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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Humanização em salas de exames de ressonância magnética com enfoque no design para experiência / Humanization in MRI exams rooms with a focus on experience design

Dallarosa, Fernanda Bertoni January 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda o ambiente da sala de exames de Ressonância Magnética (RM), um dos principais exames de diagnóstico médico por imagem. A partir de um estudo de caso, usuários internos (funcionários) e usuários externos (pacientes) de um Estabelecimento Assistencial de Saúde (EAS) expressaram suas percepções acerca da experiência com o referido exame por meio de entrevista e questionários formulados com o apoio da avaliação pós-ocupação (APO). Observou-se que as mulheres são as principais desistentes na realização dos exames, alegando claustrofobia. Também foi observado que o próprio aparelho de RM causa emoções contraditórias nos pacientes, ora despertando medo, ora, satisfação. Fica claro que o ambiente é fator de influência das emoções e que os dados coletados nessa pesquisa serão norteadores para projetos futuros, como, por exemplo, uma proposta de design do ambiente de exames com foco na humanização e com intenções de melhorar a experiência dos examinados com o procedimento. / This research addresses the MRI examination room environment (MRI), which is considered one of the main medical imaging tests. Using a case study methodology, both internal users (employees) and external users (patients) were interviewed and were asked to express their perceptions regarding the experience with the procedure. The interview and questionnaires were based on the framework of postoccupancy evaluation (POE). It was observed that women are the main dropouts in MRI scans, claiming claustrophobia. It was also observed that the scanner itself is likely to evoke mixed emotions in patients, sometimes arousing fear and sometimes arousing satisfaction. This study makes it clear that the environment is a key factor in shaping emotions and that the data collected in this survey will serve as a guide for future projects, such as a proposal for design focusing on environmental humanization that aims at improving the experience with this medical procedure.

Humanização em salas de exames de ressonância magnética com enfoque no design para experiência / Humanization in MRI exams rooms with a focus on experience design

Dallarosa, Fernanda Bertoni January 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda o ambiente da sala de exames de Ressonância Magnética (RM), um dos principais exames de diagnóstico médico por imagem. A partir de um estudo de caso, usuários internos (funcionários) e usuários externos (pacientes) de um Estabelecimento Assistencial de Saúde (EAS) expressaram suas percepções acerca da experiência com o referido exame por meio de entrevista e questionários formulados com o apoio da avaliação pós-ocupação (APO). Observou-se que as mulheres são as principais desistentes na realização dos exames, alegando claustrofobia. Também foi observado que o próprio aparelho de RM causa emoções contraditórias nos pacientes, ora despertando medo, ora, satisfação. Fica claro que o ambiente é fator de influência das emoções e que os dados coletados nessa pesquisa serão norteadores para projetos futuros, como, por exemplo, uma proposta de design do ambiente de exames com foco na humanização e com intenções de melhorar a experiência dos examinados com o procedimento. / This research addresses the MRI examination room environment (MRI), which is considered one of the main medical imaging tests. Using a case study methodology, both internal users (employees) and external users (patients) were interviewed and were asked to express their perceptions regarding the experience with the procedure. The interview and questionnaires were based on the framework of postoccupancy evaluation (POE). It was observed that women are the main dropouts in MRI scans, claiming claustrophobia. It was also observed that the scanner itself is likely to evoke mixed emotions in patients, sometimes arousing fear and sometimes arousing satisfaction. This study makes it clear that the environment is a key factor in shaping emotions and that the data collected in this survey will serve as a guide for future projects, such as a proposal for design focusing on environmental humanization that aims at improving the experience with this medical procedure.

Humanização em salas de exames de ressonância magnética com enfoque no design para experiência / Humanization in MRI exams rooms with a focus on experience design

