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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of environmental justice: Public health and environmental policy decision making.

January 2004 (has links)

The Resource Management Act 1991 and Nga Iwi Maori

Ruru, Tania Suzanne, n/a January 1997 (has links)
This thesis describes the sections in the Resource Management Act 1991 of particular relevance for nga Iwi Maori and assesses how well these facilitate involvement for Maori in the management of New Zealand�s resources. The method of assessment used is one of comparison between the schemes and philosophies of 1991 Act, and the active involvement of Maori in decision-making for their resources which is requires by Article ii of the Treaty of Waitangi (Te Tiriti o Waitangi). Part i describes the Maori world view of the environment and outlines the Treaty of Waitangi and its relevance to resource management law. Part ii describes the purpose and principles contained in sections 5, 6(e), 7(a), and 8 of the 1991 Act. Chapter Three provides an overview of the relationship between the purpose and principles. Chapter Four discusses the purpose in section 5 and proclaims that the inclusion of sustainability as a purpose in resource management legislation is advantageous in terms of the indirect furtherance of Maori conservation aspirations for the enviroment. It also describes how the cultural wellbeing of Maori has been interpreted to be an express part of the purpose of the Act. Chapter Five provides an analysis of section 6(e) which makes the relationship of Maori and their culture and traditions with their taonga a matter of national importance under the Act. Chapter Six describes section 7(a) and kaitiakitanga which must be given particular regard under the Act. Chapter Seven discusses section 8 and the content and meaning of the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi. Part ii concludes that while the facilitation of Maori involvement in the management and protection of natural and physical resources is improved under this Act, these sections are an insufficient safeguard for Maori interests. Part iii assesses the other sections in the Act which have a bearing on Maori involvement in resource management processes. Chapter Eight explores the planning system. Chapter Nine describes the resource consent processes in the 1991 Act. Chapter Ten comments on various procedural provisions which introduce tikanga Maori into the Act, and Chapter Eleven is devoted to exploring the sections in the Act which in the writer�s opinion provide the most potential for recognition of rangatiratanga in a limited form. This Part proclaims that the emphasis in the Act is very much on consultation with nga Iwi Maori as an effective means for their involement in resource management. It is submitted that this is not the active participation in decision-making that Maori seek and which is guaranteed under Article ii of the Treaty of Waitangi. Chapter Twelve acknowledges that involvement of nga Iwi Maori in processes under the 1991 Act will rely to some extent on the content of policy statements and plans produced by the local authorities. An analysis of the Proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement is undertaken to explore how the concerns of Kai Tahu have been incorporated into the statement. Chapter Thirteen ends by concluding that while the 1991 Act does provide for increased Maori involvement in resource management processes in New Zealand it does not facilitate the decision-making role guaranteed by Article ii of the Treaty of Waitangi.

En kvalitetsanalys av EU:s direktiv om förnybar energi

Hesselgren, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>There's no doubt today that mankind has contributed to the changing climate by</p><p>her use of fossil fuels. This must change in the nearby future. The European</p><p>leaders are expressing concern that renewable energy sources are not being</p><p>used to their full potential. The 2001/77/EC Directive on Electricity Production</p><p>from Renewable Energy Sources was accepted in 2001 to encourage the</p><p>development of energy production from renewable sources, which is</p><p>considered a step towards the fulfillment of the goal of the Union, that 12% of</p><p>the gross energy consumption should come from renewable energy sources by</p><p>the year 2010.</p><p>The objective of this thesis is to illuminate the common legislation of the EU</p><p>regarding renewable energy with regard to goal fulfillment, judicial quality,</p><p>conflicts with other goals of the EU and other faults. The objective is reached</p><p>by a hermeneutic study in which interpretation of written text is the main</p><p>method. To analyze whether the EU stimulates the usage of renewable energy</p><p>within the union I have applied a method used in audits. I have analyzed an</p><p>empirical material and drawn conclusions using an inductive method.</p><p>It is difficult to make specific demands on the legislation of member states</p><p>because the circumstances vary heavily depending on external factors and other</p><p>laws. The laws of the European Union must conform to a large number of</p><p>criteria to be considered rational and legitimate. They must be in line with the</p><p>basic goals of the union, serve the purpose of the legislator, not violate any</p><p>human rights and be coherent with other legislation.</p><p>Directive 2001/77/EC complies with the fundamental goals of the union. It also</p><p>complies fully with basic human rights, particularly the right to a good</p><p>environment, which is included in the third generation human rights. The</p><p>directive does not however meet all the political rationalities because it does not</p><p>serve all intended political purposes. The directive was accepted as an important</p><p>step for the union to reach the goals of the Kyoto protocol. It is, however, clear</p><p>that the goals for the year 2010, as presented in the directive and the Kyoto</p><p>protocol, will not be reached unless the use of renewable energy sources sees a</p><p>drastic increase.</p>

