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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Being Together through ICTs : Transnational Family Practices in the Context of Ukrainian Forced Migration / Estar juntos a través de las TIC : Prácticas familiares transnacionales en el contexto de la migración forzada ucraniana

SANCHEZ GIL, LARA January 2023 (has links)
According to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR, 2023), some 117.2 million people will be forcibly displaced or stateless by 2023. In this scenario, a large number of families will have to be reconfigured within a transnational setting. The ways in which they maintain their familiar ties and their feeling of being close despite the distance is worth further research. Since the Russian full-scale invasion, several countries in the European Union provided temporary protection for the first time to those arriving, who were mainly females with some of their relatives. The demographic reality of this displacement and the novelty of temporary protection open up a fruitful context to address family maintenance. This thesis explores how Ukrainian females who sought temporary protection in Burgos (Spain) have experienced the ties to their families across distance, delving in their meanings of being together, their practices of co-presence and the role of ICTs in them. / Según la Agencia de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR, 2023), alrededor de 117.2 millones de personas estarán desplazadas forzosamente o apátridas para el año 2023. En este escenario, un gran número de familias deberán reconfigurarse en un entorno transnacional. Las formas en que mantienen sus lazos familiares y su sensación de cercanía a pesar de la distancia merecen una investigación más detallada. Desde la invasión rusa a gran escala, varios países de la Unión Europea brindaron protección temporal por primera vez a quienes llegaban, en su mayoría mujeres acompañadas de algunos de sus familiares. La realidad demográfica de este desplazamiento y la novedad de la protección temporal generan un contexto fructífero para abordar el mantenimiento de las familias. Esta tesis explora cómo las mujeres ucranianas que buscaron protección temporal en Burgos (España) han experimentado los lazos con sus familias a través de la distancia, profundizando en sus significados de estar juntas, sus prácticas de co-presencia y el papel de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) en ellas.

Andrew Tate som social rörelse. : En undersökning om Andrew Tate med kopplingar till högerextrema rörelser, maskuliniteter och en digitaliserad globalisering. / Andrew Tate as a social movement. : A study of Andrew Tate with connections to far-right movements, masculinities, and a digitalized globalization.

Larsson, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Abstract.  The purpose of this study is to investigate connections between Andrew Tate and right-wing extreme ideologies through fascist and feminist theories and how they spread in a digitalized globalization. The material is gathered from interviews and podcasts on YouTube where Andrew Tate shares his opinions. I have used theories and concepts that discuss sex, gender and heteronormativity as a social construction, as well as a theoretical framework that identifies tactics used by fascist movements to spread their ideas and increase their influence. The result of my study shows that there are distinct connections between Andrew Tate opinions and right-wing extreme ideologies. Tate uses the same tactical method as fascism to spread his message and gain followers. They also share the traditional conservative view on gender and gender roles where everything is based on masculinity and femininity in relation to one's biology. Both ideologies are based on a heteronormativity that lacks intersectional analysis and stigmatizes those who break the norm.

Varför begår ungdomar antisemitiska hatbrott? : En intervju studie som undersöker orsakerna till hatbrott bland några förövare / Why do young people commit anti-Semitic hate crimes? : An Interview Study Investigating the Causes of Hate Crime among some Offenders

Abdulmohsen, Adel January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie utforskar orsakerna till hatbrott, särskilt bland unga i Malmö, med hjälp av ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt. Tre unga individer med personlig koppling till hatbrott deltar i diskussioner om motivation, syn på offer och strategier för att bekämpa hatbrott. Strainteorin används som en av teoretisk ram för att förklara hur missnöje kan leda till avvikandebeteende, inklusive hatbrott. Resultaten pekar på negativa beteendemönster, nationalistiska tendenser och intolerans mot religioner eller etniciteter med religiös koppling som bidragande faktorer till hatbrott. Betydelsen av denna studie framhävs genom den begränsade mängden forskning i svenskt sammanhang där förövare intervjuats. / This study explores the causes of hate crimes, especially among young people in Malmö,using a qualitative approach. Three young individuals with a personal connection to hatecrime participate in discussions about motivation, views of victims and strategies to combathate crime. Strain theory is used as a theoretical framework to explain how dissatisfaction can lead to deviant behavior, including hate crimes. The results point to negative behavior patterns, nationalist tendencies and intolerance towards religions or ethnicities with areligious connection as contributing factors to hate crimes. The importance of this study is highlighted by the limited amount of research in a Swedish context where perpetrators havebeen interviewed.

