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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Water balance and soil erosion in the Brazilian Cerrado / Balanço hídrico e erosão do solo no Cerrado brasileiro

Oliveira, Paulo Tarso Sanches de 12 December 2014 (has links)
Deforestation of the Brazilian savanna (Cerrado) region has caused major changes in hydrological processes. These changes in water balance and soil erosion are still poorly understood, but are important for making land management decisions in this region. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the magnitudes of hydrological processes and soil erosion changes on local, regional and continental scales, and the consequences that are generated. The main objective of the study presented in this doctoral thesis was to better understand the mechanism of hydrological processes and soil erosion in the Cerrado. To achieve that, I worked with different scales (hillslope, watershed and continental) and using data from experimental field, laboratory, and remote sensing. The literature review reveals that the annual rainfall erosivity in Brazil ranges from 1672 to 22,452 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 yr-1. The smallest values are found in the northeastern region, and the largest in the north and the southeastern region. I found that the canopy interception may range from 4 to 20% of gross precipitation and stemflow around 1% of gross precipitation in the cerrado. The average runoff coefficient was less than 1% in the plots under cerrado and that the deforestation has the potential to increase up to 20 fold the runoff coefficient value. The results indicate that the Curve Number method was not suitable to estimate runoff under undisturbed Cerrado, bare soil (hydrologic soil group A), pasture, and millet. Therefore, in these cases the curve number is inappropriate and the runoff is more aptly modeled by the equation Q = CP, where C is the runoff coefficient. The water balance from the remote sensing data across the Brazilian Cerrado indicates that the main source of uncertainty in the estimated runoff arises from errors in the TRMM precipitation data. The water storage change computed as a residual of the water budget equation using remote sensing data (TRMM and MOD16) and measured discharge data shows a significant correlation with terrestrial water storage change obtained from the GRACE data. The results show that the GRACE data may provide a satisfactory representation of water storage change for large areas in the Cerrado. The average annual soil loss in the plots under bare soil and cerrado were 15.25 t ha-1 yr-1 and 0.17 t ha-1 yr-1, respectively. The Universal Soil Loss Equation cover and management factor (C-factor) for the plots under native cerrado vegetation was 0.013. The results showed that the surface runoff, soil erosion and C-factor for the undisturbed Cerrado changes between seasons. The greatest C-factor values were found in the summer and fall. The results found in this doctoral thesis provide benchmark values of the water balance components and soil erosion in the Brazilian Cerrado that will be useful to evaluate past and future land cover and land use changes for this region. In addition, I conclude that the remote sensing data are useful to evaluate the water balance components over Cerrado regions, identify dry periods, and assess changes in water balance due to land cover and land use change. / O desmatamento nas regiões de Cerrado tem causado intensas mudanças nos processos hidrológicos. Essas mudanças no balanço hídrico e erosão do solo são ainda pouco entendidas, apesar de fundamentais na tomada de decisão de uso e manejo do solo nesta região. Portanto, torna-se necessário compreender a magnitude das mudanças nos processos hidrológicos e de erosão do solo, em escalas locais, regionais e continentais, e as consequências dessas mudanças. O principal objetivo do estudo apresentado nesta tese de doutorado foi de melhor entender os mecanismos dos processos hidrológicos e de erosão do solo no Cerrado Brasileiro. Para tanto, utilizou-se diferentes escalas de trabalho (vertentes, bacias hidrográficas e continental) e usando dados experimentais in situ, de laboratório e a partir de sensoriamento remoto. O estudo de revisão de literatura indica que a erosividade da chuva no Brasil varia de 1672 to 22,452 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 yr-1. Os menores valores encontram-se na região nordeste e os maiores nas regiões norte e sudeste do Brasil. Verificou-se que os valores de interceptação da chuva variam de 4 a 20% e o escoamento pelo tronco aproximadamente 1% da precipital total no cerrado. O coeficiente de escoamento superficial foi menor que 1% nas parcelas de cerrado e o desmatamento tem o potencial de aumentar em até 20 vezes esse valor. Os resultados indicam que o método Curve Number não foi adequado para estimar o escoamento superficial nas áreas de cerrado, solo exposto (grupo hidrológico do solo A), pastagem e milheto. Portanto, nesses casos o uso do CN é inadequado e o escoamento superficial é melhor estimado a partir da equação Q = CP, onde C é o coeficiente de escoamento superficial. O balanço hídrico a partir de dados de sensoriamento remoto para todo o Cerrado Brasileiro indica que a principal fonte de incerteza na estimativa do escoamento superficial ocorre nos dados de precipitação do TRMM. A variação de água na superfície terrestre calculada como o residual da equação do balanço hídrico usando dados de sensoriamento remoto (TRMM e MOD16) e valores observados de vazão mostram uma correlação significativa com os valores de variação de água na superfície terrestre provenientes dos dados do GRACE. Os dados do GRACE podem representar satisfatoriamente a variação de água na superfície terrestre para extensas regiões do Cerrado. A média anual de perda de solo nas parcelas de solo exposto e cerrado foram de 15.25 t ha-1 yr-1 and 0.17 t ha-1 yr-1, respectivamente. O fator uso e manejo do solo (fator C) da Universal Soil Loss Equation para o cerrado foi de 0.013. Os resultados mostraram que o escoamento superficial, erosão do solo e o fator C na área de cerrado variam de acordo com as estações. Os maiores valores do fator C foram encontrados no verão e outono. Os resultados encontrados nesta tese de doutorado fornecem valores de referência sobre os componentes do balanço hídrico e erosão do solo no Cerrado, que podem ser úteis para avaliar o uso e cobertura do solo atual e futuro. Além disso, conclui-se que os dados de sensoriamento remoto apresentam resultados satisfatórios para avaliar os componentes do balanço hídrico no Cerrado, identificar os períodos de seca e avaliar as alterações no balanço hídrico devido à mudanças de uso e cobertura do solo.

