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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The language of the gods : oblique communication and divine persuasion in Homer's Odyssey

Zekas, Christodoulos January 2010 (has links)
Often praised for its sophistication in the narrator- and character-text, the Odyssey is regarded as the ultimate epic of a warrior’s much-troubled nostos. As a corollary of both its theme and the polytropia of the main hero, the poem explores extensively the motifs of secrecy and disguise. Apart from the lying tales of Odysseus, one important, albeit less obvious, example of the tendency to secrecy and disguise is the exchanges between the gods, which constitute a distinct group of speeches that have significant implications for the action of the poem. The aim of this dissertation is to study the divine dialogues of the Odyssey from the angle of communication and persuasion. Employing findings from narratology, discourse analysis, and oral poetics, and through close readings of the Homeric text, I argue that the overwhelming majority of these related passages have certain characteristics, whose common denominator is obliqueness. Apart from Helius’ appeal to Zeus (Chapter 2), distinctive in its own narratorial rendition, the rest of the dialogues, namely Hermes’ message-delivery to Calypso (Prologue), the two divine assemblies (Chapter 1), plus the exchanges of Zeus with Poseidon (Chapter 2) and Athena (Epilogue) conform to set patterns of communication. Within this framework, interlocutors strongly tend towards concealment and partiality. They make extensive use of conversational implicatures, shed light only on certain sides of the story while suppressing others, and present feigned or even exaggerated arguments in order to persuade their addressee. Direct confrontation is in principle avoided, and even when it does occur, it takes a rather oblique form. In this communicative scheme, the procedure of decision-making is not clear-cut, and the concept of persuasion is fluid and hidden behind the indirect and subtle dialogic process.

Dichter am Ball:untersuchungen zur Poetik des Sports am Beispiel deutschsprachiger „Fußball-Literatur”

vom Schemm, A. (Axel) 24 November 2006 (has links)
Abstract In view of numerous texts from completely different genres the study shows to what extent and degree of differentiation the topic soccer is covered in German-language literature and allows general conclusions on a poetics of sport. Here solely German-language literary sources are considered. The work is divided into a theoretical and a text-related part. In the former section the approaches to the topic – on one hand via German studies and on the other hand via interdisciplinary sport science – is made clear by means of basic considerations on the questions “what is literature?” and “what is sport”. In addition, a revisable basis for the subsequent studies is provided. The text-related part – in turn subdivided according to the three main genres lyric poetry, epic poetry and drama – shows how exactly soccer appears as literary subject. Formal differences induced by the form of presentation within a genre (sonnet vs. visual poetry) or across genres (detective story vs. modern drama) take effect as well as context-related variations of the subject (soccer as symbolic carrier of meaning vs. soccer as vehicle for transporting ethical values). A concluding chapter each on the realization of the sport models introduced in the theoretical part in literary practice follow the individual genre areas. The various aspects that can be attributed to a poetics of sport conclude the study in a summarizing part. Not least here the comprehensiveness of the findings can be seen. / Abstract Die Untersuchung zeigt mit Blick auf zahlreiche Texte ganz unterschiedlicher Gattungen, in welchem Umfang und wie differenziert das Thema Fußball in der deutschen Literatur behandelt wird und lässt damit allgemeine Rückschlüsse auf eine Poetik des Sports zu. Betrachtet werden hier ausschließlich deutschsprachige, literarische Quellen. Die Arbeit gliedert sich in einen theoretischen und einen textbezogenen Teil. Im erstgenannten Abschnitt wird durch grundsätzliche Überlegungen zu den Fragen „Was ist Literatur? ” und „Was ist Sport? ” der einerseits germanistische, andererseits interdisziplinäre sportwissenschaftliche Zugang zum Thema verdeutlicht. Zudem ist hier eine überprüfbare Basis für die anschließenden Untersuchungen geschaffen. Der textbezogene Teil – wiederum untergliedert nach den drei Hauptgattungen Lyrik, Epik und Drama – zeigt, wie Fußball genau als literarisches Motiv erscheint. Formale Unterschiede bedingt durch die Darstellungsform innerhalb einer Gattung (Sonett vs. Visuelle Poesie) oder grenzüberschreitend (Kriminalroman vs. Modernes Drama) kommenden dabei ebenso zum Tragen wie inhaltliche Variationen des Motivs (Fußball als symbolischer Bedeutungsträger vs. Fußball als Vehikel zur Vermittlung ethischer Werte). Je ein resümierendes Kapitel über die Umsetzung der im theoretischen Teil eingeführten Sportmodelle in der literarischen Praxis schließt sich an die einzelnen Gattungsbereiche an. Die verschiedenen Aspekte, die sich einer Poetik des Sports zuschreiben lassen, schließen die Studie in einem zusammenfassenden Teil ab. Nicht zuletzt hier zeigt sich die Reichhaltigkeit der Untersuchungsergebnisse.

