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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Acute Exercise on Automatic Action-Tendencies and Self-Reported Affect

May, Christine 03 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of Electronic Reminders for Promoting Exercise Motivation and Adherence in University Students

Hamilton, Ashlee 29 August 2014 (has links)
tLess than half of all adults meet the federal exercise recommendations (CDC, 2010) and college-aged adults may be more vulnerable to the consequences of physical inactivity with about two-thirds of college students leading sedentary lifestyles (Harvey-Berino, Pope, Gold, et al., 2012; Tully & Cupples, 2011). Mobile apps provide an efficient way to track physical activity and electronic prompts can enhance mobile apps by reminding individuals to participate. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a mobile app and electronic prompts sent via Twitter for promoting exercise motivation and adherence in sedentary university students. The hypotheses tested were: (a) a significantly greater percentage of participants in the treatment group would progress through the stages-of-change (SOC) from pre- to post-program compared to the control group, and (b) the treatment group would demonstrate significantly greater exercise adherence than the control group. Thirteen participants followed an 8-week running program on a mobile app. The control group (n = 8) followed the running program while the treatment group (n = 5) also received electronic prompts sent via Twitter to remind participants to exercise. The SOC modified four stage algorithm was used pre- and post-program to assess exercise motivation. Exercise adherence was measured by total number of completed workouts out of the 24 prescribed. A significantly greater number of participants in the control group progressed at least one stage from pre- to post-program compared to participants in the treatment group, χ2 = 6.9, p = 0.008. Additionally, participants in the control group reported a greater number of completed workouts (M = 12.5, SD = 7.6) compared to the participants in the treatment group (M = 3.6, SD = 4.0). These findings suggest that while the mobile app may be beneficial for promoting exercise motivation and adherence, the electronic prompts sent via Twitter appeared to have no effect. Further studies are needed to determine the most effective way to use Twitter to increase exercise motivation and adherence of sedentary university students.