Measured Soil Hydraulic Properties as RZWQM2 Input to Simulate Soil Water Dynamics and Crop Evapotranspiration

Shahadha, Saadi Sattar 01 January 2018 (has links)
Agricultural system models integrate many different processes that cannot all be measured in field experiments and help quantify soil water dynamics, crop evapotranspiration, and crop growth with high temporal resolution. Understanding soil water dynamics and crop evapotranspiration is essential to improve agricultural management of field crops. For example, the interaction between nitrogen application rate and water dynamics is not sufficiently understood. In most cases, model simulations deviate from field measurements, especially when model input parameters are indirectly and unspecifically derived. The extent to which measured soil hydraulic property inputs decrease the discrepancy between measured and simulated soil water status is not well understood. Consequently, this study: (i) investigated thr use of measured soil hydraulic properties as Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM2) inputs compared to indirectly derived inputs; (ii) explored the capability of calibrating measured soil hydraulic property input parameters for one crop and using them for other crops without further calibration; (iii) studied the effect of the nitrogen application rate on the behavior of soil water dynamics and crop evapotranspiration using RZWQM2 under different rainfall amounts. To evaluate the model in different field management conditions, a field experiment with soybean, corn, wheat, and fallow soil was conducted from 2015 – 2017 to collect field data to calibrate and validate the RZWQM2 model. The model presented a satisfactory response to using measured soil hydraulic property inputs and a satisfactory capability to quantify the effect of nitrogen rates on daily crop evapotranspiration, soil water dynamics, and crop growth. With sufficient measurements of soil hydraulic parameters, it was possible to build a RZWQM2 model that produced reasonable results even without calibration.