Finding Home : Immigrant Homeownership in Sweden

Torres, Andrew January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore and discover how an immigrant ‘finds home’ inSweden through homeownership and to document first-hand experiences on their journey tohomeownership. Thirteen questions were sent via e-mail to twelve (12) participants whowere self-identified immigrants within Sweden. This deductive research rests on thetheoretical framework of the Theory of Finding Home (ToFH) and research on the meaningof ‘home’ that supports the hypothesis that homeownership contributes to an immigrant‘finding home’ in Sweden. The twelve (12) immigrants in Sweden of various backgroundsprovide the foundation for the analysis by elaborating on the relationship between owning ahome and the feeling of being at ‘home’ in Sweden. Home is found to be closely associatedwith feelings of belonging, comfort, safety, and financial well-being. The respondents’answers strongly suggest that owning a house/apartment in Sweden is a tremendousaccomplishment for an immigrant and serves as a major factor in finding the feeling of being‘at home.’

Can I bring my whole self to my workplace? : A qualitative study of immigrant Muslim women’s workplace experiences in Sweden

Zeidan, Rawah January 2021 (has links)
In general, immigrants face various problems as they adjust to their new surroundings and begin a new life. The educated, employed Arabic immigrant Muslim women, (EEAIMW), live between two worlds: a Swedish world at work and an Arabic world at home. In this East-West dichotomy, they keep trying to find who they are and where they belong. This thesis helps to understand the influence of the intersection of religion, ethnicity, and gender serving as the primary disadvantage due to cultural expectations, socio-political considerations, and unfavourable stereotypes and stigmatization. This disadvantage affects not only their employment and career advancement, but also the agency and performed identities of EEAIMW in their Swedish workplace, (SWP). The purpose is to give voice to 17 EEAIMW narrating their journey in re-evaluating and developing their religious, ethnic, and gender identities to adapt to the environment of their SWP. Furthermore, to challenge the stereotyping and the stigmatization that position them as the “Other,” impeding their sense of belonging. Comprehensive data concerning the phenomena was gathered through a qualitative research approach and from in-depth semi-structured interviews with the study participants, joined with a literature review on immigrants, Islam, and employed Muslim women, covering topics about identity theories and organizational behaviour. According to the study’s findings, EEAIMW create a place for themselves in their SWP through their diverse agency and identity performing adaptation strategies, and that relationships rather than the place, create a sense of belonging. It is also found that the different sociocultural contexts do not destroy EEAIMW’s religious beliefs but add value to their existence outside their religious aspect. And when representing Swedish society, they remain linked to their homelands.

Att hitta sin plats i samhället … : en studie om syrianers/assyriers erfarenheter av ett liv i diaspora och ett möte med den svenska kulturen

Hemme, Caroline January 2010 (has links)
Assyrier/syrianer är en folkgrupp med en oavbruten historia sedan 3000 år tillbaka. De härstammar från Mesopotamien där de även var först med jordbruk och skriftspråk. Språket är heligt och kommer från Jesu tid. I flera generationer har folkgruppens kulturarv gått vidare och bibehållits trots att de har upplevt motgångar såsom flera folkmord och diskriminering av det islamiska samhället och de förtryckande systemen i hemlandet. Folkmorden har reducerat folkgruppens antal och det senaste ”Seyfo” är det som folkgruppen idag vill ha erkänt och ligger nära dem i minne och hjärta. På 1970-talet började folkgruppen successivt emigrera från Turabdin till Europa och Sverige kom att bli ett av många värdländer. Att komma till ett nytt land som har ett samhällssystem som är uppbyggt på ett helt annat sätt och har en helt annan världssyn har fått konsekvenser som resulterat i förändringar för folkgruppen. Assyrier/syrianer är en invandrargrupp som har integrerats bra men har sina stridigheter och konflikter inom gruppen, speciellt mellan de äldre och yngre. Den svenska sekulariseringen och moderniteten kan inte förstås av de äldre i folkgruppen och det skapar spänningar samt obalans hos de yngre. De äldre tyr sig till kyrkan och deras världsbild grundas utifrån kyrkan och religionen. Traditionerna är gamla och religiösa och blir för många assyriska/syrianska ungdomar svåra att tillämpa i sin vardag. De yngre i folkgruppen har en världsbild som grundar sig på samhällsfrågor och identitet. De försöker hitta en plats i samhället och identifierar sig inte med den ”syrisk-ortodoxa kyrkan” utan istället med nationalistiska symboler såsom ”assyr” och ”syrian”. De kyrkliga organisationerna och institutionerna väcker inget intresse eller tycke hos de yngre utan snarare en kritisk känsla som har växt fram med åren. Kritiken grundar sig på deras kunskap om de olika hierarkiska maktsystemen och falangerna som präglar kyrkan. Föreningslivet prioriteras hellre och tillfredställer deras behov, frågor och tomrum när det gäller kultur och tradition. Fotboll är ett exempel som har blivit ett stort ”nyckelord” för många ungdomar. Många assyriska/syrianska ungdomar har kommit att forma en dubbelidentitet som de använder i olika situationer och sammanhang. När de är hemma och tillsammans med andra i folkgruppen så handlar de utifrån assyriska/syrianska värderingar och när de är bland vänner och ute i samhället så handlar de utifrån svenska värderingar. Trots att majoriteten känner sig mer svenska än assyriska/syrianska så använder de denna dubbelidentitet för att tillfredställa de äldre och deras föräldrar och de vet att deras utseende hindrar dem från att bli sedda som svenskar. Detta resulterar i en förvirring och en obalans. Sökandet efter en plats i samhället blir diffus och otydlig.

