurms te bepaal en terselfdertyd NRR T te
meet asook om dié gegewens in verband te bring met die resultate van seisoenale
veldstudies oor die uitwerking op erdwurmpopulasies.
~ Bio-evaluerings ("bioassays"), tonnelaktiwiteit- en vermydingseksperimente te
onderneem en die verband tussen die toksiteitstoetse en populasieresponse, soos
waargeneem in die veld, te ondersoek.
Erdwurms is versamel deur handsortering tydens die veldtoetse in die Wes- (Oktober
1998 - Julie 1999) en Noord-Kaap (April 1998 - Oktober 1999) op kontrole en
bespuite persele. Grondmonsters en erdwurms is spektrofotometries geanaliseer om
koperinhoude te bepaal. Die selomosiete van lewende wurms is gebruik om NRR T te
bepaal. Akute toksisiteitstoetse is uitgevoer oor 'n tydperk van 28 dae waartydens
Eisenia fetida blootgestel is aan verskillende koperoksichloried konsentrasies.
Veranderinge in biomassa en mortaliteit is bepaal asook NRRT.
Bioevaluerings ("bioassays"), tonnelaktiwiteit- en vermydingseksperimente IS
uitgevoer deur Aporrectodea caliginosa bloot te stel aan grasveld- en wingerdgrond
asook grasveldgrond wat met koperoksichloried gekontamineer is. Groei en
mortalitiet is bepaal in die "bioassays" asook koperkonsentrasies in die grond en
erdwurm liggaamsweefsels oor 'n tydperk van 28 dae. Tonnelaktiwiteit en
grondvermyding is bepaal deur die lengte van tonnels wat deur A. caliginosa gegrawe
is te meet oor 'n tydperk van vier dae vir die verskillende blootgestelde groepe.
Die resultate het aangedui dat koperoksichloriedbespuiting 'n negatiewe invloed het
op erdwurmpopulasies teen die voorgeskrewe toedieningsprogram. NRRT in
erdwurms van die blootstellingperseel, was beduidend (p<0.05) laer na 'n enkele
bespuiting. Daar is verder bevind dat NRR T 'n betroubare en vroeë biomerker is,
aangesien dit 'n aanduiding gegee het van latere effekte wat op populasievlak na vore
getree het. Veldopnames in Nietvoorbij, Robertson en Worcester het die geldigheid
van data verkry uit die veldstudies ondersteun.
Die berekende LC50 van 882.78 ug.g" vir koperoksichloried en 519.40 ug.g" VIr
koper was ekologies relevant indien 'n veiligheidsfaktor van 10 toegepas is. NRRT se
ekologiese relevansie is bevestig deur dit te vergelyk met response wat in die
veldtoetse waargeneem is.
Deur bioevalueringseksperimente is bevind dat gewigsverlies en mortaliteit van A.
caliginosa beduidend hoër was in koperoksichloried gekontamineerde grond as in die
grasveld- (kontrole) en wingerdgronde. Veranderinge in biomassa en mortalitiet was
aanduidend van populasieresponse soos waargeneem in die veldstudies en kan dus as
ekologies relevante eindpunte beskou word.
Tonnelaktiwiteit van A. caliginosa was beduidend (p<0.05) laer in wingerd- en
koperoksichloried gekontamineerde grond as in grasveldgrond. Dieselfde is gevind in
die grondvermydingstoetse waar A. caliginosa wingerd- en koperoksichloried
gekontamineerde grond vermy het. Dit kan dus afgelei dat tonnelaktiwiteit en
grondvermyding ook ekologies bruikbare eindpunte is aangesien dit verband hou met
populasieresponse soos waargeneem in die veldstudies.
Hierdie studie het getoon dat die herhaalde gebruik van koperoksichloried 'n nadelige
invloed kan hê op erdwurmbevolkings. In die lig van die belangrike rol wat
erdwurms en ander grondorganismes speel in grondvrugbaarheid kan die oormatige
gebruik van hierdie fungisied ernstige implikasies inhou vir volhoubare benutting van
landbougronde. Die gebruik van biomerkers en ander ekotoksikologiese eindpunte
kan egter as vroeë waarskuwingsmetode dien dat die grondorganismes onder
omgewingstres verkeer.
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No description available.
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Mine water geochemistry and management : two case studies and a new treatment methodLove, David 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mine water, that is all forms of water associated with and affected by mining operations is probably the
largest area of concern in the environmental geology of mining.
This study looks at the inter-relationship between mine water geochemistry and mine water management.
The objectives of this study are:
1. To examine major geochemical processes influencing mine water;
2. To apply new national water and environmental legislation to the mining industry and discover how
mine water management will be regulated;
3. To examine the approach of Integrated Catchment Management, and discover how this approach can
be applied to the mining industry;
4. To conduct two case studies, where environmental geochemistry, general geochemistry and
multivariate analyses are used as tools to investigate groundwater contamination problems in mining
areas, and therefore suggest mine water management interventions; and
5. To, considering mine water problems discovered in the case studies, develop a newly-patented
chemical treatment method for possible application in the mining industry.
The changing legal framework - principally the implementation of the National Water Act (Act No 36 of
1998) and the National Environmental Management Act (Act No 107 of 1998) - is leading to the
responsibilities of a mine becoming substantially clearer, and responsibilities which in the past could have
been ignored until public outcry will now be difficult to escape.