Analysis of Spatial Performance of Meteorological Drought Indices

Patil, Sandeep 1986- 14 March 2013 (has links)
Meteorological drought indices are commonly calculated from climatic stations that have long-term historical data and then converted to a regular grid using spatial interpolation methods. The gridded drought indices are mapped to aid decision making by policy makers and the general public. This study analyzes the spatial performance of interpolation methods for meteorological drought indices in the United States based on data from the Co-operative Observer Network (COOP) and United States Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) for different months, climatic regions and years. An error analysis was performed using cross-validation and the results were compared for the 9 climate regions that comprise the United States. Errors are generally higher in regions and months dominated by convective precipitation. Errors are also higher in regions like the western United States that are dominated by mountainous terrain. Higher errors are consistently observed in the southeastern U.S. especially in Florida. Interpolation errors are generally higher in the summer than winter. The accuracy of different drought indices was also compared. The Standardized Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) tends to have lower errors than Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) in seasons with significant convective precipitation. This is likely because SPEI uses both precipitation and temperature data in its calculation, whereas SPI is based solely on precipitation. There are also variations in interpolation accuracy based on the network that is used. In general, COOP is more accurate than USHCN because the COOP network has a higher density of stations. USHCN is a subset of the COOP network that is comprised of high quality stations that have a long and complete record. However the difference in accuracy is not as significant as the difference in spatial density between the two networks. For multiscalar SPI, USHCN performs better than COOP because the stations tend to have a longer record. The ordinary kriging method (with optimal function fitting) performed better than Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) methods (power parameters 2.0 and 2.5) in all cases and therefore it is recommended for interpolating drought indices. However, ordinary kriging only provided a statistically significant improvement in accuracy for the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) with the COOP network. Therefore it can be concluded that IDW is a reasonable method for interpolating drought indices, but optimal ordinary kriging provides some improvement in accuracy. The most significant factor affecting the spatial accuracy of drought indices is seasonality (precipitation climatology) and this holds true for almost all the regions of U.S. for 1-month SPI and SPEI. The high-quality USHCN network gives better interpolation accuracy with 6-, 9- and 12-month SPI and variation in errors amongst the different SPI time scales is minimal. The difference between networks is also significant for PDSI. Although the absolute magnitude of the differences between interpolation with COOP and USHCN are small, the accuracy of interpolation with COOP is much more spatially variable than with USHCN.

Transpiration and conductance responses of salt-desert vegetaion in the Owens Valley of California in relation to climate and soil moisture

Warren, Daniel Cram. January 1991 (has links)
Work presented in this dissertation was performed in the salt-desert environment of the Owens Valley of California. The area experiences low-rainfall, hot summers, but has a high water table, seldom more than 5 meters from the surface. To test differences in plant species wateruse, a steady-state porometer was used for transpiration measurements while a 2-meter point-frame was used to estimate leaf area index on each species studied. The five species studied (Atriplex torreyi, Chrysothamnus nauseosus, Distichlis stricta, Sporobolus airoides, and Sarcobatus vermiculatus) varied with regard to photosynthetic pathways and leaf morphology. Water-use differences among species are hypothesized to be related to the differing physiological and morphological characteristics observed in the different species studied. This work focuses upon methods for integrating porometric transpiration rates and point-frame measured leaf area to estimate daily plant water-use. Daily water-use values are correlated with environmental growth conditions. A computer program was developed for scenario testing so that conclusions could be drawn concerning how given plants respond to different conditions of soil moisture and atmospheric evaporative demand. The computer-aided calculations led to conclusions that low water-use behavior characterizes A. torreyi, and high water-use behavior characterizes C. nauseosus. C4 photosynthesis and low leaf conductance may contribute to the success of A. torreyi on fine-textured soils when water transfer rates to roots are limiting to transpiration. Fine-textured soils may inhibit production in C. nauseosus because the species requires higher rates of transpiration to achieve optimal growth than soil hydraulic conductivity allows. These conclusions have implications for land managers who should recognize that climax plant communities in saltdesert regions are better at conserving water and stabilizing soil than is colonizing vegetation. Management should seek to maintain climax vegetation cover because restoration is difficult once vegetation disturbance occurs.

An Energy Budget Analysis of Evapotranspiration from Saltcedar

Gay, L. W., Sammis, T. W., Ben-Asher, J. 01 May 1976 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1976 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 29-May 1, 1976, Tucson, Arizona / Energy budget evaluations of evapotranspiration from saltcedar were carried out on the flood plain of the Rio Grande River, near Bernardo, New Mexico. The site was adjacent to the Bureau of Reclamation's lysimeter study of water use by saltcedar. The energy budget for the cloudless day of June 14, 1975, revealed that energy gains from net radiation totaled 432 cal/cm² , while energy losses (in cal/cm2 ), were 14 to stored energy, 31 to convection, and 387 to evapotranspiration (ET). The energy loss to ET is equivalent to the latent energy contained in about 6.5 mm of water. The energy budget values are reasonable for a phreatophyte community in a semi-arid environment. The latent energy loss compares favorably with 401 cal/cm² measured by three lysimeters, although there were discrepancies in timing and amounts of loss among the individual lysimeters. The mean canopy diffusion resistance was 1.90 sec/cm over a 10-hour daytime period on June 14. The mean resistance was combined with vapor pressure deficit to predict lysimeter ET on three subsequent days. The agreement was within 12 percent, which suggests that diffusion resistance may be useful for simple ET predictions.

