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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En fallstudie av två byggprojekt och två byggsystem : Jämförelse av miljöpåverkan och kostnad för material korslimmat trä kontra betong / A case study of two projects and two construction systems : A comparison of environmental emissions and expenses between crosslaminated timber and concrete

Shirvani, Armin, Lin, Max January 2020 (has links)
Införandet av byggnadsstadgan 1874 medförde ett förbud mot byggande av flerbostadshus i trä om högre än två våningar på grund av omfattande bränder. Detta hämmande utvecklingen av trä då de större företagen byggde flervåningshus högre än två våningar vilket ledde till byggande av annat material än trä. I dagsläget är byggnadsmaterialet betong det dominerande materialet inom byggbranschen, speciellt inom byggandet av flerbostadshus. De senaste 15 åren har andelen byggda flerbostadshus med en stomme av betong varierat mellan 80 och 91 procent. Byggnad- och fastighetsbranschen står idag för cirka 21 % av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser, en totalsiffra på cirka 21 miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter. Under de senaste åren har både företag och privatpersoner i både Sverige och länder runt om i världen fått upp ögonen för de miljöproblem som världen står inför och har blivit mer miljömedvetna och letar oavbrutet efter lösningar på hur samhället kan minska koldioxidutsläppen. Resultaten i detta examensarbete för de tillhandahållna projekten som detta arbete utgått från är att byggnaden konstruerad i korslimmat trä är det material som är att föredra ur ett miljö- och kostnadsperspektiv. Dock har detta arbete enbart avhandlat bärande inner- och ytterväggar samt bjälklag. / With the introduction of the 1874 building code, a prohibation against multi-storey apartment buildings built in wood was implemented, mainly because of the widespread fires throughout the years. Since most of the bigger companies built their apartment complexes in levels higher than two, it meant they had to build in construction material other than wood - thus hampering woods’ development in the field of construction. As of today, concrete is still the dominating material within construction industry, especielly when it comes to building apartment complexes. Theamount of partment buildings built with its framework consisting mostly of concrete has varied between 80 to 91 percent the past 15 years. The building industry and real estate industry represent approximately 21 % of Swedens greenhouse gas emissions, a total figure of about 21-million-ton carbon dioxide equivalents. In recent years, people and companies in Sweden and countries around the globe have become more aware of the environmental issues and its consequences that we’ll soon face and are therefore working on finding solutions on how society can reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The results presented in this thesis, which represents the projects that were provided, shows that the building built with its framing in CLT is the more sustainable material from an environmental perspective and more profitable economically. It should however be mentioned that calculations were only done for the load-bearing inner and outer walls and the floor joist.

