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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O Estado como acionista controlador / The state as controlling shareholder

Pinto Junior, Mario Engler 23 June 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho acadêmico procura construir um referencial teórico baseado no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro para definir o papel da empresa estatal no mundo contemporâneo. Trata-se do ponto de partida para compreender a atuação do Estado como acionista controlador e as regras de convivência com acionistas privados em posição minoritária e com outros grupos de interesse afetados pela atividade empresarial. A abordagem do tema apóia-se na idéia central de que toda empresa estatal está investida de uma missão pública, explícita ou implicitamente incorporada no objeto social, que varia conforme a natureza da atividade exercida e está sujeita a adaptações ao longo do tempo. A missão pública coexiste com a finalidade lucrativa inerente ao modelo de companhia e serve para condicionar a ação do Estado enquanto acionista controlador e dos administradores, dando conteúdo a seus deveres fiduciários. / This dissertation aims at establishing a theoretical framework according to Brazilian law to identify the role of state-owned enterprise in contemporary world. This is the first step to understand what the governments behavior should be as a controlling shareholder and the legal rules applied to its relationship with equity investors and others stakeholders. The approach is based on the assumption that every state-owned enterprise has a public mission implicitly or explicitly included in its bylaws objectives. The public mission varies according to the nature of the business and should be redefined from time to time to keep adherence to the external environment. The public mission coexists with the companys profit scope and guides the States actions, as well as those of directors and officers. For that reason the public mission is embedded in their fiduciary duties.

Le dessaisissement en droit privé : étude de droit civil et de droit des affaires / Divestment in private law : a civil and business law study

Désert, Marc 20 December 2018 (has links)
Le dessaisissement est une notion aux contours incertains, comme en témoignent la diversité de ses occurrences et les domaines variés dans lesquels il évolue. A l’étude, il semble qu’il puisse être conçu de manière autonome comme étant la mesure, judiciaire ou contractuelle, par laquelle le titulaire d’un droit voit celui-ci amputé de tout ou partie des pouvoirs qui y sont attachés, ceux qui lui sont ainsi retirés étant transférés à une autre personne, le saisi, qui les exerce seul ou conjointement avec lui, le dessaisi. Le dessaisissement est principalement mis en œuvre par deux techniques : la représentation judiciaire et le transfert fiduciaire. Il y est chaque fois animé par une double idée. D’un côté, la réponse à un souci de compétence et d’efficacité juridique, qui impose de circonscrire les cas dans lesquels le dessaisissement peut être judiciairement imposé ou contractuellement consenti. D’un autre côté, la protection du dessaisi. La mesure confère au saisi des pouvoirs attachés à des droits dont il n’est pas titulaire. Ce transfert présente le risque de permettre au saisi de conclure des actes qui engagent le dessaisi, sans que ce dernier ne puisse en être, seul, valablement l'auteur. Tout cela mérite de prêter attention à la manière dont le dessaisissement est mis en œuvre, exécuté, contrôlé et cesse. Mais la dualité de la notion de dessaisissement empêche l’unification parfaite de son régime. / Divestment is a concept with uncertain contours, as evidenced by the diversity of its examples and the various fields in which it evolves. In the study, it seems that an autonomous notion of divestment emerges as the measure, judicial or contractual, by which the holder of a right sees that right removed of all or part of the powers attached to it. Those powers being transferred to another person, the granted person, who exercises them alone or jointly with the divested. Divestment is mainly implemented by two techniques: judicial representation and fiduciary assignment. It is always driven by a double idea. On the one hand, the concern for competence and legal efficiency which requires that the cases in which divestment may be judicially imposed or contractually consented be limited. On the other hand, the protection of the divested of his powers. This measure confers on a person, the person granted, the powers attached to the rights of which he or she is not the holder. This transfer presents the risk of allowing the person to whom the powers are granted to act in a way which binds the divested, without the latter being the sole and valid author. All this merits attention to the way in which divestment is implemented, executed, controlled and terminated. The duality of the notion of prevents a one-size-fits-all solution to its implementation.

