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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emprego de microscopia de fluorescência para a quantificação microbiana em amostras salinas da indústria do petróleo / Use of fluorescence microscopy for microbial quantification in the saline samples of the petroleum industry

Denise da Piedade Silva 09 December 2010 (has links)
Os micro-organismos constituem um grande problema em termos econômicos para a indústria petrolífera. Estes são responsáveis pela produção de substâncias corrosivas e a formação de biofilmes, que causam deterioração dos materiais metálicos. Os principais grupos microbianos presentes em amostras ambientais da indústria do petróleo são as bactérias anaeróbias heterotróficas totais (BANHT) e as bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS). Atualmente, a quantificação desses grupos microbianos é realizada através da técnica do Número Mais Provável (NMP) que estima o resultado em aproximadamente 28 dias. Neste trabalho foi otimizada uma metodologia para a microscopia de fluorescência de amostras salinas provenientes de tanques de armazenamento de água/óleo. As condições testadas foram o tipo de óleo de imersão, o tipo de diluente, o volume do corante, o volume da amostra corada e a concentração do fixador (glutaraldeído) numa tentativa de correlacionar com resultados de quantificação de BANHT e BRS através da técnica convencional do NMP. Nesse caso, as células totais foram quantificadas por microscopia de fluorescência utilizando o corante fluorescente laranja de acridina (AO). Verificou-se que houve uma correlação entre os resultados da quantificação de células totais por microscopia de fluorescência e os resultados de BANHT pela técnica do NMP, devido a pouca variação de valores expressos em ambas as quantificações. Entretanto, não foi possível correlacionar os resultados da quantificação de células totais com os resultados de BRS por NMP devido à grande variação dos valores de quantificação de BRS. Na microscopia de fluorescência, foi possível, quantificar os micro-organismos em aproximadamente 30 minutos e através das fotografias, verificou-se ainda que as amostras apresentaram-se nítidas e os micro-organismos com uma boa fluorescência / Microbial cells constitute a severe problem, from the economic point of view, for the petroleum industry. They are responsible for the production of corrosive metabolites and for the formation of biofilms, causing deterioration in the surface of metallic materials. The main microbial groups present in environmental samples from the petroleum industry include total anaerobic heterothrophic bacteria (TANHB) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Nowadays, the quantification of those microbial groups is performed through the use of the most probable number technique (MPN), providing the final quantification after 28 days. In the present work a new methodology, based on fluorescence microscopy, was optimized on saline samples from water/oil storage tanks. The conditions tested were the type of immersion oil, type of diluent, the volume of the dye, the stained sample volume and concentration of fixative (glutaraldehyde) in order to quantify total cells, in an attempt to correlate with TANHB and SRB quantification through MPN. In that case, total cells were quantified with the help of acrydine orange as fluorescent dye. It could be observed a clear correlation between the results obtained for total cells quantification by fluorescence microscopy and the results obtained for TANHB through MPN technique, due to the negligible differences observed in both quantifications. However, when a correlation with SRB cells was tried results of total cells through fluorescence microscopy did not fit entirely. With the use of fluorescence microscopy, it was possible to quantify microbial cells in around 30 minutes and with the help of photographic reports obtained, it could be observed that the samples were clearly observed and the microbial cells indicated a good fluorescence

Avaliação in vitro da viabilidade de Enterococcus faecalis e Candida albicans nos túbulos dentinários após a aplicação de hidróxido de cálcio e clorexidina gel 2% / In vitro evauluation of the viability of Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans in dentinal tubules after placement of calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine gel 2%

