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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cybersecurity awareness among Swedish young adults in usage of public Wi-Fi networks

Al Shakosh, Suhel January 2024 (has links)
The widespread availability of public Wi-Fi has significantly impacted how young adults in Sweden access the Internet for various purposes, including social interactions, academic activities, and entertainment. However, this convenience comes with substantial cybersecurity risks. This study aims to explore and understand the awareness level among young adults regarding cybersecurity threats when utilizing public Wi-Fi and to delve into the measures and strategies employed by young adults to safeguard themselves from these identified threats. The root problem addressed in this study is the potential gap in cybersecurity awareness and protective behaviors among young adults who frequently use public Wi-Fi. Understanding this gap is crucial for developing effective educational initiatives and security practices that can mitigate the risks involved. To investigate this issue, a qualitative research method was employed, involving semi-structured interviews with ten participants, balanced in gender. The interviews aimed to gather in-depth insights into the participants' motivations for using public Wi-Fi, their awareness of cybersecurity risks, and the measures they take to protect themselves. Utilizing semi-structured interviews with ten participants, the study reveals a diverse range of awareness and behaviors. While some participants demonstrate a strong understanding of cyber threats and employ proactive measures such as using VPNs and antivirus software, others show only a cursory awareness and engage in risky behaviors due to a lack of knowledge or disregard for potential threats. This variation highlights a disparity in how young adults approach cybersecurity when using public Wi-Fi. The study underscores a need for targeted educational initiatives to enhance protective practices among this demographic, which could inform future cybersecurity policies and educational programs. By focusing on increasing cybersecurity awareness and promoting better security habits, the risks associated with public Wi-Fi usage can be better managed, thereby helping to protect the digital lives of young individuals in Sweden.

Återbruk och återgivning : Om att finna det nya i det gamla och det imaginära ur det materiella

Hillborg, Linus January 2021 (has links)
Detta arbete består av ett antal verk skapade med olika återbrukade teknologier och de kompositionsmetoder som uppstår till följd av deras begränsningar, samt en text som behandlar verken utifrån några definitioner av mediearkeologisk konstnärlig praktik som föreslagits av medieteoretikern Jussi Parikka. Verken – Orphan Works, Magelungsverket och Temporal Canons: No. 1 - 3 – utgör den konstnärliga delen av arbetet. Texten tar även upp tankar om bl.a. mitt eget användande av teknik och betydelsen det haft för mitt skapande, att finna det suggestiva genom att utforska det materiella i skapandet, sociala och ekologiska aspekter av automatisering och moderna musikteknologier, olika nivåer av återbruk i konstnärligt syfte, alternativa historier och imaginära medier, konstverks livslängd under snabb teknikutveckling samt ljudåtergivning i relation till dessa.

Undersökning och validering av lågprissystem för kraftmätning : Hur bra kan en Wii Balance Board bli med ny elektronik? / Analysis and validation of low-price system for force measurement : How good can a Wii Balance Board become with new electronics?

