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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Porovnání výsledků modální analýzy desky plošných spojů dosažených výpočtovým a experimentálním modelováním / Printed Circuit Board Modal Analysis Results Comparison from Experimental and Computational Modeling

Oplt, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Modal analysis of printed circuit board results, gained from computional and experimental modeling, have been compared. Anylyses have been performed on dummy boards (models without electronic components), created as one-layered at first, then as three-layered PCB. Board is usually clamped by its longer edges with wedgelock. In order to enable the realization of boundary conditions in computional and experimental modeling, real clamping has been simplified to simply supported. Computional models have used FEM elements, which are comomnly used in this type of problem. Determined results have been evaluated by comparing the experimental modeling results. Models‘ sensitivity on modification of element length and number of elements through thickness have been performed.

Strukturella förbättringar av en markstabiliseringsmast

Skog, Axel January 2021 (has links)
This report has examined the possibilities of stiffening and strengthening a ground stabilization mast, in a way that a small production company can manufacture. The soil stabilization technique in question is Jet-Grouting also called injection drilling, which involves drilling to the desired depth and then letting high-pressure water jets mixed with filling mass to erode the surrounding soil mass and form pillars below the ground surface. The study intends to explore the possibility of placing a simplified model in the simulation program ANSYS that uses the finite element method (FEM) to obtain its results. The product development method described by Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger in the book "Product Design and Development" is then used to produce improvement proposals that will strengthen the mast. The purpose of this study was to identify the strength of a ground stabilization mast and then produce and present an improvement proposal, based on the rotation head that is now mounted on the ground stabilization mast. This rotary head is named "RH24X HP 67 TS" and is produced by Eurodrill, and it generates a maximum torque of 24 kNm. The simulations on the mast with the given torque resulted in the highest stress of 158 MPa to which the mast body was exposed to. With the design that the mast current design, it entails a 2.3 factor of safety, which is considered acceptable since the recommended factor of safety for this type of heavy machine is about 2 (Khan, et al., 2016). When the torque was increased to the limit of the mast, i.e., when the factor of safety is close to 1, it resulted in a maximum torque of 54 kNm. Mounting a rotary head with a torque of 54 kNm is therefore not recommended due to the low safety margin that it would entail. Market research has been done and the proposals presented in this study presents similar manufactures and series as of the current rotary head. The recommended rotary heads come from the Eurodrill X-series and are called "RH32X HP 67 TS" and it produces a maximum torque of 32 kNm, alternatively "RH 4300 HP 48 TSS" which produces a torque of 34 kNm. The improvement proposals presented in this report are developed by evaluating the results of the simulations performed and then identifying the weakest areas. Then, based on the product development method, generate a proposal that can stiffen and strengthen the ground stabilization mast. The improvement proposal on the cradle showed with the rotary head "RH24X HP 67 TS" a 4.8 factor of safety, compared to the current cradle which has a 2.6 factor of safety, it is almost a doubling in strength. A new design of trusses was presented and resulted in a 35% increase in rigidity without the need to add any new material. This means that by re-examining the structure of the truss you can strengthen and possibly check the rigidity of the mast, which among other things leads to better manoeuvrability without any real extra costs being needed. / Denna rapport har undersökt möjligheterna att styva och styrka upp en markstabiliseringsmast på ett sätt som ett mindre produktionsföretag klarar av att tillverka. Markstabiliseringstekniken i fråga är Jet-Grouting även kallad injiceringsborrning, som går ut på att man borrar till önskat djup för att sedan låta högtrycksvattenjetstrålar blandat med fyllnadsmassa erodera den kringliggande jordmassan och bilda pelare under markytan. Studien ämnar utforska möjligheten med att placera en förenklad modell i simuleringsprogrammet ANSYS som använder finit elementmetod (FEM) för att få fram sina resultat. Därefter används produktutvecklingsmetoden som beskrivs av Karl T. Ulrich och Steven D. Eppinger i boken ”Product Design and Development”, för att ta fram förbättringsförslag som ska styrka upp masten.   Studien har haft som syfte att ta reda på hållfastheten hos en markstabiliseringsmast och sedan ta fram och presentera ett förbättringsförslag, utifrån det rotationshuvud som nu är monterat på markstabiliseringsmasten. Detta rotationshuvud har benämningen ”RH24X HP 67 TS” och är producerad av Eurodrill och genererar ett maximalt vridmoment på 24 kNm. Simuleringarna på masten med det givna vridmomentet resulterade i den högsta spänningen på 158 MPa som mastkroppen utsattes för. Med det utförande som masten är idag medför det en 2,3 säkerhetsfaktor, vilket är anses vara acceptabelt eftersom den rekommenderade säkerhetsfaktorn för denna typ av tungmaskin ligger på cirka 2 (Khan, et al., 2016).  När man sedan ökade vridmomentet till mastens bristgräns, det vill säga när säkerhetsfaktorn tangerar 1, resulterade det i ett maximalt vridmoment på 54 kNm. Att montera ett rotationshuvud med ett vridmoment på 54 kNm är därför inte att rekommendera på grund av den låga säkerhetsmarginalen som det skulle innebära. Därför presenteras förslag på rotationshuvuden som masten kan klara av, genom en marknadsundersökning gjord på liknade tillverkare och serier som dagens rotationshuvud. De rotationshuvud som rekommenderas kommer från Eurodrill X-serie och heter ”RH32X HP 67 TS” och den producerar ett maximalt vridmoment på 32 kNm, alternativt ”RH 4300 HP 48 TSS” som producerar ett vridmoment på 34 kNm.  Förbättringsförslagen som presenteras i denna rapport är framtagna genom att utvärdera resultaten av de utförda simuleringarna och sedan identifiera de svagaste områdena. Därefter genereras förslag utifrån produktutvecklingsmetoden som kan styva och stärka upp markstabiliseringsmasten. Förbättringsförslaget på släden visade med rotationshuvudet ”RH24X HP 67 TS” en 4,8 säkerhetsfaktor, jämfört med den nuvarande släden som har en 2,6 säkerhetsfaktor vilket är nästan en fördubbling i hållfasthet. En ny design av fackverk presenterades och resulterade i 35 % ökad styvhet utan att behöva addera något nytt material. Det innebär att man genom att ompröva fackverkets struktur kan stärka och eventuellt kontrollera mastens styvhet, vilket bland annat leder till bättre manövrerbarhet utan några egentliga extra kostnader behövs.