Ronan Jacques Rezende Delgado 12 June 2007 (has links)
Uma infecção pulpar pode resultar na colonização microbiana de todo sistema de canais radiculares incluindo os túbulos dentinários. Estes microorganismos e seus produtos tóxicos são responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento e persistência da periodontite apical de origem endodôntica. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a viabilidade de E. faecalis e C. albicans em túbulos dentinários após a aplicação de hidróxido de cálcio, clorexidina gel 2%, hidróxido de cálcio associado à clorexidina gel 2% e soro fisiológico, através da análise por cultura microbiológica e microscopia de fluorescência. Para tanto 120 raízes de dentes humanos foram padronizadas e autoclavadas, sendo posteriormente divididas em 2 grupos (n= 60) para contaminação com E. faecalis e C. albicans por 21 dias. Em seguida, foram divididas em 8 grupos (n= 15) para aplicação das substâncias antimicrobianas nos canais radiculares e posterior incubação em estufa por 14 dias. Amostras da dentina radicular na extensão de 0 - 100 µm e de 100 - 200 µm foram coletadas e submetidas à cultura microbiológica através do plaqueamento em meios de cultura. Após 48 horas de incubação promoveu-se a avaliação das UFC. Paralelamente, as amostras foram processadas para análise em microscopia de fluorescência com auxílio de marcadores fluorescentes específicos, a fim de se determinar a proporção de microorganismos viáveis e não viáveis. Outros 6 espécimes foram preparados para análise em MEV. Os resultados mostraram uma maior capacidade de penetração intratubular para E. faecalis quando comparado a C. albicans. A aplicação de medicação intracanal resultou em significativa redução da viabilidade dos microorganismos quando comparado ao grupo controle independente da medicação aplicada e em ambas as porções da dentina radicular avaliadas. Entretanto, ao compararmos individualmente as medicações, observamos o melhor desempenho da clorexidina gel 2 % e da associação de hidróxido de cálcio e clorexidina gel 2% sem diferença significante entre elas. O hidróxido de cálcio apresentou os piores resultados para desinfecção dos canais radiculares contaminados com E. faecalis e C. albicans. Estes achados foram confirmados tanto pela cultura microbiológica quanto pela microscopia de fluorescência. A cultura microbiológica e a microscopia de fluorescência são métodos adequados e complementares para avaliação da viabilidade de E. faecalis e C. albicans e a eficácia da clorexidina gel 2% e da associação hidróxido de cálcio e clorexidina gel 2% justificam seu uso em endodontia como medicação intracanal. / A pulp infection can result in a microbial colonization of the entire root canals system, including dentinal tubules. These microorganisms and their toxic product are responsible for the development and persistence of apical periondontitis from endodontic source. The present study aimed to evaluate E. faecalis and C. albicans viability in dentinal tubules after the application of calcium hydroxide, chlorhexidine gel 2%, calcium hydroxide associated to chlorhexidine gel 2% and physiological solution, through the analysis by microbiological culture and fluorescence microscopy. For that, 120 human teeth root were standardized and submitted to autoclave, and after ere divided into 2 groups (n=60) for E. faecalis and C. albicans contamination for 21 days. Following this, they were divided into 8 groups (n=15) for application of antimicrobial substances in the root canals and subsequent incubation for 14 days. Samples from root dentin with 0 - 100 µm and 100 - 200 µm of extension were collected and submitted to microbiological culture.After 48 hours of incubation, it was performed the evaluation of colony-forming units (CFU). At the same time, the samples were processed for fluorescence microscopic analysis with the assistance of specific fluorescent markers, in order to determine the proportion of viable and non-viable microorganisms. Other 6 specimens were prepared for the analysis of scanning electron microscopy. Results demonstrated a higher capacity of penetration in the tubules for E. faecalis than for C. albicans. The application of intracanal medication resulted in significant reduction of microorganisms viability when compared to the control groups independently of the medication used and in both evaluated portions of root dentin. However, when one compares individually the medications, it was observed a better performance of chlorhexidine gel 2% and the association of calcium hydroxide with chlorhexidine gel 2% without a significant difference between them. Calcium hydroxide had the worst results for disinfection of root canal contaminated with E. faecalis and C. albicans. These findings were confirmed for the microbiological culture as well as for the fluorescence microscopy. The microbiological culture and the fluorescence microscopy are adequate methods and complementary for the evaluation of E. faecalis and C. albicans viability and the efficacy of chlorhexidine gel 2% and the association of calcium hydroxide with chlorhexidine gel 2% warrant their use in Endodontics as an intracanal medication.