Bergvärme som energikälla

Back, Natalii January 2008 (has links)
<p>2008-05-26</p><p>Bedrock heat as an energy source</p><p>The sun has warmed up the bedrock and this heat can be used for warming up houses. Approximately 100 – 200 meters down in the bedrock the temperature of the heat is stable. This is a source of energy that can be used by installing a heat pump system. The ground source heat pumps are low maintenance and can last for many years. There is also a pollution risk for the groundwater and therefore the wells in the area. Before the ground source heat pump can be installed the municipality need to give permission, according to the environmental code. To install the system without permission is a crime against the environmental code. A requirement when applying for permission to install the heat pump system is to get the neighbours to agree with the place for the bore hole. The neighbour can appeal against the environmental and health authorities’ decision to give permission to install the ground source heat pump system. However there needs to be more research done regarding the environmental effects that may occur in the future, if the ground source heatpump system continues to increase as rapidly as today.</p>

Nya krav på miljöbedömningar av planer och program : En väg mot effektivare samhällsplanering och hållbar utveckling?

Alm, Eva January 2005 (has links)
<p>Den 21 juli 2001 trädde Europaparlamentets och rådets direktiv, om bedömning av vissa planers och programs miljöpåverkan, i kraft. Syftet med direktivet var att säkerhetsställa en hög nivå på miljöskydd, genom att utföra miljöbedömningar på vissa planer och program som kan antas medföra en betydande miljöpåverkan. När ny lagstiftning ska implementeras brukar det vanligtvis uppkomma implementeringsproblem och det var något som jag misstänkte skulle uppkomma även i detta fall. Syftet med uppsatsen är därför att ta reda på hur arbetet har fortlöpt med att implementera de nya bestämmelserna som har haft sin upprinnelse från EU:s direktiv. Informationsflödet kring de nya bestämmelserna har också studerats. För att uppfylla syftet utfördes en intervjuundersökning med tre tjänstemän på olika administrativa nivåer för att ta reda på deras uppfattning om problem respektive styrkor med de nya bestämmelserna som härrört från EU:s direktiv, samt hur de tyckte att informationsflödet kring de nya bestämmelserna hade fungerat. Två analyser utfördes sedan i uppsatsen: en jämförande analys där svar från min intervjustudie sattes i förhållande till fem ståndpunkter som jag valt ut från regeringens proposition Miljöbedömningar av planer och program 2003/04:116, samt en analys där tre nyckelbegrepp inom implementeringsteorin har satts i förhållande till intervjuresultaten. Vissa av ståndpunkterna i regeringens proposition visade sig vara väl optimistiska, i alla fall i förhållande till intervjusvaren. En del implementeringsproblem verkar också vara ofrånkomliga, framförallt var respondenterna missnöjda med hur informationsflödet kring de nya bestämmelserna hade fungerat. De nya bestämmelserna kan säkerligen bidra till en mer hållbar utveckling men jag tror att det kommer att ta tid innan bra rutiner för att arbeta med dem har hittats.</p>

Vattendirektivets inverkan på miljökvalitetsmålen Ingen övergödning & Ett rikt odlingslandskap : Nationellt, Regionalt, Lokalt

Lagmyr Kempe, Catharina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Den här studien är grundad på intervjuer med personer som arbetar med miljömål, både de nationella och de miljömål som Ramdirektivet för vatten vill genomföra. Jag har intervjuat sammanlagt 7 respondenter från Naturvårdsverket, Jordbruksverket, Vattenmyndigheten för norra Östersjön, Länsstyrelsen i Södermanland och Flens kommun. Genom att göra dessa intervjuer hoppades jag på att få svar på de frågor som är underställda mitt syfte. </p><p>Vilka är:</p><p>- Når all information om Vattendirektivet ut till alla instanser som är berörda och får de informationen i tid inför sitt handlingsplansarbete?</p><p>-Hur samarbetar de olika instanserna över de nationella, regionala och lokala gränserna med att göra handlings- och åtgärdsplaner? </p><p>-Och har då Sverige större möjlighet att nå upp till de miljömål vi har satt upp om Vattendirektivet implementeras i handlingsplanerna? </p><p>Mitt syfte är att se hur Vattendirektivet påverkar arbetet med att nå de två miljökvalitetsmålen Ett rikt odlingslandskap och Ingen övergödning på nationell, regional och lokal nivå.</p><p>Genom att analysera resultaten både ur implementeringsteorin och ur ett rättsligt perspektiv kom jag fram till att den information som finns ut till berörda myndigheter har stannat på länsstyrelsenivå och har ej gått ut till de som arbetar med handlingsplanerna. De enda som har använt sig av Vattendirektivet i handlingsplansarbetet är Naturvårdsverket när de arbetade fram handlingsplanerna för Ingen övergödning. Bland annat på grund av detta finns det inte så mycket samarbete mellan myndigheterna. För att en implementering ska kunna genomföras krävs information och samarbete. Tillämparen ska förstå beslutet, kunna genomföra det och de ska också vilja genomföra beslutet skriver Anders Sannerstedt. </p><p>Det framkom att de flesta respondenterna trodde att implementeringen av Vattendirektivet skulle hjälpa dem att nå våra nationella miljökvalitetsmål, åtminstone de mål som går att sätta gränsvärden i, därför att EG´s direktiv är rättsligt bindande och att miljökvalitetsnormer blir införda i miljöbalken. Enligt Lena Gipperth så måste miljökvalitetsnormer införas om vi ska nå Vattendirektivets miljömål. </p><p>Än så länge har inte Ramdirektivet för vatten påverkat uppnåelsen av de två miljömålen Ett rikt odlingslandskap och Ingen övergödning. Mer information och resurser ut till berörda myndigheter, för att få igång ett intresse, behövs för att implementeringen av Vattendirektivet ska komma igång. </p> / ISRN i pdf-filen är felaktigt. Det korrekta ISRN visas nedan.

