Spelling suggestions: "subject:"finland"" "subject:"inland""
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The Metal Folk: The Impact of Music and Culture on Folk Metal and the Music of KorpiklaaniMarjenin, Peter A. 24 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Hobby HorseLiu, Kaitlyn 30 April 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Against the wishes of her domineering mother, a teen equestrian rides into the Finnish sport of hobby horsing in order to win enough money to buy her real horse back.
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Finskošvédská menšina a její identita v díle Kjella Westöa / The Swedish speaking minority in Finland and its identity in the work of Kjell WestöDoležalová, Ela January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines the Swedish speaking minority in the area of Finland. Because Finland had been a part of the Kingdom of Sweden for some centuries, the Swedish language had a dominant position in Finland for quite some time. The Swedish language kept its high prestige even during the period of the Russian rule that began in 1809. In the 2nd part of the 19th century the status of the Swedish language weakened to a large extent and today it is considered to be a minority language of Finland. The purpose of this thesis is in the first instance to define the term of identity and the specifics of minority identity. Subsequently I will focus on the the Swedish speaking minority in Finland, its self- concept, history and literature. In the last part of my thesis I will investigate the work of the Finland- Swedish writer Kjell Westö, in particular his depiction of his own Finland- Swedish identity. KEY WORDS: identity, minority groups, the Swedish speaking minority in Finland, Swedish literature in Finland, Kjell Westö
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The social organisation of motherhood : advice giving in maternity and child health care in Scotland and FinlandKuronen, Marjo L. A. January 1999 (has links)
This study is a qualitative, cross-cultural research on advice giving for mothers in maternity and child health services in Scotland and Finland. It has been accomplished through local case studies using ethnographic methods. The main objective is to analyse how in these service systems motherhood, women's daily life, and their responsibilities for children's welfare and health are defined and organised, and how these definitions vary across social and cultural contexts. Methodologically, referring to the feminist methodology by Dorothy E. Smith, it is emphasised that beginning from the local and particular, from the everyday practices of health professionals, can provide more general understanding of the social relations that organise motherhood in the two societies. Empirical results of the study are presented under six substantial themes: The first theme discusses different professional groups as service providers and the relationships between them. Second theme concentrates on the clinic and the home as the physical settings of service provision and their professional and cultural meanings. Third section discusses the relationship and interaction between health professionals and their clients. Next two themes are related to the standards of motherhood: expectations for proper motherhood, child care, and family relations of the mothers. The last theme analyses possible conflicts between women's everyday experience and professional expertise in motherhood. The general conclusions drawn from the research suggest that motherhood is socially organised at four different but interrelated levels, named in this study as interactional level, institutional level, welfare state level, and socio-cultural leveL. Advice giving for mothers in maternity and child health care is related to family policy measures, social class and gender systems, historical and cultural tradition, customs, and ways of thinking in a certain society. This complexity underlines the relevance of qualitative approach in comparative research.
