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Föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med ett barn som diagnostiserats med en ätstörning : en litteraturöversikt / Parents' experiences of living with a child diagnosed with an eating disorder : a literature reviewFärnman, Rosanna, Flack, Camilla January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Ätstörningar är potentiellt livshotande psykiska sjukdomstillstånd som drabbar allt fler unga i samhällen. Det är inte endast vårdpersonal som behöver stödja de drabbade, då det har visat sig att föräldrar till barn med en ätstörning har en helt avgörande roll för deras tillfrisknande. Ätstörningar kan innebära ett mångårigt lidande för både barn och deras föräldrar. Det finns begränsat med forskning kring föräldrars upplevelser och psykiska välbefinnande i samband med deras barns vård. För att vårdpersonal ska kunna bemöta dessa föräldrar behövs ökad förståelse och kunskap om deras tillvaro. Syfte Syftet var att belysa föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med ett barn som diagnostiserats med en ätstörning. Metod En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt genomfördes där 15 vetenskapliga artiklar söktes fram i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Artiklarna, som utgjorde resultatet, kvalitetsgranskades och analyserades sedan genom en integrerad dataanalys. Resultat Resultatet påvisade att ätstörningarna ledde till ansträngda familjerelationer, konflikter kring måltider, samt påverkade familjer socialt, emotionellt, psykologiskt, och ekonomiskt. Föräldrarna upplevde en frustration över att inte kunna göra tillräckligt, känslor av skuld, skam, oro, och ensamhet. Det påvisades även en kunskapslucka hos vårdpersonal gällande ätstörningar och närståendebemötande. Föräldrar upplevde en ökad ansvarsbörda i att behöva samordna vård på egen hand. Att få möta andra föräldrar i liknande situation samt vara delaktig i vården av det sjuka barnet visade sig lindra känslor av skuld och ökade förståelsen för ätstörningar. Slutsats Föräldrar till barn med ätstörningar genomgår en stor emotionell påfrestning. För att vårdpersonal ska kunna bemöta närstående på ett stöttande, vägledande och meningsfullt sätt finns det behov av fortbildning inom psykisk ohälsa och ätstörningsdiagnoser, samt samordning av vården för att underlätta för föräldrar att söka professionell hjälp för sina barn. Att delta i behandlingar visade sig ha god inverkan på föräldrars psykiska välmående samt bidrog till en ökad förståelse för deras barns sjukdom. / Background Eating disorders are potentially life-threatening mental illnesses that affect more and more young people. It is not only healthcare professionals who need to support those affected, since parents of children with an eating disorder have a crucial role to play in their recovery. Eating disorders can signify years of suffering for both children and their parents. There is limited research on parents' experiences and mental well-being in connection with their child’s care. For healthcare professionals to be able to respond to these parents, increased understanding and knowledge of their experiences is needed. Purpose The purpose was to shed light on parents' experiences of living with a child diagnosed with an eating disorder. Method A non-systematic literature review was conducted where 15 scientific articles were searched in the databases PubMed and CINAHL. The articles, which constituted the result, were quality reviewed and then analysed through an integrated data analysis. Results The results showed that eating disorders led to strained family relationships, conflicts over meals, and affected families socially, emotionally, psychologically, and financially. The parents experienced frustration over not being able to do enough, feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety, and loneliness. A knowledge gap was demonstrated among healthcare professionals regarding eating disorders and family treatment. Parents experienced an increased burden of having to coordinate care on their own. Meeting other parents in a similar situation and being involved in the care of the sick child proved to alleviate feelings of guilt and increased the understanding of eating disorders. Conclusion Parents of children with eating disorders undergo a great deal of emotional strain. For healthcare professionals to be able to respond to relatives in a supportive and meaningful way, there is a need for further training in mental illness and eating disorders, as well as coordination of care to make it easier for parents to seek professional help. Participating in treatments proved to have a good impact on parents' mental well-being and contributed to an increased understanding of their children's illness.