Two case studies are investigated. In both cases, general geochemistry and hydrogeochemistry, coupled
with factor analysis are used to determine the major signatures in groundwater chemistry and the major
sources of contamination. On the basis of this, management interventions are suggested.
In the first case study, Sishen Iron Ore Mine of the Northern Cape, three signatures are identified in the
groundwater: a clean dolomitic water signature, and a contamination signature from the mine and one
from agriculture. The extent of nitrate and diesel contamination is shown to be related to agriculture, the
use of explosives and to mine workshops and depots. Surface water controls may help reduce these
In the second case study, West Driefontein Gold Mine of the Far West Rand, two signatures are identified
in the groundwater: a clean dolomitic water signature and a signature relating to contamination from the
mine. Cluster analysis is used to suggest three groundwater zones, the chemistry of one being fairly
clean dolomitic aquifer, the chemistry of the second affected by the mine and the chemistry of the third
affected by granites. Contamination is shown to be related to mining operations, especially the slimes dams, and agriculture. Rehabilitation of dams and dumps, as well as surface water controls may help
reduce these problems.
Considering mine water problems discovered in the case studies, a newly-patented chemical treatment
method is examined and tested for possible application in the mining industry. It is shown to be extremely
effective for the removal of calcium from water, but less effective for the removal of iron and manganese.
More broadly, this study shows the inter-dependence between mine water geochemistry and mine water
management, and the need to be multi-disciplinary in approach. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mynwater, dit is aile soorte water wat geaffekteer en geassosieer word met mynbou bedrywighede, is
moontlik die grootste rede tot kommer in omgewingsgeologie van mynbou.
Hierdie studie stel ondersoek in na die verhouding tussen mynwater geochemie en mynwater bestuur.
Die doelwitte van die studie is soos volg:
1. Om die hoof geochemiese prosesse te ondersoek wat mynwater beinvloed:
2. Om die nuwe nasionale water- en omgewingswette toe te pas op die mynboubedryf en te ondersoek
hoe die bestuur van mynwater gereguleer sal word;
3. Om die benadering van Gerntegreerde Opvangs Bestuur ("Integrated Catchment Managemement")
te ondersoek, en te ondersoek hoe hierdie benadering op die mynbou industrie toegepas kan word'
4. Om twee gevallestudies te doen, waar omgewingsgeochemie, algemene geochemie en multivariant
analise gebruik word as middels om grondwater besoedeling in mynbougebiede te ondersoek, en
daarvolgens om mynwater bestuurswysigings voor te stel; en
5. Om, nemende in ag die mynwater probleme wat ontdek is in die gevallestudies, 'n nuutgepatenteerde
chemiese behandelingsmetode, vir moontlike toepassing in die mynbou industrie, te ontwikkel.
Die veranderende regtelike raamwerk - hoofsaaklik die implementering van die Nasionale Waterwet (Wet
No. 36 van 1998) en die Nasionale Omgewingsbestuur Wet (Wet No.1 07 van 1998) - lei daartoe dat 'n
myn verantwoordelik moet wees om opmerklik skoner te word, verantwoordelikhede wat in die verlede
maklik gergnoreer kon word maar wat nou te moeilik is om te ignoreer as gevolg van publieke uitroepe.
Twee gevalle is ondersoek. In be ide studies word algemene geochemie en hidrogechemie, saam met
faktoranalise, gebruik om die hoof kenmerke te bepaal in grondwaterchemie en die hoof bronne van
besoedeling. Deur dit as basis te gebruik word bestuurswysigings voorgestel.
In die eerste gevallestudie, Sishen Ystererts Myn in die Noordkaap, is drie kenmerkende samestellings
qeidentitiseer in die grondwater: 'n skoon dolomitiese samestelling, en een elk van 'n myn en landbou
gekontamineerde samestelling. Die omvang van nitraat en diesel kontaminasie word aangedui as
geassosieerd met landbou, die gebruik van plofstowwe, mynwerkswinkels en depots. Oppervlak
waterbeheer mag help om hierdie probleme te beheer.
In die tweede gevallestudie, Wes Driefontein Goudmyn in die Ver Wesrand, is twee kenmerkende
samestellings in die grondwater gerdentifiseer: 'n skoon dolomitiese samestelling en 'n samestelling
geassosieer met kontaminasie van die myn. "Cluster" analise is gebruik om drie grondwatersones te
identifiseer, die eerste een se chemie stem redelik ooreen met 'n skoon akwifer, die tweede een se
chemie is bernvloed deur die myn en die derde se chernie is deur granite bemvloed. Kontaminasie word aangedui as geassosieer met mynboubedrywighede, veral die slikdamme, en landbou. Rehabilitasie van
damme en afvalhope, asook oppervlak waterbeheer mag help om die probleem te verminder.
Deur die mynwater probleme wat in die gevallestudies ontdek is in ag te neem, word 'n
nuutgepatenteerde chemiese behandeling ondersoek en getoets vir moontlike toepassing in die
mynboubedryf. Dit word aangewys as uiters effektief vir die verwydering van kalsium, maar minder
effektief in die verwydering van yster en mangaan.
In die algemeen, wys hierdie studie inter-afhanklikheid tussen mynwater geochemie en mynwater
bestuur, en 'n behoefte aan 'n rnultidissiplinere benadering.
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