Lifecycle Analysis of Forged Products

Sakore, Mohit Digamber January 2022 (has links)
Sustainability is a major focus for the industry considering the awareness among the public and legislators due to climate change. Automotive manufacturers use many steel products for assembly of vehicles and, many of these products; particularly the heavy and critical components like Front Axle beams and Crankshafts are manufactured using forging process. Due to increased awareness and regulations, all companies are expected to provide environmental impact data relevant to their products. Nonetheless, providing environmental impact data is not yet a common practice in the manufacturing industry, specifically in case of the forged products. Therefore, this thesis aims to establish a comprehensive study of environmental impacts of products namely Heavy vehicle Front Axle Beams, Heavy vehicle Crankshafts, Passenger car Crankshafts and Heavy vehicle steering arms forged at Bharat Forge Kilsta AB and create a baseline for current impact calculations as well as highlight areas for improvement in the future. Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) is used as the method to study the environmental impacts of the forged products. The LCA method in this case is based on ISO 14044 and ILCD Handbook and the impact assessment methods used are EPD (2018) and Cumulative Energy Demand (LHV) v1.0 in accordance with EPD International’s requirements. This research finds that steel and the electricity used in the forging process are the major causes of environmental impacts. To ensure high accuracy of the results of this study, primary data for both steel and electricity is used in the analysis. The LCA results will be published in the form of Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). The CO2 footprint for an average product was found to be 0.89 kg CO2 / kg forged product. Previous studies have utilised average datasets for calculating environmental impacts of forged products which reduce the accuracy of the results. This study, due to the inclusion of primary data of steel manufacturing and electricity generation, provides highly accurate environmental impact results of forged products. / Hållbarhet är ett stort fokus för branschen med tanke på medvetenheten hos lagstiftare och allmänheten på grund av klimatförändringar. Biltillverkare använder många stålprodukter för montering av fordon och många av dessa produkter; speciellt de tunga och kritiska komponenterna som framaxelbalkar och vevaxlar tillverkas med hjälp av smidesprocess. På grund av ökad medvetenhet och bestämmelser förväntas alla företag tillhandahålla data på miljöpåverkan som är relevanta för sina produkter. Icke desto mindre är det ännu inte vanligt att tillhandahålla miljöpåverkansdata inom tillverkningsindustrin, särskilt när det gäller smidesprodukter. Därför syftar denna avhandling till att upprätta en omfattande studie av miljöpåverkan från produkter, specifikt framaxelbalkar för tunga fordon, vevaxlar för tunga fordon, vevaxlar för personbilar och styrarmar för tunga fordon smidda hos Bharat Forge Kilsta AB och skapa en bas för aktuella påverkansberäkningar och för att belysa framtida förbättringsområden. Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) används som metod för att studera de smidda produkternas miljöpåverkan. LCA-metoden i detta fall är baserad på ISO 14044 och ILCD Handbook och de konsekvensbedömningsmetoder som används är EPD (2018)och Cumulative Energy Demand (LHV) v1.0 i enlighet med krav från EPD International. Denna forskning visar att stål och elektricitet som används i smidesprocessen är de främsta orsakerna till miljöpåverkan. För att säkerställa hög noggrannhet av resultaten av denna studie används primärdata för både stål och el i analysen. LCA resultaten kommer att publiceras i form av Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). CO2-avtrycket för en genomsnittlig produkt visade sig vara 0,89 kg CO2/kgsmidd produkt. Tidigare studier har använt genomsnittliga datamängder för att beräkna miljöpåverkan från smidda produkter som minskar noggrannheten i resultaten. Denna studie, på grund av inkluderingen av primärdata för ståltillverkning och elproduktion, ger mycket exakta miljöpåverkansresultat av smidda produkter.

Estudo da influência de touro e de genearca da raça Nelore nos aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos de carcaça e da carne / Study of the influence of steer and breeders of Nellore in the quality and quantitative aspects of carcass and beef

Bonin, Marina de Nadai 09 May 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a variabilidade genética existente entre touros e linhagens da raça Nelore, essas representadas pelos grandes genearcas, no que se refere à qualidade de carcaça e de carne. Os animais utilizados para coleta de dados de carcaça e carne pertenciam ao projeto de melhoramento genético e de avaliação para emissão de CEIP - Certificado Especial de Identificação e Produção, da Agro-Pecuária CFM-Ltda, e tinham idade entre 21 e 28 meses. Foram analisadas as características peso de carcaça quente (PCQ), área de olho de lombo (AOL), espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS) e marmoreio (MAR). A qualidade de carne foi avaliada para os períodos de 7, 14 e 21 dias de maturação, quanto às perdas por exsudação (PE), perdas por cozimento (PC) e maciez (MAC). A avaliação da variabilidade genética entre linhagens foi efetuada com base em valores das diferenças esperadas na progênie (DEP) para as características PCQ, AOL, EGS, MAR e MAC aos 7, 14 e 21 dias de maturação. Foi encontrada variabilidade entre os touros e as linhagens estudadas sugerindo que um progresso genético pode ser conseguido pela seleção de animais para características de carcaça e carne dentro da raça Nelore. / The present study had as objective to estimate the genetic variability between steers and breed lines of Nellore, these represented by the greatest breeders, referred to carcass and beef quality. The animals used to collect the samples of carcass and beef belonged to the project of genetic improvement and evaluation to emission of CEIP-Special Certificate of Identification and Production of CFM Farm-Ltda. The animals had age between 21 and 28 months. Were analyzed the characteristics of hot carcass weight (PCQ), rib eye area (AOL), backfat thickness (EGS), marbling (MAR).The beef quality was evaluated for the periods of 7, 14 and 21 days of ageing, as reference the drip loss (PE), cooking loss (PC) and tenderness (MAC). The evaluation of the genetic variability between the breed lines was done based in the values of the expected progeny differences (DEP) of the characteristics of PCQ, AOL, EGS, MAR and MAC at days 7, 14 and 21 of ageing. There was found a variability between steers and the breed lines studied, suggesting that a genetic process may be possible by selecting the animals to carcass and beef characteristics in the Nellore breed.