Svenska seniorer i Spanien : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur svenska fritidshusägare uppfattar sin identitet i Spanien

Koszewnik, Nikoleta, Kytölä, Lizzie January 2022 (has links)
Möjligheter till att resa och förflytta sig mellan nationella gränser i världen blir allt fler. Svenskar som köper bostad i Costa del Sol söker efter ett varmare klimat, billigare levnadskostnader och spenderar upp till flera månader åt gången i Spanien. Tidigare forskning visar att problematik kopplad till uppfattning av sin egen identitet förekommer när individer kontinuerligt reser mellan hem i olika länder, vilket delvis också är beroende av det bemötande man får som svensk utomlands. Den här studien syftar till att undersöka hur svenskars identitet påverkas av att äga en bostad i Spanien. Genom intervjuer med åtta seniorer undersöktes fenomenet identitet, kopplat till att äga bostad utomlands. Det empiriska materialet analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys och jämfördes med tidigare forskning. Social identitetsteori och platsidentitet är två viktiga faktorer och teorier inom denna undersökning. De verkar som centrala utgångspunkter vid diskussion, inom studier av människors upplevda identitet. Resultaten för denna studie visar att svenskar generellt inte identifierar sig som lokalbor i Costa del Sol. Samtidigt känner flera en stark platstillhörighet och anser sin bostad i Spanien vara lika mycket “hemma” som den bostad de äger i Sverige. Samtliga respondenter uppger att de främst bemöts av vänlighet från lokalbor i Spanien, men nämner även tillfällen där de upplevt en viss främlingsfientlighet mot internationella fritidshusägare i Spanien som grupp. För vidare forskning föreslår författarna en undersökning med yngre generations fritidshusägare i Spanien, men även en djupare kvalitativ studie av sambandet mellan platstillhörighet och känslan av att känna sig hemma, bland svenska bostadsägare utomlands. Vidare föreslås studier av andra destinationer i Spanien samt hur juridiska faktorer påverkar val av Spanien som land för att köpa fritidsbostad. / Opportunities to travel and move between the national borders in the world are increasing. Swedes who buy second-homes in Costa del Sol are looking for a better climate, cheaper living costs and spend up to several months at a time in Spain. Previous research shows that problems linked to defining one’s own identity occur when individuals continuously travel between homes in different countries, which is also partly dependent on the treatment that they receive as Swedes abroad. This study aims to investigate how Swedish individuals’ identity is affected by owning a second-home in Spain. Through interviews with eight seniors, the phenomenon of identity, linked to owning a home abroad, was investigated. The empirical material was analyzed using thematic analysis and compared with previous research. Social identity theory and place identity are two important factors and theories that are used in this study. They stand as crucial premises when discussing the studies of people's perceived identity. The results of this study show that Swedes generally do not identify themselves as locals in Costa del Sol. Simultaneously, many feel a strong sense of belonging and consider their home in Spain to be as much "at home" as the home they reside in Sweden. As for perception by the local inhabitants, all respondents state that they are mainly met with kindness, although a few occasions are mentioned when they have experienced particular xenophobia against international second-home owners in Spain as a community. For further research, the authors propose a study of younger generation second-home owners, as well as a deeper qualitative study of the connection between place affiliation and the feeling of “feeling at home” among Swedish homeowners abroad. Furthermore, studies of other destinations in Spain would be of interest, together with jurisprudence in Spain as a factor for choosing Spain as a second-home country.