Variations in Soil Moisture Under Natural Vegetation

Sammis, T. W., Weeks, D. L. 16 April 1977 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1977 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 15-16, 1977, Las Vegas, Nevada / Soil water content was measured every two weeks during 1974-1975, using a neutron probe, at selected locations around the desert plant species creosote (Larria divaricata), bursage (Ambrosia deltoidea), and in an open space. The purpose of taking the measurements was to enable one to estimate the evapotranspiration rate of the desert plants by measuring soil moisture depletion. The sampling problem associated with measuring soil moisture, using neutron access tubes, is the number, location, and installation depth of the tubes. Analyses of the total soil moisture beneath the creosote plant showed greater variability between access tubes located near different plants the same distance from the crown of the plant than between tubes located around the same plant. Because of the size of the bursage plant, the variability in total soil moisture beneath the plant was greater among tubes around the same plant than between tubes at the same location at different plants.

Estimation régionale de l'évapotranspiration sur la plaine de Kairouan (Tunisie) à partir de données satellites multi-capteurs

Amri, Rim 16 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de comprendre le fonctionnement d'un écosystème semi-aride, en développant des méthodologies permettant de combiner des mesures satellites optique et micro-onde et un modèle semi-empirique pour estimer l'évapotranspiration et sa dynamique saisonnière dans une région semi-aride (plaine de Kairouan). L'estimation de cette dernière nécessite une bonne description de la dynamique du couvert végétal et un suivi du stock d'eau dans le sol. Pour se faire, une analyse de la dynamique de la végétation est faite sur la base de la série temporelle SPOT VEGETATION de 1998 à 2010. Pour appréhender le comportement de la végétation face à des fréquentes périodes de sècheresse, une analyse fractale est developpée pour étudier la persistance du couvert végétal. Un nouvel indice statistique VAI " Vegetation Anomaly Index " décrivant l'état du stress hydrique de la végétation a été proposé. Cet indice quantitatif permet de décrire à l'échelle mensuelle l'état de la végétation. Plusieurs approches de validation sont mises en œuvre pour montrer la performance de cet indice. En termes de suivi du stock d'eau dans le sol, l'analyse est basée sur des produits d'humidité (IPF Université de Vienne) des diffusiomètres spatiaux ERS et ASCAT/METOP. Ces produits ont été validés sur notre site d'étude via deux approches différentes. Un indice de sécheresse a été proposé à partir de la longue série de produits d'humidité qui couvre vingt années (de 1991 à 2010). L'indice proposé MAI " Moisture Anomaly Index " est basé sur une analyse des anomalies des variabilités temporelles des stocks d'eau dans le sol, estimées par les satellites ERS et ASCAT/METOP. Une analyse comparative avec d'autres indices de sécheresse, particulièrement le SPI " Standardized Precipitation Index " est faite pour mettre en évidence la performance de cet indice. Ces informations tirées à partir des deux séries temporelles optiques et micro-ondes sont ensuite intégrées dans un modèle simple et opérationnel, le modèle FAO-56 (approche double coefficient culturale) pour la cartographie de l'évapotranspiration réelle journalière. Une validation de cette approche est proposée en confrontant les résultats avec des sorties d'un modèle SVAT : ISBA-A-gs.

The long-term measurement of total evaporation over Acacia mearnsii using large aperture scintillometry

