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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Begynnelsens mysterium" : en undersökning av biblisk skapelsetro och intelligent design i Sverige

Jansson, Martin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Hur världen och människan har kommit till har alltid varit en av de mest fundamentala religiösa frågor som funnits. De senaste 200 åren har man dock kunnat börja närma sig dessa frågor på ett vetenskapligt sätt. Vetenskapliga teorier som evolution och Big Bang står dock i motsats till bibelns skapelseberättelse om att gud skapat världen och människan på sex arbetsdagar. Skapelsetroende har på senare tid även de börjat arbeta på vetenskapligt sätt genom att ta fram en teori som de kallar intelligent design (ID). Denna teori ska vara ett alternativ och en kritik till evolutionen och Big Bang. ID beskriver världen som skapad av en intelligent designer.</p><p>Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att kartlägga och undersöka den svenska bibliska skapelserörelsen. Detta gör jag genom att studera om det finns organisationer som arbetar för skapelsetron på Internet. Jag gör även en undersökning och analys av den svenska, förespråkande litteraturen i ämnet.</p><p>Mina resultat har visat att den svenska skapelserörelsen inte är så speciellt stor. Främst i ledet står den ideella föreningen Genesis som enbart koncentrerar sig på skapelsefrågan. Övriga organisationer som jag hittat arbetar allmänt för kristen apologetik och är på så vis inte specialiserade på just skapelsen. All förespråkande litteratur som jag hittar har på ett eller annat sätt någon anknytning till Genesis. Det visar sig även att all denna litteratur (som tar upp intelligent design) sätter in designteorin i ett religiöst sammanhang och bidrar så till att späda på diskussionen om ID verkligen är en vetenskaplig teori eller om det bara är en förfinad form av kreationism.</p>

Gilbertus Universalis: Glossa ordinaria in Lamentationes Ieremie prophete. Prothemata et Liber I. : A Critical Edition with an Introduction and a Translation

Andrée, Alexander January 2005 (has links)
The Glossa ordinaria on the Bible stands as one of the prime achievements of the period in western intellectual history known as the Renaissance of the twelfth century. In spite of the great number of still extant manuscripts very little is known about the circumstances around its composition. This state of affairs is partly explained by the lack of modern and critical editions of the books of the Glossa ordinaria. The present work is the first critical edition of the Glossa ordinaria on the Book of Lamentations, and consists of the forewords, or prothemata, and the first book (of five) of this text, which was compiled early in the twelfth century by the theologian and Ciceronian rhetorician Gilbert the Universal (†1134), schoolmaster at Auxerre and subsequently Bishop of London. The introduction includes a background sketch of the environment in which the Glossa ordinaria was conceived – the school of Laon – with a short biography of Gilbert the Universal, as well as a study of the sources to this particular part of the Gloss, chief among them the ninth-century commentary of Paschasius Radbertus. It is shown that Gilbert’s major improvement to his source, apart from drastically rewriting it, consists of the introduction of Ciceronian rhetorical loci to the verses of Lamentations. The introduction furthermore provides the reader with an analysis of the manuscript tradition of the early twelfth century and a selective analysis of the later manuscript tradition (some 86 manuscripts have so far been traced). One of the conclusions reached is that the Gloss on Lamentations exists in two textual recensions, the one original, the other a later redaction made once the Gloss had become a success and preserved in nearly all the later manuscripts. The manuscripts of the first recension, which is the one edited in the present work, may be organised into a stemma codicum consisting of two major families originating in a single archetype. It is possible to reconstruct this archetype on the basis of the five oldest manuscripts. An English translation of the edited text is included, as well as a ‘semi-critical’ edition of the text of the second recension. An important part of the present work consists of an effort to combine the sophisticated mise-en-page of the glossed manuscripts with the standards of presentation to be expected of a modern critical edition.