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Building Research and Evaluation Into the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association With IntentionPolaha, Jodi, Shepardson, Robyn L. 01 March 2022 (has links)
In 2013, a bunch of us ran around collecting paper surveys off chairs after a plenary address at the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association's (CFHA) annual conference. From 150 responses, we found that less than a quarter would take the time to attend a workshop about research and evaluation. Fast forward 5 years: The organization showed robust attendance at research and evaluation training sessions, and interest in a preconference had risen to 77%. What prompted this shift? In response to survey findings, the Research and Evaluation Committee (REC), supported by the CFHA, engaged a data-informed and stakeholder-responsive approach to cultivating empiricism within the CFHA. The activities led by the REC demonstrate the need for creativity and leadership in this area and the CFHA's strong. organizational values around such efforts. As past and present leaders in the CFHA's REC initiatives, we write this editorial to make explicit the value of research to the organization and the value of the organization to the evidence base. In addition, we document some key institutional history in this area and, with input from the CFHA's current chief executive officer, Neftali Serrano, and REC chair, Will Lusenhop, forecast a vision for the future. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).
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A longitudinal exploration of the experience of fronto-temporal dementia in intergenerational familiesLa Fontaine Papadopoulos, Jenny H. January 2016 (has links)
Dementia presents challenges for whole families requiring on-going adaptation. Family relationships provide important benefits, thus understanding the impact of dementia for families is critical to facilitating their wellbeing. Behavioural variant Frontotemporal Dementia (bvFTD) brings specific challenges for relationships, however little is understood about how these are experienced or how families adjust.
This research sought to develop an in-depth understanding of the inter-generational family experience of bvFTD over time.
Using a qualitative design, nineteen people were interviewed from seven families, including people living with bvFTD. Interviews occurred over three time points. Narrative analysis and grounded theory were used to understand how relationships are affected and the psycho-social coping processes involved in adjustment over time.
Four themes emerged;
- Cohesive and connected --- distant and disconnected
- Challenges to we/ I
- Assimilating, adjusting and reconstructing --- resisting, denying, being stuck
- A changing we / I --- an entrenched we / I
Results illustrate the influence of pre-existing relationships on family experiences of bvFTD. Challenges to family relationships occurred, including changes in mutuality and increased responsibility. Levels of awareness and understanding, influenced by factors such as proximity impacted upon individual and family adjustment. Assimilating these changes was critical to developing strategies for managing the impact on the relationship and adapting to ‘a changing we’. For closest family members including partners, grief and loss were experienced resulting in the need for a parallel adaptation to a changing ‘I’. Acceptance and adaptation was critical to supporting the wellbeing of the person with bvFTD. / The Florence Nightingale Foundation; The General Nursing Council for England and Wales Trust; The Atkinson Morley and Amandus Club Neuroscience.
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Postmodern power plays: A linguistic analysis of postmodern comedyKarman, Barbara Ann January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Soběslavské testamenty a písemnosti pozůstalostního řízení 1455-1550: možnosti jejich využití / The testaments of Soběslav and the papers of probate proceeding 1455-1550: the possibilities their usageVandrovcová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
Práce se zabývá městem Soběslav, které patřilo pánům z Rožmberka a dochoval se v něm soubor testamentů z let 1455-1550. Soubor se skládá celkem z 83 listinných testamentů. Práce nejprve popisuje testamentární praxi (proces vzniku testamentu) a soubor soběslavských testamentů. Samotný výzkum se zabývá nejprve testátory, kteří byli spřízněni nějakým druhem rodinné vazby. Podrobněji se práce zabývá jednou z těchto rodin, rodinou Račmanů. Druhá část výzkumu se věnuje dluhům a pohledávkám uvedených v testamentech. Tato část se zabývá lokalitami, se kterými vedli testátoři své obchody. Klíčová slova: Soběslav, testamenty, rodinné vztahy, dluhy, pohledávky Annotation Object my diploma's work is Soběslav town, which it belonged to lord of Rozumberk. There was still in existence collection of testaments from years 1455-1550. Collection is comprised of 83 testaments. The work discribes proces sof genesis testaments and collection Soběslav's testaments. First part of study pursue testátore, which they were akin to families. The work detailed discribes of family Račman. Second part of study disciribes by analysis debts and outstandings debt in testaments. This part discribes lokalities, where testátore made their business. Keywords: Soběslav, testaments, family relations, debts, outstanding debts
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Engajamento familiar na manutenção do tratamento em saúde mental após o primeiro episódio psicótico / Familiar engagement in mental health treatment maintenance after the first episode psychosisCasaburi, Luiza Elena 09 September 2016 (has links)