Digitale Datenbank zum Gleichnis in der antiken epischen Dichtung (GaeD)

Blaschka, Karen 19 March 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Beyond the plausible: On the relationship between history, tragedy and epic poetry in Corneille, Voltaire, and Schiller

Moraes Ferreira, Caio January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation explores the intersection between three different literary genres – historiography, tragedy, and epic poetry – in the neoclassical period, taking as its central problem the way said genres set out to represent strange and even unintelligible moments in the past. It is based on a case study of four canonical works that, contrary to what is expected of neoclassical literature, represent historical figures seen by audiences of the time as too disturbing or too farcical to be intellectually or artistically “useful”: the violent Roman hero Horace (the protagonist of Corneille’s eponymous tragedy), the Swedish king Charles XII (who anchors Voltaire’s first historical biography) and finally Joan of Arc (who appears in Voltaire’s comical epic La Pucelle d’Orléans, and in Schiller’s tragedy Die Jungfrau von Orléans). In exploring these texts, I set out to show that, while neoclassical poetics deeply emphasized the importance of representing the past in a plausible and dignified manner (be it in histories or in poetry), authors of the time were also aware that the past could be the domain of the uncanny and the fabulous, and that representing the implausible required different kinds of textual experimentation and different ways of playing with genre norms.

Storytelling in late antique epic : a study of the narrator in Nonnus of Panopolis' Dionysiaca

Geisz, Camille H. January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is a narratological study of Nonnus of Panopolis' Dionysiaca, focussing on the figure of the narrator whose interventions reveal much about his relationship to his predecessors and his own conception of story-telling. Although he presents himself as a follower of Homer, whom he mentions by name in his poem, the Dionysiaca are clearly influenced by a much wider range of sources of inspiration. The study of narratological interventions brings to light the narrator's relationship with Homer, between imitation and innovation. The way he renews and transforms epic narratorial devices attests to his literary skills as he strives for ποικιλία in his poem. His interventions hint at sources of inspiration other than Homer, such as lyric poetry, historiography, and didactic epic. Another innovation is the way the narrator intervenes not to draw the narratee's attention to the contents of his text, but to underline his own role as story-teller. Some interventions signal a change in tone or the integration of another genre; the expected proems and invocations to the Muse become spaces for a display of ingeniousness, a discussion of the sources and a reflection on the role of the poet. The efforts made by the Nonnian narrator to renew well known devices also denotes his mindfulness of his narratee, whom he involves in the story through metaleptic devices, or by drawing on a shared cultural background to enhance the narrative with allusions to extradiegetic references. The study of narratorial interventions proves that the Dionysiaca were not written only in an attempt to recreate a Homeric epic, but are a compendium of influences, genres, and myths, encompassing the influence of a thousand years of Greek literature.

Instituições da coisa bélica: Tradições de doutrina e jurisprudência, instituições civis e práticas letradas, guerra justa e matéria heróica / Instituições da coisa bélica: Tradições de doutrina e jurisprudência, instituições civis e práticas letradas, guerra justa e matéria heróica