Clulow, Alistair D. January 2007 (has links)
A large aperture scintillometer (LAS) was operated continuously over a distance of 575 m from 19 August 2006 to 29 September 2007 in the South African KwaZulu-Natal midlands mistbelt area over Wattle (Acacia mearnsii). The LAS measurements of the structure parameter of the refractive index of air ( 2 n C ), were used to calculate the sensible heat flux. The shortened energy balance equation was used to estimate the latent energy flux as a residual from which the total evaporation (ET) was calculated. The LAS estimates of sensible heat flux during the short transition period (1 hour) between stable and unstable conditions were on occasion erroneous and required verification. Advection was also found to affect sensible heat flux estimates. Long-term operation of the LAS was however found to be possible even at remote sites, producing reliable and continuous results. The LAS estimates of sensible heat are sensitive to zero-plane displacement height and wind speed data impact and these should be derived as accurately as possible. Tree heights were measured at monthly intervals and a zero-plane displacement and effective height were calculated every two weeks. The sensible heat flux was thus processed in two week blocks of data corresponding to progressive effective heights. The tree growth rate was consistent over time and was not affected by seasonality, indicating that reduced air temperatures, rainfall and solar irradiance in winter are not limiting growth. The average growth rate was 0.37 m per month or 4.5 m per year. The LAS ET was compared to the American Society of Civil Engineers - Environmental and Water Resources Institute (ASCE-EWRI) short grass reference evaporation (ETsz) for a seven-month period and was found to compare favourably (R2 = 0.78) with outliers caused by advection and rainfall events. Calculations of grass reference evaporation at hourly and daily intervals provide different results. The daily estimates are lower than the hourly estimates by 17 % on average. Where hourly data is summed to calculate a daily ETsz, night-time values should be included. The LAS ET measurements were validated against the Priestley and Taylor (1972) method of estimating ET and found to be in good agreement (R2=0.94). The Priestley and Taylor daily total latent energy flux, from 22 August 2006 to 29 September 2007, was 9 % higher than the LAS results on average. The Bowen ratio for the entire period is less than 1, indicating that the latent energy flux dominates at the site. The ET over the period of measurement (13 months) is 1250 mm and the rainfall is 750 mm. This confirms previous results at the site using the Bowen ratio energy balance method showing that the ET exceeds the rainfall by 45 % and justifies further research into soil water, ground water and root interactions in the deep soil profile. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.