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Analysis of Multicomponent Data to Study Esker Structures, Turku-Finland / Undersökning av flerkomponentdata för studie av rullstensåsstrukturer, Åbo-FinlandFridlund, Julia January 2017 (has links)
Eskers are long winding ridges that originate from gravel that has travelled in meltwater streams in glaciers. At the study site, Virttaankangas plane in southwest Finland, there are esker structures covered by sediments. One reason why it is important to study eskers is because they are used for purifying drinking water. The data used in the study were collected during a seismic survey in July 2014. During the survey a controlled source created seismic waves that travelled down through the earth and then reflected back up again. By detecting the travel time of the waves and estimating the velocity of the geologic layers, the depth to the reflecting structures could be calculated. There are two types of waves that travel through the body of the earth, pressure waves (P-waves) and shear waves (S-waves). In a previous study (Maries et al., 2017) P-wave data from the same survey have been analyzed, so this work focuses on S-wave data but also compares the result from the two. Some structures related to eskers were identifiable, such as fractures in the bedrock from the pressure of the main esker core. By comparing S- and P-wave results it was possible to see hints of the arched esker cores and esker fan lobes. Overall the result confirmed the model that was achieved of the profile in the previous study. The location of the bedrock both matched with the previous study, and added information about its orientation. An additional goal was to demonstrate the insensitivity of S-waves to water content by showing that if there was a water table reflection in the P-wave data, this reflection was missing in the S-wave data. The results showed water table reflections in the P-wave data, but there were no distinguishable water table reflections with appropriate velocity for S-waves in the S-wave data. / Rullstensåsar definieras som långa åsar med storlekssorterat grus som avlagrats av smältvattenströmmar i glaciärer. Vid undersökningsplatsen, Virttaankangasheden i sydvästra Finland, finns rullstensåsstrukturer som är begravda under sediment. En anledning till varför det är viktigt att undersöka rullstensåsar är att de används för filtrering vid framställning av dricksvatten. De data som användes i denna studie inhämtades under en seismisk undersökning i juli 2014. Undersökningen gick till på så vis att en kontrollerad källa skapade seismiska vågor som färdades ner i jorden för att sedan reflekteras tillbaka upp mot ytan. Genom att notera tiden det tog för vågorna att färdas, samt uppskatta hastigheten i de geologiska lagren, kunde djupet till de reflekterande strukturerna beräknas. Det finns två sorters vågor som kan färdas genom jorden, tryckvågor (P-vågor) och skjuvvågor (S-vågor). I en tidigare studie (Maries et al., 2017) analyserades P-vågsdata från samma seismiska undersökning, så detta arbete fokuserar på S-vågsdata men jämför också resultaten av båda två. Vissa strukturer kopplade till rullstensåsar kunde identifieras, så som sprickor i begrgrunden från trycket av den största rullstensåsen. Genom att jämföra resultat från S- och P-vågor kunde man se reflektioner från rullstensåsar och sediment. Sammantaget bekräftade resultatet den modell över profilen som framtagits i den tidigare studien. Berggrundens läge stämde överens med den förra studien och tillförde ny information om dess orientering. Utöver detta försökte man också demonstrera S-vågors okänslighet för vatten genom att visa att om det fanns reflektioner från grundvattenytan i P-vågsdatan så skulle de reflektionerna inte synas i S-vågsdatan. I P-vågsdatan visade det sig att det fanns grundvattenreflektioner, men det gick inte att urskilja några liknande reflektioner i S-vågsdatan.
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”Vilken tur att du kunde läsa!” : En jämförande studie om läsinlärning och stödsystem för elever med lässvårigheter i Sverige respektive Finland. / “How lucky that you were able to read!” : A comparative study on reading and support systems for students with reading difficulties in Sweden and Finland.Viklund, Nathalie January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att jämföra hur lärare i Sverige och Finland arbetar med läsinlärning. Framför allt söker jag svar på hur lärare arbetar med elever som uppvisar lässvårigheter och vilket stödsystem dessa elever har att tillgå. Detta undersöker jag genom kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare i årskurs 1-2. Urvalet består av tre verksamma lärare i Sverige och tre verksamma lärare i Finland. Empirin som samlats in har ställts mot den tidigare forskning som gjorts på ämnet. Även forskares åsikter om bl.a. lässvårigheter från olika synvinklar och vad fördelarna med tidiga insatser innebär belyses tillsammans med intervjumaterialet. Resultatet visar att det finns en tydlig skillnad mellan stödsystemet i de olika länderna och man kan även se en differens i frågor kring lässvårigheter och när insatserna bör sättas in. I frågan om läsinlärning är lärarna i Sverige och Finland ganska eniga i vilka faktorer som är mest betydelsefulla för elevernas utveckling. / The purpose of this survey is to compare how teachers in Sweden and Finland work on reading learning. In particular, I'm looking for answers how teachers work with pupils who have reading difficulties and what support systems they have in school. I study this through qualitative interviews with teachers in grades 1-2. The selection consists of three active teachers in Sweden and three active teachers in Finland. The collected material of the interviews has been compared to previous research done on the subject. Researchers' opinions about reading difficulties from different angles and what the benefits of early action mean are highlighted together with the interview material. The result shows that there is a clear difference between the support system in these countries and one can also see a difference in reading difficulties and when to use the support system. In the question of teaching the pupils how to read, teachers in Sweden and Finland are quite unanimous in what factors that are most important for the students' development.