Aikuisten liikuntamotivaatioon vaikuttavat tekijät

Korkiakangas, E. (Eveliina) 30 November 2010 (has links)
Abstract Exercise promotes health, work ability, well-being and prevents diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. This study looks at the factors affecting exercise motivation in adults. Factors affecting exercise motivation refers to factors that either motivate people to exercise or restrict them. The study material was gathered from four different sets of subjects: women attending gymnastics classes arranged by the sports association Oulun Voimisteluseura, parents with young children and persons at high risk of type 2 diabetes taking part in the follow-up of the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study in Oulu or the Elvira Counseling project. The survey targeted at female gymnasts (n=76) included open-ended questions and 56 statements which were studied using factor analysis. The survey aimed at parents with young children (n=37) consisted of five open-ended questions. The high-risk persons (n=74) who took part in group counseling in the Elvira Counseling project completed questionnaires at the beginning and at the end of the counseling. Twenty-two of them were interviewed. Group counseling sessions (82 h) were videotaped. The surveys yielded information on issues such as exercise activity and pedometer use and respondents’ assessments of how their exercise volume had been affected by pedometer use. Exercise activity was reported as the means of metabolic equivalent (MET) hours and its 95% confidence intervals. The statistical significance of changes in MET hours was measured using pairwise t-test, and differences in MET hours between groups were tested with variance analysis. Surveys targeted at persons from Oulu taking part in the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study were conducted in 2003 (n=63) and 2008 (n=71). The survey comprised five open-ended questions. Qualitative data were analyzed using inductive content analysis. Exercise motivation consisted of exercise capital, which comprises four sub-areas: exercise activity, exercise as a habit, exercise as a resource and perceiving life situation as conducive to exercise. Factors motivating and restricting exercise came out as physical, mental and social factors. The concept of exercise capital provides a tool for exercise counseling in different life situations. Exercise motivation can be supported by looking at the factors restricting by focusing on their own exercise activity and motivation, by strengthening factors that promote motivation to exercise and by supporting family exercise and the social aspects of exercise. / Tiivistelmä Liikunta edistää terveyttä, työkykyä, hyvinvointia ja ehkäisee sairauksia, kuten tyypin 2 diabetesta. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään, millaisia ovat aikuisten liikuntamotivaatioon vaikuttavat tekijät. Liikuntamotivaatioon vaikuttavilla tekijöillä tarkoitetaan liikkumiseen motivoivia ja liikkumista rajoittavia tekijöitä. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin neljästä osa-aineistosta: Oulun Voimisteluseuran liikuntaryhmissä käyviltä naisilta, pienten lasten vanhemmilta ja tyypin 2 diabeteksen korkean riskin henkilöiltä, jotka osallistuivat Suomalaisen diabeteksen ehkäisytutkimuksen seurantaan Oulussa tai Elvira counseling -hankkeeseen. Kysely naisvoimistelijoille (n=76) sisälsi avoimia kysymyksiä sekä 56 väittämää, joita tarkasteltiin faktorianalyysillä. Pienten lasten vanhempien (n=37) kysely sisälsi viisi avointa kysymystä. Elvira counseling –hankkeessa toteutettuun ryhmäohjaukseen osallistuneet henkilöt (n=74) vastasivat kyselyyn ohjauksen alussa ja lopussa, heistä 22 haastateltiin, ja kaikki ryhmäohjauskerrat videoitiin (82 h). Kyselyt tuottivat tietoa muun muassa liikunta-aktiivisuudesta ja askelmittarin käytöstä sekä vastaajien arvioita askelmittarin käytön vaikutuksesta heidän liikkumisensa määrään. Liikunta-aktiivisuus raportoitiin metabolic equivalent (MET) -tuntien keskiarvoina ja sen 95 % luottamusväleinä. MET-tunneissa tapahtuneiden muutosten tilastollista merkitsevyyttä mitattiin parittaista T-testiä käyttäen, ja ryhmien välisiä MET-tuntieroja testattiin varianssianalyysilla. Suomalaiseen diabeteksen ehkäisytutkimukseen osallistuneille oululaisille toteutettiin kyselytutkimukset vuosina 2003 (n=63) ja 2008 (n=71). Kysely sisälsi viisi avointa kysymystä. Laadulliset aineistot analysoitiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysilla. Liikuntamotivaatio muodostui liikunnallisesta pääomasta, jossa on neljä toisiinsa vaikuttavaa osa-aluetta: liikunta-aktiivisuus, liikunta tottumuksena, liikunta voimavarana sekä elämäntilanteen kokeminen liikkumiselle suotuisana. Liikkumiseen motivoivat tekijät ja liikkumista rajoittavat tekijät ilmenivät fyysisinä, psyykkisinä ja sosiaalisina tekijöinä. Liikunnallisen pääoman käsite tarjoaa työvälineen erilaisissa elämäntilanteissa. Liikuntamotivaatiota voidaan tukea pohtimalla liikkumista rajoittavia tekijöitä oman liikunta-aktiivisuuden ja liikuntamotivaation tarkastelun ja ongelmanratkaisun avulla, vahvistamalla liikkumista motivoivia tekijöitä sekä tukemalla perheliikuntaa ja liikunnan sosiaalisia merkityksiä.

Fitness Content on Social Media and Exercise Behaviors and Motivation in College Students

Rowles, Shelby J. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Organizace pohybových aktivit u pacientů s roztroušenou sklerózou / Management of physical activities in multiple sclerosis patients

Novotná, Klára January 2013 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce Management of physical activities in multiple sclerosis patients The thesis introduces how is possible to organise physical activities in groups of multiple sclerosis patients. First theoretical part of thesis describes the multiple sclerosis as one of the most frequent neurological disease with its typical symptoms and possible farmacologic treatment. There are also few comments about patients attittude to physical activity, their adherence to regular physical activity and how to motivate them for better compliance. Lastly this theoretical part contains international recommendation concerning type, intensity and duration of exercise in multiple sclerosis patients. The second part of thesis is about practical experiences with group exercise management in our organization (MS Center, 1st Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital in Prague). The experiences from group exercise are analysed from three diffrent points of view: objective measurement of gait parametres, exercise attendance and data gained from patient questionnaire. Final part summarises knowledge from theoretical and practical part. In this part I tried to make some recommendation for management of group exercise in multiple sclerosis patients. Key words: multiple sclerosis - exercise - physical activity -...