The smoking dragon : A study of how China frame their climate change policy

Wahrby, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>In the international climate change negotiations it has been hard to find a sustainable agreement about how to address the anthropogenic impacts on the climate. This is because the issue is very complicated and comprises many social and economic aspects. Because of the struggling in the international negotiations is it necessary to analyze how the climate change issue is understood in different regions and countries of the world. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse how actors within the climate policy sphere in China frame the climate change issue. In the near future, China will become the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide and with a population of 1.3 billion people; China is one of the key countries in the international climate negations. The thesis analyses how two key actor groups - decision makers and scientists connected to the Chinese climate change administration - frame the climate change issue in semi-structured interviews. The respondents frame the climate change issue as a large obstacle for a future Chinese development, both economically and socially. To address climate change in China the respondents think that technology innovations and transfer of technology from the developed countries will be very important. Therefore the respondents think it is vitally important to continue with the international climate negotiations in the future.</p>

Biotopskydd av stenmurar : Skäl för dispens

Uddare, Rebecca January 2008 (has links)
<p>Stone walls in agricultural land are incorporated in the general protection of biotopes. They are protected because they provide a habitat for endangered species. Therefore it is illegal to carry out proceedings in an area that is included in the protection of biotopes. In order to do that, exemption is needed which can only be granted if there are special reasons. The essay stipulates what these special reasons are.</p><p>In an exemption errand the interest for nature conservation must be weighed against a public or a private interest. Administrators have varying opinions on how the interest for nature conservation, contra individual and public interests shall be evaluated. The interest for nature conservation has a lower value if the wall lacks endangered species or if stone walls are common in the area. But a lower value, in itself, can never be considered as special reasons.</p><p>When it comes to a public interest, it must be an important one in order to bring about an exemption. Examples of important public interests are animal and health protection.</p><p>Private interests are often constituted by the desire to improve the farming profitability. This is however rarely considered as an “unforeseen situation”, and therefore - according to preparatory work - it is not judged as special reasons.</p><p>One conclusion is that the County Administrative Boards need improved guidance. Another conclusion is that exemption shall be used restrictively. Exemptions are not supposed to solve all problems due to protection of stone walls in agricultural land. They ought to be the solution when no other reasonable alternatives can be found.</p>

Health, safety & environmental measures and international economic law.

Orellana, Marcos A. Unknown Date (has links)
Owing to scientific insights and greater awareness of the deteriorating environment, since the 1970s governments have adopted a range of health, safety and environmental (HSE) measures at the national and international levels. While their purposes vary, HSE measures generally seek: the protection of the population from HSE risks; the internalization by economic operators of their negative externalities; and the transformation of consumption and production patterns. As a result, environmental law has emerged in comparative and international law. / HSE measures enter a policy space already occupied by international economic law. Generally, economic law seeks to enable successful economic ventures and development by removing obstacles to trade and securing protection to foreign investment. To these ends, it deploys dispute settlement mechanisms which may attract conflicts relating to HSE measures, especially where the costs of compliance with these measures significantly affect foreign investors or countries other than those benefiting from increased HSE protection. / International tribunals established under the World Trade Organization (WTO) or international investment agreements (IIAs) have scrutinized HSE measures. Adjudicating claims involving HSE measures confronts the challenge of affirming economic law disciplines while avoiding interpretations and results that defeat the objectives of the international regimes underlying HSE measures. / Under the paradigm of sustainable development, which seeks to reconcile economic development and environmental protection by integrating environmental issues in the development planning and decision-making process, systemic integration techniques of treaty interpretation avail to facilitate normative dialogue between economic, environmental, and human rights law. This dialogue is critical to threading coherence, synergy and mutual supportiveness among these regimes, so that they do not frustrate each other's goals. / In this light, this dissertation explores the issues and tensions involved in the adjudication of HSE measures by dispute settlement mechanisms established in international economic law, with a view to finding ways of building mutually supportive trade, investment, environmental and human rights regimes.

Ein Grundrecht auf Umweltschutz in Europa? : eine rechtsdogmatische Einordnung des Art. 37 GRC /

Orth, Erika Elisabeth, January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Univ. Köln, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [xxxiii]-lxxxix)

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