Valle, Ricardo Martins 16 April 2010 (has links)
A fim de ler poemas escritos no século XVIII sobre matérias brasileiras, esta tese cruza assistematicamente algumas diferentes fontes de representação de doutrina e de ofícios, implicadas na imitação épica enquanto determinações institucionais da matéria ilustre. Em regimentos católicos ibéricos, estados armados de varões de família com distinção hereditária empenhavam legados familiares nas diversas modalidades de feitorias mais ou menos ilustres, nas correrias e correições, nas carreiras em Leis e em Armas, nas terras cujos sertões se ocupavam em nome de Sua Alteza e dos pactos sujeitos à família real. Neste sentido, poesia heróica, arquivos e cartórios de notas, disputationes metaphysicas, relacção histórica, décadas portuguesas, etc, são séries discursivas dentro de sistemas de distribuição de obediência, uma vez que sejam documentos, monumentos, produção de provas, de atestações, de testemunhos, escritos com os protocolos da Lei. O objeto desta tese é a guerra européia na ocupação de todos os horizontes, com seus modelos reprodutíveis em diversas atualizações institucionais, em apropriações de doutrina, em adaptações de currículos escolares, em representações diplomáticas, em jurisprudência, em poesia épica, em poemas bucólicos, etc. Assim, dos princípios de doutrina à narração de casos exemplares, a averiguação da Verdade e dos verdadeiros particulares, que fornecem veracidade aos verossímeis que os poemas cantam. Com lei, com jurisprudência, com princípios metafísicos, constitui-se e codifica-se a amarração do maquinário institucional do "processo de Conquista da América" ou da "história do domínio português no Brasil" de que os poemas e as histórias faziam parte. Como a guerra está em toda parte, e os ossos dos ofícios também, muitas jurisdições diferentes são mencionadas principalmente no que mutuamente se autorizam, mas mencionadas de forma incompleta, apenas para indicar os ramais dos sentidos e tentar cruzá-los provisoriamente com outra coisa, entre muitos gêneros e espécies de coisas, e entre diversas tradições de doutrina e entre as partes querelantes de tradições com umas divergindo por profissão, em querelas que seguem sendo a guerra miúda da vida institucional, nos lugares e tempos de paz, porque a res da inventio é infinita, com coisas notáveis sobretudo na guerra, e nos direitos que a envolvem. Nos documentos que lê sem disciplina, o recorte desta tese só abrange a matéria, entendida como coisa retórica, ou melhor, entendida a partir de alguns mecanismos instituídos para averiguação das matérias. / In order to read poems about Brazilian subjects in the XVIII century, this thesis crosses somewhat unsystematic sources of doctrine and officii representations implicated in the epic imitation and revealed as institutional determinations of illustrious matter. In the Iberian Catholic regiments, armed men from wealthy families and the distinguished heritage strive for family legacy in different ways, such as careers in Law and in the Arms, lands whose hinterland was occupied on behalf of His Highness and the pacts network wich are supposed to be in compliance with the Royal Family. In this sense, heroic poetry, files and registries of notes, disputationes metaphysicas, historical reports, Portuguese decadas, etc, are discursive series within obedience distribution systems, because they are documents, monuments, production of evidences and attestations according to the Law processes. The main purpose of this thesis is the European war in the occupation of all the horizons, with its reproductible models of institutional establishment on appropriations of doctrine, changes in the school curricula, in jurisprudence, in epic poetry, in pastoral poems, etc. Thus, from the principles of doctrine to the narration of exemplar cases, the verification of the Truth and all trustful private things endow with true reasons for verosimilis subject sung in the epic poems. By the means of law, jurisprudence, metaphysical principles, the institutional machinery constitutes and codifies the discorse about the "conquest of the America process" or the "history of the Portuguese domain in Brazil" that such poems and histories report. Assuming that war is everywhere, and the officii also, many different jurisdictions are reported mainly because they authorize themselves mutually. But they are cited in an incomplete manner just to indicate the branches of the senses and they try to cross them momentarily with other res, among many genera and species of things, different traditions of doctrine and the parties discussions. In the studied texts in diverse lessons, the focus in this thesis covers the matter, as res inventionis, and some mechanisms for verifying the truth of the rhetoric matter.