Mustafa, Rahand January 2024 (has links)
Behovet för kraftplattor idag växer inom idrotts- och sportsammanhang såväl som inom medicinska sektorn. Problemet med majoriteten av kraftplattorna på marknaden idag är att de är dyra, samt stora och tunga. På Kungliga tekniska högskolans skola för medicinteknik och hälsosystem utvecklades en kraftplatteprototyp med Wii Balance Board i hopp om att vara billigare och kunna användas i medicinskt, terapeutiskt och idrottssyfte. Enligt konstruktören och uppdragsgivaren finns det ett behov att göra om denna prototyp genom att undersöka möjligheten till att använda komponenter som är billiga, tillgängliga för allmänheten men samtidigt är noggrann och pålitlig i mätningarna. I detta arbete undersöks möjligheterna samt konstrueras två prototyper för jämförelse och analys för att säkerställa pålitlighet och noggrannhet.  Två kraftplatteprototyper utvecklades, ena prototypen använde en HX711 som AD- omvandlare mellan lastcellerna på Wii Balance Boarden och ESP32 mikrokontrollern och den andra en AD7124-8 som AD-omvandlare mellan lastcellerna och ESP32 mikrokontrollern. Lastcellerna kopplades till dessa AD-omvandlare som sedan kopplades till en ESP32 mikrokontroller som tog emot datat och presenterade det i Arduino IDE samt i applikationen Blynk. Resultatet av arbetet visade att båda prototyperna är pålitliga och noggranna i viktmätningarna vid låga samplingsfrekvenser, men att AD7124-8 är betydligt mycket mer lämplig i idrott och medicinska syften på grund av dess höga samplingsfrekvens samt filtreringsalternativ för brus då det i dessa sammanhang är viktigt att kunna mäta snabba kraftförändringar. / The need for force plates is increasing today in the sports and medicine industry. The challenges with force plates are the price point and the immobility of them, they are often big and heavy. A force plate prototype with a Wii Balance Board was developed at Royal Institute of Technology’s school for biomedical engineering and health systems with the hope of achieving a cheaper solution that could be used in medical research and the sports industry. According to the constructor of the force plate prototype, there is a need to redo this prototype by doing research of using cheaper and more readily available components but at the same time be precise and trustworthy in measurements. The possibilities are evaluated in this work and two prototypes are constructed.  Two force plate prototypes were constructed, one of them used a HX711 AD-converter between the load cells of the Wii Balance Board and the ESP32 microcontroller and the other prototype used a AD7124-8. The load cells connected to the AD-converters and then to the ESP32 which showed the output values in the serial monitor of Arduino IDE and in the Blynk app. The results of the tests conducted showed that both prototypes provided a reliable and precise measurement of weight at low sample rates. But that the AD7124-8 was considerably more suitable for medicine research and sports research due to its capability to sample at high frequencies and noise filtering options, which is crucial when wanting to detect rapid changes in force.

Etude par simulation et mesure d'un système d'exposition d'animaux aux ondes radioélectriques induites par les systèmes wi-fi

Wu, Tongning 20 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse consiste en la conception et l'analyse d'un système d'exposition des animaux in vivo avec les signaux Wi-Fi dans une chambre réverbérante. La nouvelle méthode d'excitation est appliquée avec 6 antennes qui fonctionnent aléatoirement pour avoir un champ plus homogène et des ondes venant de toutes les directions. Cette configuration permet d'éviter une grande taille du brasseur de la chambre réalisée. La répartition de puissance chez les rats est étudiée par la méthode hybride de simulation-mesure. La puissance incidente est enregistrée de même que le champ au centre de la chambre. Le rapport de la puissance incidente sur E carré moyenné est déterminé. La méthode FDTD est choisie pour la simulation et permet d'analyser la répartition de la puissance absorbée par les rats. La distribution du champ dans la chambre suit une statistique de Rayleigh comme il a été prouvé par les études et les mesures. Donc, la boîte de Huygens est utilisée pour émettre des ondes planes aléatoires (avec les paramètres suivant distribution Rayleigh) et exposer les rats. On peut alors obtenir le rapport de DAS pour le corps entier chez les rats sur E carré moyenné dans la chambre. Donc il est possible de relier le DAS corps entier chez les rats et la puissance d'entrée dans la chambre à E carré moyenné. Une autre méthode de simulation est aussi appliquée pour vérifier ce résultat. L'évaluation de la variabilité des résultats pour plusieurs paramètres à différents âges des rats est effectuée. En générale, les sources de variabilité sont classifiées selon trois parties : simulation, mesure, et interface entre les deux. Le DAS corps entier chez les rats pendant toute la période d'exposition avec le domaine de variabilité sont présentés dans ce travail. Cette étude pourra être utilisée afin d'évaluer des résultats d'une exposition à long terme des animaux. Elle pourra aussi servir à caractériser le champ dans des environnements domestiques et urbains

Ultima Thule

Ivarsson, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
The graduation work Ultima Thule made up by four parts, the first one is a science fiction world buliding made up of scripts, notes and sketches, the second one is a science fiction comic book in the edition of 200 with the name Everything in one place, this is the first part of the Ultima Thule-world. The third part is this report with text explaining the work process, and the third part was the participation in the Konstfack Spring Exhibition, this is also described in the report. Ultima Thule is a narrative about the end of humanity set in three Swedish cities; Västerås, Uppsala and Stockholm.