Estudo, via simulação molecular, da interação de dois peptídeos da região 115-129 da miotoxina II do veneno da serpente Bothrops asper com membranas celulares. / Estudo, via simulação molecular, da interaão de dois peptídeos da região 115-129 da miotoxina II do veneno da serpente Bothrops asper com membranas celulares

Marcos Roberto Lourenzoni 13 June 2005 (has links)
As ligações de hidrogênio (LH), fundamentais na determinação da estrutura da água, proteínas, etc., são muito importantes no reconhecimento molecular e nos mecanismos de reações enzimáticas. A determinação da energia das LHs intramoleculares em proteínas e intermoleculares entre uma proteína e o solvente água, porque fornece informações sobre a estrutura secundária, terciária e quaternária das proteínas. Um método para quantificar e qualificar as LHs foi desenvolvido utilizando critérios de distância, geométricos e energéticos a partir das trajetórias obtidas por simulações de dinâmica molecular. O método foi testado com o monômero de uma fosfolipase A2 homodimérica, sem atividade catalítica, isolada do veneno da Bothrops asper(BaspMT-II). No dímero, a análise das LHs mostrou que elas são também essenciais na manutenção da estrutura quaternária. Essa análise permitiu identificar movimentos do tipo dobradiça acompanhados da formação transitória, na interface dimérica, de LHs controladas pelo triptofano na posição 77. Esses movimentos podem estar associados à ação danosa às membranas, uma vez que podem promover a inserção da região C-terminal na membrana. Estudos prévios mostraram que o peptídeo sintético (3Y codificado pelos aminoácidos 115-129 da BaspMT-II) apresenta atividade bactericida e citolítica. Um outro peptídeo (3W), mutante de 3Y, no qual três resíduos tirosina são substituidos por triptofano, apresenta um aumento do dano às membranas e do efeito miotóxico. Os mecanismos de ação desses peptídeos e as suas estruturas foram estudados por dinâmica molecular, dicroísmo circular (DC), microscopia de fluorescência e monocamadas de Langmuir (Mlang). As adsorções dos peptídeos em monocamadas de ácido dimiristoil fosfatídico (DMPA) e dimiristoilfosfatidilcolina (DMPC) se processam por mecanismos diferentes ocasionados pelas diferentes naturezas físico-químicas dos resíduos tirosina e triptofano. A microscopia de fluorescência acoplada a Mlang de DMPA com 3W adsorvido mostra um aumento da fluidez da monocamada, enquanto que o 3Y modifica os domínios do DMPA para pequenas estruturas circulares. Foram realizadas simulações dos peptídeos 3Y e 3W em meio aquoso e nas regiões interfaciais água/n-hexano e água/bicamadas de DMPC. Os resultados confirmam os obtidos por Mlang, demonstrando que os peptídeos interagem diferentemente com as membranas por adotar conformações alternativas definidas previamente. Essas conformações, diferentes das observadas em meio aquoso, dependem da natureza da interface. As estruturas encontradas no final das simulaçoes corroboram o mecanismo proposto por Mlang, assim como as estruturas sugeridas por DC. Isso sugere que a atividade biológica reduzida do peptídeo 3Y ocorre porque os seus dois resíduos Leu se adsorvem na interface sem penetrá-la. Ao contrário de 3W, os resíduos carregados do peptídeo 3Y não estão localizados corretamente para promover uma interação suficientemente atrativa para permitir a sua inserção na membrana celular. / Hydrogen bonds (HB) are highly important in the determination of the structure of the water and proteins. They also play a important role in molecular recognition and in enzyme reaction mechanisms. The determination of protein/water intermolecular and protein intramolecular HB energies provide information with respect to the formation and stabilization of secondary, tertiary and quaternary protein structure. A method that quantifies and qualifies the properties of HB was developed using distance, geometric and energy criteria as applied to data obtained from the atomic trajectories generated by molecular dynamics simulations. The method was tested with a monomer of a catalytically inactive homodimeric phospholipase A2 from Bothrops asper(BaspMT-II) venom. HBs at dimmer interface are essential for maintaining the quaternary structure, and are highly conserved during hinge-like movements of the dimmer. HB formed by tryptophan residue at position 77 controls this movement. These motions can be associated to the membrane damaging action since they facilitate the insertion of the C-terminus into the cellular membrane. Previous studies have shown that synthetic peptide (3Y, coding the amino acids 115-129 of BaspMT-II ) presents bactericidal and cytolitic activities. A peptide variant ( 3W ), in which tyrosine residues were substituted by tryptophan residues, presents an enhanced membrane damaging activity increased miotoxic effect. The mechanism of action of the peptides and their structures were studied by molecular dynamics simulations, circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence microscopy and Langmuir monolayers (Mlang). The adsorption of the peptides on a monolayer composed of dimiristoyl phosphatidic acid (DMPA) and dimiristoylphosphatidyl choline (DMPC) occurs through different processes due to the differences in the physic-chemical nature of the tyrosine and tryptophan residues. Fluorescence microscopy together with Mlang of DMPA with adsorbed 3W indicates an increase of the membrane fluidity while small circular domains are formed with DMPA. Simulations were conducted with the 3Y and 3W peptides in aqueous media, is a water/n-hexane and water/DMPC bilayers. The results confirm the Mlang results, showing that the peptides interact differently with the membranes by adopting alternative previously defined conformations. These two conformations, both of which are different to those observed in water, are dependent of the nature of the interfaces. The final simulated configurations confirm the mechanism proposed by Mlang and the structures proposed by CD. It is suggest that the reduced biological activity of the 3Y peptide is due to the two Leu residues that only adsorb to the cellular membrane without penetrating the bilayer. In contrast to the 3W peptide, no charged residue is correctly located to promote the interaction and insertion of the 3Y peptide into the membrane.