Exploration of Use and Perceptions of Exercise-Related Fitness Pages on Social Networking Sites: Impact on Appearance Motivation

Welker, Kristen 04 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Primärt träningsberoende och dess relation till Neuroticism, Psykologisk träningsmotivation och Stress / Primary exercise dependence and its relationship to Neuroticism, Psychological exercise motivation and Stress

Bergström, Elina, Sundström, Chantell January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The effect of two modes of aerobic assessment on fifth grade students' self efficacy

Roth, Debra 01 January 2017 (has links)
Declining youth physical activity levels and lack of aerobic fitness have been well documented with a corresponding rise in obesity levels and health issues. Based on Bandura's social cognitive theory, healthy physical activity levels and aerobic fitness are strongly connected to positive physical activity self-efficacy beliefs. This study examined whether student physical activity self-efficacy, motivation, and effort were different for the FitnessGram-® (FG) 1-Mile Run when compared to the 15-minute Aerobic Assessment Based on Improvement (AABI). A concurrent mixed method quasi-experimental approach measured 5th grade students' physical activity self-efficacy beliefs through a pretest and posttest survey while aerobic assessment scores provided data that measured and compared student performance. Percent improvement and t-test analytic procedures found significant differences between groups and genders. The FG group (n = 131) improved 1.49% while the AABI group (n = 209) improved 22.53%; furthermore, FG girls' percent improvement decreased to -7.56% and the AABI girls' percent improvement was above the average score at 24.21%. Qualitative data collected and coded from teachers' (n = 6) found no noticeable differences in student behaviors or preparation between the FG or AABI groups. A 3-day workshop was created to initiate change in aerobic fitness assessment. Assessing student aerobic fitness based on improvement theoretically builds physical activity self-efficacy beliefs, especially for girls. Positive physical activity self-efficacy beliefs motivate greater student participation and engagement in physical education, which improves aerobic fitness. Social implications from these results indicate that students would increase their physical activity self-efficacy by assessing aerobic fitness based on individual improvement.

Besimankštinančių ir nesimankštinančių moterų valgymo sutrikimų riziką prognozuojančių veiksnių analizė / The analysis on prognostic risk factors for eating disorders of women taking or not taking exercise

Mickūnienė, Rasa 26 May 2010 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu labai susidomėta valgymo sutrikimais (nervine anoreksija ir nervine bulimija), kadangi jų atvejų nuolat daugėja. Šiame darbe daugiausia dėmesio skiriama besimankštinančių ir nesimankštinančių moterų, individualiems valgymo sutrikimų rizikos veiksniams. Pastebėta, kad moterys yra nepatenkintos savo kūnu, neobjektyviai vertina savo kūno masę, nepagrįstai laikosi dietos, manipuliuoja maistu, badauja. Moterys sportuoja pirmiausia norėdamos pagerinti savo kūno įvaizdį, o tik paskui dėl sveikatos, fizinio pajėgumo, nuotaikos ar socializacijos motyvų. Visi šie išvardinti veiksniai prisideda prie padažnėjusių moterų valgymo sutrikimų atvejų. Mažai atlikta tyrimų, kuriuose būtų analizuojamas besimankštinančių ir nesimankštinančių moterų valgymo sutrikimų rizikos veiksniai. Tikslas – nustatyti besimankštinančių ir nesimankštinančių moterų valgymo sutrikimų riziką prognozuojančius veiksnius. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti ir palyginti besimankštinančių ir nesimankštinančių moterų valgymo sutrikimų riziką, kūno vaizdą ir kūno suvokimą. 2. Išsiaiškinti ryšius tarp valgymo sutrikimų rizikos, kūno vaizdo, kūno suvokimo besimankštinančių ir nesimankštinančių moterų grupėse. 3. Nustatyti veiksnius pagal kuriuos galima labiausiai prognozuoti valgymo sutrikimų riziką besimankštinančių ir nesimankštinančių moterų grupėse. 4. Išsiaiškinti besimankštinančių moterų motyvaciją ir jos sąsajas su valgymo sutrikimų riziką. Hipotezės: 1. Besimankštinančių moterų valgymo sutrikimų rizika... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Recently, there has been a great interest in eating disorders (anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa), since the number of these cases is constantly increasing. In the paper the major focus is on individual risk factors for eating disorders of women taking or not taking exercise. It was observed that women are discontented with their body, make unobjective evaluations about their weight, unreasonably follow a diet, manipulate food and starve. Women, first of all, do sport to improve their body image and only later for better health, physical ability, mood or the motives of socialization. All the mentioned factors contribute to the increase of the cases of women eating disorders. There are not many researches made concerning the analysis on the risk factors for eating disorders of women taking or not taking exercise. The aim of the paper is to identify the risk factors for eating disorders of women taking or not taking exercise. The tasks of the paper are as follows: 1. To identify and compare the risk for eating disorders, the view of the body and body perception of the group of women taking or not taking exercise. 2. To find out relationship of the risk for eating disorders, the view of the body and body perception of women taking or not taking exercise. 3. To determine factors that would make possible to predict the risks for eating disorders of women taking or not taking exercise. 4. To find out the motivation and its connections related to the risk for eating disorders... [to full text]