A Tale of Two Borders: The Violent Journey Along the Cartel's Path

van der Haar, Laura January 2024 (has links)
Violence against civilians has been extensively researched within the field of conflict studies, with scholars like Kalyvas (2006) emphasizing the strategic nature of victimization by armed factions. However, existing literature often overlooks violence beyond civil war settings, prompting this thesis to focus on organized crime's impact on civilian victimization, particularly migrants. Incorporating theory from the field of criminology, the thesis explores how territorial control by criminal actors influences migrant victimization. The study centres on Mexico and collects detailed 2021 data on migrant violence triangulated from various sources. Through a quantitative approach, employing OLS regressions, the analysis examines the interplay between cartel control over territory and violence against people on the move. Contrary to the expectations set forth in the theoretical framework, the findings suggest that higher cartel control correlates with a decrease in violence against migrants. The thesis concludes by emphasizing the significance of extending research beyond civil war contexts and highlights the necessity for further investigation into migrant victimization.

Voices From the Fields of Gold : A Study on the Precarious Conditions Faced by Third-Country Agricultural Migrant Workers in the Andalucían Lepe at the Intersection of Gender, Race and Migrant Status

Nyqvist, Hanna January 2024 (has links)
While human rights are promoted as inherent to all, various categories of migrants frequently face formidable resistance in their recognition. The Lepean work migrants belong to this category, who instead of obtaining reciprocal protection for their pivotal role in sustaining a sector crucial for Spain and the EU, are relegated to the margins of Spanish society. Drawing on Arendt’s ‘right to have rights’ and intersectionality, this thesis strives to explore the correlation and extent to which the denial of universal human rights among third-country migrant agricultural workers in Lepe can be attributed to the social markers of gender, race and migrant status, and their intersection. The objective is to achieve this by examining the migrant workers’ perceived access to the right to adequate housing, labour rights and the right to security of person, and through answering the research questions (1) To what extent do third-country agricultural migrant workers in Lepe perceive they get to enjoy the right to adequate housing, labour rights and the right to security of person?, (2) In what ways do third-country agricultural migrant workers in Lepe perceive the fulfilment of the right to adequate housing, labour rights and the right to security of person is determined by gender, race and migration status?, (3) In what ways do third-country agricultural migrant workers in Lepe perceive that the intersection of gender, race and migrant status determine the fulfilment of the right to adequate housing, labour rights and the right to security of person? The study was designed as a case study using abductive reasoning. The primary data consisted of semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis was used to interpret the empirical data. The findings elucidate that the migrants experienced a near-total denial of the rights relevant to this study and that this can largely be attributed to gender, race, migrant status, and their intersection, with regular status being a precondition for the enjoyment of this set of rights, and gender and race exasperating the already experienced denial of rights associated with irregular status.

The Timeless Identity: Exploring National and Ethnic Identity Among Immigrants from Former Yugoslavia Who Identify as Yugoslavian in Malmö / Bezvremenski Identitet:Istraživanje Nacionalnog i Etničkog Identiteta među Imigrantima iz Bivše Jugoslavije koji se Identifikuju kao Jugosloveni u Malmeu

Stankovic, Katarina January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explored the perceptions of immigrants from the Former Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) residing in Malmö, Sweden, of their Yugoslavian, national, and ethnic identities, as well as factors contributing to maintenance of Yugoslavian identity. Despite the dissolution of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s and the subsequent rise of distinct national identities, some individuals continue to identify as Yugoslavian. The study therefore aimed to understand how these immigrants maintain their Yugoslavian identity and perceive their national and ethnic identities, through a qualitative approach utilizing semi-structured interviews. The findings reveal that the Yugoslavian identity is perceived as one of unity, acceptance, and inclusion, shaped and maintained by various factors together. The research contributes to the field of migration and ethnic relations by explaining the solid nature of Yugoslavian identity, and its ability to transcend time and space, showing how it is influenced and maintained by a combination of various factors.

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