Efeito da glicose sobre os mecanismos de extrusão de prótons em células MDCK. / Effect of glucose on mechanisms of proton extrusion in MDCK cells.

Rosélia dos Santos Damasceno 14 June 2010 (has links)
Este estudo investigou o efeito da glicose sobre a atividade e expressão da isoforma 1 do trocador Na+/H+ (NHE1) e da H+-ATPase do tipo vacuolar, em células MDCK (Mardin Darby Canine Kidney), linhagem derivada de rim de cão, que apresenta características similares às células principais e intercalares das porções distais do néfron. Por microscopia de fluorescência, se avaliou a velocidade de recuperação do pHi (dpHi/dt) e a capacidade tamponante (<font face=\"symbol\">bi). A partir desses parâmetros, se calculou o efluxo de H+ (JH+). Por Western blot, se avaliou a expressão de NHE1 e da subunidade E da H+-ATPase do tipo vacuolar. Resultados: Na condição controle o efluxo de H+ foi de 6.27 ± 0.51 mM/min (n = 9). O tratamento agudo com glicose (25 mM) aumentou o efluxo de H+ via NHE1, o qual foi modulado pela PI3 cinase. Na mesma condição, não se observou alterações na atividade da H+-ATPase. O tratamento crônico com glicose (25 mM) induziu significante aumento do efluxo de H+, via NHE1 e H+-ATPase. O efeito estimulador da glicose sobre a atividade de NHE1 e H+-ATPase foi dependente da atividade da p38 MAP cinase. Além disso, o tratamento crônico com glicose (25 mM) induziu fosforilação do sistema ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) e Akt. Conclusões: Nossos resultados indicam que no tratamento agudo com glicose (25 mM), o NHE1 foi modulado pela PI3 cinase. Contudo, no tratamento crônico com glicose (25 mM), a atividade do NHE1 foi modulada pelo sistema ERM/Akt e a atividade da H+-ATPase foi modulada pela p38 MAP cinase. / This study investigated the effect of glucose on the activity and expression of Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) and vacuolar H+-ATPase, in Mardin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells from dog kidney, with similar characteristics to principal and intercalated cells of the distal nephron. The pHi recovery rate (dpHi/dt) and the buffering capacity (<font face=\"symbol\">bi) was evaluated through fluorescence microscopy. From these parameters the H+ efflux (JH+) was calculated. By Western blot, the NHE1 and H+-ATPase (E subunit) expression was evaluated. Results: In the control situation the H+ efflux was 6.27 ± 0.51 mM/pH units (n = 9). Acute treatment with glucose (25 mM) increased the H+ efflux via NHE1, which was modulated by PI3 kinase. In the same condition, the H+-ATPase activity did not change. Chronic treatment with glucose (25 mM) induced significant increase in H+ efflux via NHE1 and H+-ATPase. The stimulatory effect of glucose on the NHE1 and H+-ATPase activity was dependent on p38 MAP kinase activity. Furthermore, chronic treatment with glucose (25 mM) induced Ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) and Akt phosphorylation. Conclusions: Our results indicate that during the acute treatment with glucose (25 mM), the NHE1 is modulated by PI3 kinase. However, during chronic treatment with glucose (25 mM), NHE1 activity was modulated by the ERM/Akt system and of H+-ATPase activity was modulated by p38 MAP Kinase.