The Culmination of Tradition-based Tafsīr: The Qurʼān Exegesis al-Durr al-manthūr of al-Suyūṭī (d. 911/1505)

Ally, Shabir 28 February 2013 (has links)
This is a study of Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī’s al-Durr al-manthūr fi-l-tafsīr bi-l-ma’thur (The scattered pearls of tradition-based exegesis), hereinafter al-Durr. In the present study, the distinctiveness of al-Durr becomes evident in comparison with the tafsīrs of al-Ṭabarī (d. 310/923) and Ibn Kathīr (d. 774/1373). Al-Suyūṭī surpassed these exegetes by relying entirely on ḥadīth (tradition). Al-Suyūṭī rarely offers a comment of his own. Thus, in terms of its formal features, al-Durr is the culmination of tradition-based exegesis (tafsīr bi-l-ma’thūr). This study also shows that al-Suyūṭī intended in al-Durr to subtly challenge the tradition-based hermeneutics of Ibn Taymīyah (d. 728/1328). According to Ibn Taymīyah, the true, unified, interpretation of the Qurʼān must be sought in the Qurʼān itself, in the traditions of Muḥammad, and in the exegeses of the earliest Muslims. Moreover, Ibn Taymīyah strongly denounced opinion-based exegesis (tafsīr bi-l-ra’y). By means of the traditions in al-Durr, al-Suyūṭī supports several of his views in contradistinction to those of Ibn Taymīyah. Al-Suyūṭī’s traditions support the following views. First, opinion-based exegesis is a valid supplement to tradition-based exegesis. Second, the early Muslim community was not quite unified. Third, the earliest Qur’ānic exegetes did not offer a unified exegesis of the Qur’ān. Fourth, Qur’ānic exegesis is necessarily polyvalent since Muslims accept a number of readings of the Qur’ān, and variant readings give rise to various interpretations. Al-Suyūṭī collected his traditions from a wide variety of sources some of which are now lost. Two major exegetes, al-Shawkānī (d. 1250/1834) and al-Ālūsī (d. 1270/1854), copied some of these traditions from al-Durr into their Qur’ān commentaries. In this way, al-Suyūṭī has succeeded in shedding new light on rare, neglected, and previously scattered traditions.

BL Cotton Caligula Aii, Manuscript Context, The Theme of Obedience, and a Diplomatic Transcription Edition

White, Denise C. 09 August 2012 (has links)
This dissertation is a diplomatic transcription edition and an analysis of BL Cotton Caligula Aii with emphasis on the Middle English romances in the manuscript and how the entire manuscript was compiled to teach lessons in obedience. The first section of the manuscript contains Sir Eglamour and teaches lessons in social obedience. The second section features three romances by Thomas Chestre: Octavian Imperator, Sir Launfal, and Lybeaus Desconus and teaches courtly and chivalric obedience. Section three features Emaré and teaches lessons in obedience and free will. The final section contains Sege of Jerusalem. Chevalier Assigne, and Sir Isumbras and focuses on obedience and the direct hand of God. The romances in CCAii, which have often been dismissed as overly simplistic or convention, become complex and meaningful text when they are analyzed as part of the compilation for which they were chosen and arranged.

"Begynnelsens mysterium" : en undersökning av biblisk skapelsetro och intelligent design i Sverige

Jansson, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Hur världen och människan har kommit till har alltid varit en av de mest fundamentala religiösa frågor som funnits. De senaste 200 åren har man dock kunnat börja närma sig dessa frågor på ett vetenskapligt sätt. Vetenskapliga teorier som evolution och Big Bang står dock i motsats till bibelns skapelseberättelse om att gud skapat världen och människan på sex arbetsdagar. Skapelsetroende har på senare tid även de börjat arbeta på vetenskapligt sätt genom att ta fram en teori som de kallar intelligent design (ID). Denna teori ska vara ett alternativ och en kritik till evolutionen och Big Bang. ID beskriver världen som skapad av en intelligent designer. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att kartlägga och undersöka den svenska bibliska skapelserörelsen. Detta gör jag genom att studera om det finns organisationer som arbetar för skapelsetron på Internet. Jag gör även en undersökning och analys av den svenska, förespråkande litteraturen i ämnet. Mina resultat har visat att den svenska skapelserörelsen inte är så speciellt stor. Främst i ledet står den ideella föreningen Genesis som enbart koncentrerar sig på skapelsefrågan. Övriga organisationer som jag hittat arbetar allmänt för kristen apologetik och är på så vis inte specialiserade på just skapelsen. All förespråkande litteratur som jag hittar har på ett eller annat sätt någon anknytning till Genesis. Det visar sig även att all denna litteratur (som tar upp intelligent design) sätter in designteorin i ett religiöst sammanhang och bidrar så till att späda på diskussionen om ID verkligen är en vetenskaplig teori eller om det bara är en förfinad form av kreationism.