Garantia fiduciária de direitos de crédito na recuperação judicial do fiduciante

Ferreira, Bruno Valladão Guimarães 03 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruno Valladao Guimaraes Ferreira.pdf: 1578157 bytes, checksum: 9f0c2395454f5a2caebd72dc0fd1c3bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-03 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This research is the based on the effectiveness of the private law and the civil freedom, which does not exist if there does not exist economic freedom. In fact, this work considers the idea of the judicial protection to the private investment as it is dedicated to the legal treatment of the credits, which has fiduciary guarantees, before the judicial restructuring proceeding of the debtor, considering that credit comes from saving, and saving is investment. The work presents issues which has been definitely decided by some courts, but which has not by some other courts. In addition, it brings other matters about which the doctrine and the courts has not issued much opinions and decisions yet. In addition, it presents the reason why the interest increases due the Brazilian insolvency law, bringing the opinion of some bank´s credit area heads. Finally, it concludes arguing that there is still legal insecurity from that legal treatment of those guarantees, which makes the interest higher, due to the increasing of part of the bank interest spread related to the cost of defaults / A linha de pesquisa deste trabalho é a efetividade do direito privado e liberdades civis, que não existem se não houver liberdade econômica. Com efeito, este trabalho tem em vista a proteção jurídica ao investimento privado, ao dedicar-se ao tratamento, na recuperação judicial, aos créditos garantidos pela propriedade fiduciária sobre direitos de crédito lembrando que o crédito advém da poupança e poupança é investimento. O trabalho apresenta temas pacificados em alguns tribunais, mas, aberto em outros; bem como hipóteses sobre as quais há escassa doutrina e jurisprudência. Além disso, expõe os fundamentos pelos quais os juros aos tomadores aumentam em decorrência da regulação em comento, com destaque para opinião dos próprios banqueiros sobre o tema. Por fim, conclui no sentido de que ainda há insegurança jurídica a respeito do tratamento, na recuperação judicial, àqueles créditos, insegurança essa que tem por consequência o aumento dos juros ao tomador, que, por sua vez, decorre da parcela do spread bancário correspondente ao custo com inadimplência

Alienação fiduciária em garantia de bem imóvel: uma análise comparada / Fiduciary assignment for the guarantee of real estates: a comparative law analysis

Negrato, Gustavo Scudeler 18 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gustavo Scudeler Negrato.pdf: 480261 bytes, checksum: 598474fdb76a08ad5f74d626d157ba4b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-18 / After twelve years since the approval of the Law of Real Estate Financing System (9,514/97) many controversial issues remain, either in doctrine or in case law, regarding the contractual form that established the new in rem guarantee right, extending the fiduciary property to real estates. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the main aspects of the fiduciary assignment for the guarantee of real estates, in order to improve the understanding of the concept of such institute. The prospect adopted is the comparative law, analyzing the origin of fiduciary business by means of the fiducia of Roman law, the pledge of Germanic law, the trust of Anglo-Saxon law, the use of atypical fiduciary business in modern law by countries with Roman tradition and, finally, the institute as regulated in Brazilian law. The main conclusions appoint the unique character of the fiduciary assignment adopted by the Brazilian legislation, despite the undeniable influence of foreign law, indicating the solution for controversial questions regarding the institute, its finalities and consequences. It concludes for the constitutionality of the procedure for extrajudicial execution established by the law under discussion, its compability with standards of the Code of Consumer Protection, and the impossibility of determining the civil prision of fiduciant, because of the recent case-law in the Supreme Court Federal and Superior Court of Justice / Decorridos doze anos da aprovação da Lei do Sistema Financeiro Imobiliário (9.514/97) ainda há muitas controvérsias, tanto na doutrina como na jurisprudência, sobre a modalidade contratual instituidora do novo direito real de garantia, estendendo a propriedade fiduciária aos bens imóveis. Este trabalho pretende examinar os principais aspectos da alienação fiduciária em garantia de bem imóvel, com o objetivo de melhor compreender o conceito desse instituto. A perspectiva adotada é a do direito comparado, analisando-se a origem dos negócios fiduciários através da fidúcia do direito romano, do penhor do direito germânico, do trust no direito anglo-saxônico, da utilização de negócios fiduciários atípicos no direito moderno pelos países de tradição romanista e, por fim, o instituto positivado no direito brasileiro. As principais conclusões apontam para o caráter singular da alienação fiduciária adotada pela legislação brasileira, apesar das inegáveis influências do direito estrangeiro, indicando-se a solução para as questões controvertidas de maior relevância envolvendo o instituto, suas finalidades e consequências. Conclui-se pela constitucionalidade do procedimento de execução extrajudicial previsto na legislação em comento, sua compatibilidade com normas do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, e pela impossibilidade de se determinar a prisão civil do fiduciante, em razão da recente jurisprudência pacificada no âmbito do Supremo Tribunal Federal e do Superior Tribunal de Justiça

A cessão fiduciária do direito do acionista aos dividendos no direito privado brasileiro / The fiduciary assignment of shareholderss right to dividends under Brazilian private law.

