Spelling suggestions: "subject:"equivalence"" "subject:"quivalence""
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Digitalisering som verktyg för likvärdighet? : En studie om rektorers resonemang om den digitala satsningen utifrån begreppet likvärdighet.Bellman, Angelica, Yoder, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att beskriva och problematisera hur rektorer verksamma inom år f-6 resonerar om satsningen på digitalisering utifrån begreppet likvärdighet. Åtta rektorer på olika skolor är intervjuade. Resultatet visade att rektorerna på olika sätt bedriver skolutveckling inom området digitalisering för att uppnå likvärdighet inom verksamheten. I resultatet framkommer dock skillnader i hur långt verksamheterna kommit både inom skolor och mellan skolor utifrån; digitalisering, digital kompetens och likvärdighet. Rektorerna lyfter olika lokala orsaker till att verksamheternas digitala implementering kommit olika långt. En slutsats som går att dra efter resultat är vilka komplexa förutsättningar en rektor har att arbeta efter för att uppnå likvärdighet genom digitalisering. Rektorerna lyder under ett dualistiskt ledarskap, både från kommun och stat. Rektorerna är således klämda mellan yttre och inre ramar som påverkar verksamheten. I studiens resultat kommer detta till uttryck genom att samtliga rektorer upplever att de måste välja och prioritera olika skolutvecklingsområden. Det kan leda till att det uppstår en ojämlikhet inom området digitalisering. / The purpose of the study has been to describe and problematize how principals are perceiving equity in digitalization based on the concepts in K-6. Eight principals at different schools from the same municipality have been interviewed. The results show that principals use various methods to conduct school development of digitalization in order to achieve equality within the school. Inparticular the results show that there are differences in how far the development of digitalization, digital skills and equivalence has reached both within schools and between schools. The principals have different points of focus in managing the digital implementation. One conclusion based on the analysis is the complex conditions a principal must work under to achieve equality through digitization. The principals are caught between leadership from the municipality and the state. This study shows that all principals must choose individually an area to develop within their school. This can lead to inequalities in the field of digitalization.
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Complexity and Conflict: Modeling Contests with Exogenous and Endogenous NoiseRichard Mickelsen (12476793) 28 April 2022 (has links)
<p>Contest outcomes often involve some mix of skill and chance. In three essays, I vary the sources of noise and show how player actions either influence, or are influenced by, noise. I begin with a classic multi-battle contest, the Colonel Blotto game. Due to his disadvantage in resources, the weak player in this contest stochastically distributes resources to a subset of battlefields while neglecting all others in an attempt to achieve a positive payoff. In contrast, the strong player evenly distributes his resources in order to defend all battlefields, while randomly assigning extra resources to some. Because the weak player benefits from randomizing over larger numbers of battlefields, a strong player has incentive to decrease the range over which the weak player can randomize. When battlefields are exogenously partitioned into subsets, or \textit{fronts}, he is able to do this by decentralizing his forces to each front in a stage prior to the distribution of forces to battlefields and actual conflict. These allocations are permanent, and each subset of battlefields effectively becomes its own, independent Blotto subgame. I show that there exist parameter regions in which the strong player's unique equilibrium payoffs with decentralization are strictly higher than the unique equilibrium payoffs without decentralization.</p>
<p>In my second paper, I show how sources of exogenous noise, what Clausewitz referred to as the ``fog of war," obscure developments on the battlefield from the view of a military leader, while individual inexperience and lack of expertise in a particular situation influence his decisionmaking. I model both forms of uncertainty using the decentralized Colonel Blotto game from the first chapter. To do so, I first test the robustness of allocation-stage subgame perfect equilibria by changing the contest success function to a lottery, then I find the players' quantal response equilibria (QRE) to show how individual decision-making is impacted by bounded rationality and noisy best responses, represented by a range of psi values in the logit QRE. I find that player actions rely significantly less on decentralization strategies under the lottery CSF compared to the case of the all-pay auction, owing mainly to the increased exogenous noise. Moreover, agent QRE and heterogeneous QRE approximate subgame perfect equilibria for high values of psi in the case of an all-pay auction, but under the lottery CSF, QRE is largely unresponsive to changes in psi due to the increase in exogenous noise.</p>