Sobre sofística e filosofia no platônico Siriano Filoxeno, \"o isocrático\" / About sophistry and philosophy in the Platonic Syrianus Philoxenus, \"the isocratic\"

Sallum, Jorge Luiz Fahur 01 February 2013 (has links)
Apresentamos neste trabalho a tradução da primeira parte do Commentarium in Hermogenis librum PerÈ st.sewn, de Siriano Filoxeno, o isocrático. Na introdução procuramos circunscrever o gênero do comentário retórico às estases de Hermógenes, como praticado por filósofos platônicos durante os séculos III a VI d.C. Comisso pretendemos discorrer sobre como a sofística e a retórica se dão no currículo próprio das chamadas escolas filosóficas, que se evidencia pelo gênero encomiástico das vidas. Nessa operação, procuramos evidenciar como os filósofos platônicos interessam-se pela retórica declamatória, reaproximando os problemas que dizem respeito à invenção daqueles que concernem ao logos e a apreensão (kat.lhyic). Por fim, relativizamos, a partir da leitura do Comentário de Siriano, as categorias modernas que separam os filósofos platônicos da segunda sofística. / Here we present a translation of the rst part of the CommentariuminHermogenis librum PerÈ st^sewn, written by Syrianus Philoxenus, the isocratic. In the introduction we seek to circumscribe the rhetorical comment to stasis theory of Hermogenes a special kind of introductory work, as practiced by Platonic philosophers over the third to the sixth century. erewith, we intend to talk about how sophistry and rhetoric could happen in an curriculum, concerning the so called philosophical schools presented in the encomiastic gender of lifes. In this operation, we show how the Platonic philosophers rea>rm your interest in the declamatory rhetoric, reconnecting the problems that concern the invention (eÕresic) of those logos and his apprehension (kat^lhyic). Finally, from reading the Syrianus Commentary, we hope to relativize the modern categories that separate the Platonic philosophers from the Second Sophistic.

Sobre sofística e filosofia no platônico Siriano Filoxeno, \"o isocrático\" / About sophistry and philosophy in the Platonic Syrianus Philoxenus, \"the isocratic\"

Jorge Luiz Fahur Sallum 01 February 2013 (has links)
Apresentamos neste trabalho a tradução da primeira parte do Commentarium in Hermogenis librum PerÈ st.sewn, de Siriano Filoxeno, o isocrático. Na introdução procuramos circunscrever o gênero do comentário retórico às estases de Hermógenes, como praticado por filósofos platônicos durante os séculos III a VI d.C. Comisso pretendemos discorrer sobre como a sofística e a retórica se dão no currículo próprio das chamadas escolas filosóficas, que se evidencia pelo gênero encomiástico das vidas. Nessa operação, procuramos evidenciar como os filósofos platônicos interessam-se pela retórica declamatória, reaproximando os problemas que dizem respeito à invenção daqueles que concernem ao logos e a apreensão (kat.lhyic). Por fim, relativizamos, a partir da leitura do Comentário de Siriano, as categorias modernas que separam os filósofos platônicos da segunda sofística. / Here we present a translation of the rst part of the CommentariuminHermogenis librum PerÈ st^sewn, written by Syrianus Philoxenus, the isocratic. In the introduction we seek to circumscribe the rhetorical comment to stasis theory of Hermogenes a special kind of introductory work, as practiced by Platonic philosophers over the third to the sixth century. erewith, we intend to talk about how sophistry and rhetoric could happen in an curriculum, concerning the so called philosophical schools presented in the encomiastic gender of lifes. In this operation, we show how the Platonic philosophers rea>rm your interest in the declamatory rhetoric, reconnecting the problems that concern the invention (eÕresic) of those logos and his apprehension (kat^lhyic). Finally, from reading the Syrianus Commentary, we hope to relativize the modern categories that separate the Platonic philosophers from the Second Sophistic.