Contin, Rafael Arsie 31 March 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação examina a cessão fiduciária do direito do acionista aos dividendos, bem como a titularidade fiduciária (garantia real) dela resultante. A razão para a análise desses institutos deve-se ao aumento no uso desta forma de garantia em operações financeiras complexas realizadas no mercado nacional. Primeiramente, é feita uma análise das diversas acepções (perfis) que o direito do acionista ao dividendo pode assumir no contexto do ordenamento jurídico nacional, para daí concluir que tal direito é passível de cessão tanto em sua condição de crédito, presente ou futuro (a depender, justamente, da existência ou não de lucros sociais já deliberados), quanto em sua condição de direito expectativo. Isto é, de direito que o acionista detém, a partir do momento em que se torna titular de ações, de vir a adquirir direitos de créditos de dividendos a serem distribuídos pela companhia de tempos em tempos. Em razão da necessidade da imediata constituição da garantia real, especialmente diante de uma eventual falência ou recuperação judicial do devedor, este trabalho conclui que a titularidade fiduciária deve recair sobre o direito expectativo aos dividendos, visto ser ele um direito já existente e que permite ao seu respectivo titular se tornar, direta e imediatamente, proprietário dos créditos de dividendos que vierem a ser futuramente distribuídos pela companhia, desde que estes estejam limitados a certos valores e/ou períodos previamente acordados entre o credor/financiador e o devedor/acionista. Ademais, apesar de ser um direito inerente à participação social, o destaque e a cessão autônoma do direito expectativo aos dividendos não conflita com o disposto no art. 28 da LSA. O presente estudo argumenta também que o credor fiduciário pode, nos termos do art. 113 da LSA, exercer certos direitos de voto na companhia, desde que (1) o objeto da garantia seja o direito expectativo aos dividendos e (2) a sua influência nas deliberações sociais restrinja-se a estabelecer a forma como o lucro social será apurado e distribuído pela sociedade. Por fim, é argumentado também que, por ser uma garantia que recai sobre direitos patrimoniais pagos em dinheiro, duas consequências imediatas revelam- se aplicáveis: (i) durante o período em que não existe qualquer inadimplemento ou vencimento regular da dívida garantida, os dividendos que vierem a ser pagos pela companhia deverão ser destinados ao acionista devedor, podendo o credor deles se beneficiar apenas quando existir o efetivo vencimento ou inadimplemento da dívida; e (ii) durante o período de inadimplemento ou na data de vencimento regular da dívida, o credor pode reter os recursos necessários à satisfação de seu crédito, desde que restitua o eventual excedente ao acionista devedor, não havendo, por isso, razão que justifique o enquadramento da excussão da garantia como sendo uma violação à proibição do pacto comissório, conforme prevista no Direito brasileiro. / This dissertation examines the fiduciary assignment of shareholders rights to dividends, as well as the fiduciary ownership (security interest) resulting from it. The reason for the analysis of these legal institutes comes from the increasing use of this type of security interest in complex financial transactions carried out in the local markets. Firstly, this works conducts the analysis of the various meanings (perspectives) which shareholders\' rights to dividends may have in different contexts of the Brazilian legal system, concluding that this right may be transferred either as a credit right, existing in the present or in the future (depending precisely on the existence of corporate profits already distributed or not), or as an expectance right. By this last one, we mean the right held by the shareholder as soon as he/she/it becomes the owner of the shares issued by a certain company that enables him/her/it to become the owner of the dividends distributed by the company from time to time. Due to the importance of the immediate granting of the security interest, especially in light of a possible bankruptcy or judicial reorganization process involving the debtor, this paper concludes that the fiduciary ownership should have the expectance right to dividends as its underlying asset. This is so because such right is already an existing right that allows the shareholder to become, directly and immediately, the owner of the dividends to be distributed by the company in the future, as long as those dividends are limited to certain amounts or periods previously agreed between the creditor/financier and the debtor/shareholder. Furthermore, despite being an inherent right to the equity stake, the detach of the expectance right to dividends from the shares which comes from, following by its assignment to other parties, does not conflict with the provision set forth in Section 28 of the Brazilian Corporation Act. This study also argues that the secured creditor may exercise certain voting rights in the company responsible for the payment of the dividends, pursuant to Section 113 of the Brazilian Corporation Act, provided that: (1) the underlying asset of the security interest is the expectance right to dividends; and (2) his/her/its influence in the companys decisions is limited to the manner according to which the corporate profits will be accounted and distributed by the company. Finally, it is also argued that, for being a security interest that has receivables as its underlying assets, two consequences turn out to be applicable. (i) Over the period in which there is no default or regular maturity of the secured debt, dividends paid by the company shall be allocated in favor of the shareholder/debtor. The creditor will be able to receive them in the maturity date or upon the occurrence of a default only. (ii) Over a default period or on the regular maturity date, the creditor may retain the necessary amount of dividends to satisfy his/her/its credit, provided that any excess cash shall be transferred to the shareholder/debtor, reason for which there are reasonable grounds to sustain that this foreclosure mechanism does not violate the non-retention of collateral assets convention rule (pacto comissório) provided under Brazilian law.