A maioria dos estudos sobre o papel da família na continuidade do tratamento após o primeiro episódio psicótico investigam os casos de abandono de tratamento e apontam para aspectos \"negativos da família\". Poucos estudos investigam o papel da família nos casos de pacientes que se mantém no tratamento. Objetivo: Compreender a experiência de cuidar de um familiar no PEP e evidenciar as motivações para manter-se no cuidado. Método: Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa que utilizou a teoria sistêmica familiar como referencial teórico e a narrativa como referencial metodológico. Foram entrevistados 13 familiares cuidadores de 12 pacientes. Para a realização das entrevistas em profundidade com enfoque narrativo foi utilizada a seguinte questão norteadora: Nós sabemos que poucos familiares se mantêm no tratamento em saúde mental junto ao seu jovem familiar adoecido após o primeiro episódio psicótico. Se manter no tratamento conjuntamente ao paciente e cuidar do mesmo é chamado por nós de engajamento. São ações como levar nas consultas, administrar a medicação, modo de se relacionar, cuidar da higiene e assim por diante. Sendo assim, gostaríamos que você nos contasse sobre o que te motiva a permanecer cuidando e tudo que você e sua família fazem pelo seu familiar adoecido. Para a exploração das narrativas foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo indutiva. Resultados: A análise das narrativas definiu o engajamento familiar em três grandes categorias interdependentes. Uma é relacionada ao contexto de sentimentos envolvidos no cuidar denominada \"Motivações para o engajamento\", as outras duas referem-se às ações relacionadas ao cuidar denominadas \"As ações de engajamento\" e \"Avaliação constante do cuidar\". Conclusão: A pesquisa contribui com o conhecimento ao apresentar famílias ativamente envolvidas no cuidado com o jovem em tratamento para o primeiro episódio psicótico. O referencial teórico - metodológico possibilitou destacar e valorizar as histórias, experiências e as relações familiares envolvidos no cuidado de um ente querido. Os cuidados foram descritos e contextualizados nos valores culturais das famílias. Verificamos que os familiares percebem o cuidado como uma responsabilidade do seu papel na família / Most studies of the family\'s role in the continuity of treatment after the first epidode psychosis investigate cases of abandonment treatment and point to \"negative aspects of family\". Few studies have investigated the role of the family in cases of patients who remain in treatment. Objective: Understand the experience of caring of a familiar in PEP and highlight the motivations to remain in care. Method: This is a qualitative research that used the systemic family theory as the theoretical framework and the narrative as a methodological framework. 13 family caregivers of 12 patients were interviewed. To carry out the interviews with narrative approach was used the following question: We know that few families remain in mental health treatment of their sick young familiar after the first episode psychosis. Maintain the treating and taking care of the patient is called engagement. These are actions like take into consultations, administer medications, so as to relate, take care of hygiene and so on. Therefore, we would like you to tell us what motivates you to stay caring after everything you and your family are sickened by his family. For the exploration of the narratives was used the inductive content analysis technique. Results: The analysis of the narrative set the familiar engagement in three major interdependent categories. One is related to the context of feelings involved in the care called \"Motivations for engagement,\" the other two refer to actions related to care called \"The engagement actions\" and \"The assessment of care.\" Conclusion: The study contributes to the knowledge to present actively involved families in caring of the young in treatment of first episode psychosis. The theoretical - methodological possible highlight and enhance the stories, experiences and family relations involved in the care of a loved one. Care were described and contextualized in the cultural values of families. We found that family members perceive care as a responsibility of their role in the family
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Consulta terapêutica com pais de crianças autistas: a interface entre a parentalidade e a conjugalidade / Therapeutic consultation with parents of autistic children: the interface between parenthood and the conjugal relationshipNunes, Maria Angela Favero 11 June 2010 (has links)
A presente tese teve por objetivo compreender as repercussões da condição da criança autista, na vida familiar e conjugal dos pais. Interrogamo-nos, ainda, acerca da utilização da entrevista clínica não-dirigida, seguindo o modelo da consulta terapêutica. Utilizamos também dados de prontuário como recurso auxiliar para obtenção de informações da criança e de seus pais. Participaram deste estudo cinco casais (dez participantes), pais de crianças autistas, cujo filho tinha sido diagnosticado recentemente, tendo iniciado as atividades em uma instituição para tratamento educacional especializado, localizada em um município do interior do Estado de São Paulo. O critério de inclusão empregado foi a participação de ambos os membros do casal nas entrevistas. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa de metodologia clínico-qualitativa, em que a Psicanálise foi a teoria de referência, especialmente a abordagem de Donald W. Winnicott. Além disso, apoiamo-nos nos estudos da Psicanálise familiar e de casal, para a análise do material clínico. O estudo pormenorizado das entrevistas estimulou reflexões a partir de três núcleos temáticos levantados: parentalidade e o lugar ocupado pela criança na dinâmica familiar; interface entre parentalidade e conjugalidade; a entrevista como um espaço de holding aos pais, diante da experiência de sofrimento vivenciado. De acordo com as narrativas dos casais, os resultados apontaram que pais e mães foram afetados pela problemática da criança, assim como a relação conjugal foi suplantada pela necessidade iminente de cuidados com o filho autista. Emergiram sentimentos de impotência frente à precariedade dos serviços de saúde, tanto em termos materiais como humanos. Observou-se que, como a descoberta do diagnóstico era recente, muitas angústias surgiram, principalmente por parte das mães, com referência ao tratamento institucional. Dentre elas, estavam as incertezas sobre o atendimento, a problemática da medicação e a inclusão escolar. O reconhecimento dessa condição do filho alterava a autoestima dos pais, levando-os a oscilarem entre momentos de crença e de descrença em face do desenvolvimento do filho, predominando sentimentos ambivalentes de desamparo e de esperança. Cada casal utilizou o setting proposto de forma singular e única, configurando-o de acordo com suas necessidades. Percebemos que a situação da entrevista favoreceu a criação de uma demanda que estava latente, tendo sido adotada como um espaço de escuta e de holding aos pais. Predominou um sentimento de urgência concernente à criança autista que tomava o lugar da vida conjugal e do cuidado com os outros filhos, quando existiam. Diante da complexidade das situações e da variedade de temas emergentes, verificamos que alguns casais puderam se questionar sobre a criação do filho, todavia, manifestaram-se pouco sobre o tipo de conjugalidade construída. Acreditamos que o modelo da consulta terapêutica representa uma proposta ampla e flexível de atendimento aos pais que pode ajudá-los no alívio de suas angústias. Preconizamos que essa modalidade possa servir como um dispositivo de atenção à saúde mental, nos serviços relacionados à problemática em questão / The objective of this thesis is to comprehend the impact of the condition of autistic children on family life and the conjugal relationship of the parents. We also explore the use of the clinical, non-directed interview, following the model of therapeutic consultation. We use data from medical records as an additional resource to obtain information about the child and its parents. Five couples (ten participants), parents of autistic children, whose child had recently been diagnosed and had commenced activities in an educational institution for specialist educational treatment, located in a municipality in the interior of the state of Sao Paulo, participated in this study. The inclusion criterion was the participation of both members of the couple in the interviews. This was a clinical-qualitative study in which psychoanalysis was the theory of reference, especially the approach of Donald W. Winnicott. In addition, we rely on studies of psychoanalysis of families and of couples for the analysis of the clinical material. The detailed study of the interviews prompted reflections on three core themes that emerged: parenting and the space occupied by children in family dynamics; the interface between parenthood and the conjugal relationship; the interview as a holding space for parents on the experience of suffering. According to the narratives of the couples, the results indicated that fathers and mothers were affected by the childrens problem and the conjugal relationship has been superseded by the urgent need to care for the autistic child. Feelings of powerlessness in the face to the precariousness of Health Services, in both material and human terms, emerged. It was observed that, as the discovery of the diagnosis was recent a lot of anguish has arisen, principally for mothers, in relation to institutional treatment. Among them were the uncertainties about the service, the issue of medication and of school inclusion. The recognition of the child\'s condition altered the self-esteem of parents causing them to oscillate between moments of belief and disbelief in the face of the development of the child, predominantly ambivalent feelings of helplessness and hope. Each couple used the setting proposed in a singular and unique way, according to their needs. We perceived that the interview situation favored the creation of a demand that was latent and this was taken as a listening and holding space for the parents. A feeling of urgency prevailed concerning the autistic child, who took the place of the conjugal relationship and the care of other children, when they existed. Given the complexity of the situations and the variety of emerging themes, we found that some couples might question the creation of the child, however, reveal little about the type of conjugal relationship construction. We believe that the model of therapeutic consultation represents a comprehensive and flexible proposal for the assistance of parents which can help to alleviate their anguish. We advocate that this method can serve as a means of care for mental health in the services related to the issue in question
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Práticas familiares e o apoio à amamentação: revisão sistemática e metassíntese / Familys practices and the breastfeeding support: systematic review and metasyntesesSousa, Alder Mourão de 16 December 2010 (has links)