Methoden und Herausforderungen bei der numerischen Simulation des selektiven Laserschmelzens (SLM)

Lüder, Stephan, Graf, Marcel, Awiszus, Birgit, Taufek, Thoufeili, Manurung, Yupiter HP 05 July 2019 (has links)
Additive Fertigungsverfahren stellen in den letzten Jahren einen Megatrend dar, da sich mit diesen Verfahren endkonturnahe Werkstücke mit hohem Materialausnutzungsgrad herstellen lassen. Die auch als 3D-Druck bekannt gewordenen additiven Fertigungsverfahren sind jedoch nicht auf die Prototypenfertigung aus Kunststoffen begrenzt. Beim selektiven Laserschmelzen werden metallische Werkstoffe im Pulverbettverfahren mittels Laserstrahl aufgeschmolzen und somit schichtweise aufgebaut. Das Verfahren findet bereits in der Luft- und Raumfahrt, der Medizintechnik, aber auch in der Automobilindustrie und im Maschinenbau Anwendung für Prototypen, Einzelanfertigungen oder Kleinstserien. Des Weiteren ermöglicht es auch die Herstellung von Werkstücken mit besonders hoher Komplexität, die mit spanenden Verfahren nicht herstellbar sind, und bietet dadurch neue Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten bei der Konstruktion. Innerhalb des Vortrags werden nach der Vorstellung des Verfahrens verschiedene Methoden zur numerischen Simulation des selektiven Laserschmelzens von Edelstahl (1.4404) am Beispiel der kommerziellen Software Simufact Additive erläutert. Dazu werden der mechanische und thermo-mechanische Lösungsansatz betrachtet sowie die Methode zur Kalibrierung der Simulationen erläutert. Die Erläuterung eines voll transienten thermo-mechanischen Ansatzes erfolgt unter Verwendung der Software MSC Marc. Des Weiteren wird der Einfluss der Orientierung des Werkstücks im Herstellungsprozess auf resultierende Spannungen, Verzug sowie mechanische Eigenschaften analysiert und mit experimentellen Untersuchungen untersetzt.