Spatiotemporal studies of evapotranspiration in Inner Mongolian grasslands

Schaffrath, David 09 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Inner Mongolian grasslands are part of the vast Eurasian steppe belt and were used for nomadic pastoralism for thousands of years. As a result of political and economic changes in China in the last century, this mobile grazing management has been replaced by a sedentary and intensified livestock production. Stocking rates have increased substantially, overshooting the carrying capacity of the grasslands. These land use changes have induced severe grassland degradation. The impact and causes of grassland degradation have been investigated by the Sino-German joint research group MAGIM (Matter fluxes in grasslands of Inner Mongolia as influenced by stocking rate) in the Xilin River catchment of Inner Mongolia since 2004. This work is part of subproject P6, which amongst others pursues the goal of quantifying water balance exchange by micrometeorology and remote sensing. The dominating process of water balance losses in Inner Mongolian grasslands is evapotranspiration (ET), whereby water vapour is released into the lower atmosphere. ET is highly variable in both time and space in this semi-arid environment, as it is coupled with the typically fluctuating amount of precipitation (P). However, despite ET being the key output process of the hydrological cycle of Inner Mongolian grasslands and despite its important role as an indicator for ecosystem functioning, little is known about its spatiotemporal distribution and variability in this remote area. Recent studies on ET have demonstrated variations due to phenology, soil moisture and land use, but these studies have been limited to short periods and have been conducted on a few field sites in close proximity with debatable representativeness for the 2600 km² of grasslands in the Xilin River catchment. The development of a number of remote sensing methods in the last decades has introduced various approaches to determining spatial ET from space, but the application of remotely sensed ET in regional long-term studies is still problematic. Nevertheless, a variety of surface parameters are provided by the sensor MODIS (moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer) at a resolution of approx. 1km. The aim of this work was (1) to close the gap between the limitations of available local ET measurements and the need for long-term studies on spatial ET in Inner Mongolian grasslands and (2) to analyse the spatiotemporal variability of ET and its implications on livestock management in this area. Therefore, micrometeorological data, remote sensing products and hydrological modelling with BROOK90 were integrated to model spatial ET for the grasslands of the Xilin River catchment over 10 years. The hydrological model BROOK90 calculates ET based on a modified Penman-Monteith approach including the separation of energy into transpiration and soil evaporation. The spatial application of the model was based on a land use classification restricted to the land use unit typical steppe. BROOK90 was parameterised from eddy covariance measurements, soil characteristics and MODIS leaf area index (LAI). Location and canopy parameters were provided individually, as well as the essential daily model input, including P and air temperatures for each pixel. Minimum and maximum air temperatures were calculated based on a relationship between measured air temperatures and MODIS surface temperatures (R²=0.92 and R²=0.87, n=81). Spatial P was estimated from a relationship found between the measured cumulative P of six rain gauges within the grasslands and the increase of MODIS LAI around these measurements (R²=0.80, n=270). Modelled ET is plausible and fits in the range of published results. ET was demonstrated to be highly variable in both time and space: the high spatiotemporal variability of eight-day ET is reflected by the coefficients of variation, which varied between 25% and 40% for the whole study area and were up to 75% for individual pixels. Soil evaporation reacts considerably more sensitively to precipitation pulses than transpiration. Modelled annual ET sums approached or exceeded precipitation sums in general; however, P exceeded ET in 2003, when exceptionally high precipitation occurred. The strong dynamics and the high spatiotemporal variability of ET clearly demonstrate that the current static livestock management is not adapted to the conditions of Inner Mongolian grasslands. New concepts for a sustainable livestock management could be developed in consideration of the intrinsic long-term patterns of spatial ET distribution and spatiotemporal variability identified in this work. Moreover, as this method for modelling spatial ET is not restricted to the grasslands of the Xilin River catchment, livestock management in other semi-arid grasslands could benefit from it as well. / Die Grasländer der Inneren Mongolei sind Teil des riesigen eurasischen Steppengürtels und wurden seit Tausenden von Jahren für die nomadische Weidewirtschaft genutzt. Als Folge