A amamentação (AM) é uma prática diretamente relacionada com a promoção da saúde infantil. A família e a rede social podem ser determinantes na ocorrência e na manutenção da amamentação. Com o objetivo de identificar as práticas familiares relacionadas à manutenção da AM, realizou-se uma revisão sistemática de literatura seguida de síntese dos resultados dos artigos selecionados. A metodologia baseou-se na busca de artigos publicados em inglês, espanhol e português, entre 1989 e 2009, nas bases de dados: SCOPUS, PubMed, Web of Science®, PsycINFO, Biblioteca Cochrane, Science Direct, CINAHL, EMBASE, LILACS, BDENF e ADOLEC. Tal busca guiou-se pela pergunta: Quais são as práticas familiares que favorecem a manutenção da amamentação? Como resultado da busca foram selecionados 14 artigos no formato de relatos de pesquisa. Estes foram submetidos à leitura criteriosa da metodologia utilizada, dos sujeitos investigados, dos resultados obtidos e das conclusões. As sínteses foram construídas a partir da análise temática dos resultados e discursos dos sujeitos das pesquisas, de onde emergiram novos discursos que identificavam práticas da mãe, do pai, da avó e da rede social que foram agrupadas em 5 categorias-sínteses: 1) apoio emocional, 2) apoio instrumental, 3) apoio informativo, 4) apoio presencial e 5) auto-apoio. As sínteses permitem destacar como práticas familiares favorecedoras da AM: 1) ter orgulho de amamentar; apoiar a decisão da mãe; fazer carinho; beijar; amar; valorizar e encorajar a mãe; conversar com ela sobre a AM desde a gravidez e continuar depois. 2) participar das consultas pré-natal, das ações educativas e visitas domiciliárias; não oferecer fórmula láctea; cuidar da mãe e do bebê; ajudar a posicioná-lo; oferecer líquidos durante a mamada; trocar fralda; dar banho; ajudar a mãe a descansar; manter ajuda além das primeiras semanas; flexibilizar as rotinas; assumir tarefas domésticas. 3) se identificar como possível apoiador(a); incentivar boa alimentação; prover aconselhamentos; evitar cobranças. 4) realizar visita social; disponibilizar tempo para ouvir; acompanhar o parto; fazer companhia e conversar durante as mamadas; contemplar o bebê. 5) manter expectativas realistas; manter postura eu me apoio; manter postura nosso pré-natal / nós estamos grávidos / eu vou amamentar; reconhecer que a AM afetará sua vida; reconhecer sua capacidade para ser apoiador(a); manter abertura para aprender. Conclui-se que existem evidências suficientes sobre a importância de e como os membros familiares apoiam a amamentação, no sentido de favorecer seu início e sua manutenção. Tais achados podem subsidiar reflexões sobre a ampliação da clínica no cuidado da mulher e da criança. E lançam luz sobre uma nova perspectiva para o trabalho da enfermagem em saúde coletiva na Atenção Básica, destacando a importância de uma abordagem familiar diferenciada para a Promoção da Saúde na perspectiva do desenvolvimento infantil durante a experiência da amamentação. / Breastfeeding (BF) is a practice extremely involved with child health promotion. The family and the social network can be determents of occurrence and maintenance of BF. Aiming to identify family practices related to BF, were realized a systematic review of literature with synthesis of findings of the selected articles. The methodology was based on a search for articles published in English, Spanish and Portuguese between 1989 and 2009, in databases: SCOPUS, PubMed, Web of Science®, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, Science Direct, CINAHL, EMBASE, LILACS, BDENF and ADOLEC. This search was guided by the question: What are the family practices that further maintenance of breastfeeding? Were selected 14 articles as a research reports. They were subjected to careful reading of the methodology used, the subjects investigated, the findings and conclusions. The syntheses were developed from the results of thematic analysis and discourse of the studys subjects, out of which emerged new discourses the identify practices from mothers, fathers, grandmothers and the social network. These new discourses were grouped in 5 syntheses-categories: 1) emotional support, 2) tangible support, 3) informational support, 4) companionship support and 5) self support. The syntheses allow us to highlight as familys practice further BF: 1) be proud to breastfeeding, to support de the mothers decision, kiss, love, appreciate and encourage the mother, to talk to her about BF since the pregnancy and continue after it. 2) to participate in prenatal visits, educational activities and home visits, not offer formula milk, to take care of mother and baby, to help to position it, offer liquids during the feeding, changing diapers, bathing, helping the mother rest, maintain help beyond the first week, flexible routines, assume household chores. 3) identify themselves as a possible supporter, to encourage good nutrition, to provide advice, to avoid charges. 4) to carry out social visit, taking time to listen, to accompany delivery, accompany and talk during the breastfeeding, admire the baby. 5) to maintain realistic expectations, maintaining the position I support myself, maintaining the position our prenatal / were pregnant / Ill breastfeeding, recognizing that the BF will affect their life, recognize their ability to be supportive, maintaining openness to learning. We conclude that sufficient evidence exists about the importance of and how family members support breastfeeding, in order to promote its beginning and its maintenance. These findings may support the broadening of reflections on the clinical care of women and children. And throws light on a new perspective to the work of nurses in collective health in Brazilian Basic Care, highlighting the importance of a differentiated family approach in Health Promotion in the perspective of child development during the breastfeeding experience.