Feasibility of Ellipsometric Sensor Development for Use During PECVD SiOx Coated Polymer Product Manufacturing

Helms, Daniel Lynn 01 September 2009 (has links)
Polymeric materials have provided pathways to products that could not be manufactured otherwise. A new technology which merges the benefits of ceramics into these polymer products has created materials ideally suited to many different industries, like food packaging. Nano Scale Surface Systems, Inc. (NS3), a company which coats polymers with ceramic oxides like SiO2 through a process known as plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), was interested in the feasibility of an in line measurement system for monitoring the deposited films on various polymer products. This project examined two different coated polymer products, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) beverage containers and biaxially oriented PET food packaging, commonly known as plastic wrap in an effort to determine the feasibility of an ellipsometry based measurement system for NS3’s purpose. Due to its extensive use in the semiconductor industry for monitoring films deposited on silicon, a measurement systems known as ellipsometry, adept at monitoring the thickness and refractive index of thin films deposited on various substrates, appeared to be an ideal system for the measurement of ceramic oxides deposited on various polymer substrates. This project set out to determine the feasibility of using an ellipsometry based measurement system to monitor ceramic films, specifically silicon oxides (SiOX), deposited on polymer products. A preliminary experiment determined linearly polarized light could induce a discernible change in polarized light traversing a coated beverage container relative to an uncoated container. However, the experiment lacked repeatability due to the measurement apparatus’ cheap setup, prompting the construction of a null (conventional) ellipsometer for further research. The curved surface of the beverage containers under study unnecessarily complicated the feasibility study so further research examined PECVD SiOX on biaxially oriented PET instead. Characterization of the PECVD SiOX-PET material was divided into three experiments, with the first two analyzing the SiOX film and PET substrate separately while the third analyzed them together. To assist with the characterization experiments, NS3 provided samples, both SiOX coated and uncoated, of various deposition thicknesses on silicon and biaxially oriented PET substrates. Null ellipsometry was used in conjunction with spectroscopic reflectometry to characterize the refractive index and thickness of the deposited films. The combined measurement systems found the refractive index of the deposited SiOX films to be between 1.461 and 1.465. The measured thicknesses resulting from the two measurement systems coincided well and were usually 10-20 nm thicker than the predicted thicknesses by the deposition processing parameters. Abeles’ method and monochromatic goniometry were attempted; however, the results had to be discarded due to irrecoverable errors discovered in the reflectance measurement. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) data provided by NS3 showed the deposited SiOX films to be homogeneous with stoichiometries between 2.15 and 2.23. Characterization of the uncoated biaxially oriented PET required numerous measurement systems. From spectroscopic transmission, trirefringent anisotropy was discovered, intertwined with thickness variations in the PET foil. Goniometry measurements displayed distinct interference curves resulting from rear interface reflections interfering with front interface reflections from the PET sample. Subsequent goniometric models produced multiple solutions due to an unknown optical phenomenon, probably scattering, which degraded the reflection measurements. However, a combined measurement technique utilizing goniometry and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) determined the refractive indices of the polymer to be NX = 1.677, NY = 1.632 and NZ = 1.495 with a thickness of 11.343 μm and a volume fraction crystallinity of 35-41%. Utilizing the measured refractive indices, ellipsometric models produced only an adequate fit of the measured data due to the presence of depolarization caused by non-uniform PET thickness and scattering resulting from embedded microscopic crystallites. The majority of the error in the ellipsometric data was observed in the Δ measurement. XPS measurements of SiOX deposited on polypropylene (PP) provided by NS3 showed a heterogeneous interphase layer between the deposited oxide and the polymer substrate where the composition of the layer was continually changing. A similar region, which violates the homogenous assumption the ellipsometric model relied on, was anticipated for the SiOX-PET samples under investigation. The use of an effective medium approximation (EMA) to represent the interphase region was attempted, but failed to provide a decent model fit of the measured data. Depolarization and high optical anisotropy caused by the polymer substrate in combination with a heterogeneous interphase region and the effects of the deposited SiOX layer all interacted to prevent ellipsometric modelling of the null ellipsometry measurements conducted. Goniometry measurements were conducted on the thickest deposited SiOX film (approximately 100 nm) which allowed for the refractive index of the film to be approximated through Abeles’ method (n = 1.46); however the validity of this approximation was questionable given the presence of interference fringes resulting from interference between reflections at both the front and rear interfaces of the material. From the experiments conducted, it was concluded that null ellipsometry with conventional ellipsometric models could not adequately measure a SiOX film’s refractive index or thickness when deposited on biaxially oriented PET. The reasons for the failure were interactions between multiple sources of error which led to both measurement errors and inaccurate model assumptions. Use of generalized ellipsometry, possibly with spectroscopic ellipsometry, may overcome the failures of conventional ellipsometry when studying this complex optical material.