Life cycle analysis as a tool for CO2 mitigation in the building sector

Östling, Ida January 2018 (has links)
After the Paris agreement 2015 the Energy Commission in Sweden proposed a goal for Sweden of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. The focus in this report has been on how buildings in Sweden could reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Year 2017 the government gave a task for Boverket in Sweden (National Board of Housing, Building and Planning) to investigate the possibility to introduce a climate declaration on buildings. The idea is a life cycle analysis (LCA) should be performed on the building in order to get a building permit. An LCA include all CO2 emissions emitted from resources used for raw material extraction, production of materials, construction site operations, user phase and also the demolition and disposal in the end of life of the building. The first draft from Boverket was published in February 2018 where they recommended a simple declaration. They recommended in the beginning to only include a few components in the declaration, and to only include the production phase. The major interest in this report have been to gain more understanding on how to perform LCAs and also how the LCA result could be used to decrease CO2 emissions. A case study was made on a residential building project called Mården, in Umeå Sweden. The first part in this thesis was to determine the phase in the buildings life cycle with the largest potential for decreasing CO2 emissions. When the LCA was performed on case study building Mården it was difficult to use exact data, since only 20 % of the construction products where declared in an environmental product declaration (EPD). Therefore the other 80 % where approximated with similar products declared in an EPD, or with generic data (general data for a type of product). An EPD is an LCA on a single product and could therefore give exact information on CO2 emissions for a specific product. However, several improvements where implemented in the buildings life cycle and where compared with this reference case. The result from the LCA showed the energy use in the user phase emitted the largest amount of CO2 emissions, and therefore also where the phase with the largest potential for reducing CO2 emissions. When the Swedish district heating mix where replaced with an energy source with 50 % less CO2 emissions, the emissions for the whole life cycle could be decreased with 20 %. Smaller improvements such as more environmental friendlier concrete, shorter transport distance between manufacturer and construction site or less water usage resulted in a decrease by 1.6-7 %. It was though shown these smaller improvement could result in a large decrease of CO2 emissions if more buildings also would improve the same thing. 2.4 million tons of CO2 emissions could for example be reduced in Sweden if 50 % of Sweden’s all new building projects would improve their choice of concrete. To make sure buildings could reduce their CO2 emissions there is important LCAs are performed before the building is constructed, to make sure all phases in the life cycle can be improved. If an LCA will be performed when the building is constructed, it is only possible to improve a few parts in the user phase, since the other phases already have passed. The second part in this thesis was to compare the different LCA softwares; (i) One Click LCA (needs license, from Finland), (ii) e-tool (free, from Australia) and (iii) BM (free, from Sweden). When more exact data were tried to be used in e-tool and One Click LCA the results were similar for the CO2 emissions from the production phase. E-tool only resulted in 6 % higher CO2 emissions in the production phase than One Click LCA. The LCA in the eventual future climate declaration will probably be performed with generic data, since in an early stage the contractors will not have detailed information on their construction products. An LCA was thus performed in each software with generic data, and the result differed a lot. The CO2 emissions from the production phase resulted in 36 % and 23 % less CO2 emissions in BM and e-tool than in One Click LCA. If several softwares will be allowed in this eventual climate declaration, the judgment could be difficult since different generic data is used in each sofware. The generic data were also different for one type of product in a single software, where the CO2 emission could differ with as much as 50 % between two types of generic data for one type of products. This leads to a difficulty when choosing generic data since there will be lack of information on the construction products at the time when this eventual climate declaration should be performed. A main focus for the future development should be on evaluating a standard database that could be used in EU. If a future law will be implemented it could be valuable to declare detailed rules on how to perform the LCA. Since depending on who will perform the LCA different results could occur due to different data used or assumptions on things like products, boundaries or used resource. However, this master thesis has shown there is possible to use the LCA methodology to find solutions for decreasing the CO2 emissions for buildings.