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Material ilustrado como estratégia para envolvimento familiar e adesão ao uso do AASI em crianças com deficiência auditiva / Illustrated material as a strategy for family involvement and adherence to the use of hearing aids in children with hearing lossMonteiro, Raquel Regina Rodrigues 29 August 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / caretakers of children with hearing loss that would foster their adherence to the use
of HA and their understanding of the initial orientation regarding auditory and
language abilities. The applicability of the use of such material with Public Hearing
Health Care Service users was investigated. Method: The material development
was based on the underlying principles observed in clinical appointments at Centro
Audição na Criança, which subsidized the structure and content to be addressed. A
version was made using the following steps: organization of a prototype, partnership
with a graphic designer and virtual group discussion with the professionals involved.
The applicability of the material was assessed by means of its use with parents and
caretakers during the routine process of HA selection/adaptation, the early stages of
therapy and follow up appointments with children with hearing loss. The subjects
were: parents/ caretakers accompanying the patients, children whose HA would
allow daily measures of use, and audiologists responsible for the therapy sessions
with these subject children. For the analysis of the preliminary version of the
material, the following steps were used: a script for registering applicability,
measurements of average daily use of HA and interview guides for parents/
caretakers and audiologists. A brainstorming session with qualified professionals in
the area of hearing loss was conducted to refine and collect ideas to inform the
production of the final version of the illustrated material. Results: The preliminary
version of the illustrated material was presented in A5 size booklet format with spiral
binding. The booklet content addressed the following matters: HA handling and
care, and orientation on hearing and oral language development. Participants of this
study were: eight audiologists and 16 families, whose children s chronological age
ranged between 6 (six) and 53 (fifty-three) months. The communication strategy of
the contents was an interactive and pictographic one. As for adherence, many
factors interfered in daily average use of HA. As for the general evaluation of the
material, all parents/ caretakers considered it good and fifteen of them (93,75%)
used it at home. All audiologists reported that the material addressed important
issues of the early stages of HA adaptation and supported families and audiologists
during the development process. The most frequently treated subjects were:
adherence to use of HA (45%) and HA care (32%). The final version was prepared
taking into account comments from parents, audiologists/ speech therapists who
applied the preliminary version of the illustrated material and brainstorming results.