美國法上標售公司義務(Revlon Duty)之內涵─兼論在我國法下適用之可能 / Analyzing the Concept of Revlon Duty

吳亞儒 Unknown Date (has links)
判斷目標公司董事出售公司或控制權的決策是否符合受任人義務是一個困難且重要的問題,因為此種類型的決策董事有可能是出於自身利益也可能是為全體股東利益而為,在此種利益衝突屬於晦暗不明的情況,法院應該要採取怎樣的審查態度一方面可以尊重董事決策的空間,另一方面又可以確保股東的利益被保全,成為本論文最關心的問題。 以我國為例,近年公股銀行民營化或是私募基金收購案例屢見不鮮,共同引發的擔憂就是目標公司董事同意此項併購案到底是因為併購條件有利於全體股東,還是嘉惠特定合作對象而決定?我國企業併購法第5條及第6條要求目標公司董事為併購決議時應盡其注意義務及忠實義務,然董事到底是為「公司」還是「股東」盡其義務似乎仍有疑義;再者,法院似乎亦尚未發展出在個案中判斷董事具體行為是否符合受任人義務的標準,因此本文擬參考美國法上的相關規範,以期解決我國現狀的困境。 德拉瓦州法院在1980年代提出一項標準,當目標公司董事決定要出售公司或控制權時,董事有義務要為股東爭取最好的價格,又稱為「露華濃義務(Revlon Duty)」或「標售公司義務」,有兩個重點值得關注:第一,目標公司董事同意何種併購交易會觸發露華濃義務?此即露華濃適用範圍的討論;第二,目標公司董事一旦觸發露華濃義務,董事應該要採取何種具體措施以符合要求?此即露華濃義務內涵的討論。對應到我國現況,應不應該在特定的併購交易中限縮董事的裁量空間?或提出可供法院參考之指標?

Valdybos narių atsakomybė: ypatumai ir teismų praktikos analizė / Liability of Board members: peculiarities and jurisprudence