Localização in situ e caracterização molecular da bactéria endossimbionte de Pleurotus ostreatus / In situ localization and molecular characterization of Pleurotus ostreatus endosymbiont bacteria

Ricardo Yara 30 June 2006 (has links)
O fungo Pleurotus ostreatus pertence ao grupo de basidiomicetos que degradam madeira. Este cogumelo cultivado em todo mundo apresenta grande rusticidade e produtividade, e pode ainda ser usado em processos de biorremediação e biopolpação. Devido a seu potencial biotecnológico, torna-se interessante a compreensão da interação deste com outros microrganismos. Neste sentido, recentemente foi observada a presença de bactérias associadas a P. ostreatus em culturas in vitro, que apresentavam grande pleomorfismo. A partir desta observação foram elaborados ensaios que visaram a confirmação da presença de bactérias. Para tanto, foi utilizada a estratégia do “Ciclo Completo de Análise do rRNA” (full-cycle rRNA analysis) empregada em microrganismos não cultiváveis ou de crescimento fastidioso, além do emprego de técnicas de microbiologia básica, e de estudos de ultraestrutura. Os estudos de microbiologia básica indicaram que se tratava de um microrganismo fastidioso e que se desenvolvia melhor na presença do fungo em sistema de co-cultivo em meios contendo Tween 80 ou Tween 20. Por sua vez, a análise de ultraestrutura demonstrou a presença de estruturas pleomórficas, tanto internamente como externamente à hifa. Em relação ao “Ciclo completo de Análise do rRNA” este se iniciou pela amplificação e seqüenciamento de parte do rDNA bacteriano, que revelou a proximidade desta bactéria com o Complexo Burkholderia cepacia (CBC). A partir desta seqüência, foi realizado um estudo de bioinformática que indicou sondas específicas para este grupo de bactérias. Completando o Ciclo completo de Análise do rRNA, foram realizados ensaios de hibridização in situ fluorescente (FISH) para a confirmar a relação entre as estruturas bacterianas e a seqüência obtida. Este método comprovou a presença das bactérias no interior das hifas de P. ostreatus. Este trabalho constitui o primeiro relato de bactérias pleomórficas pertencente ao complexo B. cepacia associados a P. ostreatus. / The fungus Pleurotus ostreatus, which belongs to white rot basidiomycete group, is a widely cultivated mushroom; this species has high productivity and rusticity, besides its use in biobleaching and bioremediation processes. This biotechnological potential justifies microbial interaction studies between this fungi and others microorganisms. In P. ostreatus mycelia, it has been observed pleomorphic bacteria growing on agar media. This research describes several assays to confirm bacterial presence in this sample. Therefore, the full-cycle rRNA analysis (described for unculturable or fastidious microorganism), ultrastructure and basic microbiology approaches were employed. Basic microbiology approaches indicated slow growing bacteria, which grown faster near to fungi colonies in solid media amended with Tween 80 or Tween 20 (co-culture system). Ultrastructure studies confirm the presence of intracellular and extracellular pleomorphic bacteria. The full-cycle rRNA analysis started with 16S rDNA amplification and sequencing. This approach demonstrated a relation between these bacteria with Burkholderia cepacia complex. By bioinformatics analysis was determinate which DNA probes can be use to identified this bacterial group. The last step for full-cycle rRNA analysis was applying fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). This technique confirmed the relationship between 16S rDNA bacterial sequence and bacterial forms. This is the first time that a pleomorphic bacteria from B. cepacia complex is found associated with P. ostreatus.