The prairie and the pampas: a comparison of settlement policy and environmental influences on epic literature in the United States and Argentina

Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis will examine the governmental settlement policies in two similar topographical areas, the North American prairie and the South American pampas. Specifically, three novels by Willa Cather, will be included: My Antonia, O Pioneers!, and A Lost Lady. They will be discussed in relation to the development of Nebraska as afforded by the Homestead Act of 1862 and compared to the very different land settlement policies of Argentina as conveyed through the Argentinian national epic poem El Gaucho Martin Fierro by Josâe Hernâandez. Particular attention will be made to the influence of the land and its creatures as a shaping influence on the characters created by the authors. There will be additional examination of the effect these works had on historical development within their respective countries, which will involve social and political analysis to place the literature within the historical perspectives of both countries. / by David Budinger. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2011. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Instituições da coisa bélica: Tradições de doutrina e jurisprudência, instituições civis e práticas letradas, guerra justa e matéria heróica / Instituições da coisa bélica: Tradições de doutrina e jurisprudência, instituições civis e práticas letradas, guerra justa e matéria heróica

Ricardo Martins Valle 16 April 2010 (has links)
A fim de ler poemas escritos no século XVIII sobre matérias brasileiras, esta tese cruza assistematicamente algumas diferentes fontes de representação de doutrina e de ofícios, implicadas na imitação épica enquanto determinações institucionais da matéria ilustre. Em regimentos católicos ibéricos, estados armados de varões de família com distinção hereditária empenhavam legados familiares nas diversas modalidades de feitorias mais ou menos ilustres, nas correrias e correições, nas carreiras em Leis e em Armas, nas terras cujos sertões se ocupavam em nome de Sua Alteza e dos pactos sujeitos à família real. Neste sentido, poesia heróica, arquivos e cartórios de notas, disputationes metaphysicas, relacção histórica, décadas portuguesas, etc, são séries discursivas dentro de sistemas de distribuição de obediência, uma vez que sejam documentos, monumentos, produção de provas, de atestações, de testemunhos, escritos com os protocolos da Lei. O objeto desta tese é a guerra européia na ocupação de todos os horizontes, com seus modelos reprodutíveis em diversas atualizações institucionais, em apropriações de doutrina, em adaptações de currículos escolares, em representações diplomáticas, em jurisprudência, em poesia épica, em poemas bucólicos, etc. Assim, dos princípios de doutrina à narração de casos exemplares, a averiguação da Verdade e dos verdadeiros particulares, que fornecem veracidade aos verossímeis que os poemas cantam. Com lei, com jurisprudência, com princípios metafísicos, constitui-se e codifica-se a amarração do maquinário institucional do "processo de Conquista da América" ou da "história do domínio português no Brasil" de que os poemas e as histórias faziam parte. Como a guerra está em toda parte, e os ossos dos ofícios também, muitas jurisdições diferentes são mencionadas principalmente no que mutuamente se autorizam, mas mencionadas de forma incompleta, apenas para indicar os ramais dos sentidos e tentar cruzá-los provisoriamente com outra coisa, entre muitos gêneros e espécies de coisas, e entre diversas tradições de doutrina e entre as partes querelantes de tradições com umas divergindo por profissão, em querelas que seguem sendo a guerra miúda da vida institucional, nos lugares e tempos de paz, porque a res da inventio é infinita, com coisas notáveis sobretudo na guerra, e nos direitos que a envolvem. Nos documentos que lê sem disciplina, o recorte desta tese só abrange a matéria, entendida como coisa retórica, ou melhor, entendida a partir de alguns mecanismos instituídos para averiguação das matérias. / In order to read poems about Brazilian subjects in the XVIII century, this thesis crosses somewhat unsystematic sources of doctrine and officii representations implicated in the epic imitation and revealed as institutional determinations of illustrious matter. In the Iberian Catholic regiments, armed men from wealthy families and the distinguished heritage strive for family legacy in different ways, such as careers in Law and in the Arms, lands whose hinterland was occupied on behalf of His Highness and the pacts network wich are supposed to be in compliance with the Royal Family. In this sense, heroic poetry, files and registries of notes, disputationes metaphysicas, historical reports, Portuguese decadas, etc, are discursive series within obedience distribution systems, because they are documents, monuments, production of evidences and attestations according to the Law processes. The main purpose of this thesis is the European war in the occupation of all the horizons, with its reproductible models of institutional establishment on appropriations of doctrine, changes in the school curricula, in jurisprudence, in epic poetry, in pastoral poems, etc. Thus, from the principles of doctrine to the narration of exemplar cases, the verification of the Truth and all trustful private things endow with true reasons for verosimilis subject sung in the epic poems. By the means of law, jurisprudence, metaphysical principles, the institutional machinery constitutes and codifies the discorse about the "conquest of the America process" or the "history of the Portuguese domain in Brazil" that such poems and histories report. Assuming that war is everywhere, and the officii also, many different jurisdictions are reported mainly because they authorize themselves mutually. But they are cited in an incomplete manner just to indicate the branches of the senses and they try to cross them momentarily with other res, among many genera and species of things, different traditions of doctrine and the parties discussions. In the studied texts in diverse lessons, the focus in this thesis covers the matter, as res inventionis, and some mechanisms for verifying the truth of the rhetoric matter.