der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Veränderungen in China im letzten Jahrhundert ist diese mobile Weidewirtschaft durch eine ortsgebundene und intensivierte Tierhaltung ersetzt worden. Besatzdichten wurden erheblich erhöht und die Tragfähigkeit der Grasländer wurde deutlich überschritten. Diese Landnutzungsänderungen haben schwerwiegende Degradationserscheinungen der Grasländer induziert. Die Ursachen und Auswirkungen der Degradation sind von der Deutsch-Chinesischen-Forschungsgruppe MAGIM (Matter fluxes in grasslands of Inner Mongolia as influenced by stocking rate) im Einzugsgebiet des Xilin-Flusses in der Inneren Mongolei seit 2004 untersucht worden. Diese Arbeit wurde im Rahmen des Teilprojektes P6 erstellt, welches unter anderem das Ziel verfolgt, Wasserhaushaltsprozesse mit Mikrometeorologie und Fernerkundung zu quantifizieren. Der dominierende Prozess der Wasserbilanz-Verluste in den Grasländern der Inneren Mongolei ist die Verdunstung (ET), wobei Wasserdampf in die untere Atmosphäre freigesetzt wird. ET ist in diesem semi-ariden Ökosystem in Zeit und Raum sehr variabel, da an die in der Regel schwankenden Niederschläge (P) gekoppelt. Trotz der Schlüsselrolle, die ET im Wasserkreislauf der Inneren Mongolei einnimmt, und der wichtigen Rolle als Indikator für die Funktionsweise des Ökosystems, ist wenig über die raum-zeitliche Verteilung und Variabilität von ET in dieser abgelegenen Region bekannt. Neuere Studien haben ET-Schwankungen aufgrund von Phänologie, Bodenfeuchte und Bodennutzung dargestellt, aber diese Studien sind auf kurze Zeiträume beschränkt und wurden auf nur wenigen Standorten, die sich in unmittelbarer Nähe befinden, durchgeführt. Dies stellt ihre Repräsentativität für die 2600 km² an Grasland im Xilin-Einzugsgebiet in Frage. Die Entwicklung von Fernerkundungsmethoden in den letzten Jahrzehnten hat verschiedene Ansätze zur Bestimmung der räumlichen ET hervorgebracht, jedoch ist die Anwendung von ET aus Fernerkundungsdaten in regionalen Langzeitstudien immer noch problematisch. Dennoch werden eine Vielzahl von Oberflächenparametern durch den Sensor MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) bei einer Auflösung von ca. 1km zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war (1) die Lücke zwischen den verfügbaren lokalen ET-Messungen und dem Bedarf an langfristigen Untersuchungen zu räumlicher ET im Grasland der Inneren Mongolei zu schließen und (2) die räumlich-zeitliche Variabilität von ET vor dem Hintergrund des Beweidungsmanagements zu analysieren. Daher wurden mikrometeorologische Daten, Fernerkundungsprodukte und hydrologische Modellierungen mit BROOK90 integriert, um die räumliche ET für die Grasländer des Xilin-Einzugsgebietes über 10 Jahre zu modellieren. Das hydrologische Modell BROOK90 berechnet ET auf Basis eines modifizierten Penman-Monteith-Ansatzes einschließlich der Aufteilung in Transpiration und Bodenverdunstung. Die räumliche Anwendung des Standortmodells basiert auf einer Landnutzungsklassifikation und wurde für die Landnutzungsklasse typical steppe durchgeführt. Eddy-Kovarianz-Messungen, Bodeneigenschaften und MODIS-Blattflächenindex (LAI) wurden zur Parametrisierung von BROOK90 verwendet. Sowohl Lage- und Pflanzenparameter, als auch die notwendigen Modelleingangsdaten (Tageswerte von P und Lufttemperaturen), wurden für jeden Pixel individuell zur Verfügung gestellt. Minimum- und Maximum-Lufttemperaturen wurden mittels einer Beziehung zwischen gemessenen Lufttemperaturen und MODIS-Oberflächentemperaturen berechnet (R²=0.92 und R²=0.87, n=81). Räumliche P wurden aus einem Zusammenhang zwischen gemessenen kumulierten P von sechs Niederschlagsmessern im Untersuchungsgebiet und der Erhöhung des MODIS-LAI im Bereich dieser Messungen abgeleitet (R²=0.80, n=270). Die modellierte räumliche ET ist plausibel und liegt im Wertebereich der publizierten Ergebnisse. Es wurde gezeigt, das ET sehr variabel in Raum und Zeit ist: die raum-zeitlichen Schwankungen der achttägigen ET wurden durch den Variationskoeffizienten dargestellt, welcher zwischen 25% und 40% für das gesamte Untersuchungsgebiet variiert und für einzelne Pixel bis auf 75% ansteigt. Die Bodenverdunstung reagiert wesentlich empfindlicher auf Niederschlagsereignisse als die Transpiration. Modellierte Jahres-ET-Summen erreichen oder überschritten die Niederschlagssummen in der Regel, jedoch übertraf P die ET im Jahre 2003, als außergewöhnlich hohe Niederschläge aufgetreten sind. Die starke Dynamik und die hohe raum-zeitliche Variabilität der ET zeigen deutlich, dass die aktuelle statische Tierhaltung nicht an die Bedingungen in den Innermongolischen Grasländern angepasst ist. Neue Konzepte für eine nachhaltige Viehwirtschaft könnten unter Berücksichtigung der inhärenten langfristigen Muster der räumlichen Verteilung von ET und ihrer raum-zeitlichen Variabilität, die in dieser Arbeit identifiziert wurden, entwickelt werden. Außerdem ist die Anwendung der entwickelten Methode für die Modellierung räumlicher ET nicht auf die Grasländer des Xilin-Einzugsgebietes beschränkt; die Weidewirtschaft in anderen semi-ariden Grasländern könnte ebenfalls davon profitieren.