Dallarosa, Fernanda Bertoni January 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda o ambiente da sala de exames de Ressonância Magnética (RM), um dos principais exames de diagnóstico médico por imagem. A partir de um estudo de caso, usuários internos (funcionários) e usuários externos (pacientes) de um Estabelecimento Assistencial de Saúde (EAS) expressaram suas percepções acerca da experiência com o referido exame por meio de entrevista e questionários formulados com o apoio da avaliação pós-ocupação (APO). Observou-se que as mulheres são as principais desistentes na realização dos exames, alegando claustrofobia. Também foi observado que o próprio aparelho de RM causa emoções contraditórias nos pacientes, ora despertando medo, ora, satisfação. Fica claro que o ambiente é fator de influência das emoções e que os dados coletados nessa pesquisa serão norteadores para projetos futuros, como, por exemplo, uma proposta de design do ambiente de exames com foco na humanização e com intenções de melhorar a experiência dos examinados com o procedimento. / This research addresses the MRI examination room environment (MRI), which is considered one of the main medical imaging tests. Using a case study methodology, both internal users (employees) and external users (patients) were interviewed and were asked to express their perceptions regarding the experience with the procedure. The interview and questionnaires were based on the framework of postoccupancy evaluation (POE). It was observed that women are the main dropouts in MRI scans, claiming claustrophobia. It was also observed that the scanner itself is likely to evoke mixed emotions in patients, sometimes arousing fear and sometimes arousing satisfaction. This study makes it clear that the environment is a key factor in shaping emotions and that the data collected in this survey will serve as a guide for future projects, such as a proposal for design focusing on environmental humanization that aims at improving the experience with this medical procedure.

Design para a experiência e as tecnologias de informação e comunicação / Experience design and the information and communication technologies

Nilton César Nardelli 16 October 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como tema de estudo as relações interpessoais no cotidiano e o uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação no fomento de experiências. Seu objetivo é desenvolver um quadro teórico em torno de uma área do design intitulada de design para a experiência. Para tal, a metodologia da pesquisa fundamenta-se na seleção de propostas de design que exploram questões ligadas ao comportamento no espaço doméstico e às tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Em seguida é realizada uma análise qualitativa dessas propostas a partir de alguns critérios também desenvolvidos pela pesquisa. / This research studies the daily interpersonal relations and the information and communication technologies usage to stimulate experiences. The goal is to develop the theoretical references around a design area identified as experience design. In order to achieve that the research methodology is based on the analysis of some design proposals, which explores issues related to the peoples behavior inside the domestic environment and to the information and communication technologies. These proposals are investigated according to principles also developed during the research.

HUR MÅR JAG EGENTLIGEN? : Designriktlinjer för mobilapplikationer för self-monitoring vid bipolär sjukdom. / HOW DO I ACTUALLY FEEL? : Design guidelines for mobile applications for selfmonitoring of bipolar disorder.

Hultgren, Kim January 2017 (has links)
Rapporten presenterar ett arbete som har haft som fokus att undersöka vilka designriktlinjer som bör vägleda formgivningen av en mobilapplikation för self-monitoring, om syftet är att stödja människor med bipolär sjukdom. Arbetets frågeställning har undersökts genom ett användarcentrerat designarbete vilket inneburit att människor med diagnosen bipolär sjukdom inkluderats och därigenom haft möjlighet att uttrycka sitt perspektiv. Processen har baserats på metoder inom området för User Experience Design där arbetsprocessen innefattat utveckling av en pappersprototyp, konceptutforskning med tillhörande intervju, storyboards samt designriktlinjer. Som en avslutande del har tre mobilapplikationer, vilka marknadsförts som verktyg för self-monitoring av humör, utvärderats utifrån de inom examensarbetet utvecklade designriktlinjerna. Utvärderingen visade på stora brister vilket indikerar att behoven hos de användare som lever med bipolär sjukdom inte tillfredsställs genom de mobilapplikationer som finns tillgängliga på marknaden. Arbetets främsta bidrag är de slutgiltiga designriktlinjerna: 1) Påminn om viktiga aktiviteter; 2) Den sociala och privata användaren; 3) Förstå och motiveras; 4) Det personliga verktyget samt 5) Lättare än en dagbok, som uppmärksammar vilket innehåll en mobilapplikation för self-monitoring bör tillhandahålla för att vara till nytta för användare med bipolär sjukdom.

Sustainable Water Saving Intervention : A digital user experience solution of more sustainable choice in daily water-use with behavioral change