Dialética e historicidade do gênero épico no processo de formação da literatura brasileira

Freitas, Olívia Barros de January 2016 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado realiza uma revisão e uma reinterpretação de textos épicos e suas variantes híbridas no Brasil, desde as tendências neoclássicas, do séc. XVIII, às românticas, do século XIX, que correspondem aos “momentos decisivos” da formação da literatura brasileira segundo Antonio Candido. É feita, ao mesmo tempo, uma releitura da crítica literária brasileira, tendo foco principal a observação, em nova perspectiva, da Formação da Literatura Brasileira (1959), de modo a repensar os índices de formação nesses textos e, também, a sua relação com a formação do Brasil-nação. Compreende-se que a literatura encarna e expõe impasses, reelaborando-os, findando por aliar forma literária e processo histórico-social; nesse sentido, o argumento do presente trabalho é orientado por base nas discussões sobre literatura brasileira feitas por Candido e Roberto Schwarz, aliando conceitos que propiciem tracejar uma perspectiva das relações entre a literatura e o processo histórico no que concerne à formação da poesia heróica no Brasil. Para tal, a pesquisa presta-se à análise em dois âmbitos: de uma releitura da fortuna crítica relacionada ao gênero ao longo do século XIX, seguida de uma leitura de poetas modernistas comparadas ao texto de Candido; por fim, uma leitura de índices de composição estética/estrutural interna inerente ao gênero (tais como proêmio, diegese, heroicidade), ligada ao campo de interpretação formativo (tais como voz narradora, antagonismo/protagonismo de elementos ou caracteres – principalmente dos ameríndios –, relação da forma literária, social e histórica do Brasil colônia e do Brasil independente), relacionando-os a índices de vitória e derrota em tais poemas com base na teoria de David Quint. A pesquisa envolve breve observações de tais índices na poesia, em especial em O Uruguai, O Caramuru, A Confederação dos Tamoios e I-Juca Pirama. Investiga-se sobre mediação feita pela literatura do período no que diz respeito à escolha da temática heróica e sua forma, compreendendo a poesia heróica narrativa como parte de um processo literário próprio, tomando por base textos da crítica materialista no Brasil – em que vale o conceito de nação periférica –, além de questionar acerca da formação da literatura brasileira (e da nação) e suas forças na estrutura literária e no processo social. Ainda, faz-se análise e crítica materialista do fundamento dessa literatura e do empenho da aplicação do gênero estético aqui estudado, bem como a avaliação estético-social e histórico-esturtural. / This PhD thesis makes a revision and a reiterpretation of epic texts and their hybrid variants in Brazil, from the neoclassical tendencies of the 18th century to the romantic tendencies of the 19th century, which correspond to the “decisive moments” of Brazilian literature’s formation according to Antonio Candido. At the same time, we do a reinterpretation of the Brazilian literary critique, focusing mainly on the observation, under a new perspective, of Fomação da Literatura Brasileira (1959), Candido’s book, in a way to rethink the traces of formation in these texts and their relation with the formation of Brazil as a nation. We understand that literature embodies and exposes impasses, repormulating them, ultimately allying literary form and social-historical process. In this sense, the argument of the present work follws Brazilian literature discussions made by Candido and Schwarz, bringing conceots to define the relations between literature and the historical process regarding the formation of the heroic poetry in Brazil. To this end, two ambits were analyzed: first, we reread the critical fortune related to the genre along the 19th century, and compare the modernist poets’ point of view to Candido’s text; secondly, we search for traces of internal aesthetical/structural composition inherent to the genre (such as proem, diegesis, heroicity). We aim to connect those points to the formative field if interpretation, which includes narrative voice and antagonism/protagonism of elements or characters – specially the Amerindians. Besides that, we seek for the relation between social, historical and literau from in Brazil (both Colonial and Independent) and the research involves short observations of that theory in O Uraguai, O Caramuru, A Confederação dos Tamoios e I-Juca Pirama. We investigate the mediation made by the literature of the 18th and de 19th centuries regarding the heroic theme and its form, comprehending the narrative as part of a specific literary process, based on the texts of the materialist critique in Brazil – in which the concept of peripheral nation is used. We inquire about the formation of Brazil – in which the concept of peripheral nation is used. We inquire about the formation of Brazil as a nation, as well as its materialist critique and analysis of the foundation of this literature and of the effort in the application of the aesthetical genre here studied, as well as a social-aesthetical and structural-historical evaluation.