Profetisk eller apokalyptisk? : en jämförelse mellan två samfunds syn på Daniels bok

Schiller, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
Det har alltid funnits olika tolkningar och syn på olika bibliska texter. En av dessa texter som har varit grund till många olika teorier är Daniels bok. Diskussionerna kring denna bok har i huvudsak handlat om när och av vem boken är skriven och med det huruvida den är en profetisk eller en apokalyptisk text. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur en text tagen ur bibeln kan komma att tolkas på så olika sätt av olika religiösa samfund. Studien behandlar Daniels bok och huruvida denna text från gamla testamentet är en profetisk eller en apokalyptisk text. Arbetet behandlar också hur texten tolkas ur ett religionsvetenskapligt perspektiv. De samfund som studerats i arbetet är Jehovas vittnen och Sjundedagsadventisterna. Jehovas vittnen representerar ett samfund med stark tro till att Daniel själv skrev boken under sin livstid och att boken är en profetisk text. Sjundedagsadventisterna representerar i sin tur ett samfund där de ser på Daniels bok som en apokalyptisk text som berättar om den sista tiden. De är i huvudsak intresserad av det textstycke där Jesus återkomst avslöjas. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det ur ett religionsvetenskapligt perspektiv ter sig klart att Daniels bok inte skrevs av honom själv utan av flera olika författare. Detta skulle betyda att boken är en apokalyptisk text. Jehovas vittnen har många egna teorier där de anser sig bevisa motsatsen men av de teorier som redovisas i studien finns ingen som håller när de skärskådas mot bibeln. / Uppsatsförfattaren har tidigare burit efternamnet "Nilsson".

Fakta eller förvirring : en granskning av ett par omdiskuterade avsnitt i 1 Korintierbrevet och kommentarer till dessa

Ödman, Bengt January 2010 (has links)
I 1 Korintierbrevet finns två ofta diskuterade avsnitt som med speciellt fokus på kvinnorna talar om ordningen vid kristna sammankomster: 11:2-16 och 14:34-36. Denna uppsats gör en analys av dessa texter och deras behandling i den vetenskapliga litteraturen. Hur ska man förhålla sig till att kompetenta forskare kommer till rakt motsatta slutsatser? Är det fel i argumentationen, i premisserna, eller saknar vi helt enkelt tillräcklig kunskap? Går det att skilja på vad som är omstritt av exegetiska respektive teologiska skäl? Slutsatsen är att bland tre typer av argumentation som förekommer i litteraturen, som jag kallar den värderande, den datainsamlande respektive den konstruktiva, har forskningen en olycklig slagsida mot den första typen. Alltför mycket har skrivits utan att tillföra något av varken fakta eller ideer - man refererar bara till tidigare forskning och väger olika uppfattningar mot varandra. Om man refererar till andra författares tidigare arbeten utan att gå in på argumenten blir forskningen svår att bedöma efter att nya data tillkommit. Alltför ofta är kriteriet dessutom hur väl en teori stämmer med på förhand given teologi, snarare än en värdering av argumentens stöd i fakta. / In 1 Corinthians we find two much discussed passages which, focusing especially on the women, speak of order at the Christian gatherings: 11:2-16 and 14:34-36. This paper analyses these passages and their treatment in the scholarly literature. How should one relate to the fact that competent scholars reach diametrically opposed conclusions? Is there error in the argumentation, the premises, or do we simply lack sufficient knowledge? Is it possible to distinguish between what is contested for exegetical and for theological reasons? The conclusion is that among three types of argumentation in the literature, which I call value judgments, information gathering, and construction, there is an unfortunate imbalance towards the first type. Too much has been written that adds neither facts nor ideas - there is only references to earlier research and weighing of points of view against each other. If there is only references to other scholars' works and no engagement with the arguments, it is difficult for others to reassess the results after new data has appeared. Too often, also, the conclusions are based on a pre-conceived theology, rather than a weighing of the factual support of the arguments.