Land use effects and climate impacts on evapotranspiration and catchment water balance / Einfluss von Landnutzung und Klima auf die Gebietsverdunstung und den Wasserhaushalt von Flusseinzugsgebieten

Renner, Maik 13 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Evapotranspiration ET is a dominant Earth System process that couples the water and energy cycles at the earth surface. The pressure of global environmental changes foster the broad scientific aim to understand impacts of climate and land-use on evapotranspiration under transient conditions. In this work, the spatial scale of river catchments is addressed through data analysis of hydrological and meteorological archives with ET classically derived through water balance closure. Through a synthesis of various catchments with different climatic forcings and hydrological conditions, the core objectives of this thesis are: - Did environmental changes in the past, such as climatic- or land-use and land cover (LULC) changes, result in detectable non-stationary changes in the hydro-climate time series? - How can the impacts of climatic- from LULC changes on the hydroclimatology of catchments be separated? - What are the factors that control the sensitivity of ET and streamflow to external changes? These research questions are addressed for the climatic scales of long-term annual averages and seasonal conditions which characterise the hydroclimatology of river catchments. Illustrated by a rich hydro-climatic archive condensed for 27 small to medium sized river catchments in Saxony, a method is proposed to analyse the seasonal features of river flow allowing to detect shifting seasons in snow affected river basins in the last 90 years. Observations of snow depth at these same times lead to the conclusion, that changes in the annual cycle of air temperature have a large influence on the timing of the freeze-thaw in late winter and early spring. This causes large changes in storage of water in the snow pack, which leads to profound changes of the river regime, particularly affecting the river flow in the following months. A model-based data analysis, based on the fundamental principles of water and energy conservation for long-term average conditions, is proposed for the prediction of ET and streamflow, as well as the separation of climate related impacts from impacts resulting from changes in basin conditions. The framework was tested on a large data set of river catchments in the continental US and is shown to be consistent with other methods proposed in the literature. The observed past changes highlight that (i) changes in climate, such as precipitation or evaporative demand, result in changes of the partitioning within the water and energy balance, (ii) the aridity of the climate and to a lesser degree basin conditions determine the sensitivity to external changes, (iii) these controlling factors influence the direction of LULC change impacts, which in some cases can be larger than climate impacts. This work provides evidence, that changes in climatic and land cover conditions can lead to transient hydrological behaviours and make stationary assumptions invalid. Hence, past changes present the opportunity for model testing and thereby deriving fundamental laws and concepts at the scale of interest, which are not affected by changes in the boundary conditions. / Die Verdunstung ist ein maßgeblicher Prozess innerhalb des Klimasystems der Erde, welche den Wasserkreislauf mit dem Energiehaushalt der Erde verbindet. Eine zentrale wissenschaftliche Herausforderung ist, zu verstehen, wie die regionale Wasserverfügbarkeit durch Änderungen des Klimas oder der physiographischen Eigenschaften der Landoberfläche beeinflusst wird. Mittels einer integrierten Datenanalyse von vorhandenen langjährigen Archiven hydroklimatischer Zeitreihen werden die folgenden wissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen dieser Dissertation diskutiert: - Haben beobachtete Änderungen der Landoberfläche und des Klimas zu nachweisbaren, instationären hydroklimatischen Änderungen geführt? - Lassen sich die hydroklimatischen Auswirkungen von Klimaänderungen und Änderungen der Landoberfläche voneinander unterscheiden? - Welche Faktoren beeinflussen die Sensitivität von Abfluss und Verdunstung auf Veränderungen der klimatischen und physiographischen Randbedingungen? Hierbei fokussiert sich die Arbeit auf Änderungen im langjährige Mittel und im Jahresgang von hydroklimatischen Variablen auf der räumlichen Skala von Flusseinzugsgebieten. Zur Untersuchung des hydrologischen Regimes wurde ein harmonischer Filter angewandt, der es erlaubt, die Eintrittszeit des Jahresgangs (Phase) zu quantifizieren. Diese klimatologische Kenngröße wurde für eine Vielzahl von Einzugsgebieten in Sachsen untersucht, wobei sich vor allem für die Gebiete in den Kammlagen des Erzgebirges signifikante Veränderungen ergaben. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die signifikante Phasenverschiebung der Temperatur seit Ende der 1980er Jahre zu einer verfrühten Schneeschmelze und dadurch zu einem Rückgang des Abflusses bis in die Sommermonate hinein geführt hat. Desweiteren wurde eine modellbasierte Datenanalyse entwickelt, welche auf Massen- und Energieerhalt von Einzugsgebieten im langjährigen Mittel beruht. Das entwickelte Konzept erlaubt es, Auswirkungen von Klimaänderungen von anderen Effekten, welche z.B. durch Landnutzungsänderungen bedingt sind, abzugrenzen und zu quantifizieren. Die Ergebnisse einer Sensitivitätsanalyse dieses Konzeptes sowie die Anwendung auf einen umfangreichen hydroklimatischen Datensatz der USA zeigen: (i) Veränderungen im Wasser- oder Energiedargebot beeinflussen auch die Aufteilung der Wasser- und Energieflüsse. (ii) Die Aridität des Klimas und nachgeordnet die physiographischen Faktoren bestimmen die Sensitivität von Verdunstung und Abfluss. (iii) Beide Faktoren beeinflussen die Stärke und Richtung der Auswirkungen von physiographischen Änderungen. (iv) Anthropogene Veränderungen der Landoberfläche führten zum Teil zu stärkeren Auswirkungen als klimatisch bedingte Änderungen. Zusammenfassend zeigt sich, dass Änderungen von Landnutzung und Klima zu Verschiebungen im Wasserhaushalt führen können und damit auch die Annahme von Stationarität verletzen. Hydroklimatische Veränderungen bieten aber auch eine Gelegenheit zum Testen von Theorien und Modellen, um somit die grundlegenden Zusammenhänge zu erkennen, welche nicht durch Änderungen der Randbedingungen hinfällig werden.

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