Spelling suggestions: "subject:"filosofi, tik ocho religion"" "subject:"filosofi, tik och3 religion""
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Syncretism, Cosmology And Sexology In The Neo-Gnostic Doctrine Of Samael Aun WeorNilsson, Thomas January 2022 (has links)
Abstract. The overall aim of this study is to examine the Neo-Gnostic teachings of Samael Aun Weor (1917-1977). The research question will inquire his main ideas in relation to syncretism, cosmology, and sexology. Accordingly, based on the theoretical perspectives of Antoine Faivre, the gnostic doctrine of Samael Aun Weor is summarized, compared and examined in the light of the definitions of western esotericism. The purpose is on one hand to make an exploration of a relatively unknown esoteric author and on the other hand to place his vast teachings and interpretations within the esoteric context and in relation to the new era discourse. Methodically, a qualitative text analysis will be used to explore several books written by Samael Aun Weor which are further analysed with the help of secondary sources. The study concludes that the Neo-Gnostic ideology of Samael Aun Weor, despite being placed by scholars within the new era discourse, additionally matches within the framework of classical esotericism and that furthermore reveals revived and combined perspectives with interpretations that have seldom been transmitted before.
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Böneutrop- på vilkas villkor? : En moralfilosofisk studie om en etisk värdekonflikt kring individens religionspraktik i det svenska samhället / Call to prayer- on whose terms? : A moral-philosophical study of an ethical value conflict around the individual's religious practice in Swedish society.Blom, Niklas January 2022 (has links)
This study examines a type of moral conflict, a conflict of values. This through the method qualitative text analysis. To gain an understanding of this problem, insight into previous research is required. Previous research mainly deals with the issue of religion in the public sphere, including literature that concerns research fields on ethical moral philosophy and sociology. Therefore, to obtain in whose conditions are prioritized according to the public Islamic call to prayer in Sweden. Initially, the Declaration of Human Freedoms and Rights is presented, whereupon the question of refrain religious content is of interest. Hence, examine the tolerance and intolerance according to whose practice might contain limits. By starting from two selected theorists with different backgrounds, whereupon their research areas are separated. Examine their positions on the issue of moral value conflict. One of them has conducted social science research and the other is better known as a religious critic and neuroscientist. Through their theory formation, create an idea of how this conflict of values can be understood and interpreted. The public Islamic call to prayer will remain as the main theme of this study, which corresponds as the result of this study. The conclusion is clearly demonstrating various standpoints in this moral dilemma, different aspects are truly extensive. During investigation of different point of views, the purpose remains to state alternative explanations of understanding, and how to interpret the main conflict of value. A majority group in the society whose terms are privileged compared to a non-majority group. Different positions are clear in the result, whereupon the question of allowing public Islamic call to prayer, can thus be interpreted in different ways. Faiths, different beliefs, religion and culture, are numerous variables which had been studied in more detail to then be discussed in relation to the main question and the purpose, a moral conflict of value.
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Vem säger de att jag är? : Om kristusbilder i herdabrev från 2000-taletPettersson, Magdalena January 2020 (has links)
Purpose: In this essay a limited and specific selection of Swedish pastoral letters, has been used in order to describe and analyze various depictions (images) of Christ. Furthermore, the similarities as well as the differences between the depictions, will be noted. The theoretical perspective used in the analysis is one of high versus low Christology i.e. whether the emphasis is focused on Christ as divine, or Christ as human, and the possible tension between the two. Also, the ontological and functional aspect of the images will be elucidated. Method: The used method is hermeneutic. The analysis is text oriented and initially a descriptive analysis is used to describe the various depictions. References will be made to Jesus – God and Man, by Prof. Wolfhart Pannenberg, and the article “Christology” by Prof. Ola Sigurdson. In the analysis that follows a comparative method will be used to form a normative analysis with constructive summaries of each depiction of Christ. Results and conclusions: The result of this study shows that a various number of depictions of Christ is to be found within the selected pastoral letters. In some the image of Christ is described in a substantial and obvious way, like the Compass or a Fellow human being. In contrast, there are depictions of Jesus as the Brother and the Guide. In others a symbolic image is to be found, like the Star, the Sign or Logos. There are also more traditional dogmatic depictions as the Savior. In all of them an ontological and a functional aspect can be found. The depictions of Christ also have in common that the emphasis is mainly on the humanity of Christ. In many of them a tension between the divinity and the humanity of Christ is obvious. The images are mediating openness and diversity, showing Jesus Christ as an inspiration, a beacon and someone to follow. They are all providing answers to the question of the title of this essay: Who do they say I am?