Numerical study of solidification and thermal-mechanical behaviors in a continuous caster

John Lawrence Resa (9749204) 16 December 2020 (has links)
This work includes the development of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) and finite element analysis (FEA) models to investigate fluid flow , solidification, and stress in the shell within the mold during continuous casting. The flow and solidification simulation is validated using breakout shell measurements provided by an industrial collaborator. The shell can be obtained by the solidification model and used in a FEA stress model. The stress model was validated by former research related to stress within a solidifying body presented by Koric and Thomas. The work also includes the application of these two models with a transient solidification model and a carbon percentage investigation on both solidification and deformation.

Konstruktion av ett kapningsverktyg för pappersreglar / Design of a tool for cutting paper bars

Hammarström (Gimleström), Dag January 2020 (has links)
Start-up företaget Wood Tube har utvecklat en ny typ av miljövänlig byggregel gjord av papper. Pappersreglar är en ny produkt som ännu inte finns på marknaden, men som kan komma att innebära stora fördelar för byggindustrin och snickare i fråga om pris, miljövänlighet och förbättrad arbetsmiljö. Det tänkta användningsområdet är att ersätta plåtreglar som ram i icke-bärande innerväggar, men det finns även stor potential i andra applikationer, såsom i möbler. Pappersreglarna tillverkas i standardlängder och ska kapas på plats ute på det aktuella bygget, i dagsläget genom sågning.  Detta projekt går ut på att utveckla ett specialanpassat kapningsverktyg som ska möjliggöra en enkel och smidig kapning av dessa reglar, i syfte att göra lösningen mer attraktiv för potentiella kunder. Inom detta projekt har enklare tester utförts som indikerar att klippning är den metod med störst möjlighet till måluppfyllelse. En kravspecifikation har tagits fram och innefattar bland annat att verktyget ska drivas utan el, vara portabelt, ej avge sågspån, motstå korrosion och kunna klippa pappersreglar av olika dimensioner.   Ett klippande sax-koncept väljs efter nyttjande av systematiska metoder för konceptgenerering och urval. Mycket inspiration till verktyget hämtas från konkurrentanalys av en grensax med kugg-utväxling av märket Fiskars. Egna tester har utförts för att ta reda på pappersreglarnas klippbarhet och kapningsverktygets tänkta lastfall. Konstruktionsarbetet utförs med Brain-Aided-Design (BAD), Pen-Aided-Design (PAD) och Computer-Aided-Design (CAD), och inkluderar även riskanalyser (FMEA) samt hållfasthetsberäkningar. Slutligen har ett specialiserat kapningsverktyg utvecklats för att snabbt och enkelt kunna klippa miljövänliga pappersreglar från Wood Tube. / Wood Tube is a start-up company with a new invention, environmental-friendly building bars made out of paper. The product is not yet available on the market, but these bars are likely to be a lot cheaper and easier to use for carpenters when building drywall, where the bars will replace the commonly used plate metal bars for framing. These bars are manufactured in standard lengths and are supposed to be cut on site to fit the local application. As of now they are sawn with a hand saw.  This project is about developing a new specialized cutting-tool for easy and fast cutting of the Wood Tube paper bars, with the idea that a customised tool will make the paper bars even more attractive to carpenters and other potential customers.  Tests indicate that cutting with shear-blades is the cutting method with the highest probability to meet the product requirements, which include requirements such as the tool being manually powered, highly portable, does not produce sawdust, is resistant to corrosion and being able to cut paper bars of different dimensions. Using systematic methods for generating concepts and the final selection, this results in a handheld scissors-concept, similar to a lopper. A lot of inspiration for the tool has come from the benchmarking of a lopper with gears  from the brand Fiskars. Tests have been performed to determine the cuttability of the paper bars, as well as to predict the loads which will be exerted on the cutting tool. The cutting tool is designed using the methods Brain-Aided-Design (BAD), Pen-Aided-Design (PAD) and Computer-Aided-Design (CAD), along with calculations for tool-strength and risk-analysis (FMEA).  The end result are blueprints for a tool which has been specifically developed for cutting paper bars from Wood Tube.