Hector au Moyen Age : définition et évolution d'un personnage épique et romanesque / Hector in the Middle Ages : Definition and evolution of an epic and romantic character

Cozette, Sandrine 18 January 2014 (has links)
L’engouement du Moyen-Âge pour le mythe troyen se traduit tout particulièrement à travers sa figure centrale, Hector. Benoît de Sainte-Maure, qui s’appuie sur la tradition homérique telle que l’a transmise la littérature latine tardive (Ilias latina, Éphéméride de la guerre de Troie de Dictys de Crète, Histoire de la destruction de Troie de Darès le Phrygien), fait du fils de Priam le héros incontesté de son œuvre, le Roman de Troie, et glorifie les exploits de ce guerrier à la prouesse exemplaire. Ce texte constitue le jalon majeur de la construction du mythe d’Hector à l’époque médiévale, dont témoignent les réécritures en prose ou en vers, même si, parallèlement, l’histoire de Troie continue d’être transmise par le texte latin de Darès ou sa traduction. À ces deux traditions s’ajoute celle qui naît de l’œuvre de l’Italien Guido delle Colonne, l’Historia destructionis Troiae, réécriture latine du roman de Benoît au XIIIe siècle. Cependant la notoriété de la figure d’Hector s’exprime aussi dans des œuvres où le personnage tend à se dissocier du destin de sa cité et apparaît seul ou associé à d’autres héros, troyens ou non, pour servir de référence en terme de bravoure, ce qui lui vaut de figurer parmi les Neuf Preux. C’est pourquoi le personnage va continuer d’évoluer indépendamment du roman de Benoît et de ses réécritures directes, ce qui se perçoit aussi bien dans la chanson de geste que dans les récits arthuriens. Les valeurs qu’il incarne intéressent aussi bien l’auteur de l’Ovide moralisé que Christine de Pizan. Figure exemplaire, presque archétypale, Hector est aussi un personnage protéiforme dont l’histoire ne cesse d’être réécrite par la tradition médiévale. / In the Middle Ages, the interest in the Trojan myth focuses particularly on its main character, Hector.Using the Homeric tradition inherited from the late Latin literature ( Ilias latina, Ephemeridos belli troiani by Dictys of Crete, De Excidio Troiae historia by Dares the Phrygian) as a basis to his work, Benoît de Sainte Maure makes Priam’s son the uncontested hero of his novel, The Roman de Troie, in which he praises the feats of this exceptional warrior.This text greatly contributes to the construction of Hector’s myth during the Middle Ages, as shown by its rewritings in prose or verse, although the story of Troy was also transmitted via Dares’ Latin text or its translation.In addition to these two traditions, another one appeared in the 13th century with the Italian Guido delle Colonne whose Historia Destructionis Troiae is a Latin rewriting of Benoît’s novel.However, Hector’s fame also asserts itself in other works in which the character tends to dissociate himself from his city’s destiny and appears alone or associated to other heroes, Trojan or not, to serve as a reference in terms of bravery, which earned him his place among the Nine Worthies.That is why this character continues to evolve independently from Benoit’s novel and its rewritings, as can be seen through epic poetry and Arthurian tales.Both Christine de Pizan and the author of Ovide moralisé take an interest in the values he embodies.Hector is a model, almost an archetypal figure as well as a character whose story never ceased being rewritten by Medieval tradition.

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