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Praktisk kunskap i studiehandledning på modersmålet : En vetenskaplig essä om att vara studiehandledare på modersmåletVoropai, Olga January 2018 (has links)
The question that I would like to visualize, rethink and reassess is the relationship between the theoretical and practical knowledge in my profession. I work as a guidance counselor in the subject of mother tongue with newly arrived pupils. The aim with my essay is to process and stigmatize literary researches as well as my own theoretical and practical knowledge, thoughts, experiences and reflections. I am analyzing the profession of a guidance counselor and the everyday life in my situation as a mother tongue teacher. I stress the knowledge and abilities that are needed for a guidance counselor to analyze my own teaching methods on a deeper level. I hope that my experience, practical and theoretical knowledge can benefit colleagues in the same profession as me, and especially those who work with newly arrived students in Sweden. I have chosen to write this essay on the basis of my self-perceived events to analyze my own teaching methods for a better understanding. In my research, I came to the conclusion that both theoretical and practical knowledge are both equally as important in my profession. / Relationen mellan teoretisk och praktisk kunskap i mitt yrke som studiehandledare på modersmålet är fråga som jag vill synliggöra, ompröva och omvärdera. Syftet med min uppsats är att bearbeta och systematisera forskningslitteratur samt egna teoretiska och praktiska kunskaper, funderingar, tankar, erfarenheter och reflektioner. Jag synliggör de kunskaper och förmågor som behövs för en studiehandledare på modersmålet för att analysera min egen undervisning på en djupare nivå. Min förhoppning är att min erfarenhet, de praktiska och teoretiska kunskaperna kan bidra till kollegornas nytta inom samma yrke och i synnerhet de som arbetar med nyanlända elever. Jag har valt att skriva min uppsats i essäform med utgångspunkten i egenupplevda händelser och analysera detta med reflektioner över min egen yrkespraktik för att nå bättre förståelse. I min undersökning kommer jag fram till att teoretiska och praktiska kunskaper är lika viktiga i mitt arbete.
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Mellan kroppar : Om ett förenande men också förpliktigande fenomen hos Maurice Merleau-Ponty & Donald WinnicottBjörk, Carola January 2019 (has links)
For phenomenology, subjective experience is essential, as is the relationship with the other. But despite these central themes, the relationship between bodies is not primary focus. Philosophical understanding of bodily encounter is lacking. It is for this reason I have put Maurice Merleau-Ponty in dialogue with psychoanalyst and paediatrician Donald Winnicott who claims that the meeting between bodies is vital. Merleau-Ponty talks about the body's relationship with the other based on an intentional act of the subject. How the body comes into being with the world. Winnicott talks about the subject as continually developing through the interaction of bodies where the intention is expressed somewhat differently. He argues that it ́s not always the child's intention that matters. Winnicott also claims that my own body has not always had the experience of being a separate body. There is a phase in development where the child is a subjectobject as he puts it. With no border between the other. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the formation of subjectivity. The thesis contribution is a complement to philosophical understanding of subject-construction with the desire to point toward the responsibility of the body who has come further in life.