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Går mobbade elever miste om skolundervisning? : En studie om mobbningens inverkan på olovlig frånvaroOona, Tuominen January 2021 (has links)
Nationalekonomisk litteratur har visat att utsatthet för skolmobbning kan ha negativa konsekvenser på lång sikt såsom lägre utbildningsnivå och löner. I denna uppsats undersöks huruvida olovlig frånvaro kan vara en mekanism som ligger till grund för de långsiktiga följderna genom att studeraorsakssambandet mellan mobbning och skolkning. Därtill undersöks ifall elevernas kön har en påverkan i denna fråga. OLS samt paneldatametoden fixed effects används i studien med hjälp av data på kommunnivå från finska enkätundersökningen Hälsa i skola för åren 2017 och 2019. I studien hittas inget starkt bevis för att mobbning skulle orsaka olovlig frånvaro hos offren eftersom den mest pålitliga modellen inte finner något signifikant samband. Dock tyder övriga resultat på att det kan finnas ett i verkligheten. Andra modeller estimerar att en procentenhets ökning i andelen mobbade elever orsakar ungefär 0,2 procentenheters ökning i andelen skolkande elever. Resultaten indikerar att det kan finnas könsskillnader i denna fråga. / It has been shown in the economical literature that being bullied at school may have negative consequences in the long run, such as lower educational levels and wages. This paper examines whether school absenteeism could possibly be one mechanism behind the long-run consequences by studying the causality between bullying and truancy. Gender’s role in the question has also been examined. OLS and panel data method fixed effects along with Finnish survey data for 2017 and 2019 are applied. No strong evidence that bullying would lead the victims to truant was found as the most reliable model couldn't find any significant association. Other results, though, suggest that such causality might exist. Alternative models estimate that a one percentage point increase in the share of students bullied causes an increase of approximately 0,2 percentage points in the share of truants. The results indicate that there might be gender differences regarding the topic.
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En jämförelse av skolsystemen i Finland och SverigeJennbert, Anna, Nilsson, Filipe January 2017 (has links)
Följande arbete presenterar en hermeneutisk studie mellan det svenska och det finska skolsystemet. Till studiens hjälp har vi använt oss av ramfaktorteorin av Urban Dahllöf. Vi har fokuserat på vilka yttre faktorer som påverkar lärarrollen i de båda länderna samt vad som gör att Finland rapporterar högre elevresultat än Sverige. De viktigaste resultaten vi kommit fram till är följande: resurser är en viktig del för att utbildningssystemet skall kunna organiseras, dock innebär inte mer resurser ett högre resultat utan nyckel finns i hur resurserna fördelas. Ideologisk styrning av utbildningssystemet kan påverka skolan negativt och en politisk samsyn som grundar sig på beprövad forskning är en viktig faktor till framgång. Lärare och pedagoger är skolans främsta resurser och professionen behöver få ett ökat förtroendekapital samt inflytande för att skolan skall nå önskade resultat.