Estudo da influência de touro e de genearca da raça Nelore nos aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos de carcaça e da carne / Study of the influence of steer and breeders of Nellore in the quality and quantitative aspects of carcass and beef

Marina de Nadai Bonin 09 May 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estimar a variabilidade genética existente entre touros e linhagens da raça Nelore, essas representadas pelos grandes genearcas, no que se refere à qualidade de carcaça e de carne. Os animais utilizados para coleta de dados de carcaça e carne pertenciam ao projeto de melhoramento genético e de avaliação para emissão de CEIP - Certificado Especial de Identificação e Produção, da Agro-Pecuária CFM-Ltda, e tinham idade entre 21 e 28 meses. Foram analisadas as características peso de carcaça quente (PCQ), área de olho de lombo (AOL), espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS) e marmoreio (MAR). A qualidade de carne foi avaliada para os períodos de 7, 14 e 21 dias de maturação, quanto às perdas por exsudação (PE), perdas por cozimento (PC) e maciez (MAC). A avaliação da variabilidade genética entre linhagens foi efetuada com base em valores das diferenças esperadas na progênie (DEP) para as características PCQ, AOL, EGS, MAR e MAC aos 7, 14 e 21 dias de maturação. Foi encontrada variabilidade entre os touros e as linhagens estudadas sugerindo que um progresso genético pode ser conseguido pela seleção de animais para características de carcaça e carne dentro da raça Nelore. / The present study had as objective to estimate the genetic variability between steers and breed lines of Nellore, these represented by the greatest breeders, referred to carcass and beef quality. The animals used to collect the samples of carcass and beef belonged to the project of genetic improvement and evaluation to emission of CEIP-Special Certificate of Identification and Production of CFM Farm-Ltda. The animals had age between 21 and 28 months. Were analyzed the characteristics of hot carcass weight (PCQ), rib eye area (AOL), backfat thickness (EGS), marbling (MAR).The beef quality was evaluated for the periods of 7, 14 and 21 days of ageing, as reference the drip loss (PE), cooking loss (PC) and tenderness (MAC). The evaluation of the genetic variability between the breed lines was done based in the values of the expected progeny differences (DEP) of the characteristics of PCQ, AOL, EGS, MAR and MAC at days 7, 14 and 21 of ageing. There was found a variability between steers and the breed lines studied, suggesting that a genetic process may be possible by selecting the animals to carcass and beef characteristics in the Nellore breed.

Taktiskt ruttutbyte / Tactical route exchange

Thornberg, Markus, Manukyan, David January 2017 (has links)
Den tekniska utvecklingen har gjort att nya möjligheter har tillkommit för att säkra framförandet av fartyg och effektivisera ruttplaneringen. Ett av de effektiviseringssäten som för närvarande utvecklas är ruttutbyte. Syftet med studien är att med hjälp av ett simulerat scenario samt frågeformulär belysa eventuella risker förknippade med ruttutbyte till sjöss. Studien speglar deltagarnas upplevelse av den kritiska situationen som simuleringen återger och visar även skillnaden i beslutsfattandet mellan erfarna och oerfarna navigatörer. Tidigare forskning betonar till stor del fördelar med taktiskt ruttutbyte men mindre angående nackdelar med systemet. Med hjälp frågeformulär insamlades deltagarnas erfarenheter och upplevelser angående taktiskt ruttutbyte. Enligt scenariot var det planerat att ett av fartygen i trafikflödet skulle avvika från sin planerade rutt. Ruttutbyte har simulerats genom att visa fartygsrutter i ECDIS. Resultatet av studien visar att det finns ett klart mönster mellan olika gruppers beslutsfattande och graden av pålitlighet till de i ECDIS visade rutterna för andra fartyg. Studien visar även att det finns en påtaglig risk för kollision om navigatörer följer ruttutbytet utan vidare kritisk granskning på grund av falsk trygghet. / The technical advances in the maritime sector have led to new possibilities to secure the safe passage of the vessels and improve the process of route planning. One example of such advances is route exchange. The purpose of this study was by means of simulation to pinpoint whether there are any probable risks connected with the tactical route exchange. This study reflected the experience of the participants of the critical situation portrayed in the simulation. It also takes in to account the difference of the decision-making between the different groups. These groups are composed of experienced navigators and unexperienced navigators. The study also describes the simulation from a fact-based standpoint. Earlier research describes mostly advantages of the tactical route exchange and in less degree the disadvantages of the tactical route exchange. The study has been composed by means of simulation at several occasions. With the help of questionnaires, a general picture has been compiled of the participants’ background, experience and the general opinion about the tactical route exchange. According to the prepared scenario there was one vessel which was intended to deviate from its intended route. The route exchange was projected in the ECDIS console. The result shows that there is a pattern between the different groups´ decision-making and the degree of reliability of the projected routes. The study also points out the obvious risk of collision dependent on the incompleteness of the system and weaknesses for the worst-case scenario which should be taken into account in the future upgrades of the system.