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Existentiella Möten : Att bemöta barns existentiella frågor och upplevelser på förskolanKollberg, Annika January 2019 (has links)
Denna essä utgår ifrån fyra gestaltningar av mitt eget dilemma i relation till bemötande av barns existentiella frågor på förskolan. Detta följs upp med fältstudie på en förskola som undersöker andra pedagogers bemötande. Gestaltningarna och fältstudien ställs mot existensfilosofiska teorier och svensk och engelsk forskning. I reflektionen undersöks hur barns existentiella frågor kan ta sig uttryck på förskolan. Här lyfts att det kan vara svårt att få syn på barns existentiella frågor vilket dels kan bero på fördomar och okunskap om hur de kan se ut och dels en konflikt emellan ett naturvetenskapligt och ett andligt/religiöst perspektiv. Denna konflikt skulle kunna överbryggas med en utvidgad syn på hur barns existentiella frågor kan se ut. T.ex. kan barn uppfatta även naturvetenskapliga frågor på ett existentiellt sätt och det religiösa språket bör kunna uppfattas symboliskt. En annan orsak till att det kan vara svårt att få syn på existentiella frågor kopplas till att vi befinner oss i en sekulär/post-religiös tid i västerlandet där vi inte har språk eller begrepp för att uttrycka eller förstå det andliga eller existentiella. Begreppet ”signature spirituality” utforskas som ett sätt att få syn på barns olika individuella uttryck för det existentiella. Uppsatsen beskriver hur vår praxis är påverkad av en naturvetenskaplig diskurs där man söker förklaringar. Ett alternativt förhållningssätt är inspirerat av hermeneutisk /fenomenologisk teori och söker istället förståelse. När det handlar om bemötande lyfts både pedagogens fronesis/praktiska klokhet och techne/produktiva praktiska kunskap som viktiga kompetenser. Ett problem i att utveckla och arbeta med de existentiella frågorna är att det inte finns något bra forum eller någon etablerad praxis för reflektion. Även där är bristen på språkliga begrepp omkring ämnet en viktig aspekt. Att ha en yrkesetisk reflektion är särskilt viktigt i detta ämne. Här lyfts ändå att pedagogen i mötet med barnens frågor kan reflektera över sitt eget förhållningssätt och sin livssyn. Två olika sätt att förhålla sig till det existentiella på förskolan utforskas och ställs mot varandra; Det ena som ett möte med ett värde i sig och det andra som en kognitiv lärandeprocess. Filosofen Gadamer ser ett möte som en konversation eller lek omkring ett ämne där man ytterst sätt kan utveckla och förena sina perspektiv. Enligt Martin Buber är det existentiella eller andliga något man har en relation till som bör respekteras som sådan. Att inta ett kognitivt lärande perspektiv på barns existentiella frågor har dock många fördelar som kan underlätta möjligheten att arbeta med och bemöta de existentiella frågorna och upplevelserna inom förskolans ram. / This essey consists of four narratives about my own dilemma concerning responding to childrens existential questions in the pre-school context. This is followed by a field- study exploring other pedagogues responses to childrens existential questions. The experiences in the narratives and the field-study is analysed through exisntialfilosofical theories and Swedish and international reserach. The essay reflects on how childrens existential questions can be expressed in pre-school. Predjudices and lack of knowledge concerning how they can express themselves as well as a conflict between a scientific/religious perspektive can make existential questions hard to notice. This conflict could be solved by understanding how children can experience scientific issues in a existential way as well as viewing religious language as symbolic. Another reason for not noticing existential questions can be lack of language and concepts due to the west being in a secular/post religious era. The concept ”signature spirituality” is a possible way to understand childrens individual way to express the existential. The praxis/practice in pre-school is, according to the essay, influenced by a scientific discourse in which explanations is sought. An alterantive discourse is the hermeneutical/phenomenological wherein one instead seek to understand. Fronesis – practical wisdom and techne – productive practicality are important competences when responding to childrens existential questions. Lack of forum for and lack of established praxis for reflection makes working with and developing childrens existential questions a problem. Lack of concepts and language to express the existential is also a problem in this. To have an ethical reflection is especially important with this subject. But you can still have opportunities to reflect on your own views when confronting the childrens questions. Two different approaches to existential questions in pre-school are highlighted: as a meeting which is valuable in itself and as a cognitive learning process. In Gadamers view a meeting is a conversation or a play about a topic where the persons involved can develop and unite their perspectives. Accordning to Martin Buber the existential or spiritual can be seen as a relationship that needs to respected as such. But taking a cognitve learning perspective on childrens existential questions have many advantages, such as making it easier to work with and respond to childrens existential questions and experiences, whitin the frame of pre-school discourse.
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"Den siste fienden som förintas är döden" : En studie av ondskans gestaltning i fantasylitteratur med särskild inriktning på böcker ur serien Narnia och Harry Potter.Komarova Lindgren, Elizaveta January 2021 (has links)
The inquiry of this essay is to examine the expression of evil in fantasy literature with a special focus on J.K. Rowlings’ Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s stone and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, but also C.S. Lewis’ Narnia the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and Narnia the Last Battle. The purpose is to illuminate different depictions of evil in the books and reflect what these depictions can tell us about evil in our contemporary context. With this essay I want to show how world views are present in fantasy literature with a special focus on the portrayal of evil and its significance for the understanding of the narrative. I mean that the understanding and depiction of evil is a universal problem and an existential issue of relevance to world views.