Analyse processuelle de Genèse 2:4b-25 : incidences herméneutiques et théologiques

Olivier, Lydwine 11 1900 (has links)
Dans un monde devenu séculier et où la tradition chrétienne est en recul, on est en droit de se poser la question de la pertinence des textes bibliques. En lien avec cette situation, on peut aussi se demander quelle représentation de Dieu émerge de la façon dont on accueille ces textes. Ce type de questionnement sous-tend l’intérêt que peut représenter une approche processuelle des textes bibliques, approche encore peu connue dans le monde francophone. Celle-ci est-elle en mesure d’apporter une certaine nouveauté dans la vision de Dieu généralement proposée en milieu chrétien ? Pour répondre à cela, il a semblé pertinent de tenter l’exercice à partir d’un texte englobant et fondateur. Genèse 2, connu pour raconter la création d’Adam et Ève, est porteur d’images presque stéréotypées à force d’avoir été lu et remâché. À ce titre, il a paru particulièrement approprié. Mais, avant même d’explorer le texte sous un angle processuel, il s’est avéré indispensable de commencer cette démarche par une traduction personnelle du texte hébreu, à partir et avec l’aide d’une analyse syntaxique et textuelle, dont on verra qu’elles ont ouvert le texte à de nouvelles hypothèses de traduction, de nouvelles nuances, comme autant de pistes à confronter à une théologie processuelle. Enfin, cette analyse ne peut se faire sans être en dialogue avec différents commentaires, exégétiques ou non, afin de souligner les convergences comme les divergences rencontrées au fil de la recherche et de la réflexion. / In the world that has become secular and where the Christian tradition is declining, we are entitled to question the pertinence of the biblical texts. In link with this situation, one can also wonder which representation of God arises depending how one receives these texts. This type of questioning underlies the interest that a Process approach of biblical texts can represent, even though the approach is still not much known in the French-speaking world. Does this approach possesses the ability of bringing some novelty to the vision of God generally offered in the Christian world ? To answer this, it seemed preferable to try the experience from a founding and forerunner text. Genesis 2, known to tell the creation of Adam and Eve, is bearing most stereotypic images by having been read and read, and chewed again. Therefore, seemed to be particularly accurate. But even before exploring the text from a Process angle, it has been proved essential to begin this with a personal translation of the Hebrew text, from and with the help of a syntactic and textual analysis, which as it will be shown, has conducted to open the text to new assumptions of translations and nuances, as so many tracks to be confronted to a Process theology. Finally, this analysis cannot be made without engaging in a dialogue with different commentaries, exegetical or not, in order to underline the convergences as well as the divergences met in the course of the research and of the reflexion.

Noutetiese berading van persone met piëtistiese mistastings oor lewensheiligheid / Pieter Abraham Rousseau