Estimating the value of carcass DNA and performance EPD’S for Gelbvieh bulls at auction

Mead, Clay January 1900 (has links)
Master of Agribusiness / Department of Agricultural Economics / Ted C. Schroeder / For the industry to be able to produce a higher performing and consistent quality product, evaluation of performance and information needs to be collected and available for producers to make more informed beef cattle production management decisions. In recent history, the cattle industry has taken on the complex job of maintaining and recording performance records through programs and efforts such as breed association data bases, and herd health data bases. The constant evaluation of performance and genetic records has supplied producers with data resulting in performance, maternal and carcass statistical records such as Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs). Additionally, developing technology is helping the industry through selection and decision tools such as Carcass DNA marker identification. This study evaluates how the selection tools of EPDs and DNA affect the value of Gelbvieh / Balancer bulls at auction. Data collected for this study is from various Gelbvieh / Balancer bull sales throughout Nebraska in the spring of 2008. Variables evaluated in the study were data and information provided to potential buyers before the auctions to be able to observe how this information affected the value of the purchased bull for each buyer. Variables evaluated were Igenity Profile Carcass DNA values of Ribeye Area, Marbling, and Tenderness. Additionally, Performance EPDs of Calving Ease Direct, Birth Weight, Weaning Weight, Yearling Weight, Ribeye Area, and Marbling were evaluated. The only actual measurement observed was Scrotal Circumference. The hedonic models developed for this study suggest that the selected bull data provided to potential buyers before sale are not the only significant determinants affecting price. Statistical measurements and technologies developing the industry are having a profound and positive effect on production and as selection tools however, are not the only potential variables affecting the value of a sire at auction. Other possible variables effecting auction value can also include evaluation of phenotype, pedigree, and buyer benefits. The data and variables evaluated in the study should still be used as valuable additions to other selection tools and observations when selecting a future beef sire.

En jämförelse mellan samverkansbjälklag och bjälklag av Grön betong med avseende på klimatpåverkan / A comparison between timber concrete composite slab and Green concrete slab regarding climate impact

Cizmeli Utsel, Hülya, Sjögren Brolinsson, Fredrika January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka skillnaderna mellan bjälklag av Grön betong och ett samverkansbjälklag med traditionell betong och KL-trä med avseende CO2-ekv. Syftet har även varit att identifiera i vilka skeden i en livscykel som skillnaderna i koldioxidutsläppen är som störst mellan dessa bjälklag samt presentera förbättringsförslag för att minimera utsläppen. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes av tidigare forskning kring miljöpåverkan av de ingående materialen i de utvalda bjälklagstyperna. Dokumentanalys av LCA-data utfördes för att inhämta data för varje delmaterial och identifiera skillnaderna med avseende på koldioxidutsläpp. Likaså utfördes intervju samt fallstudie för att besvara frågeställningarna i denna studie. Resultat: Ett betongbjälklag av Skanskas Gröna betong släpper ut 16 885 kg CO2-ekv och samverkansbjälklaget med KL-trä och traditionell betong släpper ut 10 395 kg CO2- ekv under skede A1-A4 i en livscykelanalys enligt utförd fallstudie. Skillnaderna mellan bjälklagen är som störst i skede A1-A3. Förbättringsarbeten som kan utföras för att reducera koldioxidutsläppet i respektive bjälklagstyp är bland annat att återanvända betong som ballast i nya betongframtaganden enligt Skanskas tekniska specialist. Konsekvenser: Ett betongbjälklag av Skanskas Grön betong släpper ut mer CO2-ekv än ett samverkansbjälklag av traditionell betong och KL-trä. Fallstudien påvisar att utsläppen mellan bjälklagstyperna är störst under skede A1-A3. Resultaten från denna studie kan tillämpas som en indikator i valet av bjälklagsort eller betongsort. Begränsningar: Denna studie har varit begränsad till att endast behandla skede A1-A4 i en livscykelanalys. Med avseende miljöpåverkan har endast CO2-ekv beräknats och analyserats