Kakurinas, Olegas 27 January 2014 (has links)
Teisės doktrinoje teigiama, kad juridinis asmuo yra išvestinis civilinės teisės subjektas, įgyjantis civilines teises, prisiimantis civilines pareigas ir jas įgyvendinantis per savo organus, kurie sudaromi ir veikia pagal įstatymus ir juridinių asmenų steigimo dokumentus. Atsižvelgiant į ribotą darbo apimtį, darbe nagrinėjami valdybos, kaip kolegialaus valdymo organo, narių civilinės atsakomybės labiausiai Lietuvos Respublikoje paplitusiai privačiųjų juridinių asmenų rūšiai – bendrovei taikymo ypatumai. Turint omenyje, kad teisinė atsakomybė kyla nevykdant ir/ar netinkamai vykdant asmeniui nustatytas teisines pareigas, visų pirma, darbe yra identifikuojamos valdybos narių pareigos bendrovei, šių pareigų turinys, aptariama valdybos teisinė prigimtis. Pagrindinis darbo tyrimas yra nukreiptas į valdybos narių teisinės atsakomybės prigimties, jos taikymo prielaidų ir pagrindų nustatymą. Šiuo tikslu darbo autorius nagrinėja ir apibrėžia teisinį santykį, susiklostantį tarp bendrovės ir valdybos narių. Darbe analizuojama kokia civilinės teisinės atsakomybės rūšis yra taikoma valdybos nariams – sutartinė ar deliktinė. Siekiant nustatyti valdybos narių civilinės teisinės atsakomybės taikymo prielaidas, analizuojama koks iš civilinės teisinės atsakomybės valdybos nariams modelių – individualus ar kolektyvinis, yra taikomas Lietuvos Respublikoje. Taip pat darbe yra nagrinėjami civilinės teisinės atsakomybės valdybos nariams taikymo sąlygų probleminiai aspektai. Darbe plačiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Legal doctrine holds that a legal entity is a derivative subject of the Civil law which acquires civil rights, assumes civil obligations and implements it through their bodies which are formed and act in accordance with the laws and documents of incorporation. Considering the limited scope of work, this thesis analyzes the peculiarities of civil liability of Board members as a collegial body to the most widespread type of private legal entities in the Republic of Lithuania - companies. Taking into account that the civil liability arises due to a failure to perform or improper performance of civil duties, thesis defines the duties of Board members to the company, the scope of such duties, as well as discusses the legal nature of the Board. The main focus of the study is to determine the nature of legal liability of Board members, its assumptions and bases. To achieve this goal the author examines and defines the legal relationship between the company and Board members. Thesis analyzes which kind of civil liability - contractual or tort - applies to the members of the Board. In order to determine the assumptions of civil liability of the members of the Board, it is analyzed whether individual or collective model of civil liability of Board members is applied in the Republic of Lithuania. Moreover, thesis covers the problematic aspects of the conditions of civil liability applied to Board members. Thesis extensively relies on jurisprudence of the courts of the Republic of... [to full text]

A indústria de fundos de investimento no Brasil: um estudo teórico e empírico sobre a relação fiduciária entre o administrador-gestor e os respectivos cotistas de fundos de investimentos