Ingénierie, photophysique et fonctionnalisation de chromophores pour la bio-photonique non linéaire in-vivo / Engineering, photophysique and functionalization of chromophores for in-vivo and non-linear bio-photonic

Mettra, Bastien 19 November 2015 (has links)
L’utilisation de chromophores absorbant à deux photons (ADP) pour des applications en photothérapie dynamique (PDT) et en imagerie de fluorescence présente de nombreux avantages. Les propriétés non-linéaires de ces chromophores permettent notamment d’améliorer la longueur de pénétration dans les organismes vivants ainsi que la résolution. Pour des applications in-vivo la biocompatibilité de ces chromophores lipophiles doit aussi se poser. Une étude d’ingénierie pour le développement de chromophores pour la PDT-ADP en utilisant des atomes de brome comme groupe générateur d’oxygène singulet est décrite. Différents paramètres dont le nombre et la position des atomes de brome sur la chaîne carbonée, la longueur de conjugaison, la géométrie des chromophores ont été étudiés. Cette étude permet de mettre en évidence l’importance de la position des substituants bromes et de la symétrie sur le rendement de croisement inter-système.Les observations spectroscopiques faites lors de l’étude d’ingénierie ont permis de développer des chromophores pour la microscopie de fluorescence à deux photons. La biocompatibilité est apportée grâce à un polymère d’(hydroxyethyl)acrylate. Ce polymère permet de créer une coquille hydrosolubilisante covalente. Ces chromophores ont été utilisés pour faire de l’imagerie de vascularisation cérébrale de haute résolution. Une observation particulière sur un chromophore, marquage des cellules endothéliales des parois des vaisseaux sanguins intravitaux ainsi que les applications en résultant sont présentées. Des stratégies visant l’amélioration de la sélectivité des systèmes polymères/chromophores pour des applications intravitales, comme le traitement des tumeurs cancéreuses sont décrites. Une stratégie de modification des fonctions hydroxy des chaînes polymères par des groupements imidazoliums est présentée. L’étude de complexation des polymères avec l’ADN et les études spectroscopiques in-cellulo ont été réalisées. / The use of two-photon absorbing (TPA) chromophore for applications in photodynamic therapy (PDT) and fluorescence imaging provides many advantages. The non-linear properties make it possible to increase both observation depth in animals and 3D resolution. Nevertheless, for in-vivo applications, improving bio-compatibility of these inherently lipophilic chromophore is a challenge. The development of new chromophores for PDT-TPA using a molecular engineering approach using bromide substituents as singlet oxygen generators is described. Parameters like position and number of bromide, the conjugated length and chromophore symmetry are studied. The study shows the importance of bromide atom position and of the symmetry on the inter system crossing efficiency. During the engineering study, spectroscopic observation and rationalization permit to envision the design of new chromophores for two photon laser scanning fluorescent microscopy. Bio-compatibility of these chromophores is provided by (hydroxyethyl)acrylate polymer, which provides a covalent water-soluble shell. These chromophores are used to make high resolution image of cerebral vascularization. One of these chromophores shows intravital specific interaction with endothelial cells in blood vessels. Some applications of the chromophore are described. Strategies to increase the intravital selectivity of polymer/chromophores units towards cancer cells and tumor are presented. A modification of hydroxyl function by imidazolium group is described. This new chromophore is evaluated towards its complexation properties with DNA and in cellulo spectroscopic studies.