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Sekulariseringsprocessens inflytande på framställningen av satanism i svenska dagstidningar och läroböcker : En historisk översikt mellan 1980–2020 / The Influence of the Secularization Process on the Portrayal of Satanism in Swedish Daily Press and Textbooks : A Historical Overview Between 1980-2020Maraoge, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
The process of secularization has brought significant changes to the religious landscape in Sweden. The influence of the dominant Lutheran Church has diminished, paving the way for individual belief systems such as Satanism. Secularization has made the mediatization of religion possible, which in turn has anticipated changes in the public representation of religion. Media has played a crucial part in the public representation of Satanism in Sweden, mainly during the 1990s, which created the phenomenon Satanic panic. The Satanic panic spread through media outlets which reported crimes such as church and graveyard vandalisms and connected them to satanists. The panic was in some cases based on actual incidents; however, the cases were often merely rumors. This study examines how Satanism is portrayed in daily press and Religion education textbooks for Upper Secondary school in Sweden. Further, this study analyzes the change in the portrayal in these text types from 1980 to 2020 and investigates whether the secularization process in Sweden has contributed to the potential change. The reason for including textbooks in the study is to compare them to the daily press in order to discover potential differences in their portrayal of the religious movement, which provides a pedagogical aspect as well.
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Fighting fire with fire? : An exploration of the relationship between nonviolence and sustainabilityJohansson Vodusek, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
This study aims at exploring the connections between nonviolence and sustainability in two cases. The relationship between nonviolence and sustainability is identified and discussed in light of the theories on nonviolence of Johan Galtung and theories of the ethical framework of ecocentrism. The theories are positioned in contrast to the two cases Swedish Muslims for Peace and Justice and The Sámi Parliament that are explored with connections to nonviolence and sustainability. The notion of peace and nonviolence and sustainable development is a relatively unexplored territory. So, through the first analysis of the two cases, I found three concepts of knowledge, cooperation and environment that appeared relevant. Therefore, I did my analysis with focus on these three concepts as helpful tools for the analysis and further discussion. These were used throughout the work in the study, in the light of the theories and vice versa, the material was then accessible. Then I could read between the lines and make the connections between nonviolence and sustainability, more explicit. The first conclusion made from this study is that nonviolence and sustainability are two realms that can and should be understood in terms of each other. Nonviolence and sustainability are both highlighted by understanding them in relationship to each other. There is a need to promote long-lasting peace. We also need to consider both people and nature to reduce our environmental footprints. We need to consider needs for all living beings, including nature. The study also concluded with a need for knowledge and cooperation to fight against structural and cultural violence. Furthermore, there is need to consider the earth and people, everything, and everyone in cooperation in the communal struggle´s, with focus on sustainable peace at every level of society.
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Äktenskapssyner inom islam : En beskrivande idéanalys av Asma Barlas ”Believing Women in Islam: Unreading Patriarchal Readings” och Sayyid Muhammad Rizvis ”Marriage and Morals in Islam”Persson, Linus January 2023 (has links)
To many, marriage is a fundamental part of life. The union of two individuals, often in the presence of those most dear, they vow stay loyal and support each other throughout their daily lives. Often, the marriage is fulfilled in the context of religion. To Islam, marriage is a sacred union assisting the couple on their spiritual journey in life. It is said that the Prophet Muhammad expressed “One who marries has already guarded half of his religion, therefore he should fear Allah for the other half”. This paper aims to analyse two different interreligious perspectives on marriage, and the existing view on sex and gender within the concept of marriage. To achieve this, a descriptive onset to idea analysis is used as a method. This analysis of this paper is based on four different analytical categories, or questions, which aims to display the existing concept of marriage of two books: Believing Women in Islam: Unreading Patriarchal Interpretations of the Qur’an, by Asma Barlas, and Marriage and Morals in Islam, by Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi. The analysis shows that both accounts present an institutional view on marriage, with distinctly expressed terms or ideals on marriage - although Barlas creates more space for contractual dimensions to exist within the institutional view. As to gender and sex, this paper concludes that the views are based on the idea of essential biological differences between men and women. The duties and ideals of marriage is based on those differences, but Barlas stresses that this does not show that the Qur’an supports inequality or a sexual bias. As to Rizvi, it is more difficult to conclude whether his view on sex differences supports equality of the sexes, or a hierarchal outlook where the male is privileged or superior in comparison to women.
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