Alsbäck, Linda, Landin, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
The study was conducted by two students in architectural engineering at Jönköping University and includes 15 higher education credits. Collaboration was carried out with PE Teknik and Arkitektur. The purpose was to evaluate the environmental impact of different facade systems using the LCA methodology. Investigation is motivated by the need to address environmental issues in the construction industry, which accounts for 21% of Sweden's total greenhouse gas emissions. Qualitative case study was conducted, exploring architects' thought processes when choosing facade materials and how they integrate principles of sustainability into their work. Interviews with architects answered questions about the process and the integration of sustainability. Five external walls with different facade materials and attachments were compared. To answer the question of which facade material has the most climate impact during its product stage, a material study was conducted. The measurement value used in determining the climate impact was carbon dioxide equivalents. The choice of facade material was based on lifespan, recyclability, and content of hazardous substances. Architects may have different focus areas, but the choice of facade material is always based on aesthetic and technical considerations. Respondents also emphasized the importance of choosing locally produced materials if possible. The material study showed untreated spruce panels had the lowest climate impact, while aluminum composite panels had the highest. Fastening of wooden panels had the least climate impact, while the fastening of tiles had the most. In conclusion, respondents stressed environmental awareness is a significant transition and the results of the study indicate the industry is not fully ready for it yet. Investigation showed that architects are aware of the environmental crisis and integrate sustainability principles into their work through various perspectives depending on the project's focus area. / Denna studie utfördes av två byggingenjörsstudenter vid Jönköpings Tekniska Högskola och omfattar 15 högskolepoäng. Samarbete genomfördes med PE Teknik och Arkitektur. Syftet var att utvärdera miljöpåverkan av olika fasadsystem med hjälp av LCA-metodiken. Undersökningen motiveras av behovet att hantera miljöfrågor inom byggsektorn, som står för 21% av Sveriges totala växthusgasutsläpp. En kvalitativ fallstudie har utförts avseende arkitekters tankegångar vid val av fasadmaterial har undersökts och även hur de integrerar hållbarhetsprinciperna i sitt arbete. Intervjuer med arkitekter svarade på frågan om processen och integreringen av hållbarhet. En jämförelse av en yttervägg med fem olika fasadmaterial och infästningar har genomförts. En materialstudie har utförts för att besvara frågan om vilket fasadmaterial som har mest klimatpåverkan under dess produktskede. Mätvärdet som användes vid avgörandet för klimatpåverkan var koldioxidekvivalenter. Valet av fasadmaterial grundades på dess livslängd, återvinningsbarhet och innehåll av farliga ämnen. I sammanhanget kan arkitekterna ha olika fokusområden, men valet av fasadmaterial grundar sig alltid i estetiska och tekniska ramar. Respondenterna betonade även vikten av att välja lokalt producerade material om möjligheten finns. Materialstudien visade att obehandlade granpaneler hade lägst klimatpåverkan, medan aluminiumkompositplåten hade högst klimatpåverkan. Träpanelens infästning hade minst klimatpåverkan, medan teglets hade mest.  Sammanfattningsvis menade respondenterna att miljömedvetenhet är en stor omställning och resultatet av studien visar på att branschen inte är redo för miljömedvetenhet.  Undersökningen visade att arkitekter är medvetna om miljökrisen och integrerar hållbarhetsprinciperna i sitt arbete genom olika synvinklar beroende på projektets fokusområde.