Coelho, Alexandre Ramos January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Alexandre Ramos Coelho (alexandre.coelho@gvmail.br) on 2015-06-09T22:53:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Mestrado_ARCoelho_ 09.06.15_FINAL.pdf: 1391202 bytes, checksum: e5aeec796f84194f76858aa85f8ad7b6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia (suzinei.garcia@fgv.br) on 2015-06-10T11:39:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Mestrado_ARCoelho_ 09.06.15_FINAL.pdf: 1391202 bytes, checksum: e5aeec796f84194f76858aa85f8ad7b6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-10T12:43:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Mestrado_ARCoelho_ 09.06.15_FINAL.pdf: 1391202 bytes, checksum: e5aeec796f84194f76858aa85f8ad7b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / According to data, from the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market – ANBIMA, accumulated of 12 months, as of July 7, 2014, the sum of investments, redemptions and capital raised, the fund industry in Brazil transacted more than 11 billion Brazilian Reais. It is a considerable financial value, making the industry fund an important tool to channel savings and to invest in the most diverse projects of the economy. In addition, the collapse of some financial conglomerates in Brazil in recent years involving investment funds managed by companies belonging to such conglomerates has highlighted the importance of rules and studies addressing the relationship between the asset manager / fund administrator and the respective investors in those funds. In fact, the research conducted over the years 2013 and 2014 with regulators, academics and other participants in the securities market have demonstrated that there are few studies that can provide assistance in solving problems of this nature, including situations involving conflicts of interest between asset managers / fund administrator and investors. Thus, in face of the economic importance of the fund industry to Brazil and the relevance of the rights of investors / shareholders in the fund industry, and also due to the lack of studies, this work aims at conducting a theoretical and empirical research on the fiduciary relationship between the fund administrator, the asset manager and the respective shareholders of the investment funds. Along these lines, the goal will be to identify the origin, the essential characteristics of this relationship, the risks it can bring to the investor, and the duties it imposes on administrators and managers. We propose to evaluate the historical origin of the fiduciary relationship and understand the theoretical foundations that support its application to investment funds in the United States and Brazil. Based on this theoretical knowledge and under the focus of fiduciary duties applicable to administrators and managers, we develop an evaluation of the standards of conduct contained in the rulings of the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM), to test the fiduciary relationship characteristics on the CVM rules. Finally, was conducted a study of cases where administrators and managers were convicted for breaking the fiduciary relationship and for failing to comply with specific duties embedded in the standards of conduct previously evaluated. On the basis of theoretical and empirical studies described, it is finally concluded that there are, indeed, essential characteristics in determining a fiduciary relationship between fund administrator / asset manager and the shareholder, and once this relationship is established, fund administrators and asset managers will have to observe the duty of diligence and loyalty to the shareholder. Also on the basis of theoretical and empirical studies, it is possible to say that the CVM standards establish the fiduciary relationship between the fund administrators / asset managers and the shareholder of investment funds, as well as fiduciary duties related to this relationship. / De acordo com dados de 07.10.2014 da Associação Brasileira das Entidades dos Mercados Financeiro e de Capitais – ANBIMA, no acumulado em 12 meses, entre aplicações, resgates e captações, a indústria de fundos movimentou mais de 11 bilhões de reais no Brasil. É um volume financeiro considerável, fazendo dos fundos de investimento importantes instrumentos de captação de poupança e de direcionamento de recursos para os mais diversos projetos de financiamento da economia. Além disso, as quebras de determinados conglomerados financeiros no Brasil nos últimos anos envolvendo fundos administrados e geridos por sociedades pertencentes a esses conglomerados colocou em evidência a importância de regras e estudos direcionados à relação entre o administrador-gestor e o cotista de fundos de investimento. De fato, pesquisa conduzida ao longo dos anos de 2013 e 2014 demonstrou que acadêmicos, reguladores e demais participantes do mercado de valores mobiliários possuem poucos estudos que possam assisti-los na solução de problemas relativos a essa relação, inclusive diante de situações envolvendo conflitos de interesses entre administradores-gestores e cotistas. Assim, diante da importância econômica dos fundos de investimento para o Brasil, da relevância dos direitos dos investidores dentro da indústria de fundos, e também em razão da escassez de estudos, este trabalho tem por finalidade realizar investigação teórica e empírica sobre a relação fiduciária entre o administrador, o gestor e os respectivos cotistas dos fundos de investimento. Dessa forma, o objetivo será identificar a origem, as características essenciais dessa relação, os riscos que ela pode trazer para o investidor e os deveres que ela impõe aos administradores e gestores. Para tanto, propõe-se avaliar a origem histórica da relação fiduciária e os fundamentos teóricos que a suportam aplicados aos fundos de investimento nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil. Com base nesse conhecimento teórico e sob o enfoque dos deveres fiduciários aplicáveis aos administradores e gestores, parte-se para a avaliação das normas de conduta contidas nas instruções da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM), visando testar as características da relação fiduciária diante das regras da CVM. Por fim, realiza-se estudo sobre casos em que administradores e gestores foram condenados por quebra na relação fiduciária e por inobservância de deveres específicos embutidos nas normas de conduta avaliadas anteriormente. Com fundamento nos estudos teóricos e empíricos descritos, conclui-se que existem características essenciais na configuração de uma relação fiduciária entre o administrador-gestor e o cotista de fundos de investimento e que, uma vez formada essa relação, administradores e gestores obrigam-se a observar o cumprimento de deveres de diligência e de lealdade perante o cotista. Igualmente, ainda é possível afirmar que as normas da CVM de fato instituem a relação fiduciária entre o administrador-gestor e o cotista de fundos de investimento, bem como os deveres fiduciários conexos a essa relação.

Fomento de ofertas públicas iniciais de ações reflexões jurídicas sobre alocação de deveres fiduciários e conflito de interesse das instituições intermediárias

