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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of the library contribution to the instructional program in Mirror Lake Junior High School, St. Petersburg, Florida, 1951-1952

Unknown Date (has links)
"The purpose of this paper is to make an intensive examination of the facilities and services of the library at Mirror Lake Junior High School in relation to the changed curriculum in the school in order to ascertain the extent to which the library is contributing to the instructional program of the school. It is assumed that this examination would provide a sound basis for recommending library improvement in the school"--Introduction. / Stapled inside thesis: Guide to material in vertical file, 1950-51 ([22] leaves ; 24 cm.). / Typescript. / "August, 1952." / "Submitted to the Graduate Council of Florida State Univeristy in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts." / Advisor: Sara Krentzman Srygley, Professor Directing Paper. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 103-104).

A description of the basic education program of the Jinks Junior High School

Unknown Date (has links)
"The purpose of this paper is to give a brief description of the basic education program of the Jinks Junior High School in Panama City, Florida, as a basis for and to present some recommendations for improvement. The overall purpose of the school is to help the boys and girls to be more effective citizens in a democratic society. It is based on the belief that the needs and interests of the adolescent are best met through a curriculum in which the learning experiences are organized around common adolescent problems. It will include a resource unit on orientation, designed to help boys and girls of junior high school age to become acquainted with the new school, the new school year, and to help them to make adjustments to new situations in order that they may function as good citizens of the school"--Introduction. / Typescript. / "August, 1953." / "Submitted to the Graduate Council of Florida State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Science." / Includes bibliographical references.

Use of central library by sixth grade pupils in Madison Elementary School

Unknown Date (has links)
"The purpose of this paper is to define the value, functions, and use of a central library today as the writer understands it; to describe the historical development of the Madison Elementary Library; and to analyze specific examples and uses of a central library in the writer's own classroom showing how instruction was improved by means of a wider variety of materials used to meet the individual needs of one group of pupils"--Introduction. / "June, 1951." / Typescript. / "Submitted to the Graduate Council of Florida State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts under Plan II." / Advisor: Robert C. Moon, Professor Directing Paper. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 38-39).

A Study Of The Grant Writing Policies And Practices Of Municipalities In Polk County Florida Having A Population Less Than 25,000

Carter, Michael Scott 01 January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to identify the grant writing policies and practices of the fifteen municipalities in Polk County, Florida having a population less than 25,000, compare these findings qualitatively, and to present the data in a form usable by any city in Polk County so each city can make any needed adjustments to their grant writing strategy that will increase their success of grant funding. This study is needed now because smaller cities are continuing to feel the effects of the recession, a slumping housing market, and a reduction of real estate property values which means lower tax revenue. City managers and staff need to sharpen their grant writing skills to maximize the success of their grant applications. Both quantitative and qualitative research methodology were used in this study. The quantitative research data was gathered with the aid of a survey sent to each city manager of the selected cities. The qualitative research data consists of follow-up interviews with the fifteen city managers. Fourteen of the fifteen cities responded and all returned surveys were 100% complete. The results of the survey include respondent demographics, a lengthy discussion of each city‟s attitudes and history with grant application and administration, and the training level of staff involved in grant writing. The chapter goes on to analyze and discuss the policy of local elected officials regarding grants and concludes on the topic of challenges facing Polk County municipalities and possible solutions that may increase their grant writing success. The final chapter brings the study to a conclusion with a summary and a review of the findings from the survey. Several recommendations are offered that, if implemented, could increase the success rate cities are currently achieving with grant applications. Several iv implications are offered of possible outcomes if no changes are made, and finally, specific areas of future research and study are discussed.

Hur lärare kan hjälpa elever att våga tala engelska : En studie om lärares syn på talängslans inverkan för elevers kommunikativa utveckling / A study on teachers’ views on the impact of language anxiety on student’s communicative development

Sunna, Ann-Mari January 2022 (has links)
Att som elev delta muntligt i engelskundervisningen kan vara spännande för många elever men för en del elever uppstår talängslan. Talängslan innebär att man vid specifika situationer upplever ångest för att tala. Den här studien har genomförts utifrån intresset att undersöka huruvida lärare ser några negativa följder för elevers kommunikativa förmåga i engelska till följd av talängslan. Vidare har även läraresstöttning och motivation för att elever ska våga tala engelska i klassrummet undersökts. Studien är genomförd utifrån ett lärarperspektiv genom metodtriangulering där webbenkäter och semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts. All insamlad empiri har koncentrerats, kategoriserats och tolkats utifrån en induktiv ansats samt teorin WTC och det sociokulturella perspektivet. Informanterna i denna studie var 25 lärare med behörighet att undervisa engelska i årskurs 1–3 samt fyra undervisande lärare i engelska, utan behörighet. Resultatet visar att talängslan riskerar att påverka elevers kommunikativa förmåga i engelskundervisningen, bland annat genom att elever som saknar en god relation till sin lärare saknar grundtryggheten för att våga tala engelska i klassrummet och väljer att förbli tyst. Resultatet visar att lärarna i studien stöttar och motiverar sina elever genom att elevernas intressen tas tillvara, genom bland annat spel och lekar samt positiv förstärkning. / Learning to speak English can be exciting for many pupils, but it can cause language anxiety for others. Language anxiety refers to the fear of speaking in certain situations. This study was conducted to determine whether teachers see any negative consequences for their pupils’ communicative ability in English because of language anxiety. The study also investigated how the teachers motivate and support their pupils to speak English in the classroom. This study is based on a teacher’s perspective with method triangulation where web surveys and semi-structured interviews were used. All collected data was compiled, classified, and interpreted based on an inductive approach, as well as the WTC theory and the socio-cultural perspective. The informants in this study were 25 teachers with authorization to teach English in grades 1–3 and four teachers without authoraization. Language anxiety is at risk of affecting pupils’ communicative ability in English, according to the findings, because those pupils who do not have a good relationship with their teacher lack the basic confidence speak English in the classroom and therefor choose to remain silent. The teachers in this study believe they have the right tools to push and motivate their pupils. This study discovered that teachers who use pupils’ interests, positive and reasonably high expectations, positive reinforcement, and a playful approach to teaching can help pupils with language anxiety.