Byggnadsmaterials klimatpåverkan med avseende på koldioxidutsläpp : under materialproduktion och byggnadens energianvändning, fallstudie av Kungsängstorg / Climate effect by building materials in terms of emission of greenhouse gases : during the production of the materials and energy consumption during building use

Aslan, Gabriel, Järvinen Strand, Saga January 2022 (has links)
The largest contributor to global warming from the construction and real estate sector comes from the emission of greenhouse gases during the production and usage phases of buildings. During production the leading contributor accounting for emissions is material production while the largest impact in the usage phase is due to energy used for heating, where the largest heat losses occur through building envelopes. Therefore, should the material selection for the building envelope be optimized both regarding the materials lifetime pollutant emissions as well as its effect on energy consumption during building use. The purpose of this paper is to review materials carbon footprint regarding its lifecycle and the effect on energy use of different exterior wall constructions during building use. To answer these questions different methods are applied such as case studies, theoretical studies and simulations. Investigated materials and exterior wall constructions are sandwich panels with a core of rock wool, CLT (cross laminated timber) combined with glass wool and CLT combined with hemp fiber insulation. The result of the study indicates that the climate impact from production of the investigated materials is small compared to the climate impact of energy use. However the study shows that the emissions from the production phase differ between materials. CLT combined with hemp fiber insulation or glass wool insulation has less of an effect on greenhouse emissions compared to sandwich panels. Furthermore, depending on the selection of dimensions for CLT and insulation there are possibilities to reduce energy consumption during building use and still maintain a lower level of emission from material production compared to sandwich panels. / Den största klimatpåverkan från bygg- och fastighetssektorn beror idag av växthusgasutsläpp under byggnaders produktionsskede och bruksskede. I produktionsskedet kommer den mest betydande andelen utsläpp från materialproduktion och i bruksskedet från energianvändning som beror av uppvärmning av fastigheter, där de största värmeförlusterna sker genom en byggnads klimatskal. Materialval i klimatskalet bör därför optimeras både med avseende på koldioxidutsläpp under dess livscykel och materialets påverkan på en byggnads energianvändning i bruksskedet (Boverket 2018:5), (Sveriges Byggindustrier 2014). Arbetets syfte är att redogöra för olika byggnadsmaterials klimatpåverkan, både med avseende på materialets livscykel och olika ytterväggskonstruktioners påverkan på energianvändning i byggnadens bruksskede. Målet är att skapa underlag inför val av material i en hallbyggnads klimatskal. Tre frågeställningar har formulerats med syftet i åtanke; Hur påverkas byggnadens energianvändning beroende på val av ytterväggskonstruktion?; Vilken klimatpåverkan har respektive ytterväggskonstruktion, med avseende på produkternas livscykler? och; Vad är byggnadens klimatpåverkan med avseende på materialproduktion och byggnadens energianvändning?. För att svara på frågeställningar tillämpas flera metoder. En fallstudie ger arbetet en utgångspunkt och en litteraturstudie skapar underlag för att analysera material och produkters klimatpåverkan. Utifrån insamlade fakta simuleras aktuell byggnad och given energianvändning kan omvandlas till klimatpåverkan. Material och ytterväggskonstruktioner som undersöks är sandwichpaneler med stenullsisolering, som referenskonstruktion. Vilken jämförs med KL-trä kombinerat med glasullsisolering respektive hampafiberisolering. Valet av studerade material åligger i att forskning visar på att kombinationen av massiva trästommar och isoleringsmaterial i klimatskalet kan bidra till att minska byggnaders energianvändning. Studien visar att klimatpåverkan från tillverkningsskedet för ytterväggarnas material är lågt i jämförelse med klimatpåverkan orsakad av bruksskedets energianvändning. Det framgår emellertid att konstruktionerna sinsemellan skiljer sig åt utsläppsmässigt vid produktion av material. Att använda KL-trä kombinerat med glasullsisolering eller hampafiberisolering ger lägre klimatpåverkan i förhållande till sandwichpanel. Beroende på val av dimensioner av KL-trä och isolering finns också möjlighet till att minska energianvändningen i byggnadens bruksskede och erhålla lägre klimatpåverkan vid materialproduktion i jämförelse med sandwichpaneler.

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