Rousseau, Pieter Abraham January 2009 (has links)
In the rich diversity of forms of the Christian Church, there are different perspectives on how believers ought to live holy lives and how their sanctification should progress. As such, the piety and sanctification of Christians entail every facet of our lives and the possibility of misunderstanding is ever present, because humans are fallible and at risk to "work" with the Bible in their own fashion. A wrong understanding of sin inevitably leads to error as regards piety. Pietism or mutations /forms thereof may therefore stifle, rather than promote real piety coram Deo, in the Christian faith community and in conducting our everyday lives. The aim of the study is, therefore, to advance genuine piety with Christian believers. The doctrine of successive works of grace and the style or approach in which proponents of the doctrine treat Scripture, were critically examined in the first section of the basis-theory. A hermeneutical position from the reformed perspective was stated. The sovereignty of God and the acknowledged authority of Scripture are both the centre and periphery of the reformed perspective, and from a grammatical-historical paradigm augmented by historical-cultural information, the construct of sin in the understanding of the first New Testament audience was examined. The juxtaposed construct of piety, as the logical opposite of sin, was correspondingly explored. The doctrine of so-called successive works of grace was reviewed analytically in the second phase of the basis-theory and the conclusion was stated that this doctrine is a form of pietism. The usage of Scripture and the terminology utilized by pietistic groupings to establish their doctrine was evaluated from a grammatical-historical point of departure. The aim of the study was to render pastoral assistance to someone who was, or is involved with the successive works of grace variation of pietism. For this reason, the meta-theoretical facet of the study did not focus on an academic study of sources to explain the phenomenon of pietism, but instead believers' experience of the successive works of grace form of pietism was investigated by means of a narrative empirical study. This investigation took place within the margins of the religious experience of three groups of participants in a church that embraces the particular doctrine. The three categories were believers that advocate the doctrine of successive works of grace, believers that abandoned the same and those that disagree with such a doctrine. From the basis-theory and the interpretation of the empirical results, an uncomplicated hermeneutical counselling strategy was put together with due emphasis on the correct understanding of Scriptural information on the topics of sin and piety/sanctification. The aim of the strategy is to educate believers from a Scriptural position and perspective on the indicative-imperative aspects of reconciliation and sanctification in Christ. The perfection of what Jesus has done and our reciprocal faith response is stated and conveyed in the strategy. A model consisting of a number of counselling sessions are suggested to guide believers not to adopt the particular belief or, otherwise, to provide a pastoral, remedial support to assist believers in finding liberation from the doctrine of successive works of grace. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Pastoral)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Noutetiese berading van persone met piëtistiese mistastings oor lewensheiligheid / Pieter Abraham Rousseau

Rousseau, Pieter Abraham January 2009 (has links)
In the rich diversity of forms of the Christian Church, there are different perspectives on how believers ought to live holy lives and how their sanctification should progress. As such, the piety and sanctification of Christians entail every facet of our lives and the possibility of misunderstanding is ever present, because humans are fallible and at risk to "work" with the Bible in their own fashion. A wrong understanding of sin inevitably leads to error as regards piety. Pietism or mutations /forms thereof may therefore stifle, rather than promote real piety coram Deo, in the Christian faith community and in conducting our everyday lives. The aim of the study is, therefore, to advance genuine piety with Christian believers. The doctrine of successive works of grace and the style or approach in which proponents of the doctrine treat Scripture, were critically examined in the first section of the basis-theory. A hermeneutical position from the reformed perspective was stated. The sovereignty of God and the acknowledged authority of Scripture are both the centre and periphery of the reformed perspective, and from a grammatical-historical paradigm augmented by historical-cultural information, the construct of sin in the understanding of the first New Testament audience was examined. The juxtaposed construct of piety, as the logical opposite of sin, was correspondingly explored. The doctrine of so-called successive works of grace was reviewed analytically in the second phase of the basis-theory and the conclusion was stated that this doctrine is a form of pietism. The usage of Scripture and the terminology utilized by pietistic groupings to establish their doctrine was evaluated from a grammatical-historical point of departure. The aim of the study was to render pastoral assistance to someone who was, or is involved with the successive works of grace variation of pietism. For this reason, the meta-theoretical facet of the study did not focus on an academic study of sources to explain the phenomenon of pietism, but instead believers' experience of the successive works of grace form of pietism was investigated by means of a narrative empirical study. This investigation took place within the margins of the religious experience of three groups of participants in a church that embraces the particular doctrine. The three categories were believers that advocate the doctrine of successive works of grace, believers that abandoned the same and those that disagree with such a doctrine. From the basis-theory and the interpretation of the empirical results, an uncomplicated hermeneutical counselling strategy was put together with due emphasis on the correct understanding of Scriptural information on the topics of sin and piety/sanctification. The aim of the strategy is to educate believers from a Scriptural position and perspective on the indicative-imperative aspects of reconciliation and sanctification in Christ. The perfection of what Jesus has done and our reciprocal faith response is stated and conveyed in the strategy. A model consisting of a number of counselling sessions are suggested to guide believers not to adopt the particular belief or, otherwise, to provide a pastoral, remedial support to assist believers in finding liberation from the doctrine of successive works of grace. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Pastoral)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

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