<p>Finally, I examine a potential method for introducing noise into the all-pay auction (APA) contest success function (CSF) utilized in the Colonel Blotto games of the first two chapters. Many contests are fundamentally structured as APA, yet there is a tendency in the empirical literature to utilize a lottery CSF when stochastic outcomes are possible or the tractability of pure strategy equilibria is desired. However, previous literature has shown that using a lottery CSF sacrifices multiple distinguishing characteristics of the APA, such as the mixed strategy equilibria described by Baye, Kovenock, and de Vries (1996), the exclusion principle of Baye, Kovenock, and de Vries (1993), and the caps on lobbying principle of Che and Gale (1998). I overcome this by formulating an APA that incorporates noise and retains the defining characteristics of an auction by forming a convex combination of the APA and fair lottery with the risk parameter lambda. I prove that equilibria hold by following the proofs of Baye et al. (1996, 1993) and Che and Gale (1998), and I show the new CSF satisfies the axioms of Skaperdas (1996). While player and auctioneer actions, payments, and revenues in the noisy APA adhere closely to the those of the APA for low levels of noise, the effect of discounted expected payoffs results in lower aggregate payments and payoffs when noise is high. Finally, I show the noisy APA is only noise equivalent to the lottery CSF when lambda = 0, i.e., the fair lottery.</p>
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Jakten efter likvärdighet i Stockholms grundskolor : En kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares upplevelser kring målsättningar, tillämpningar och påverkande faktorer. / The search for equality in Stockholm’s primary schools : A qualitative study of physical education teachers' experiences of goals, applications and influencing factors.Leek, Kevin, Kalliokoski, Kirsti January 2022 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur idrottslärare i Stockholmsområdet tolkar målsättningar i ämnet idrott och hälsa utifrån styrdokumenten, samt hur dessa tillämpas i undervisning i förhållande till påverkansfaktorer för att sträva efter en likvärdig undervisning. Frågeställningarna är: (1)Vilka målsättningar har lärare i ämnet? (2)Hur arbetar lärare för att uppfylla dessa mål och sträva efter en likvärdig undervisning? (3)Vilka faktorer påverkar lärares mål med undervisning? Metod: Eftersom studien syftar till att undersöka lärarnas tolkningar och upplevelser valdes en kvalitativ metod. Datainsamlingen genomfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex idrottslärare i Stockholmsområdet. Datainsamlingen analyserades med hjälp av en deduktiv innehållsanalys utifrån två teoretiska utgångspunkter. Dessa två teoretiska utgångspunkterna var ramfaktorteori och läroplansteori. Resultat: Resultatet visar att idrottslärarna hade gemensamma målsättningar med ämnet idrott och hälsa. Dessa målsättningar var: rörelseglädje, intresse för framtida fysisk aktivitet, kunskaper om hälsa och etiskt perspektiv. Resultatet visade att två idrottslärare hade ytterligare enskilda målsättningar. För att tillämpa dessa mål i undervisningen använde de sig av variation av olika aktiviteter samt olika pedagogiska tillvägagångssätt såsom anpassning, repetition och progression. De inre och yttre faktorer som påverkade lärarna var framförallt erfarenhet, idrottsbakgrund, lokal, tid och elevsammansättning. Slutsats: Utifrån resultatet av studien kan vi dra en slutsats att lärarnas tolkning av ämnets målsättningar grundades utifrån de formulerade målen i styrdokumenten. Detta tyder på att de olika riktlinjerna på formuleringsarenan bidrar till en mer likvärdig tolkning. Däremot tillämpades målsättningarna på olika sätt beroende på de yttre och inre faktorerna. Baserad på denna iakttagelse kan en slutsats dras att likvärdig undervisning kräver att läraren gör anpassningar utifrån de förutsättningar hen har i sitt specifika sammanhang. / Aim:The aim of this study is to investigate how physical education teachers in the Stockholm area interpret objectives in the subject of sports and health based on the governing documents, and how these are applied in teaching in relation to influencing factors in order to strive for an equivalent teaching. The questions are: (1) What are the goals of teachers in the subject? (2) How do teachers work to meet these goals and strive for equal teaching? (3) What factors influence teachers' goals in teaching? Method:Since the study aims to examine teachers' interpretations and experiences, a qualitative method was chosen. The data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with six sports teachers in the Stockholm area. The data collection was analyzed using a deductive content analysis based on two theoretical basis. These two theoretical basis were framework factor theory and curriculum theory. Results:The results show that the physical education teachers had common goals with the subject sports and health. These goals were: joy of movement, interest in future physical activity, knowledge of health and ethical perspective. The results showed that two sports teachers had additional individual goals. To apply these goals in the teaching, they used variety of different activities as well as different pedagogical approaches such as adaptation, repetition and progression. The internal and external factors that influenced the teachers were primarily experience, sports background, location, time and student base. Conclusion:Based on the results of the study, we were able to conclude that the teachers' interpretation of the subject's objectives was based on the formulated objectives in the curriculum. This indicates how the different guidelines in the formulation arena contribute to a more equal interpretation. However, the objectives were applied in different ways depending on the external and internal factors. Based on this observation, it can be concluded that equivalent teaching requires the teacher to make adjustments based on the conditions in their specific context.