Zhang, Zihan January 2020 (has links)
In recent years, sustainable thinking has been gradually recognized and accepted by more and more users, enterprises, and stakeholders. However, in daily life, there is often a gap between the value of users’ pursuit of sustainable lifestyles and their behavior habits. Also, the connection between different stakeholders is often ignored. The project started by the observation of unsustainable water usage habits of some tenants in the Växjö local housing company Växjöbostäder, and investigated the gaps in the water supply/toll system of Växjö municipality for some apartment tenants and the limitations of current solutions. Therefore, it is necessary to find a more effective solution. The author attempts to guide and change the user’s behavior through design interventions led by digital user experience design, connect the gap between the user and the system, and provide a more sustainable choice. At the same time, as a precedent, this project’s attempt to apply sustainable behavioral interventions to the field of digital user experience products at the system level can also provide some reference for similar projects or designs that may appear in the future. The aim of this project is trying to find solutions to bridge the existing gap between the water management system and the apartment users’ water consumption behavior. The project studies the relevant theories of behavior, analyzes the causes of motivations that lead to behavioral and habits changing, the methods of digital user experience design, and the theory of building sustainable systems. Action research has been used as a methodological guide to design processes, analysis, and reflection. The final design outcome “Drops” is an application based on mobile platforms that develop sustainable water-using habits. The application associates gamification motivation mechanisms, behavioral habit interventions, community social sharing, and the process of using the application with the user’s actual behavior, promotes the formation of user sustainable behavior and inspires users to a sustainable society thinking. From a hierarchical analysis of the system, “Drops” connects different stakeholders in the municipal water supply system, facilitating communications between tenants and communities to achieve positive interactions that promote sustainable behavior.  At the end of this article, the author analyzed the project outcome from the perspective of Växjöbostäder, one of the stakeholders and a possible product distributor, elaborated on the possible advantages of the design for the company’s ecological sustainability and the possibility of the company deploying this application in the market. Also, the author also analyzed and evaluated this project from the perspective of the product itself and different stakeholders, and explained the current limitations and the possibility of future development.

Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal of ICT Modification

Jahôdka, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the analysis of the information system for company KPA ONE s.r.o., and the proposal of changes. The first part is explaining the theoretical basis. The following section contains a short description of the company and the necessary analyses of the company and information system. The necessary changes in the information system are subsequently defined from the performed analyses. The last part evaluates the economic complexity of these changes and the benefits of individual innovations.

Hur bidrar prototyper med olika verklighetsgrader till effektiv kommunikation inom ett produktteam? / How do prototypes with different fidelity contribute to effective communication within a product team?

Rintakoski, Moa January 2020 (has links)
Prototyper är verktyg som UX-designers använder för att diskutera designidéer med intressenter samt för att utvärdera koncept. Prototyper har olika verklighetsgrader och används i olika syften. När en UX-designer arbetar kan denna ingå i ett produktteam. Produktteamet arbetar med att underhålla eller skapa produkter och tjänster utefter de behov som finns, både från företaget och ur kundernas perspektiv. När ett team arbetar tillsammans är effektiv kommunikation viktigt för att missförstånd ska undvikas. Att ha förståelse för hur verktygen som används bidrar till effektiv kommunikation är då en viktig aspekt att beakta. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur prototyper med olika verklighetsgrader bidrar till effektiv kommunikation inom ett produktteam. Intervjuer utfördes med människor som arbetar inom ett produktteam och för-och nackdelar med prototyper med olika verklighetsgrader identifierades som sedan jämfördes med element som ska beaktas i en effektiv kommunikation. För- och nackdelar var bland annat att lo-fi prototyper är effektiva i fysiska miljöer och mid-fi prototyper ger en helhetsbild över designen och mottagaren kan då enklare ge feedback. Resultatet genererade irekommendationer som kan bidra med vad en UX-designer kan tänka på när prototyper med olika verklighetsgrader används för att bidra till effektiv kommunikation. / Prototypes are tools used by UX-designers to discuss design-ideas with stakeholders and to evaluate concepts. Prototypes have different fidelity of reality and are used for different purposes. When a UX-designer working the designer can work in a Product team. A product team work to maintain or create products that are needed, both from the company and from customers perspective. When a team works together, effective communication is important in order to avoid misinterpretation. Understanding how tools are used for effective communication is an important aspect to consider. The purpose of the study was to investigate how prototype with different fidelity of reality support effective communication within a product team. Interviews where conducted with people who workes in aproduct team and advantages and disadvantages of prototypes with different fidelity of reality were identified which were then compared with elements to be considered in effective communication. Advantaged and disadvantages were among other things, lo-fi prototypes are effective in physical environments and mid-fi prototypes provide a comprehensive picture of the design and the recipient can then more easily give feedback. The result was generated in recommendations that can contribute what a UX-designer can think of when prototypes with different fidelitys of reality are used to contribute to effective communication.