Comparative Cranial Ecomorphology and Functional Morphology of SemiaquaticFaunivorous Crurotarsans

Holloway, Waymon L. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The Structural Suitability of Tensegrity Aircraft Wings

Mills, Austin Shelley 22 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

A Constitutive Model for Crushable Polymer Foams Used in Sandwich Panels: Theory and FEA Application

Tong, Xiaolong 25 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Methodology for Obtaining S-N Curves using Fatigue Testing and Static FEA

Anderfelt, Filip, Äse, David January 2022 (has links)
The use of recommended S-N curves, presented in current literature, to analyse and determine the fatigue life of a part is common practice in, inter alia, the construction industry.However, the recommended S-N curves are generally created for larger components used in mainly the construction industry. Hence, the use of S-N curves for the evaluation of smaller parts, may result in over-dimensioning of such parts. For this reason, evaluation and designing of smaller parts could benefit from the development of an in house S-N curve specific for the part. The purpose of this thesis is to generate and validate an in-house method for creating a S-N curve, for a specific part to be compared with recommended S-N curves in the literature. The specific part used for the generating of the method is a welded steel joint with the geometry of two steel pipes, welded together in a t-formation and which has been provided by Thule AB for the purpose of the thesis. The method presented uses the results from 1) physical fatigue tests using a fatigue testing machine and 2) static FEA to derive a S-N curve for the specific part using the least squares method. A fatigue testing rig enables the gathering of data of the number of cycles to failure when the part is subject to a given cyclic load. The rig uses pneumatics to control the forces applied onto the part with the use of a cylinder. Furthermore, the fatigue testing rig was designed to be controlled by the applied force, meaning, that the rig ensured a homogeneous load cycle by measuring the force from a load cell and alternating the direction of the cylinder with an electrically controlled pressure valve. The performance of static FEA evaluations aim at locating stresses in the part. For this thesis the stresses were evaluated using the hot spot method due to the part's welded geometry. The data gathered from the physical fatigue tests and the static FEA evaluations are subsequently combined deriving S-N curves applicable to the part. From the fatigue tests and FEA evaluations for the t-shaped welded steel part, four S-N curves were derived of which two curves showed the results of a linear fitted curve whereas the other curves used the recommended slope of $-1/3$. The results showed that the S-N curves derived, using a set slope, resulted in similar curves to the recommended S-N curve provided by the literature. However, the linear fitted S-N curve showed that the part, according to the S-N curve, had a higher fatigue resistance than recommended.  Due to limitations in the thesis work, the S-N curves derived within the framework of this thesis should be regarded as theoretical and have been strictly used to identify whether the method generated is applicable for deriving of S-N curves.

Numerical Modeling of Blast-Induced Liquefaction

Lee, Wayne Yeung 13 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
A research study has been conducted to simulate liquefaction in saturated sandy soil induced by nearby controlled blasts. The purpose of the study is to help quantify soil characteristics under multiple and consecutive high-magnitude shock environments similar to those produced by large earthquakes. The simulation procedure involved the modeling of a three-dimensional half-space soil region with pre-defined, embedded, and strategically located explosive charges to be detonated at specific time intervals. LS-DYNA, a commercially available finite element hydrocode, was the solver used to simulate the event. A new geo-material model developed under the direction of the U.S. Federal Highway Administration was applied to evaluate the liquefaction potential of saturated sandy soil subjected to sequential blast environments. Additional procedural enhancements were integrated into the analysis process to represent volumetric effects of the saturated soil's transition from solid to liquid during the liquefaction process. Explosive charge detonation and pressure development characteristics were modeled using proven and accepted modeling techniques. As explosive charges were detonated in a pre-defined order, development of pore water pressure, volumetric (compressive) strains, shear strains, and particle accelerations were carefully computed and monitored using custom developed MathCad and C/C++ routines. Results of the study were compared against blast-test data gathered at the Fraser River Delta region of Vancouver, British Columbia in May of 2005 to validate and verify the modeling procedure's ability to simulate and predict blast-induced liquefaction events. Reasonable correlations between predicted and measured data were observed from the study.

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