Land Grants, Land Use, Land Alienation

Garner, Mary K. 01 October 1981 (has links) (PDF)
Governments often used the promise of land as a means to implement policy. Whether the land was in the form of a large grant to a successful explorer, or in the offer of a homestead on the frontier, the motive for such grants was seldom entirely altruistic. Most grants contained stipulations for settlement and cultivation because a growing population was necessary for economic development. Rulers of Florida also offered land grants to encourage a particular religion, to protect shipping, or to establish protection against Indian attacks. When Florida became part of the United States, large sections of the territory were already claimed under various land grants made by Spain or Great Britain. Succeeding United States governments continued to grant land to individuals or companies to stimulate internal improvements or to increase population. In the hands of developers, land grants usually had the desired effect, but in the hands of speculators they tended to decrease population growth. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of land grants on population growth in Orange County, Florida.

De digitala spelens inverkan på Foreign Language Anxiety och språkinlärning : lärarperspektiv och pedagogiska strategier / The Impact of Digital Games on Foreign Language Anxiety and Language Learning : Teacher Perspectives and Pedagogical Strategies

Abed, Ahmed, Hollender, Frans January 2024 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks mellanstadielärares uppfattningar kring Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) vid inlärning av engelska hos elever i årskurs 4-6. Dessutom undersöks effekterna i elevers spelvanor relaterat till FLA och språkfärdigheter, samt lärarnas föreslagna strategier för att hantera och minska FLA. Studien stödjer sig på teoretiska ramverk från James Paul Gee (2003) om lärande genom digitala spel och Horwitz, Horwitz och Copes (1986) forskning om FLA, och använder en fenomenologisk ansats för att djupdyka i dessa teman. Genom intervjuer med sex engelsklärare i mellanstadiet syftar arbetet till att utforska tre frågeställningar. Dessa inkluderar lärarnas uppfattningar av elevers FLA i engelskundervisningen, lärarnas syn på hur elevers spelvanor kan relatera till deras FLA och språkfärdigheter, samt vilka pedagogiska strategier lärare bedömer som mest effektiva för att minska FLA. Vid undersökningen om hur lärare uppfattar elevernas FLA framkommer problematiken kring elevers talrädsla i klassrummet, vilket kan bero på flera anledningar. Det kan röra sig om rädsla för att bli bedömd av klasskamrater, samt en brist på tillit till den egna förmågan. En annan bidragande faktor till förekomsten av FLA är de stora kontrasterna i elevernas engelskkunskaper, vilket förklaras av deras individuella intressen utanför skolan. Lärarnas utsagor beskriver att elever som ägnar sig åt en stor mängd extramural engelska (EE), har ett så stort försprång att de andra eleverna inte vågar prestera i klassrummet.  Resultaten från studien indikerar att lärarnas syn på digitala spel varierar, med insikter som pekar på både möjligheter och utmaningar i att integrera dessa spel i språkundervisningen. En minoritet identifierar kommersiella digitala spel som en möjlighet att engagera elever och minska FLA, medan majoriteten uttrycker oro för spelens relevans och effektivitet. Detta understryker en komplexitet i hur digitala spel kan integreras i undervisningen, där lärarnas erfarenheter och uppfattningar spelar en stor roll i hur de närmar sig användningen av spel som ett pedagogiskt verktyg. Diskussionen kring pedagogiska strategier för att implementera digitala spel i undervisningen framhäver också ett behov av fortbildning för lärare.  Lärarna uppfattar att digitala spel kan ha både positiva och negativa effekter på elevers språkinlärning, där ett ökat ordförråd och språklig säkerhet i muntliga aktiviteter utgör de positiva aspekterna. Negativa aspekter som framkommer är att elever lär sig ett spelspecifikt språk som inte gynnar deras skolgång, och att deras intensiva engagemang i kommersiella digitala spel på engelska leder till en känsla av att skolans engelskundervisning mister sitt värde. Vad beträffar hantering och minskning av FLA betonar lärarna betydelsen av att skapa en trygg och inkluderande lärmiljö, där grupparbeten används för att effektivt främja engagemang och ett ökat självförtroende.

A place called school

Conrad, Carolyn Nancy January 1990 (has links)
The thesis is an exploration of architectural ideas. An exploration which is still ongoing. It is learning how the ideas are realized in terms of materiality and structure. It is how the ideas become the structural, visual language of the building. The thesis is also the study of the institution of school. It is how the school, through its architecture, becomes a place. A place to provide inspiration. / Master of Architecture

An axis, a termination, a hotel, a gateway

Duke, Thomas Edwin January 1987 (has links)
Technology has advanced to such degrees, yet the quality of architectural spaces has not. Man has become like a satellite - not having contact with the planet. We need to recover the act of living, the act of inhabiting our cities. Good architecture allows for and creates an interaction between man and his environment; built or natural. The quality of his architecture depends upon the intensity of that exchange. This thesis looks at an exchange set up between site and city; and between building and site. / Master of Architecture

Analysis of travel patterns including origin-destination models for Central Florida's expressway system

Aiouche, Hicham 01 October 2000 (has links)
No description available.

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