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Stora författare från periferin : En jämförande studie mellan minoritetslitteratur från Friesland och Svenskfinland, med romanerna de fûke (1966) och Där vi en gång gått (2006) som utgångspunktDeelstra, Oetze Theodoor January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis considers the differences between the minority literature from Friesland, a province in the northwest of the Netherlands, and that of the Swedish-speaking part of Finland. The author of this paper tries to draw attention to the literatures of those minorities, which often are not well-known outside their own regions. The main issue discussed in this paper is: How is minority culture problematized in the novels de fûke (1966) by the Frisian author Rink van der Velde and Där vi en gång gått (2006) by the Finland-Swedish author Kjell Westö? The Frisian population in the Netherlands is considered by many as a very old people, because famous writers of the Roman Empire, such as Pliny the Elder, wrote specifically about their region and its people. Despite this, the Frisian language has been in a peripheral situation for many centuries. The Swedish minority in Finland, on the contrary, is much younger. Finland gained autonomy in 1809 and before that time the region currently known as Finland, was the eastern part of the Kingdom of Sweden. This meant that Swedish was the predominant language until that year. Later on Finnish became the main language in Finland. However, both the Frisian and the Finland-Swedish literature were not established before the nineteenth century. This changed partially as a result of ideas of the Romanticism, but also because of historical reasons. By analyzing the previously mentioned novels, Oetze Deelstra shows how the minorities in both countries fare in opposite situations. The Swedish-speaking population has often been, and continues to be, examined as upper-class. On the other hand, in Frisia should a very old countryside culture has been preserved. Those ideas have been important in forming the images of both minorities. A noticeable distinction is that the Frisian literature is defined by language, while the Finland-Swedish literature is characterized by political and ideological arguments. / Dizze masterskripsje rjochtet him op de ferskillen tusken de literatuer fan Fryslân en dy fan de Sweedsktalige minderheid yn Finlân. De skriuwer fan dit wurk besiket op dy wize mear omtinken te freegjen foar de literatuer fan dizze minderheden, dy’t faak net sa bekend is bûten de eigen regio. De fraach dy’t sintraal stiet is: Op hokker wize wurdt stal jûn oan minderhedeproblematyk yn de romans de fûke (1966) fan de Fryske skriuwer Rink van der Velde en Där vi en gång gått (2006) fan de Finlânsweedske skriuwer Kjell Westö? Faak wurde de Friezen beskôge as in âld folk. Mooglik komt dat trochdat se al neamd wurde soene troch ferneamde skriuwers fan it Romeinske Ryk, lyk as Plinius de Aldere. Dochs hat it Frysk iuwenlang in net al te wichtige rol spile yn Fryslân en dêrbûten. De Sweedske minderheid yn Finlân is lykwols folle jonger. Finlân is pas sûnt 1809 autonoom en foar dy tiid wie dat wat wy hjoed-de-dei Finlân neame, it eastlike diel fan it Sweedske Ryk. Dat betsjut ek dat it Sweedsk oant doe ta de oerhearskjende taal wie. Letter waard it Finsk de wichtichste taal yn Finlân. Sawol de Fryske as de Finlânsweedske literatuer wiene lykwols net fêstige foar de njoggentjinde iuw. Dat feroaret pas yn de Romantyk, foar in diel fanwege de idealen út dy tiid, mar ek om politike redenen. Troch de earderneamde romans te analysearjen, lit Oetze Deelstra sjen hoe’t de minderheden fan beide lannen eins yn tsjinstelde situaasjes operearje. De Sweedsktalige befolking fan Finlân is faak, en wurdt no noch hieltyd, besjoen as de boppeklasse. Yn Fryslân soe oan ’e oare kant in iuwenâlde lanboutradysje bewarre bleaun wêze. Dizze opfettings hawwe wichtich west foar de byldfoarming fan beide minderheden. In opfallend ferskil is dat de Fryske literatuer fan de eigen taal út definiearre wurdt, wylst de Finlânsweedske literatuer karakterisearre wurdt troch politike en ideologyske útgongspunten.
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Modern indigenous curriculum : teaching indigenous knowledge of handicraft at Sami colleges in Finland and Norway = Oddaaigasaš eamialbmoga oahppoplanat : arbevealuš diedu oahpaheapmis duoddji oahpaheapmi Sami allaskuvlaiidStevenson, Charles Blair. January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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