Ryšys tarp mankštinimosi motyvacijos, nerimo dėl socialinio išvaizdos priėmimo ir kūno masę keičiančių maisto papildų vartojimo besimankštinančių asmenų imtyje / Relation between exercise motivation, social physique anxiety and the use of muscle gain and weight loss supplements in exercisers

Sakalauskaitė, Lina 26 May 2010 (has links)
Darbo objektas: Ryšys tarp laisvalaikiu besimankštinančių asmenų kūno masę keičiančių maisto papildų vartojimo, mankštinimosi motyvacijos ir nerimo dėl socialinio išvaizdos priėmimo. Tyrimo problema: Yra atlikta daug tyrimų, kurie analizuoja maisto papildų paplitimą tarp paauglių ir studentų, tačiau trūksta tyrimų su laisvalaikiu besimankštinančiais sporto ar sveikatingumo centruose suaugusiais. Nėra atlikta tyrimų, kurie ieškotų ryšių tarp laisvalaikiu besimankštinančių suaugusiųjų maisto papildų vartojimo, motyvacinių mechanizmų ir nerimo dėl socialinio išvaizdos priėmimo lyties ir amžiaus aspektu. Tikslas: Nustatyti ryšį tarp mankštinimosi motyvacijos, nerimo dėl socialinio išvaizdos priėmimo bei kūno masę keičiančių maisto papildų vartojimo dažnio sveikatingumo centruose besimankštinančių imtyje. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti mankštinimosi motyvaciją, nerimą dėl socialinio išvaizdos priėmimo bei maisto papildų vartojimo dažnį lyties ir amžiaus grupėse tarp sveikatingumo centruose besimankštinančių asmenų. 2. Nustatyti ryšį tarp mankštinimosi motyvacijos, nerimo dėl socialinio išvaizdos priėmimo bei maisto papildų vartojimo lyties ir amžiaus grupėse tarp sveikatingumo centruose besimankštinančių asmenų. 3. Nustatyti, kurie kintamieji reikšmingai prognozuoja kūno masę keičiančių maisto papildų vartojimą lyties ir amžiaus aspektais. Hipotezės: 1. Išorinė motyvacija yra susijusi su dažnesniu kūno masę keičiančių papildų vartojimu. 2. Didesnis nerimas dėl socialinio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the study: relation between exercise motivation of people who exercise in the wellness centers, social physic anxiety and the use of supplements that change body. Research problem: There are many researches on the use of dietary supplement in the teenagers and students groups; however, few of them are carried out in the adults groups, which exercising in their free time in sports or health centres. Also, there are no researches on analysis of relation between the use of supplements of the adults who exercise at their leisure, exercise motivation and social physique anxiety. Aim: To assess relationship between exercise motivations, social physique anxiety and frequency use of supplements that change body weight of people who exercise in the wellness centers. Objectives: 1. To assess exercise motivation, social physique anxiety and frequency use of supplements in the gender and age groups of people who exercise at their leisure. 2. To assess relation between exercise motivations, social physique anxiety and frequency use of supplements in the gender and age groups of people who exercise at their leisure. 3. To assess factors that most significantly forecast the use of dietary supplements from the age and gender aspects. Hypotheses: 1. External motivation increases use of dietary supplements that change body weight. 2. High social physique anxiety level is related to higher use of dietary supplements. Conclusions: 1. Most evident was intrinsic and... [to full text]

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