Interface Design – a User-Centered Design Process : A qualitative study how to improve the Usability of a web-based consumer tool that measuring the quality of streamed videos

Larsson, Ingrid January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this examination is to study how to create a user-friendly interface to a new non-released website. The research has been done in collaboration with the research institute Acreo and a project named Streamingkollen; a consumer tool that aims to improve the customer’s quality of experience (QoE) of streamed videos by measuring the video streaming quality.     In this study the focus has consequently been placed on the users of the service, in order to optimize their experience of the website and the interface.    In order to achieve a high level of usability, a user centered design process has been used. A user analysis, a heuristic evaluation and user tests on prototypes have been used as methods in the design process and the development of the interface.    The result from the user tests shows that the major reason why the user disliked, felt frustrated or couldn’t manage the service was when the design of the site was not consistent and minimal, when words, phrases and concepts on the site were not familiar and communicated in the same language as the users and when they lacked informative feedback of the operations made on the site.    The user-centered development in the study gave good results; many of the potential usability problems were identified and avoided.

Nyfikenhet, uppmärksamhet och displayer : Hur man med hjälp av en interaktiv offentlig display väcker människors intresse till att fortsätta interagera med en tjänst / Curiosity, attention and displays : How to use an interactive public display to spark people's interest in continuing to interact with a service

Kalicinski, Miriam, Bilberg, Sofie January 2022 (has links)
Många saker i människans vardag konkurrerar om att fånga våran uppmärksamhet. På grund av detta kan det tillkomma svårigheter i att upprätthålla både den medvetna samt omedvetna uppmärksamheten. Uppmärksamheten är dock nära sammankopplad till känslan av intresse och kan öka när människan upplever något som intressant. Det har inom flertalet studier undersökts hur människors intresse ska väckas för att vilja interagera med en interaktiv offentlig display. Dock finns det en brist inom vetenskapliga litteraturundersökningar som behandlar hur interaktiva offentliga displayer kan locka människor till att interagera vidare med exempelvis en tjänst eller organisation. Detta arbete har därför undersökt hur interaktiva offentliga displayer kan väcka intresse och uppmärksamhet hos människor för att sedan få dem att börja interagera med en tjänst. För att uppnå detta utfördes en litteraturgenomgång följt av en enkätstudie och intervjuer baserade på en fallstudie där deltagarna fick möjlighet att dela med sig av sina åsikter och tankar. Resultatet från både intervjuerna och enkätstudien visade på att majoriteten hellre skulle gå vidare för att nyttja en tjänst om de precis innan interagerat med en interaktiv offentlig display, än om de inte hade interagerat med en display i samband med tjänsten. För att visualisera resultatet från datainsamlingen skapades därefter en Customer Journey Map och två storyboards. Baserat på dessa designartefakter samt resultatet av datainsamlingen togs fyra designriktlinjer fram för hur en interaktiv offentlig display ska designas för att väcka intresset till att vilja interagera vidare med en tjänst: 1) Närhet, 2) Valmöjlighet, 3) Relevans, 4) Utseende. Slutresultatet visar bland annat på att en interaktiv offentlig display kommer väcka människors nyfikenhet om den har ett relevant och informativt innehåll samt ett uppseendeväckande utseende och tydligt syfte. / There are many things in everyday life that compete to gain our attention. Due to this, there may be difficulties in maintaining both the conscious and the unconscious attention. Although, attention is closely linked to the feeling of interest and can increase when people experience something as interesting. Several studies have examined how people's interest could be aroused in order to want to interact with an interactive public display. However, there is a lack of research in the scientific literature that deals with how interactive public displays can attract people to interact further with, for example, a service or organization. This study has therefore investigated how interactive public displays can arouse people’s interest and attention and then make them start interacting with a service. To achieve this, a literature review was conducted followed by a questionnaire study and interviews based on a case study where the participants were given the opportunity to share their opinions and thoughts. The results from both the interviews and the survey showed that the majority would rather begin using a service if they had just interacted with an interactive public display, than if they had not interacted with a display in connection with the service. To visualize the results from the data collection, a Customer Journey Map and two storyboards were created. Based on these design artifacts and the results of the data collection, four design guidelines were developed for how an interactive public display should be designed to arouse interest in wanting to interact further with a service: 1) Proximity, 2) Option, 3) Relevance, 4) Appearance. The result shows, among other things, that an interactive public display will arouse people's curiosity if it has relevant and informative content as well as a startling appearance and clear purpose.

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