Conclusion: The material was used at home by families and seemed to contribute
to family involvement, since it expanded its influence to beyond the person
accompanying the child to therapy sessions. The audiologists of the Public Hearing
Health Care Service demonstrated good acceptance to the material because it has
guided the rehabilitation process and was regarded as support both for the family
and therapist. Adherence to HA use was heterogeneous among subjects and
suffered interference from several factors during the HA process of adaptation. The
use of the material can be considered as a facilitator in the communication process
between families and therapist / Objetivo: desenvolver e avaliar um material ilustrado para pais e responsáveis de
crianças com deficiência auditiva que facilitasse a adesão ao uso do AASI e a
compreensão das orientações iniciais quanto as habilidades auditivas e de
linguagem. Investigou-se sua aplicabilidade em usuários do SUS. Método: Para o
desenvolvimento do material realizou-se um levantamento das premissas
observadas nos atendimentos feitos no CeAC que subsidiaram a estrutura e
conteúdo a serem abordados. Foi confeccionada uma versão por meio das
seguintes etapas: organização de um protótipo, parceria com designer gráfico e
discussão em grupo virtual com os profissionais envolvidos. A aplicabilidade do
material foi avaliada a partir do uso com pais/responsáveis na rotina do processo de
seleção/adaptação de AASI, etapas iniciais de terapia (ADAPTI) e dos retornos
para acompanhamento de crianças com deficiência auditiva. Foram sujeitos: os
pais/responsáveis que acompanhavam as crianças no fluxo do serviço, crianças
cujos os AASI possibilitassem a medida diária de uso e fonoaudiólogos que
realizassem as terapias das crianças que entraram como sujeito. Para análise da
versão preliminar do material foram utilizados: roteiro de registro de aplicabilidade,
medidas de uso médio diário dos AASI e roteiros de entrevista para responsáveis e
fonoaudiólogos. Foi realizado um brainstorming com profissionais habilitados na
área da deficiência auditiva para aperfeiçoar e coletar ideias para subsidiar a
confecção da versão final do material ilustrado. Resultados: A versão preliminar do
material ilustrado se apresentou em formato de livreto no tamanho A5, com
encadernação espiral. O conteúdo abordou questões referentes: ao manejo,
cuidados com o AASI e orientações quanto ao desenvolvimento da audição e
linguagem oral. Participaram desta pesquisa oito fonoaudiólogos e 16 famílias, cuja
idade cronológica das crianças variou entre seis e 53 meses. Seu conteúdo teve
como estratégia de comunicação um modelo interativo e pictográfico. Quanto à
adesão, muitos fatores interferiram na média diária do uso dos AASI. Quanto a
avaliação geral do material, todos os pais/responsáveis analisaram como bom e
quinze deles (93,75%) o utilizaram em casa. Todos os fonoaudiólogos justificaram
que o material abordou assuntos importantes da fase inicial de adaptação dos AASI
e sobre o desenvolvimento, apoiou a família e o profissional durante esse processo.
Os assuntos mais tratados estiveram centrados na adesão ao uso (45%) e
cuidados com os AASI (32%). A versão final foi confeccionada considerando as
observações dos pais, fonoaudiólogos que aplicaram a versão preliminar do
material ilustrado e os resultados do brainstorming. Conclusões: O material foi
utilizado em casa pelas famílias e pareceu colaborar para o envolvimento familiar,
já que ampliou sua influência para além da pessoa que acompanhava a criança as
sessões de terapia. Os fonoaudiólogos de um serviço do SUS demonstraram boa
aceitação ao material pois norteou o processo de reabilitação e foi considerado
como apoio à família e ao terapeuta. A adesão ao uso do AASI foi muito
heterogênea entre os sujeitos e sofreu interferência de diversos fatores durante o
processo de adaptação dos AASI. A utilização do material pode ser considerado
como um facilitador no processo de comunicação entre famílias e terapeuta
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God vård av cancersjuka barn : föräldrars upplevelseAxelsson, Eva, Claesson, Birgitta January 2010 (has links)
I Sverige insjuknar 250-300 barn varje år av cancer. De cancertyper som drabbar barn är vanligtvis inte de samma som vuxna utvecklar. Olika cancerformer kräver olika typer av behandling, dessa är cytostatika, operation samt strålbehandling. Sjuksköterskan skall kunna möta föräldrar och barn samt uppfatta deras lidande för att kunna tillfredställa behovet av en god omvårdnad. För föräldrarna upplevs barnets cancerdiagnos ofta som ett svårt lidande, som kan kännas helt outhärdligt. När ett barn är svårt sjukt i cancer innebär detta en långvarig kontakt med sjukvården för hela familjen. Det är en svår och stressfull situation för familjen och deras välbefinnande påverkas av vårdarens agerande.Syftet med studien är att beskriva föräldrarnas uppfattning av vad som är god vård i samband med behandling av det cancersjuka barnet på sjukhus. Metoden är en litteraturstudie där åtta kvalitativa artiklar analyseras enligt Evans (2003) metod.Resultatet presenteras utifrån fem teman som är: Anpassad information, Kontinuerlig vårdrelation, Emotionellt stöd, Familjens delaktighet i vården samt Lugn vårdmiljö.Det mest framträdande i resultatet är att information är grunden till att föräldrarna skall uppleva att deras barn får en god vård. En adekvat given information med lyhördhet inför den enskilde förälderns behov och önskemål resulterar i en mer tillfredställd förälder. / Program: Fristående kurs
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