Volumetric HiLo microscopy employing an electrically tunable lens

Philipp, Katrin, Smolarski, André, Koukourakis, Nektarios, Fischer, Andreas, Stürmer, Moritz, Wallrabe, Ulrike, Czarske, Jürgen W. 11 October 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Electrically tunable lenses exhibit strong potential for fast motion-free axial scanning in a variety of microscopes. However, they also lead to a degradation of the achievable resolution because of aberrations and misalignment between illumination and detection optics that are induced by the scan itself. Additionally, the typically nonlinear relation between actuation voltage and axial displacement leads to over- or under-sampled frame acquisition in most microscopic techniques because of their static depth-of-field. To overcome these limitations, we present an Adaptive-Lens-High-and-Low-frequency (AL-HiLo) microscope that enables volumetric measurements employing an electrically tunable lens. By using speckle-patterned illumination, we ensure stability against aberrations of the electrically tunable lens. Its depth-of-field can be adjusted a-posteriori and hence enables to create flexible scans, which compensates for irregular axial measurement positions. The adaptive HiLo microscope provides an axial scanning range of 1 mm with an axial resolution of about 4 μm and sub-micron lateral resolution over the full scanning range. Proof of concept measurements at home-built specimens as well as zebrafish embryos with reporter gene-driven fluorescence in the thyroid gland are shown.

Nucleic acid analysis tools : Novel technologies and biomedical applications

Hernández-Neuta, Iván January 2017 (has links)
Nucleic acids are fundamental molecules of living organisms functioning essentially as the molecular information carriers of life. From how an organism is built to how it responds to external conditions, all of it, can be found in the form of nucleic acid sequences inside every single cell of every life form on earth. Therefore, accessing these sequences provides key information regarding the molecular identity and functional state of any living organism, this is very useful for areas like biomedicine, where accessing and understanding these molecular signatures is the key to develop strategies to understand, treat and diagnose diseases. Decades of research and technological advancements have led to the development of a number of molecular tools and engineering technologies that allow accessing the information contained in the nucleic acids. This thesis provides a general overview of the tools and technologies available for nucleic acid analysis, and proposes an illustrative concept on how molecular tools and emergent technologies can be combined in a modular fashion to design methods for addressing different biomedical questions. The studies included in this thesis, are focused on the particular use of the molecular tools named: padlock and selector probes, rolling circle amplification, and fluorescence detection of single molecules in combination with microfluidics and portable microscopy. By using this combination, it became possible to design and demonstrate novel approaches for integrated nucleic acid analysis, inexpensive digital quantification, mobile-phone based diagnostics and the description of viral infections. These studies represent a step forward towards the adoption of the selected group of tools and technologies, for the design and building of methods that can be used as powerful alternatives to conventional tools used in molecular diagnostics and virology. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript.</p>

Suivi quantitatif in situ d'interactions biomoléculaire par microscopie optique SEEC / In situ quantitative monitoring of biomolecular interactions by Surface Enhanced Ellipsometric Contrast (SEEC) microscopy