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The Ext-Algebra of Standard Modules of Bound Twisted Double Incidence AlgebrasNorlén Jäderberg, Mika January 2023 (has links)
Quasi-hereditary algebras are an important class of algebras with many appli-cations in representation theory, most notably the representation theory of semi-simple complex Lie-algebras. Such algebras sometimes admit an exact Borel sub-algebra, that is a subalgebra satisfying similar formal properties to the Borel sub-algebras from Lie theory. This thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part we classify quasi-hereditary algebras with two simple modules over perfect fields up to Morita equivalence, generalizing a similar result by Membrillo-Hernandez for thealgebraically closed case. In the second part, we take a poset X, a certain set M of constants, and a finite set ρ of paths in the Hasse-diagram of X and construct analgebra A(X, M, ρ) that generalizes the twisted double incidence algebras originally introduced by Deng and Xi. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for this algebra to be quasi-hereditary when X is a tree, and we show that A(X, M, ρ) admits an exact Borel subalgebra when these conditions are satisfied. Following this, we compute the Ext-algebra of the standard modules of A(X, M, ρ).
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Topics in Analytic Number TheoryPowell, Kevin James 31 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis is in two parts. The first part is the paper “The Distribution of k-free integers” that my advisor, Dr. Roger Baker, and I submitted in February 2009. The reader will note that I have inserted additional commentary and explanations which appear in smaller text. Dr. Baker and I improved the asymptotic formula for the number of k-free integers less than x by taking advantage of exponential sum techniques developed since the 1980's. Both of us made substantial contributions to the paper. I discovered the exponent in the error term for the cases k=3,4, and worked the case k=3 completely. Dr. Baker corrected my work for k=4 and proved the result for k=5. He then generalized our work into the paper as it now stands. We also discussed and both contributed to parts of section 3 on bounds for exponential sums. The second part represents my own work guided by my advisor. I study the zeros of derivatives of Dirichlet L-functions. The first theorem gives an analog for a result of Speiser on the zeros of ζ'(s). He proved that RH is equivalent to the hypothesis that ζ'(s) has no zeros with real part strictly between 0 and ½. The last two theorems discuss zero-free regions to the left and right for L^{(k)}(s,χ).
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Förgänglighet och flerspråkighet : en översättning av Fleur Jaeggys novell ”Den sista fåfängan” med översättningsvetenskaplig kommentar / Impermanence and multilingualism : a translation of the short story “Last vanities” by Fleur Jaeggy with translation commentaryZampa Hatt, Emma January 2022 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen presenteras och diskuteras min översättning av den schweizisk-italienska författaren Fleur Jaeggys novell ”La vecchia vanesia” (”Den sista fåfängan”), den sista i hennes novellsamling La paura del cielo (Rädd för himlen) från 1994. Utöver översättningen ingår även en analys av källtexten, mitt översättningsteoretiska ramverk och översättningsprincip samt kommentarer på tematiskt uppdelade översättningsproblem som jag har stött på under arbetsprocessen. Frågor som tas upp i arbetet innefattar hur språket och stilen i novellen kan återges i måltexten med Eugene Nidas dynamiska ekvivalens som översättningsprincip. Det har framgått att det är viktigt att anpassa grammatiska och lexikala aspekter för att målspråket ska flyta på naturligt. Även stilistiska drag utgör viktiga delar av den emotionella tonen i källtexten och återges i måltexten i syfte att uppnå dynamisk ekvivalens. / In this essay, my translation of the Swiss-Italian author Fleur Jaeggy’s short story “La vecchia vanesia” (“Last vanities”) from the collection of short stories La paura del cielo (Last vanities) from 1994, is presented and discussed. A stylistic analysis of the source text, my theoretical framework and translation principle as well as comments on thematically categorized translation problems are also included in the work. Questions raised in the essay include how form as well as content can be rendered in the Swedish target text with the dynamic equivalence by Eugene Nida as a translation principle. The work has shown that to achieve a natural result, it’s crucial to adapt grammatical and lexical aspects to norms in the target language. Stylistic aspects constitute important parts of the emotional tone in the source text and are reproduced in the target text to achieve dynamic equivalence.