Cruz, Cristine Basseto 08 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by CRISTINE BASSETO CRUZ (crisbasseto@gmail.com) on 2017-03-02T23:43:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao 2017-02-24 final.pdf: 2091106 bytes, checksum: 2ffbc1ca866db49e442bf1009d316bf2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata de Souza Nascimento (renata.souza@fgv.br) on 2017-03-02T23:47:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao 2017-02-24 final.pdf: 2091106 bytes, checksum: 2ffbc1ca866db49e442bf1009d316bf2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-06T12:53:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao 2017-02-24 final.pdf: 2091106 bytes, checksum: 2ffbc1ca866db49e442bf1009d316bf2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-08 / This paper intends to discuss the legal adequacy of loan arrangements among shareholders, companies offering shares in initial public offer and their underwriters pre-initial public offer. These transactions – known as 'equity kickers' – became popular during 2004 – 2007 Brazilian capital markets’ IPO wave, when several Brazilian corporations went to public offering their shares after borrowing pre-IPO money from their underwriters. Taking into account the usual arrangements among those agents and a few researches made afterwards, we examine the economic and social consequences to the issuer and to the securities market, the legal role of the underwriter under the Brazilian securities exchange legal environment and discuss the fiduciary duty imposed to financial intermediaries in capital. Further on, we discuss the potential conflict of interest arising from credit relationship between underwriters and issuing companies and the adequacy of mandatory information provided in IPO information memorandum (prospecto) for the purpose of warning potential conflict that may arise from such credit relationship. Finally, we conclude our legal analysis and suggest a review of security exchange commission (CVM) current regulation in order to address fiduciary duties to financial intermediaries and improve disclosure standards on conflict of interest to potential investors during securities public offers. / Este trabalho pretende discutir a legalidade dos arranjos contratuais e empréstimos firmados entre acionistas, companhias ofertantes e instituições intermediárias previamente à realização de ofertas públicas iniciais. Esses arranjos – conhecidos como 'equity kickers' – foram largamente utilizados por companhias brasileiras que ofertaram suas ações durante os anos de 2004 a 2007. Tendo por base o formato usualmente utilizado nessas transações e os resultados trazidos por algumas pesquisas realizadas após a realização dessas ofertas, analisamos as consequências econômicas e sociais observadas e sua pertinência para o contexto do mercado de capitais, o papel das instituições intermediárias sob a ótica da regulamentação Brasileira e seu dever fiduciário perante os demais agentes de mercado. Ademais, discutimos o potencial conflito de interesse inerente ao papel simultâneo de distribuidor e credor desempenhado pelo coordenador nessas ofertas e a comunicação desse conflito ao mercado através da divulgação das informações pertinentes no prospecto de distribuição da oferta. Por fim, apresentamos uma análise jurídica e sugerimos a revisão da regulamentação da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários no sentido de tratar expressamente o tema do dever fiduciário das instituições intermediárias no mercado de captais e aumentar a exigência de informações acerca de transparência das situações de conflito ao mercado na realização de ofertas públicas de valores mobiliários.

Aspects of traditional securitisation in South African law

Locke, Natania 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis considers the typical structure and requirements of a traditional securitisation scheme in South Africa. The models used in other jurisdictions cannot be applied unchanged in South Africa. South African securitisation structures make use of a security special purpose vehicle (SPV), because of uncertainties about the provisions of the Companies Act 61 of 1973 relating to the trustee for debenture-holders. An evaluation of the functioning of a security SPV leads to the conclusion that a trustee for debenture-holders should still be appointed within the security SPV structure to represent the interests of the investors. The trust for debenture-holders can be a true trust. The use of general notarial bonds over claims, pledges of claims and fiduciary security cession is examined to determine the effectiveness of each one during securitisation. Aspects of several Acts, Notices and other regulatory measures are considered where they are relevant to securitisation. Of specific importance is the Exemption Notice Relating to Securitisation Schemes, 2008. The Notice requires that both rights and obligations of the originator must be transferred to the SPV. The requirement that the obligations of the originator must be transferred leads to the conclusion that the Notice requires a transfer of claims by means of cession and a transfer of duties by means of delegation. For several reasons, delegation is not a suitable method of transfer during securitisation. Foremost among these reasons is that delegation is a form of novation, which means that the claims cease to exist and are replaced with new claims between the debtors and the SPV. Security rights that were accessory to these claims will then also cease to exist. The amendment to the Notice is recommended so that transfer of claims by means of cession will suffice for compliance with the Notice. The South African courts‘ approach to simulated transactions is evaluated to determine the possibility that the sale of the assets to the SPV may be viewed as a simulated transaction. This thesis evaluates the provisions in insolvency law that could be raised to impeach the sale of the assets in the event of the originator‘s insolvency. The risk of avoidance of the transaction on either ground is small. / Mercentile Law / L.L.D. (Mercentile Law)

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