Roussille, Ludovic 19 June 2012 (has links)
La microscopie SEEC (Surface Enhanced Ellipsometric Contrast) est une technique inventée au mans, il y a une dizaine d’années. Elle permet de visualiser des objets de taille nanoscopique entre polariseur et analyseur croisés en utilisant les propriétés non dépolarisantes de surfaces multicouches. Jusqu’au début de la thèse, seules des observations à l’air étaient possibles. Le but de cette thèse a consisté à adapter cette technique à l’observation in-situ d’objets en immersion dans l’eau.Pour cela, il a fallu inventer de nouvelles surfaces propres à ce nouveau milieu. Les calculs ont montrés que des surfaces fines d’or révélaient un bon contraste pour des objets de 1 nm en immersion dans l’eau. Expérimentalement, nous avons montré que pour exploiter au maximum le contraste SEEC, il est nécessaire de modifier l’éclairage. En parallèle de ces travaux expérimentaux, de nouveaux calculs ont montrés que l’utilisation d’épaisseurs encore plus fines permettait de visualiser ces objets avec un bon contraste et sans aucune modification de l’éclairage. Nous avons appelé cette nouvelle technique : la microscopie CONE. Nous avons découvert deux modes de mesure. Après avoir réalisé des fonctionnalisations homogènes et hétérogènes des surfaces d’or. Ces surfaces ont été utilisées en résonance plasmonique de surface (SPR) pour l’étude de fixation de protéine (adsorption et immobilisation) puis d’interaction protéine/protéine. Ces expériences ont ensuite servies de référence pour évaluer les microscopies SEEC et CONE. Par cela, nous avons prouvé que ces microscopies présentent de forts intérêts pour la détection in-situ de protéines avec un faible coût. / This thesis was supported by National Agency for Research with the project: ANR PNANO-07 SEEC. The Surface Enhanced Ellipsometric Contrast (SEEC) microscopy has invented in 2000 at Le Mans (France). This technique allows the visualization of nanoscopic object between crossed analyzer and polarizer. It’s possible if some special multilayer surfaces are used. There surfaces must have the particularity to not change the polarization of light during the reflection. Until the beginning of the project the SEEC microscopy was useful only for air observations. The goal of the thesis was to adapt this technique to observe on gold surfaces immerged in water and to compare the performance of the SEEC microscopy with Surface Plasmonique Resonance (SPR) in that configuration. The SPR is a biomolecular interaction study reference technique. SEEC microscopy lateral resolution was evaluate by fluorescence microscopy. Next, we realize two model experiments monitor in parallel by SEEC microscopy and by SPR: BSA immobilization and biotinylated IgG fixation by immobilized streptavidine. To compare measurements efficiently we did a huge preparation work (surface functionalizations and microfluidic) to have exactly same conditions in both techniques.Our results show SEEC microscopy cannot replace SPR for biomolecular interaction studies but it can be used as cheap immunological diagnostic technique. This work gives the path to follow on that direction.

Volumetric HiLo microscopy employing an electrically tunable lens

Philipp, Katrin, Smolarski, André, Koukourakis, Nektarios, Fischer, Andreas, Stürmer, Moritz, Wallrabe, Ulrike, Czarske, Jürgen W. 11 October 2017 (has links)
Electrically tunable lenses exhibit strong potential for fast motion-free axial scanning in a variety of microscopes. However, they also lead to a degradation of the achievable resolution because of aberrations and misalignment between illumination and detection optics that are induced by the scan itself. Additionally, the typically nonlinear relation between actuation voltage and axial displacement leads to over- or under-sampled frame acquisition in most microscopic techniques because of their static depth-of-field. To overcome these limitations, we present an Adaptive-Lens-High-and-Low-frequency (AL-HiLo) microscope that enables volumetric measurements employing an electrically tunable lens. By using speckle-patterned illumination, we ensure stability against aberrations of the electrically tunable lens. Its depth-of-field can be adjusted a-posteriori and hence enables to create flexible scans, which compensates for irregular axial measurement positions. The adaptive HiLo microscope provides an axial scanning range of 1 mm with an axial resolution of about 4 μm and sub-micron lateral resolution over the full scanning range. Proof of concept measurements at home-built specimens as well as zebrafish embryos with reporter gene-driven fluorescence in the thyroid gland are shown.

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