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Betyg och kön : likvärdighet eller diskriminering? / Grading and gender : Equality or discrimination?Flodin, Mikael, Khatibi, Shadi January 2017 (has links)
Nationella och internationella kunskapsmätningar i matematik visar likartade resultat för flickor och pojkar. Trots det visar statistiken att flickor erhåller systematiskt högre slutbetyg. Denna studie undersöker huruvida betyg tjänar som likvärdigt mått på kunskap hos flickor och pojkar i gymnasiets matematikämne. Detta görs dels utifrån en kvantitativ ansats och dels utifrån en enkätstudie. Med utgångspunkt i nationell registerdata (SCB) för slutbetyg och resultat på nationella provet undersöks, medelst fyra olika analysmetoder, könsskillnader med avseende på kurs, skolform och län. Studien visar att flickor generellt erhåller högre slutbetyg än pojkar i relation till resultatet på nationella provet, vilket bekräftar tidigare forskning. Vidare påvisar analysen särskilt stora diskrepanser på betygsnivå C och högre; i matematikkurser på yrkesförberedande program; i senare kurser inom samtliga program; i Västernorrlands, Västmanlands, Gotlands och Kalmar län; liksom i fristående skolor. Korrelationsanalys tydliggör hur nationella provet utgör en mindre del av betygsunderlaget för flickor jämfört med pojkar. Dessutom avslöjar analysen ett omvänt samband mellan könsbetingad relativ prestation på nationella provet och avvikelse i slutbetyget. Enkätstudien undersöker bedömningspraktiken hos matematiklärare. Filtrering på lärarens kön, ålder, program och skolform, har tillämpats. Resultatet tyder på systematiska skillnader i bedömningspraktik mellan olika lärarkategorier, vilket innebär att betygssättningen kan brista i likvärdighet. Skillnader har påvisats mellan, i första hand, lärare på yrkesprogram och naturvetenskapliga program, såväl som mellan lärare i kommunala och fristående skolor. Också lärarens kön och ålder tycks ha viss betydelse. Studien avslutas med en diskussion kring möjliga lösningar. / National and international assessments in mathematics show similar results for girls and boys. Despite this, statistics show that girls receive systematically higher final grades. This study examines whether grades serve as an equivalent measure of knowledge of girls and boys in high school mathematics. This is done partly on the basis of a quantitative approach and partly on the basis of a survey. Based on national register data (Statistics Sweden) for final grades and results of national tests, using four different methods of analysis, gender differences with respect to course, school form and county, are examined. The study shows that girls generally get a higher final grade than boys in relation to their results on the national test, confirming previous research. Furthermore, the analysis shows particularly large discrepancies at grade C and higher; in mathematics courses on vocational programs; in later courses within all programs; in V¨asternorrland, V¨astmanland, Gotland and Kalmar County; as well as in independent schools. Correlation analysis clarifies how the national test constitutes a smaller part of the assessment basis for girls compared to boys. The analysis also reveals an inverse relationship between gender dependent relative performance on the national test and the final grade deviation. The survey examines the assessment practice among mathematics teachers. Filtering on the teacher’s gender, age, program and school form has been applied. The result suggests systematic differences in assessment practice between different teacher categories, implying that grades can break in equality. Differences have been shown between, primarily, teachers in vocational programs and science programs, as well as between teachers in municipal and independent schools. Also the teacher’s gender and age seems to be of some importance. The study concludes with a discussion about possible solutions.