Simulating and prototyping software defined networking (sdn) using mininet approach to optimise host communication in realistic programmable networking environment optimise host communication in realistic programmable networking environment.

Zulu, Lindinkosi Lethukuthula 19 August 2019 (has links)
This is a Masters student Final Dissertation / In this project, two tests were performed. On the first test, Mininet-WiFi was used to simulate a Software Defined Network to demonstrate Mininet-WiFi’ s ability to be used as the Software Defined Network emulator which can also be integrated to the existing network using a Network Virtualized Function (NVF). A typical organization’s computer network was simulated which consisted of a website hosted on the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) virtual machine, and an F5 application delivery controller (ADC) which provided load balancing of requests sent to the web applications. A website page request was sent from the virtual stations inside Mininet-WiFi. The request was received by the application delivery controller, which then used round robin technique to send the request to one of the web servers on the LAMP virtual machine. The web server then returned the requested website to the requesting virtual stations using the simulated virtual network. The significance of these results is that it presents Mininet-WiFi as an emulator, which can be integrated into a real programmable networking environment offering a portable, cost effective and easily deployable testing network, which can be run on a single computer. These results are also beneficial to modern network deployments as the live network devices can also communicate with the testing environment for the data center, cloud and mobile provides. On the second test, a Software Defined Network was created in Mininet using python script. An external interface was added to enable communication with the network outside of Mininet. The amazon web services elastic computing cloud was used to host an OpenDaylight controller. This controller is used as a control plane device for the virtual switch within Mininet. In order to test the network, a webserver hosted on the Emulated Virtual Environment – Next Generation (EVENG) software is connected to Mininet. EVE-NG is the Emulated Virtual Environment for networking. It provides tools to be able to model virtual devices and interconnect them with other virtual or physical devices. The OpenDaylight controller was able to create the flows to facilitate communication between the hosts in Mininet and the webserver in the real-life network / The University of South Africa The University of Johannesburg / College of Engineering, Science and Technology

Etude géochimique et isotopique de l'infiltration sous climat tropical contrasté , massif du piton des neiges, Ile de la Réunion

Grünberger, Olivier 30 January 1989 (has links) (PDF)
L'étude chimiqueet isotonique des éléments dissous des eaux ce pluie, de l'eau du sol et des eaux souterraines permet la mise en évidence des caractères principaux da cycle hvdrique .sur une île *volcanique tropicale à climat contrasté comme ta Réunion. Ia variation des teneurs chimiques dans les pluies montre une influence marquée de la présence marine qui evolue avec le relief, La repartition des teneurs isotopiques des précipitations montre une distribution similaire en situation normale et fortement perturbée lors de Ia forte dépression tropicale Clotilda où ses teneurs sont très appauvries. Cette variation naturelle des teneurs, dueaux pluies à forte ascendance, constitue un signl que l'on s'est efforcé de retrouver dans l'eau des profils de sol* et dans les points d'eau. L'examen des teneurs des eaux dans îes sols montre, qu'en bas de pente, dans le secteur aride de l'île, se produit une évaporation irréductible alimentée par les nappes libres. dans les haut, sur les versants, Il se produit une infiltration que l'on a pu également quantifier. Les analyses chimiques et isotopiques des eaux souterraines montrent une minéralisarion globale est bien représentée,loin de l'océan, par la minéralisabbn carbonatée essentiellement d'origine orogénique. La composîtion cationique, des eaux reflète-les compositions chimiques des roches qu'elles ont lessivées. D'autre part, les circulations souterraines ne suivent pas obligatoirement la pente générale du volcan. Les aqurifères côtiers montrent une bydrochimie où l'influence marinie prédomine mais où apparait un pôle de mélange avec des teneurs chloruréé et sulfaté. L'analyse-des isotopes du carbone et des sulfates a permis de mettre en évidence -.me influence non négligeable de la culture de la canne à sucre avec des temps de transit des aquifêres probablement inférieurs à 35 ans. Les aquifères de ia côte ouest sont peu protégés de la pollution de bas de versant et toute mise en valeur de cette côte devra tenir compte de la sensibilité des aquitères aux sources de pollution.

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