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Категориально-текстовая идентификация эквивалентности русских переводов сборника «Ariel» С. Плат : магистерская диссертация / Categorical-textual equivalence identification of Russian translations of the poetry collection «Ariel» by S. PlathБородина, Н. В., Borodina, N. V. January 2020 (has links)
This MA thesis aims at identifying the equivalence of the Russian translations of Sylvia Plath’s poems from the collection “Ariel” (1965) on the basis of the comparative and categorical text analysis. The author studies the peculiarities of manifestation of text categories of theme, chronotope (locality and temporality) and tonality in the original poetic texts as compared to their Russian translations by V. P. Betaki. The identification of categorical markers and their equivalence is proved to be able to define the quantitative degree of translation equivalence to the original. Moreover, the chosen linguistic method contributes to singling out the typological characteristics, which, on their turn, make it possible to describe even more specific divergences between the original and translated texts, as well as the translator’s strategies in general. The results of the research paper can be used as a material for the further categorical method application in the sphere of translation studies. / Настоящая магистерская диссертация посвящена выявлению степени эквивалентности русских переводных вариантов стихотворений из сборника «Ariel» (1965) Сильвии Плат на базе сопоставительно-категориального анализа текстов (СКАТ). В работе рассматривается специфика проявления полевых текстовых категории темы, хронотопа (локальности и темпоральности) и тональности в исходных поэтических текстах на английском языке и их русских переводах, выполненных В. П. Бетаки. Доказано, что вычленение маркеров каждой из указанных категорий и их переводческих соответствий позволяет установить количественный уровень эквивалентности варианта художественного текста оригиналу; более того, выбранный лингвистический метод способствует выявлению типологических черт, на основании которых можно описать более частные расхождения переводных вариантов и общие стратегии переводчика. Результаты данной работы могут быть использованы в качестве материала для дальнейшего применения СКАТ в области переводоведения.
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Эмоциональная, экспрессивная и оценочная эквивалентность перевода политических речей (на материале предвыборных речей кандидатов в Президенты США 2020 года) : магистерская диссертация / Emotional, Expressive and Evaluative Translation Equivalence of Political Speeches (Campaign Speeches of the 2020 US Presidential Candidates)Собакина, В. В., Sobakina, V. V. January 2021 (has links)
Тема выпускной квалификационной работы – «Эмоциональная, экспрессивная и оценочная эквивалентность перевода политических речей (на материале предвыборных речей кандидатов в президенты США 2020 года)». Цель исследования заключается в выявлении способов достижения эмоциональной, экспрессивной и оценочной эквивалентности при переводе текстов предвыборных речей, которые позволят создать коннотативно и прагматически эквивалентный оригиналу перевод речей кандидатов в президенты США. Объектом исследования данной работы служит эмоциональная, экспрессивная и оценочная эквивалентность перевода политических речей. Предметом исследования являются переводческие соответствия и приемы, используемые для передачи единиц с экспрессивной, эмоциональной и оценочной коннотацией и фигур речи при переводе политических речей с английского языка на русский. Исследование строится на коммуникативно-прагматической парадигме. Для научной работы использовались такие методы исследования, как описания, герменевтический, стилостатистический, валентностный и методы лингвостилистики, а также психолингвистический метод. В ходе исследования впервые рассматриваются способы достижения сразу трех типов эквивалентности перевода политических речей и объясняются варианты перевода исследуемых единиц. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы в практической деятельности переводчика, для преподавания теории и практики перевода будущим переводчикам и лингвистам, а также могут быть применены в учебно-методической деятельности при создании учебных пособий по переводу и достижению эквивалентности текстов. / The topic of the present graduation thesis is “Emotional, expressive and evaluative translation equivalence of political speeches (by the material of campaign speeches of the 2020 US presidential candidates)”. The purpose of the study is to identify ways of achieving emotional, evaluative and expressive equivalence in translation, which will make it possible to create an equivalent translation of the original speech texts of the US presidential candidates. The subject of the research is emotional, evaluative and expressive equivalence in translation of political speeches. The scope of the research includes translation matches and techniques used to convey linguistic units with emotional, evaluative and expressive connotations and figures of speech while translating political speeches from the English language into Russian. The study is based on communicational pragmatic paradigm. We used a descriptive method, hermeneutic method, statistical technique, valence method and approaches of stylistics and psycholinguistics. The work is novel in that it examines ways of achieving three types of translation equivalence of political speeches at once and explains variants of translation of the studied units. The results of the research may be used in translation and interpreting practice, as a teaching material for students majoring in translation.
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Measurement Invariance of Burnout Inventories across SexFoster, Garett C. 09 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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